Hi, I'm Fae and this is my first time doing some ficlets on SS. So here's some ficlets for Draco Malfoy, I hope you all enjoy!
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter characters and universe belong to J.K. Rowling. 49. Wingardium Leviosa
First Year
Despite other appearances, Draco Malfoy was just as excited as any of the other first years to start learning how to use magic. To start casting actual spells, not just watch as his parents cast spells.
He just couldn’t believe that
this was going to be the first spell that they were learning.
A levitation spell.
He doubted it would ever be useful.
With that in his mind, he rolled his eyes, barely paying attention to what the miniature professor was saying. It was only when everyone else had started to speak that he’d finally broken out of his own thoughts, a smug smile on his face as he waved his want and said ‘Wingardium Leviosa’.
The smug smile fell immediately.
Nothing happened.
His eyes hardened only a minute later when a feather floated in the air, due to a mudblood. He had been shown up by a mudblood!
This was unacceptable.