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| Unfinished Box of Beans A box of unfinished drabble threads that didn't reach their SS100, SS50, or SS25 target but remain a fun read nonetheless. | 
12-01-2006, 07:25 PM
| | A's 50 Luna Loony Ficlets- Sa13+ 50 Luna Ficlets By A (Racheya) 1. Accio 2. Avada Kedavra 3. Braking Charm 4. Blasting Curse 5. Colloportus 6. Crucio 7. Confundus 8. Diffindo 9. Disapparate 10. Engorgio 11. Expecto Patronum 12. Furnunculus 13. Flagrate 14. Horn Tongue 15. Hurling Hex 16. Impedimenta 17. Imperio 18. Incarcerous 19. Jelly Legs 20. Knitting Charm 21. Langlock 22. Legilimens 23. Levicorpus 24. Lumos 25. Mobilicorpus 26. Morsmordre 27. Muffliato 28. Nox 29. Obliviate 30. Oppugno 31. Orchideous 32. Petrificus Totalus 33. Point Me 34. Protego 35. Quietus 36. Reducto 37. Relashio 38. Rictusempra 39. Sectumsempra 40. Sonorus 41. Scourgify 42. Silencio 43. SpeRevelio 44. Stupefy 45. Tarantallegra 46. Tergeo 47. Twitchy Ears Hex 48. Unbreakable Vow 49. Wingardium Leviosa 50. Waddiwasi
Total Ficlets Completed- 24
Newest Ficlet- #4 Blasting Curse
~~~~~~~~ #20- Knitting Charm Luna sat in the ravenclaw common room and yawned. It was late at night but Luna couldn’t sleep and she didn’t want to bother Ginny again, deciding that the best way to pass the time would be to do a little knitting, she had promised to send her father a new jumper and 3 o clock in the morning in the common room seemed as good a time as any to start. Fishing deep down into her bag she groped to find her knitting needles. “They're in here somewhere." She whispered to herself not wanting any of the others to wake up, they wouldn’t be too pleased. Finally finding them she pulled out a ball of wool from her pocket and placed it on the chair arm with the knitting needles. Whipping out her wand from behind her ear she poked the needles and preformed the knitting charm. She watched as the needles began to swoop around and started to knit. Smiling to herself she leaned back in the chair, watching the needles weave in and out of the thread. After a few minutes she yawned, stood up and snatched the knitting from the air and went to bed. |
12-01-2006, 10:41 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #50- Waddiwasi
Luna looked up as she walked down the charms corridor. A group of Slytherin boys were stood in the middle of the corridor with Draco Malfoy in the middle of them all. She had sensed them rather than heard them, she had come accustomed to their presence and a sharp prickling at the back of her neck was all she needed to feel to tell when they were nearby. “Hey Loony!” one of them called out, she didn’t know which, they all sounded, acted and looked the same to her.
She approached them, if she wanted to get to the great hall before summer she would have to go this way. “Hey Loony! Don’t ignore me.” One of them sneered while the others sniggered at the remark.
She was next to them now, at the corner of her eye she could see one of them sticking their leg out, trying to trip her. Dodging round the foot she quickly pulled her wand out from behind her ear and pointed it at the nearest Slytherin. ”Waddiwasi!” She cried as the mint sweet she had been saving in her pocket zoomed out and slammed into the slytherin’s eye. She ran off down the corridor feeling good.
Last edited by R348753; 12-01-2006 at 10:52 PM.
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12-01-2006, 10:44 PM
#3 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #28 Nox
Luna crept through the trees with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. She had been pulled out of bed and told that Harry had something he had to show them all. After hurriedly getting dressed she had followed them out of the ravenclaw dormitories, through the castle and out into the grounds. It was pitch black, the moonlight couldn’t reach them through the thick of the trees, the only light came from their lit wands as they were crept around the forbidden forest, Harry leading the way with the marauders map. “So where are we going?” She asked Ginny who simply shrugged.
Harry had suddenly stopped in his tracks, “What is it Harry?” asked Luna nervously. “Look.” He whispered pointing to the map. ”Snape!” said Luna in an urgent whisper, “How does he know were here?” “Id rather not find out,” Said Ginny, “We need to hide.”
They looked at the map again. “Where though?” said Luna, “He’s coming right this way.” “The light!” Exclaimed Hermione, quickly extinguishing her wand light.
The rest did the same but before Luna could say Nox, a face loomed out of the darkness. “Well, what have we here?” sneered Snape emerging from behind the trees.
Last edited by R348753; 12-01-2006 at 10:52 PM.
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12-01-2006, 10:50 PM
#4 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #31 Orchideous “Hello Luna” Said Neville Longbottom appearing from behind one of the library bookcases. His face was unusually red and his wand was in his hand, he usually kept it in his back pocket, Against the advice of Mad eye moody. “Why hello Neville, What a pleasant surprise,” beamed Luna, Neville was usually quite shy around her, “Why don’t you sit down, I'm reading the latest copy of the quibbler. Dad sent it me this morning.” “Uh, that would be um… nice Luna.” He said slowly sitting down at the table next to Luna. Their elbows brushed momentarily as he leaned over to look at the magazine, Neville's face glowed as red as his rememberall. “Oh Luna, I have erm, something for you.” “Really? What is it?” She said excitedly.
With his wand in his lap he whispered “Orchideous” and lifted up the bouquet of flowers that had materialised there with the spell. “Oh wow thanks Neville” Luna blushed. She hardly ever blushed. “D’you like them?” He asked nervously. “Neville,” She said matter of factly, “I love them. Thank you.” She said standing up “I should get a vase for them.” She left the library, the quibbler left there forgotten. |
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12-01-2006, 10:57 PM
#5 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #44 Stupefy “Okay, now let’s have another try at stunning. Pair up and I’ll look at how you're all doing.” Harry called out to the group. The DA had all gathered again in the room of requirement and after practicing some other simple curses they had started to work on stunning. Luna looked around for someone to pair up with and spotted Neville looking around also. “Need a partner?” She asked walking up to him. “Yeah I guess so.” He said nervously. “Go easy on me I still can’t get this right.”
“Don’t worry Neville, I've seen you do other spells, you’ll do it great.”
Neville smiled, “Do it on me first though.” He said putting his wand down next to him. “Okay,” She raised her wand, “Stupefy!”
A jet of red light streamed from her wand, as Neville was hit with the spell, he fell to the cushion padded ground with a soft thump.
Smiling to her self, Luna revived Neville and brushed the dust off his robes. “Your turn.” |
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12-01-2006, 10:58 PM
#6 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #11 Expecto Patronum
The dementor towered over her. Luna’s eyes widened with fear. She shook under the mere presence of the dementor. Her breath was shallow, her palms sweaty. She clutched her wand in her hand but her mind had gone blank, she knew the spell. It was in her mind somewhere, along with the random facts about things that narrow minded people didn’t think existed. She looked straight at the dementor, into the darkness of its hood. She wouldn’t allow herself to die this way. She could do it. She would do it. Then it burst into her mind as clear as daytime. “Expecto Patronum!” She cried brandishing her wand at the dementor. She couldn’t see what shape it was but whatever it was charged down the dementor and then disappeared back into the darkness. Luna sat down on the cold hard floor. She had almost been turned into a soulless zombie, if it hadn’t been for the DA or Harry she would probably have been worse than dead. But one question lingered in her head. Where had it come from?
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12-01-2006, 11:13 PM
#7 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #1 Accio
Luna walked down the corridor. Her eyes were out of focus as she dreamt of places she’d like to be and things she’d like to see. She didn’t notice where she was going really until she bumped into none other than Draco Malfoy. “What’s up Loooney?” he sneered. “Oh go away Malfoy.” She retorted, she wouldn’t stand it from him anymore; he was just a piece of slime to her. “Ooh, how unfriendly Luna, I'm hurt” Sniggered Malfoy. “Just go away.” She said trying to push past him. “Where do you think you're going?” He said, dragging her back in front of him. “Face me like the looser you are.”
Luna shoved past him impatiently and felt her bag slip of her shoulder, she turned around and saw Draco swinging it around. “Hah, what are you going to do now eh?” He laughed.
Luna sighed and rolled her eyes. “You never learn do you Malfoy?” She said pulling her wand out. Draco backed away slightly. “Wimp.” She spat as she pointed her wand at her bag, “Accio bag” She said and caught her bag in her hand as it zoomed towards her then walked away without another word. |
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12-01-2006, 11:38 PM
#8 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #47 Twitchy ears hex
Harry walked into the great hall. As he walked past the ravenclaw table he noticed a lot of ravenclaws pointing at Luna and laughing. Wondering what they were calling her for now he walked over to Luna. “Hey Luna.” “Hello Harry.” She turned around to face him and Harry saw what they were laughing at. “Luna, would you mind coming with me for a second?” He asked, not wanting to tell her in front of the entire ravenclaw house. “Of course” She stood up and followed him as he led her into the entrance hall and into an empty classroom. “Um Luna.” He said slowly. “Do you know your ears are twitching?”
She shook her head and felt her ears. “Really?” She asked sounding only mildly interested. “Yeah, it looks like a twitchy ears hex to me,” He replied, “that’s why those kids were laughing at you.”“Oh. Well what should I do?” She asked still only sounding half interested. “Let’s go see Hermione, she should be in the library, she’ll know a spell.” “Okay then.” She said smiling as she followed Harry out of the classroom and to the library. |
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12-02-2006, 12:17 AM
#9 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #48 Unbreakable Vow
Neville and Luna sat in the library together, Luna looking out of the window as Neville hurriedly scribbled down his homework for charms, which happened to be due in next lesson. Luna had leant him some basic notes she had made on the spell but he was struggling with the difficult stuff. “Draco Malfoy was talking to me earlier.” She said suddenly, Neville almost jumped, it had been silent almost all the time he had been writing. “Really?” He said preoccupied with his homework. “Yes. He mentioned you.”Neville looked at her now and put his quill down. “What did he say?”
“He did the usual, hey loony where’s you're boyfriend? When I told him you were just a friend he snorted and asked me what had happened to your parents.” Said Luna, she was careful how she phrased it; She knew Neville was sensitive about his parents. “I think he knew something, but Neville. What would he know? I know you don’t like talking about them but you can tell me.” “You promise not to tell?” Said Neville, his voice was small and weak. “Yes!”
“Will you do something then?”
“Will you make the unbreakable vow?” “.....Yes. I will.”
Last edited by R348753; 12-02-2006 at 12:38 AM.
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12-02-2006, 12:53 AM
#10 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #14 Horn Tongue
Luna and Ginny passed Draco Malfoy as they walked down to Hagrid’s hut. He had passed in a hurry and as he looked at them he muttered “Mudbloods” under his breath.
Ginny scowled at him. “I've a mind to go and teach him who’s a mudblood!” She told Luna who nodded. “He always calls me and insults me. Father thinks the Malfoys might be vampires.”
Ginny tried to stop herself bursting out laughing; Luna was probably in a foul mood already and didn’t need Ginny laughing at her. “Well their family is evil enough.” Said Ginny. “True, not much could make them even worse.” Luna agreed. “Draco needs to watch his tongue, he's too mouthy, and one day someone is just going to slap him.” Ginny said punching the air with her fist. “Not much could make that venomous tongue of his worse.” Luna said scornfully. “Maybe if we hexed his tongue, gave him a horn tongue.” Ginny said giggling. “Yeah that would be great!” Luna said also giggling.
As they reached the hut Hagrid opened the door, Luna and Ginny were still giggling. “Hello you two, what you laughing about?” said Hagrid puzzled. “Nothing” Said Luna and Ginny together. |
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12-02-2006, 11:56 AM
#11 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #6 Crucio
The battle waged on around her, the screams of pupils and death eaters alike pierced the sounds of the fighting. The death eaters had decided to attack Hogwarts. A whole army of them had broken through the front gates, moved across the grounds, destroying everything in sight and were now fighting in the great hall.
Some students had run away, some had stayed to fight with the teachers and some had already been killed.
Luna was back to back with Ginny fighting. Luna had almost cornered a death eater when a death eater shouted “Crucio!” missed his target and hit Luna in the side with by a blast of light. She fell to the ground and began to scream. Ginny turned abruptly around, saw Luna on the floor screaming. The death eater, who was too busy keeping the spell on Luna, didn’t notice the stunner that had been flung at him by Ginny Weasley until it hit him in the chest. He fell to the ground and Ginny turned back round to Luna who was still curled up on the floor. “Luna. Are you okay?” She asked timidly. “I think so.” said Luna. She stood up to continue the fight.
Last edited by R348753; 12-06-2006 at 09:54 PM.
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12-04-2006, 08:14 PM
#12 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #41 Scourgify
Luna looked at her father. “Oh please daddy! Just let me come!” She begged. ”You can’t Luna, I've already told you.” He replied, looking over the top of the latest issue of The Quibbler. “Oh please! I want to come and look for the wrackspurts with you, I've been dying to see them!” She begged her father.
“Luna,” He said putting down his Quibbler. “I know you want to come but...” He sighed.
“Please!” She cried. “Oh, but have you seen your bedroom lately Luna, it’s a mess!” he sighed.
Luna smiled “If I can tidy it before you go, will you take me?” She asked, hoping he would accept her offer.
Mr Lovegood looked at his daughter sternly for a moment that seemed like a millennium before his face broke into a warm smile. “Okay then, you’ve only got a few minutes, I'm leaving soon.”
Luna ran upstairs to her bedroom, it was a mess like her father said but it didn’t deter her. She whipped out her wand. ”Scourgify!” she exclaimed as she watched her room tidy itself, Happy, she ran back downstairs to her father. |
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12-06-2006, 07:45 PM
#13 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #39 Sectumsempra
Luna lay in the hospital wing; her body was sprawled under the covers. There were bandages across her chest and bruises over what was visible of her arms.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Fred and George ran into the hospital wing, their faces alarmed with the sight of Luna lay weak and helpless in the hospital bed. Madame Pomfrey hurried over to them when they entered. “She need her rest, Can you come back tomorrow when she’s a bit more up to talking?” “Please Miss.” Pleaded Harry. “We just want to see if she’s okay.” Argued Ginny. “Oh alright, fifteen minutes.” Sighed Madame Pomfrey exasperatedly.
They hurried over to Luna’s bed and stood around her, none of them certain what to say.
Luna knew they would want to know what happened, who, where why? Those kind of questions. She didn’t know if she could tell them, how could she describe the hooded man, she had been certain it was a man, who seemed to appear out of thin air? How he simply stared at her with cold eyes? How he simply raised his wand and whispered ‘Sectumsempra’? She couldn’t. “So what happened?” asked Ron.
Luna simply sighed. |
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12-09-2006, 01:58 PM
#14 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #13 Flagrate
Luna sat down by one of the trees on the edge of the forest. Her blonde hair blown around by the breeze that whistled through the woods. Everything was quiet except the faint whistling of birds and the occasional hoot of a sleepy owl being aroused by its owner. She heard the snap of a stick. Someone was nearby. She looked around and almost jumped as the outline of Neville longbottom looming out from the darkness. “Hi Luna.” He said shyly, sitting down next to her. “Hello Neville.” She said trying to conceal her shock. “Um Luna,” He said slowly. “Yes Neville.” Said Luna smiling politely. “There’s nobody here.”
“I need to show you something.” He said stuttering slightly and moving closer to Luna, his leg touching the side of hers. “What is it?” She asked gazing into his eyes. “This.” He whispered. His face moved forwards and pressed his lips against Luna’s. She didn’t pull away. After the kiss Neville simply stood up. ”Thank you Luna.” He said before walking back into the forest.
Luna took out her wand and whispered “Flagrate” a cross marked the nearest tree, where Luna would forever her first kiss.
Last edited by R348753; 12-10-2006 at 05:44 PM.
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12-10-2006, 02:22 PM
#15 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #42 Silencio
Luna sat by the lake alone, she listened to the sounds of other kids playing around with their friends, talking, laughing having fun. Luna looked around and saw groups of ravenclaw girls chattering away, she heard snippets of conversation. Make up, boys, shoes. That’s all they ever talked about, never anything interesting like heliopaths or crumpled snorkacks. Sighing she took out a book but a splash of water leaped over her book and soaked the pages, a group of hufflepuff boys were playing in the shallows, one of them saw Luna’s wet book and nudged his friends. “Ooh, sorry!” the boy sniggered before turning back to his friends and laughing.
Luna simply shoved the book back in her bag and took out her wand. She twirled it around in her fingers.
She could still hear the mocking of those boys, their laughter echoed through her ears. She stood up and walked over to them. “Ooh, what do you want Luna?” one of them scoffed. “Shut up.” She said simply. Flicking her wrist and pointing her wand at the one that had laughed at her she cried. “Silencio!” the boy became silent and the other boys simply laughed at him. |
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12-13-2006, 09:04 PM
#16 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #26 Morsmordre
Luna walked out of a muggle corner shop and walked down the street munching on a chocolate bar. She was only a street away from her house. She pictured the bright and bold house her father owned. They had painted it with her mother when she was little; it was a bright yellow, shining like a beacon. Her dad had always kept the gardens neat and tidy with tiny little flowers, their soft petals the same wonderful colour as the house was. Because of the tall houses around her she didn’t see her house until she turned around the corner. She gasped in horror. Her once beautiful and bright house was on fire, dark shadows were running around it and even from a distance she could hear the cackles and laughs of the shadows. Tears streamed from her eyes as she ran over to the house, as she reached the people began to scatter, the fire was blazing. Luna noticed one of the men had stopped, he lowered his hood and raised his wand to the sky, “Morsmordre” he shouted before running off to join the others. As Luna cried the tears reflected the green shining skull in the sky. |
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12-16-2006, 11:59 AM
#17 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #3 Braking charm
Luna watched as Harry zoomed around the quidditch pitch, Ginny had convinced her to watch Harry practice. It was quite cold outside but that didn’t stop Luna enjoying the practice, she loved quidditch, she always had.
Harry skimmed along the dewy grass and came to a stop in front of them. He jumped off his broom and turned to Luna. “Do you want to try it out Luna?” He asked smiling.
Luna thought about it for a moment then smiled back. “That would be lovely Harry.”
She followed Harry onto the pitch and he handed her his broom, she twisted it around in her hands “wow” she whispered, she had never touched a firebolt before let alone flying on one! She then frowned slightly. “What about braking?” she asked. “What about it?” Harry replied. “I thought you would have known about the Braking conspiracy.” She said sternly.
Harry simply shook his head and rolled his eyes ever so slightly so Luna wouldn’t see. “If the broom isn’t equipped with a really good braking charm then the ministry curse it to encourage people to buy better braking charms from them.”Harry sighed, “Don’t worry Luna it’s got one of the best.” |
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12-16-2006, 12:35 PM
#18 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #2 Avada Kedavra
Luna sat in the library bored. She didn’t want to go back to the common room, there would no doubt be people calling her names there. The great hall was empty, she had already checked there to see if Harry or someone was there but no. It was freezing cold outside as she huddled up to the nearest torch lamp for some heat. She had been reading for at least half an hour when she saw Draco Malfoy and his gang enter the library with their usual swagger.
Luna didn’t take much notice of them as she continued to read her book about ancient myths and legends of the magical world. They had retreated to the corner of the library, hidden by many bookshelves and stands.
When Luna went to change her book she saw them in a circle in the corner, curious to know what they were talking about and why they were whispering about she skulked behind a bookshelf and listened in to their conversation. “So it’s sorted.” Goyle grunted. “We do it tonight. Avada Kedavra.” Whispered Draco.
Luna gasped silently. Avada Kedavra.
She sneaked away from the library quickly and hurried to find a teacher. |
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12-22-2006, 07:39 PM
#19 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #33 point me
Luna, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville ran out of the castle and out into the grounds. Harry had hold of the marauders map and was directing them to where a group of death eaters were congregated in the forbidden forest. Luna panted as she ran as fast as she could, the adrenaline was pumping through her but she was still out of breath, she was never a good runner. They had entered the think of the woods now, the trees blocked any sunlight and they slowed down, trying to avoid running into a tree or tripping over a root. They all lit their wands and stood still for a moment. Harry pointed to a group of dots on his map, “There.” He said to the others. “Where is there though?” asked Ron looking around.
Luna squinted looked down at the map, the map showed that the death eaters were north somewhere but it was impossible to navigate in the darkness, she then had an idea. “Point me.” She said holding her wand out in front of her. It twirled around till it pointed north. “Good one Luna!” Said Harry, running off in that direction closely followed by the others. |
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01-01-2007, 06:52 PM
#20 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #15 Hurling Hex
Luna was walking around the grounds when she saw a red dot flying around the quidditch pitch. She decided to go and watch whoever was flying instead of going for a search of the Forest for flumpernickles.
As she got closer she saw that the red dot was actually Harry practicing for the quidditch match at the weekend.
Harry waved to her as she took a seat in the stands and waved back to him.
She was sitting watching Harry when his brook jerked. Even from a distance she could see the look of concern on Harry’s face.
She ran down from the stands as Harry was being jerked around on the broom. ”Try to land!” Shouted Luna as Harry flew closer to the ground and managed to land just as the broom threw him off. Harry bumped onto the ground from about a 2 foot drop. “You okay?” asked Luna. “I'm fine. What do you think happened?” he asked uneasily. “It looks like it might have been a Hurling hex.” Said Luna, looking at the broom. “Well who would hex my broom? Malfoy?” “Maybe. We may never know.” Said Luna as the walked back to the castle. |
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02-12-2007, 04:56 PM
#21 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #21 Langlock
Neville sat at Gryffindor table in the great hall when he saw Luna pass. “Hey Luna” He called out to her. She smiled and sat down opposite him. Neville smiled. “I hope you liked the flowers I sent you.”“Yes they were very nice.” She said touching Neville's hand on the table. Neville smiled and looked into Luna’s eyes so he didn’t see Draco Malfoy passing by the table. “Ooh Luna and Neville sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G” sneered Malfoy.
Neville quickly drew his hand back to his chest. “That’s Rude you know.” Pointed out Luna.
Draco simply smiled mischievously. "What are you going to do about it loony?" He asked with a smug grin on his face.
Luna simply stared at him. Neville who had a spurt of courage stood up. "Leave her alone Malfoy. Stop bullying people!" Neville said with a note of nervousness in his voice. "Ooh. I'm SO scared." Said Malfoy mockingly, his face then turned serious. "Watch your mouth Longbottom. Or i'll watch it for you."
Before Neville could say something back Draco whipped his wand out from his cloak and muttered "Langlock!"
Draco ran off leaving Luna and Neville trying to reverse the spell. |
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02-21-2007, 07:24 PM
#22 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #29 Obliviate
Luna stood in an abandoned classroom late at night and waited for Neville, he had asked her to meet him here. He said he had something important he needed to talk to her about.
She began to pace around the room. She was nervous but he needed to talk to her.
Luna jumped as she heard footsteps coming down the corridor, she heard a noise from outside of the door. “Neville? Is that you?”
The door creaked open and silhouetted at the door was… “Draco!”
Draco malfoy stood at the doorway smirking. “What are you doing here?” She asked. “I could ask the same thing Looney.”
Luna shifted nervously from foot to foot. “I'm waiting for someone.”
“So am I.” said Malfoy cryptically. “Who?” asked Luna curiously. “The same person you are.”
Luna frowned “Neville?”
Draco nodded. “Why?”
“I have a spell with his name on it.” Draco smirked.
Luna raised her wand. “You're not touching Neville.” She said furiously. “And what are you going to do loony? Set your glumping glimpies on me?”
“They're gulping plimpies, cant you remember anything Draco?”
“Yeah I can. But you wont.”
Before Luna could do anything Draco pointed his wand at her. “Obliviate!” |
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03-26-2007, 04:32 PM
#23 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #7 Confundus
Luna sat on the bench staring up into the sky. She could almost see the moon pushing its way through the bright blue sky.
She never noticed Harry as he walked briskly over and sat down next to her. He could have been sat there for seconds, minutes or even hours. Luna was too engrossed in her thoughts to notice.
That was until he coughed loudly bringing Luna crashing back to earth.
She looked at him puzzlingly, How long had Harry been next to her? “How long have you been there?” asked Luna patting her long, dirty blonde hair down.
Harry smiled. “Only a few minutes, you look like someone has put a confundus charm on you.” He grinned stupidly and Luna looked back up at the sky. “Its beautiful isn’t it.” She said serenely, unaware of Harry’s unease. “Uh… the sky?” He mumbled stupidly.
Luna turned back to him. “Well what else is beautiful around here?”
Harry gave a cheeky smile. “I can name a lot of things.”
Knowing where this was going Luna half rolled her eyes, “Name one.” “You.”
Last edited by R348753; 03-26-2007 at 04:34 PM.
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03-27-2007, 06:28 AM
#24 (permalink)
| Formerly: Racheya  Kappa
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 13,132
| Lady Bernkastel - Witch Of Miracles More Posts than Sense #4 Blasting Curse Running back into her house Luna was shocked. Her dad was slumped across their kitchen table. His eyes were open and he was smiling slightly but he looked in pain. She rushed over and sat him down on a chair. She had only been over at Neville's house for the day whilst her father could go look for a new creature he said he had a hunch about but wouldn’t tell Luna what they were so she didn’t get her hopes up. “What happened?” asked Luna. Her father thought for a moment, “I think one of the beasts got me.” “What beasts?” “Hikuaneese Blast bears.” Luna nodded her head. He had mentioned them to her once before, but she couldn’t remember when. “What did they do?” Her father smiled, “Well they're blast bears, they blasted me.” He said simply. “They used a blasting curse?” “No, no, they have a natural defence that allows them to mimic the blasting power of a wand.” He said with a smile. Luna nodded, it made sense to her. “Lets get you cleaned up then.” “Yes. Lets.” |
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