Quidditch, as of right now, has been terminated, indefinitely.
Due to cheating, the overwhelming number of complaints, and the harassment of the Quidditch official, the staff has decided to cancel Quidditch for the rest of the term as well as the next one. Whether or not we will have it after that depends on whether or not we can revamp the system to prevent the kind of cheating which has gone on.
Of all 4 houses, Hufflepuff has shown exemplary patience, kindness, and support of our Quidditch official, his judgments, and his rules. We, the staff, give out house points for homework and answering questions correctly in class and we hand out detentions for rule breakers but, we have been remiss in rewarding those houses which show us, the staff, the most respect. Therefore, I am awarding Hufflepuff 1000 points for their sportsmanship. Your excellence in sportsmanship outshines any teams' achievements on the pitch and the staff would like to thank you for it. Congratulations Hufflepuff!!