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Meet your Hufflepuff Leaders: Hufflepuff Head of House: Professor Simon Holden (Watson) House Ghost: Fat Friar
Looking to learn a bit more about the members of your Hufflepuff family? This is just the place for YOU! Stop by and find out what you have in common with the badgers you'll be living with during your seven years here at Hoggie Hoggie Hogwarts! It's also encouraged that you share a bit of information about yourself, as well!
Some common things to include are:
Character Name, Age, Year in School, Wand, Physical Appearance, and General Heritage/Background Information
Please Note: If you wish to include a bio picture it should be NO LARGER than 350 x 350 pixels and 60 KBs (61,444 bytes) in weight. Thank you for your cooperation!
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Simon E. Holden History of Magic Professor FC: Ian Harding | Post color: #2d499f | Lyrics: I Lived by One Republic
➳ b a s i c s ___You don't fear the falll
Full Name:Simon Erik Holden Nicknames: Simon, Si, Watson, Professor, Holden Age: 38 Date of Birth: June 5th, 2070 Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia Accent:: Hybrid British-Australian Languages Spoken: English (native), French (fluent), Mandarin (beginner) Astrological Sign: Gemini Pronouns: he/his/him Blood Status: Muggleborn Place of Residence: Hogwarts (School Year); Paris, France (formerly) Myers-Briggs Personality Type: INFJ Ennegram: Type 1: The Reformer, 1w9 Alignment: Neutral Good Occupation History of Magic Professor (Term 59-present); Head Of Hufflepuff House (Term 62-)
➳ a p p e a r a n c e s ___Hope when the water rises,
Height: 5'11 Weight: 160 lbs Distinguishing Features: Bright Blue Eyes I Look Like: Ian Harding (present), Logan Lerman (younger-20s)
➳ r e l a t i o n s h i p s ___ You built a wall
Wife & Adler: Bianca nee Caruso Holden Children: Arthur Ignatius Holden (6), John Smith Holden (4), Moriarty Puck Holden (Baby) Mother: Lyanna Holden (deceased) Father: Jonathan Holden Siblings: Marcus Holden, Olivia “Vi” Salander (nee Holden) Brother-In-Law: Tenacius Salander Nephew/Nieces: Octavius Jude Salander (4), Primrose Aryn Salander (2) Holmes: Ethan Morduant
Godson: TBD
➳ m a g i c a l t h i n g s ___ Hope when the crowd screams out
Wand: 8.75” willow pheonix feather Patronus: Runespoor Boggart: Forgetting his loved ones Amortentia: Citrus perfume, splashed with dark cocoa sea salt, and ginger. Mirror of Erised: Being Minister of Magic
➳ h i s t o r i c a l ___ they're screaming your name
➳ ➳ Australian Academy of Wizarding (Sydney) 2081-2083
➳ ➳ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, Slytherin, 2083-88
Further Education:
➳ ➳ Edinburgh Wizarding University, Bachelors in Ancient Runes & History of Magic (2089-2093)
➳ ➳ Paris Wizarding University, Doctorate in Runic Lore & Magical Historical Affairs (2093-2100)
Papers: (1)If Runes Could Speak: the Beginning and History of Magic told through runic lore, (2) Isa & Morgan Le Fay, (3) Magical Society & Classes told through Runes
➳ ➳ Edinburgh Wizarding University, Teaching Assistant (2089-2093)
➳ ➳ Paris Wizarding University, Graduate Researcher (2093-2097)
➳ ➳ Paris Wizarding University, Assistant Adjunct Professor (2100-2104)
➳ ➳ Side Work: Private Consulting Wizarding Detective with Ethan Tyler Morduant
➳ m i s c e l l a n e o u s ___Hope if everybody runs
Strengths: Patient, Ambitious, Wit, Loyalty, Intelligence, Cunningness, Charm, Passion, Ambition Weakness: Over-compensating, Perfectionist, Indecisive, Conflicted. Likes: Solving mysteries, puzzles, creating secret codes and languages, chocolate frogs, quidditch, watching the Sunrise from the Observatory on Sunday mornings, obsessing about Star Trek. Dislikes: Know it alls , Memory Loss
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
PP by Chelliephone
Model: Hayden Byerly {current}; Derek Hough {older}
Post Colour: Neon Fuchsia {FE4164}
Name: Ryder Jude Anders Prefers: Jude Pronouns: He/Him/His Blood Status: Half Blood Date of Birth: 20th May, 2092 Zodiac: Gemini Orientation: Homosexual Relationship Status: It's super complicated.
In a relationship with Davet Durand (Chelliephone) {July 2108 - Present}
Still has feelings for Evan Nam
Place of Residency: Wales, Great Britain Place of Birth: Wales, Great Britain
Height: 5' 8''{172.72 cm} Weight: 140 lbs {63.5 kg} Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Color: Light Brown Complexion: Fair Build: Well toned {from all the dancing} Tattoo(s): Colourful treble clef on left arm {Summer of 2108} Other: Fingernails are usually painted in bright colours or black; wears black fingerless gloves whenever he plays the piano {habit picked up in late 2107} Dress Style: Converse boots, black or blue jeans ripped at the knees, tee shirts with a music related theme printed on them; rainbow coloured beanie with bauble on top during the winter.
OWL Results:
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: E
Astronomy: O
Divination: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: E
Transfiguration: A
SPOILER!!: Sixth Year Accomplishments
Term 62 {2108-2109} :
Total House Points: TBA Position on Hufflepuff Leader Board: -
SPOILER!!: Seventh Year Accomplishments
Term 63 {2109-2110} :
Total House Points: TBA Position on Hufflepuff Leader Board: -
NEWT Results:
Ancient Runes: TBA
Arithmancy: TBA
Astronomy: TBA
Divination: TBA
Herbology: TBA
History of Magic: TBA
Muggle Studies: TBA
Potions: TBA
Transfiguration: TBA
Will Attend:
-Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts {from 2110}
Boggart: Being separated from his three siblings Amortentia: Nail polish, freshly baked goods, hot cocoa {more TBA} Patronus: currently unable to cast one {Will be a Weasel in the future} Fave Colours: bright colours Laterality: Ambidextrous {but favours his left hand} Likes: Shepherd's Pie; crispy bacon; hugs from his family {loves kisses from his mother}; hair ruffles from Koen; watching mvoies and playing board games with Keighley; listening to music with Evan; stargazing; bright colours; pillow and blanket forts; the Waltz; the Paso Doble; the Argentine Tango; snogging Davet Dislikes: people shouting Languages: British English; Welsh Weaknesses: is not always vocal about what’s on his mind; can get very talkative at times Strengths: has all of Hufflepuff House’s traits; has exceptional self-control, is able to keep his negative emotions in check by remaining calm and keeping his voice level; is confident about who he is. Extra: An empath, soft spoken; organised; interested in makeup artistry; usually lets his sisters paint his nails when they’re home for the holidays {blue is his favourite colour to go with}; gazes out at the stars each night before he sleeps; can play the piano {mainly self taught but Koen helped}; in addition to partnering with females, partners with males and genderqueers for his dances. Wants to:fall in love {done}; have a huge family someday; travel to as many countries as he possibly can; learn to cook his mother’s recipes {has a knack for baking}; improve his vocals {done}; continue being a good human. Fave Gobstones Player:Aditya Atreyu-Rehman Fave human of: Keighley, Evan and Davet Prized Possessions: A golden coin engraved with markings that formed to spell out his name and heats up at the sign of uncertainty and danger; or feels cool to the touch when anxiety is detected. {Given to him by Professor Madigan after a Dueling Club Meeting.}
Mother:Addison Anders {former Gryffindor, Unspeakable in the Ministry} Father:Connor Anders {former Slytherin, Unspeakable in the Ministry} Sisters: Reagan {b. 2091 - Gryffindor}, Keighley {b. 2093 - Hufflepuff} Brother:Koen {b. 2080; former Slytherin; currently the Drummer for The Kings & Serpents} Sister-in-Law: Stasya Dalgaard-Volkova Aunt: Katalin Donovan née Montcenaggio {former Ravenclaw, Magical Creatures Department at the Ministry} Uncle: Evan Mikal Donovan {former Slytherin, Owned a outdoor supply shop, worked in the Ministry DMT, Shopkeeper in the Magical Menagerie, currently owns his own outdoor supply shop, mostly camping/hiking/boating/etc} Cousins: William Starr {Magical Creatures Department at the Ministry}; Aiden Starr {Owns a muggle sweets shop}; JJ Starr {Auror}; Twins: Lukas {Ravenclaw}, Luna {Ravenclaw}; Triplets: Elias, Lily and Dahlia {Ravenclaw}; Amelia {Auror}; Hady Paton {former Slytherin, Magizoologist Vet, CoMC Professor}; Franklin Paton {former Gryffindor, Auror}; Daniel; Ophelia; Oscar;Logan Paton; Nova Paton; Melody Paton; Bryony Paton Pet: A cat named Ned {born 2104, scruffy, brown and black with his left ear that looked like it had been chewed off} Best Friend:Evan Nam Friends:Lisa Nam; Maya Nam; Bella Connolly; Dafydd Johanson; Ashley Fox; Desiree Marchand; Karleigh Creed; Jordyn Guidry
SPOILER!!: Click
2092 - Jude is born
2093 {1 year} -
2094 {2 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Infant Class.
2095 {3 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Infant Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Nursery Class.
2096 {4 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Nursery Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year R Class.
2097 {5 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year R Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 1 Class.
2098 {6 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 1 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 2 Class.
2099 {7 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 2 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 3 Class
2100 {8 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 3 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 4 Class.
2101 {9 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 4 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 5 Class.
2102 {10 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 5 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 6 Class.
2103 {11 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 6 Class; Graduated; Started out at Hogwarts - Sorted into Hufflepuff the moment the Sorting Hat touched his head.
2104 {12 years} - Stood against the Neo-Alliance.
2105 {13 years} - Helped with makeup on the Peter Pan play; realises he has a crush on Evan; came out to his family; developed an interest in ballroom dancing; mastered the piano
2106 {14 years} - Observed that Evan and Valentina had a thing for each other so he distanced himself from Evan a great deal in an attempt to get over the hurt; decided that he will attend W.A.D.A with Reagan after graduation; enrolled for dance classes during the summer, joined the Junior Firecrabs; was best-friendzoned by Evan during the early part of his fourth year;
2107 {15 years} - Realised he had fallen in love with Evan shortly after the term ended but only told this to his sisters first. Jude cried in front of them both because it cut him to his soul knowing that Evan would not return his feelings. He later confided the same to his parents, brother and Dahlia; spent time with his cousins and Evan {who stayed with the Anders' for a few weeks} by going to the arcade, getting ice cream and visiting the ocean with them; attended lots of dance classes; played the piano for one of Reagan and Davet's stage plays and for a summer concert; hung out some more with Davet - {Summer}; spent a lot of time with Keigh since he was still struggling to process Evan's rejection, distanced himself from Rea - since she was always pushing him to do things he wasn't in the mood for - and Evan whom he needed space from - {first third of the School year}; attended at Koen's wedding to Stas with Davet as his date; admitted to Davet that though he likes him romantically too, he was unable to to commit to anything - to which Davet understood and still wanted to maintain their close friendship; started to feel like himself for the first time since summer - {Christmas}.
2108 {16 years} - resumes his other close friendship - the one with Evan by asking him to be his study buddy and asking Evan to be his date to the Dance. Gave Lisa some advice about focusing on the people who loved her and in the process, realised that he needed to take his own advice; after some encouragement from Keigh, he asked Davet to be his boyfriend; visited Korea as Evan's date to his cousin's wedding where Jude fell in love even more with the culture, the food, the scenery and the people; bonded with Kimmie after the two had a heart to heart talk about their love lives {summer}
Myself {ambidextrous but favours left hand, organised, a Hufflepuff}
Steve Rogers
Jude Foster - from the TV show ‘The Fosters’ {who is soft spoken, gentle, understanding, and also gay}
Dancing With the Stars
Charlie Spring - from the Heartstopper graphic novels and Netflix show {Jude's dress style is similar and his bedroom is the mirror image of Charlie's minus the drum set}
Name: Cailyn Ellis Cooke Nicknames: Cailyn Age: 17 Birthdate: 17 May 2091 Place of Birth: Current Home: Blood/Lineage: Half-blood Wand: 12⅔ inch delicate poplar with jobberknoll feather Favorite subjects: Charms, History of Magic Worst Subjects: Astronomy, Flying Patronus: Boggart: Amortentia:
Play-by: Lyric Elise/Jaelynn Rose (younger), Audreyana Michelle (current) Post Color: # 73b1b7 Twitter:@EllisCailyn
Name: Margaret Natalia Turov
Nickname: Mamie (though she may correct you)
Birthday: March 18, 2091
Age: 17
Place of Birth: France
Home: Colchester, Essex (usually)
House: Hufflepuff
Year: Seventh (Class of 2109)
Wand: 12¾" supple cedar with graphorn horn
Hair: brown, elbow-length
Eyes: blue
Skin tone: pale, gets freckles on her arms during the summer
Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
Face Claim: Emma Fuhrmann
Father: Peter Turov, is a writer
Mother: Claire Turov, is a software engineer, lives in Bourdeaux, France
Brothers: PJ (+4) and Alex (+1)
Paternal grandmother ("Babulya") Natalia Turova lives with Peter, Alex, and Margaret
Extended family: Extensive
Pet: Barn owl named Vendetta
Patronus: Common swift
Amortentia: Grass, lemon, Blake’s cologne
Boggart: Being trapped alone in a library (stacks of books encircling her) OR never playing Quidditch again (broken broomstick)
Allergies: Cashews
Board games
Being locked in a room
ESFP-A Mamie Margaret will talk to anyone, and prefers to give people the benefit of the doubt. She is absolutely not booksmart or good at memorizing facts, as she much prefers an activity she can practice and kinesthetic learning. She greatly prefers group work to solo work, on account of being an extrovert. She likes to help people, even if it's unwanted help or not causing more trouble than she's resolving. She claims she does not like drama or dramatic people. She is very competitive, but would never ever ever cheat.
She plans to be a professional Quidditch player when she finishes Hogwarts.
English (fluent), French (advanced), Spanish (intermediate), Russian (advanced beginner)
LOVE LANGUAGE: Quality time and acts of service
SPOILER!!: History
First Year:
Mamie made some friends, enjoyed charms and CoMC the most. She disliked Defense Against the Dark Arts, mainly due to their visit with the Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest. She was particularly traumatized by nearly drowning in the new courtyard pool--while she still did her summer swim team the year following, she was not happy about it. 5'0"
Second Year:
Told the truth about being a Muggleborn, because lying is wrong. Sought out wizarding hobbies and found flying and Quidditch, which was soon taken away due to her being Muggleborn. Got stunned on a field trip. Got locked in The Room. Her best friend Ashley got locked in a mirror, but she thought she was dead. Somehow still got good at Charms. Got close to some 7th years, who promptly graduated. 5'4"
Third Year:
Had a big fight with Ashley. Tried out for & made the English U-17 Quidditch team as Keeper.
Fourth Year:
Started dating Blake Keller. Had another big fight with Ashley. Finally stopped growing. Her parents got divorced. She broke up with Blake.
Fifth Year:
So. Much. Studying. Big drama with Benjee, but friends with Ash again. Passed her O.W.L.s
Sixth Year:
School is less awful when you only take classes you want to take. “Dating” Blake again, this time long distance. Learned to do a patronus.
Seventh Year:
Wait and see.
SPOILER!!: O.W.L. Results
History of Magic
Muggle Studies
Friends (in no particular order): Florrie Charbonneau, Misa Couture, Auggie Scardino, Cooper Branxton, Helena Leventis, Apollo Adara-Stark, Cailyn Cooke, Wyn Cooke, Mal Salgado-Remirez, Jordyn Guidry, Zaz Agüero, Matty Rider-Mae, Darius Potter, Noah Mordaunt, Minjae Yoon, Aboli Song, Noah Nam, Cassidy Belrose, Alex Stylinson, Lily Bagnold, Autumn Low, Kinsay James, Evan Nam, Maya Nam, Lisa Nam, Blake Keller, Christian Culloden, Valentina Nichols, Christianna Rivers, Adam Luck, Yuki Couture, Moose Stover, Ignacio Salgado-Remirez, Harli Couer, Ivy Grimm, Sammy Summers, Henry Hembree, Daniel Yoon, Amelia Svensson, Gemma Kitridge, Ashley Fox
Not friends (in no particular order): Benjee Marchbanks, Lumi Kolzer