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Unfinished Box of Beans A box of unfinished drabble threads that didn't reach their SS100, SS50, or SS25 target but remain a fun read nonetheless.

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Old 06-08-2008, 02:52 AM
Angie Angie is offline
Default Angie's Fifty Read-Headed Ficlets about Ronald Weasley -Sa13+

Hi, guys! I'm Angie aaand I decided to write fifty ficlets about Mr. Ronald Weasley! Why did I pick Ron? Easy, he's one of my favourite (if not THE favourite) characters of the Harry Potter series. =)

Now, let's begin, shall we?


1. Accio
2. Avada Kedavra
3. Braking Charm
4. Blasting Curse
5. Colloportus
6. Crucio
7. Confundus
8. Diffindo
9. Disapparate
10. Engorgio
11. Expecto Patronum
12. Furnunculus
13. Flagrate
14. Horn Tongue
15. Hurling Hex
16. Impedimenta
17. Imperio
18. Incarcerous
19. Jelly Legs
20. Knitting Charm
21. Langlock
22. Legilimens
23. Levicorpus
24. Lumos
25. Mobilicorpus
26. Morsmordre
27. Muffliato
28. Nox
29. Obliviate
30. Oppugno
31. Orchideous
32. Petrificus Totalus
33. Point Me
34. Protego
35. Quietus
36. Reducto
37. Relashio
38. Rictusempra
39. Sectumsempra
40. Sonorus
41. Scourgify
42. Silencio
43. SpeRevelio
44. Stupefy
45. Tarantallegra
46. Tergeo
47. Twitchy Ears Hex
48. Unbreakable Vow
49. Wingardium Leviosa
50. Waddiwasi
Old 06-14-2008, 02:49 AM   #2 (permalink)

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Nerissa M. Tate
Sixth Year

Default This one goes for Josey. =D

{ Accio }

There was a hole in the very bottom of his stomach. A hole that was so large and deep that had taken his appetite away from him.

Food meant very little to him right now.

Stupid Hole. Stupid Cormac McLaggen. Stupid Herm--No, he couldn't bring himself to think about her as stupid, no. She was in his very insignificant opinion, the most intelligent person around.

Urgh. Stupid sensation.

It was all McLaggen's fault, of course. Why did that idiot have to be dating his Hermione? Yes, because Ronald was selfish enough to think of Hermione as his, even though he was with Lavender.

His stomach cringed. Not to mention the cold . For some reason, that disturbing hole on his stomach was not only getting bigger, but also cold--a cold that spread in the insides of his body every time that he thought about her, and how stupid their situation was.

She ignoring him. He being too afraid--and proud--to talk to her and apologize.

"Accio Jumper" He muttered, shivering from the corner of the boys' dormitory, knowing very well that no matter how thick the jumper was, it wouldn't warm him up one bit.

The cold just refused to go away

Last edited by Angie; 06-14-2008 at 02:57 AM.
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Old 07-15-2008, 03:24 AM   #3 (permalink)

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{ Lumos }

Maybe it was time for him to dash out. Then again, if he did this and get caught, Ron was going to find himself in a huge trouble. He was not supposed to be hiding on the Girl's Bathroom.

Why, for Merlin's sake, why, the first door that he ran into had been the one of the girl's bathroom? It was almost as if the Gods were ganging up against him! And if that was the case, he had to admit that they had a pretty good reason to be mad at him.

He had been, after all, hiding from a girl. Well, not had been--he was still hiding from one. From what girl , you may ask? Well, of his girlfriend, of course. Ms. Lavender Brown.

"Lumos", He muttered, for the bathroom was pitch black, and he had never been a big fan of the dark. Taking a determined step to finally leave the place without being noticed, Ron opened the door of the toilet that he had been hiding in, when someone's voice startled him from behind.

"Won-won?", Lavender's voice asked, sounding utterly surprised and confused.

Bloody hell.
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:53 PM   #4 (permalink)

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{ Wingardium Leviosa }

"Feel the fur, Weasley!"

His eyes rolled. This class was utterly boring. Nifflers. What was to learn from them? That they were treasures hunters? He already knew that. What he didn't know, however, was why they needed to feel the fur of it. According to Grubbly-Plank, their fur was pleasantly warm. Obviously, Ron didn't care about this.

"Wingardium Leviosa", muttered Ron, pointing at the baby niffler, just out of boredom. Soon enough, the niffler was hovering over his head. He snickered proudly.

"Weasley! I told you to feel the fur, not to levitate the niffler. Five points from Gryffindor," called out Grubbly-Plank. "Now, feel the fur"

"Now, feel the fur", a very familiar voice repeated, imitating Professor's Grubbly-Plank's voice. Malfoy, of course. The Slytherin was sneering, and Ron glared at him scornfully. "Come on, Weasley. Feel the fur," teased Malfoy once more with a smirk.

Stupid Malfoy. He was going to pay for that.

Ron's pale hand reached for the niffler in front of him, and without thinking about it, Ron1 chucked the creature at Malfoy, thus hitting him full in the face.

"Feel the fur, Malfoy, feel the fur", a proud smirk spread across his lips.

"WEASLEY!". Grubbly-Plank, of course.

Bloody Hell.
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Old 09-28-2008, 05:33 PM   #5 (permalink)

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{ Avada Kedavra }

"The Killing curse, one of the unforgivable curses, causes instantaneous death. There is no known counter-curse for it; however, one may dodge the green bolt or use the physical barrier to block it," ranted Ronald Weasley as he paced all around the Gryffindor Common Room. "Happy now, Hermione? I certainly hope you are, because I don't think I've ever studied so much in my entire life," said Ron to the girl sitting in front of him, who's brown bushy hair was carefully arranged on a ponytail.

Stupid, stupid OWL's. Such a pain, those exams were.

He already knew what he needed to know about those Unforgivable Curses; one caused pain, the other controlled people, and the last one killed. Oh, yeah. And if you felt like using one of these, you instantly earned one glamorous cell in Azkaban. Shudder...

... A shudder that did not last long, because as soon as his blue-green eyes set on Hermione, his head tilted to the side, forcing his red hair to brush his shoulder.

Hermione was wearing a ponytail. That was weird. Really weird. She did look good though. Really good.

Mentally, he kicked himself for thinking this.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:34 AM   #6 (permalink)

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{ Crucio }

The tortured expression on Neville Longbottom's face had been enough. Ronald could not help but to think that Moody knew that particular question would have that effect on Neville.

The Red-headed fourteen year old frowned at this. Though it was quite understandable that anyone would fear the Cruciatus Curse, Ron could not explain why talking about it, and explaining what the mentioned curse did was so difficult for his friend.

The frown on his very pale skin became even deeper --to the point that it looked as though it had been carved on his skin-- when the Gryffindor realized what Moody was about to do.

He was about to try the Cruciatus curse on the spider. Not that he was Spiders' number one fanboy or anything like that--More like the opposite-- But really, no one deserved to be punished that way.

"Crucio!" Professor Moody billowed, pointing at the spider with his wand.

Before his eyes, Ronald Weasley saw the spider's legs twitching, rocking from side to side. The entire room was silent. Ron was sure that if there was some way that the spider had a mouth, it would be screaming right now.

He closed his eyes.

Last edited by Angie; 10-09-2008 at 12:40 AM. Reason: I can't spell, apparently.
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Old 10-12-2008, 09:53 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Default This one goes for Gemma. =D

{ Point Me }

Okay, this spell was not as easy as Ron had thought it would be. Stupid wand was just refusing to cooperate with him! Of course. Of course it was against him. Just like the rest of the entire world was! Hermione, especially. SO bloody proud to talk to him again.

Really, she had no right to be mad at him. It was a free country, and as far as he knew, he and Hermione had not been dating when Lavender had kissed him back in the Gryffindor common room. So if they hadn't been dating, why had she gotten so upset? Women were so darn complicated. All of them, without exception.

"Point Me," Muttered Ron lazily, practicing the spell, with no hopes of it working. And indeed it hadn't. His wand just shook on his palm. Ugh.

Mentally, he reviewed the theory of it:

Point me, is a simple spell that performed with the wand lying flat on the open palm of the caster. When the words are spoken, the want rotates to point north.

He was doing all those things!

Why was it not working? Argh.

The textbook smashed against the wall, while Ronald glared at it.
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Old 11-09-2008, 08:17 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Default Dedicated to my beloved SS twin, Raquel. =D

{ Imperio }

" any of you now which curses are most heavily punished by the wizarding law?" Questioned Moody loudly, thus snapping Ron back to reality. Because really why would he pay attention? He was too hungry to do that.

The professor's question was processed by his brain. Unforgivable Curses. With shock, Ron realized his and was in the air. He never knew the answers to the professor's question. That was Hermione's thing--not his.

However, the shock of before was nothing compared to the one he felt when Moody pointed at him. Loudly, he gulped.

"Er," he began tentatively, cringing a little at Moody's stare, "My dad told me about one... Is it called the Imperius Curs, or something?"

Moody replied to him, in what Ron thought was an appreciatively tone. This was surprising. It was even more rare that a teacher would appreciate one of his answers--whenever he actually had any, of course. He was usually pondering over things that were, in his opinion, more important than classes. He had replied now, though, and it was a nice thing to see the teacher was pleased.

Merlin, he needed to stop hanging out with Hermione.
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:21 PM   #9 (permalink)

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{ Muffliato }

"What is it, Ron? You said you needed to tell me something and that it was important."

Ron, who had been mentally preparing himself so hard to say this, was snapped out of his reverie by her voice. The voice he would have recognized anywhere. A voice he knew well.

He took a deep breath to steady himself.

"You are sweating bullets," murmured the female voice, concern colouring her voice. "What is it?"

He was being an idiot, naturally. Surely, what he was about to tell her would not shock her--not after two years of being officially dating. She just had to see it coming.

He opened his mouth. And then he closed it.

"Muffliato," he said swiftly towards the window. He had the feeling that George was eavesdropping. And he was right.

Eyeing him carefully for what he had just done, the girl said again. "What is going on, Ronald Weasley?" Now she sounded upset. Like his mum when he did something wrong.

And because he felt like it, because the tone she'd used brought back so many memories, Ronald Weasley said, loud, clearly and sounding more confident than he had ever had, "I love you, Hermione."
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Old 02-11-2009, 02:37 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Default This one goes to Colle. <3

{ Impedimenta }

. . . "I just don't see the point on learning that spell, Hermione," ranted Ron as he made his way from the Room of Requirement to the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry thought that learning the Impedimenta spell was a good idea, but, Ronald didn't agree with him.

Huffing, Hermione said, souding irritated, "Every single spell is important. Can't you understand that?" She didn't agree with him. But then, they were never in agreement.

"We should be how to protect ourselves!" Exclaimed Ron, throwing his hands in the air.

"Impedimenta is important," the girl insisted, tossing her bushy, brown hair to the back, sounding even more irritated than she'd before.

"It is not," He retorted.

Huffing once again, Hermione abruplty took out her wand in one swift movement and pointed it at Ron's face, looking upset.

Immediatly, Ron's usually pale face became even more pale. However, pale or not --and scared or not, too, for that matter-- Ron started to walk towards her, trying to force her to lower her wand.

But he was much too late, "Impedimenta!" She said, and immediatly, Ron was forced to stop walking.

"Do you still think it's not important, Ronald?"
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Old 12-07-2009, 05:02 AM   #11 (permalink)

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{ Engorgio }


The furry, black, undoubtedly dangerous and unbelievable spider blinked its equally large and black, bottomless eyes at him. In the mist of Ronald Weasley's shuddering that had taken over of his body, thanks to the fear he was feeling, he somehow gathered that the creature did not know what was going on, nor was he aware that its size was about fifteen times bigger than it usually was.

That, however, meant little to him.

Confused spider or not -and quite possibly harmless at the moment-, it was still spider, and therefore, Ron Weasley could feel his heartbeat racing one hundred miles per hour, as if to attempting to come out of his chest.

Ron was sure that was exactly the case. His heart most likely preferred to leave the secure depths of his chest than to face its death by being eaten by some ruddy spider.

With sweat on his forehead and red hair matted against it, Ron took a large step back, blue-green eyes opening as wide as they would go.

"Ginny ... " Make it go away, make it go away!

Wand still pointing at the creature, his sister laughed.

And then, everything went black, and Ron passed out.
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Old 12-07-2009, 05:17 AM   #12 (permalink)

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{ Levicorpus }

Very faintly, Ron was aware that Harry Potter, his best friend -that traitor!-, had used one of the Prince's spells, the Levicorpus one, the one that made you floaaaat in the air like a hippogriff (never mind that hippogriffs could fly and therefore, had no need to float), float like air itself, or like beaaaautiful clouds.

But those clouds were nothing, NOTHING in comparision to the beauty that Romilda Vane was.



Ron attempted to do some kind of air pirouette but ended up just slapping himself with the back of his hand. No matter, though, that little injury was worth it. Because it was for Romilda and Romilda deserved everything.

And Potter had insulted her.

Turning his head abruptly to stare as his supposedly best friend pointed his wand at him, Ron opened his mouth once to yell something about loyalty and supporting the fact that he was in love with the most beautiful girl in the history of forever, when he felt himself fall face first (or ear first, really) on the floor.

More pain. But Romlida was worth it.

A foolish, yet dreamy grin spread on his mouth, "Are we going to meet her now?!"
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