*The students all crowd around Madame Rowena trying to get a glimpse at the restricted books that are on the shelves behind the caged bars. Madame Rowena shuts the door with a satisfying creak and transfigures her wand into a long bronze key. She locks the heavy bronze lock and turns to look at the wide-eyed students*
"Now, mind you, unless you have a permission form from a teacher to sign out a certain book, you will not be granted access to this section of the library. Upon showing me the note I will go into this section of the library to gather the resource that you may require after I have deciphered the handwriting of your professor. Respect the security measure I must take for highly dangerous and potentially hazardous books are sitting on the shelves at this very moment. Thank-you all," Madame Rowena says while turning away. All the students look on with great interest at the books sitting on the sinking shelves all trying to devise ways to get their hands on some forbidden potion recipes.