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Unfinished Box of Beans A box of unfinished drabble threads that didn't reach their SS100, SS50, or SS25 target but remain a fun read nonetheless.

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Old 12-16-2009, 08:59 PM
Erindipity Erindipity is offline
Default Erin's 100 Drabbles for the Marvelous Marauders - Sa13+

Hey y'all!! I'm Erin and this is my first shot at drabbling. Hope you all love the Marauders as much as I do!! Here goes nothing.....

Image compliments of SBFC graphics thread!

1. Herbology 2. Muggle Studies 3. Transfiguration 4. Ancient Runes 5. Astronomy 6. Divination 7. Care of Magical Creatures 8. Potions 9. Defense Against the Dark Arts 10. Arithmancy 11. History of Magic 12. Charms 13. Quidditch 14. Hogwarts, A History 15. Room 16. Dragonhide gloves 17. Cauldron 18. Whomping Willow 19. Wand 20. Hogsmeade 21. Veela 22. Kneazle 23. Telescope 24. House elf 25. Sorting Hat 26. Quill 27. Owl 28. Timeturner 29. Pensieve 30. Feast 31. Dress robes 32. Common room 33. Classroom 34. Parseltongue 35. Pureblood 36. Muggle 37. Animagus 38. Patronus 39. Duel 40. Spell 41. Thestrals 42. Portraits 43. Headmaster 44. Ford Anglia 45. torch 46. Dungeon 47. Portkey 48. Leprechaun 49. Yule Ball 50. Boggart 51. act 52. bore 53. Chase 54. Dare 55. Egg on 56. Fight 57. Gape 58. Hoot 59. Ignore 60. Joke 61. Kiss 62. Lope 63. Mooch 64. Nap 65. Ooze 66. Pace 67. Quell 68. Roar 69. Slap 70. teem 71. Untie 72. Vex 73. Warn 74. x-tinguish 75. Yodel 76. Zap 77. Cheerful 78. author's choice 79. author's choice 80. author's choice 81. Depression 82. Careful 83. Fearful 84. Angry 85. Snappish 86. Daring 87. Plaid 88. sweet tooth 89. Past 90. present 91. Future 92. Chocolate 93. Chicken 94. Allergic 95. Snowball 96. Socks 97. Dictionary 98. Pajamas 99. Newspaper 100. Homework

Poor Kreacher
24. House Elf

Sirius and James doubled over with laughter as the ugly house elf continued to beat Peter about the shins and knees with the broom handle.

Peter continued to screech, “Kreacher! Stop! It’s just a sock!” The house elf never let up. He muttered something that sounded an awful lot like …”The noble house of Black…. How dare you… No clothes for Kreacher!”

Remus looked on with no real interest in the matter until Kreacher started throwing things all over the place. Finally he spoke up, “Sirius. Order him home before he wrecks the entire dorm

Sirius rolled his eyes, laughing.
Old 12-16-2009, 11:12 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Default Prongs and Padfoot Play

FYI: McGonagall doesn't know the animals are James and Sirius... she just knows they are out of bed!

37. Animagus

It wasn’t even Remus’ time of the month when James and Sirius decided to go stroll the grounds one night. Just outside of the castle walls the two young men disappeared and in their places stood a great shaggy dog and a majestic stag.

As though they could hear one another’s thoughts the great beasts took off toward the forest at a casual pace, not unlike their typical canter.

A great shrieking voice sounded from a window high atop the castle wall. “Sirius Black and James Potter! I am no fool! Detention!” screeched McGonagall!

She wouldn't find them now! Snicker!

Last edited by Erindipity; 12-28-2009 at 01:21 AM.
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Old 12-17-2009, 03:56 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Default Pajama Predicament

98. Pajamas

The common room was still abuzz with the sounds of celebration. Gryffindor had defeated Slytherin in the first Quidditch match of the year.
As per usual Sirius and James were making more ruckus than anyone else. There they were jumping on the furniture and such.
Spying Peter being his usual mousy self Sirius got that famous mischievious grin. Charging across the room to undoubtedly cause some sort of embarrassment to their “friend” he was suddenly suspended in the air by one ankle his pajama bottoms had split up the back as he was heaved upward. Remus chuckled, wand held aloft.

Last edited by Erindipity; 12-28-2009 at 01:21 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 01:21 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Default Compliment

43. Headmaster

Sirius and James sat in the chairs opposite Dumbledore’s desk, legs swinging and heads down. Albus had his eyes trained on the boys and while they looked anywhere but at the man’s face he had the slightest grin..

Headmaster: “Sirius, what would make you think Peter needed to drink that Swelling Solution you brewed?”

Sirius: “Well, sir… James said it would be funny.”

James: “Did I say to dump the entire phial in his pumpkin juice, Padfo- Sirius?”

Headmaster: “I think you two owe him an apology once Madame Pomfrey sorts him out. You may go… And Sirius… nice potioneering.”

Last edited by Erindipity; 12-28-2009 at 01:21 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:18 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Default Sirius Problem

This one is dedicated to my buddeh Dee!! Hope you like it!

61. Kiss

Sirius spotted a new girl in the... *blinkblink* library, of all places. Remus had dragged him there so he could study. Of course Sirius was more interested in the “view” than studying.

Seeing the girl bat her eyelashes and smile provocatively Padfoot decided to follow after her when she left the corner he was in.

Moments later he returns, odd look on his face, lost for words… which is unusual for him…
Remus asks, “What happened? Did she slap you or something?” barely holding in laughter.

Sirius responds, “Her name is Dee… she kissed me and ran away.”
Uh-oh…. LOVE.

Last edited by Erindipity; 12-28-2009 at 01:21 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 08:11 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Default By the Light of the Moon

18. Whomping Willow

A black shaggy dog, a magnificent stag, and…a rat… cantered across the grounds of the Hogwarts School. They approached a certain tree at the same time a great howl pierced the night. The stag and the dog exchanged a glance and in that moment a huge branch crashed to the ground.

Where the stag once stood there was now a boy. “Bloody Hell, Wormtail! Hit the knob before we’re all killed.” Shouted James Potter as the dirty rat took off toward the tree.

The tree froze; James transformed once more and off went the animals to keep the werewolf company.

Last edited by Erindipity; 12-28-2009 at 01:21 AM.
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Old 12-23-2009, 02:02 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Default Peter's First Mistake

This is for Jer... per his random request

39. Duel

Peter was dangling from his ankle in the Forbidden Forest, his face full of boils and tears streaming down. “Re-Rem-Remus… please make him stop. I said I was sorry.” Peter stuttered. Remus looked on with doubt in his eyes. “James, may-maybe we should just let him be. He did apologize.” Remus interjected.

James held his wand tighter and glared at Peter. “A duel is no place to bring Lily’s name up, that is what got him into this state.” James said through clenched teeth.

The duel had been planned to help Wormtail, but he made his first mistake. Lily’s name…

Last edited by Erindipity; 12-23-2009 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 12-24-2009, 09:33 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Default Christmastime for the Marauders

Image thanks to Tailz @ Iconically Inclined;

49. Yule Ball

Remus straightened the front of his dress robes and wiped the sweat from the palms of his hands as he waited for James and Sirius to join him.
James’ typically messy hair lay flat on his head and Sirius was looking quite dashing as they descended the stairs.

"Alright Moony, ready for the Yule Ball?” Sirius asked with a smirk.

Remus was beyond nervous and the gift that lay in his pocket seemed to weigh two tons. Hopefully Lily would see that he really appreciated her friendship and compassion.

Spying the lovely Lily he handed her the gift “Merry Christmas

Last edited by Erindipity; 06-16-2010 at 05:03 AM.
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Old 12-26-2009, 03:36 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Default Domino Effect

9. Defense Against the Dark Arts

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter all stood watching as other students attempted to block one another’s spells with shield charms. Remus had taught the other four the charm long before now. How else could they remain unscathed after all of the messes they had caused at school?

Noticing Peter was otherwise occupied watching a certain girl in the class Sirius nudged James and raised his wand. Muttering an incantation that caused Peter to be suddenly dangling from his ankle Sirius did not notice that Remus had just cast a full body bind curse on him.

Sirius and Peter… topple down.
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Old 12-27-2009, 07:45 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Default Attack of the Flying Book

14. Hogwarts, A History

Sitting under his favorite tree by the Lake, Remus Lupin was thumbing through his copy of Hogwarts, A History. He was enjoying the warm air on his face after being stuck inside the Shrieking Shack for what seemed an eternity.

He could hear the telltale signs that Spring was there. Laughter floating through the air, boys shouting and playing in the courtyard. Remus was lost in his own little world and did not notice James and Sirius approaching.

The other Marauders, smirks upon their faces. “Hey Moony we just saw…” before he finished WHAM, big old book to the head.
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Old 12-28-2009, 12:18 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Default Running for Their Lives

53. Chase

There were flashes of red and green going off all around them. Sirius’s motorcycle soared higher and higher. They were being chased by Death Eaters all across the English skies.

James yelled over the roar of the engine “Harry is starting to babble some.” Sirius rolls his eyes “That’s great and all but is this the right time to talk about it? Facing death here Prongs

There was a huge bang and all of a sudden Remus was at their side mounted on a racing broom looking more ragged than ever. “Nice of you to join us, Moony.”

Shut up
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Old 12-28-2009, 12:51 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Default Misty Water Colored Memories

50. Boggart

Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, R.J. Lupin... That was still a hard pill to swallow for Moony. Shaking himself from his reverie he smiled as he watched Harry interact with Ron and Hermione whilst awaiting his turn to face the boggart.

Seeing his face gave him a great pang of sadness. He was his father made over. Being in this classroom teaching the lesson took him back to many years ago with a room full of very different people.

James stepped up and the boggart turned into Kreacher. “R-Ri-r-Riddikulus” he stammered. Sirius snickered.

Harry’s turn came. Oh no.
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Old 12-28-2009, 01:02 AM   #13 (permalink)

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Default A Toast

As per Jools' request!!

100. Homework

The children were all looking miserable in the confines of 12 Grimmauld Place...except for Hermione. She was busying herself with homework while shooting weary glances at her friends.

Sirius was struck by how very much the trio reminded him of James, Lily, and himself. Lily was the rule abiding teacher’s pet whilst James and Sirius were more concerned with other ventures outside of the classroom. The Marauders had done their share of mischief making at Hogwarts but these children would see more trouble than he cared to dwell upon.

As though they were thinking alike Remus raised his glass “Marauders
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Old 12-28-2009, 01:20 AM   #14 (permalink)

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Default Escape

Another of Jeremie's random requests

78. Author's Choice- Buckbeak

As Sirius sulked in his attic with Buckbeak he frequently thought of days passed. He found his thoughts often wandered back to those carefree days as a troublemaker at Hogwarts. Seeing Harry made it happen more often than usual. He was so like his father that it made his heart ache.

If only he could relive those days…

Come on Padfoot get under the cloak and we can go nick some food from the kitchen.” James told him with a crooked grin.

They were so cocky, so confident…

Remus watched on with his disapproval evident on his face.

Peter squirmed.

Last edited by Erindipity; 12-28-2009 at 01:31 AM.
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Old 12-28-2009, 01:30 AM   #15 (permalink)

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Default Monotony

11. History of Magic

The Marauders sat in the dreaded History of Magic classroom with looks of horror on their faces. Professor Binns was lecturing about Goblin wars and the boys could barely hold their eyes open anymore.

James had begun to levitate people’s bags while they weren’t watching, Sirius was making eyes at the girl next to him, and Peter was being mousy as usual. Remus on the other hand was taking notes and shooting looks of contempt at the others.

“Pssst. Moony. Will you loosen up?” Sirius whispered to him.

Remus shot him another contemptuous look right as his book zoomed away.
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Old 12-29-2009, 04:51 PM   #16 (permalink)

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Default Longwinded

42. Portraits

Peter Pettigrew’s mousy eyes darted from side to side as he stood, after curfew, in front of the portrait of Sir Cadogan. The portrait was as mad as a hatter and continued to try and run Peter out of the castle.

The other portraits began to awaken at the sound of “Braggart, Rogue, Leave my castle at once.” As shouted by Cadogan.

Pettigrew tried to tell him, “I was sent here to find out where the One Eyed Witch passage is. I was told you knew

More screams and threats and other portraits joined in.

Sirius and James laughing… Hysterically.
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Old 12-29-2009, 05:11 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Default Paying Attention

3. Transfiguration

Minerva McGonagall watched on in shock as James Potter and Sirius Black worked hard during her class. Never would she have thought it possible for those two to put effort into much more than trickery. Close to smiling she watched as James turned his frog to a water goblet.

10 points to Gryffindor Mr. Potter for being the first to change your animal.” McGonagall said with a certain amount of pride.

Sirius watched and listened closely and changed his animal right after James.

“Hey if we keep up in Transfiguration it’ll be no time till we can master An-“

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Old 12-30-2009, 12:07 AM   #18 (permalink)

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Default Tricksters

92. Chocolate

Remus lay on his back in his bed daydreaming for a change. There was nothing to do and he was all done studying. Since he was in fact a werewolf he happened to have a heightened sense of smell so when he first caught the whiff of chocolate his moth began to water.

Jumping up from his bed he began to sniff. Glad that none of his dorm mates were there to see. The smell seemed to be moving all around the room. He was beginning to get crazed with the craving.

James and Sirius under the cloak. Snicker, snicker.
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Old 12-30-2009, 09:08 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Default Amortentia

8. Potions

James and Remus lugged their cauldron over to the table with Lily preparing to brew a suitable love potion. James was for once quiet as Lily and Remus set to work. Lily was accomplished at Potions and well Remus was accomplished at most anything he put his mind to. As they prepared the potion and it started to spread the aroma about the room they all went googly eyed.

James smelled flowers, the smell of the air in winter, and perfume.

Remus of course smelled chocolate, woods, and fresh air.

Lily smelled… James.

Class dismissed.” Slughorn belted.

Love is here!

Last edited by Erindipity; 12-30-2009 at 09:45 PM.
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Old 12-31-2009, 04:06 AM   #20 (permalink)

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Default Fickle

21. Veela

“See that girl there?” Sirius asked. He looked as though he had just come up for air. His tie was slightly askew and his hair was a mess.

“Who? That Veela girl from Beauxbatons? Yes, I see her.” James responded with a smirk on his face.


“Why were you looking at her for?” Sirius yelled as he hit James atop his head with a …blink… book.

Remus set his butterbeer one the table and looked at Sirius with seriousness. “Want to know if she’s a Veela?”


“Go tell her she’s ugly and see what happens”


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Old 01-02-2010, 12:12 AM   #21 (permalink)

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Default Chased

44. Ford Anglia

Remus dropped his coffee down the front of himself and stared in disbelief as James and Sirius’ faces popped up on the Muggle news. “Merlin’s beard!”

They were supposed to be discreet in Muggle society, not being involved in a police chase in a Ford Anglia. He quickly siphoned the coffee off of himself and ran to the fireplace, he Floo’d straight to the Potter’s home.

Not to his surprise Dumbledore and several other Order members were already there.

“Wha’ were you two thinkin’?” Moody growled

“We were being chased… so we ran” James responded simply.

“Blundering Idiots” Minerva muttered.
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Old 01-02-2010, 04:49 PM   #22 (permalink)

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Default Treats

Image by Vrain @ Gryffindoll's Graphics

88. Sweet Tooth

Moony, Prongs, and Padfoot all huddled beneath James’ cloak trying to be quiet as they headed for the One Eyed Witch passageway. Moony typically wasn’t one for breaking too many rules, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He was out of chocolate and that would not do.

Into the passageway they crept and pulled off the cloak. “To Honeydukes.” Sirius exclaimed.

Once in the cellar they began raiding boxes and tearing into treats.

Remus found the chocolate and began to stuff his face.

James and Sirius were looking for something different.

“Oh my Merlin! TANGY!”

“Your tongue!”


Last edited by Erindipity; 06-16-2010 at 05:05 AM.
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Old 01-02-2010, 05:14 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Default Daily Prophet

99. Newspaper

Remus thumbed through the Evening Prophet with a heavy heart. So many people were dying and he had never felt so helpless. When the first war erupted he was younger and had more to offer. He, James, Sirius, Lily... the whole lot of them, they fought tooth and nail against the dark forces that threatened to overrun the Wizarding World.

His heart dropped further still as Harry’s face filled the next page. Most Wanted…. Ridiculous!

The weight of the world sat on the chil- MAN’s shoulders and his mum and dad were being made proud each day he evaded capture.
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Old 01-02-2010, 05:46 PM   #24 (permalink)

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Default Acceptance

This one is dedicated to my Jools for seeing eye to eye with me. Teehee.

28. Time Turner

Remus and Sirius stood in the parlor of 12 Grimmauld Place with the Time Turner around both their necks.

“Are you sure?” Sirius asked

“Positive” replied Remus simply.

A whirl of color and light and then it all stopped. Turning on the spot they apparated into Hogsmeade and quickly hid.

They watched as their younger selves… The Marauders traipsed through the village.

The epitome of cool.

So many friends.

After they had gotten their fill they turned it again and returned home.

“See Moony, we weren’t always social outcasts.” Sirius said.

“Yes but now we’re pariah.” Remus reminded him solemnly
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Old 01-02-2010, 06:29 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Default Near Death Experience

1. Herbology

As the boys dragged themselves into Greenhouse 3 they were met by Professor Sprout. “Good Morning Second Years.” She said in a sing songy voice.

Today we will be potting Mandrakes. So grab a pair of earmuffs and let’s get started.” She explained over a general groan from the class.

“Peter, I bet you’re too afraid to do it. Aren’t you?” Sirius taunted him.

Wormtail listened to Sprout, grabbed hold of a Mandrake and pulled.

Moony launched himself across the table to cover Peter’s ears. The Mandrake cried and Sirius laughed.

“You could have killed him!” Remus spat.

Sirius laughs…..
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