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The Worple and Warmsley Magical Travelling CarnivalThe Worple and Warmsley Magical Travelling Carnival is here for the first time in Diagon Alley. Sponsored by all your favourite shops of Diagon Alley, the carnival is here for the summer! With magical rides and games, food stalls, knick-knacks and entertainment, this is a party for all ages that you won't want to miss.
Behold! Through the wonders of magic, The Worple and Warmsley Magical Travelling Carnival has brought you a close-enough sized replica of the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Every tower, pillar and gargoyle are exactly the same as the real castle, with one small exception of course- It’s bouncy!
That’s right! Fall, drop, or roll. Do whatever you like in this fantastic bouncy castle without getting so much as a scratch. With its dynamic stone like colors and excellent textured design you would think that you really were in a thousand year old castle. Jump through the corridors;
bounce your way through the great hall! Just don’t expect any moving staircases in this castle, we’ve replaced those with more pleasant things like climbing walls and slides.
The doors are open to all ages, and there is no school work too! So come on in, whether you are 2 years old, or 200 years old, this bouncy castle holds no limits!
OOC: Feel free to interact with the Bouncy Hogwarts Castle Carnie "Steven Kimber" (Grrr..Meow), chat, play and try not to get lost!
Louisa joined Dani on the castle and started jumping and she was shot into the air higher than she thought and the falling part wasn't any better. She just kept being shot off in the air for a minute or so until she slowed down, her eyes wide, and catching her breath. There was a reason for her not to ride on a broom and fly, you know.
When Dani asked, Louisa struggled to her feet and leaned on the wall, which was also BOUNCY, answering, "Nothing new. He's off at some friend's house and I won't be seeing him until later this summer." She sighed, "I think I'm starting to cool down though." At least her waking moments weren't haunted by him.
And she jumped again to the middle, determined to get rid of this stupid height issue.
Dani watched Louis and moved to jump again- she smoothed out her pretty dress though and listened to what Louisa said- "Don't worry" she said softly as she brushed back her curls- "Ahhh, cooling down- well, y'know, I'm sure there's some guy out there perfect for you" she said reassuringly as she moved with Louisa to the middle.
"Anyway, I got my OWL grades" she smirked as she watched Lou and laughed a little.
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
Everett stared in surprise. Four years? Dayyyuuummmm.... "Well..." Yeah he didn't really have much to say about that. Moving on. "You some kind of killer? Please, I doubt you'd even be the sort to kill off sea monkeys!" It was hard to kill of sea monkeys. He once left them with no food for like 2 months, and they kept living, being all cannibal eating each other to survive. "Besides, I think I can protect myself." He totally could. His 5"4-ness wouldn't stop him.
"Those things are creepy" Sammy said in a disgusted tone. WELL THEY WERE. They looked like little tiny bits of floating soggy bread. Which was gross. "Puh-lease. You're like as tall as me" she said before thinking some more which was strange. ", in fact. I think I'm taller" she said trying to use her hand to measure whether she was taller or not. THen she frowned. "Nope, you're like this" 'this' was displayed by her fingers which were about a centimetre apart "much taller than me" she said, almost grumpily. She liked being taller than people, it was nice.
WAIT JUST ONE HOT SECOND. Something was missing. Apart from her left shoe which she had just pulled off. She had no idea what this guy's name was. He was a complete and utter stranger. STRANGER DANGER. Not the point. "I'm Sammy, by the way. Sammy Star" she said holding out her hand to the guy.
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
Braeden, who had the attention span of a five-year-old, as everyone already knew, had soon distracted himself bouncing around the place like a kangaroo as the other three talked about... what was that? A race?
This caught the lion-maned boy's attention.
He wasn't usually much into competitions, due to the fact that he lost every single one, but... this wasn't JUST a competition. This was a brilliant chance to get back at the girls for speaking ill of his bromance with Thumper!
"Race?" the boy suddenly butted in, landing right in the middle of the group, beside his beloved Theo, around whose shoulder and arm he wrapped a hand in an almost protective sort of way. Yeah, chu crazy gurls better not have been hurting his boy while he was away!
"Alright, let's do this, then!"
And then he just bounced off.
No countdown, no preparing, no nothing.
No one ever said head-starts WEREN'T allowed. :|
Originally Posted by princess of*hp*
Text Cut: CHARGE!
Clapping his hands and rubbing them together, Theodore thought that it would be best to limber up before this bouncing race. He wasn't a wee flexible child anymore; the old man had to take care of his joints if he wanted to keep healthy! Lifting one leg and the next in succession, he did a small jumping jack and had begun to crack his neck when Braeden simply shot off like a bullet. Typical.
They were in the lead, as long as Brae kept it up! Those gangly limbs, when they weren't getting tangled with each other, were fast. Shooting off after him, he left his dear girlfriend and the lovely Emma behind, who would probably catch up sooner than later by means of some devious trick. He thanked his lucky stars for having been on the quidditch team the year before; it had probably helped him with his minute amount of stamina. Theo also had to suppress a snicker as he ran, which was easy enough, at the thought of the height advantage that the guys had over the girls. Longer legs for the win!
It was when Theodore began to slow slightly, his breathing becoming more ragged, that he cupped a hand over his mouth. Where had that dastardly lion boy gotten to? He had been so fast that he had disappeared. "Brae?!" Theo called as loudly as he could manage, trudging along.
Originally Posted by Emms
SPOILER!!: cheaters:P
No. Merlin's Beard. No way in Merlin's pants did Braeden Stonem just zoom of the starting line. CHEATER!!! No one said 'Go!' or anything. Pouting a little, the blonde crossed her arms and before she could say anything, Theodore Dumble was off the line too. Merlin, why hadn't the Malfoy thought of something like that? Oh Merlin, she desperately hoped that she wasn't turning into a Puff no offense to Puffs, she was supposed to be an evil Slytherin.
As the boy's figures disappeared from sight, Emma narrowed her eyes. Oh, she wasn't going to let them WIN. Merlin's PANTS, No. No, no, no, no, no. The blonde turned to Alfie, "So did we give them a big enough head start?" she asked, with a wide smirk across her lips. The blonde think they did. Emma began calculating options to catch up to the boys in her mind and win.
If Team Slytherclaw wanted to catch up to Ravendor then they would have to do something extremely cunning. ATTACK WITH CAKE CANONS. But, how would the girls catch up to them. Short-cuts. The Secret Passage. But perhaps there were no secret passages here. Perhaps they should just storm the boys and take them by surprise. Or capture the slower one out of the boys and hold him for ransom!? "Alfie, you ready?" said Emma with her brown eyes looking at Alfie's eyes. So they would win. The blonde started jumping up and down, and then started running in the direction that Theo had run in. "Come on Alfie!" she cried.
And Well, well, well, she saw Theo or what looked like Theo, jogging ahead. Smirk. The blonde slowed down slightly and waited. Waited for Alfie so that they could plan their attack. Theo would never see this coming.
Alfie's jaw dropped as she watched the two boys dart off without any sign of a fair "go!" or anything of the sort! They just left! Oh. It was on. As Emma asked if she was ready, the little vengeant blonde at her side gave a nod with playfully narrowed blue eyes. Though she was rarely competitive, the boys had just plain cheated! She and Emma just had to win now! Just moments later the pair of blondes were hopping after the two boys before them, trying their best to catch up to the bromance that seemed to have no shame.
It was then that they caught up to Theo first, though he obviously didn't see them, jogging several yards ahead of them. Alfie's once competitive mindset immediately failed her at the sight of him, her expression softening as she grew distracted by the boy's adorable running. She had slowed down to a walk, her blue eyes large and endeared as they watched the Ravenclaw before them. But it was then that she saw Emma right beside her, and snapped out of it, flashing the girl a sheepish smile and a playfully stern expression as though to say, 'Right. Competition. Grrrr!' "What do we do?" she whispered softly, not wanting Theo to hear them.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
SPOILER!!: Team Slytherclaw
Originally Posted by emmafan123
Alfie's jaw dropped as she watched the two boys dart off without any sign of a fair "go!" or anything of the sort! They just left! Oh. It was on. As Emma asked if she was ready, the little vengeant blonde at her side gave a nod with playfully narrowed blue eyes. Though she was rarely competitive, the boys had just plain cheated! She and Emma just had to win now! Just moments later the pair of blondes were hopping after the two boys before them, trying their best to catch up to the bromance that seemed to have no shame.
It was then that they caught up to Theo first, though he obviously didn't see them, jogging several yards ahead of them. Alfie's once competitive mindset immediately failed her at the sight of him, her expression softening as she grew distracted by the boy's adorable running. She had slowed down to a walk, her blue eyes large and endeared as they watched the Ravenclaw before them. But it was then that she saw Emma right beside her, and snapped out of it, flashing the girl a sheepish smile and a playfully stern expression as though to say, 'Right. Competition. Grrrr!' "What do we do?" she whispered softly, not wanting Theo to hear them.
The blonde nearly rolled her eyes as she watched Alfie giving him a loving look. And she had to put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from letting out a snigger at Alfie's new found sterness. Instead of doing the two above, Emma gave her friend a quick smile. Oh Merlin. Theo lurked right ahead of them... The blonde put her finger up to her mouth in a "Shh.." gesture. "Well, we can either attack Theo by jumping on him or tripping him... Or we can run past him and set up more traps," whispered the smirking Emma, narrowing her brown eyes at Theo and brining her hands close together, as if she was going to rub them.
Turning her brown eyes towards Alfie, she gave her friend a cunning smile. "So what do you want to do? It's your choice, unless you have a plan too," offered the blonde. She had to keep her eye on Theodore. Whatever Alfie and her decided, they just had to make sure they did it before Brae came back. Because two shorter girls could overpower one guy but two guys... Might be difficult. Though Emma wasn't going to admit the difficulty of their mission if Braeden showed up. Merlin, that would be bad for the girls. Unless, they found cake canons. But then again, Theo could probably beat them because as we all know, Theo is the King of Cake Canons.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Braeden was bouncing so high, he could even at times touch the ceiling of the bouncy castle, grinning to himself like the big doof he was as he did so. This. Was. So much fun! It was like flying, except without the broom! Something which he much preferred, seeing as he was too clumsy for proper broomstick use.
He felt… so powerful. So agile, so light, so flexible. Like he could do everything and anything. Even… climb up the walls!
As he bounced a good eight feet or so into the air, instead of allowing himself to fall back onto the bouncy floor, Braeden threw himself at the nearest bouncy wall and held on to it like a mosquito hitting a night light. BUT THEN. Then he started to climb up the wall with little difficulty, in a most spider-like way. HEHEHE. He wasn't even sure how he had started to do this, if perhaps the walls were just especially made to be climbed like this or if he'd just magically turned into his favourite muggle superhero, but whatever the reason was, Braeden wasn't going to worry about it.
The view from high up in a corner of the castle where he stopped was quite… convenient. He could see the whole city-- castle from here, including those evil little blondes chasing after his precious curly-haired loverboy. HOW DARE THEY. He could see them following closely behind him, plotting. He had a bad feeling they were about to throw themselves at the boy or something - they could seriously injure poor fragile Theo if they did that! He might get a scratch!
And so, crawling closer toward where Theo and the girls were headed, Braeden remained out of sight high up on the walls, stopping only once he was right above an arched entrance leading toward one of the corridors. After Theo ran right through it, Braeden threw himself upon the girls that were passing right at that moment.
After being even more hyped up on sugar, mostly thanks to Braeden, the huge cotton candy, coco cola, and the pile of other candy that they had shared. Caroline decided that the bouncy house would be the best place to work off all this energy. As she entered the castle she found the sceneary very familiar to her. It did look exactly like the inside of Hogwarts. Except it was a gaint bouncy house. She couldn't believe it now only if Hogwarts was really like this.
Anyone know the charm to turn a place into a bouncy house?
Running to the wall, she started to climb up the wall. Oh yeah she was going to the very top and jumpping down from there. That would be awesome. Instead of a seventeen year old, she was acting like the seven year old that she rode the mary-go-around with. She couldn't help. Why shouldn't she have some fun, and act immature. She sped climbed from middle ways to the very top. She pushed off the wall, and let herself free fall. She done a few flips in the air before hitting the bottom floor. She landed flat on her back and bounced back up into the air, at least a flight of stairs or two. Then jumpped around, and head to the great hall. Oh yeah, Hogwarts would be so much fun if it was a bouncy house.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Alfie gave a bit of a grimace as Emma listed off the different things they could do to get ahead of Theo, each one sounding rather mean to the girl who was rather partial to Theodore. But it was all in the name of competition, right? And as long as they didn't hurt the boy, it wouldn't hurt to get ahead just a little... Opening her mouth to reply, her large blue eyes absentmindedly glanced over to Theo who was still jogging up ahead. But before she could actually get any words out, she heard a loud battle cry coming from nowhere.
Eyes widening, she just had time to glance up in the direction the noise was coming from before she was being toppled to the ground alongside Emma, both of the girls easily tumbling beneath the weight of Braeden Stonem. Letting out a loud surprised squeak of sorts as she fell, the little blonde Ravenclaw seemed a bit shaken up as she sat up, a delicate hand coming up to gently hold her head. Ow... Being attacked from straight above by a tall, gangly lion wasn't exactly the least painful of experiences. Blonde eyebrows furrowed, she glanced up only to find that their attacker was none other than Braeden Stonem himself, obviously out to protect the other half of his bromance. "Brae!" Alfie scolded softly, though there was vague amusement still in her soft features.
Lady Lem|DJ Melfoy|Braedeus ♥ Stumble|Bebé Melón|B2|Andee & Melsse|Melephone
Text Cut: Am I the only one in tears from the hilarity of this stuff? XD
Originally Posted by emmafan123
Alfie's jaw dropped as she watched the two boys dart off without any sign of a fair "go!" or anything of the sort! They just left! Oh. It was on. As Emma asked if she was ready, the little vengeant blonde at her side gave a nod with playfully narrowed blue eyes. Though she was rarely competitive, the boys had just plain cheated! She and Emma just had to win now! Just moments later the pair of blondes were hopping after the two boys before them, trying their best to catch up to the bromance that seemed to have no shame.
It was then that they caught up to Theo first, though he obviously didn't see them, jogging several yards ahead of them. Alfie's once competitive mindset immediately failed her at the sight of him, her expression softening as she grew distracted by the boy's adorable running. She had slowed down to a walk, her blue eyes large and endeared as they watched the Ravenclaw before them. But it was then that she saw Emma right beside her, and snapped out of it, flashing the girl a sheepish smile and a playfully stern expression as though to say, 'Right. Competition. Grrrr!' "What do we do?" she whispered softly, not wanting Theo to hear them.
Originally Posted by Emms
The blonde nearly rolled her eyes as she watched Alfie giving him a loving look. And she had to put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from letting out a snigger at Alfie's new found sterness. Instead of doing the two above, Emma gave her friend a quick smile. Oh Merlin. Theo lurked right ahead of them... The blonde put her finger up to her mouth in a "Shh.." gesture. "Well, we can either attack Theo by jumping on him or tripping him... Or we can run past him and set up more traps," whispered the smirking Emma, narrowing her brown eyes at Theo and brining her hands close together, as if she was going to rub them.
Turning her brown eyes towards Alfie, she gave her friend a cunning smile. "So what do you want to do? It's your choice, unless you have a plan too," offered the blonde. She had to keep her eye on Theodore. Whatever Alfie and her decided, they just had to make sure they did it before Brae came back. Because two shorter girls could overpower one guy but two guys... Might be difficult. Though Emma wasn't going to admit the difficulty of their mission if Braeden showed up. Merlin, that would be bad for the girls. Unless, they found cake canons. But then again, Theo could probably beat them because as we all know, Theo is the King of Cake Canons.
Originally Posted by Gryffindoll
Braeden was bouncing so high, he could even at times touch the ceiling of the bouncy castle, grinning to himself like the big doof he was as he did so. This. Was. So much fun! It was like flying, except without the broom! Something which he much preferred, seeing as he was too clumsy for proper broomstick use.
He felt… so powerful. So agile, so light, so flexible. Like he could do everything and anything. Even… climb up the walls!
As he bounced a good eight feet or so into the air, instead of allowing himself to fall back onto the bouncy floor, Braeden threw himself at the nearest bouncy wall and held on to it like a mosquito hitting a night light. BUT THEN. Then he started to climb up the wall with little difficulty, in a most spider-like way. HEHEHE. He wasn't even sure how he had started to do this, if perhaps the walls were just especially made to be climbed like this or if he'd just magically turned into his favourite muggle superhero, but whatever the reason was, Braeden wasn't going to worry about it.
The view from high up in a corner of the castle where he stopped was quite… convenient. He could see the whole city-- castle from here, including those evil little blondes chasing after his precious curly-haired loverboy. HOW DARE THEY. He could see them following closely behind him, plotting. He had a bad feeling they were about to throw themselves at the boy or something - they could seriously injure poor fragile Theo if they did that! He might get a scratch!
And so, crawling closer toward where Theo and the girls were headed, Braeden remained out of sight high up on the walls, stopping only once he was right above an arched entrance leading toward one of the corridors. After Theo ran right through it, Braeden threw himself upon the girls that were passing right at that moment.
Originally Posted by emmafan123
Alfie gave a bit of a grimace as Emma listed off the different things they could do to get ahead of Theo, each one sounding rather mean to the girl who was rather partial to Theodore. But it was all in the name of competition, right? And as long as they didn't hurt the boy, it wouldn't hurt to get ahead just a little... Opening her mouth to reply, her large blue eyes absentmindedly glanced over to Theo who was still jogging up ahead. But before she could actually get any words out, she heard a loud battle cry coming from nowhere.
Eyes widening, she just had time to glance up in the direction the noise was coming from before she was being toppled to the ground alongside Emma, both of the girls easily tumbling beneath the weight of Braeden Stonem. Letting out a loud surprised squeak of sorts as she fell, the little blonde Ravenclaw seemed a bit shaken up as she sat up, a delicate hand coming up to gently hold her head. Ow... Being attacked from straight above by a tall, gangly lion wasn't exactly the least painful of experiences. Blonde eyebrows furrowed, she glanced up only to find that their attacker was none other than Braeden Stonem himself, obviously out to protect the other half of his bromance. "Brae!" Alfie scolded softly, though there was vague amusement still in her soft features.
Theodore had paused in his tracks to catch his breath. The movement behind him had stopped as well and as soon as he made to turn around and check if the girls were on his tail, Theodore cried out with surprise and hopped backwards as Braeden crashed down on the two girls, who had apparently been plotting to charge at Theo. At first, his instinct told him to rush forward and see if everyone was alright. How could Braeden be so reckless?! That was his girlfriend he was lying on, and Empress Emma, for Merlin's sake! But if not for the brave Gryffindor, Theodore Dumble would have been done for. Gulp. In a pickle, Theodore stood there awkwardly, not sure of what to do. All that ran through his mind was, "LOL, IDK." It was only when everyone seemed to be okay that Theodore let a smile escape him. This was quite fun, horsing around like the hooligans that they all innately were. Inching forward he reached a hand out to his crazy spider!lion boyfriend, pulling him from the mess of limbs and glad to see that his hair was as impeccable as usual. "Sorry, ladies," He snickered in a most Malfoy-like way, winking at Alfie before bouncing away and resisting the urge to cackle.
Let them try to catch up now! BOYS RULE, GIRLS DROOL.
don't blink | you will be upgraded | silence will fall | exterminate
Originally Posted by samthehpfreak
"Those things are creepy" Sammy said in a disgusted tone. WELL THEY WERE. They looked like little tiny bits of floating soggy bread. Which was gross. "Puh-lease. You're like as tall as me" she said before thinking some more which was strange. ", in fact. I think I'm taller" she said trying to use her hand to measure whether she was taller or not. THen she frowned. "Nope, you're like this" 'this' was displayed by her fingers which were about a centimetre apart "much taller than me" she said, almost grumpily. She liked being taller than people, it was nice.
WAIT JUST ONE HOT SECOND. Something was missing. Apart from her left shoe which she had just pulled off. She had no idea what this guy's name was. He was a complete and utter stranger. STRANGER DANGER. Not the point. "I'm Sammy, by the way. Sammy Star" she said holding out her hand to the guy.
Everett rolled his eyes as she started measuring their height difference. "Done now? Good." He said once she announced that he was taller. He was glad of this at least, being short really annoyed him.
At least he had her name now, so he could check the local mental hospital lists for any recently escaped loons. Everett shook the offered hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Everett Sutherland." He looked at the castle, and back at Sammy. "Now, you want to go in the bouncy castle?" Cos he wanted to. It looked so bouncy and fun.
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
Everett rolled his eyes as she started measuring their height difference. "Done now? Good." He said once she announced that he was taller. He was glad of this at least, being short really annoyed him.
At least he had her name now, so he could check the local mental hospital lists for any recently escaped loons. Everett shook the offered hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Everett Sutherland." He looked at the castle, and back at Sammy. "Now, you want to go in the bouncy castle?" Cos he wanted to. It looked so bouncy and fun.
Everett Sutherland? Sammy was sure she'd heard that name before, not at Hogwarts, it just sounded familiar. Whatevs. She wanted to get on the bouncy castle and now that she had a companion, it was all goooooood. "Damn straight I do" she said pulling off her other shoe and quickly climbing onto the castle.
Once she had gotten a stable footing which probably wasn't stable at all she turned back to the Everett Sutherland guy and asked "You don't go to Hogwarts, do you?" because Sammy liked to know as many people as possible which was like .... 5 people. SIX NOW YAY!
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
don't blink | you will be upgraded | silence will fall | exterminate
Originally Posted by samthehpfreak
Everett Sutherland? Sammy was sure she'd heard that name before, not at Hogwarts, it just sounded familiar. Whatevs. She wanted to get on the bouncy castle and now that she had a companion, it was all goooooood. "Damn straight I do" she said pulling off her other shoe and quickly climbing onto the castle.
Once she had gotten a stable footing which probably wasn't stable at all she turned back to the Everett Sutherland guy and asked "You don't go to Hogwarts, do you?" because Sammy liked to know as many people as possible which was like .... 5 people. SIX NOW YAY!
Everett watched Sammy climb onto the castle, and smirked before leaping, jumping to try and knock her over. He wasn't being the nicest guy, sure, but the point of bouncy castles was to jump around, and jump around he would. First thing Everett did, leap at the walls. This was fun! He started climbing a wall as he replied.
"I will be as of September, a fifth year." He said, grinning as he tried to grip the wall and not fall off until he chose to, which was as soon as he had finished speaking. He fell off, bouncing on the ground. "So you go to Hogwarts I'm guessing?" Everett asked, rolling around into walls for no particular reason.
Everett watched Sammy climb onto the castle, and smirked before leaping, jumping to try and knock her over. He wasn't being the nicest guy, sure, but the point of bouncy castles was to jump around, and jump around he would. First thing Everett did, leap at the walls. This was fun! He started climbing a wall as he replied.
"I will be as of September, a fifth year." He said, grinning as he tried to grip the wall and not fall off until he chose to, which was as soon as he had finished speaking. He fell off, bouncing on the ground. "So you go to Hogwarts I'm guessing?" Everett asked, rolling around into walls for no particular reason.
louise was still jumping when she saw a boy called Everett jump in, "hi my name is louise i am new here first year" what about yourself"
Dani watched Louis and moved to jump again- she smoothed out her pretty dress though and listened to what Louisa said- "Don't worry" she said softly as she brushed back her curls- "Ahhh, cooling down- well, y'know, I'm sure there's some guy out there perfect for you" she said reassuringly as she moved with Louisa to the middle.
"Anyway, I got my OWL grades" she smirked as she watched Lou and laughed a little.
Louisa continued to bounce, as slowly as she could, and nodded at Dani's sympathy comment, "Thanks. I don't want anything to do with boys, though. I'm great on my own," She said it with determination. She was going to be an independent fourteen years old and that was that.
"You did?!" She gasped. That was huge news! Especially for a Ravenclaw like Louisa, "And how did you do?" She stopped bouncing for a minute. If Dani got hers then Vashti and Kita must've gotten theirs as well.. right?
And Dallin of course but she just didn't want to think about that just yet.
Alfie's jaw dropped as Theo just stood there, waiting to make sure everyone was alright, before grabbing his Braeden from the mess without second thought and just running off, flashing his girlfriend a wink. Alfie sat there, staring after the pair as though they'd both grown two heads. Now, it's only fair to put out there that Alfie was never 'little miss pay-attention-to-me-now!' and never would be, but this was just ridiculous! She couldn't help but be reluctantly amused though, and it showed as she retrieved her jaw from the floor and her delicate mouth formed into a gentle smile. Recognizing that she shouldn't allow their amusing bromance-ness to effect the competition which had evidently become even more 'on' so to speak, the little blonde quickly formed her expression back into her 'Grrrr. Competition!' face. She hopped up onto her feet most literally and helped Emma up in one swift motion, turning to her fellow Slytherclaw with new determination sparkling behind her amused blue eyes. She had to admit, this was getting rather fun.
"I say we just run for it," she suggested to her quickly, not wanting the boys to get too much ahead. "If you reach them, just push them over or something and keep running," Alfie decided with a grin, letting out a giggle of sorts before she then very suddenly started running in the direction the boys had left. Alfie used to play quidditch, but she also wasn't too bad at running, since her old Quidditch team required them all to run a ridiculous amount of laps before practice even started. She could keep up a pace pretty well. In about a minute of running, the little blonde Ravenclaw was just feet behind the two boys once more, and without hesitation she sped up to make her way past them, casually shoving Theo as she went so he fell over onto the soft landing of the bouncy castle.
Before she got too far, the blonde paused, her large blue eyes fixing on the sight of him on the floor, her weakness starting to sink in once more. He was so cute, he looked like a little wounded animal! Oh no, the Dumble effect! Her blue eyes were the size of saucers as she stood there, probably giving Brae a head start, as she had an internal debate. Darn Theo and his attractive features!
Alfie jogged back over to her boyfriend, standing before him with furrowed blonde eyebrows. "I can't help you up because you're the enemy," she explained, her soft voice holding vague amusement as she glanced in the direction she had been going worriedly, not wanting to get too far behind. "But, if it's worth anything, you're really cute when you run," she announced with a bright grin, leaning down to peck his lips playfully before standing back up, flashing him a wink just for the sake of giving him his own medicine, and running off once more.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
The Malfoy was waiting for Alfie to share her ideas about the plans when all of the sudden she heard a loud war cry. Shivers went running down her back, prickling. The blonde shivered and looked up to face the villain who was attacking the innocent fifth years. Emma's mouth was wide ready to scream when all of a sudden, the person landed on her and Alfie. "Oomph," she said, instead of letting out a piercing scream. The blonde sat up a little and rubbed her poor head. Owwww.. And then Alfie was crying Brae! Wait! Braeden did that? The blonde turned her head towards the evil villain and blinked as she realised that it was Braeden.
"BRAEDEN!" she cried, enraged and amused at the same time. This was too funny but, wait, she was supposed to be winning with Alfie and she was supposed to be mad at Braeden. He was the enemy. Grrr.... Getting her claws ready to attack, the blonde was going to get back at him. And before she could attack or pounce on the Gryffindork, Mr. Dumble thwarted her plans. Oh, of course, Theo just had to come and save his love, Brae from his evil fate. The blonde chuckled and rolled her eyes. Clearing her mind, she took a deep breath. Focus. The She snake stood straight up and didn't pause to check if she was hurt. There was only one clear thing she had to do. She had to play by their rules. Oh yes. Smirk. Thi was war. The blonde had forgotten it was a playful competition when Brae had flung himself at the Bromance Bouncers. The blonde gave her friend a fleeting smile before narrowing her eyes and running back a few paces. Turning to the direction where the boys eloped off to. The Slytherin smirked and then sprinted off the imaginary starting line. Tsk. Tsk. The boys hadn't realised that Emma was a Chaser on the Quidditch Team and the Slytherin's drilled the hardest for Quidditch. They had been up early each morning and practiced until breakfast time. And the Malfoy was quite quick, she was a natural sprinter. And luckily for her, the boys werent too far ahead, yet. *The blonde kept on running and running and running.*
And as she saw the boys figures ahead, the blonde decided to take a risk. Since Theo was the only one really running and dragging Brae behind him that meant he was the crucial target. But then Alfie appeared out of nowhere and tackle him. Heh. The blonde sped up and made sure she was quiet. Then she decided to take Brae's idea and revise it. and use it against Braeden!
And all of the sudden as if it was instinct, the Malfoy flung herself directly at the Brae's back. Yes, she was hoping this would knock the bromance on their knees. She giggled and then once she had gotten up onto her feet again, the blonde gave them a mock bow. "By your leave my lovely Bromancers," she began smirking, blowing Brae a kiss, and then proceeded to run again, holding her hand up to Alfie as in a guesture of a high five.
Louisa continued to bounce, as slowly as she could, and nodded at Dani's sympathy comment, "Thanks. I don't want anything to do with boys, though. I'm great on my own," She said it with determination. She was going to be an independent fourteen years old and that was that.
"You did?!" She gasped. That was huge news! Especially for a Ravenclaw like Louisa, "And how did you do?" She stopped bouncing for a minute. If Dani got hers then Vashti and Kita must've gotten theirs as well.. right?
And Dallin of course but she just didn't want to think about that just yet.
"Yeah- that's good thinking!" Dani laughed- "Girls need to be more independent" she said encouragingly- "It's not like we're old anyway, is it?" she couldn't help but smirk a little as she brushed back her curls and giggled a little.
"Yeah! It was... scary- but I did okay! Yeah, I did okay! A couple of Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations" she laughed as she moved and stopped bouncing with Louisa, watching the look on her face, she was thinking, which wasn't always a good thing, especially if it strayed to boys no good for you.
"What? Oh, no I'm fine, but thanks. I mean, I was a little surprised, but in hindsight it was kind of a stupid question. I mean, you certainly don't sound like you're from here-" Sarah cut herself off, since when did she ramble?
"Er, anyway, hard to explain? But isn't grouping like being sorted? Or was there, like, eighty groups? Well, I suppose Wizarding schools don't just go around telling each other how they run things, so don't answer that."
Sarah laughed self-consciously. Normally she was a very talkative girl, and she never had any qualms about talking to random people, but it seemed that it was different with magical people. She'd found herself acting more timid than she'd ever been before all throughout the day. Maybe it was nerves, after all, it wasn't every day you got to enter a shop with color-changing ink and quills that fly around the room. Well, maybe the shopkeeper did. Merlin she was even rambling in her own head.
Sarah ran a hand through her blonde hair, "Sorry, it's just that, you know, I'm not used to being around magic or anything. I'm a bit jittery."
"Not I'm not from here and I have to get used to the ways that all of you have here. It's a lot different than from Texas." He told her.
"Well it's more that fifteen groups so they can have smaller group for easier control over the student body and I think that easier but the building is huge because of the number of groups they have so it's not like Hogwarts." He told her.
"Are you a muggle-born?" Jasper asked her. "Or Half-blood or pure-blooded?" He wasn't sure but what ever she was he wouldn't mind.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
Fee was waling through the carnival,smiling like an idiot.She really loved stuff like that and never got enough.The blonde would probably come here everyday from now on. She wasnt sure what she should do next,there were sooo many cool things. Actually she wanted to try out everything.
Looking around the girl found the bouncy Hogwarts castle.Now that was the funniest idea ever.The image of Hogwarts being all bouncy and students jumping to their classes popped up in her mind and she giggled a little. Approaching the castle the Slytherin noticed the tall guy standing in not far away,with another girl.With a grin on her face Fee approached them."Well look who we have here",she smiled,"heey Jasper."Mr.Confident on abouncy castle,the blonde really,really had to see that.Hehe.
As the blonde turned around she searched for the guy that would let her in.Waving after she found him the girl smiled."May i can go in?"Come oooon,what could happen in a bouncy castle?No onqe could get hurt.It was all soft.
And than the Slytherin remembered there was a girl too.Ohhhh how rude of her."Heeyy over there",she smiled sweetly and waved," i am Feenella."The girl couldnt help but grin,she knew Jasper would make friends easily.
Jasper looked around to see the people around him. Then he saw a blonde that he knew. "FEE!! OVER HERE!!" He yelled and waved. "Sup?" He asked her. "This is Sarah. She's new to Hogwarts."
Jasper felt awkward. He didn't really know what to say. And besides he just really wanted to go just wanted to go jump around in the bouncy castle but he didn't know if he should just walk right in.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Raven and Anna was busy talking when Anna saw her other friend Skye. "Hello Skye!" Anna said as she bounced over to her friend on the ride. "Are you having fun?" Anna asked her.
Skye smiled at her friend Anna and replied, "Yea, I am." She bounced even higher and her sunglasses nearly fell off, but she caught them and put them back on.
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
Everett watched Sammy climb onto the castle, and smirked before leaping, jumping to try and knock her over. He wasn't being the nicest guy, sure, but the point of bouncy castles was to jump around, and jump around he would. First thing Everett did, leap at the walls. This was fun! He started climbing a wall as he replied.
"I will be as of September, a fifth year." He said, grinning as he tried to grip the wall and not fall off until he chose to, which was as soon as he had finished speaking. He fell off, bouncing on the ground. "So you go to Hogwarts I'm guessing?" Everett asked, rolling around into walls for no particular reason.
Sammy squealed as she was knocked over, that wasn't fair! But she bounced on the floor a couple of times anyway which was fun before getting up again and bouncing on the spot, looking around. SHE WOULD FIND HER REVENGE. She would usually throw something at him but everything here was attached, so instead she did a rolly polly which was fun.
Oo! A fifth year! "You'll be in my year then" she said looking up at him, how the hell had he gotten up there? But then she ran as he fell, she was NOT getting landed on. "Yep, I'm in Hufflepuff which is the best house" she informed him with a nod, before tilting her head to the side as he rolled into the walls "what are you doing?"
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by Saraie
After being even more hyped up on sugar, mostly thanks to Braeden, the huge cotton candy, coco cola, and the pile of other candy that they had shared. Caroline decided that the bouncy house would be the best place to work off all this energy. As she entered the castle she found the sceneary very familiar to her. It did look exactly like the inside of Hogwarts. Except it was a gaint bouncy house. She couldn't believe it now only if Hogwarts was really like this.
Anyone know the charm to turn a place into a bouncy house?
Running to the wall, she started to climb up the wall. Oh yeah she was going to the very top and jumpping down from there. That would be awesome. Instead of a seventeen year old, she was acting like the seven year old that she rode the mary-go-around with. She couldn't help. Why shouldn't she have some fun, and act immature. She sped climbed from middle ways to the very top. She pushed off the wall, and let herself free fall. She done a few flips in the air before hitting the bottom floor. She landed flat on her back and bounced back up into the air, at least a flight of stairs or two. Then jumpped around, and head to the great hall. Oh yeah, Hogwarts would be so much fun if it was a bouncy house.
There was a carnival in Diagon Alley.
There was a carnival in Diagon Alley and Destiny Shepard did not know about it! Why didn't she know about it!?
She was going to blame Evelyn for that. Her best friend knew about the carnival, knew about the food that went with the carnival, and decided not to let her know about if because she thought there would be chocolate eating. Well, too bad, Evelyn. Destiny didn't need a carnival for that to happen. She was fully loaded with it, and.. she didn't really have enough money to go buy anymore.
Only eating TWO chocolate frogs beforehand, Destiny walked around the carnival, deciding what to do there first. She hadn't seen anyone she knew, but that was fine with her once the Hogwarts bouncy castle came into her view. It was HOGWARTS. It was AMAZING. It was BOUNCY! No need to even think twice about it, she took her shoes off and tossed them to the side, not bothering where they went.
It wasn't like anyone would want to steal them. They were old.
Clambering into the castle, she held onto the side of the wall for support as she took in everything. There were people everywhere, bouncing, and it looked JUST like the real Hogwarts. And just like at the real Hogwarts, the first place she wanted to go to was the Great Hall. Giggling, she took off with kangaroo-like jumps towards the Great Hall only.. she didn't get very far.
Mid hop, she collided and fell on top of someone who seemed to have the same idea as she did. "OH! Caroline! What are you doing here?"
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
"Yeah- that's good thinking!" Dani laughed- "Girls need to be more independent" she said encouragingly- "It's not like we're old anyway, is it?" she couldn't help but smirk a little as she brushed back her curls and giggled a little.
"Yeah! It was... scary- but I did okay! Yeah, I did okay! A couple of Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations" she laughed as she moved and stopped bouncing with Louisa, watching the look on her face, she was thinking, which wasn't always a good thing, especially if it strayed to boys no good for you.
"Are you okay?" she asked her softly.
Wow. "So, you hadn't failed any?" That was just.. awesome. Not even Vashti made it through all of them! Not even Dallin, "That's just great. Did you decide on the career you'll be going to? What NEWT's are you taking for your seventh year?" It maybe was a bit early for Dani to think about it but Louisa found it really great to get all O's and EE's at your OWL's.
"And how did Philip do?" Or wasn't he in the same year as Dani? She was a bit confused about this. Moving to the next part of the castle, she kept bouncing and feeling the air lifting her body and then dropping it very rapidly. She was actually starting to like the flying thing and now she only had to manage a broom.
"Not I'm not from here and I have to get used to the ways that all of you have here. It's a lot different than from Texas." He told her.
"Well it's more that fifteen groups so they can have smaller group for easier control over the student body and I think that easier but the building is huge because of the number of groups they have so it's not like Hogwarts." He told her.
"Are you a muggle-born?" Jasper asked her. "Or Half-blood or pure-blooded?" He wasn't sure but what ever she was he wouldn't mind.
Sarah raised an eyebrow, "Texas... Hmm, cool!" she finally said.
"Er, I'm a muggleborn, I didn't even do much accidental magic. Just once I made someone who was bothering me disappear for an entire day. I didn't even realize it was me who had done it, but apparently, it was."
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
Jasper looked around to see the people around him. Then he saw a blonde that he knew. "FEE!! OVER HERE!!" He yelled and waved. "Sup?" He asked her. "This is Sarah. She's new to Hogwarts."
Jasper felt awkward. He didn't really know what to say. And besides he just really wanted to go just wanted to go jump around in the bouncy castle but he didn't know if he should just walk right in.
Sarah turned to look at the girl, "Oh, hi, so you know Jasper? That's cool, what year are you in. Definitely not my year," Sarah said, glancing at the blonde girl.
Skye smiled at her friend Anna and replied, "Yea, I am." She bounced even higher and her sunglasses nearly fell off, but she caught them and put them back on.
"Awesome!" Anna said as they bounced in the Castle. "I wonder if this will be like the REAL Hogwarts." Anna giggled as they continued bouncing. "So, did you get your wand yet?" Anna asked Skye.