Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide so that you can further enjoy the SS School RPG. This information is subject to changes as more information about the characters is revealed in the story. Also, please remember that some of this information may not be known to your character "IC".

Term Twenty: Treasure Hunt


In order to summarize the plot for this past term, we must begin with a story.

Many many years ago, there existed four separate orders at Hogwarts. One order was composed of Ravenclaws. Then there was another order made up of Slytherins. There was also an order made up of Hufflepuffs, as well as an order made up entirely of Gryffindors. Each of these orders was composed of the best and brightest alumni from each house. But there was no order between the four, there was no unity. The four orders disliked and distrusted each other until one day things got out of hand. A prank was pulled by the Slytherin order on a Hufflepuff student, a prank involving the Draught of Living Death, and the student unfortunately passed away. After that, members of the four orders began to work together to bring unity back to the school, forming what was to be called the Order of the Seal. This was composed of alumni from all four houses, working together to ensure unity amongst the four houses. Eventually, the Order of the Seal was no longer needed at Hogwarts, and so they became forgotten.

But something happened. Many years later, here we are in present day time at Hogwarts. The school has been split, just the past term was spent with the male students at one school and the female students at another. Once again dislike and distrust have sprung up, much as in the days when there were four separate orders. Somehow, after all this time, this secret order of so long ago has felt the need to make itself known once again at Hogwarts, with the hope of bringing unity to the school once again.

Thus begins the hunt. Students from each of the four houses are led to a journal, a journal which contains letters from four different Order of the Seal members, one of each house, and which explains the process of how the Order was formed. But it soon becomes apparent that there is more involved here than just a story. There is allusion to a treasure of some sorts throughout the entire journal. It turns out that there is a clue hidden in invisible ink at the bottom of the last page of the journal of letters, a clue which, with the help of a mysterious Narrator, will take the students from each house to four separate hiding places where a scroll is hidden, four scrolls containing rather complex riddles and eventually leading to a room where a piece of a map will be found. The map will lead the students to a crest, a crest they will need to open and walk down a secret passageway where it is revealed what their task will be. The crest is in four equal parts. The Gryffindor portion must be pressed by the Gryffindor students, et cetera. Then the individual challenges for each house begin.

The students are led to four separate locations to undergo a challenge which will test their unity and ability to act together, the lesson of each of these challenges is unity, of course. The Gryffindors find they must get past Devil's Snare. The Hufflepuffs have to find their way through a totally dark room where no magic will work. The Ravenclaws have to figure out a complex code and color sequence pattern. And the Slytherins have to brew a difficult potion. None of the tasks are simple, but the invisible Narrator is present guiding them through the challenges. Upon the successful completion of each task the students are presented with a piece of a rock, not a valuable rock but a rock nonetheless. Is this rock somehow part of the mysterious treasure hunt? Is there something the students are supposed to do with these rocks? The answer to that is yet to be revealed!

to Term Twenty-one