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For those who belong in Hufflepuff House, in the middle of the Great Hall is where your table awaits. Gold banners containing an embroidered black badger float above the polished table in honour of the loyal Helga Hufflepuff. Already placed on the tables are silver plates with accompanying cutlery and goblets. All that is missing right now are the mountains of food and pitchers containing your favourite beverages.
Though your stomach might be growling as you take a seat on one of the long benches next to the table, it is important to not get hangry -- gnawing your arm away or jabbing your fork repeatedly on the surface of the table will do no good whatsoever. Give everyone some time to get settled in and wait for Headmaster Winterbottom to deliver his speech. Keep yourself preoccupied by catching up with your fellow housemates or those who are visiting from the other tables until it is time to sink your teeth into the hearty and delicious meal prepared by the house-elves.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
It had arrived.
His NEWT year.
His final year at Hogwarts.
In twelve months time, he’d be off to WADA with Reagan, leaving his baby sister behind. But Jude wouldn’t think about that right now. That would be a sucky way to get things started. Instead, he would simply make the most of this Feast. The boy gave Keigh’s hand one last swing {since they had gotten off the train together and Keigh hadn’t stayed too long with either Olivia or Charlie} as they arrived at the Hufflepuff table. “It shall be interesting to see which House Charlie gets placed in,’’ he mused, eyes on the Staff table because he was busy taking note of the faces there.
Brief observation done, Jude slipped onto a spot at the long bench. Not only Charlie would be joining one of the Houses, but so would Mouse.
In twelve months time, he’d be off to WADA with Reagan, leaving his baby sister behind. But Jude wouldn’t think about that right now. That would be a sucky way to get things started. Instead, he would simply make the most of this Feast. The boy gave Keigh’s hand one last swing {since they had gotten off the train together and Keigh hadn’t stayed too long with either Olivia or Charlie} as they arrived at the Hufflepuff table. “It shall be interesting to see which House Charlie gets placed in,’’ he mused, eyes on the Staff table because he was busy taking note of the faces there.
Brief observation done, Jude slipped onto a spot at the long bench. Not only Charlie would be joining one of the Houses, but so would Mouse.
Maria entered the hall with a happy bounce in her step. Her catching up chat with Vera at the food trolley, and then getting to sit with Kion and Hope had been just great. Thinking about Kion made it flutter in her stomach which caused her to blush for no good reason as she arrived at the Hufflepuff table.
Unsure of where to sit Maria opted for sitting down next to Jude and walked over to slip down on the vacant seat on the long bench next to the older boy. "Hey Jude! Have you had a good summer?" She wondered as she lifted her gaze to scan up at the staff dias. "So many new staffers, I hope they aren't too strict."
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Daniel entered the Great Hall, hugging the book (Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms) against his chest. The Hufflepuff was frequently seen carrying a book so that wasn't unusual, but what was unusual to him was the red blush that spread from his face to his neck.
He kept replaying V's hug on the train in his head and even if it was for only a brief second he still recalled her warmth. Which was weird wasn't it?!
The sixteen-year-old took a seat near Jude and Maria and placed his book on the table. After greeting the two with a simple "Hello" his gaze was drawn to the Slytherin table, and when he realized what he was doing, the Hufflepuff placed his head on top of his book and let out a soft, incomprehensible sound.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Ewy took an Open seat sunk down into it. Had he remembered to blink? He took a couple hard blinks just now to make sure that his eyeballs don't dry out. He had already wasted so much of his tears on the way here. They could shrivel up.
The Talking Hat had to be wrong. Anyone one that usually says something like "I am never wrong." is usually just so full of themselves and end up being wrong. But that wasn't an Anyone it was Animated Talking Hat. Ewy knows so much about his father thanks to all the stories Mama would tell him. Why wouldn't it be known that he was a Wizard?
He spoke up to no one and just sat there in silence dealing with his information. He could go up to the Hat and ask it for more information if he wanted to. Maybe he could find his Papa's name somewhere in this Massive Castle/School. That would be good enough proof that Papa was in fact a wizard.
Darting into the Great Hall, Reuben glanced around suspiciously at all of the people there. Especially the new people. What he was suspicious of he had yet to decided, but he was suspicious of them all. The second year was also a bit late, or so he thought, having had to dash to the bathroom as soon as the carriage pulled up outside the castle doors.
If he'd been expected to hold it, that would have been a nightmare for everyone.
Tie askew and hair a mess, he wiggled into a seat towards the middle of the table, where everything was ~hApPeNiNg~. Or it would be, soon. With a wide grin, he took careful note of the new faces in this House.
The House system. A carefully constructed pigeon hole designed to ensure society had all of its most important roles filled. Maybe he should enlighten everyone about that.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
Brandon was uncomfortable. There were so many people here. At least he'd been sorted into the house he expected... that was something he could predict. And he recognized some Hufflepuffs: Xander(who he'd lost track of in the chaos), Ewy the boy who couldn't pick flowers, Reuben who was nice on the train, a couple people who his sister had talked about enough for him to know what they looked like. And he was pretty sure he recognized Daniel as someone whose family knew what remained of his own family. But mostly, they were strangers. And Brandon was way way too scared to talk to anyone, so he just sat down in a random spot and listened to everyone else talk. They seemed like pretty nice people. He was just... unfamiliar with them and hoped someone would talk to him and let him follow them around. Please.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Hi, everyone! <3
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
This.. was going to be one whirlwind of a year. It was her OWLs year. And Jude's final year. Also Lia and Elias'.. but.. Jude. That in itself was enough to hurt her heart and ruin her year but she was trying hard not to let that be the focus of the feast. Things were good, great in fact. She was still with Liv and with Charlie, the latter of the two now also here at Hogwarts! And for that, Keigh couldn't have been more excited. Even if it meant she would have to make some major changes in her usual schedule and divide her time between certain special people. She would manage it though.
Had spent a small portion of her time after getting off the train with both Liv and then Charlie, promised to see them after the feast (unless Char was sorted into her house). Now she was happily hand in hand with her big brother, as per usual for them. Giggles, giving his hand a squeeze in return. "I know! I can't wait to see where he ends up. Maybe he'll be with us?" she could hope, right?
With her gaze following that of Jude's, the blonde took in all the faces at the staff table, including their cousin Hady. Swings her gaze to each table checking for her family and friends.. a bright smile to the girlfriend. Slips down onto the bench beside Jude, her eyes back on the front for the sorting and seeking out Char, handsome boy that he is.
Slowly seats were taken up at the table and she sent each person a warm smile and some that were further away for a little wave too. The newest little badger at their table had a very familiar last name of someone she knew and liked. This had to be Ashley's little brother that she had heard about. Hi there, Brandon, right?" she smiled. Wouldn't mind helping a Hufflepuff out!
Between greeting her fellow housemates, Keigh still had one eye on the sorting waiting on Charlie.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
“Shall we keep our fingers crossed then? Maybe even our toes?” Big brother Jude was teasing but he could tell how much Keigh wanted Charlie to be a Hufflepuff. Jude kept glancing around at the Hufflepuff Table as he watched it fill up with Badgers. He found himself reminiscing about his own first year, which seemed to have only started just recently, how he had sought out Reagan’s encouraging face as he stood among the other first years waiting to be Sorted. He also recalled how short he had been at eleven. Where had all that time gone?! Thinking about the answer to the question, Jude found himself looking over at Maria. “Why are you blushing?’’ he asked, immediately distracted. He was smirking slightly because Maria’s blushing reminded him a lot of Keigh and the way she blushed when he teased her about Olivia or Charlie. “Hi, Maria! I did! What about you? Spent lots of time with your dads?” The seventh year drew his attention back to the Staff Table. “I dunno but the new Headmaster seems jovial.’’ Kind of like Father Christmas.
Why was everyone blushing?! Well, not everyone but Daniel certainly was. Jude watched the sixth year take a seat not far from him. He was silent, just observing it all: the book, the glance towards the Slytherin table, the dropping of the head on to the book and, of course, that weird sound. “Hi, Daniel. All good?” There was a strong hint of concern in the older Hufflepuff’s tone.
With the Sorting well underway, and with the letters to the surnames B {in Charlie’s case} completed, Jude nudged Keighley. Her boyfriend was officially a Hufflepuff! He glanced towards the Ravenclaw table, at Olivia. In his opinion, his fellow seventh year did not look pleased. Jude instinctively felt a sense of protectiveness wash over him - protectiveness for Keighley. He did not envy her having to juggle splitting her time with those two. Spotting a disheveled Reuben, he waved briefly to him. At least the second year wasn’t blushing. And the grin? Jude thought nothing of it other than Reuben was delighted to be back. “You might want to fix your tie,’’ he called cheerfully. The hair too. It was better a Housemate pointing that out rather than a professor, right?
Jude watched as another freshly Sorted Badger joined them.Ywan, if he remembered correctly from when the boy’s name was called. “Hi! Welcome to Hufflepuff! And to Hogwarts, of course!” Then another but this one, Jude recognised! “Hi, Brandon!” He had been waiting excitedly for Ashley’s brother to be Sorted and was THRILLED that the little guy had winded up in Hufflepuff. Ash had told him all about her little brother. “I know Ashley! I dunno if she’s spoken to you about me but I’m Jude.” His Ravenclaw friend had asked him to take care of Brandon and he intended to follow through.
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚
Jacoby came strolling into the Great Hall beside his twin brother Zeek. He was excited to watch his little sister get sorted into her house. He hoped that she would be in Hufflepuff or in Slytherin. That way she had one of her brothers closer to her. But, only the Sorting hat would be able to tell them that.
Shoving Zeek with a laugh, a wink, and mischief in his eyes he meandered over to the Puff table. He glanced at everyone threw his arms out, "Welcome to Hogwarts, Welcome back to you Puffs I've seen around. Missed you lot." It was true, he had missed a lot of them.He heard his housemate mention the jovial Headmaster, he could only hope he wouldn't get into too much trouble this year. One could only toe the line so long... right?
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Jasper Botros entered the Great Hall looking like a model straight out of one of those teen magazines his younger sister often read. The holiday had been so good to the young Botros and if you didn't see it in his smile, you would surely know it by the look of his golden glow and radiant summer tan. He was positively beamin' as he strutted towards the Hufflepuff table and greeted everyone at it with his loud (outdoor) voice.
"Sup, guys?!"
Had they kept up with the U17 season? Because that was all Jasper wanted to talk about as he hopped up on the bench and sat at the edge of the table next to Daniel's book ... and shortly thereafter, Daniel's head. "Which girl is it this time?" He asked knowingly.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
The sixteen-year-old took a seat near Jude and Maria and placed his book on the table. After greeting the two with a simple "Hello" his gaze was drawn to the Slytherin table, and when he realized what he was doing, the Hufflepuff placed his head on top of his book and let out a soft, incomprehensible sound.
Maria made big eyes as Daniel came to the table, greeted them with a short hello and then placed his head on top of a book and went to sleep. The soft sound, hardly hearable that came from the senior boy's direction made Maria wonder if he had fallen asleep? Would it be wrong to gently poke him in the side? It wasn't wise to sleep at a feast right? If the profs heard they wouldn't be happy. Looking over at Jude she asked him "Do you think Daniel really fell asleep?"
Originally Posted by Uncle Moose
He spoke up to no one and just sat there in silence dealing with his information. He could go up to the Hat and ask it for more information if he wanted to. Maybe he could find his Papa's name somewhere in this Massive Castle/School. That would be good enough proof that Papa was in fact a wizard.
The newly sorted first year that had sunk into a seat silently at the badger seemed troubled. Unsure of what to do Maria looked over and shot him a friendly smile in greeting. "Welcome to Hufflepuff! I'm Maria, third year. I promise that we badgers are a great bunch, nothing to be afraid off."
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
Tie askew and hair a mess, he wiggled into a seat towards the middle of the table, where everything was ~hApPeNiNg~. Or it would be, soon. With a wide grin, he took careful note of the new faces in this House.
The House system. A carefully constructed pigeon hole designed to ensure society had all of its most important roles filled. Maybe he should enlighten everyone about that.
Before Maria could give any more thoughts to the new staffers or steal a glance over at the Gryffindor table to look for a certain someone she was distracted by the arrival of Reuben. Taking in his unkept appearance she asked worriedly as she gestured to his appearance "Hi Reuben, what has happened to you? Have you been in a fight?" A scuffle would explain the messy hair and tie askew, but Maria could be off base, it happened.
Originally Posted by astrocat
But mostly, they were strangers. And Brandon was way way too scared to talk to anyone, so he just sat down in a random spot and listened to everyone else talk. They seemed like pretty nice people. He was just... unfamiliar with them and hoped someone would talk to him and let him follow them around. Please.
While Maria had been focused on Reuben another newley sorted boy had taken a seat at the badger table, and he looked scared if his eyes were anything to go by. Smiling warmly and friendly over at him she greeted "Hi there! Welcome to Hufflepuff, home of the badgers. I'm Maria, third year, and you are Brandon?"
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Slowly seats were taken up at the table and she sent each person a warm smile and some that were further away for a little wave too. The newest little badger at their table had a very familiar last name of someone she knew and liked.
"Hi Keighley," Maria greeted her friend and housemate with a warm smile. "Did you have a good summer Keigh?" she wondered as her eyes drifted up towards staffers again. So many new faces.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Thinking about the answer to the question, Jude found himself looking over at Maria. “Why are you blushing?’’ he asked, immediately distracted. He was smirking slightly because Maria’s blushing reminded him a lot of Keigh and the way she blushed when he teased her about Olivia or Charlie. “Hi, Maria! I did! What about you? Spent lots of time with your dads?” The seventh year drew his attention back to the Staff Table. “I dunno but the new Headmaster seems jovial.’’ Kind of like Father Christmas.
Not good! Jude had caught her blushing which caused Maria to blush even more as she mumbled out in response. "I just thought about someone I like a lot." Saying that would probably peek Jude's interest, but what was she supposed to do, she couldn't lie. A warm smile formed on her lips as she nodded "Yes I did. My dads are now married." Looking up at the staff table, and at the Headmaster she murmured "I hope the headmaster is cool and nice."
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson
Shoving Zeek with a laugh, a wink, and mischief in his eyes he meandered over to the Puff table. He glanced at everyone threw his arms out, "Welcome to Hogwarts, Welcome back to you Puffs I've seen around. Missed you lot." It was true, he had missed a lot of them.He heard his housemate mention the jovial Headmaster, he could only hope he wouldn't get into too much trouble this year. One could only toe the line so long... right?
The badger table was filling up that was for sure as Maria watched Jacoby who she didn't really know but know of. "Hi Jacoby!" she greeted politely. Honestly the older boy was a bit scary. How can he say he missed her when to Maria's knowledge they weren't very acquainted.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
He greeted everyone at it with his loud (outdoor) voice.
"Sup, guys?!"
Had they kept up with the U17 season? Because that was all Jasper wanted to talk about as he hopped up on the bench and sat at the edge of the table next to Daniel's book ... and shortly thereafter, Daniel's head. "Which girl is it this time?" He asked knowingly.
Massaging her ears from the booming voice of one Jasper Botros Maria gave the older boy a long look before she greeted him back. "Hi Jasper, good summer?" she wondered. Now could they hear the speech so they could eat?
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Throughout the sorting ceremony, Daniel kept his head lowered on his book. He had more important things to think about than sitting and watching a bunch of eleven-year-olds being assigned to their Houses.
He would have scoffed at Maria's question to Jude about whether or not he had fallen asleep, but he had not heard her. What had caught his attention was Jude personally asking if he was okay and the sixth-year nodded his head. "Yeah i'm fine..." He was fine. A little bit confused. But fine.
Daniel sat upright with a sigh and looked around to see that a bunch of new first years had joined them. One of which he vaguely recognized. Wasn't he from the Fox family? Or was? He remembered his parents discussing their situation at the dinner table and finding it 'complicated'. He didn't greet any of them though as Jasper distracted him by taking a seat next to him and he rolled his eyes in classic fashion. "Bold of you to assume it's about a girl" he said.
It was true, which perplexed him even more because he wasn't the type to think about such nonsense. He considered approaching him for advice because everyone knew that Jasper was more popular than he was. The Hufflepuff paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts so that he could deliver the perfect message before he leaned in and held his hand in front of his mouth so that no one could overhear him.
"...A girl hugged me on the train and now I can't stop thinking about it. I don't know what to do with this information.."
While Jackson would never admit that the back to school feast was one of his favourite parts about returning to Hogwarts, he entered into the Great Hall slowly. His eyes scanned the entire room quickly, taking in the greatness and beauty of it all before he started moving towards the Hufflepuff table. Jackson nodded his head to Daniel as he passed, heading towards the front. That guy had the right idea, nose in a book.
It was no secret, Jackson was annoyed and irritated by his cousin Norah 98% of the time, he was still intrigued to see first hand how her time with the Sorting Hat would go down. Jackson felt torn, half hoping she was in Hufflepuff to strengthen some sort of relationship with his younger cousin while also wanting her as far away as possible.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
It had been a great summer. A very lovely one. Probably right up there on the list of best summers Yukie ever had, if she were to make a whole list to rate every one she remembers. She was a little sad to let it go, but the now fourth year Hufflepuff was extra eager for this term.
Walking into the Great Hall, Yukie had a bright smile on as she joined the rest of her house mates at their table. "Good evening, everyone! Hope you all had a lovely summer. Tell me all the things," she said, announcing her presence and taking her seat to join whatever conversation was going on. All the smiles and pleasantries to her fellow badgers. She'd also smooth her skirt down. "Welcome to Hufflepuff, you two!" She said to the firsties (Ewy and Brandon) over there.
While she did listen to any and all summer stories, Yukie found herself glancing around the table, looking for one particular Benetti Boy. No reason. None at all.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Brandon was startled by how many people were talking to him already- he'd clearly picked the busy part of the table. But he did talk back, with only a little bit of wide-eyed confusion. "That's me," he quietly responded to the two older years(Jude and Keighley), wondering if his sister had made them talk to him. His money was on yes. But he didn't mind... it was nice having someone be really nice to him and introduce themselves and everything. It calmed him a bit, and also they seemed really cool. "It's nice to meet you." He held out his hand for either or both of them to shake, which was something he was used to doing. But maybe it was weird? Nobody else seemed to be doing it. When Maria spoke to him, he just nodded and waved instead. "It's nice to meet you, Maria." He would have introduced himself, but she'd heard his name already and he was clearly new so there wasn't anything for him to introduce himself with.
Hearing more welcoming happening, Brandon found himself turning towards another not-new student(Yukie). "Thanks... I'm Brandon." The students here did lots of welcoming. Which was nice. What was not as nice was the discussion of everyone's summer (which he luckily hadn't been invited into). Brandon had the worst summer and therefore didn't feel like contributing to the conversation other than a simple "I moved to London this summer. I like it." Then he just sat near Jude and Keighley (who he had already decided were very nice people) and listened to everyone else talk.
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Dafydd was having mixed feelings. He was excited to be starting his seventh year, happy to be indulging in Hogwarts' magnificent feasts once again, and elated to be surrounded by his friends. Though this was his last year at the school, the final time he'd be enjoying a start-of-term feast, and endless hours of studying for NEWTs were to come. As he made his way along the Hufflepuff table, he focused his mind on the positive because everything else could be dealt with at a later time.
"Hello, everyone! Happy to see you all again," he greeted those already seated at the table. "And to those of you who are new, welcome! I'm Dafydd."
A spot right next to Jude and Keighley is where he ended up sitting. "Hey, you two. How was the train ride?" He hadn't managed to bump into them on their journey back to school.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jude grinned at Maria. “Say no more! I know all about that!” He was curious about Maria’s crush. “Is this person someone who attends Hogwarts?” The words were asked quietly should Maria wish to not be overheard. But there was no need for her to answer if she didn’t want to. On the news about her dads’ marriage, his face brightened. “That’s excellent! I’m happy for them! And for you too!” There was nothing better than a happy family. “I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Kazmi would always hold a soft spot in his heart.
Jacoby was in an awfully good mood! Jude couldn’t say he blamed him. “Hi, Jacoby! Welcome back to you as well!’’ As for missing the other Hufflepuffs, the older boy could relate. Merlin knows all the emotions he’d be feeling on 1st September, 2110. “Hey, Jasper! How’s it going?” Kind of a dumb question since Jasper seemed upbeat, but it had been the first one that had popped out of Jude’s mouth. Oh well. Daniel answering him should in turn answer Maria’s question. “Uh huh.” The seventh year eyed the sixth year and actually snorted at the ‘bold of you to assume it’s about a girl’ response to Jasper. There were so many ways that sentence could be interpreted.
Jude didn’t hesitate to take Brandon’s offered hand. It was shaken while he said, “Super thrilled to finally meet you! This is my baby sister - Keighley.” It was just too bad Brandon and Jude had gotten to know each other now, when the older boy was on the verge of graduating. “Yeah? Any place in London you like in particular?”
“Hey, Jackson!’’ Jude shot the guy a grin. “You doing all right?” Did the younger boy have time for light conversation, for Jackson too seemed super interested in the Sorting. “Someone you know getting Sorted?” When Yukie arrived, she got a cheery wave. “Hi, you! More piano music this term for us?” See, one of Jude’s fonder memories with Yukie happened to be the first time she’d heard him play in the Music Room.
“Dafydd!” THERE was his dormmate and one of his closest friends. The one thing about chatting with Dafydd was that Jude could revert to Welsh with him. {“It wasn’t bad at all. Were you hiding on there? Because I certainly didn’t see you.”} And he’d actually taken the time to walk the corridors for a bit. {“Can you believe we’re almost done with Hogwarts?”}
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚
Jacoby smiled and got cozy with a butt wiggle on the bench. He supposed he was a bit of an obnoxious personality sometimes, but for once he was nervous and it was all because his younger sister was going to be sorted. Hearing his name he smiled, "Hey Maria, have a good summer?" He had seen her around enough that he made sure to learn her name. Maybe they should hang out a bit more. Only he was distracted again by someone else saying hello. "Ah how's things Ryder? It was his NEWT year right?
Oh no he heard Rivers called, where was his sister going to get sorted. Fingers crossed, and fail. The hat had placed her in Gryffindor. Well he supposed his older sister did just fine so Callista should do just fine too, right?
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Maria & Jude
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Massaging her ears from the booming voice of one Jasper Botros Maria gave the older boy a long look before she greeted him back. "Hi Jasper, good summer?" she wondered. Now could they hear the speech so they could eat?
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
[COLOR=#FE4164]“Hey, Jasper! How’s it going?” Kind of a dumb question since Jasper seemed upbeat, but it had been the first one that had popped out of Jude’s mouth.
Jasper offered both Maria and Jude wide smiles, entirely moving past the long look the former had given him. Some people weren't as hype as he was, but that wasn't his problem at the end of the day. "Had a blast during the holiday. Played quidditch all summer long," he answered Maria's question first, before then turning to Jude. "It's nice to be back though. I always miss this place by the end of the summer."
"How 'bout you guys? Good summers?" He asked, stretching his arms out behind him.
SPOILER!!: Daniel
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Daniel sat upright with a sigh and looked around to see that a bunch of new first years had joined them. One of which he vaguely recognized. Wasn't he from the Fox family? Or was? He remembered his parents discussing their situation at the dinner table and finding it 'complicated'. He didn't greet any of them though as Jasper distracted him by taking a seat next to him and he rolled his eyes in classic fashion. "Bold of you to assume it's about a girl" he said.
It was true, which perplexed him even more because he wasn't the type to think about such nonsense. He considered approaching him for advice because everyone knew that Jasper was more popular than he was. The Hufflepuff paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts so that he could deliver the perfect message before he leaned in and held his hand in front of his mouth so that no one could overhear him.
"...A girl hugged me on the train and now I can't stop thinking about it. I don't know what to do with this information.."
Again, Jasper was unfazed by looks given to him by his more sullen housemates. Besides, he was used to the way Daniel was after five years of sharing a dorm with him. The eye-roll was hardly anything of concern. His comment was made in jest anyway. It wasn't that deep, D.
So when Daniel actually confessed, Jasper was surprised. Talk about totally unexpected, whoa. "You can't stop thinking about the hug or you can't stop thinking about her?" Because there was a difference. He'd also be keen to know who he was thinking about, but that was a question for later. Didn't need to scare Daniel away. He already looked uncomfortable enough.
SPOILER!!: Headmaster's Speech
Originally Posted by Wilber Winterbottom
"Fifty stone?" Wilber was distracted from his delightful punch line by a serious answer coming immediately to his left. The older man frowned in consideration, knuckling his glasses back into place and doing mental maths. Wait. No. Not fifty stone. Or, perhaps fifty stone? But not the right answer.
And to his right, a higher offer. Sixty stone! Fifty-five!? He breathed a sigh of relief when Celeste piped up. "Ahem, yes, precisely so. Enough to break the ice. Many thanks, my dear Professor Gert. I was growing concerned I should have to produce a polar bear to answer our question before much more time passed. Imagine how pleased the young people would be, though." He did imagine it, all the shiny bright faces at the appearance of a magnificent arctic beastie.
But, time and dinner waited for no man, and the social customs of this particular illustrious institution called for a speech! "Please excuse me, my dears. I must speak to the young people now." Wilber adjusted his robes as he rose, although they still fell slightly askew. "Young people! Good evening to you, and may I say that I am most gratified to be joining you for this celebration. I haven't been to a Sorting Feast in... well, it's been a few decades, admittedly. But we are here, starting this grand adventure of a year together, eyes fixed on the horizon and stalwart in our dedication to educational greatness. Your professors are gathered here on each side of me, eager to bring the joy of their expertise directly to your thirsty young minds. I envy you all this moment, for it will never come again."
He paused, considering. "Except, of course, it will come again, won't it? Each moment in these esteemed halls is a chance to start anew, so each new day is a fresh step on this educational journey. But there is not a feast each day, and the more I blather on about the excitement of things to come, the more your stomachs rumble despairingly. My lovely wife used to remind me..." Well, no, because that wasn't pertinent and because talking about dear Clove usually choked him up.
"Eat your fill, my dears, and welcome back to Hogwarts." Wilber began to sit before recalling a crucial part of speech-making that he had overlooked. "Ah, yes, and my name is Headmaster Wilber Winterbottom. You are all invited to my office at your leisure for more informal introductions. Now, truly... you must eat!"
Later when the sorting had all but reached its end and their new Headmaster took the reigns for the speech, Jasper was entirely ready to FEAST. His stomach had been on and off growling even despite the arsenal of snacks he had brought (and bought) on the train. Fast metabolism.
Despite the urgency of his hunger, he allowed the first years to have first pickings and instead, pulled a spare piece of parchment from his satchel to scribble a quick note for someone at the Slytherin table. Fortunately, Jasper Amir is a man of great patience, but seeing that most of the younger years had filled their plates, he took it as his cue to send his note off in the shape of a paper airplane and grab some food for himself too.
The food is what he missed the most. If he had to choose one thing.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Last edited by ArianaBlack; 01-04-2023 at 07:37 PM.
Reason: i can count
It had been a great summer. A very lovely one. Probably right up there on the list of best summers Yukie ever had, if she were to make a whole list to rate every one she remembers. She was a little sad to let it go, but the now fourth year Hufflepuff was extra eager for this term.
Walking into the Great Hall, Yukie had a bright smile on as she joined the rest of her house mates at their table. "Good evening, everyone! Hope you all had a lovely summer. Tell me all the things," she said, announcing her presence and taking her seat to join whatever conversation was going on. All the smiles and pleasantries to her fellow badgers. She'd also smooth her skirt down. "Welcome to Hufflepuff, you two!" She said to the firsties (Ewy and Brandon) over there.
While she did listen to any and all summer stories, Yukie found herself glancing around the table, looking for one particular Benetti Boy. No reason. None at all.
A familiar voice brought Jackson's attention back to the Hufflepuff table. "Hey there, Yukie." Jackson smiled. He nodded his head in direction of the first years she was welcoming. "Ready for a great year?" He asked Yukie. The small talk was not one of Jackson's strong suits or preferred activities, but as his father had pointed out last year, how else was he supposed to make friends and keep those friends through his time at Hogwarts?
SPOILER!!: Dafydd
Originally Posted by Zoe
Dafydd was having mixed feelings. He was excited to be starting his seventh year, happy to be indulging in Hogwarts' magnificent feasts once again, and elated to be surrounded by his friends. Though this was his last year at the school, the final time he'd be enjoying a start-of-term feast, and endless hours of studying for NEWTs were to come. As he made his way along the Hufflepuff table, he focused his mind on the positive because everything else could be dealt with at a later time.
"Hello, everyone! Happy to see you all again," he greeted those already seated at the table. "And to those of you who are new, welcome! I'm Dafydd."
A spot right next to Jude and Keighley is where he ended up sitting. "Hey, you two. How was the train ride?" He hadn't managed to bump into them on their journey back to school.
Jackson watched as more of his fellow housemates joined their table. He gave a nod to most, but did wave down the table to Dafydd. "Welcome back, Dafydd!" Jackson called.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
“Hey, Jackson!’’ Jude shot the guy a grin. “You doing all right?” Did the younger boy have time for light conversation, for Jackson too seemed super interested in the Sorting. “Someone you know getting Sorted?” When Yukie arrived, she got a cheery wave. “Hi, you! More piano music this term for us?” See, one of Jude’s fonder memories with Yukie happened to be the first time she’d heard him play in the Music Room.
"Jude." Jackson smiled at his friend. "It's good to see you." Jackson grinned. Jackson didn't have many friends, but he did quite like Jude. Trying not to roll his eyes in response, Jackson tilted his head towards the Sorting. "It's Norah's year, this year. He explained. As much as Jackson let on that he didn't care about his younger cousins his parents took in as their own children after his aunt and uncle died, he did care for them enough to look out from afar. "If I was the betting kind, I'd place my bets that Nora will end up in Slytherin." Jackson mused.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Daniel's leg bounced up and down nervously under the table. He cast a quick glance over to the Slytherin table as Jasper asked his question. And he realized he didn't know what to say. "The.... hug? I don't know..." He said irritatingly. Perhaps his mind was preoccupied with the hug because it had happened so unexpectedly. He had been hugged before, but he had never had the thought, 'she smells nice,' before when it happened. He was definitely reading too much into it. V was just being nice. He did recall her saying 'thank you for tutoring' during the hug.
He did find it somewhat amusing that he was mentioning this to Jasper. He vividly remembered being cornered in the dormitory by him and being rebuked for 'bullying V'. He let out a sigh. Things were so much simpler when he still despised her.
"How's quidditch going?" he asked in an attempt to change the subject.
He was aware that Jude did not believe him, but he didn't care. He did, however, grin slightly as the older Hufflepuff snorted. At least someone had found it amusing.
Daniel turned to the staff table, trying not to look at the Slytherin table when he noticed Jackson nodding in his direction. The Hufflepuff raised his eyebrow as if wondering what he wanted, but then he was gone.
He was so preoccupied with focusing on what the new Headmaster was saying that he forgot to listen. This was going to be a fantastic start to the year. What did draw his attention, however, was the paper airplane he launched towards.....the Slytherin table.....where Serena and V sat.....and his stomach dropped a little.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Desiree was cautiously optimistic about this term. The annual Marchand family trip to France had done wonders for her mood, as had the fact that she was no longer randomly transforming into a wombat! Was it too much to hope that this would be a normal, safe, un-chaotic term at Hogwarts? Probably, but the calm was nice while it lasted.
She approached the Hufflepuff table, no longer skipping around like a Disney princess as she’d done in her younger years, but still her usual smiley self. “Hi, everyone!” she greeted with a wave, taking a seat next to her fellow fourth year Yukie, There may have been a few extra princessy waves thrown in for Jude, Keighley, and Maria. “Have a good summer?”
As her bright blue eyes scanned the table, she noticed two first years (Brandon & Ewy). “Welcome to Hufflepuff!” she said. “I’m Desiree.”
Turning her attention to the staff table, she noticed a lot of new professors, including two occupying the seats once held by her parents. Oh no, Professor Holden was gone! And Professor Mancini too! She hoped she’d get along with the new charms professor. It was her strongest subject, and she’d hate to have to drop it after OWL year over something like a personality clash! At least Professor Escalante was still here.
Desiree’s eyes were drawn to the man in the big throne-like chair, who she guessed was the new headmaster. He looked like a sweet old grandpa, but if there was one thing she’d learned, it was that you couldn’t judge based on looks. The speech only confirmed her first impression. Yep, definitely a sweet old grandpa… either that or a ridiculously good actor! As the speech ended and food appeared, she suddenly realized that she didn’t catch who the new Hufflepuff head was. Did she just zone out for half the speech? Looking around the table, she asked her housemates, “Did the headmaster say who our new Head of House is?”
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Last edited by MadMadamMalfoy; 01-04-2023 at 11:19 PM.
Reason: coding
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
All of the places & lots of mentions hahah
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
"Yessssss, we must." If the kept everything possible crossed then the hat couldn't let her down, right? Right. That's not at all how this worked and she knew it but she was going to hope it helped anyhow. If Charlie was in Hufflepuff then she would be able to help him with whatever he needed that much more easily. Plus she really didn't see him being in any other house. Well maybe Ravenclaw but her house was still a better fit.
As Jacoby and Jasper joined the table, Keigh waved at them both in greeting. Hey guys. How was your summer?" She was curious to hear all about her fellow Badgers exciting lives. Daniel and Yukie got smiles as well, thought the former seemed rather distracted?
Keigh didn't even have to think about Dafydd's question before she answered. It was good. Really good." Or as good as things can be when her time was divided up the way that it was. She was working on a more reasonable way to do things but until things worked themselves out, she was going to split her time in half between Liv and Char.
"Yes, as my brother said.. I'm Keigh. His not all that little anymore sister." She laughed softly. She was still the baby sister of Jude's and always would be. "Oh, that's fun! A big move for you, right?" Keigh recalled Ashley having said before that she didn't live anywhere near London. Hufflepuff is great. I'm sure you'll love it."
Turning towards Maria, Keigh beamed at the younger girl. "My summer was amazing. I definitely have no reason to complain at all." It had been filled with so much activity that she was still buzzing from it all. Summer was the best time, family time. And friends time. It was also a time to catch-up on everything that her life was all about outside of Hogwarts.
Oh, there was Desiree too. The now fifth year smiled at her friend glad to see that she seemed much happier this year. "I did. I kept myself rather busy which is always fun. How was yours?"
Squuuuuuuueeeeee!!! Keighley heard Charlie's name called for sorting and all of her attention was on him. He was a Hufflepuff!!! She waved him over and hugged him tightly in normal Keigh fashion, smiling brightly at him and Jude. Her blue eyes did drift to a certain Ravenclaw and her smile faded a great deal. She was going to have to make sure Livvy knew that she was still super duper important to her as always and that she was still going to get loads of her time!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jude indeed had his fingers of his left hand crossed. Anything that related to Keigh’s happiness, he would wish harder than ever for it to come to pass. Anything for the girl who was ALWAYS going to be his baby sister, even when she was forty years old! The older Anders’ fist bumped Charlie as he welcomed him to the House. He deliberately didn’t look in Olivia’s direction again but fixed his gaze on Keighley. He hated the way her smile faded. If Olivia gave her any misery about this, one could bet that he wouldn’t be tolerant of it.
You know what was weird for Jude? Hearing anyone, even Jacoby as his Housemate, {and he was called this on occasions} call him Ryder. Sure, he liked the name but the name his dad had chosen for him was not his first preference {no offense, dad!}. “Not bad. Quite anticipating this year, actually. One last chance to enjoy all things Hogwarts!” Make some more memories and all that jazz.
“Oh yeah? Then you kept up with all the Quidditch happenings too?” Jude did for a bit but admittedly, his attention had been more on the Gobstones side of things. Since he had turned seventeen and was no longer a part of an U17 Gobstones team, it was still in his blood to follow the matches religiously. “I know what you mean, Jasper,’’ the seventh year replied knowingly. “I guess we mostly miss our friends.” Cue an enthusiastic bob of the head. “One of the best! Lots of family time and fun activities. I was asked to coach some younger kiddos at my old dance school so that was quite an adventure.”
Jude grinned at his younger friend. “If it isn’t Princess Desiree! Yes! A really interesting one for me. Brought any souvenirs back from your family trip?’’ Someday. Someday he too was going to see France.
“Great to see you too!” Jude’s gaze beelined back towards the Sorting. “Your cousin, right?” Jackson always made it seem that he didn’t care that much about his cousins {which sometimes appalled Jude only because he himself was VERY close with all of his many cousins}. “Doesn’t even a part of you hope that she’ll be a Hufflepuff?”