If you wish to be a Quidditch Team, you must fulfil all of these requirements:
- Must have read OotP (Lots of questions on that during the games)
- Must own a copy of the real Quidditch Through the Ages (most questions come from it)
- Must have good general knowledge on HP and Quidditch (you don't want to let your fellow team members down by not knowing what Harry's middle name is, for example)
- Must be active in the forums (online atleast 4 times a week for atleast 20 minutes)
- Must do homework set out by teachers (So I know you have been online and actually doing something)
- Must understand the official Quidditch rules well
- Must be a second- or third-year (No first-years allowed, sorry)
- Must show good house spirit!
The only acception to the "no first-years" rule is the Reserve Team. First-years may try out for that if they wish.
Also, first-years can be cheerleaders. But cheerleading you may discuss amongst yourselves - I don't organise it, so if you want a cheerleading team, you may make one. Please don't PM me about being on the cheerleading team, as it's not my decision.