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Hey there! *waaaves* My names Gracie (if you didn't already know that), and these drabbles will revolve around the lives of the Suvari Siblings - Eros, Delphinia, and Callidora, past and present. For those who don't know them, well.. *points below*.
SPOILER!!: A little bit of information/history on the Suvari siblings:
Originally, the Suvari family started with Eros, who was created with the purpose of being another of my character's, Artemis Carlen (nee Galanis Chosen), childhood best friend. He died at eighteen, just before his and Artie's graduation from a Greek wizarding school. Eros was raised by his father and stepmother, and had a half-brother roughly a year younger than him, Joao Rocha, who he affectionately nicknamed 'Nils', on his mother's side of the family. Nils is still very much a Suvari, last name or no last name but he doesn't belong to me so I won't write him too often, in fear of messing him up entirely. Just after Eros died, his father and stepmother found out they were expecting. A little girl, by the name of Delphinia Suvari.
From there, Delphi became this hyperactive, silly, resentless child and then pre-teen in my head that bothered Apollo DeVille (Artie's younger brother) like no tomorrow. By the time she hit fifteen, her parents (Eros' father and stepmother) died in a tragic accident. She was taken in by the DeVille family, and attended Hogwarts for the next three terms until graduation, where she met and fell in love with Nathaniel Poppy Aspen, a Hufflepuff boy in the same year as her.
And then, there's Callidora Suvari. The long-lost half-sister of Delphinia and Eros, related on their father's side. Delphi had no idea about her until shortly after graduation, when their father's sister (who Delphi also had no connection with) reunited them and sent Callidora off to Hogwarts for her final year of schooling. Aunt Calliope was Callie's guardian, until she finally turned of age. She is a year younger than Delphi.
On to another thing. These drabbles are dedicated to my Dani (Kaos.Doodles), because.. without her, there would never have been an Eros or a Delphi. It was all her idea. And especially my Sammy (Samia), because without her, there would be no Callie and.. I'd be completely lost as far as the Suvari's are concerned. LOST. Delphi wouldn't have come nearly as far as she has, or grown as much, or anything. Nothing at all. She'd still be this little voice in the back of my mind, and I'm so glad she's not. So thank you, both.
Also, the Harry Potter world and everything in it belongs to one miss J. K. Rowling, and any SSRPG characters in these drabbles other than my own are used with permission from their creators.
Home ღ And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life
It’s like I just stepped outside when everything was going right
And I know just why you could not come along with me
This was not your dream
But you always believed in me
Seated in her designated make-up chair, eyes closed and legs crossed, Delphinia remained as still as she could with the occasional motion of a hand itching at skin, or an attempt to move hair away from her face that continued to fall forward. She was suppose to be happy, especially for the shoot today.
She was surrounded by people waiting on her, making her pretty. But all Delphi could think of was writing back to Nathan, and how much she missed him. How she wished he was with her, at this very moment.
I Miss Her ღ I miss her even though she's still here
You need to listen, don't let her disappear
I'll give her my forever if it meant for a day she could really be okay
'Cause I miss her, even though she's still here
When Callidora woke in a chair next to a hospital bed one morning, she had almost forgotten where she was, and why she was there. St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. A temporary home to her mother, Mia Cresswell.
Rubbing the cramp out of her neck, Callidora leaned forward, sitting on the edge of her chair to take her Mia's cold, still hand in her own. "Mum, It's Callie.. I'm still here, I haven't left yet." The nineteen-year-old whispered, more to herself than anyone else. "I miss you, mum.. please wake up. Don't leave me.."
I need you.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Wait For You ღ So baby I will wait for you
'Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Standing in front of a girl with red hair, brown eyes staring almost sadly back at him, Eros couldn't wrap his mind around how it was even possible graduation was right around the corner. In truth, he didn't want to think about it. "Andy.." Eros whispered, his voice weak. "This doesn't have to be it. We can make it work, I promise."
The non-Greek frowned, looking away as she stuffed her hands inside her robe pockets. "Eros.. we've only got a few more days," Andrea paused, and sighed. Her gaze returned to his. "We're going down separate paths after this."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Waiting For Superman ღ She’s talking to angels, she’s counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She’s dancing with strangers, she’s falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms, yeah, in his arms, yeah
She’s waiting for Superman...
Laying in the grass of Artie's Aunt and Uncle's backyard, Eros stared contently up toward the stars, one hand resting across his belly and the other intertwined with his best friend's. "Artie?" The boy said, brown eyes finding the girl beside him.
The seven-year-old's own gaze turned as Eros broke the silence, a small smile played at her lips as she hummed an innocent: "Hmm?"
"Your birthday is almost here." The boy stated the obvious, "Do you think your dad will make it?" As soon as the words left his lips, Eros regretted it - watching his best friend frown.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 07-04-2014 at 07:39 PM.
Broken Angel ღ You showed him all the best of you
But I'm afraid your best wasn't good enough
And know he never wanted you
At least not the way you wanted yourself to be loved
And you feel like you were a mistake
He's not worth all those tears that won't go away
Drops of water fell from a seven-year-old's eyes, down her reddened cheeks, until they took their final fall and absorbed into the pants of the mother stroking her daughter's hair soothingly. After so long of silence, during which Mia thought her child was falling into a slumber, she was surprised to hear a small voice speak up. "Why doesn't he like me, mum?"
The question made every inch of Mia hurt instantly, as if someone had just struck her with an unexpected and rather painful hex. Even though that wasn't the case, the woman wished it was.
"He loves you."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
In Case ღ In case you don't find what you're looking for
In case you're missing what you had before
In case you change your mind, I'll be waiting here
In case you just want to come home
In case
Letting out the breath she had been holding without really noticing, Delphinia traveled the familiar hallway, just a little ways behind the older woman leading her toward the spare room, the same one she had stayed in during her Hogwarts years.
"Thank you, Artie." The younger brunette spoke, her voice soft. "Really."
After another hug and Artie's assuring that it was no trouble and she would always be more than welcome in their home, Delphi turned to drop her bags on her bed and perched on one side, green eyes gazing around at her temporary home.
Everything was different now.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Gone Too Soon ღ Hey there now, where'd you go
You left me here so unexpected
You changed my life, I hope you know
cause now I'm lost, so unprotected
In a blink of an eye
I never got to say goodbye
She should have gone with him.
When Eros had asked if she wanted to come along to the pub, Artemis should have gone - rather than refuse in favor of studying more. She hadn't even needed to study. Why hadn't she gone?
Eyes red and swollen, Artemis laid her head against the hospital bed from where she sat in the chair next to Eros still body, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks as she relived the last several hours. Remembering Nils' face, when he had found her and given her the news.
Enchanted ღ Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
Fashion, was not Callidora's thing. It wasn't that she had no sense of style, it the simple fact she didn't bore her life with concerns of what's in, and what's not. Not to say her half-sister did, Callie wasn't convinced she even cared for being a model.
Nonetheless, she had offered to attend her sister's work party as her companion, so long as Delphi didn't abandon her. Having already lost Delphi, and long since tuned out the mindless chit-chat of those around her, blue-green eyes wandered the room, only to catch the gaze of someone else staring back at her.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Over You ღ It was only December
I still remember the presents, the tree, you and me
But you went away
How dare you? I miss you
They say I’ll be OK
But I’m not going to ever get over you
You will be okay, Demetria had said. It will hurt for a little bit, but you'll get over it. He was only your first boyfriend, after all. Sitting with her head buried into a book she wasn't reading, laying against the blanket on her bed, Delphinia hid the tears that threatened to fall.
Not everyone is you, 'Tria. Artemis had said, jumping in the middle to her defense - his defense, Nathan was more than just the boy she was dating, and I don't think Delphi needs this right now.
Allowing the tears to flow freely, Delphi dropped the book.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
I'll Be ღ The greatest fan of your life.
...greatest fan of your life.
Sitting against a wall in an abandoned classroom, a book open in his lap and parchment to one side - his quill long since missing, Eros shifted slightly, gently bumping the girl beside him.
"Hey, Artie.." The eleven year old started, casting a sideways look at his best friend as she gazed back curiously and hummed a reply, "What if we got married, when we're older - I mean."
Artemis let a moment pass before saying anything, obviously thinking about his question. "I don't know, why?"
Eros shrugged, "'Cause then we'll always be best friends."
"Eros, we always will be."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Say Anything ღ If I could have it go any way, any way it'd go like this
Take it back to a couple years yesterday to our first kiss
In that moment I loved you, this isn't how I ever saw it going down.
In that moment I loved you,
I wish I knew then what I know now.
Two years. They had spent two years together, and he was her best friend. Or so.. she had thought. Now, that little voice in her mind questioned it. No one ever said relationships were easy, especially among people their age, but this isn't how Callidora saw things happening.
"Callie -" Aaron started, frowning as he watched the girl in front of him shift her weight from one foot to the other, arms crossed and eyes avoiding his. "- I didn't mean for this. But you're moving half-way across the world, and what are we suppose to do. Wait for each other?"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Still Worth Fighting ღ You used to fall into my arms
And now tears fall from your eyes
When it was good, it was great
When it was bad, we made mistakes
There's only so much I can take
I don't wanna leave it up to fate
Delphi had just seen him, it had only been a couple of days ago that he'd been sitting in her room with her, giving part of his attention to a very needy Philia, and telling her things she didn't want to think about at the moment, or any moment, really.
Hearing Mr. Aspen say her name, green eyes gazed up at him, her expression blank as she met his with concern. She didn't want to hear this, either. Didn't want Nathan's father to be right. But life wasn't that simple, was it?
Delphi stood suddenly. "I've got to go."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Waiting Patiently ღ Thoughts and words going around my head
They're always taking my breath away
Am I a good son mom?
Please reply to me
Yeah to me
Anger didn't seem to cover how Eros felt, as he stormed through the house toward his room. Thoughts of his short visit with Stella clouded his mind, blood boiling just under the surface. He almost didn't noticed his door open and Konstantina poke her head inside, until the fourteen-year-old couldn't quite help but glare at her.
Konstantina, the only woman that had ever raised him. The mum that had stuck by him his whole life yet. Eros sighed, as she waited patiently in his doorway.
"I'm sorry, mum."
"Don't apologize," was her simple response, before pulling him into an embrace.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Already Home ღ If only New York wasn't so far away
I promise the city won't get in our way
When you're scared and alone,
Just know that I'm already home
When life takes its own course
Sometimes we just don't get to choose
I'd rather be there next to you
Promise you'll wait for me, wait for me
Wait 'til I'm home
My sweet Callie,
How are you? How are things at home? Is Calliope taking good care of you? As soon as you see this letter, I want you to write back to me and have your aunt send it for you just as soon as you set down your quill, yes?
I miss hearing your voice, and seeing your beautiful little face. You're growing so quickly, my little one. And here I am, missing all of your growth while I'm stuck here for work. You know I would rather be with you, don't you?
I love you!
Love, ____Mum ღ
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Someone's Watching Over Me ღ Found myself today
Oh I found myself and ran away
Something pulled me back
The voice of reason I forgot I had
All I know is you're not here to say
What you always used to say
But it's written in the sky tonight
Time had long since lost it's meaning for Delphinia, who could almost always be found sitting beside a large window in her old room whenever Callidora came in to check on her. It could have been days, weeks, or months.. and Delphi knew no difference. Nothing mattered anymore, it hadn't for some time.
Green eyes stared out at the darkened sky, her mind lost within the clouds. The stars were out and bright, catching her attention - reminding her of a simpler time.
Mum had always loved star gazing.
Realization dawned on her face, the memory shaking something deep inside.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
One Of Those Nights ღ Where do we go? We don’t know
Follow the wind where it blows
Let’s make mistakes and don’t look back, it’s now or never
"I don't know, Eros.."
Artemis' uncertainty was clear, and without looking back Eros gave her hand a gentle squeeze and continued guiding her through the darkened grounds toward their destination. The sixteen-year-old only paused once they arrived outside of a fairly small wooden barn, finally saying in an overly calm voice: "You worry too much, Artsy."
Artie frowned, causing Eros to grin - a goofy, sideways tug of the lips. "Come on, live a little! Trust me," Eros added, opening the barn door with one hand while he offered her the other to help her up onto the Aethonan inside.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Open Your Eyes ღ All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you
My bones ache, my skin feels cold
And I'm getting so tired and so old
He was gone.
Eros was gone, and he was never coming back.
Artemis felt sick, beyond anything she had ever felt before or imagined possible. Her body shook from quiet sobs, though on the inside she had long since fallen apart. Sitting alone in an empty train compartment, curled up with her arms around her knees, the eighteen-year-old was able to mourn the loss of her best friend privately - without anyone hovering, or asking if she was okay.
She was not okay.
How could she ever be okay?
Pressing her face against the cool window, Artemis closed her eyes.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Show You ღ You can’t walk the streets at night
You're way too short to get on this ride
No I'm not, no I'm not, they're tryna tell me that I
I gotta be home when the street lights glow?
You can’t watch your TV show
I will watch what I wanna watch
No, won’t listen to you, do what I wanna do
Cheeks flushed in frustration and hands on her hips in a way that made her look even more like her mother, eight-year-old Callidora found herself staring at her aunt's back, blue-green eyes narrowed in a nasty little look that could easily be used to describe how the young girl currently felt about her guardian.
"Mum ALWAYS let's me-"
Calliope sighed heavily and turned abruptly on her heels to stare down her niece, whom had smartly wiped the former expression of dislike from her face. "I do not care. Your mother is not here, Callidora. I'm in charge, I said no."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Photograph ღ We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen still
Callidora remembered the day so clearly, so vividly - Sitting in a cafe in Muggle London, watching the blonde wipe down the table nearest her. How was it that she had fallen for him, a simple college boy - an actual muggle. The corners of her lips twitched upward, gently holding the framed, still photograph in one hand.
The couple within the photo smiled for the camera, the man's arms wrapped around the dark haired woman from behind. They looked happy. She looked happy.
In truth, it wasn't long before Callie had come to realize James was anything but simple.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
The Finish Line ღ I feel like I am watching everything from space
And in a minute I'll hear my name and I'll wake
I think the finish line's a good place we could start
Take a deep breath, take in all that you could want
Breathe in, breathe out.
Standing off to the side, Callidora let her black hair fall into her face, hiding herself from the world, as if no one would notice the tears sliding down her paled cheeks. Chances were, no one would notice. They were all crying, too.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Numb, that was the only way to describe how she felt. Numb. One hand rest over her stomach, still tiny and flat for the time being.
"We're here today, to say goodbye to James Martin-"
Breathe in, breathe out.
Dora heard nothing else, the world itself was tuned out.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Life Of The Party ღ Together we can just let go
Pretend like there’s no one else here that we know
Slow dance fall in love as the club track plays
We don’t care what them people say
"Eros.." Artemis protested, her voice soft. "I think this is the type of dance you bring a date to, not your best friend."
Taking a moment to stop where they were outside of the entrance hall, the fourteen-year-old considered the words that hung in the air between them as the brunette beside him stood awkwardly in her long blue gown, teetering on those heels girls always subjected themselves to - but not Artie, not usually.
"It may be, yeah. But who says we can't go as friends?"
"People will talk."
"Let them." Eros grinned, and offered his hand once more.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Free To Be Me ღ When I was just a girl
I thought I had it figured out
My life would turn out right
And I'd make it here somehow
But things don't always come that easy Eros&Artie, 2061.
From where she was on Eros' back, Artemis felt tall, like if she just reached far enough she could touch any tree branch they passed by, though there wasn't many. He seemed to be avoiding large, solid objects as he sped up a bit from their slow journey through the grounds, and spun her around wildly all of a sudden - causing a shriek to escape the brunette. He grinned at the laughter that followed.
"What do you suppose is next?" Artemis asked suddenly, without elaborating. Graduation was right around the corner.
"Our next adventure, of course." Eros answered, happily.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.