"I step away from my computer for (two minutes/half an hour/three hours/a day) and suddenly when I get back, something really weird happened and nobody will tell me, and I don't want to go through like, (10/15/100) new posts just to find out what! Tell me now! Somebody! Anybody! HEEEELLLLP!"
Sound familiar? Do not dispair, this thread is here to help you catch up with the various goings-on in the Hogwarts School RP.
The school term has started, and there are a few changes in staff, plus the addition of a Ministry representative (Nora Leiden). She seems to want to inquire on how students feel about the safety of Hogwarts, though some staff and students appear to be quite wary of her. Hogsmede is undergoing serious reconstruction after being trashed/vandalized over the summer. Hendrik appears to know who is responsible, but is not telling.
The Daily Prophet includes a rather scandalous article about the past events at Hogwarts, written by Dempsey Doodle. Ravenclaw Prefect Ashlie seems to have taken the greatest (at least most noticable) offense to the article, and is probably not the only one to have decided that the article and Miss Leiden's presence are somehow linked. Miss Leiden has gotten approval from the Headmaster to inspect the staff's classes. She targeted all the classes with the ex-ghost profs and Rae.
The student paper, SS Quill, contains an article about the arrival of Miss Leiden (before that, an introductory article about the beginning of term) and an editorial written by Ashlie in response to Dempsey Doodle's article.
Despite attempts from some, Leiden has now found out who exactly let down Hogwart's defenses (i.e. opened the door) resulting in the chaotic fight in the castle against Lord Voldemortist. Professor Rae admitted to it (to the horror of several students).
Leiden inspected Divination and Potions classes, and now has decided to suspend Airlia, Riddle, Lainley and Rae from teaching duties, getting replacements from the Ministry. Rae has yet to be ousted, but it seems like this latest move has opened a rather nasty Pandora's Box of emotions, expecially on the student's end.
Professor Kris Airlia -->
Professor Marcella Riddle -->
Rhiane Shwmae
Professor Cassandra Rae -->
Profesior Angelica Lainey -->
Berty Borr
Professor Bree -->
Kali_O'Hara Headmaster Hendrik --> Riddock
(thanks to Nadia, this time quicker on the uptake than me. *bows*)
Looks like students are channelling some serious emotion into productiveness, several first/second years backed up by Professor Bree redecorating Berty Borr's office (and Berty himself). Alas, it has cost them, now Bree is out...
...that is not to say that's the only thing going on. Ashlie and Terry are scheming together to form somethign akin to Dumbledore's Army--SAMMO. (Students Against Meddling Ministry Officials. Quaint.)
Zekke snuck into several professor's offices (Rae, Airlia in particular) and stole a whole bunch of stuff back. So far, all he's returned is Rae's photo, but Terry is getting the blame from Perry for stealing it (oops!).
UPDATE: Most of the stuff has been returned. Most.
Hubert, Airlia's House-elf, was ordered to clean up the...artwork in Borr's "office", and, shall we say, pitched in to the revolution. Alas, Borr is a smart one, and is now howing in fury (with ripped pants) towards wherever Airlia may be. Borr wants to take Hubert away from Airlia (legally of course. Of course...) and Marcella has gone and stuck a "kick me" sign on his ripped trousers. He suceeded...or did he? Only time will tell.
All classes run by the Ministry reps so far have either been rediculously basic, or a joke. And some students have OWLS and NEWTS, you know!
Sidenote: Ron (gryffindor_1) sank his boat in a lake and was eaten by the Giant Squid. Or at least, dragged under. Do not try this at home, folks.
Remember Lee the Hufflepuff? He's been caught for doing something (besides the painting incident) and Shwame has got him to be a spy for the Ministry. He's supposed to ferret out information about last term...but will he? He's already snapped in the halls, and is telling Professor Bree + Slytherin Prefects some sketchy details about his predicament in Bree's office.
ADDITION: Melita's got Veritaserum! (Run, all you children! Run!)
Lee's been doped with Veritaserum and he's let slip who put up that wonderful poster of Melita and Borr in Hogesmade. He's also told her about SAMMO, and now that Shwame is in the SAMMO meeting, the members are trying to play it cool, like it was indeed a "Homework Group".
Bree has gotten into trouble for instructing when she is suspended. Now she can't leave the castle under any circumstances. SAMMO is...under survaillence? A Ravenclaw (Dark_Chimera) was listening in on the whole thing (i think).
Slytherin prefects Jaren and Zekke have brought one of Melita's cookies to Airlia for scientific analysis.
Lee was dragged off by Borr to a Borr dentention (Dun dun DUNN!) And Ganymede set off a slew of Dungbombs+a portable swamp in Borr's office, which has been cleaned up by Jaren before anyone notices.
Headmaster Hendrik has been ordered to step down in accordance to Clause which-one-is-it-now...also because Leiden likes him, but Hendrik (as we all know) is in love with Professor Pheonix. This has Professor Riddle in a hissy fit, to put it lightly, but the student body has not been informed yet. Well, directly anyway.
UPDATE: A trial is to be held soon by "Headmistress" Leiden, the accused being Professors Riddle, Lainley and Airlia. She is currently looking for student testifiers.
Plain outrageous insulting of Bertie Borr during HoM class resulted in a bunch of students (two Slyths, one Huffie, one Claw) landing themselves in detention. One Slytherin seems to be sucking up to Borr quite a bit...
Professors seem to prefer the Hog's Head to the Three Broomsticks. Looks like everyone has been in there...a small society which formed with the goal of freeing Hubert was busted by Josef Perry, and Lainley, who was "helping" somewhat with the Polyjuice Potion the students were brewing, is now confined to quarters. The kiddies got detention.
THE TRIAL HAS BEGUN! Check the post below this one for details on the trial.
Update: School ball (blech!) Leiden has not-so-wisely announced that the ex-ghost profs will not be returning, and Rae + Bree have been fired.
Current weather: Summer?
Status of student body: Curse you! You'll pay for this! May Merlin's Thumbs Deliver Justice! [/random cornyness]