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Captain's Locker Room Ravenclaw/Gryffindor :ballcap: Spots enter's the private locker room located beneath the Quidditch stands labeled "Captains and Co-Captains Only" The room is a little nicer than the players lockers with carpeting on the floors, softer chairs and even the air seemed a bit fresher. In the corner their was a blackboard where the Captains could exchange thoughts on tactics and post questions to the Quidditch Officials. "I have provided this locker room for your use. This is for the Captains and Co-Captains only and I will look to each of you to keep all other players out of here. If this privilege is abused your team could have points deducted from your next match." "I will occasionally post questions here for each of you and you can post questions for me here as well. What I would like you to do as soon as you get them is to post your team rosters here so I will have them for the record." "Thank you for your assistance in trying to get this term's matches underway and your teams organized as quickly as possible." "As of Friday October 15th, here are the Captains and Co-Captains that I have, please send me an owl if any of this information is incorrect." Quidditch Captains/Co-Captains Slytherin C= She-Who-Is-Not-To–Be-Psycho! (Nadia) CC= Zadkhiel (Zekke) Hufflepuff C= Mrs. Weasley (Terry) CC= ~*Keni’s Girl*~ (Lauren) Gryffindor C= Amyliaz (Amyliaz) CC= all4oliverwood (Kelli) Ravenclaw C=swedishharrypotterfan (Lina) CC= voldemortsucks (Mike) |
:ballcap: to continue to clarify which rules we are using (since they have changed repeatedly over the 4-5 terms that I've been here) we are currently using the following rules: QUIDDITCH RULES: How To Play Chasers and Keepers The Chasers and the Keeper are basically the most vital players. They are the ones who need to be the most active. To start off, a Quaffle Question will be presented to the Chasers and the Keeper. This question is not for all Chasers though - the questions are asked in turn, so first the Gryffindors are asked the questions, for example, and after that the Slytherins and so on. The object of the game is to be fast. Example question Quaffle: How many fouls can be made in Quidditch? As soon as the question is presented, the Chasers have to answer. If they answer correctly, they gain 10 points. But if the opposing Keeper manages to answer the question first, then the goal is blocked and no points will be handed out. If the Chaser who answers first answers wrong, no points will be given out. If the Keeper answers wrong, he/she has not been able to block the goal and 10 points will be given to the opposing team. Then another question is asked, this time targeted to the other team, and the game follows the same pattern. Beaters The Beaters don't have too important of a role, so they needn't be here all the time. Every once in a while a Beater Question will be asked. Example question Bludger: Who holds the record for the fastest capture of the Snitch to date? Only the Beaters on the defensive team (the team who is NOT answering the Quaffle question) can answer this. If the Beater answers (correctly) first has thus hit the Bludger and blocked the opposing Chaser from scoring. If the Beater answers first but incorrectly then they don not stop the Chaser and the Chaser's team get the score no matter what thier answer is (or even if they give one) just like the keeper. Seekers The Seekers must be knowledgeable about HP and Quidditch in general, though they don't need to be so active all the time. At some points of the game, a Snitch Question will be presented. This will be a difficult question. Example question Snitch: Who was the first ever person to cross the Atlantic by broom? The first Seeker to answer it will get a bit closer to catching the Snitch. After "catching" the Snitch three times, they finally really catch the Snitch and the game is over, giving the Snitch catcher's team an additional 150 points. --+-- House points The points are given to the houses judging by how many points they won the other team by. If, for example, Gryffindor won Slytherin 150-50, Gryffindor would get 100 points and Slytherin none. --+-- In General And so always the first person's answer is crucial. If they answer correctly, then it's good. If they answer wrong but someone answers correct after them, then it doesn't count. Everything relies on the first person. --+-- The rules: - Any player or Mod(with the exception of those responsible for the match) found to have either altered or deleted a post will cost their team the match and 100 points towards the House Cup. - Player substitutions must be approved by the Starting Captain and properly posted by the Match official and answers can not be given by a player unless they're in an approved position. - Each team will only be allowed 5 substitutions for an entire match so pick your players wisely. If players aren't able to participate regularly in matches then find some that are. Also, I will expect you to inform your players NOT to try and answer a question that is not poised for their position. Out of position answers (such as a beater answering a snitch question, or a reserve player answering ANY question) will result in a penalty and 25 points being awarded to the opposing team. |
:ballcap: after receiving an owl from the ravenclaw Captain, Spots floats into the Captain's Locker room and posts the "starting seven" and the reserved teams for the Ravenclaws. Captain: swedishharrypotterfan Co-captain: voldemortsucks Starting Team Seeker: voldemortsucks Keeper: swedishharrypotterfan Beater: Jadeane_Lupin Beater: demented_death_eater Chaser: lightstar1154 Chaser: quidditch chick Chaser: shenanigan Reserve team Seeker: Elijah Wood Keeper: Ron Potter Beater: Hermione3000 Beater: anhaire Chaser: Lexy91112 Chaser: gigizelaya Chaser: angelwings |
Spots enters the Locker room for the 10th time and looks at the large noisy clock on hte wall and then back towards the door. "Still no one from the Gryffindor team........alas....I'm afraid we might have a problem, I will have to consult the Headmaster on this." And Spots heads out to seek out the senior staff and the Headmaster...... :ballcap: ooc: Gryffindor is in serious violation of the rules so I need to consult other staff for a ruling but it's safe to say that at least some type of penalty will have to be enforced. |
Terry enters the Captain's Room hoping to run into Sir Spot. She wants to wish him luck with his second match of the season. She walks over to the Quidditch Box and takes out the snitch and starts playing with it. It seems when she has a lot on her mind it helps if she plays with this little ball. The act of catching it helps her put things in perspective. While she is playing, she notices the lists for the Quidditch teams on the blackboard. Apparently Gryffindor's Captain has failed to turn her list in. That would explain while Sir Spot's not in the locker room with the game about to start shortly. Terry decides to leave him a note and head for the stands. She'll wait there and see if their going to have a game today or not. |
:ballcap: Spots floats back into the Locker room after finally consulting the Gryffindor Co-Captain. He goes to post the line-up for the Gryffindor team. This will be the "starting seven" for the team from Gryffindor. The match will begin on Monday at approx. 5pm (eastern standard time US). After consultation with the Headmaster a penalty to Gryffindor will be announced. Seeker - amyliaz Keeper - all4oliverwood Chaser - AnimagusPadfoot Chaser - Genie Chaser - lways Beater - Cool_L511 Beater - geraldinechang |
* Mike enters the locker room and sees that the gryff team has finnally posted there teams and he walked over to Spots and asked. * Umm... excuse me Sir.. The quidditch match is tommrow at 5 pm eastern correct? |
Lina enters the locker room already dressed in her Quidditch robes. She walks up to the board where the Gryffindor starting seven has finally been posted and stuides the names, some are familiar from earlier matches, but some of them are completely new to her. This was gonna be an interesting game, and she wanted to win badly. Just to be on the safe side though, she wanted to ask Sir Spots about some things. Excuse me Professor, but will we be posting our substitutions in here or in the game thread? And will both myself and my co-captain be able to do the substitiutions? She takes a seat while waiting for the professor to answer. |
Substitution #1: RonsLilPyro in for Cool_L511 for the beater position. |
All posts of substitutions should come to me in here and by PM I will approve them and then post them in the Match thread. Caution your players NOT to answer a question in their NEW position until posted in the Match thread by ME.....Spots |
Yes sir, and I pmed you and posted here, as well as instructed my player not to post until told so by myself, when I see you approve it |
Substitution request Seeker: lexy9112 Chaser on reserve team: voldemortsucks |
Excuse me Sir, but in the last Gryffindor question, you seem to have missed that the Ravenclaw beater question was answered by Jadeane_Lupin. So there should not have been a score for Gryffindor... |
Nadia enters the Lockers Room, feeling out of place, but nonetheless decided: "Professor, I need to point out that the last question, was mean to Ravenclaw, as following: Quaffle question to Ravenclaw: Who healed Hedwigs wing when she hurt it in OotP? but the one to respond was Genie, of Gryffindor, and she is the chaser, not the keeper. Therefore, her answer was not only invalid but a violation of the rules. I hate to be the snake but it is not fair for Ravenclaws either." -EDIT:- Quote:
Hope I helped. Later. And good luck both teams! *Nadia steps out* |
Lina rushes into the locker room and sees Nadia and Spots. sorry Professor, but things need to be fair both ways. Not only did the wrong Gryffindor player answer, but it seems Ravenclaw just got two Quaffle questions in a row, which is why I accidently answered the last one, I was sure it was for Gryffindor... |
:ballcap: Spots looks at the two in the Locker room, "thank you for pointing that out to me, I was in the process of reviewing the posts as you came here, I'm sure I would have noticed it as well. I wave made my ruling on the Pitch...." |
We answered it first anyways, so nothing would happen to your team. |
Lina smiled at Spots, Thank you for your correct ruling, Sir. In the heat of the moment I didn't see that nothting happened when two Ravenclaw questions were asked in a row. I just noticed something was wrong. She smiled at the Gryffindor who had pointed that fact out. Anyway, I hope the game continues soon! She smiles and heads back out on the field. |
:ballcap: Spots floats into the Locker room to post the following note he received by owl from the Gryffindor Co-Captain. Quote:
Yes, and as I stated, we are still playing the match, we just do not agree with some of the rules, and want that known. If you want to take action, take it out on me, as I sent the PM. |
Lina walks in and sees the notice that Spots has pinned to the board. While reading it she sighs a bit, knowing that something like this was bound to happen. In her own opinion, this wouldn't even have been a problem if the other team had just sent in their team rooster on time, they'd had days to do it. If the teachers now decided to change the punishment, she would just make sure the right team won anyway, and not start to complain. She turns to the referee. Excuse me Sir, but I need to make another substitution before the game starts up again. swedishharrypotterfan - keeper demented_death_eater - beater EDIT: I see no note was made here that a substituion between the same players has been made before, but this is still substitution # 3, right? |
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