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Magical Petting Zoo https://i.postimg.cc/wjPwPXpf/zoo.jpg If you’d like to get up close and personal with some of your favourite magical creatures while the travelling carnival is visiting, head over to the magical petting zoo! It’s the perfect spot for creature lovers of all ages to have safe and interactive encounters with some of the friendliest and tamest magical creatures around. |
Spending time in a crowded place with loud noises was not on Farah’s too to do list but yet, here she was.... standing by the petting zoo waiting for Juni. The girl had persuaded her to come along. Farah had other ideas on how to spend the day, this was not it. But she was out of the house and this was a distraction to keep herself from thinking of her father. Farah was intent on standing there waiting and ignoring most things but.... a little yelp made her curious. Farah uncrossed her arms and made her way into the petting zoo to where she heard the yelp. Cruppy corner. Farah smiled a little as she bent to pet one and got bombarded with several licking at her palm. Little bit of joy seeped into her heart. |
For the bestie! Holy HIPPOGRIFFS, this was amazing! The nine year old had spent her fair share of time with magical creatures, but MOONCALVES? She couldn't say she'd ever spent any quality time with THOSE which made THIS an opportunity of a LIFETIME. Blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders as she skipped, Cecelia Summers lead the way towards the enclosures, hoping Catherine was keeping up. They needed to pay EACH creature a good amount of attention because fairness and they were all cute, so that was a factor, TOO. "Which would you like to pet first? I can be flexible." Like meta-metaph- metaphorically speaking. Literally speaking, TOO! Also, they could just ignore their parents, right? Because they were SUPER BIG now and that meant they could handle the creatures ALL on their own. MHMM! |
Farah Quote:
Of course Juni was running late, she was working on somethings and lost track of time completely. Rushing around hoping that Farah wouldn’t think that she had been stood up at the petting zoo. Once she got there it took her a minute or so to find her. Awww. Look at the cruppies. And of course there was her best friend, Farah standing there with tme. ”They are so cute!” She grinned and walked up to her friend and cruppies. Bending down to pet the other crups around them. |
Ally Logan was beyond excited. He was ECSTATIC. So much in fact that, since arriving to the carnival, he was quite literally hopping and pointing and shouting gibberish the entire time. There were so many people, so much food (the sugary kind he had plenty of), and all the animals were so cool. "EEEEEEE!" When the petting zoo was in sight, the toddler had managed to let go of his father's finger and ran off at full speed, taking advantage of being so small and not needing much room to get around. The kitties caught his attention first, and the boy was already making grabby hands at one that seemed to be more on the grumpy side. But it was SO FLUFFEH! "KIH-EEE!" he squealed as it jumped out of reach. If he had to climb up to it, there was nothing that was going to stop him. Logan was already trying to pull himself up after the fur ball. For the love of Merlin. They had been there for a total of - what? - five, maybe ten, minutes and the little monster had already escaped. Frankie was already pushing his way through the crowd to catch up with his son. When he inside the petting zoo, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Oh no you don't," he said, scooping up Logan as he was just about to successfully climb up onto the cat tree. Surely the kneazles were terrified enough with the influx of people being around. They didn't need a mischievous toddler around them. "It's to the Puffskein Playpen for you, Wolverine." And that was exactly where they went. Eyes eventually meeting with Hady's, Frankie only had one comment to give. "I knew we should've leashed him before we got here." He was joking of course, though there was a slight undertone of seriousness. Their son was a handful. |
As she took them out, she placed them in her pocket. “My dad gave me those. Don’t wanna... loose them.” she added quietly before patting her pocket and then looking at her with a defeated smile. She paused for half a second before pulling herself back together. “Niffler time?” she asked again. Little smile creeping onto her face. |
Patons! <3 Logan was not alone in his excitement. Oh, no. Melody's blue eyes were bright with wonder that only a very young child possessed. "Wook it! Wook it!" The two year old squealed pointing her little finger at everything they passed so it was difficult to tell what she was even pointing at to begin with. Ooooh! If Logan was running off up ahead that meant she could too, yes? Melody tried to wiggle her small hand free from her mothers grasp only to be quickly scooped up into her mummy's arms. "Nah-uh, little miss, no running off." Perhaps they should have brought the stroller along with them. They were hardly here ten minutes and already her heart had leaped up into her throat when Logan had managed to slip away from Frankie. "That or the stroller would have been a good idea." Keeping up with three very active young children was no easy task. Inside the Puffskein Playpen, Hady set Melody down where the small girl went straight for the fluffy creatures. Nova sporting her butterfly wings as always went on to follow her younger sister jabbering away about how cute and fluffy the Puffskein were and how she wanted one. "Papa can we gets one pleeeeease?!" Cue big bright eyes and a smile only she only gave to Frankie. Their oldest daughter had him wrapped tightly around her little fingers. Watching the girls settle down on the ground to play with the small creatures she finally glanced towards Frankie once more. "That kneazle didn't scratch him at all, did it?" It was no surprise to her that Logan had went straight for the large fluffy cat at first being as to how they had a cat at home. A old cat now but a cat nonetheless. Poor Hagan was getting up there in age and learned to keep well out of the little ones reaches. |
Catherine was mid-glaring at a kid that had almost ran into her - good thing she was good at dodging thanks to her siblings - when Cecelia spoke to her. "I don't know. What do you want?" She said, still feeling really uncomfortable for being in the middle of SO MANY people. Yuck yuck yuck, and they kept bumping into her, yuck! "Those ones." She pointed randomly towards an area where not that many people were. She didn't know what creature it was. She couldn't SEE because lots of the others were taller than her. She didn't consider the fact it might be a boring creature and that was why the area wasn't too crowded. |
Since SHE couldn't really see what those ones were either, the blonde tugged even harder on the brunette's hand and 'excuse me, pardon me'ed her way through the crowd towards the... "Puffskeins?" Well, they wouldn't have been HER first choice, but okay. "'M not letting them near my nose, though." It was her ONE reservation. |
The eight year-old shrugged, finally relieved they weren't in the middle of rude people who kept bumping into them. But that meant they got to see a very... mundane magical creature. Catherine shrugged again, approaching the animals and taking one in her hands. "They're nice, though." She told Cecelia, holding the one Puffskein out in front of her, making sure it wasn't too close to their faces. "Her tongue could reach up our noses even if I wasn't holding it here." The little girl informed her best friend. "Dawn has one of these and his tongue is as tall as me!" Or it used to be, at least, back in the day. It had been a while since she had seen her cousin's puffskein. "It eats other things too, not only bogies, so you don't need to worry." Too much. |
Animals and his fathers went together like fish and chips and they had exposed Rajesh to creatures from an early age. So, was it any wonder the boy found himself quite comfortable around them, whether at home or whenever his little eyes filled with wonder fell upon them? Nope…not really. The carnival was no different, causing the boy to rush off towards the petting zoo despite all the other exciting sights and sounds all around. Kneazles and nifflers and mooncalfs…oh my! “Easy there, Raj…” Benny said with a chuckle as he followed behind, keeping a watchful eye on the boy. “They’re not going anywhere.” It was hard keeping him at hand when he was excited about what he was seeing. |
shifty This bloody thing had become more trouble than it was worth. Lose sight of it for even a second and it was like letting roaches in. The tattooed man looked down at the creature in its special containment, having had it up to here with it. Adorable as it was, it spooked the other creatures something fierce and while he couldn't prove it, he wasn't sure this thing was entirely above the blame for one of their creatures running off. No one knew how it happened but no one wanted it to happen again either. He stood to the side of the petting zoo, away from the crowds and the grabby hands of some of the younger children. He was in a fix, he was. Letting it go wasn't an option but keeping it was proving not to be either. The tattooed man just wanted it off his hands. Wasn't worth the grief. |
Toddles ought to feel a little bad that Toddles have fingers more slippery than hot butter...but the elf did not. In fact, Toddles was not taking his shinies monesies from the Mister Master Headmaster and bringing them to the carnival that had caught his large ears' attention while trying to remember which of the shopsies he was meant to be buying goodies from. With quick and eager feet, Toddles made his way to the petting zoo in hopes of seeing more of the fluffy scrub brushies! But as Toddles made his way over, his enormous eyes noticed the most unusual looking mister and his feet became distracted almost immediately. Curious, Toddles scampered over to the man and peeeeeeeeeeered at him curiously. |
He...he could put it out of its misery......of course the thing wasn't suffering and every look into its eyes reminded him he likely wouldn't be able to go through with it. It was tough, the way he looked up at him. The way it wrinkled it's nose and sniffed about. Dangit he'd never be able to go through with it. The man searched the area, hoping something would strike him. That's when the elf appeared. They didn't have elves in the zoo. That'd be all kinds of issues the carnival didn't need. He peered down at the elf he currently towered over, an eyebrow arching expectantly. "Something I can help you with?" If not, he was a little busy trying to figure out how to appropriately rid himself of this nightmare. |
Maybe Toddles gives that a try back at the castle. But before Toddles could asksies about the drawings all over the mister's body, his saucer sized eyes finally feel on the special box. Even MORE importantly...the creature inside. "Toddles pet?" he asked innocently while reaching out with one of his wrinkly elf handsies. |
Toddles. With everything he knew of elves and their penchant for speaking in third person, he would assume he was now in the presence of this...Toddles. The brow arched higher at the extended hand...and the words. Toddles pet? He wanted to pet the thing? The tattooed man looked about the general area for the millionth time, trying to figure out the level of liability such an act might bring down on the carnival. Whose elf was this? Would they sue if he got swallowed...? What were the chances of this going entirely wrong and them needing to pack up and skip town immediately? He eyeballed him for a long minute. "No. Toddles can't pet." He decided. That's when he got hit by a brilliant idea. This thing, it could be the problem of whoever owned the elf. Whatever mayhem happened, it would no longer be on him. If things got REALLY messy, well, it wouldn't be his mess to clean, now would it? "But what say Toddles bring his master a present? Hmm?" |
Ears twitching slightly at the suggestion, Toddles brow knitted in deep thought and his wrinkly hands rubbed all over his elfsie size head. "Present for Mister Master Headmaster?" Toddles wondered aloud. Would a present maybe make the Mister Master Headmaster forgives Toddles for losing not one but TWO shopping listsies? A house elf could hope? Toddles knew how presents worked. Presents meant you used monesies unless you were making something and Toddles clearly had not made the fluffy scrub brushy the mister had contained. "Is it enoughsies?" Toddles asked as he held open the bag of monesies meant for Hogwarts supplies. |
Wait wait waaaaiiitttt. Headmaster? For Hogwarts? Merlin's beard. The tattooed man mentally facepalmed. Had to go and complicate this palming off thing, didn't he? Again the man went silent, unsure if he was really willing to send this thing there. At the same time....there may have been few better places. From what he'd seen, bad things happened there all the time. They were used to it, they could handle it--and he could be responsible too, watch. "Now listen carefully." He held the cage higher to keep it out of reach while he spoke. "Carefully. This is a special cage. You have to make sure it stays in the cage." Otherwise he'd find it very hard to contain indeed. "Don't feed it. It's cute, it gurgles sometimes, it hops excitedly when it sees food. Ignore it." See? Very responsible, gave the elf a whole rundown. This made him no longer liable. The icing on the cake was the elf offering him money. Making a quick buck at the expense of the institution that once educated him. You'd think this would strike a nerve but all it did was make him a few galleons richer. The Tattooed man snatched up the entire bag and took a moment to weigh it. "Yeah...yeah, I think this will do nicely." He handed Toddles the cage. "Don't forget to tell your master what I said." |
But Toddles learned from Nimma how to nod while listening to misters and their instructions like a good little house elfsie, so Toddles do. Nodding he could do and very well! Arms reaching up as the special box with the fluffy scrub brushie inside, Toddles pushed up on the very veeeeeeeeeery tipsies of his toes to try and reach it. Nodding along, yes. Much nodding. But more than listening Toddles just wanted to hold it and cuddle it and love it! So he heard something about a special cage. Another somethings about it getting excited when it saw food. And it being cute. Eager wrinkly elfsies hands grabbing for the cage at last, Toddles hugged it to his chest like it was the most precious pair of silk socks in the whole wide world! "Toddles call you Fluffsies!" Toddles proclaimed proudly while wiggling on of his long fingers at the creature inside. "Thanks Doodle Mister!" Toddles chirped at the man with a crooked teeth grin. "Toddles takes good care of Fluffsies!" Unlike listening and being careful, promises were things that Toddles could do good on. Without another word, Toddles snapped his fingers and poofed back to the castle with his elfsie magic. He could not WAIT to let Fluffsies out to play with in the kitchens! |
annnd mention of tattoo man and elf Quote:
Plucking up a puffskein from the bunch, the small blonde tilted her head and observed the creature carefully. "Dawn's tongue was REALLY that tall? ...I wonder if we can get these ones to stick them out all the way." Because now she HAD to see for herself. Speaking of seeing, Cece's gaze shifted and she noticed a man standing off to the side who had drawings ALL OVER! Her eyes widened and she was about to tug Catherine over to see when an elf appeared, TOO. "I didn't know they were giving creatures away here..." She said to her bestest friend, pointing off in the distance where the cage exchange was taking place. "I hope the house elf got something more exciting than these guys...." She glanced down at the puffskein in her hands and hastily added, "No offense." |
What! "Nooo, not Dawn's tongue! Her puffskein's tongue!" She said before looking down at the creature she was holding and considering Cecelia's question. "I think so. If we hold something far away... something she'll want to eat." The girl looked around, trying to find something that looked yummy for the puffskein. That was when she also noticed the strange man and the house elf. She squinted as she watched the brief exchange between the two and listened to what her best friend had to say about it. "They're not giving creatures away, the elf is buying it for his master, look." Catherine gestured with her head because pointing wasn't polite. She kept watching as the elf gave the man a bag of what was clearly lots of money - only rich people had elves. "I bet that's a really expensive or special creature." Her gaze followed Cecelia's back down to the little creatures they were holding. "They're not too bad, though, you can play with them for ages! And they really like it." Which was nice because - from experience - not all creatures liked to play for too long. Or at all, even. "What can we feed it?" |
SPOILER!!: Benny & Raj! <3 Adi had probably been the only one in Benny’s life to give him such a time with being energetic. When Raj arrived, this was all changed. Not that Adi minded. An energetic son was fun to have around and he was all too happy to hand off the ‘energetic title’ to the four-year-old. Two things about the carnival excited Adi: the food and of course, the CREATURES! Oh man! Where to start?! Luckily, Raj had that covered. Creatures it was. The man managed a laugh as he watched his son take off. Closely following the husband, he said, “We’ll both keep an eye on him, babe. He won’t get lost.’’ It was his attempt to reassure Benny. Brown eyes, hidden behind dark shades, followed Raj. “Hey, Raj! Which creature you want to look at first?’’ |
Yes, two sets of eyes were always good when keeping an eye on such an energetic young boy like their son. Especially in crowds and public spaces. He certainly kept him on his toes much like Adi did. If not even more so given the former Hufflepuff had tamed even just a little in his adulthood and parenthood. The joys of responsibility. “Will that be enough?” Benny teased Adi as he glanced over at his husband as they followed along. So many creatures! His little eyes darted everywhere as his mind seemed to debate where to check out first. “Sneezles!!” Rajesh answered as he neared the furry creatures. A far cry from the scaly and feathery creatures that dominated the preserve that was his home and playground. And much more Raj-sized all the time rather than when they were young. |
The little guy was on the verge of tears. All he wanted was to pet the kitty. They had one at home that LOVED its fluffy tail being pulled and being chased all over the place. Why couldn’t he play with that one over there? And then, after being set on the ground, one of the Puffskeins nuzzled up next to him and stuck its long tongue up his nose. "EEEEEEE!" Logan squealed, at first taken aback by the sudden intrusion but then delighted. Immediately little hands grabbed the little puffball and gave it a biiiiiiig hug. Leash, stroller, what was the difference? Frankie was certain that Logan would have found a way to escape one way or another. He shrugged at Hady's response, and then watched the littlest child of theirs get his nose invaded by Puffskein. All he could do was snort at that. "No, the Kneazle didn't scratch him. Managed to pull him away before the monster could yank on its tail." It was at that moment, now that all the kids were in one place, the man's Auror senses were kicking in. The tattooed man had been spotted and he looked ... out of place. At least, Frankie wouldn't have thought it normal for such a carnie to be stationed at the petting zoo. Why was he way over there away from everyone? What was the man holding? Frankie wasn't able to keep an eye on the man once his winged daughter came up to him. She came bearing the request of a Puffskein. "I don't think these ones are for sale, love," he responded. But, then again, they always could visit Grandpa at the Menagerie. "And you'd have to ask your mother." He gave a glance over to Hady, since she'd likely end up taking care of it anyway. |
SPOILER!!: The Other Half and Son! <3 Adi grinned over at Benny. “You bet! I speak from experience. Mom and dad were enough to keep me in sight every minute.’’ He paused, absently considering the fact that he also had an uncle who helped. “Well, uncle Amir was a good babysitter too so there’s that which makes three persons to watch out for me.’’ Oh, well. “We’ll be enough.’’ He laughed, his eyes now focused on his son. Adi was very protective, there was no way he was going to let Raj out of his sight. Sneezles? That brought another laugh out of Adi. It was so cute, so adorable, the way that Raj said Kneazles. The man was able to catch up with Raj as they neared the creatures’ playpen. “I think the public is allowed to cuddle them,’’ was his comment and looking at Benny for confirmation. “Hey, Raj. What do you think of Kneazles?” |
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