Marcella Blaise Riddle was born in the same family as Salazar Slytherin, the greatest of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was born long after the demise of Lord Voldemort, a name still feared in magical society today. The blood line of the Slytherins were carried through by accident on the Dark Lords part. A child were born, a child conceived unknowingly to him, by a mudblood. He had never intended to produce an heir as his aim was to become immortal and therefore he would have no use for one. He only discovered that the child existed after the mudblood, Velicia Evans, had bore the child. However, he were still under the impression that she were pregnant and, unable to find the child (the child had been taken by it's God-Parents) that was the assumption made and thus he murdered her, thinking he had rid himself of both females.
He later learnt he were wrong and sought out the girl who was also named Marcella. Albus Dumbledore, the current Headmaster at Hogwarts, managed to keep her from his grasp and so suceeded in training the girl himself. Having been born in Norway as her mother had gone into hiding there once she had learnt she were pregnant, she was moved to Scotland. She lived there from the age of 15 to 18 and fell in love, conveniently, with the heir to another Hogwarts Founder, Godric Gryffindor. The pair married, at their coming of age and together fought Voldemort. His defeat coming from their combined knowledge and use to of love and the fact that she were his heir couple with the fact that he were his enemy.
Her husband, of the name Potter, died valiantly in battle, leaving Marcella wounded and pregnant. She eventually gave birth to a child, but died in labour due to the severity of her injuries from the battle, although many say it were a broken heart that finally took her. It is important to note that Marcella also had a half-brother, Nicholas Lestrange. He was the son of Voldemort and bellatrix Lestrange. They held an odd affection for each other.
Through the child of Potter/Riddle, the family lived on. This son (Bartholomew) then passed down the name Riddle to his daughter, who he aptly named, Marcella Blaise Riddle in remembrance of the woman who helped fight off Voldemort.
As you may have guessed, this child is me, Marcella, the girl who died last term. No-one is quite sure why I was killed or how, but I have my own suspicions. Possibly somebody wanted the last of the line of Slytherins destroyed. If that was what they had hoped to achieve then they have suceeded. I myself have lived in Britain all my life, my father having brought me up until I was two years old, he then died. Spookily, my mother died in labour too. I was then sent to an orphanage. I was brought up to hold a sense of pride in the purity of blood and a recognition of the dark arts. I started at Hogwarts at 11, as most young wizards and witches do and didn't have as much trouble as previous family members with the family name affecting who I made friends with. I was never happy with the idea of mudbloods attending wizarding schools and was never pleased to see some of my fellow students were their kind. But, having no choice, I had to live with them.
My death was sudden and rather a shock even to myself. It was the end of term ball and I were dancing with my friends, we were all happy. The next moment, I had been struck down by an invisible force and were dead before I hit the ground.
But whatever it was that tried to rid the school of me, has not achieved that goal. I will forever reside within the walls of the school, residing in the Slytherin Dungeons that used to be home and wandering the school, still at a loss as to why I ever died.
In the last term a potion was found, by myself, in the Book of Mysteria, to bring back to life all spirits. The headmaster has yet to decide whether I and others will be brought back to life. |