1. Accio 2. Avada Kedavra 3. Braking Charm 4. Blasting Curse 5. Colloportus 6. Crucio 7. Confundus 8. Diffindo 9. Disapparate 10. Engorgio 11. Expecto Patronum 12. Furnunculus 13. Flagrate 14. Horn Tongue 15. Hurling Hex 16. Impedimenta 17. Imperio 18. Incarcerous 19. Jelly Legs 20. Knitting Charm 21. Langlock 22. Legilimens 23. Levicorpus 24. Lumos 25. Mobilicorpus 26. Morsmordre 27. Muffliato 28. Nox 29. Obliviate 30. Oppugno 31. Orchideous 32. Petrificus Totalus 33. Point Me 34. Protego 35. Quietus 36. Reducto 37. Relashio 38. Rictusempra 39. Sectumsempra 40. Sonorus 41. Scourgify 42. Silencio 43. SpeRevelio 44. Stupefy 45. Tarantallegra 46. Tergeo 47. Twitchy Ears Hex 48. Unbreakable Vow 49. Wingardium Leviosa 50. Waddiwasi 24. Lumos
He was exhausted after the rage had worked its way out, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep. The pain at his temples pulsed almost unbearably. Sometimes, he had bad nights, and that was when he stalked along the dark corridors of the castle. This was going to be one of them.
At some point in the fit following Potter’s disastrous occlumency session, he’d managed to extinguish the lamp. There was no telling how long he’d sat there in the dark, his breath laboring like a wounded animal’s, before he began to recognize his surroundings again. The shimmering glow of his memories still emanated from the stone basin of the Pensieve. They swam silver-white on the wall, like a ghostly Northern Lights.
The wand sparked, the beam of light emanating from the tip emphasizing the height of the ceiling and casting long, menacing shadows from the furniture crowding the dungeon where he did his work. His reflection glared back at him from the tarnished mirror hanging among the potions equipment, and he scowled. A murderous combination of shame and anger still glittered in his eyes.
“Just like his father,” he spat out, under his breath.