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If you have made your way out to the temporary greenhouse set up in back of Greenhouse One (you remember, the one you saw when you were helping Professor DeVries unload his supplies back in the fall (you were there helping, weren't you?) At any rate, if you have made it out to Herbology class, ducked down to enter the slightly low doorway, and entered the class--well, then you would see all those special plants that were covered up oh so mysteriously, set up all in a row at the front of the class.
But now they're not covered up any more--now you can see that they contain tulips in all sorts of beautiful shades of the rainbow--red and pink, yellow and orange, purple and white, green and...blue? (wait, what?!) Hopefully Professor DeVries will be explaining all this shortly--he's standing there, off to one side, bending his head slightly to avoid hitting the ceiling and smiling a big, satisfied smile. But for now, just come inside, say hello, settle down in a folding chair, and enjoy the beautiful view.
... “We should! Don’t forget to secure your earmuff just in case, ladies! We’ll go after three.” Earmuffs in place, he held his wand in his right hand, Jude lifted his hand to do a countdown.
Three, two, ONE!
Exactly as DeVries had done, the tip of his dragon heartstring wand to the stem of the yellow tulip. ...
The yellow tulip gave just the slightest tremble and then immediately began to trill in a bright, clear, sharp note that just brimmed with happiness!
(So far, so good, but how will it sound with the other tulips?)
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Okay, maybe describing tulips as looking like plastic was a stretch too far. At least Professor DeVries liked the other part of her answer - the one about tulips being gifts like roses.
She made notes as each color was explained to her. Purple and white looked good to her, and she liked the meaning of blue, but something was missing. Her hand shot into the air. "Professor, why are there no black tulips?" Or were their black tulips, but maybe they represented a vice instead of a virtue? Lola very much liked the color black, being Goth and all.
Team activity time. Oh, goody. Sarasam. Lola didn't usually do good on a team; she was seen as too aloof and her dislike of being touched even accidentally only reinforced this mentality. But she supposed it was always worth giving it a shot. She'd give others one shot to join her, on her terms. "I'm going to combine blue and purple," she said to no one in particular. This was as close as she would get to inviting someone to join her. If no one joined her, she'd be content to try this on her own. She walked over to grab the blue flower with one hand.
Rajesh would have to admit, he didn’t know much about tulips, other than bits and pieces of what was being said, so he let his classmates speak up with answers. What Mouse had said had definitely gotten a slightly raised eyebrow. Taking notes to look back upon, the seventh year looked back up at the professor when he moved on and confirmed that they weren’t your average everyday tulips that you would see even in muggle gardens. So he WASN’T wrong in thinking something might be up with them beside the weirder colors.
Trilling Tulips
Plants that make sounds and trying to group them together for the more favorable outcomes.
Certainly a new thing to learn about, not that the Ravenclaw wasn’t open to learn about it. When Professor Devries mentioned breaking up into groups, Raj looked around on who to work with only to notice the classmates he might have felt most comfortable with were already grouped up…together. So that meant working alone perhaps. He moved to retrieve a pair of earmuffs for himself as he debated, slipping them half-on and catching sight of a younger Ravenclaw also seeming timid about the group work. The seventh year hearing her thoughts on ideas.
“Perhaps add some green to the mix with new beginnings pairing with the idea of rebirth,” he suggested, grabbing one of the green tulips and moving over to where she was working. Hopefully she didn't mind him offering to work with her without actually asking.
The sixth year Ravenclaw was already one step ahead of her friend, ear muffs secured over her ears which kept her from hearing any further commentary regarding their next choice in colors. Which was probably fine, considering they still had this combo to get through. She watched as Jude also brought over a tulip, seeing his mouth move in the affirmative for them to each make one ... Trill.
Pulling out her own wand, she waited until Jude's flower was singing and tapped the tip to the pink one in front of her. How would this sound with the other?
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Trilling Tulips, he wrote. He also carefully wrote everything he learned about them underneath.
So they were magical, then. Brandon's annoyance at the magical world producing tulip colors the nonmagical world could not was soon replaced by curiosity and pleasure. Firstly, he liked that they made musical sounds. It reminded him of filling glasses with different heights of liquid and making a sound. It was also very nice. Secondly, he felt like the tulips were trying to say something. They were very beautiful tulips. Brandon loved flowers so much. Magical ones included.
He was wondering if the color combinations were supposed to be based on the most complementary colors, meanings, or both. Or maybe there was a specific color-music-flower rule that he didn't know about. His first thought was that he shouldn't be TOO contrasting, but he shouldn't be TOO similar, because notes and colors that were right next to each other often didn't blend right.
He hoped his tulips would follow the norm. Not that he didn't like individuality, he just wanted this to be simple. And not awful-sounding. He grabbed earmuffs.
He headed to the cubicle, relieved that the partitions were clear. Brandon wasn't a particular fan of small spaces. He took a blue tulip, and a white tulip, because the colors went nice together and he didn't get the strong immediate sense that they'd hate each other. That usually happened with people he introduced- he'd get the immediate sense of if they'd get along. He wasn't sure that was the same with flowers.
He was thinking his next pair might be white and green. But first, blue and white! He lined the flowers up next to each other, trying to make them 'comfortable'. He just got the sense that they should be comfortable. Then he gently touched their stems with his wand. Then, he waited.
Okay - so the tulips sang to them - That's nice! Looking around it seemed like most had already partnered up so she was last on the draw, but that's okay at least this time she didn't have to comprimise on what she wanted. Going very girly because that's what she wanted to. Maxine took first a red, then a pink, and finally a purple tulip to her table to begin working.
Just placed in the same order, Red, then Pink, then Purple. She smiled - hoping that they would sound as good together as they looked. Placing her ear muffs on just in case, she touched her want to the stem of the Red tulip first ... waiting to see what would happen.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Honey!
Pulling out her own wand, she waited until Jude's flower was singing and tapped the tip to the pink one in front of her. How would this sound with the other?
The pink tulip began its trill softly and slowly built in volume until it matched the yellow one. It's tone was warmer, friendly, and a little lower. It almost seemed to harmonize with the yellow tone, but just on the edge, like the harmony could fall apart at any moment.
Not sure how this is going; what will the red tulip add--will things come together, or fall apart?
SPOILER!!: Rajesh and Lola
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
“Perhaps add some green to the mix with new beginnings pairing with the idea of rebirth,” he suggested, grabbing one of the green tulips and moving over to where she was working. Hopefully she didn't mind him offering to work with her without actually asking.
Tapio had been walking from one staging area to another, observing the students' progress. Blue, purple, and green--a promising combination, though the purple tulips were notoriously picky about whick colors they chose to harmonize with. Well, they'd see soon enough. "Don't forget, you need to touch each tulip with your wand to get them to trill," he commented.
SPOILER!!: Brandon
Originally Posted by astrocat
He was thinking his next pair might be white and green. But first, blue and white! He lined the flowers up next to each other, trying to make them 'comfortable'. He just got the sense that they should be comfortable. Then he gently touched their stems with his wand. Then, he waited.
The blue tulip slowly began to trill, just barely vibrating at first but eventually turning into a deep, soothing tone with a steady rhythm. The white tulip chimed in sooner with a clear, pure tone that barely trilled; it came in somewhat above the blue's tone as they blended in a tuneful harmony in a somewhat minor key.
Success! These two tulips can be planted together in the next step.
SPOILER!!: Maxine
Originally Posted by love-for-HP
Just placed in the same order, Red, then Pink, then Purple. She smiled - hoping that they would sound as good together as they looked. Placing her ear muffs on just in case, she touched her want to the stem of the Red tulip first ... waiting to see what would happen.
The sound of the red tulip trilled forth immediately with a rich, passionate mid-tone, and continued vibrating, as if it were just waiting for another tulip to join it.
"Very good, very good so far," Tapio said as he walked around the class. "You have some classic and some more unusual combinations. As some of you have been wondering, the matching is based both on color AND meanings. Don't be afraid to experiment, and don't be discouraged if you don't get it right the first time. Matching Trilling Tulips is a notoriously tricky business, not only because there are so many things involved, but because the tulips, like many magical things, sometimes have their own ideas about which colors go together. So sometimes even colors that you think should match for sure get stubborn and refuse to harmonize. But that's why we try them out here, before planting them permanently. And remember--be sure to tap the tulips to get them to trill."
[OOC: This is great, keep going--you have another day or two to test the colors. Try to get at least 2 colors matching and ready to plant (but don't worry--points don't depend on success in this, just how well/interestingly your student tries)
Maxine smiled the red tulip it self sounded lovely. Maybe she should have taken the easy way out and just went all red? Did it work like that? If you just put red next to eachother they would sound great right? But then where would be in the fun in that.
Anyway... moving on. It was on the to pink one next with the rich note already coming from the red tulip, she then gave the pink one a light tap on the stem and waiting to see if the mixture would work togher. Holding on to her ear muffs in just in case.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Honey!
Anyway... moving on. It was on the to pink one next with the rich note already coming from the red tulip, she then gave the pink one a light tap on the stem and waiting to see if the mixture would work togher. Holding on to her ear muffs in just in case.
The pink tulip began its trill softly and slowly built in volume until it matched the red one. It's tone was warm and friendly, and a little higher than the red. The two tones combined in a major chord and seemed to reach out to one another like two friends grasping hands.
Success! These two tulips can be combined for planting in the next step (or, you could go for three, if you're feeling adventurous)]
Rajesh would have to admit, he didn’t know much about tulips, other than bits and pieces of what was being said, so he let his classmates speak up with answers. What Mouse had said had definitely gotten a slightly raised eyebrow. Taking notes to look back upon, the seventh year looked back up at the professor when he moved on and confirmed that they weren’t your average everyday tulips that you would see even in muggle gardens. So he WASN’T wrong in thinking something might be up with them beside the weirder colors.
Trilling Tulips
Plants that make sounds and trying to group them together for the more favorable outcomes.
Certainly a new thing to learn about, not that the Ravenclaw wasn’t open to learn about it. When Professor Devries mentioned breaking up into groups, Raj looked around on who to work with only to notice the classmates he might have felt most comfortable with were already grouped up…together. So that meant working alone perhaps. He moved to retrieve a pair of earmuffs for himself as he debated, slipping them half-on and catching sight of a younger Ravenclaw also seeming timid about the group work. The seventh year hearing her thoughts on ideas.
“Perhaps add some green to the mix with new beginnings pairing with the idea of rebirth,” he suggested, grabbing one of the green tulips and moving over to where she was working. Hopefully she didn't mind him offering to work with her without actually asking.
Oh, so black tulips were a thing after all. Good. She would have asked what they represented, but it seemed the class was progressing past question time, and she didn't want to do poorly in the activity due to being distracted by a discussion on the coolest color of tulip. It was time to concentrate. Concentrate on her blue for individuality and purple for royalty -
Just then one of the senior Ravenclaws joined her with a suggestion of his own. Lola wasn't good with names. But she'd seen this one around a bit, though had never exchanged conversation with him, being the recluse she was. His name was Rajesh... maybe. "Green," she monotoned, blinking at his choice of tulip. Yes, she guess she could see the logic there. "Creative idea," she said. "Would you like to go with me?" She meant touching the wand at the same time. She touched her wand to the blue and crossed over to the purple... if she was understanding this, he would join his wand to the green stem now?
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Oh, hey!
His Tulip sounded quite lovely and in tune {did the Tulips go out of tune when they were doing a solo?} and Jude actually started moving his body to the tune. Huge music fanatic here, people! Then Mouse was touching her wand to her flower and he was waiting excitedly to hear what the two flowers would sound like together.
Mouse’s flower started off like one of those songs whose melody you barely heard at first even when you had earbuds on. But that wasn’t a problem! Some of the coolest songs began like this. To the Hifflepuff’s ears, the flowers' duet sounded okay-ish together. But something was still missing. Perhaps it was Bella’s flower.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
SPOILER!!: Professor and Lola
Originally Posted by MadAlice
SPOILER!!: Jude and Mouse
The pink tulip began its trill softly and slowly built in volume until it matched the yellow one. It's tone was warmer, friendly, and a little lower. It almost seemed to harmonize with the yellow tone, but just on the edge, like the harmony could fall apart at any moment.
Not sure how this is going; what will the red tulip add--will things come together, or fall apart?
SPOILER!!: Rajesh and Lola
Tapio had been walking from one staging area to another, observing the students' progress. Blue, purple, and green--a promising combination, though the purple tulips were notoriously picky about whick colors they chose to harmonize with. Well, they'd see soon enough. "Don't forget, you need to touch each tulip with your wand to get them to trill," he commented.
SPOILER!!: Brandon
The blue tulip slowly began to trill, just barely vibrating at first but eventually turning into a deep, soothing tone with a steady rhythm. The white tulip chimed in sooner with a clear, pure tone that barely trilled; it came in somewhat above the blue's tone as they blended in a tuneful harmony in a somewhat minor key.
Success! These two tulips can be planted together in the next step.
SPOILER!!: Maxine
The sound of the red tulip trilled forth immediately with a rich, passionate mid-tone, and continued vibrating, as if it were just waiting for another tulip to join it.
"Very good, very good so far," Tapio said as he walked around the class. "You have some classic and some more unusual combinations. As some of you have been wondering, the matching is based both on color AND meanings. Don't be afraid to experiment, and don't be discouraged if you don't get it right the first time. Matching Trilling Tulips is a notoriously tricky business, not only because there are so many things involved, but because the tulips, like many magical things, sometimes have their own ideas about which colors go together. So sometimes even colors that you think should match for sure get stubborn and refuse to harmonize. But that's why we try them out here, before planting them permanently. And remember--be sure to tap the tulips to get them to trill."
[OOC: This is great, keep going--you have another day or two to test the colors. Try to get at least 2 colors matching and ready to plant (but don't worry--points don't depend on success in this, just how well/interestingly your student tries)
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Oh, so black tulips were a thing after all. Good. She would have asked what they represented, but it seemed the class was progressing past question time, and she didn't want to do poorly in the activity due to being distracted by a discussion on the coolest color of tulip. It was time to concentrate. Concentrate on her blue for individuality and purple for royalty -
Just then one of the senior Ravenclaws joined her with a suggestion of his own. Lola wasn't good with names. But she'd seen this one around a bit, though had never exchanged conversation with him, being the recluse she was. His name was Rajesh... maybe. "Green," she monotoned, blinking at his choice of tulip. Yes, she guess she could see the logic there. "Creative idea," she said. "Would you like to go with me?" She meant touching the wand at the same time. She touched her wand to the blue and crossed over to the purple... if she was understanding this, he would join his wand to the green stem now?
Right, they had to touch their wands to the plants to get them to trill. Rajesh nodded at the professor who was checking on their progress to show he understood the reminder, taking out his wand though awaiting his would be partner to see if they would in fact be partners and what she thought of his contribution. “Thanks,” he remarked at her comment. “And sure…I’m Rajesh, by the way,” the seventh year realizing he probably should have led with that introduction before just acting. Well they got around to it.
Shifting his offered green tulip just a little bit closer to the other two, he slipped his ear muffs the rest of the way over his ears and touched his wand tip to the stem of the plant. The Ravenclaw biting the inside of his cheek and waiting to see if they got a favorable response.
"Green," she monotoned, blinking at his choice of tulip. Yes, she guess she could see the logic there. "Creative idea," she said. "Would you like to go with me?" She meant touching the wand at the same time. She touched her wand to the blue and crossed over to the purple... if she was understanding this, he would join his wand to the green stem now?
The blue tulip slowly began to trill, just barely vibrating at first but eventually turning into a deep, calm tone like a bottomless pool of water. The purple tulip joined below the blue tone like the bass chord of an ancient organ, stately and dignified. Together they blended grandly.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Shifting his offered green tulip just a little bit closer to the other two, he slipped his ear muffs the rest of the way over his ears and touched his wand tip to the stem of the plant. The Ravenclaw biting the inside of his cheek and waiting to see if they got a favorable response.
The green tulip jumped from a lower note right up an octave, trilling faster than the other two but still topping off the chord and echoing the note of the blue tulip. Together they sounded like the overture to a grand opera.
Success! Your tulips are ready for planting in the next step (unless you want risk trying for four...)
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Up until now (meaning Hogwarts), plants had been just...well, plants to Nora. The most she'd ever done as far as studying them had been to know that red roses were for love, and pink roses were for friendship. Or...was that supposed to be yellow roses? She mentally shrugged off that thought and moved her attention back to the lesson.
The professor had started asking about tulips, and since the only thing Nora knew about them was that they came in all sorts of pretty colors, she decided to just sit and listen to this one. Was a blue tulip supposed to be rare or something? She watched as the professor carry it around during his discussion. She blinked and sat up a little straighter at the trilling around. Well, that had been pretty cool. Hopefully the tulips weren't anything like those mandrakes she'd been told about. It was amazing how even something like plants could be so mysterious in the magical world.
At the wave of a wand, the professor showed a list of the tulip colors and what they meant. Hmm. Not too far from what she'd heard about roses. When the professor directed them to plant a group of tulips themselves, Nora realized that she'd gotten lost somewhere in his discussion. It had been a pretty long discussion to be fair to her. She just hoped she did this the right way. She decided to go with pink and yellow, and if she managed that, she might try green next. She started with the pink and then the yellow, carefully carrying her selected flowers over to the staging area.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
SPOILER!!: catching up
When Desiree saw the class notice’s instructions to “wear something you don’t mind getting dirty”, she decided to do it one better. Not only was her outfit one she didn’t mind getting dirty (well, as much as she was capable of not minding dirt), but it was designed to resist getting dirty: pink vinyl coveralls and boots. She said her hellos to Professor Devries upon arrival and took a seat, staring intently at the tulips at the front of the room. Ooh, such pretty colors! The pink and purple ones were her favorites.
She was so intrigued by the flowers that she had a hard time focusing on the professor’s question. The lesson notice led her to believe that there was something about these specific tulips that made one more likely to get dirty planting them than regular tulips, but what made them so special? Other than the pretty colors, she meant. Probably something magical… Maybe they liked to roll around in the dirt and try to escape being planted. A Tumbling Tulip? Was that a thing?
Desiree had no idea! Something else she had no idea about? How to answer this question. As she glanced at the tulips again, her thoughts turned to the tulip field in Provence, France. Lovely place; she’d been there a few times with her family. Suddenly she remembered something she read about French tulips, and her hand went up. “There’s one type, the French tulip, which has taller stems and larger flowers than regular tulips,” she said.
Desiree was both intrigued and confused by the directions that followed. A Trilling Tulip? Was that all it did? That didn’t seem like it would make one any more likely to get dirty than potting any other flower, unless there was something Professor Devries wasn’t telling them yet. Still, the tulips made a beautiful sound! She wondered if Trilling Tulips could trill actual songs if one placed them in a certain order. Ooh, could she get them to trill Disney songs? That would be the coolest thing ever!
She couldn’t wait to test that theory in the activity! Glancing at the board, she jotted down the colors and their meanings. As soon as she saw the flowers, she knew which colors she wanted to plant, and the meanings on the board seemed to confirm that it was a good choice. Pink for happiness, confidence, and good wishes; purple for royalty, elegance, and rebirth. It all sounded very princessy, but Desiree already knew that!
After retrieving a pair of earmuffs (which she hoped she wouldn’t need), Desiree selected a pink tulip for her first flower and carried it carefully to the staging area. She repeated the process with a purple tulip, setting it down beside the pink one. She’d start with those two, then keep alternating pink and purple if they worked well together. Brandishing her wand, she tapped the pink tulip, then the purple one, listening intently for any sound. She hoped the flowers would like the pink and purple color combination as much as she did!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
The seventh year snakette looked on as Jude and Mouse had put their wands to the stems of their coloured tulips and music had come out, quite an okay tune. Bella made sure her her earmuffs were secured over her ears a second time and then put her wand to the stem of her red tulip and waited to see if it harmonized with Mouse and Jude's trilling tulips or of if the tune was awful.
The blue tulip slowly began to trill, just barely vibrating at first but eventually turning into a deep, calm tone like a bottomless pool of water. The purple tulip joined below the blue tone like the bass chord of an ancient organ, stately and dignified. Together they blended grandly.
The green tulip jumped from a lower note right up an octave, trilling faster than the other two but still topping off the chord and echoing the note of the blue tulip. Together they sounded like the overture to a grand opera.
Success! Your tulips are ready for planting in the next step (unless you want risk trying for four...)
SPOILER!!: Rajesh
SPOILER!!: Professor and Lola
Right, they had to touch their wands to the plants to get them to trill. Rajesh nodded at the professor who was checking on their progress to show he understood the reminder, taking out his wand though awaiting his would be partner to see if they would in fact be partners and what she thought of his contribution. “Thanks,” he remarked at her comment. “And sure…I’m Rajesh, by the way,” the seventh year realizing he probably should have led with that introduction before just acting. Well they got around to it.
Shifting his offered green tulip just a little bit closer to the other two, he slipped his ear muffs the rest of the way over his ears and touched his wand tip to the stem of the plant. The Ravenclaw biting the inside of his cheek and waiting to see if they got a favorable response.
She was right that his name was Rajesh. She suspected it was, based on hearing others address him in the common room. It was good he introduced himself, though, so she didn't embarrass herself and call him by the wrong name. "I'm Lola," she replied, wondering if she was expected to extend her hand for him to shake. That didn't sound appealing to her, being a germaphobe and everything. She didn't like touching other people or being touched herself, only tolerating it from her mom, really. "Thank you for working with me," she added awkwardly, thinking she should say something besides just her name.
Now it was time to see if their flower selection worked. She tapped the earmuffs over her ears. Hopefully, they were cleaned after each student used them. Lola listed as the blue tulip began to trill gently. Promising start. Then the purple one joined with its ancient bass. Lola liked the sound of it. Hopefully, Rajesh's green tulip would join the music and not ruin things. She watched it cautiously, then breathed a sigh of relief as its music rhymed with her blue one, causing the three of them to sound like an orchestra. Yes! "That was a good idea to use green," she said to Rajesh. "Should we plant now? I follow your lead."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Nora wasn't even going to pretend she knew what she was doing when it came to planting tulips. She was good at following directions, though, so she had that going for her. By this point, she'd managed step one--taking the pink and yellow flowers over to the staging area. She wasn't even going to bother looking for a partner. If somebody approached her, that'd be great, but she got the feeling she'd just cause people to fall behind.
She spent some time setting up the tulips, putting the pink ones on the left and the yellow ones on the right. There was no real reason for that. She just liked pink better than yellow. Once that was done, she grabbed a pair of earmuffs and slipped them on. Taking her wand out, she touched the stem of each one. As she pushed her wand back into its holster, she took a cautious step back and peeked at the tulips. If this worked, she could maybe add a third color. If it didn't, well then yellow ones would be the first to go!
And the grand finale ... Purple added to Red and Pink
#heartsforhealthcare | Disney princess
Maxine smiled! Success. Her red and pink tulips together were in perfect harmony. It made her very happy. Now .. the question was ... did she dare go for more .. of course she did, she wouldn't be a Gryffindor if she didn't go for broke.
So lining up her purple tulip next to to the others, she gave the same a small tap and waited once again to see if the sound continued to be gorgeous.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Honey!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
SPOILER!!: Blue, purple, and green tulips
The blue tulip slowly began to trill, just barely vibrating at first but eventually turning into a deep, calm tone like a bottomless pool of water. The purple tulip joined below the blue tone like the bass chord of an ancient organ, stately and dignified. Together they blended grandly.
The green tulip jumped from a lower note right up an octave, trilling faster than the other two but still topping off the chord and echoing the note of the blue tulip. Together they sounded like the overture to a grand opera.
Success! Your tulips are ready for planting in the next step (unless you want risk trying for four...)
SPOILER!!: Rajesh
SPOILER!!: Professor and Lola
Right, they had to touch their wands to the plants to get them to trill. Rajesh nodded at the professor who was checking on their progress to show he understood the reminder, taking out his wand though awaiting his would be partner to see if they would in fact be partners and what she thought of his contribution. “Thanks,” he remarked at her comment. “And sure…I’m Rajesh, by the way,” the seventh year realizing he probably should have led with that introduction before just acting. Well they got around to it.
Shifting his offered green tulip just a little bit closer to the other two, he slipped his ear muffs the rest of the way over his ears and touched his wand tip to the stem of the plant. The Ravenclaw biting the inside of his cheek and waiting to see if they got a favorable response.
She was right that his name was Rajesh. She suspected it was, based on hearing others address him in the common room. It was good he introduced himself, though, so she didn't embarrass herself and call him by the wrong name. "I'm Lola," she replied, wondering if she was expected to extend her hand for him to shake. That didn't sound appealing to her, being a germaphobe and everything. She didn't like touching other people or being touched herself, only tolerating it from her mom, really. "Thank you for working with me," she added awkwardly, thinking she should say something besides just her name.
Now it was time to see if their flower selection worked. She tapped the earmuffs over her ears. Hopefully, they were cleaned after each student used them. Lola listed as the blue tulip began to trill gently. Promising start. Then the purple one joined with its ancient bass. Lola liked the sound of it. Hopefully, Rajesh's green tulip would join the music and not ruin things. She watched it cautiously, then breathed a sigh of relief as its music rhymed with her blue one, causing the three of them to sound like an orchestra. Yes! "That was a good idea to use green," she said to Rajesh. "Should we plant now? I follow your lead."
Rajesh simply nodded as she returned his introduction. No need to shake hands not like they weren’t completely strangers as they likely passed each other plenty of times between the common room and their house table. “You’re welcome…” he remarked with a friendly smile, glad he had taken the chance to help a fellow eagle rather than them both working alone.
With each of them tapping their respective tulips, they patiently awaited the reaction and they were rewarded with a wonderful set of sounds. Even more so when he slipped the earmuffs off and around his neck to better enjoy the moment as he let out sigh of relief. “Thanks….so was your combination.” Her duo had started it all, he had only contributed the final piece. “Yeah, I think we should.” The seventh year didn’t want to press their luck trying for a fourth component for their little trilling tulip choir.
They just had to await the go-ahead from the professor for the next step.
Brandon's original pairing, Blue and White, had worked. Individuality and uniqueness, mixed with innocence, forgiveness, and respect. Curious. He felt like the minor key was fitting for that mix of ideas.
His new idea was to add Purple. Royalty, elegance, and rebirth went well with the other themes- maybe it would complement them well? What if the themes were too dissonant? He didn't know. Purple, Blue, and White were nice colors together, he thought. Maybe the sounds would work. If not, he'd just stick with his first pair. He gently carried over a Purple tulip, setting it next to the others. He touched the blue and white stems again, making the original tone.
Then... he added in purple. How would it sound? He waited, listening.
Brandishing her wand, she tapped the pink tulip, then the purple one, listening intently for any sound. She hoped the flowers would like the pink and purple color combination as much as she did!
The pink tulip softly began to trill with a warm, friendly, encouraging sound. The purple tulip was slow to start, as if it was considering whether or not it wanted to get involved with this. But finally it began to trill in a deep, decisive tone, with no shilly-shallying. As the purple tulip began, the pink trilled louder in volume until the sound lay delicately on top of the richer tone like foam on the ocean.
Success! These tulips can be planted in the next step (or do you want to experiment further? You have a little time...]
SPOILER!!: Bella
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Bella made sure her her earmuffs were secured over her ears a second time and then put her wand to the stem of her red tulip and waited to see if it harmonized with Mouse and Jude's trilling tulips or of if the tune was awful.
The tone of the red tulip was bold and confident, a little deeper than the pink, and the two formed a cheerful major chord.
For a minute it seemed this trio would get along, but the sharp, bright tone of the yellow tulip began to edge up until it was just a bit too sharp, sounding a bit sour along with the pink and red.
Professor DeVries came up behind the three students just in time to hear the latest result. "Ah yes, I think that yellow flower is just not quite getting along with the others. Yellow can be tricky, especially with red--and it also depends on the particular shades. Now another yellow tulip might turn out differently. But perhaps...yes, for this group, you might try a white one. Or maybe green."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
[COLOR="Pink"]She spent some time setting up the tulips, putting the pink ones on the left and the yellow ones on the right. There was no real reason for that. She just liked pink better than yellow. Once that was done, she grabbed a pair of earmuffs and slipped them on. Taking her wand out, she touched the stem of each one. As she pushed her wand back into its holster, she took a cautious step back and peeked at the tulips. If this worked, she could maybe add a third color. If it didn't, well then yellow ones would be the first to go!
The pink tulip trilled out softly with a warm, friendly, encouraging sound, as if it wanted to be your friend. The yellow tulip chimed in, louder and higher, on a clear, optimistic note. Maybe this tulip was just a shade paler than Jude's, or maybe this pink one was a shade brighter than Mouse's, but for some reason, these two tulips seemed to like each other better than the other pair did, and their tones blended nicely.
Success. You tulips can be plantned in the next step.
SPOILER!!: Maxine
Originally Posted by love-for-HP
So lining up her purple tulip next to to the others, she gave the same a small tap and waited once again to see if the sound continued to be gorgeous.
The purple tulip trilled out in a deep, confident, elegant tone. It lay under the pink's tone as if it were holding it up, and though it gave the sound a bit of a mournful air, the two made a pleasing minor chord together.
Success. These tulips can be planted in the next step (which is coming up, but you still have a bit of time to add more, if you're feeling daring)
Tapio was pleased by the students' progress, and also by their enthusiasm for this assignment. He'd had a feeling this one would go over well--most people like colorful flowers, after all. He'd been planning on having a class around his beloved tulips ever since he got to Hogwarts and had just been waiting until he could get a reliable source for these varieties.
"Very good, all, you're making excellent progress. We'll be going on very shortly with a short bit of spell practice, and then we can get to the final step--planting the harmonic groups in the beds next to the Honking Daffodils. You might want to keep track of your earmuffs for that part--the daffodils can get excitable when so much change is going on near them. But for now, continue getting your pairs or groups of tulips together and make sure you have your planting tools handy." Just a little longer, and then they'd be ready to head into Greenhouse One.]
[OOC: 'Very shortly' means later tonight after my language class is over, when I'll post the Mini-Activity (ran out of time to finish now). Till then, finish gathering your tulips or, if you're done with that, bask in your success and talk among yourselves.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jude was kind of bewildered, to be honest. How was yellow not going with the pink and red? The puzzlement reflected quite clearly on his face as he turned to look at his friends. Then he lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “White, then?” He recalled Mouse had made the suggestion just in case this combo hadn’t worked out. He brought one of the white tulips over to the gathering after removing the red tulip. “Let’s make some music!”
The boy touched his wand to the white’s stem. He didn’t even bother covering his ears. DeVries had made the suggestion about using white as well, which only made Jude reason the combination would work.
Trilling tulips, how thrilling. Hehe. Little colorful music notes. Kind of. This was so cool. Looking around she decided that she would just work on her own. Sometimes she just worked better that way. She looked at the board and copied down each color and their meaning. First she got up and got a pair of earmuffs. So that was another reason why they needed the earmuffs for herbology. This and the mandrakes… mandrakes. HAHA.
She thought that she would go for the oblivious choice of red and pink, but she would add in white since if you mix red and white you get pink, plus that was a classic color combination, right? She went over and took one at a time of the three colors. Red. White. Pink. She carried each of them over to the staging area. Tapping her wand on each one of the flower stems. Opps. She almost forgot to put on the earmuffs.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jude was kind of bewildered, to be honest. How was yellow not going with the pink and red? The puzzlement reflected quite clearly on his face as he turned to look at his friends. Then he lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “White, then?” He recalled Mouse had made the suggestion just in case this combo hadn’t worked out. He brought one of the white tulips over to the gathering after removing the red tulip. “Let’s make some music!”
The boy touched his wand to the white’s stem. He didn’t even bother covering his ears. DeVries had made the suggestion about using white as well, which only made Jude reason the combination would work.
Tapio could see the momentary confusion on Jude's face and sympathized; sometimes the behavior of Trilling Tulips defied reason and common sense. "I know, I know, I don't really see why the yellow one didn't work with the red and pink, I think they all look fine together. With different flowers of the same color, maybe just a shade different, it might have worked. But these tulips can be rather contrary and silly sometimes; after all, they're only plants, even though magical ones." Tapio watched as Jude removed the red tulip, rather than the yellow one, which seemed to be the one causing all the trouble. Hmm...interesting, and not what he had expected. But...oh well, might as well see what happened.
With the departure of the bold red tulip, the yellow tulip and its pink partner returned to their uneasy, edgy harmony, the friendly pink tone trying to soothe its bright, yellow partner into harmony.
Then the clear, pure, even tone of the white tulip joined them, settling in the middle tone between them, and they eventually all evened out into a solemn but optimistic chord.
Success. These tulips are ready to be planted in the next step (which is coming up very soon)
SPOILER!!: Maisey
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
She thought that she would go for the oblivious choice of red and pink, but she would add in white since if you mix red and white you get pink, plus that was a classic color combination, right? She went over and took one at a time of the three colors. Red. White. Pink. She carried each of them over to the staging area. Tapping her wand on each one of the flower stems. Oops. She almost forgot to put on the earmuffs.
The red tulip began to trill at once in a warm, confident tone. The pink tulip joined in slowly, almost as if it were afraid to trill next to such a bold sound. It rose in volume to rise above the red tone, but kept wavering in and out of harmony as if it might fade out at any moment. But then the white joined in, taking the middle note and evening out the other two sounds until they all blended together.
Success. These tulips are ready to be planted in the next step (which is coming up very soon.)
Tapio saw that at least some students were just about ready to go on to the next step. "Before we get to the planting, I just wanted to review some of the methods we've discussed and talk about a few new things, at least to some of you,.
In repotting plants, you can always use the Muggle method and do it by hand, which has a certain satisfaction to it. However, you can also use magic, which can be useful if you have a lot of plants to repot. The first step in both methods is to water the plant so that the soil around the roots hangs together, either by hand or using the basic spell Aquamenti, which I think you all know by now. Then wait about half an hour or so. Now I've already watered all the tulips before class so that they could have plenty of time to drain and get settled.
Now to repot a plant you need to tap the container (with your trowel or spade, not your wand!). Do this a few times to loosen the soil, then tip the pot over upside down and let the plant and its soil, which should hopefully still be attached to the roots, slide gently into your gloved hand. Then gently lift the pot away, and replant the plant as soon as possible in a new pot or in a hole that you've dug in a flowerbed or greenhouse planter.
There are two magical methods that can be used in doing this. The first is a variation of the Gouging Spell, Defodio. This can be used to carve out sections of earth or stone, but it can also be used for smaller projects, like digging a hole for a plant. You move your wand down, then left, then down again and--and this is the variation for gardening--you end with a small, counterclockwise circle, just the size of the hole you want to dig." Tapio demonstrated this movement with his own wand as he was speaking.
"The second spell is a variation of Mobiliarbus, which can be used to levitate and move trees, or really any wooden object. This spell is designed to move plants of all sorts and it is pronounced Mobiliplanta. The wand movement is the same for both spells--just flick your wand toward the target, then move the wand in the direction you want the plant to travel." Tapio demonstrated again.
"I've written these spells on another white board so you can take notes if you need to. If you're not familiar with any of them, I suggest you practice the incantation and wand movements a few times before trying them in the greenhouses. And those of you still gathering your tulips, go ahead with that. In a short while, I'll start taking groups into Greenhouse One and you can try planting your tulips in their new homes."
SPOILER!!: List of Spells
Planting Spells
Aquamenti (AH-gwah-MEN-tee) - produces water from wand tip
Defodio (deh-FOH-dee-oh): gouge out specific areas of earth or stone
Wand movement: down - left - down
Mobiliplanta ((mo-bil-lee-PLAHNT-ah) - levitate a plant
Wand movement: flick wand toward the target
[OOC: Have your student practice as needed, and those not finished picking their tulips, carry on. We'll move on to the second part of the Main Activity tomorrow around midday.
Maxine smiled, she knew going with classic colors would work ... or at least she had hoped they would. And since they did it was all good here. Now to repot then. Taking out her wand she said "Aquamenti" and water all of her tulips rahter nicely, that wasn't a spell that she needed to practice she was good at it, or felt confident with it. As for the others .. well ... here goes nothing.
Taking a step back away from her freshly water tulips so she didn't ruin them, she gave the first one a try. 'Defogio" ... wait was that right? "Whoops, I meant Defodio" She said again added the wand movement for good measure. Pronounciation was key here, like with all spells.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Honey!