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One of the less travelled corridors will eventually take you to perhaps the least popular place located in the dungeons. Looking forward, it appears that there is a flight of stairs at the end of the corridor. Indeed, there is. But as you get closer, you realize that there is a bit of an obstacle in your way. A small set of stairs leads you downward into a pit full of slugs, big and small. By the looks of it, this nasty infestation has been here for a very long time.
At this point, there are really only two options for you to choose from: either turn around and head back down the way you came or make friends with the sluggish residents of the pit and walk through the thick slime to get to the staircase beyond. Should you decide to do the latter, tread carefully unless you want to find yourself covered from head to toe in the lime green goo that covers the stone floor or adopt a number of slugs as hair accessories. On the plus side, at least you now know where to find an endless supply of slugs should you need them for Potions class.
With her very big stuffed seal in her arms Maria left the badger dorms in an upset state with tears still visible on her cheeks and in her etes. It wasn't known who, but somebody had pulled a prank on her, and now her comfort companion looked a riddiculous shocking pink colour, and Maria wanted to wash the fugly colour away as quickly as possible.
Not exactly paying attention to where she was going Maria soon found herself walking down the stairs and right into the slug pit. After just a moment or two some ickly slimy slugs were crawling up her legs which made her scream out "Eeeeeeeeeek! Don't touch me!" Attempting to pull the slugs off one by one she lost her grip on her seel and he fell down into the slime. "Noooooooo sealieeeeeee," she whimpered out as she tried to reach for her stuffed creature as well as avoiding the icky slugs.
With her very big stuffed seal in her arms Maria left the badger dorms in an upset state with tears still visible on her cheeks and in her etes. It wasn't known who, but somebody had pulled a prank on her, and now her comfort companion looked a riddiculous shocking pink colour, and Maria wanted to wash the fugly colour away as quickly as possible.
Not exactly paying attention to where she was going Maria soon found herself walking down the stairs and right into the slug pit. After just a moment or two some ickly slimy slugs were crawling up her legs which made her scream out "Eeeeeeeeeek! Don't touch me!" Attempting to pull the slugs off one by one she lost her grip on her seel and he fell down into the slime. "Noooooooo sealieeeeeee," she whimpered out as she tried to reach for her stuffed creature as well as avoiding the icky slugs.
It was for a very different intent this third was making her way deeeep into the dungeons to find the slug pit. See, one of her recent books said that slime was good for skin - as like a moisturizer - and while she was pretty certain this was a horrible opinion, she liked to do sometimes odd and impulsive things.
So she was going to try it.
With a simple dress thrown over her bathing suit, she had made her way down and down and dooooown from Gryffindor tower. And just as she started to near, she could hear a familiar voice sounding very distraught. Frowning, her little legs pushed her faster forward until she could see Maria immersed in slugs and trying to save what seemed to be a stuffy. "I'm coming Maria! Geranamo!!!!" and with that, the lion threw herself into the slug pit before also reaching for the slowly sinking pinkish thing.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Wiley was lost. He had been busy exploring the dungeons, being close to his common room, but the corridors were just so windy and they all started to look alike after a while. And after one turn too many, he wasn't exactly sure where he was.
He certainly wasn't afraid or upset. He just hoped that he wouldn't be lost forever or miss dinner. But it was kind of fun trying to see where each turn would lead, even if he had no idea where he was.
And suddenly he came to what seemed like a dead end. Well, maybe not a dead end as there seemed to be something on the other side of the pit. But Wiley wasn't so sure he could cross it. And he wasn't sure that he wanted to just yet, because this slime pit was rather interesting. He crouched down to get a better look.
"Cool," he said to himself as he gingerly poked the tip of his wand at the slime and a bunch of slugs wriggled past. Was this their home?
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
With a simple dress thrown over her bathing suit, she had made her way down and down and dooooown from Gryffindor tower. And just as she started to near, she could hear a familiar voice sounding very distraught. Frowning, her little legs pushed her faster forward until she could see Maria immersed in slugs and trying to save what seemed to be a stuffy. "I'm coming Maria! Geranamo!!!!" and with that, the lion threw herself into the slug pit before also reaching for the slowly sinking pinkish thing.
As Maria tried to reach for her sealee she felt herself sinking down into the slime as more and more slugs kept slithering up her robes and towards her face. Yuck! This was so horrible and icky. Doing her best not to panic the third year was about to make a dive for her stuffed creature when she heard a familiar voice. How even could Ve be here?
Frowning she turned her head to stare at her friend as she came diving into the slug pit wearing what looked like a bathing suit. What? Not believing her eyes Maria decided to ask that later as she called back focusing on the situation. "Ve, can you help me save my stuffed seal? He was pranked...." Before Maria said anything else she turned, and dove towards her seal even though every slug that came in contact with her made her shiver in disgust.
As Maria tried to reach for her sealee she felt herself sinking down into the slime as more and more slugs kept slithering up her robes and towards her face. Yuck! This was so horrible and icky. Doing her best not to panic the third year was about to make a dive for her stuffed creature when she heard a familiar voice. How even could Ve be here?
Frowning she turned her head to stare at her friend as she came diving into the slug pit wearing what looked like a bathing suit. What? Not believing her eyes Maria decided to ask that later as she called back focusing on the situation. "Ve, can you help me save my stuffed seal? He was pranked...." Before Maria said anything else she turned, and dove towards her seal even though every slug that came in contact with her made her shiver in disgust.
There would be plenty of time for questions later when the stuffy was saved. Now up to her waist in slugs, she waded her way carefully through them to get closer towards the sinking stuffed animal and reached out towards it. She was hoping one of them would get it before it got too far down. Vera Thanatos had very few lines, but putting her face into the slug pit was one of them. Even for the sake of friendship. She plunged her hand into the spot where the pink seal had been, momentarily registering the 'pranked' comment but filing that for further questioning later, and caught hold of something before yanking it upwards. Could this perhaps be the seal?
"Did someone throw him into the pit here?" She hadn't SEEN anyone else on her way here, so if they had then they were very fast movers to have gotten away so quickly.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Wiley was lost. He had been busy exploring the dungeons, being close to his common room, but the corridors were just so windy and they all started to look alike after a while. And after one turn too many, he wasn't exactly sure where he was.
He certainly wasn't afraid or upset. He just hoped that he wouldn't be lost forever or miss dinner. But it was kind of fun trying to see where each turn would lead, even if he had no idea where he was.
And suddenly he came to what seemed like a dead end. Well, maybe not a dead end as there seemed to be something on the other side of the pit. But Wiley wasn't so sure he could cross it. And he wasn't sure that he wanted to just yet, because this slime pit was rather interesting. He crouched down to get a better look.
"Cool," he said to himself as he gingerly poked the tip of his wand at the slime and a bunch of slugs wriggled past. Was this their home?
As it happened, Regulus had been doing similar explorations of the dungeons. All afternoon, he had tracked his way through the winding stone floors and corridors down here with the direct intention of memorising the labyrinthine system as soon as he possibly could. It was very possible he had just missed Wiley several times over during their respective wanderings, but now he happened across his Hufflepuff friend.
Although, when Regulus approached Wiley, it was still with one final obstacle between them. The pit of slugs, to be precise. He crouched down on his end and inspected the slime as well.
"What are we doing?" he called across to Wiley, pushing his hair back out of his face as it fell into his eyes.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
There would be plenty of time for questions later when the stuffy was saved. Now up to her waist in slugs, she waded her way carefully through them to get closer towards the sinking stuffed animal and reached out towards it. She was hoping one of them would get it before it got too far down. Vera Thanatos had very few lines, but putting her face into the slug pit was one of them. Even for the sake of friendship. She plunged her hand into the spot where the pink seal had been, momentarily registering the 'pranked' comment but filing that for further questioning later, and caught hold of something before yanking it upwards. Could this perhaps be the seal?
"Did someone throw him into the pit here?" She hadn't SEEN anyone else on her way here, so if they had then they were very fast movers to have gotten away so quickly.
Stuffy rescue was the big priority so Maria waded her way from the other side, waist deep in slugs. She knew she had slugs stuck to her hair by now since it was starting to feel extra heavy. Yuck! Eyes on her sinking seal Maria reached out for the sinking seal at the same time as Vera did and plunged both her hands into the pit, and grabbed hold of what hopefully was a seal fen as Vera yanked it upwards so fast that Maria lost her grip and fell backwards into the slug slime.
When she finally managed to get herself back on her feet Maria was dripping slug water from her hair, face, robes and more slugs than she cared to count covered her body. "Yay you saved sealie!" Maria exclaimed happily despite her predicament. Blinking away slug water to look at Vera she answered her friends question. "No, I dropped him when i was rushing with him to the laundry room or better Myrtles bathroom to get him washed. A seal shouldn't be pink you know? It's not right."
Stuffy rescue was the big priority so Maria waded her way from the other side, waist deep in slugs. She knew she had slugs stuck to her hair by now since it was starting to feel extra heavy. Yuck! Eyes on her sinking seal Maria reached out for the sinking seal at the same time as Vera did and plunged both her hands into the pit, and grabbed hold of what hopefully was a seal fen as Vera yanked it upwards so fast that Maria lost her grip and fell backwards into the slug slime.
When she finally managed to get herself back on her feet Maria was dripping slug water from her hair, face, robes and more slugs than she cared to count covered her body. "Yay you saved sealie!" Maria exclaimed happily despite her predicament. Blinking away slug water to look at Vera she answered her friends question. "No, I dropped him when i was rushing with him to the laundry room or better Myrtles bathroom to get him washed. A seal shouldn't be pink you know? It's not right."
While on the one hand she was very relieved that it was in fact the stuffed seal that she had located in the slime, the fact that the yanking motion had sent her off kilter and further into the slugs was... regrettable. Especially since Maria was not properly attired and going to get the full benefits of the slime. She would have reached out a hand to help her, but it seemed the Hufflepuff was up before she could do so. So instead, she slumped her way through the creatures and reached out with free hand to pull a few slugs from her friend's curls while offering the seal with the other. "I'm glad we got him!"
Oh... so changing the color of the seal then had been the prank? Vera turned hazel eyes towards the creature again, observing with a tilt of her head. "I don't know. I think he's a pretty good looking seal and could make pink work. It gives him a certain... je ne sais quoi." She had zero idea what that meant, but it sounded pretty and she'd heard other people say it and it seemed to fit for the setting. But honestly, with her luck it also probably didn't. "Should we maybe make our way out and to the bathroom and clean him," and them, "up?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
As it happened, Regulus had been doing similar explorations of the dungeons. All afternoon, he had tracked his way through the winding stone floors and corridors down here with the direct intention of memorising the labyrinthine system as soon as he possibly could. It was very possible he had just missed Wiley several times over during their respective wanderings, but now he happened across his Hufflepuff friend.
Although, when Regulus approached Wiley, it was still with one final obstacle between them. The pit of slugs, to be precise. He crouched down on his end and inspected the slime as well.
"What are we doing?" he called across to Wiley, pushing his hair back out of his face as it fell into his eyes.
Poke, poke, poke.
Wiley poked his wand at different spots in the slime pit, watching as the slugs wriggled in different directions. But he was very careful not to hurt any! He wasn't trying to be mean, he just wanted to play with them a little. He laughed a bit, not realizing anyone else was there, but stopped abruptly when he heard a voice from across the pit.
"Reggie!" The eleven year old had looked up suddenly to see Regulus and he gave him a cheery grin... that soon evaporated when he realized their predicament. How were they supposed to hang out and explore together or whatever they might do when there was a big slime pit between them?
"How did you get over there?" Wiley peered past the boy opposite himself. The obvious answer was that Regulus had come from a different way. If he had known that they were both exploring at the same time but in different locations, just missing each other, he might have been a little bummed out. They could have been doing this together the whole time! But the important thing now was that they could explore together now. Maybe.
"I'm just exploring, I guess," he belatedly answered his pal's question. "You wanna explore with me?" If they could both be on the same side, that is. Wiley stood up, but looked down at the slime pit. "How deep do you think this thing is?" Could he walk across or was it like quicksand?
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
While on the one hand she was very relieved that it was in fact the stuffed seal that she had located in the slime, the fact that the yanking motion had sent her off kilter and further into the slugs was... regrettable. Especially since Maria was not properly attired and going to get the full benefits of the slime. She would have reached out a hand to help her, but it seemed the Hufflepuff was up before she could do so. So instead, she slumped her way through the creatures and reached out with free hand to pull a few slugs from her friend's curls while offering the seal with the other. "I'm glad we got him!"
Oh... so changing the color of the seal then had been the prank? Vera turned hazel eyes towards the creature again, observing with a tilt of her head. "I don't know. I think he's a pretty good looking seal and could make pink work. It gives him a certain... je ne sais quoi." She had zero idea what that meant, but it sounded pretty and she'd heard other people say it and it seemed to fit for the setting. But honestly, with her luck it also probably didn't. "Should we maybe make our way out and to the bathroom and clean him," and them, "up?"
Maria stood in the center of the pit and was covered in slime and slugs from head to toe. She was though relieved that Ve had saved her precious seal from drowning. It was a small prize to pay to get even more slimed and slugged when Ve had yanked up sealie. Accepting the stuffy from her friend Maria beamed despite the situation. "Me too! Thank you so much Ve for resucing sealie. I owe you one." Maybe Maria could help Ve with something, like a date perhaps with a boy to Hogsmeade?
"Je ne sais quoi?" Maria echoed bewildered "That's french for good looking right?" Hugging sealie closer to her chest she nodded "Yes, please let's get out of here. I've had enough of slime and slugs." Definitley. Wading thorugh the slugs and slime to the other side of the pit it was with some relief that she with Ve in tow headed up the staircase towards the next floor.
Her hand waved the nonsense words of 'owing' her one away. True, for most people she probably would have tried to capitalize on such a sentence but... Not from close friends. "Don't worry about it. I know you would have done the same if it was reversed!" Maybe not quite so dramatically but... Y'know, that's just who the Gryffindor was.
Something in the back of her head said that probably wasn't right, but Ve was going with it. So with all the confidence she could fake (which was a lot) she gave a nod of her head. "Yes, exactly! He's still a good looking seal!" but if Maria preferred him the way he looked before, they shoulder certainly attempt to clean him up. Clambering up and out of the pit herself, she paused a moment to detach the slugs from her skin that she could see, gently plopping them back into the pit before skipping off after her Hufflepuff friend.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start