Banner made by: ME! DISCLAIMER: I (THE Govoni) do NOT own any of the Harry Potter content that might be displayed in these drabbles. I am NOT using these writings as means for profit or personal benefit. They are simply for the entertainment of SnitchSeeker members.
Harry Potter is the exclusive property of one, J.K.Rowling! ___________________________________ Author’s Choice
December had arrived and with it the chilling cold that one usually associates with winter. This did not deter Blaise Zabini, however. While most of his classmates were inside the castle enjoying hot cocoa and cozy rooms, he could be found outside…
…Behind the Pumpkin patch…
eating one.
His behavior had always been questionable. Draco Malfoy, his best friend and fellow Slytherin, had commented more than once that Blaise was allowing himself to stick out too much…
It was touching that Malfoy cared,
really…but he was in the same boat.
Being Slytherin Princes didn’t allow them the luxury of blending in...