Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide so that you can further enjoy the SS School RPG. This information is subject to changes as more information about the characters is revealed in the story. Also, please remember that some of this information may not be known to your character "IC".
The term started with the usual opening feast, with Bontecou taking over as headmaster and six new staff members introduced. The new staff members were: Professor Kazimeriz taking Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Truebridge taking History of Magic, Professor Lupa teaching Ancient Runes, Professor Morgan teaching Care of Magical Creatures, Professor Ashby taking Charms and Professor Bunbury teaching Herbology. If that wasn’t exciting enough, right in the middle of the feast, the old Hogwarts ghosts decided to return! Chaos erupted at the staff table where the majority of the staff had their shoelaces tied together by an anonymous prankster, and the students came to terms with the return of their house ghosts, who were all apparently looking for something. It wasn’t only the house ghosts who had returned. With them came Moaning Myrtle and Peeves the Poltergeist who both caused chaos and disruption wherever they appeared.
Moaning Myrtle immediately began to flood the bathrooms. She convinced Hufflepuff Prefect Kayla Winters to throw her a party in the prefect’s bathroom, where she revealed to the Prefects and Quidditch captains the presence of a previously unnoticed portrait of a Hebridian Black Dragon. Upon examination, the portrait revealed a chamber behind it containing the mysterious Mirror of Erised. Many students and staff visited the mirror and their greatest desires were revealed to them. After a few weeks, several staff began to show strange behaviors that would have gotten most students detentions.
Meanwhile, tragedy occurred in the library. A strange present was felt and the body of a first year Hufflepuff was discovered. Young Set Avis had been killed and there was no evidence as to why or how it had happened.
"Oh it was a terrible thing that happened to young Set. He was a good kid. I only got to speak to him a couple of times but he gave me the impression of being kind and caring. It was an extremely sad and unfortunate thing to happen to one who was so young." Kayla Winters, Hufflepuff Prefect.
"Well as you all probably know by now, a first year Hufflepuff was killed. The intrusion was upsetting because it interrupted my meeting with Madame Kohan, but also to lose the life of a student, especially one who is as hardworking and loyal as a Hufflepuff, is a downright shame. Not only that but also the nature of the student being so young and innocent - so impressionable. Gone. But we should not take this loss in vain, rather as a lesson, to move forward and remember that our days here are numbered. Remember to study hard and hope that someday, our efforts will pay off and that we could overcome the evil in this world." -Dominic Denton, Hufflepuff Prefect.
"I didn't know the young man very well, but from the times I did interact with him, he seemed very enthusiastic. He was particularly interested in learning about his ancestor Polarius Hufflepuff. An inquisitive mind such as his would have gone a long way." - Madame Kohan.
While Hufflepuff house reeled from the shock of losing one of their own, some of the staff began acting even stranger. They were immature and, well, they were like us. This culminated in a Care of Magical Creatures lesson, taught jointly by Professors Morgan and Truebridge, two of the relatively normal-acting staff members. Headmaster Bontecou attended to help harvest dragon venom, but to the surprise of the students, Professors Bunbury, Lupa and Dumont, along with Groundskeeper Masterson, attended the lesson as students, even squeezing into the desks alongside us. Chaos erupted and Professor Morgan turned the groundskeeper into a niffler and Professor Truebridge placed Lupa into a full-body bind. While Niffler!Neo was happy playing with shiny things, Truebridge was challenged to a duel by Kazimeriz who showed up to defend the honor of Lupa.
"Ah... *long awkward pause* ... no comment." Professor Ethan Truebridge, History of Magic.
Everyone was beginning to realize that strange things were indeed afoot. After talking to the ghosts, some students realized there was a connection between the ghosts' return, the Mirror of Erised and the strange behavior of the staff; those who had viewed the mirror were mentally regressing in age. This was due to a protection the ghosts placed around the mirror to ensure that nobody tried to take whatever it was they were trying to protect. We had awoken them with our searching for an unrelated treasure the previous term.
"When one of them tried to steal my boyfriend, I knew something mysterious just had to be going on! They were being way too friendly with the students... getting on our level and all, you know. We were even able to bribe them with candy!" Anna Greingoth, Sixth Year Gryffindor Prefect.
Now the students had the challenge of luring the regressed professors back to the mirror to cross the reversed age line that the ghosts had created. This was done with bribery and candy. While all returned to normal, life at Hogwarts was not unaffected, Professors Kazimeriz and Truebridge dueled and Kazimeriz was crippled, making him unfit to teach as physical subject as Defense Against the Dark Arts ever again.