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Unfinished Box of Beans A box of unfinished drabble threads that didn't reach their SS100, SS50, or SS25 target but remain a fun read nonetheless.

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Old 07-16-2012, 05:36 PM
george is cool george is cool is offline
Default 100 Drabbles for a Slightly Insane Blonde Sa9+

100 Drabbles for a Slightly Insane Blonde

Hello! My name is Erin and these are my first drabbles. Ever. These drabbles about the lovely Luna will probably be at random times in the Hogwarts years, because I am not clever enough to do it in a smarter way.

SPOILER!!: Disclaimer
Disclaimer: I do not own Luna Lovegood. I do not own the Wizarding World. That pleasure goes to J.K Rowling. If I don't own any Harry Potter characters but I might occasionally make up a name or something.

SPOILER!!: PROMPTS!!! 23/100
1. Herbology 2. Muggle Studies 3. Transfiguration 4. Ancient Runes 5. Astronomy 6. Divination 7. Care of Magical Creatures 8. Potions 9. Defense Against the Dark Arts 10. Arithmancy 11. History of Magic 12. Charms 13. Quidditch 14. Hogwarts, A History 15. Room 16. Dragonhide gloves 17. Cauldron 18. Whomping Willow 19. Wand 20. Hogsmeade 21. Veela 22. Kneazle 23. Telescope 24. House elf 25. Sorting Hat 26. Quill 27. Owl 28. Timeturner 29. Pensieve 30. Feast 31. Dress robes 32. Common room 33. Classroom 34. Parseltongue 35. Pureblood 36. Muggle 37. Animagus 38. Patronus 39. Duel 40. Spell 41. Thestrals 42. Portraits 43. Headmaster 44. Ford Anglia 45. Licorice Wand 46. Dungeon 47. Portkey 48. Leprechaun 49. Yule Ball 50. Boggart 51. Act 52. Bore 53. Chase 54. Dare 55. Egg on 56. Fight 57. Goblin 58. Hoot 59. Ignore 60. Joke 61. Kiss 62. Amortentia 63. Mooch 64. Nap 65. Ooze 66. Pace 67. Quell 68. Roar 69. Slap 70. Spook 71. Untie 72. Vex 73. Warn 74. X-tinguish 75. Yodel 76. Zap 77. Cheerful 78. author's choice (Diagon Alley) 79. author's choice 80. author's choice 81. Depression 82. Careful 83. Fearful 84. Angry 85. Snappish 86. Daring 87. Staircase 88. Sweet Tooth 89. Past 90. Present 91. Future 92. Chocolate 93. Chicken 94. Allergic 95. Snowball 96. Socks 97. Dictionary 98. Pajamas 99. Trunk 100. Homework

94. Allergic

“Would you like a peppermint, Michael?” Luna asked the boy that sat opposite her on the Gryffindor table, where she sat with Ginny and a few others in her year. Ginny shot her a glare, but she ignored the girl and waited patiently for an answer. “They’re a muggle sweet!”

“I know. No thanks, I’m allergic,” Michel Corner replied, as Ginny gave her an I-told-you-so look. Wow, she really liked this boy, the blonde thought as Ginny flirted. He wasn’t even that good-looking, really. And didn’t Ginny Weasley have a crush on Harry Potter? It seemed pretty complicated to her.
Old 07-18-2012, 04:27 PM   #2 (permalink)
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78. Author's choice (Diagon Alley)

Luna smiled. It was two days before Christmas and she was in Diagon Alley with her father, doing a bit of last minute shopping. Her father was about to go into the bookstore and she was bored. “I’m just going to get an ice-cream!” she called to him, and hurried off in the direction of Florean’s, desperate to get out of the cold.

“Hot chocolate?” he asked her, but she shook her head and asked for an ice-cream. He goggled at her for a minute but, recognising her face, went to get the flavour she had requested (chocolate frog flavour).
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Old 07-18-2012, 04:34 PM   #3 (permalink)
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2. Muggle Studies

Luna’s eyes widened. Not having much communication with the muggle world, she had never heard any of their music. But in Muggle Studies, they were writing about the differences between wizard and muggle music. She had her’s all ready in her mind – Muggle music was good and wizard music terrible in comparison. Luna had always been a great fan of the weird sisters, but now she’d heard this masterpiece, this art, her taste had changed. She had already memorised the words to two of the songs, and her and Ginny were dancing. “Go One Direction!” she shouted, blasting a move.
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Old 07-18-2012, 04:56 PM   #4 (permalink)
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100. Homework

Homework was the very last thing Luna wanted to do right then. She had been busy helping in the greenhouses and therefore was very muddy. She wanted to have a shower and climb in her nice, warm bed, as it was nine o’clock by the time she had finished her dinner and owled her father.

But it was all just STARING at her. That Potions essay had to be done by tomorrow. Luna always managed to leave it until the last minute. She groaned. Stupid, stupid essay, which she hadn’t even looked at properly. It was still STARING at her.
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Old 07-18-2012, 06:51 PM   #5 (permalink)
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38. Patronus

Luna grinned. FINALLY, after years of practice, she had cast a corporal patronus, even if it was pretty hard to tell that it was a hare. It didn’t have a clear distinction about it, like all the others’ had. Harry could do one AGES ago, and here she was, struggling in seventh-year. Then again, he was an over-achiever.

If she squinted her blue eyes, Luna could just make out one sticky-up ear and one flat. It had big teeth too. She had been able to do a non-corporal patronus for a while, since Harry had taught her in the DA.
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:10 PM   #6 (permalink)
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90. Present

“What is the present?” Luna’s five year-old cousin asked her. “Is it like presents on my Birthday? I love those!”

“No, Millie,” Luna replied with a little giggle. “It means right now. We are in the present as we sit outside today.” Millie seemed to understand. Quite clever for a little kid.

“So the present changes every second?” she asked, a little puzzled.

“I suppose it’s like that.” She understood where Millie was going with it.

“So tomorrow isn’t the present, but will be tomorrow?” she asked, needing more information.

“That’s right.”

“Brilliant. Can we go and get pizza now?”

Last edited by george is cool; 07-29-2012 at 03:23 PM.
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Old 07-19-2012, 03:35 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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1. Herbology

Luna swatted the air. Nargles seemed to be everywhere today. It seemed they were attracted to the Greenhouse. But she tried to ignore them and turned her attention back to the mandrakes that the class were supposed to be working with. Ginny Weasley smiled at her and she grinned in return. She must have felt the Nargles too. She put her pink fluffy earmuffs on, ready to begin the work. Finally, they began, and the Nargles must have realised the ear-splitting sound coming, as they had all disappeared, not that they were visible to start with. SCREECH! Ouch, very loud.
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Old 07-19-2012, 03:45 PM   #8 (permalink)
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41. Thestrals

“I can see them too, you know,” Luna said to Harry, gazing at the beautiful horse-y things called thestrals. When nobody else could see them in her first-year, her father had told her about them. Harry was staring at her in an odd way.

“You can only see them if you’ve seen someone die.”

“Who did you see?”

“My mother.”
It was sad thinking of her, but she was getting better at not tearing up now.

“I’m sorry,” Harry replied, finally. He had clearly been stuck on what to say.

“It doesn’t matter.” Then she walked away, towards the castle.
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:11 AM   #9 (permalink)
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48. Leprechauns

“COME ON IRELAND!” Luna shouted, eyes glued to the Quiddich match (that hadn’t even started yet) in front of her. Up on some of the higher stands, she saw the Weasleys and Harry Potter, with two others she didn’t recognise from a distance.

She grinned when the leprechaun mascots threw out gold to the spectators, and reached up to catch as much as she could.

Wow, that Viktor Krum really is nice-looking, she thought, watching him fly out triumphantly on his broom. Luna messed with the bobbly head Viktor she had brought from the merchandise stall on the way in.
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Old 07-20-2012, 04:11 PM   #10 (permalink)
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54. Dare

“Go on, I dare you!” Ginny giggled as they sat on the floor in the courtyard. The dare was to go up to Neville Longbottom and tell him how much she loved Toadstool Tales, the rewrite of Tales of Beedle the Bard for little kids. True, once Luna had, but not any more.

When Ginny had finally persuaded her, she stood up, blushed, ran over to himand stood awkwardly, waiting for him to turn around and notice her. Obviously.

“I … I … Err …I … I…” She saw Ginny smirk in the corner of her eye. “IreallyloveToadstoolTalesbyBeatrixBloxam … BYE!!”
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Old 07-28-2012, 08:57 AM   #11 (permalink)
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14. Hogwarts, a History

Hogwarts, a History. That was the book that Luna sat curled up with in the Ravenclaw common room on the cold winter night. There was just one more chapter to read. It was late and she really should’ve been in bed ages ago.

And it was a long chapter, too.

Luna tried to read the chapter as quickly as possible, but didn’t take anything in. She’d just have to take her time and read it slowly.

In bed. Yes, she would get all comfortable in her four-poster to read with her old teddy bear, Starlight. Yes, she would do that.
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Old 07-28-2012, 09:24 AM   #12 (permalink)
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92. Chocolate

“Chocolate frog, Luna?” Ginny asked her friend. The girl looked puzzled when the blonde’s face went bright red.

“Of course not!” she said, outraged. “Look at how much pain they feel when you eat them! Why do you think they try to escape?”

“Well, I-I guess,” Ginny replied, her hand automatically dropping from her face. She let go of froggy and it hopped away into the forest, which probably wouldn’t be it’s home for very long, with all the monsters and stuff living within it.

Luna grabbed the other one of Ginny and ripped the paper over, setting it free.
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Old 07-29-2012, 03:25 PM   #13 (permalink)
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89. Past

Luna stared at her bedroom wall with tears in her usually merry and bright eyes. On her dresser lay the beautiful necklace which had once belonged to her mother. It was now hers.

Thinking about the past always felt horrible, especially when it involved her mother. Also on the dresser was a picture of her as a toddler with her mother outside their house on a, sunny day.

There were many other items connected to her mother around the room, but it didn’t make her any better looking at them and thinking about the past.

She literally flew down the stairs.
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Old 07-31-2012, 09:42 AM   #14 (permalink)
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98. Pajamas

Luna pulled out her nicest spotty long-sleeved pajamas. There was a Ravenclaw pajama party down in the common room and everyone was invited. She put them on with her slipper boots and grabbed her teddy, Mr McCuddleMuffin. Her mother had given her it when she was a kid. That explained the name.

Then she grabbed her Eagle friend, Ella, and they raced down the stairs together to where balloons and streamers were attached to everything.

Luna took a plate and began to pile it up with food. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin juice, Bertie Botts’ every flavour beans. Yum, they were delicious.
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Old 07-31-2012, 09:56 AM   #15 (permalink)
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64. Nap

Luna was soooo tired. But she had yet more homework to do, though all she wanted was a nap. Most nights were like this, but she had way more than usual tonight, and she’d been helping In the Greenhouses with a few other students who loved the lesson.

She had taken a quick shower so she wasn’t so muddy anymore, but a shower didn’t stop every one of her bones totally aching. Bed would.

Who was Slytherin’s founder again. Rowena Slytherin. No, Godric. No, it was Salazar, of course. She really needed a nap.

*Scribble scribble* … yawn… zzzzzzzzzzzzzz …
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:58 AM   #16 (permalink)
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31. Dress Robes

Luna quickly changed into her silvery, flouncy dress robes which had lay abandoned at the bottom of her draw, forgotten about. She was so excited! Harry Potter hhad actually asked her to go to the Slug Club party! Just as friends!

Then, after brushing her hair and slipping on some party shoes, she rushed down the stairs to meet Harry.

“You look nice,” he said, and Luna beamed in delight.

“You too!”

Then they walked to Slughorn’s office, chatting as they walked. It was bright in the room, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. “Hi, Professor Slughorn!”
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:58 AM   #17 (permalink)
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95. Snowball

“SNOWBALL FIGHT!” Luna and Ginny shouted at exactly the same time, in perfect harmony.

“Boys against girls,” Michael Corner announced. “If I were you, I’d give up right now!” It seemed some other students had already had a snowball fight, as the remains of two forts opposite each other were still there.

So the epic snowball fight began.

“Ginny!” Luna hissed. “There’s two of us and five of them!”

“Point. Oi! Fred! George! Come and join our team!”

The twins came over, laughing. “Why not?” said one of them.

“That’s not fair! They’re boys!”

“Well noticed,”
complimented the other one.
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Old 08-10-2012, 05:55 PM   #18 (permalink)
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19. Wand

Luna loved her wand. It just looked really pretty, all swirly and lovely. Willow. That must make it extra nice, naturally.

She lay on the bed, just stroking it admiringly. “Accio pencil!” She was too lazy to get up and take a few steps to her dresser. “Accio notepad!” This way was just much easier than getting up. Her feet hurt because she had been running around the grounds with Ginny, giggling.

Luna began to sketch her wand. She wasn’t the best artist, but it was fun to do. She drew the best she could, each and every detail visible.
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Old 08-14-2012, 07:59 AM   #19 (permalink)
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26. Quill

Quill. A funny word, really. Fun to say, though. To Luna, anyway. But lots of people thought she was weird. Even Ginny. But Ginny was nice to her too.

She sighed. It was probably time to get on with her homework with the pretty quill. At least Luna could stare at it while she worked.

The girl headed towards the study tables, her arms full with all the books and boring-ness. Heavy, boring-ness was. But it had to be done, as most of it was due tomorrow or the next day. Which totally sucked.

Uggh. This was gonna take forever.
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Old 08-20-2012, 08:40 AM   #20 (permalink)
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99. Trunk

She was going back to Hogwarts, the best place in the world. Ever. Luna was sooooo excited! She was dragging along her heavy trunk. Why wouldn’t the train come? She was standing with father, who was chatting to Mrs. Weasley. Luna herself was standing next to Ginny shyly, as the redhead chatted to her brothers.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar noise and there was a buzz of excitement at the train’s arrival. When it stopped Luna, the Weasleys and Harry, waited for the hustle and bustle to go down before they got on to the train. Stupid heavy trunk.

Last edited by george is cool; 09-02-2012 at 11:48 AM.
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Old 09-02-2012, 11:49 AM   #21 (permalink)
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17. Cauldron

Luna grabbed an old piece of cloth and her polishing set and began to scrub her cauldron. It was disgustingly dirty and she couldn’t see her reflection. She had to see her reflection, or it wouldn’t work. So she’d have to put some elbow grease in and fix it.

Uggh. Her arms hurt.

She stopped after about three minutes. All squeaky clean, no need for more polishing. Or Luna was just tired out, which was probably the case. No, that definitely wasn’t it.

She curled up on the sofa in the common room with her book, Hogwarts: A History.
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Old 09-02-2012, 11:52 AM   #22 (permalink)
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68. Roar

“RAWR! Go Gryffindor!” Luna shouted, her blue eyes glued to the Quiddich match in front of her. Naturally, she was supporting Gryffindor as her own house weren’t playing. She had dug out her legendary lion hat to show her support for Harry, Ginny and their teammates.

It was an incredibly sunny day, considering they were in Scotland, perfect for a good Quiddich match. All the spectators couldn’t drag their eyes away from the pitch either.

“Oooh, now both seekers have seen the golden Snitch! Miss Johnson is looking extremely pretty today!” Lee Jordan said. And Harry caught the snitch.

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Old 09-04-2012, 04:45 PM   #23 (permalink)
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96. Socks

“You can never have too many socks, Millie.”

“What if they don’t all fit in your draw?” the chirpy little girl asked.

Luna’s face suddenly turned severe. “Then you must make room in another draw for them. Isn’t that right, dad?” she said, turning her head towards her father at the table, absorbed in his work for the Quibbler. He didn’t answer. Luna pulled a face and Millie giggled.


“This is why your Christmas present is a jumbo pack of socks, kid.” Millie’s face fell. “Just joking! I haven’t brought your present yet!”

“Can we go for pizza now?”
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