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Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
Welcome to Slytherin!
If you're looking for a place to learn a little bit more about your house, your housemates and maybe your Head of House, look no further. This is a place where you can see who you'll be sharing a dorm or the common room with for the next few (or several) years. This is also a place where you can share a little bit about yourself too, so your housemates can get to know you.
Slytherin Head of House: Hadleigh Paton (Kolyander) Slytherin Ghost: Bloody Baron
Slytherin Founder: Salazar Slytherin Slytherin Mascot: Snake Slytherin Colors: Green and Silver
OOC: This is a place for you to post your character's biography. Common things to include are: their name, age, year, wand, favorite or least favorite subjects, etc.
If you would like to post an image, please make sure it is under 350px by 350px and under 60KB and posted to your OWN image account. No hotlinking!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Work in Progress...
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hadleigh Renee Paton Care of Magical Creatures Professor & Slytherin HoH looks like: Danielle Campbell » font: Verdana + (Dark Green)
» basics
LEGAL NAME Hadleigh Renee Paton Lynch NICKNAMES Hady, Hads, Hades DATE OF BIRTH July 26, 2073 (39) ASTROLOGICAL SIGN Leo PLACE OF BIRTH Ireland CURRENT RESIDENCELong Island, New York USA Hogsmeade, Highlands, Scotland LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Irish, Welsh, Mermish, Troll BLOOD STATUS Pureblood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Married
» appearance
HAIR Dark brown, long and wavy EYES Hazel COMPLEXION Slight tan BUILD Average HEIGHT 5’5 STYLE Dresses, skirts and blouses, boots, very fashionable pantsuits. Her jewelry always matches with whatever she is wearing. She tries to keep things professional. Around family and friends she all for comfort rather than style.
» family tree
HUSBAND Franklin Paton DAUGHTER(S) Nova Paton, Melody Paton and Bryony Paton SON(S) Logan Paton PET(S)Hagan (cat), Riddick (owl), Amie (python), Elvis/Flint/and Nephrite (pet rocks), Beans (crup), Bacon (jarvey) … (Plus many more to be added in!) OTHER FAMILY NOT RELATED BY BLOOD: Aditya Atreyu-Rehman, Benjamin Atreyu, Rajesh Atreyu-Rehman, Dynah Atreyu-Rehman, Nadia Atreyu-Rehman, Aryan Atreyu-Rehman, Brooklyn Andrews, Dante Barrington, Giselle Barrington, Phoebe Barrington, Alexander Barrington, Aurora Barrington and Damien Barrington
HOGWARTS: Slytherin, 2084-2091 (Was Head Girl) CURRENT OCCUPATION: Care of Magical Creatures Professor Hogwarts 2108-
Gryffindor Head of House 2109-2111
Slytherin Head of House 2111- PREVIOUS OCCUPATION(s):
- Rescue and Rehabilitation of creatures she found or that were brought to her
- Magizoologist/vet at Scamander's Zoo
- Private vet for Aditya Atreyu-Rehman's Hippogriff Reserve & family and friends
Ancient Runes - E Astronomy - E Arithmancy - E Charms - O Care Of Magical Creatures - O Defense Against the Dark Arts - O Divination - E Herbology - O History of Magic - E Muggle Studies - O Potions - O Transfiguration - O
Charms - O Care of Magical Creatures - O Defense Against the Dark Arts - O Herbology - O History of Magic - E Potions - O Transfiguration - O
» personality
PERSONALITY TYPE TBA LIKES Nature, creatures, time with her family/friends, music, the sound of streams/waterfalls/rain, iced coffee, Quidditch DISLIKES SKILLS & ABILITIES Very good at both the guitar and drums (used to be the drummer for The Sirens when she was in Hogwarts)
» miscellaneous
WAND 10 1/4 inches, Cypress wood, Unicorn tail hair, Slightly yielding PATRONUS Fennec Fox ANIMAGUS Red Panda BOGGART Acromantula AMORTENTIA The scent of the forest, green apple candy, and cologne
» history
SPOILER!!: Hadleigh's Life
Coming soon...
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Work in Progress...
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Never give up. Never give in. Never back down.
PP by Chellie
Models: Anastasia Orub {Younger}; Lilliana Ketchman {current}; N/A {18+}; N/A {35+}
Post Color: Hot Pink {#FF69B4}
Name: Bryony Rose Paton Nicknames: Bry, Flower Pronouns: She, Her, Hers Blood Status: Half-Blood Date of Birth: 1st, January 2100 Zodiac: Capricorn Gemstone: Garnet Orientation:ARYAN!!! Relationship Status: Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman is my boyiefwiend!!! Place of Residency: Hogsmeade, Highlands, Scotland Place of Birth: St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Height: 4'' 8' {132.07 cm} Weight: 76 lbs {30.84 kg} Eye Color: Blonde Hair Color: Bright Blue Complexion: Fair Build: Skinny but much stronger than she looks, very flexible Tattoo(s): TBD Piercing(s): Only her ears.. for now Other: Various small scars from injuries due to her junior ninja warrior ‘training’ Dress Style: Jeans and t-shirts in lots of colors and styles, dresses and shirts, heels and boots, lots of jewelry, painted nails. In other words, whatever she wants, it really depends on the day and her mood
Personality Type: Entrepreneur ESTP-A {Mind - 77% Extraverted, Energy - 59% Observant, Nature - 61% Thinking, Tactics - 58% Prospecting, Identity - 67% Assertive} Amortentia: Boggart: Losing Aryan! Patronus: NA Animagus: NA Wand: Energy Level: Crazy HIGH!!! Extremely hyper, likes to keep busy Favorite Flower/Plant: Bryony DUH!!! And Roses. Pink roses Likes: Pink, Creatures! {dragons!!! and hippogriffs}, Iced coffee, being constantly on the move, getting her way!, being LOUD, candy! Dislikes: Not getting her way, people not listening to her, losing, being thought of as 'too little', Talents: Drums, Guitar, Gymnastics, Dancing {Thank you Jude!}, Ninja Warrior training {This is the same as what a Ninja Warrior would go through (for the TV program) only for children, she has been doing this since she was really young} Hopes/Dreams: To become a Ninja Warrior Champion, Hopes to fly on a dragon soon! Extra: LOUD! Likes to climb, run, jump on/off of things, was a biter {might still be a biter}, used to always getting her way/throws insane tantrums when she doesn’t get her way {has somewhat grown out of this a little}, very attached to Aryan, SPOILED!, always 100% innocent, can be a tad bit over dramatic at times, Signature:
- Intended Careers: Magizoologist/ Co-owner of "The Cliffs" Dragon Reserve {since she’ll be marrying Aryan someday obviously} , AND a Ninja Warrior Champion
- St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London, UK - Class of 2111}
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry {Class of 2118; House}
Extra-Curriculars: Creature Companions, Duelling Club,
Strongest Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures
Weakest Subject: TBD
SPOILER!!: First Year Accomplishments
Term ? {?-?} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards:
SPOILER!!: Second Year Accomplishments
Term ? {?-?} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards:
SPOILER!!: Third Year Accomplishments
Term ? {?-?} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards:
SPOILER!!: Fourth Year Accomplishments
Term ? {?-?} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards:
SPOILER!!: Fifth Year Accomplishments
Term ? {?-?} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards: OWL Results:
Ancient Runes:
History of Magic:
Muggle Studies:
SPOILER!!: Sixth Year Accomplishments
Term ? {?-?} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards:
SPOILER!!: Seventh Year Accomplishments
Term ? {?-?} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards: NEWT Results:
Ancient Runes: TBA
Arithmancy: TBA
Astronomy: TBA
Divination: TBA
Herbology: TBA
History of Magic: TBA
Muggle Studies: TBA
Potions: TBA
Transfiguration: TBA
Will Attend:
-Wizarding University {from 2118 - Campus TBD}
Papa: Franklin Paton {31st, March 2073} {Auror} Mama: Hadleigh Renee {nee Lynch} Paton {26th, July 2073} {CoMC Professor at Hogwarts and Slytherin HoH/Magizoologist/Vet for Scamanders Zoo family friends Sisters: Nova Paton {18th, September 2093} , Melody Paton {9th, May 2095} Brother: Logan Roderik Paton {26th, June 2096} Other family not related by blood: Aditya Atreyu-Rehman, Benjamin Atreyu, Rajesh Atreyu-Rehman, Dynah Atreyu-Rehman, Nadia Atreyu-Rehman, Aryan Atreyu-Rehman, Brooklyn Andrews, Dante Barrington, Giselle Barrington, Phoebe Barrington, Alexander Barrington, Aurora Barrington and Damien Barrington Familiar: Bacon! A white Jarvey with black on the tips of his ears, tail and two of his paws. Bacon is as loud and active as Bryony is. {She frequently changes his fur color to match her hair color/nails/clothing} {Of course she only uses creature friendly dyes or magic} {He is also known to wear clothing} Family Pets: Beans {Crup}, Circe {Melody’s snake}, Amie {Hady’s snake}, Riddick {Hady’s owl}, Best Friend: How do you all not know this already? From the day he was born adopted it’s been and always will be, Aryan Atreyu-Rehman Friends:
Family Tree
{Thanks Zoe! There's really just waaaay too much family to list them all individually xD}
SPOILER!!: Click
2100 - Bryony is born;
2101 {turns 1 year} -
2102 {turns 2 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Infant Class.
2103 {turns 3 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Infant Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Nursery Class.
2104 {turns 4 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Nursery Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year R Class.
2105 {turns 5 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year R Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 1 Class.
2106 {turns 6 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 1 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 2 Class.
2107 {turns 7 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 2 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 3 Class
2108 {turns 8 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 3 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 4 Class.
2109 {turns 9 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 4 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at tSt. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 5 Class.
2110 {turns 10 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 5 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 6 Class.
2111 {turns 11 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 6 Class; Graduated; Started out at Hogwarts - Sorted into Slytherin (after telling the hat she had to be placed there for obvious reasons.. Aryan was placed there.. AHEM;
2112 {turns 12 years} -
2113 {turns 13 years} -
2114 {turns 14 years} -
2115 {turns 15 years} -
2116 {turns 16 years} -
2117 {turns 17 years} -
2118 {turns 18 years} -
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Astronomy: (2111-Present) Care of Magical Creatures: (2113-present) Charms: (2111-Present) Defense Against the Dark Arts: (2111-Present) Duelling Club: (2113-Present) Herbology: (2111-Present) History of Magic: (2111-Present) Muggle Studies: (2113-Present) Potions: (2111-Present) Transfiguration: (2111-Present)
SPOILER!!: Chaser (2114 - 2116)
2114 Season: TBD
☼ HOGSMEADE PRIMARY WIZARDING SCHOOL ♦ Student, September 2105 - June 2111
Arts & Crafts: (2103-05) Discipline & Balance: (2107-11) Geography: (2105-11) Language Arts: (2105-11) Magical Games : (2109-11) Magical History: (2108-11) Magical Safety & Appreciation: (2108-11) Mathematics: (2106-11) Muggle-Wizard Connections: (2107-11) Nutrition & Physical Education: (2105-11) Quill Writing: (2103-06) Reading: (2103-05) Theory of Magic: (2107-11) World History: (2109-11)
Name: Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman Nicknames: Ary, The Littlest Atreyu-Rehman {by many}; Boyiefwiend, AryBear {by Bry}; Arugula, Aru {by Drake} Pronouns: He/Him/His Blood Status: Half Blood Date of Birth: 15th August, 2100 {adopted two days later} Zodiac: Leo Orientation: Demisexual Relationship Status: Taken Place of Residency: "The Cliffs" Dragon Reserve - Weybourne, Norfolk, England Place of Birth: St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Height: 5'' 5' {168 cm} Weight: 110 lbs {49.8 kg} Eye Color: Dark brown Hair Color: Black Complexion: Light brown Build: Skinny Tattoo(s): TBD Other: Has dimples Dress Style: Button up shirt left open with tee shirt under, jeans and Converse boots
- Intended Careers: Magizoologist/owner of "The Cliffs" Dragon Reserve
- St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London, UK - Class of 2111}
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry {Class of 2118; Slytherin House}
Extra-Curriculars: Creature Companions, Duelling Club, Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, Wizard Card Collectors' Club
Strongest Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms
Weakest Subject: Transfiguration
SPOILER!!: First Year Accomplishments
Term 65 {2111-2112} : Total House Points: 315 out of 898 Classes attended:
Astronomy - 39
Charms - 40
CoMC - 40
Herbology - 39
History of Magic - 37
Muggle Studies Term Long Activity {partner: Bryony} - 40
Term 68 {2114-2115} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards:
SPOILER!!: Fifth Year Accomplishments
Term 69 {2115-2116} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards: OWL Results:
Ancient Runes:
History of Magic:
Muggle Studies:
SPOILER!!: Sixth Year Accomplishments
Term 70 {2116-2117} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards:
SPOILER!!: Seventh Year Accomplishments
Term 71 {2117-2118} : Total House Points: Classes attended: Lesson Boards: NEWT Results:
Ancient Runes: TBA
Arithmancy: TBA
Astronomy: TBA
Divination: TBA
Herbology: TBA
History of Magic: TBA
Muggle Studies: TBA
Potions: TBA
Transfiguration: TBA
Will Attend:
-Wizarding University {from 2118 - Campus TBD}
SPOILER!!: 9½ inches, robust cherry with unicorn hair
"This wand is nine and a half inches of robust cherry, with a core of unicorn hair." A very beautiful wood, highly prize, and surprisingly lethal - depending, of course, on the witch or wizard who wielded it. No bad wands, et cetera, et cetera. "An excellent wand for healing spells, binding spells, and divination, plus it has an affinity for the earth element and all relating to it. It's also said that the cherry wand helps to keep its bearer 'down to Earth' - this wand wood in particular requires those with self-control and a strong will, and so the wand does its part by helping to keep its wielder grounded." Given the power in that wood, matching them to eleven-year-olds could be something of a risk, but Zeke felt certain it was not have chosen this boy to wield it if he were not - or did not have the potential to be - capable, regardless of how quiet he was on the outside. In any case, the core did temper things somewhat. "Unicorn hair cores make for very faithful wands, and the magic they produce is very reliable; generally they don't make for the most powerful magic, but you may find the wood gives your spells all the oomph you could want. With this core, your wand is well suited to charms, transfigurations, and, again, healing magic."
SPOILER!!: Click!
Boggart: TBD Amortentia: TBD Patronus: TBD Fave Colours: TBD Laterality: Left Likes: Muggle vehicle toys; horror movies; Bollywood movies {the action types}; sour candies; iced tea; making paperclip creations for the people he loves; Dislikes: Sugary foods/snacks {but is partial to peanut butter ice cream}; confrontations Languages: British English; some amount of Hindi {started learning Hindi from grandma Indira before she died, mainly learns now from watching Bollywood movies} Weaknesses: TBD Strengths: is the only one capable of dealing with Bry when she has a full out tantrum; can keep a level head in any situation Extra: Developed late speech {said his first word at three years old}; doesn’t speak much; is a realist; adds an 's' to certain words when he talks to persons he's most comfortable with; can be competitive; Prized Possessions: TBD
2100 - Aryan is born; officially adopted by Adi & Benny
2101 {turns 1 year} -
2102 {turns 2 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Infant Class.
2103 {turns 3 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Infant Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Nursery Class.
2104 {turns 4 years} - Enrolled at tSt. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Nursery Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year R Class.
2105 {turns 5 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year R Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 1 Class.
2106 {turns 6 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 1 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 2 Class.
2107 {turns 7 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 2 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 3 Class
2108 {turns 8 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 3 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 4 Class.
2109 {turns 9 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 4 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 5 Class.
2110 {turns 10 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 5 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 6 Class.
2111 {turns 11 years} - Enrolled at St. Woboldo's Primary School {Hexagon Alley, London} for Year 6 Class; Graduated; Started out at Hogwarts - Sorted into Slytherin; had a mini 'sleepover' with Drake on their first night at Hogwarts {they pushed their beds together}; has a difficult adjusting to life away from the Reserve; made quite a few new friends; discovered that he had a difficult time sleeping without Drake close by {Christmas Holidays}
2112 {turns 12 years} - has the opportunity to show Drake around the Reserve as Drake was able to visit over the summer for a while; developed a crush on Bry {shortly before beginning second year}; developed a crush on Drake {shortly after beginning second year}
2113 {turns 13 years} - Began to have suspicions that Professors Ean and Dhruv are more than friends, tries to prove this by investigating the two with Jansher {during the school year}; spent a few weeks over at Jan's place where the investigation into the professors' 'relationship' continued with Ary and Jan even enlisting the help of Idris on one occasion {summer}. Unable to keep his feelings to himself anymore, he told Drake during the first week of their return to Hogwarts as he was dreading to tell Bry he had fallen for the other guy as well. In the Topiary Garden {which happened to be the boys' fave spot as it represented them both - Flora for Drake, Fauna for Ary}, he told Drake how he felt which left his friend shocked but pleased. It was revealed that the feelings Ary expressed were mutual. Despite knowing this, he did not immediately ask Drake to be his boyfriend as he knew he needed to talk to Bry first. It took him about a week for him to work up the courage to admit to Bry that he was interested in her romantically as well as Drake. This went about as well as Ary imagined with there being a tantrum and tears on Bry's part, and loads of misery on his his part for hurting her. It was during the tantrum that Ary kissed her, mainly to get her to stop. It worked, though he left her immediately after as he was unable to watch her suffer. The two did not talk for about two weeks since Bry put some distance between them to process all Ary had admitted to her. Eventually she came around, and the two began to date officially. Only then, once Ary knew Bry had accepted his feelings for Drake as well, did he and Drake began dating too. {September}
2114 {turns 14 years} - Had Jan over at the Reserve for some summer fun; Bry indicated her interest in learning to become an Animagus which in turn led Ary to realise he would like to master the Patronus Charm. He confided this in Jan who also expressed an in learning the Charm. The two decided to ask Professor Khanna. {Summer} The DADA professor agreed to under the term that Ary and Jan would not interfere in their and Ean's romantic relationship. The boys 'agreed' but secretly agreed that they would keep an eye on it from a distance just to make sure that everything was okay between Jan's 'Dad E' and his partner. {September}
2115 {turns 15 years} -
2116 {turns 16 years} -
2117 {turns 17 years} -
2118 {turns 18 years} -
Angus Macgyver {Macgyver - 2016 TV series; Ary has the identical paperclip bending habit}
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
❧ FUNDAMENTALS NAME: Sage Winter Ransom-Kruus NICKNAMES: not applicable (and not asking for your input, Solomon) DOB: August 18, 2097 CURRENTLY RESIDES: the flat above Ollivanders, Diagon Alley NATIONALITY: British
PARENTAGE: unknown [most likely halfblood] WAND: 12⅔ inch light elder with unicorn hair ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo PATRONUS: presently non-corporal ANIMAGUS: Alpine ibex AMORTENTIA: wand polish, pine needles, rosemary, lemon (and most citrus) zest BOGGART: inferius [especially in the form of a loved one]
Sage is entangled eternally in competition with something - usually herself - and has a pragmatic approach to life. While carrying herself in a manner that implies she already 'knows' the right and best way forward, she is acutely aware that she has much to do to improve upon her intellectual abilities and physical strength which in turn intensifies her desire to master any and every topic that tickles her interest and can become obsessed with pursuits when they continue to hold her interest for an extended period of time. Possessing an outdoorswoman's heart, Sage is infatuated with heights and will find any excuse to climb and perch just to be that much closer to the sky. Suspect of odd numbers, Sage will sometimes bend over backwards to make sure she surrounded by even numbers including such superstitions that she arrive to an lesson on an even stride count. Fluctuating between being a bold of dreamer and the bitter of pessimists, Sage can be overbearing and abrasive to even those closest to her and is certainly not the best person to find yourself in a group project with her authoritarian tendencies. A girl who would rather be right than be popular, Sage struggles with being soft and vulnerable in a social setting and insists that sass and sarcasm are her love languages. Despite the personal hurtles and hindering biases she must sift through in order to establish friendships, her trust and allegiance is ferocious once earned - unless one were to foolishly betray that allegiance.
EXCELLED IN: Discipline & Balance, Herbology, Music Theory, Quill Writing, Theory of Magic
STRUGGLED IN: Magical History, Magical Safety & Appreciation, World History
HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT & WIZARDRY HOUSE: Slytherin CAPTIVATED BY: Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Transfiguration REPELLED BY: Divination, History of Magic EXTRA CURRICULARS: Latin, Magical Theory, Orchestra (drummer) Wizard's Chess, The Bookworms, Creature Companions, Duelling Club, Health and Wellness Group
ANCIENT RUNES.....................E
HISTORY OF MAGIC..................P
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
GILLYWEED BEERY Face: Ashley Moore
Name: Gillyweed Artemis Beery
Nicknames: Gilly, Gills
Birthdate: 20 January 2100
Place of Birth: Ornos, Mykonos, Greece
Current Residence: Islington, London, England
Relationship Status: Single
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: 1.65 m / 5'5"
Weight: 49.8 kg / 110 lbs
Distinguishing Features: Curly hair, thick eyebrows, defined jawline
Dexterity: Left-handed
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Hornbeam, 11½", fwooper feather, strong
Patronus: TBD
Boggart: People saying she is a disappointment/failure
Amortentia: Bougainvillea, salty sea air, well-worn pages of old books
St. Woboldo's Primary School (September 2104 - June 2111)
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (September 2111 - June 2118) Slytherin
Currently Taking
▫ Ancient Runes
▫ Arithmancy
▫ Astronomy
▫ Care of Magical Creatures
▫ Charms
▫ Defence Against the Dark Arts
▫ Herbology
▫ History of Magic
▫ Potions
▫ Transfiguration
▫ Creature Companions
▫ Duelling Club
▫ Latin
▫ Magical Debate
▫ Mermish
2100: Gillyweed is born; Mandrake is born; moves from Mykonos to Devon
2101: turns 1
2102: turns 2; moves from Devon to London
2103: turns 3
2104: turns 4; begins Year R at St. Woldobo's PWS
2105: turns 5; begins Year 1 at St. Woldobo's PWS
2106: turns 6; begins Year 2 at St. Woldobo's PWS
2107: turns 7; begins Year 3 at St. Woldobo's PWS
2108: turns 8; begins Year 4 at St. Woldobo's PWS
2109: turns 9; begins Year 5 at St. Woldobo's PWS
2110: turns 10; begins Year 6 at St. Woldobo's PWS
2111: turns 11; receives Hogwarts acceptance letter; graduates from St. Woldobo's PWS; begins 1st year at Hogwarts
2112: turns 12; begins 2nd year at Hogwarts
2113: turns 13; begins 3rd year at Hogwarts
2113: turns 14; begins 4th year at Hogwarts
The relationship between Juniper Beery and Oceanus Katsaros was a chance encounter that resulted in love at first sight. Despite the unlikely odds of their paths ever crossing, fate brought them together when Juniper, a Ministry worker, travelled to Greece to research and Oceanus, a seafarer, offered a discounted fare to use his ship. As Juniper explored the beauty of Greece, she couldn't help but be drawn to Oceanus, who was immediately captivated by her stunning appearance and captivating presence. He was smitten the moment he laid eyes on her, likening her to a Siren. Their initial acquaintance quickly evolved as their mutual admiration and attraction grew. In no time, their relationship had transformed, like a Kelpie, into something much deeper.
Months after her work-related excursion had ended, Juniper and Oceanus decided to extend their travels. They spent their time exploring the Mediterranean Sea and its rich diversity of plant life. The two adventurers were drawn to the beauty and serenity of the islands, and eventually found themselves settling down in the picturesque town of Mykonos. Juniper found work in a local floral shop, where she honed her skills and became known for her creative and unique arrangements. Meanwhile, Oceanus offered his seafaring services as a guide to anyone eager to explore the waters. Despite the lack of a formal marriage and financial stability, the couple was content in their simple lifestyle and were even contemplating starting a family. Little did the couple know that two seeds had been planted already as Juniper was unexpectedly pregnant with twins.
Fate, however, had other plans in mind for the two lovers: one day Oceanus went out to sea and never returned. For days Juniper waited, eager to share with her partner her latest discovery that had nothing to do with plants or fungi. The good news of her pregnancy was overshadowed though when a sailor knocked on her door weeks later to inform her that Oceanus and a group of cryptozoologists had been found. The sailor revealed that the vessel had been struck by a violent tempest, with gale force winds and towering waves battering the ship beyond repair and leaving no survivors. The news of Oceanus' death left Juniper devastated and heartbroken. Despite her overwhelming sadness, she found solace in the fact that she was carrying his children and felt a sense of comfort knowing that a part of him would always remain with her.
Juniper was filled with a mix of emotions as she welcomed the arrival of her twins, Gillyweed Artemis and Mandrake Apollo. Gillyweed had hair that was unruly and wild, reminiscent of a slimy rat tail, while Mandrake's cries and screams echoed through the night, causing Juniper much distress. Months after her experience of giving birth to her two children, Juniper was faced with the daunting reality of being a single mother. The pressure of supporting herself and two newborns became too much, and she realised she needed help. With nowhere else to turn, Juniper returned to her childhood home in Devon, England, to seek the support of her parents. With their help, Juniper was able to get back on her feet, and the three of them soon moved to a small apartment in London. Despite the challenges they faced, Juniper was determined to give her children the best life possible and she knew they would be able to make it through together.
Gillyweed and Mandrake were always like two sides of a coin – they complemented each other yet were unique in their own ways. The family, especially Juniper, considered them as a package deal, always together. Growing up, the twins shared almost everything – from their clothes to their classes and friends. But as they grew older, their individuality started to take shape, and their temperaments became more distinct. Gillyweed was known for her melancholic personality, often seen with a serious expression, whereas Mandrake was the life of the party, always cheerful and optimistic. Despite their differences, the bond between the twins has remained strong.
Text Cut: EXTRAS
Descendant of Herbert Beery, former Herbology and WADA professor.
Gillyweed was a near-Hatstall, wavering between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
FLORENCE SCHULTZ SLYTHERIN | CLASS OF 2118 Model: Bridget Satterlee (formerly: Vivien Lyra Blair)
General Info
Full Name: Florence Irene Schultz Nicknames: Flo (by family) Date of Birth: 25 August 2100 Place of Residence: Brixton, South London, UK Relationship Status: Single Heritage: English, German, Greek Wand: 11 ⅔ inch solid cedar with Peruvian Vipertooth dragon heartstring
Education & Work Experience
Primary School: St. Woboldo’s Primary School Secondary School: Hogwarts School Years: 2111 - Present Current Year: Fourth House: Slytherin Favorite Subjects: History of Magic, Astronomy, Transfiguration Least Favorite Subjects: Ancient Runes, Potions Extracurriculars: Latin, Wizard’s Chess, The Bookworms, Magical Debate, Health and Wellness Group
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue-grey Height: 5’2”
Personality Type: INTJ-T
Likes: Writing, stargazing, reading, wearing dresses, chess, traveling, pumpkin juice, pumpkin pasties, pumpkin spice, shopping, journaling, quills, tea Dislikes: Disappointing her grandmother, licorice, playing piano, chocolate frogs, failing at anything, the color orange, being ignored, Gobstones
Miscellaneous Facts:
- Nearly a Slytherin/Ravenclaw hatstall; the Sorting Hat spent four minutes and fifty-nine seconds deciding her house.
- Her grandmother, Gabriela Recard, is her role model.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Model: McKenna Grace
Post color: Ooze (#3E7A5E)
Secondary color: bloodred (#660000)
Lyrics: Insane - Black Gryph0n & Baasik
Hello, it’s nice to meet you…
Basic Info Full name: Sydney Marie Leyton Masters Nickname: Syd Date of birth: 25 April 2102 Place of birth: London, England Current residence: London, England Heritage: mixed blood
Can you tell me where I am…
Appearance Height: 4’11 Build: lean Eyes: grayish-blue Hair: blonde Laterality: ambidextrous (tends to favor her right hand; will randomly switch hands mid-task) Clothing style: old-fashioned
I don’t know how I got here, but I think I’m starting to understand…
Family Ma: Audri Masters Mum: Lily-Belle Leyton Siblings: Blakeney (twin sister: born 2102); Darcey (younger sister; born 2109) Godfather: Caledon "Cal" Roth Grandparents: Isadora Masters & Johnny Mansfield (both deceased); Aurelie & George Leyton Pet: rat named Mr. Sardonicus (Sardy, for short) Other: Venus flytrap plant named Alastor
I don’t belong among the angels…
Magical Me House: Slytherin Wand: 11½ inch strong walnut w/ dragon heartstring [Swedish Short-Snout] Patronus: no idea, but hopefully something scary Boggart: herself in a hypnotized state (represents a loss of intellect & free will) Amortentia: sour gummy worms, peat moss, hydraulic fluid Best subjects: Herbology Worst subjects: Flying Extracurriculars: Wizard’s Chess, Quiz Bowl, Bookworms, Dueling Club
And, baby, that’s just fine with me…
Personality: INTP - A
Sydney may look sweet and innocent, but don’t be fooled by appearances. She’s a force to be reckoned with! Shrewd and driven, she will find a way to get what she wants one way or another. She shares her ma's fascination with all things dark and spooky, but she lacks Audri's sunny personality. What she lacks in social graces, she makes up for in intelligence.
Although she’s not above playing dirty, she doesn’t believe in hurting others for no reason. She has her own moral code, just not one that aligns with societal norms. While she’d be the last to admit it, she has a heart, which only those close to her get to see. She doesn’t easily let people into her life, only doing so when one has something valuable to contribute, but when she does, she’s loyal to the end.
Dislikes: being mistaken for her sister, ignorance, predictability, bright colors, most sweets, her hair, sentimentality, smiling (when she smiles, LOOK OUT!), being touched (will tolerate it with certain people/situations but doesn’t enjoy it)
The things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree…
Sydney is the eldest child of Lily-Belle Leyton and Audri Masters, a librarian and a restaurateur, respectively. Ever since she can remember, she’s been fascinated by all things dark and creepy. Much to her chagrin, her life so far has been the exact opposite: completely normal.
Sydney was an eerily calm child. She hardly ever cried, preferring cold anger over tears. Precocious from an early age, she hit her developmental milestones faster than most children her age. By age three, she was learning to read. By age six, she was helping her ma fix the animatronic band in the family restaurant. She was five when her magical powers manifested. On a family trip to an amusement park, she made a broken animatronic move, terrifying the guests. Only her mums knew what really happened; the park chalked the incident up to a mechanical failure.
Sydney attended a muggle primary school. There the teachers loved her for her intelligence; the students hated her for her strange interests and aloof personality. Not that that bothered her. She had no desire to be one of the crowd. While Sydney mostly ignored her peers, there were more than a few instances of odd things happening to people who bullied her or her sister. Some examples included gum randomly appearing in one’s hair, one’s shoelaces tied to the desk, and face-planting into one’s lunch tray. Suffice it to say nobody made that mistake twice… not that anyone could prove Sydney was behind the occurrences, of course!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...