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Unfinished Box of Beans A box of unfinished drabble threads that didn't reach their SS100, SS50, or SS25 target but remain a fun read nonetheless.

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Old 02-20-2010, 03:41 AM
Siriusly Moony Siriusly Moony is offline
Default 100 Drabbles for The Ginger Weaselbees by Jack Mannequin - Sa13+

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Hello to all you fellow writers. Here is my first try at drabbles and I thought I'd start off for the wonderful, amazing Weasley Family.

As you all know, J.K. Rowling owns the rights to the characters of Harry Potter and Co. I am simply here to express my own creativity with the storylines she's created for them.

And please PM/VM with your comments, suggestions, and requests for a specific number. Each one will be slashed through and colored yellow when completed. Links to each drabble are on the slashed through ones.

1. Herbology
2. Muggle Studies
3. Transfiguration
4. Ancient Runes
5. Astronomy
6. Divination
7. Care of Magical Creatures
8. Potions
9. Defence Against the Dark Arts
10. Arithmancy
11. History of Magic
12. Charms
13. Quidditch
14. Hogwarts, A History
15. Room
16. Dragonhide gloves
17. Cauldron
18. Whomping Willow
19. Wand
20. Hogsmeade
21. Veela
22. Kneazle
23. Telescope
24. House elf
25. Sorting Hat
26. Quill
27. Owl
28. Timeturner
29. Pensieve
30. Feast
31. Dress robes
32. Common room
33. Classroom
34. Parseltongue
35. Pureblood
36. Muggle
37. Animagus
38. Patronus
39. Duel
40. Spell
41. Thestrals
42. Portraits
43. Headmaster
44. Ford Anglia
45. Torch
46. Dungeon
47. Portkey
48. Leprechaun
49. Yule Ball
50. Boggart
51. Act
52. Bore
53. Chase
54. Dare
55. Egg on
56. Fight
57. Gape
58. Hoot
59. Ignore
60. Joke
61. Kiss
62. Lope
63. Mooch
64. Nap
65. Ooze
66. Pace
67. Quell
68. Roar
69. Slap
70. Teem
71. Untie
72. Vex
73. Warn
74. Extinguish
75. Yodel
76. Zap
77. Cheerful
78. author's choice: SLAM
79. author's choice
80. author's choice
81. Depression
82. Careful
83. Fearful
84. Angry
85. Snappish
86. Daring
87. Plaid
88. Sweet Tooth
89. Past
90. Present
91. Future
92. Chocolate
93. Chicken
94. Allergic
95. Snowball
96. Socks
97. Dictionary
98. Pyjamas
99. Newspaper
100. Homework

71. Untie [Hey We're The Monkees]

Fred, George and their best mate Lee Jordan were all walking in the hallway just behind a group of Slytherins.

“Oi, you two watch this.” Fred said pulling out his wand with an evil grin on his face.

With a silent flick of his wand, the redheaded boy caused each of the Slytherin boys to fall to the floor as if they had tripped over untied shoelaces.

Mirthless laughter filled the hallway as students walked by the four boys looking around the hallway in confusion. The three friends walked by with rather cocky expressions on their mugs.

Isn’t pranking fun?

Thanks to Jools {HannahLongbottom} for helping me get started with all this
Old 02-28-2010, 03:31 AM   #26 (permalink)
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67. Quell [I Will Wash Away Your Pain]

“Mom…” Bill said in a hoarse voice as he lay in one of the beds of the Hospital Wing. His face was burning, stinging and he just wanted some sort of potion to quell the pain.

“I’m here Billy.” Molly Weasley said, white-faced, taking a cold wash cloth and pressing it to her eldest son’s forehead.

“Gimme ze cloth!” Fleur demanded of the older woman and Molly looked up at the young woman flabbergasted.

“’E is my fiance, and I want to be the one to quell ‘is discomfort." The blonde explained as Molly handed her the cloth.

Molly nodded.
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:08 AM   #27 (permalink)
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2. Muggle Studies [Young Love is In the Air]

“Artie?” a young Molly Prewett asked as she sat next to the handsome red headed boy in her Muggle Studies class.

“Y-yes Molly?” the boy asked nervously taking his eyes away from the reading about ekectricity (electricity).

“I was just wondering if you’d fancy studying with me for the exam. I don’t exactly get the whole concept of these telly-visions and since you’re so good at this subject…” her voice trailed off as she blushed.

Arthur’s coloring turned the same as Molly’s and he smiled up at the girl.

“You think I’m good at Muggle Studies?” he asked.

“You bet.”
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Old 02-28-2010, 02:44 PM   #28 (permalink)
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78. Author's Choice: SLAM [Family Trait]


“Whatcha dooooin’?” the six year old Ginny asked her elder brother Bill as he sat at his desk.

Bill turned around and replied, “Arithmancy homework that’s do when I get back to Hogwarts, now please be quiet Gin, I need to concentrate.”

Ginny happily walked out of the room of her older brother.


Bill growled in frustration at his youngest sibling’s insistent slamming of doors as she entered or exited a room.


“For the love Merlin! Ginny, bloody leave me alone!!” Bill turned, his mouth dropping open.

Molly crossed her arms and waited for a good explanation.
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:57 PM   #29 (permalink)
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60. Joke [Learn the Difference Between Funny and Cruel]

“Ouch..Mum! Don’t you understand it was just a joke!” Fred insisted, grimacing as his mother held him and his twin firmly by the ears.

“I don’t see how turning your brother’s teddy bear into a giant spider is funny, Fred! The boy will be scarred for life.” Molly said as she sat both of the boys down in front of her.

“We were just trying to have a little fun. What’s life without a laugh?” George asked giving his mom a cheeky grin.

Molly sighed, “You can continue on with your jokes, but actually make them funny and not harmful.”
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:09 PM   #30 (permalink)
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29. Pensieve [Curious Minds]

“Mummy could we get a Pensieve?” a squat four-eyed looking Percy Weasley asked as they walked through Diagon Alley getting supplies for his older brothers Charlie and Bill. The boy always seemed fascinated with such magical tools.

“No Perce, we don’t have enough money and besides why would you need a Pensieve?”

“I got lots of memories to store” The young boy said shrugging his shoulders.

Charlie let out a roarous laughter at the boy’s response and Percy scowled.

“Percy, you’re only four years old what sort of memories could you have to possibly store other than you pooping constantly?”
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Old 03-10-2010, 02:03 PM   #31 (permalink)
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7. Care of Magical Creatures [I Have a Dream]

“Now class, please pay attention!” Professor Kettleburn called out as he looked over the heads of the fifth years. He smiled kindly at one eager looking red head, and probably the best student in the class.

Charlie looked into the distance to see the unicorn that was standing serenely in the glade with its two little ones. He stared at them breathlessly and then a flicker of joy spread from his eyes and all through his body.

“…now they like girls best…” Kettleburn was explaining.

Charlie sighed watching the girls approach the majestic beasts.

‘This is definitely my dream job’
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:34 PM   #32 (permalink)
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35. Pureblood [Noble and Divine are We]

“Mummy?” the red headed boy asked as they walked through a Muggle street in London.

“Yes William, what is it?” Molly Weasley asked her eldest child.

“Why does everyone poke fun at me because I’m a pureblood and I’m in Gryffindor?”

The woman sighed, knowing that this day would come, when she would have to explain to her children that they were considered blood traitors.

Bending down to the boy’s height she held him firmly.

“Listen here William, don’t pay those people mind. You are a Weasley and that all that matters.”

Bill smiled brightly and hugged his mother firmly.
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Old 04-21-2010, 11:32 PM   #33 (permalink)
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26. Quills [They Just Keep Falling On My Head]

Molly Weasley searched through all the quills in the house confused how she couldn’t seem to find at least one to write Aunt Muriel an apology letter for how the twins acted at Christmas..again.

Sighing she called up the stairs, “Children? Does anyone have a quill for Mummy to borrow?" She heard as doors opened and closed. The redhead woman squinted as white things seemed to be falling from up above like misshapen snowflakes.

Quills littered the ground around Molly and she rolled her eyes.

“Thanks you lot!” she called up, picking up a quill and heading to the kitchen.
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Old 06-10-2010, 12:48 PM   #34 (permalink)
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27. Owl [Faithful Yet Broken]

“Mum we seriously need another owl.” Ginny said, wincing as Errol ran into the window…again as he delivered the daily post.

Mrs Weasley glanced over to make sure that the bird was alright and sighed in relief as he hopped up, shaking his head and adjusting his stance from left to right.

“Well maybe next term we’ll get one.” The elder female Weasley responded busying herself with the dishes. Money had always been tight in this family but it was true, they needed a dependable way of owl communication.

Poor Errol, so faithful all these years but just so old.
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Old 06-21-2010, 02:58 PM   #35 (permalink)
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3. Transfiguration [Sleeping the Day Away]

George Weasley had his head in his hand was snoring every so often while he was experiencing a dreadfully dull Transfiguration lesson.

His brother sat next to him and would make a small yipping noise after each of his twin’s snores.

Professor Flitwick walked into the classroom, set on talking to Minerva for a few moments and paused at the slumbering red heads.

“It’s funny.” The elderly man squeaked. “It’s Fred doing the snoring and George the yipping in my class.”

“Misters Weasley!” McGonagall shouted and the pair looked from each teacher.

“Which class did we sleep through then eh?”

ooc: if you know of Boy Meets World. This'll make a lot more sense.
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Old 06-21-2010, 04:43 PM   #36 (permalink)
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4. Ancient Runes [Future Decisions]

“Y’know you really should do Ancient Runes, Ron. The Ministry loves to see when new employees take PRACTICAL classes.” Percy said as he glanced down the list of classes that his younger brother was thinking of taking.

“No one asked your opinion Pinhead Percy.” The young Weasley said under his breath. Harry caught the comment and chuckled but Hermione just scowled.

“Percy’s right Ronald, you really should take something other than Divination.”

Ron blinked and then looked down at the paper in front of him. He circled the classes he wanted and folded it up.

“Guess we’ll see next year.”

Last edited by Siriusly Moony; 06-21-2010 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 06-21-2010, 08:30 PM   #37 (permalink)
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5. Astronomy [The Stars Lean Down to Kiss You]

Ginny Weasley looked up at the stars as she looked for Mars to label on her chart. This was probably one of her favorite classes solely because it was like looking up at an everchanging mural. Her eyes widened as she saw a shooting star pass over their heads.

Other students gasped in awe and one student called out that they should make a wish.

There was so much for Ginny to wish for. True love. Wealth. Good grades for the exams.

‘I wish that the world could be as simple as staring up at the stars.’ She thought, smiling.
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Old 06-21-2010, 10:14 PM   #38 (permalink)
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6. Divination [Look Into the Eye of Your Mind]

The overpowering smell of incense filled Ron’s nostrils and caused his eyes to water just so. Glancing around the room he could see that their professor seemed to like drape-y things.

The air was stuffy in the early autumn day and he wondered how someone could possibly get any work done up here without falling asleep all the time.

“Welcome young Seers to the art of Divination!”

A bat-like old woman came from behind a high backed plush chair and caused a few people to jump back in surprise, Ron included.

Perhaps Percy and Hermione had been right all along.
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Old 06-21-2010, 10:40 PM   #39 (permalink)
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8. Potions [Together We'll Be, Forever You'll See]

Fred glanced over to Professor Snape who had his head turned to look at one of his precious Slytherin’s potions. Quickly he flicked a note at Angelina Johnson and he smiled evilly before the expression was wiped off his face and he saw Snape levitating the piece of paper towards him.

Unfolding it, Fred felt his face starting to turn red out of anger and embarrassment.

The dark haired man scanned down the paper and crumpled in disgust.

“Detention to you Mister Weasley, and you Miss Johnson.”

“What for?!” Angelina protested.

“For sheer moral indecency in my classroom.” He retorted.
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Old 06-21-2010, 10:52 PM   #40 (permalink)
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9. Defence Against the Dark Arts [So Scared To Look At You]

Ron was shaking with fear as he left Professor Lupin’s classroom. Everyone around him was laughing and he still couldn’t get the image of the giant spider out of his head. Sure, there had been roller skates on its feet, but the eight giant beady eyes still frightened the living day lights out of him.

“Ron you okay? You’re a bit green.” Hermione asked, touching his arm out of concern.

The young boy flinched and then relaxed a little.

“Yeah, that was just a difficult class for me.”

“I understand completely. I could hardly withstand McGonagall with a failing grade.”
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Old 08-16-2010, 02:47 PM   #41 (permalink)
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10. Arithmancy [Causing Headaches 1051]

“For the last time, I do not want to take Arithmancy!” Ron shouted at his older brother Percy who had just given him and entire lecture of how it would benefit him.

Even the word made Ron’s head hurt, and his entire family, save the twins and Ginny who were the only reasonable ones in the family in this instance, had been on his back to take this course for his fourth year.

“But Ron, this will get you a better job in the future.” Percy insisted.

“Listen, I’m not Hermione. I don’t need a constant headache. Go annoy her.”
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:36 PM   #42 (permalink)
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11. History of Magic [Falling Asleep on the Job]

“And the giant wars…” Professor Binns droned on.

Meanwhile his class was suffering in the summer heat including Fred and George Weasley who were currently leaning on each other in a subconscious stupor.

Angelina Johnson poked Fred awake, who then knocked his head with George who yelped and fell out of his chair.

The class looked around in all the commotion and broke into a round of snickers that even caught their teacher’s attention.

“Mr. Wilkies, please return to your seat so that you can take more notes on the giant wars of 1814.”

“Yes professor.” George said shoving Fred.
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Old 08-23-2010, 03:18 PM   #43 (permalink)
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12. Charms [Boom Goes the Dynamite]


Ron ducked out of the way as a fireball flew past his head. Looking up he saw Seamus standing there flabbergasted, his face blacked out by all the smoke that had blew up in front of him.

Letting out a weak laugh, Ron checked to make sure his hair wasn’t burning.
“Blimey mate, that always seems to happen to you doesn’t it?” he questioned the boy before settling down in his chair again.

Seamus nodded silently.

Professor Flitwick went over to scold Seamus about the proper use of magic in his classroom.

Just a normal day in Charms class.
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Old 08-23-2010, 03:30 PM   #44 (permalink)
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15. Room [Timeless Treasure]

Being a twin in the Weasley household could sometimes be a household. Fred and George had to share everything, including a room.

When they were younger it was probably worse because they’d fight a lot more. But as they grew older, the twins began to like each other more.

And now George walked stood in the doorway of his old bedroom and just stared inside. Everything looked exactly the same as it had the year they had left Hogwarts at 16. But now, Fred was gone forever.

The room was timeless. Keeping alive the childhood George thrived to relive again.
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Old 08-23-2010, 03:43 PM   #45 (permalink)
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16. Dragonhide Gloves [A Proud Moment]

Charlie Weasley opened the package that the family owl Errol dropped off that morning at breakfast.

Inside was a pair of one of the finest looking dragonhide gloves that he had ever seen. A smile broke out on his face as he tried them on, stretching out his fingers and making a fist.

Looking to a letter that had fallen out of the package, Charlie read;

We’re so proud of you and all your hard work.
Love you always,
Mom and Dad.'

Charlie smiled to himself, and was happy for the present that he had worked so hard for.
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Old 08-23-2010, 03:57 PM   #46 (permalink)
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17. Cauldron [More Trouble than Helpful]

Ron kicked at the cauldron at his feet and then grimaced when he felt his toe throbbing. Like everything else he owned, the cauldron was a hand-me-down and in all honesty, it didn’t work well at all.

Professor Snape walked by and gave Ron a sneering look.

“Problem, Weasley?”

“No, Professor.” Ron replied as he hurriedly began to add ingredients to his potion to try and salvage it as best as he could.

Snape continued to watch him for a few moments before moving onto his next and favorite victim, Neville.

Ron sighed in relief and kicked his cauldron again.

Last edited by Siriusly Moony; 08-23-2010 at 04:11 PM.
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Old 08-23-2010, 04:10 PM   #47 (permalink)
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20. Hogsmeade [A Day of Mischief]

“Alright then Fred and George, what sort of havoc are we going to be doing today?” the twins’ best friend Lee Jordan asked with excitement. It was finally spring, and there were a lot of couples walking around all googly-eyed.

Fred and George looked at each other and then to their best friend.

“Zonkos.” The pair said in unison.

Zonko’s Joke Shoppe was the epicenter of the Weasley twins’ mischief. They were going to collect a few things and then throw them at the various couples throughout Hogsmeade.

Lee Jordan grinned and followed Fred and George into the shoppe, quickly.
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Old 09-29-2010, 06:33 PM   #48 (permalink)
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23. Telescope [New and Wondrous Discoveries]

“Right we need a telescope, the bruise paste, and one of Ginny’s dolls.” Fred said, while George started making a list.


“So we can install one of the arms into the telescope so that when you hit the button it will punch the person in the face, and plastic does hurt.”

“It stinks not being able to do magic and making it feel like a real person punching you instead.”

Fred thought for a moment.

“We’ll have to discuss with Lee at school but I think that that might just work.”

George then threw the telescope in his trunk.
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Old 09-29-2010, 06:56 PM   #49 (permalink)
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24. House Elf [Friends Help Friends, Right?]

“I’m not learning how to knit Hermione.” Ron said, shaking his head furiously as his best friend held up knitting needles for him to take.

“Please Ron? It’s for S.P.E.W.” the girl said and then showed an example of her hat. “It’s not that hard.”

Ron shook his head and sat next to Ginny on the couch. “I’d rather have triple potions with the Slytherins than learn how to knit.”

His sister fell into a fit of giggles and Hermione scowled holding out the knitting needles for her.

“It’s for a good cause Gin.” Hermione insisted.

“No Hermione, I won’t.”
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