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| Unfinished Box of Beans A box of unfinished drabble threads that didn't reach their SS100, SS50, or SS25 target but remain a fun read nonetheless. | 
03-01-2012, 04:05 AM
| | 100 Tales of the Original Mother Lion by Chris - Sa13+  {Banner made by cake.ninjak} Hey guys! So my name is Chris and I am going to attempt to make 100 Drabbles of everyone's favorite Gryffindor Head of House and perhaps witch in all of the Harry Potter world--Minerva McGonagall. From her early years as the daughter of a preacher, her adventures as a student at Hogwarts, and the woman we know as a Professor come with me as I let you all in on small windows of her amazing life.
And never forget, I didn't create the characters in these short stories, J.K. Rowling and her brilliant mind was able to come up with this magical world and all those who inhabit it. (Things to do with McGonagall)
1. Herbology 2. Muggle Studies 3. Transfiguration 4. Ancient Runes 5. Astronomy 6. Divination 7. Care of Magical Creatures 8. Potions 9. Defense Against the Dark Arts 10. Arithmancy 11. History of Magic 12. Charms 13. Quidditch 14. Hogwarts, A History 15. Room16. Dragonhide gloves 17. Cauldron 18. Whomping Willow 19. Wand 20. Hogsmeade 21. Veela 22. Kneazle 23. Telescope 24. House elf 25. Sorting Hat 26. Quill 27. Owl 28. Timeturner 29. Pensieve 30. Feast 31. Dress robes 32. Common room 33. Classroom 34. Parseltongue 35. Pureblood 36. Muggle 37. Animagus 38. Patronus 39. Duel 40. Spell 41. Thestrals 42. Portraits 43. Headmaster 44. Ford Anglia 45. Licorice Wand 46. Dungeon 47. Portkey 48. Leprechaun 49. Yule Ball 50. Boggart 51. Act 52. Bore 53. Chase 54. Dare 55. Egg on 56. Fight 57. Goblin 58. Hoot 59. Ignore 60. Joke 61. Kiss 62. Amortentia 63. Mooch 64. Nap 65. Ooze 66. Pace 67. Quell 68. Roar 69. Slap 70. Spook 71. Untie 72. Vex 73. Warn 74. X-tinguish 75. Yodel 76. Zap 77. Cheerful 78. author's choice 79. author's choice 80. author's choice 81. Depression 82. Careful 83. Fearful 84. Angry 85. Snappish 86. Daring 87. Staircase 88. Sweet Tooth 89. Past 90. Present 91. Future 92. Chocolate 93. Chicken 94. Allergic 95. Snowball 96. Socks 97. Dictionary 98. Pajamas 99. Trunk 100. Homework
*Please NOTE: Some of the information about McGonagall's past has been taken from J.K. Rowling's extra notes on Pottermore, so read at your own risk.
----------------------- 58. Hoot
It was late even for adults but that didn’t keep the young brunette girl from sitting by her window in her dressing gown, staring into the night. She wondered to herself if perhaps the owl had gotten lost, for her family didn’t get post from the expected sender often, if ever.
The night progressed and the young girl began to doze off. Then after a few hours had passed, Minerva was awakened by a soft ‘Hoot!’ and a tap on her frosted window. Her breath caught in her lungs as she removed the letter with the Hogwarts seal upon it. |
03-01-2012, 04:36 AM
#2 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 60. Joke
The dust particles swirled around in the sunlight streaming down upon the Headmistress’s desk where its owner sat with the chair turned the opposite direction, facing the wall directly behind it.
“Albus, I miss you so very much sometimes. I don’t know how you could manage all of this alone.”
The wise looking man in the picture chuckled and peered over his crescent-shaped bifocals at her, and then spoke. “Minerva, dear, one does not give away all of their secrets, but nonetheless you should probably check the closet over there and feed those eager Hufflepuffs who loved to help out.”
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03-01-2012, 05:57 AM
#3 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 55. Egg on
The sky was blue and clear, the weather was warm, and only a slight breeze—perfect weather for the first Quidditch match of the term. All these things were only a fraction of the thoughts passing through the Gryffindor Head of House’s mind today. Harry Potter was now on their team.
Finding her seat in the teacher’s box by the commentator’s podium, Minerva nodded at her colleague Severus, who was sitting just down the bench.
“I hope you’ve noticed who I discovered the other day for the Lions. It shall be nice to see if your team can handle him.”
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03-01-2012, 06:05 PM
#4 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 29. Pensieve
She was drinking lemonade on the porch of his family’s farm....They were walking down a long and quiet lane in the hot summer afternoon.
Suddenly the scene changed again and an eighteen year old Minerva was standing in a field with Dougal McGregor, and he was on one knee. An exclamation, and then they were both kissing.
Again smoke rose and the scene changed for the last time. She was at the McGregor household and she had to lie and say she was no longer interested.
The visions ended and a much older McGonagall wiped a tear from her cheek.
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03-01-2012, 09:10 PM
#5 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 82. Careful
The boy was taking a long time to come to her office. Minerva looked up kindly as the door opened and the second year Remus Lupin entered, looking more tired than usual, but still a small smile.
“Come on in, Mr. Lupin. Please take a biscuit.” She said holding the tin of gingersnaps for him to take.
He didn’t take one.
“Professor Dumbledore has informed me of your new monthly arrangements; I just want to warn you to be careful when leaving at night. However, if Mr. Filch catches you send him my way.” Minerva grinned warmly at the boy.
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03-02-2012, 04:38 AM
#6 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 11. History of Magic
Minerva dreaded May because she had to meet with her sixth year students and go through which subjects they would be perusing for their NEWTs. It wasn’t dull work it was just that they were so…opinionated.
In walked Ronald Weasley, the comical yet sometimes dim friend of Harry Potter, and she shook her head slowly as he entered and began to eat one of her biscuits without asking.
“I want to drop History of Magic, I did horrible on my OWLs and Hermione always did my homework anyways--.”
She pursed her lips and crossed that subject from the list.
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03-07-2012, 12:45 AM
#7 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 17. Cauldron
Much unlike her friend Pomona promised, Minerva was still horrible at potions going into her fifth year at Hogwarts. The professor was kind enough, always offering to tutor her in between lessons but really the newly appointed Prefect just wanted to pass her OWLs and then make it through another two terms when she would finally finish.
Today’s task was to brew the Draught of Living Death which Minerva personally thought drinking the stuff would be more fun than actually coming to these lessons. After she was practically finished she found out her cauldron hadn’t even been cleaned properly.
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03-16-2012, 11:41 PM
#8 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 18. Parseltongue
“Honestly, don’t the youth remember that Gamp had five laws of Elementary Transfiguration?” Minerva pursed her lips as she used her quill to correct the daft wizard’s article in this month’s issue of Transfiguration Today.
A moment later the door to the Staff Room slammed open, causing her to jump slightly, and Severus Snape came hurriedly into the room. “Minerva, Potter has a… unique ability we all just witnessed.” He hissed, his face pale.
“Severus, please, Potter’s ability to land himself into trouble in each of your lessons has ceased to call for my attention.”
“No, Potter can speak Parseltongue.”
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03-17-2012, 12:41 AM
#9 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 85. Snappish
They were studying Bowtruckles in Care of Magical Creatures today? A third year Minerva looked from her Professor to Pomona and giggled. She had always found the creatures cute, despite their territorial nature. The girls partnered up as usual, the older girl holding the creature’s branch like arms still while the younger quickly sketched it.
One of the students making up a pair of Hufflepuff boys who were working beside them shouted loudly and clutched his nose.
“Maybe you shouldn’t taunt him, Phillip.” Served him right.
“Hey, don’t get snappish at me!” he spat back, trying to staunch the blood.
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03-18-2012, 04:42 AM
#10 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 44. Ford Anglia
Knock knock.
Minerva found herself on the front stoop of the Weasley’s home, the Burrow, with a crises on her hands. After a few minutes of waiting, Mrs. Weasley answered the door donned in an pink flannel apron.
“So sorry to bother you this early Molly, but is Arthur home?”
The auburn headed woman grinned at the sight of the Hogwarts Headmistress but then shook her head with a sigh. “No. I’m sorry to say he’s already headed off to the Ministry dear.”
“No matter, will you please ask him if there’s anything we can do about his old car? It’s scaring the newborn unicorns.”
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03-20-2012, 05:28 AM
#11 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 37. Animagus
Today was the day.
Minerva had worked so hard during the last few months of her seventh year and now it was April and she found herself in the Owlery with a letter clutched to her chest. She had spent a few hours after dinner going over all she had learned again and then filling out the Animagus Registry form with Professor Dumbledore, her Transfiguration teacher.
She tied the form to her owl’s leg and then released it into the night. She couldn’t wait to hear back from them and be able to take advantage of all her hard work.
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03-22-2012, 03:03 AM
#12 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 64. Nap
“And this incantation matched with immense concentration will allow you to transfigure your nose into any form of nose you can think of, including cross species.” McGonagall finished speaking and then faced the class.
“You may begin practicing.” She started to walk around the classroom to see their progress when she came to a table with a messy head of jet black hair laying on the desk—the boy fast asleep. “Mr. Potter.” She said, annoyed. She repeated herself and when he didn’t respond she pulled out her wand and doused him with water, waking James Potter from his nap.
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03-22-2012, 03:23 AM
#13 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 70. Spook
It happened again. Minerva was in the Hogwarts staff room when the door burst open and another Professor entered with no discretion for those already in there trying to relax between hosting double transfiguration lessons between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins. This time Dolores Umbridge was the culprit and she was blabbering on about an apparent attack on her life by some unknown students who had put a tiny Niffler in her office.
“It nearly mauled my fingers off!” screeched the red-faced ministry official who called herself an educator.
McGonagall had a hard time keeping herself from actually giggling.
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03-22-2012, 04:05 AM
#14 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 10. Arithmancy
Minerva had been stressing herself out over the schedule of a third year girl of her house for the past week as she continued to add, then drop, then add again different classes to take on this term. After a long day of paperwork and waiting at the Ministry of Magic and some very confusing corridors in the Department of Mysteries, she was ready to meet with Hermione Granger to solve this predicament.
“Miss Granger since you have decided not to drop Arithmancy from your desired schedule, you will need to use this.” She handed her the golden time-turner.
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03-27-2012, 08:40 PM
#15 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 80. Question (Author's Choice)
Minerva loved her new teaching position at Hogwarts immensely yet she did miss some of her colleagues from her old job at the Ministry. Perhaps the one she missed the most was her former boss Elphinstone Urquart.
They had met here and there; having dinner at least once a week and one day she received an owl asking for her to meet him at Madame Puddifoot’s in Hogsmeade. Thinking nothing of it she showed up.
They shared a nice lunch as usual but then he pulled out a ring.
“Elphinstone…I c-can’t.” Minerva whispered sadly, she still had feelings for Dougal.
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03-28-2012, 03:53 PM
#16 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 9. Defense Against the Dark Arts
Another term gone. Minerva was finishing her lesson plans one evening when Madam Pomfrey entered her office. The school nurse had gained a reputation among the staff as a bit of a gossip but McGonagall didn’t mind the woman, she was always very respectful and a nice lunch partner. Although no personal issues were ever disclosed.
“Did you hear who the Headmaster has hired to teach Defense this year?”
“Of course Poppy, do you forget I am the deputy?” She said tartly. She had no quarrel with her, just…him.
“I’m sorry Minerva; it’s just that Gilderoy is such a dream-boat.”
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03-29-2012, 01:34 AM
#17 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 22. Kneazle
The Transfiguration Professor, like so many of the students at the school had decided to visit family during the winter holidays and today found herself outside the snowy cottage of Isobel and Robert McGonagall Jr. the youngest of her little brothers.
After Christmas dinner was through and everyone was seated around the tree, she knew it was time to give her big gift.
“Cassandra dear, why don’t you come sit with me.” She said to her niece and pointed to a chair. She flicked her wand towards the other room.
A cage floated in, releasing a baby Kneazle.
“Happy Christmas!”
Last edited by PadfootAndTheWolf; 03-29-2012 at 02:18 AM.
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03-29-2012, 02:10 AM
#18 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 13. Quidditch
They had to beat Slytherin!
Minerva, in her scarlet Quidditch robes, walked onto the pitch with her teammates and took to the sky amid cheers and boos from the stands. Today’s championship match was between house rivals Gryffindor and Slytherin.
Gryffindor was up 70 to 50 and Minerva had the Quaffle. She was zooming down the pitch, in out of players, nearing the hoops…
A slytherin beater slammed into her side, pushing her into the center goal post.
They lost, creating a need to destroy Slytherin at Quidditch in the seventh year’s mind for the rest of her life.
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04-06-2012, 09:58 PM
#19 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 71. Vex
Here she was, just like Dumbledore had asked her to be.
All day she had sat on this fence and even though Minerva was in her cat animagus form, that didn’t stop her stone perch from causing her discomfort. While the rest of the Wizarding World was out celebrating, many of them fools like whoever had caused the shooting stars seen over Britol, but Minerva was studying a Muggle family all day.
Just as her thoughts had strayed, the muggle woman had walked into view from the kitchen window and began to feed the large baby in his high chair.
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04-07-2012, 11:47 PM
#20 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 15. Room
Nicholas Flamel had entrusted the Sorcerer’s Stone with Albus after He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had fallen which meant, that because Minerva was Hogwarts staff, she was enlisted to help make the system to protect it.
When she was first approached with the task and lead into the empty chamber-like room, she was at a loss as for what to conjure up but after she had passed a few first years in the Great Hall playing Wizard’s Chess, she was…inspired.
After many late nights of extensive transfiguration and enlarging work, the room she had been given to block an intruder’s path was finished.
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04-08-2012, 12:06 AM
#21 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 84. Angry
They had to defend the Castle and most of all she had to keep Harry from going to meet, she could do this, she knew his name, Voldemort. The foul man had threatened them once more after his first assault on the Castle and now she had a hall full of frightened children to protect.
Then an unwelcome suggestion was made.
That insufferable Parkinson girl.
Minerva’s veins filled with fire and her glare was so severe it was a wonder she hadn’t hexed the brat right there. That was it; she had had it with Slytherin House’s attitude towards everything.
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05-01-2012, 02:21 AM
#22 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 89. Past
Helping Sybil into the Entrance Hall from the Courtyard full of students and that horrible woman and getting her to a private place was the only thing on Minvera’s mind. And the crying woman beside her was the only reason she hadn’t turned around and hexed that old toad Umbridge right then.
Instead of taking the Divination Professor back up to her office or into the tower the lady’s classroom was in, they stopped in the Staff room.
After they talked some in order to calm him down, Minerva quietly admitted she partially disliked Divination only because of her past.
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06-04-2012, 09:27 PM
#23 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 32. Common Room
Minerva really didn’t want to have to make this announcement but since Albus had already cancelled the day’s Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff she had nothing to keep her from doing so. After she had found Potter and Weasley and told them about Miss Granger being attacked that morning in the Library she made sure to round up all of her Lions and now she was speaking to them, her voice thick with concern. “You will all be escorted to your lessons by a Professor and there is to be no one out of the Common Room after 6 pm, no exceptions. If anyone is caught breaking these rules, punishments will be far more severe than usual.” |
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07-05-2012, 05:41 PM
#24 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 48. Leprechaun
Gold coins and more gold coins.
Minerva had found a bag of Galleons on her way to her office after a Transfiguration lesson with her Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs and was sure it belonged to one of them so she was going to hold onto it until their next lesson to return it.
Just as she had picked it up a tiny figure came darting down the corridor towards her. “Give me back me coin, dearie!” The Leprechaun shouted as he grabbed the money bag.
The young Minerva shrieked as the thing ran off giggling, Professor Binns chasing after it.
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05-20-2013, 09:05 PM
#25 (permalink)
| Bicorn
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: On SS of course!
Posts: 16,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kiera Burton
| Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher 28. Time Turner (Chosen by THE Govani)
“What in Merlin’s beard am I to do in here?” Minerva was currently in an absurd circular room with doors that all looked the same in the Department of Mysteries. All she wanted to do was retrieve a time-turner for one of her Gryffindors who was hoping to take on a gargantuan course load this term.
The secretary hadn't told her which door to enter. You’d think they would have given her a guide rather than allow her to wonder around— wasn't this rubbish supposed to be secret?
Finally she decided to pick a door.
The time room really did tick.
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