Graphic: Silver Ninja
(A.K.A The Fabulous Liz!)
Hello! My name is Jay

and these are my first drabbles. Molly Weasley is probably my third favorite character over all but most definitely my favorite adult character. I always wondered what types of things happened to her during her lifetime and now I'm going to put my ideas out there. So these drabbles will cover her childhood, school years, marriage, wars, and maybe one or two with her grandchildren!
96. Socks
※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ “Mum! Have you seen my socks?”
Molly Weasley paused in the middle of making breakfast planting one hand on her hip.
“I told you to have your trunk packed last night!” She was exasperated.
“It was packed but my socks are missing!” Rolling her eyes she braced both hands on the sink. Looking out the window a splash of color around her bushes caught her attention. Outraged she stomped over to the staircase.
“FRED! GEORGE! Wait till your father gets home!” Snickers rang down from above and she shook her head.
She would string those two up by their toes!