-   Term 62: September - December 2022 (
-   -   Transfiguration Lesson: TBA (

MadMadamMalfoy 10-09-2022 07:21 PM

Transfiguration Lesson: TBA
It’s a cold, somewhat humdrum afternoon in mid-December. The winter holidays are just around the corner, but don’t let that distract you. There are still a few days of school left before the break, and Professor Carton expects your full attention.

The professor stands in the doorway, waiting to welcome the students. As you step, the first thing you’ll notice is that the classroom is toasty warm in contrast to the cold outside. The second thing is that the setup looks the same yet different. The desks are arranged in rows as usual; the unusual thing is the top hat sitting on each desk. A similar hat sits on a small covered table at the front of the room. “Hello, welcome in!” Professor Carton greets the arrivals. “Feel free to examine the contraption at the front of the room; you may touch it if you wish.”

Upon closer inspections, the students will learn that it’s not an ordinary hat on an ordinary table. The hat has a false bottom leading to a secret compartment under the table, hidden by the tablecloth. What could this object be? Only time will tell!

OOC: Welcome to Term 62’s Transfiguration lesson! ^_^ Please keep in mind that while this is the first OOC lesson, your students would’ve had classes with Carton since the start of the term IC. If you haven’t already done so, please read the class rules & expectations. We’ll begin in 24-30 HOURS CLASS HAS STARTED!.

Lesson Progression:
Q1: What is the use of the contraption at the front of the room? How could we use magic for the same purpose?
Main Activity
Q2: How might a transfigured animal behave differntly than a real one? Would that make bonding easier or harder?
Mini Activity

Freyr 10-09-2022 07:56 PM

Luther walked inside with a small smile on his face and greeted Professor Carton "Good afternoon, Professor." After that, he calmly walked towards one of the desks in the third row. 'Not too close, not too far.' thought Luther.

After seeing the top hat on the desk, Luther cautiously peered inside. 'Nothing out of ordinary' he first thought but after he warily lifted the hat and shook it he saw that the hat on his desk looked pretty normal from below too. With a mischievous fire in his eyes, Luther turned to the Professor and said "Will we pull a rabbit out of these, Sir?"

Charely Potter 10-09-2022 08:03 PM

Caes arrived for the lesson, he definitely was looking forward to the upcoming holiday break. He had some plans involved in between the loss of a bet with his sis, but that was a story for another day. "Hello Professor," He greeted Professor Carton.

He curiously eyed the contraption in the front of the room as mentioned but at a distance. Caes figured the others could have a turn before him since he just felt like relaxing. So he went to take his usual seating after watching for a moment.

Watson 10-09-2022 10:06 PM

Hi Professor Carton!” she greeted. She nodded to Caes and Luther who were already inside the room. Her eyes landed on the contraption at the front. Curious supposings flooded her mind as she placed her bag down on a random chair in the middle of the classroom. Mind drove her feet towards the contraption Carton was speaking of and the youngest Nam gazed peculiarly at it. She touched the hat, trying to defy mine what exactly was off about it.

She did chuckle at Luther’s comment. She hoped they were pulling a rabbit out of the hat. But…. “Professor, does that contraption allow for vanishing?” Maybe it was a magical object that did the opposite of what Luther suggested or did what Luther suggested?

How could one tell its purpose? She wanted to examine it further but thought it be a little too much at this point in time so the Ravenclaw got settled at her desk.

FearlessLeader19 10-09-2022 11:21 PM

Aria was happily dreaming of the upcoming Christmas holidays. There would be much to do, especially when it came to Caes and the bet they had made. Such anticipation on her part for him with regard to those chores. Before she left for home though, she would have to burn those letters or get rid of them somehow… Violet’s letters that she had cunningly intercepted before they had gotten to her brother. Did Aria feel guilty? A little. But Caes would thank her IF he ever found out.

“Hello, professor! My, you’ve made it quite snug in here!’’ The Slytherin gave the man a toothy smile before making a beeline for her brother. On the way to him, she waved rather enthusiastically to Luther {her fave little Gryffindor} and to Lisa. “Brother dearest.’’ Aria dropped her bag on the desk beside Caes. She playfully bumped his shoulder before sitting. “That top hat would look rather spectacular on you, you know!’’ Could he tell that she was itching to put it on him? Buuut, Ms. McLeod was smarter than that; she’d let any other student try it on their own should there be a catch. The same went for the thing at the front of the room.

Deezerz 10-09-2022 11:40 PM

Could the holidays come any faster? Serena was anxious to go home. Both because she wanted the peace that came with spending time with her little brother, and to fix whatever trust she had broken with her parents. It was imperative she did or she'd never return to Hogwarts.

These could possibly be her last lessons at this school.

Pushing through, Serena entered the Transfiguration classroom, her gaze settling on the hat. Her brows furrowed, what could it mean?

Approaching the table, the Slytherin nodded politely at the professor. "Good day, Professor Carton." Not really, but y'know. Manners. Anyway, what was with the hat? Serena picked up and saw it was just a normal hat. Interesting.

Leaving the hat alone, Serena turned to find a seat. Her mind fought for her gaze to go elsewhere, but her eyes had a mind of their own. They found Lisa. Serena's heart did the thing it does whenever she allowed her gaze upon the Ravenclaw for even a few seconds. Swallowing whatever that feeling was, she took the seat besides Caes, sandwiching him between her and Aria. Attempting for distraction, she added to Aria's comment, "It'd bring out your eyes."

Chelliephone 10-10-2022 12:39 AM

Evan headed into the Transfiguration classroom, following quietly after his peers and side stepping those who stopped to look at the contraption up front. Whatever it was, he was sure they would discuss it later in detail in class so he felt no need to examine it now. With a smile at his head of house and an inclination of his head, he made sure to give a greeting, "Hello, Professor. It's nice and warm in here." It actually felt amazing compared to the chill outside - even if he was a bit partial to being cold.

Pleasantries extended, the Ravenclaw made his way to finding a seat, stopping and choosing an open spot next to his sister. He'd tried to stop stifling her and Maya but always being around them, even in classes, but he convinced himself it would be fine with this lesson given they were getting closer and closer to his graduation. What a funny thought. "Hey, Lees."

aRogueOne 10-10-2022 09:57 AM

In the cold winter weather, Ingrid Luck was wrapped with her winter cloak clutched tight to her chest and a fluffy had covering most of her head to keep the heat in. It was the fact that she was so used to the cold that she was wrapped up so warm, as she entered Professor Carton’s classroom this mid-December day. “Good morning, Professor. How are you today?” she asked as she filed into the classroom and into one of the desks arranged in rows. Taking a seat next to Evan and close to Lisa, Ingrid unpacked her bag before finally taking off her cloak. “Hi Evan. Lisa. Are you two up to much this winter break?” She wasn’t sure if she’d be going home yet.

astrocat 10-10-2022 03:45 PM

"Hi professor Carton!" A couple purple flowers sprouted from the desk Ash chose to claim(it was near Evan, who she usually tried to sit by without even realizing). She wasn't in a particularly good mood, but she could spare a smile for one of her favorite, most trusted professors(and her head of house!).

She waked towards the front of the room to examine the object there. Unable to pick it up, she stuck her hand in it to see what would happen. "We should all get to wear top hats for this lesson." Please. It would be amusing.

Holmesian Feline 10-10-2022 10:59 PM

“Good afternoon, Professor,” Rajesh greeted his head of house as he approached the man and the doorway to the transfiguration classroom. It was a subject he enjoyed at times, so a lesson he could look forwards to not dread. Stepping inside the room, he was silently gracious for the warmer temperature kept within, taking in the usual and not so usual surroundings. Top hats for all of them, though by the professor’s words, they weren’t ordinary top hats by any means and the Ravenclaw was certainly curious about them as he took a random desk. Though he’s wait while others explored it at the moment.

Lisa and Evan were already there, as well as Ash and her flowers. His own…issues…had thankfully recently been limited to the occasional trickle. With the cold of winter upon them, he didn’t actually want to freeze to anything by creating ice. It just meant he had to be careful with his parchments as he wrote notes.

MadMadamMalfoy 10-11-2022 03:09 AM

Question 1!
SPOILER!!: Individual replies ^_^

Originally Posted by Freyr (Post 12531327)
Luther walked inside with a small smile on his face and greeted Professor Carton "Good afternoon, Professor." After that, he calmly walked towards one of the desks in the third row. 'Not too close, not too far.' thought Luther.

After seeing the top hat on the desk, Luther cautiously peered inside. 'Nothing out of ordinary' he first thought but after he warily lifted the hat and shook it he saw that the bottom is actually a false bottom. With a mischievous fire in his eyes, Luther turned to the Professor and said "Will we pull a rabbit out of these, Sir?"

Norman hadn’t been waiting long when the first student arrived. “Good afternoon, Mr. Starriver,” he replied, returning the boy’s smile with one of his own. That smile soon turned to a slight chuckle at the question. “Maybe so.” He wasn’t going to give anything away just yet, but it was a very good guess!


Originally Posted by Charely Potter (Post 12531328)

Caes arrived for the lesson, he definitely was looking forward to the upcoming holiday break. He had some plans involved in between the loss of a bet with his sis, but that was a story for another day. "Hello Professor," He greeted Professor Carton.

He curiously eyed the contraption in the front of the room as mentioned but at a distance. Caes figured the others could have a turn before him since he just felt like relaxing. So he went to take his usual seating after watching for a moment.

Hawkins’s arrival got a polite nod from the professor. “Hello, Mr. Hawkins,” Norman greeted, his bluish-green eyes following the boy to his seat. He was mildly surprised that Hawkins hadn’t stopped to examine the contraption at the front, but he wasn’t fussed. The truth would reveal itself in time.


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12531343)
Hi Professor Carton!” she greeted. She nodded to Caes and Luther who were already inside the room. Her eyes landed on the contraption at the front. Curious supposings flooded her mind as she placed her bag down on a random chair in the middle of the classroom. Mind drove her feet towards the contraption Carton was speaking of and the youngest Nam gazed peculiarly at it. She touched the hat, trying to defy mine what exactly was off about it.

She did chuckle at Luther’s comment. She hoped they were pulling a rabbit out of the hat. But…. “Professor, does that contraption allow for vanishing?” Maybe it was a magical object that did the opposite of what Luther suggested or did what Luther suggested?

How could one tell its purpose? She wanted to examine it further but thought it be a little too much at this point in time so the Ravenclaw got settled at her desk.

Here was another curious student. Just the kind of attitude Norman liked to see! “Hello, Miss Nam,” he replied with a slight smile, watching as she examined the contraption. And another good guess to its purpose. “It might…” Better not give away too much now!


Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 12531351)
Aria was happily dreaming of the upcoming Christmas holidays. There would be much to do, especially when it came to Caes and the bet they had made. Such anticipation on her part for him with regard to those chores. Before she left for home though, she would have to burn those letters or get rid of them somehow… Violet’s letters that she had cunningly intercepted before they had gotten to her brother. Did Aria feel guilty? A little. But Caes would thank her IF he ever found out.

“Hello, professor! My, you’ve made it quite snug in here!’’ The Slytherin gave the man a toothy smile before making a beeline for her brother. On the way to him, she waved rather enthusiastically to Luther {her fave little Gryffindor} and to Lisa. “Brother dearest.’’ Aria dropped her bag on the desk beside Caes. She playfully bumped his shoulder before sitting. “That top hat would look rather spectacular on you, you know!’’ Could he tell that she was itching to put it on him? Buuut, Ms. McLeod was smarter than that; she’d let any other student try it on their own should there be a catch. The same went for the thing at the front of the room.

McLeod also got a smile upon arrival. “Hello, Miss McLeod,” Norman replied. The compliment got a soft laugh from him. “Thank you!” He couldn’t have his students being distracted by the cold, could he? There may or may not have been another reason for the room temperature, but only time would tell.


Originally Posted by Deezerz (Post 12531352)
Could the holidays come any faster? Serena was anxious to go home. Both because she wanted the peace that came with spending time with her little brother, and to fix whatever trust she had broken with her parents. It was imperative she did or she'd never return to Hogwarts.

These could possibly be her last lessons at this school.

Pushing through, Serena entered the Transfiguration classroom, her gaze settling on the hat. Her brows furrowed, what could it mean?

Approaching the table, the Slytherin nodded politely at the professor. "Good day, Professor Carton." Not really, but y'know. Manners. Anyway, what was with the hat? Serena picked up and saw it was just a normal hat. Interesting.

Leaving the hat alone, Serena turned to find a seat. Her mind fought for her gaze to go elsewhere, but her eyes had a mind of their own. They found Lisa. Serena's heart did the thing it does whenever she allowed her gaze upon the Ravenclaw for even a few seconds. Swallowing whatever that feeling was, she took the seat besides Caes, sandwiching him between her and Aria. Attempting for distraction, she added to Aria's comment, "It'd bring out your eyes."

Norman’s eyes followed Baltazar-Dos Santos as she entered the classroom. Noting the furrowed brows, he half-expected her to examine the hat more closely but thought no more of it when that didn’t happen, “Good day, Miss Baltazar-Dos Santos,” he replied, nodding politely in return.


Originally Posted by Chelliephone (Post 12531356)
Evan headed into the Transfiguration classroom, following quietly after his peers and side stepping those who stopped to look at the contraption up front. Whatever it was, he was sure they would discuss it later in detail in class so he felt no need to examine it now. With a smile at his head of house and an inclination of his head, he made sure to give a greeting, "Hello, Professor. It's nice and warm in here." It actually felt amazing compared to the chill outside - even if he was a bit partial to being cold.

Pleasantries extended, the Ravenclaw made his way to finding a seat, stopping and choosing an open spot next to his sister. He'd tried to stop stifling her and Maya but always being around them, even in classes, but he convinced himself it would be fine with this lesson given they were getting closer and closer to his graduation. What a funny thought. "Hey, Lees."

Ah, there was the elder Nam! Norman smiled, nodding politely in reply to the boy’s greeting. “Hello, Mr. Nam,” he said. “I’m glad you think so.” If the students were warm enough, hopefully it was warm enough for the activity he had planned. If not, he could always add more heating charms to the room!


Originally Posted by aRogueOne (Post 12531366)
In the cold winter weather, Ingrid Luck was wrapped with her winter cloak clutched tight to her chest and a fluffy had covering most of her head to keep the heat in. It was the fact that she was so used to the cold that she was wrapped up so warm, as she entered Professor Carton’s classroom this mid-December day. “Good morning, Professor. How are you today?” she asked as she filed into the classroom and into one of the desks arranged in rows. Taking a seat next to Evan and close to Lisa, Ingrid unpacked her bag before finally taking off her cloak. “Hi Evan. Lisa. Are you two up to much this winter break?” She wasn’t sure if she’d be going home yet.

Luck’s greeting also got a slight smile and polite nod in return. “Hello, Miss Luck,” Norman replied, his eyes following her to her seat. “I’m fine, thank you for asking. And yourself?”


Originally Posted by astrocat (Post 12531430)
"Hi professor Carton!" A couple purple flowers sprouted from the desk Ash chose to claim(it was near Evan, who she usually tried to sit by without even realizing). She wasn't in a particularly good mood, but she could spare a smile for one of her favorite, most trusted professors(and her head of house!).

She waked towards the front of the room to examine the object there. Unable to pick it up, she stuck her hand in it to see what would happen. "We should all get to wear top hats for this lesson." Please. It would be amusing.

Norman paid little attention to the flowers around Fox’s desk. He’d gotten used to the students’ abilities by now, and he knew it wasn’t intentional. Something that did catch his attention, however, was the girl’s greeting. “Hello, Miss Fox,” he replied, returning her smile with one of his own… a smile that turned into a slight chuckle at the suggestion. “That would be fun. Maybe later on.” He hadn’t initially planned for the students to wear the hats, but he didn’t see any harm in it if there were enough left after they used them for their intended purpose.


Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 12531450)
“Good afternoon, Professor,” Rajesh greeted his head of house as he approached the man and the doorway to the transfiguration classroom. It was a subject he enjoyed at times, so a lesson he could look forwards to not dread. Stepping inside the room, he was silently gracious for the warmer temperature kept within, taking in the usual and not so usual surroundings. Top hats for all of them, though by the professor’s words, they weren’t ordinary top hats by any means and the Ravenclaw was certainly curious about them as he took a random desk. Though he’s wait while others explored it at the moment.

Lisa and Evan were already there, as well as Ash and her flowers. His own…issues…had thankfully recently been limited to the occasional trickle. With the cold of winter upon them, he didn’t actually want to freeze to anything by creating ice. It just meant he had to be careful with his parchments as he wrote notes.

Norman checked his watch, noticing that it was getting close to the lesson start time. He peered down the hall, in search of any more arriving students, just in time to see Atreyu-Rehman approaching. “Good afternoon, Mr. Atreyu-Rehman,” he replied with a smile and a polite nod.

After allowing a few more moments for stragglers, Norman glanced at his watch once more, 1:00 on the dot, time to start! He stepped inside the classroom, closing the door behind him with a quick flick of his wand. “Right, let’s get started! Eyes front, please,” he addressed the group, standing beside the table at the front of the room.

He paused to allow time for the students to focus on him - and more importantly, the contraption next to him - before continuing. “Now that you’ve had a chance to examine this thing -” He gestured to the object. “- what do you think it’s used for? How might we use magic to do the same thing? Give me your best guess!”

OOC: CLASS HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED! Feel free to jump in at any point in the lesson; just pretend your student has been here the whole time unless you want IC consequences for a late arrival. You’ll have 22-36 HOURS for Question 1, depending on how busy my schedule is tomorrow. If you have questions, please VM or PM me. ^_^

Charely Potter 10-11-2022 11:44 AM

"You think so?" Caes gave a small smile from Aria's shoulder bump and Serena adding to the idea. "Let's hope it doesn't swallow my head then," Which would be kind of funny to see.. or not see in this Case.

What could the hat over a covered table be used for? Could it be the hat that's the main focus or..? "Maybe the hat is just a cover for a trap? Could always use a random item like a bucket to cover what's underneath it." It didn't hurt having some suspicion.

Freyr 10-11-2022 02:32 PM

SPOILER!!: Question 1

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy (Post 12531478)

After allowing a few more moments for stragglers, Norman glanced at his watch once more, 1:00 on the dot, time to start! He stepped inside the classroom, closing the door behind him with a quick flick of his wand. “Right, let’s get started! Eyes front, please,” he addressed the group, standing beside the table at the front of the room.

He paused to allow time for the students to focus on him - and more importantly, the contraption next to him - before continuing. “Now that you’ve had a chance to examine this thing -” He gestured to the object. “- what do you think it’s used for? How might we use magic to do the same thing? Give me your best guess!”

OOC: CLASS HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED! Feel free to jump in at any point in the lesson; just pretend your student has been here the whole time unless you want IC consequences for a late arrival. You’ll have 22-36 HOURS for Question 1, depending on how busy my schedule is tomorrow. If you have questions, please VM or PM me. ^_^

Luther saw Aria waving to him and sitting next to his brother, Caes. So he waved back and said "Hi there, Aria, Caes. How are you?"

When Professor Carton started his lecture with a question, Luther thought for a while. The question seemed like a trick question for some reason. 'The false bottom is obviously something unusual. However, is it for vanishing or conjuring? Or something else entirely?' Then he raised his hand and spoke, "Professor, I assume you are asking for a use other than making the wearer look absolutely awesome, especially me in my opinion, so I think the hat is used for vanishing and conjuring things with some sleight of hand. While I know that we can do those things with magic, I don't know the spells sir, sorry.". After pausing for a moment, he added slightly unsure "I also have heard of expanded bags, so the inside of the hat might be bigger than the outside, maybe. So, it might look like the object is vanishing or conjured out of thin air."

FearlessLeader19 10-11-2022 04:05 PM

How was she doing? That was easy! “Doing splendidly,” was her reply to Luther. She hoped he was too, and not missing his house elf friend too much. Aria happened to be watching each student who entered the room. She was doing so intently, as though silently urging them to check out the contraption at the front of the class. It was how she noticed the frown on Serena’s face. Was something bothering her Housemate? Still, Aria beamed when the younger girl decided to sit with her and Caes. The Slytherins together! “Right?? It’d make him look like such a gentleman!’’ There was a small snigger from her at Caes’ comment. “That would be quite the sight.”

Keen gaze flicked to the front when Carton indicated that they were making a start. Then it shifted to the thing he was indicating to. Aria studied it again. She hadn’t made an attempt to study it up close so she hadn’t an inkling about what secrets the hat, table and cloth were hiding. Caes’ words got her thinking though, and it was only a short time later that she raised her hand. “Is there an object hidden under the table that…” Aria forgot her train of thought for a bit and her eyes lit up. “Wait! Is this something like what Muggles use to do their magic tricks? The objects are hidden under the table perhaps and ‘magically’ pulled out of the hat?” Aria didn’t know about the nitty-gritty of Muggle top-hat magic but she did have the general idea about it.

Chelliephone 10-11-2022 11:32 PM

Ev turned a smile towards [b]Ingrid[/I] as she sat, considering the question for a brief moment before shaking his head. "Nothing too terribly exciting. Just family time. You?" He had requested a male cousin night, now that Evan had joined the ranks of being of age. He was looking forward to it too, more than he would probably let on - most particularly to his cousins
Ash's arrival was also noted and he sent a smile her direction and a small wave, followed then by one towards Raj. He'd considered offering more greetings, but class was underway so he focused his attention again on Professor Carton.

The range of answers so far seemed to give the general consensus of vanishment, maybe mixed with a little bit of fashion which he was amused by. Evan was inclined to agree, but the more no-maj part of his brain said it was more than just vanishment so much as ... Misdirection. Raising his hand, he waited to be called on before throwing in his two sickles. "It's used for displacement. No-majs cannot actually making something vanish, but items like this could be used to create the illusion of having done so, while really it's just been moved out of sight. A magical item that comes to mind that would be similar is vanishing cabinets."

Watson 10-12-2022 02:40 AM

"Might be?" repeated Lisa before taking the Professor's answer back with her to the table. Hmm... He didn't say no nor did he exactly say yes.... As she was mulling this over, she noticed Serena looking at her. She offered the Slytherin a small smile too, remembering just how scared she had felt in the Entrance Hall the day that Serena almost vanished. She started to wave but was distracted by Evan greeting her.

"Oh. Hey Ev," she greeted with a small-ish smile. Looking up at him made her stomach drop. He wasn't allowed to graduate... Hogwarts would be weird without him. Even though she would still have Maya with her... the school wouldn't be the same without her older brother. Strange how in her first year how much she had wanted to be independent of him and now... She just wanted to spend more time with him. She smiled as Ingrid joined them. "Hi Ingrid!" Winter break plans? Hmm...Well "Hopefully seeing a Christmas play and having some fun. I'm already tired of studying.... What about you?"

As the Professor demanded 'eyes to be up front', Lisa followed the instructions. Hmm.. What was the type of magic used? She agreed with her initial hypothesis and evaluation of the contraption. "I think its used to hide things.. or at least, create the illusion that something has gone away but be able to bring it back? Similar to Vanishment?"

Emzily 10-12-2022 08:49 AM

Remy had been quiet since joining class but had in fact been here the whole time. This was her favourite class, and sometimes she opted for pure concentration over being too eager. The contraption at the front of the class seemed like an obvious one - to hide objects from others, which a few other students had already mentioned, so she refrained from repeating it.

Instead, she offered another idea to that specific one. “Maybe a convenient place to put things that you don’t have enough hands to hold,” often people used it on bags, and Remy thought that would definitely be more practical than a hat. “Although I think the objects may fall out if the hat was being worn.” Oops, she hadn’t thought of that at first.

Holmesian Feline 10-13-2022 01:09 AM

His parchment and quills out from his satchel and out on the desk in front of him ready to go, Raj looked up as class was begun in earnest. Hmm…what could the top hat like thing be used for? He looked over at the one on his desk, having not investigated the one at the front of the classroom, and tried to think on the question. Headgear was too simple. And the mentions from his classmates were interesting…concealing and carrying things…muggle magic tricks…illusions.

“A way of switching things?” he mused aloud in answer. As in pertaining to the type of transfiguration that transforms one item into another. "With or without a sense of mystery."

MadMadamMalfoy 10-13-2022 03:07 AM

Main Activity starts here!
SPOILER!!: Individual replies ^_^

Originally Posted by Charely Potter (Post 12531562)

"You think so?" Caes gave a small smile from Aria's shoulder bump and Serena adding to the idea. "Let's hope it doesn't swallow my head then," Which would be kind of funny to see.. or not see in this Case.

What could the hat over a covered table be used for? Could it be the hat that's the main focus or..? "Maybe the hat is just a cover for a trap? Could always use a random item like a bucket to cover what's underneath it." It didn't hurt having some suspicion.

Blink, blink. Hawkins’s answer took an unexpected direction, but it wasn’t too far off. “You’re on the right track, Mr. Hawkins,” Norman said with an approving nod. “Not a trap, but the hat is a cover, in a way. The hat has a false bottom leading into a secret compartment under the table.” He stuck one hand inside the hat to demonstrate. By the time he could reach the bottom of the compartment, the brim of the hat came up to his elbow.


Originally Posted by Emzily (Post 12531699)
Remy had been quiet since joining class but had in fact been here the whole time. This was her favourite class, and sometimes she opted for pure concentration over being too eager. The contraption at the front of the class seemed like an obvious one - to hide objects from others, which a few other students had already mentioned, so she refrained from repeating it.

Instead, she offered another idea to that specific one. “Maybe a convenient place to put things that you don’t have enough hands to hold,” often people used it on bags, and Remy thought that would definitely be more practical than a hat. “Although I think the objects may fall out if the hat was being worn.” Oops, she hadn’t thought of that at first.

Here was another outside-the-box answer! “It could be, yes,” Norman replied. “Maybe not so much the hat itself, but the table it’s sitting on has a secret compartment that could be used to hold things.” He lifted the tablecloth just enough to reveal the compartment attached to the underside of the table beneath. “Good guess, Miss Gaeltheos!”


Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 12531832)
His parchment and quills out from his satchel and out on the desk in front of him ready to go, Raj looked up as class was begun in earnest. Hmm…what could the top hat like thing be used for? He looked over at the one on his desk, having not investigated the one at the front of the classroom, and tried to think on the question. Headgear was too simple. And the mentions from his classmates were interesting…concealing and carrying things…muggle magic tricks…illusions.

“A way of switching things?” he mused aloud in answer. As in pertaining to the type of transfiguration that transforms one item into another. "With or without a sense of mystery."

This was another answer Norman hadn’t expected. “Yes, in a manner of speaking,” he replied, nodding approvingly. “Very good guess, Mr. Atreyu-Rehman.”


Originally Posted by Freyr (Post 12531573)

Luther saw Aria waving to him and sitting next to his brother, Caes. So he waved back and said "Hi there, Aria, Caes. How are you?"

When Professor Carton started his lecture with a question, Luther thought for a while. The question seemed like a trick question for some reason. 'The false bottom is obviously something unusual. However, is it for vanishing or conjuring? Or something else entirely?' Then he raised his hand and spoke, "Professor, I assume you are asking for a use other than making the wearer look absolutely awesome, especially me in my opinion, so I think the hat is used for vanishing and conjuring things with some sleight of hand. While I know that we can do those things with magic, I don't know the spells sir, sorry.". After pausing for a moment, he added slightly unsure "I also have heard of expanded bags, so the inside of the hat might be bigger than the outside, maybe. So, it might look like the object is vanishing or conjured out of thin air."

Now they were getting somewhere! Starriver had guessed all but the exact trick that the contraption was designed to simulate. The boy’s answer earned a slight smile from the professor. “It’s okay that you don’t know the spells,” Norman replied. “Otherwise, you’re right on the money about sleight of hand. This particular contraption is more commonly used to simulate conjuration than vanishment, but it could be used for either.” Might require a few minor modifications for vanishment, but that was another matter. “Very good, Mr. Starriver!”


Originally Posted by Chelliephone (Post 12531585)
Ev turned a smile towards [b]Ingrid[/I] as she sat, considering the question for a brief moment before shaking his head. "Nothing too terribly exciting. Just family time. You?" He had requested a male cousin night, now that Evan had joined the ranks of being of age. He was looking forward to it too, more than he would probably let on - most particularly to his cousins
Ash's arrival was also noted and he sent a smile her direction and a small wave, followed then by one towards Raj. He'd considered offering more greetings, but class was underway so he focused his attention again on Professor Carton.

The range of answers so far seemed to give the general consensus of vanishment, maybe mixed with a little bit of fashion which he was amused by. Evan was inclined to agree, but the more no-maj part of his brain said it was more than just vanishment so much as ... Misdirection. Raising his hand, he waited to be called on before throwing in his two sickles. "It's used for displacement. No-majs cannot actually making something vanish, but items like this could be used to create the illusion of having done so, while really it's just been moved out of sight. A magical item that comes to mind that would be similar is vanishing cabinets."

The elder Nam’s answer was along the same lines as Starriver’s and likewise earned an approving smile. “Nicely put, Mr. Nam,” Norman said. “That’s one way the contraption could use displacement. Another would be to simulate conjuration by hiding an object out of sight to later bring out at the right moment.”


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12531614)
"Might be?" repeated Lisa before taking the Professor's answer back with her to the table. Hmm... He didn't say no nor did he exactly say yes.... As she was mulling this over, she noticed Serena looking at her. She offered the Slytherin a small smile too, remembering just how scared she had felt in the Entrance Hall the day that Serena almost vanished. She started to wave but was distracted by Evan greeting her.

"Oh. Hey Ev," she greeted with a small-ish smile. Looking up at him made her stomach drop. He wasn't allowed to graduate... Hogwarts would be weird without him. Even though she would still have Maya with her... the school wouldn't be the same without her older brother. Strange how in her first year how much she had wanted to be independent of him and now... She just wanted to spend more time with him. She smiled as Ingrid joined them. "Hi Ingrid!" Winter break plans? Hmm...Well "Hopefully seeing a Christmas play and having some fun. I'm already tired of studying.... What about you?"

As the Professor demanded 'eyes to be up front', Lisa followed the instructions. Hmm.. What was the type of magic used? She agreed with her initial hypothesis and evaluation of the contraption. "I think its used to hide things.. or at least, create the illusion that something has gone away but be able to bring it back? Similar to Vanishment?"

Another one for the vanishment bandwagon. The younger Nam’s answer got an approving nod from Norman. “Excellent guess, Miss Nam,” he said, smiling slightly. “It certainly can be used to hide things.” He’d already said as much before, so it didn’t bear repeating.


Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 12531575)
How was she doing? That was easy! “Doing splendidly,” was her reply to Luther. She hoped he was too, and not missing his house elf friend too much. Aria happened to be watching each student who entered the room. She was doing so intently, as though silently urging them to check out the contraption at the front of the class. It was how she noticed the frown on Serena’s face. Was something bothering her Housemate? Still, Aria beamed when the younger girl decided to sit with her and Caes. The Slytherins together! “Right?? It’d make him look like such a gentleman!’’ There was a small snigger from her at Caes’ comment. “That would be quite the sight.”

Keen gaze flicked to the front when Carton indicated that they were making a start. Then it shifted to the thing he was indicating to. Aria studied it again. She hadn’t made an attempt to study it up close so she hadn’t an inkling about what secrets the hat, table and cloth were hiding. Caes’ words got her thinking though, and it was only a short time later that she raised her hand. “Is there an object hidden under the table that…” Aria forgot her train of thought for a bit and her eyes lit up. “Wait! Is this something like what Muggles use to do their magic tricks? The objects are hidden under the table perhaps and ‘magically’ pulled out of the hat?” Aria didn’t know about the nitty-gritty of Muggle top-hat magic but she did have the general idea about it.

Finally someone said it! “Yes, it’s exactly like that!” Norman replied with a smile. “Very good, Miss McLeod.” He hadn’t forgotten that Starriver had also mentioned the rabbit out of a hat trick before the class started, and may or may not have winked in he boy’s direction.

Seeing no more hands in the air, Norman addressed the group once more, “Good answers! Most of your guesses were very close, but as Miss McLeod said - and Mr. Starriver before class, this contraption is used for a no-maj magic trick, the rabbit out of a hat.”

He lifted the tablecloth, revealing the compartment attached to the table as he continued. “As you can see, the table is equipped with a secret compartment. The object or small animal intended to be conjured, usually a rabbit, goes inside. Then the compartment is hidden by a tablecloth. The magician recites some nonsense words to serve as an incantation and waves a wand that usually looks like this…” He set his own cypress wand down, replacing it with a shiny black and white one. “The hat has a false bottom leading into the compartment, enabling the magician to reach inside and pull out the hidden object or animal.”

Everyone following so far? Just in case, he paused to allow time for the students to absorb the information so far before going on, “There are a couple of options to achieve the same thing with magic. The most straightforward is conjuration, making something appear out of thin air. This works best for inanimate objects or creatures with a simpler structure, like birds or snakes. For something as complex as a rabbit, transformation - turning something into a rabbit - is easier.”

As he started to demonstrate today’s spell, he realized he was still holding the gaudy black and white wand. Why did he still have that? Never mind! Picking up his wand, he said, “The rabbit transformation spell is Lapifors, pronounced LAP-i-fors. To cast, simply point your wand at your intended target and say the incantation; the spell will emit a green light when performed correctly, like so…” He aimed his wand at the top hat on the table and said firmly, “Lapifors!”

In a flash of green light, the hat was gone, and in its place was a brown lop-eared rabbit. The bunny looked around the room, wiggled its nose a bit, and curled up on the table to take a nap.

“For the next twenty minutes, I’d like you to practice Lapifors on the top hats on your desks,” Norman instructed. “There’s an extra supply up front, should you need it or just want a hat to wear.” He picked up a box of hats that had up until then been hidden behind his desk, setting it atop the desk softly so as not to disturb the newly transfigured sleeping rabbit. “Work with a partner if you want, but each person must attempt the spell. The spell information will be on the board, and I’ll be coming around to help if you need it. You may begin!” With a flick of his wand, the following information appeared on the chalkboard behind him:


Originally Posted by Chalkboard
Pronunciation: LAP-i-fors
Wand movement: point at target
Light: green
Use: turns target into rabbit; best used on small targets

OOC: Sorry for the delay in replying! RL got crazy for a while. Anyway, it’s main activity time! For this, your student needs to practice Lapifors on the top hats provided. Group/partner work is allowed. If your character needs help, please indicate in the title of your post; Norman and I will be checking in periodically. You’ll have AT LEAST 72 HOURS for this activity! ^_^

Freyr 10-13-2022 09:21 AM

Weird hat-rabbit, help please!
'Did Professor Carton just wink at me?' thought Luther as the Professor was responding to Aria's answer. 'We really are going to pull a rabbit out of the hat. I was only joking. Well, turn it into one but still.' and chuckled silently.

Before starting to practice the spell, Luther went to the box of hats, picked one and after thanking the Professor silently not to disturb the napping rabbit, he wore it. Even if he didn't see himself, he knew it made him look awesome. Then he confidently walked back to his desk and started practising. As he did in Defence against the Dark Arts, he first started working on the incantation without his wand.

"LAP-ee-fors." Not quite right. "LAP-ee-fors" 'Nope' After a few tries, "Lap-i-fors. Lapifors!"

Taking a deep breath, he pointed his wand at the hat on his desk and said "Lapifors!" Nothing happened. Then again and again. In his 6th trial, however, the hat flashed green and turned into a rabbit with a weird textile texture like that of the top hat.

Holding the weird hat-skinned rabbit, he took it to the Professor and said "Sir, umm... what should I do with this one? It looks a bit weird."

FearlessLeader19 10-13-2022 11:59 AM


Aria had been correct! True, she couldn’t take ALL the credit because it was Caes’ answer that had got her thinking. Still… she was pleased with herself and inclined her head graciously in Carton’s direction. With great interest, the young lady took in the workings of the ‘magic’ trick. So that’s how the Muggles did it!

Look at the cute bunny Carton had transformed the hat into! Aria was itching to pick him? her? they? and give him a little snuggle! “I reckon we have to picture the type of bunny we want to transfigure while we’re saying the incantation and doing the wand movement,’’ she mused to Caes and Serena. “I think I'll try for a brown one.” You know… just for fun.

LAP-i-fors. LAP-i-fors. Lapifors!” Point. Point. Point.

Simple enough!

Holmesian Feline 10-14-2022 12:45 AM

A muggle magic trick…interesting. Raj watched Professor Carton revealed the truth behind the tablecloth up front, listening as it was explained on what would happen had it actually been fully set up to complete the ‘spell.’ And they were to learn the wizarding way to handle the situation, turning something into a rabbit for the trick. As the spell information was shown on the blackboard, the sixth year copied down on his parchment before exchanging quill for wand to try it out himself.

Lapifors…not quite the Latin for rabbit.

Not to see if he could lose the top hat and gain a bunny. “Lapifors!” he cast once he had focused himself, taking aim and pointing at the hat in front of him. No green light…but a small squirt of water. Really?! They were back to this? Rajesh had been thinking he had gained control of whatever had been causing trouble, but apparently no such luck. Shaking his head to try and shake it off, he took a deep breath and tried again. “Lapifors” His pronunciation seemed to have gotten better because he got the spell to light up green but the spell actually hadn’t taken affect.

Scratch that…he now had a furry hat.

FearlessLeader19 10-14-2022 12:04 PM

Aria McLeod had every intention of following through with her notion of transfiguring a brown bunny. The hat was set in the center of her desk and she focused her thoughts on a fluffy brown bunny. She even got as far as focusing on his twitchy nose. “Lapifors!” came her enthusiastic incantation and pointing. Despite her energy, it came as no surprise to her when no change came about to her top hat. In fact, it only doubled her determination.

“Lapifors!” That particular bunny was still a focus in her mind so maybe this time Aria would be successful? She wasn’t THAT bad at Transfiguration so…

Fingers crossed!

MadMadamMalfoy 10-14-2022 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Freyr (Post 12531861)
'Did Professor Carton just wink at me?' thought Luther as the Professor was responding to Aria's answer. 'We really are going to pull a rabbit out of the hat. I was only joking. Well, turn it into one but still.' and chuckled silently.

Before starting to practice the spell, Luther went to the box of hats, picked one and after thanking the Professor silently not to disturb the napping rabbit, he wore it. Even if he didn't see himself, he knew it made him look awesome. Then he confidently walked back to his desk and started practising. As he did in Defence against the Dark Arts, he first started working on the incantation without his wand.

"LAP-ee-fors." Not quite right. "LAP-ee-fors" 'Nope' After a few tries, "Lap-i-fors. Lapifors!"

Taking a deep breath, he pointed his wand at the hat on his desk and said "Lapifors!" Nothing happened. Then again and again. In his 6th trial, however, the hat flashed green and turned into a rabbit with a weird textile texture like that of the top hat.

Holding the weird hat-skinned rabbit, he took it to the Professor and said "Sir, umm... what should I do with this one? It looks a bit weird."

Norman roamed the room, watching as the students set to work. He liked the progress he saw so far! Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of green light and turned in the direction of the spell… just in time to see Starriver approaching with an incompletely transformed rabbit. “Put it on my desk, and get a new hat from the box up front,” he replied to the question. “I’ll change it back later.” He gave the boy a small encouraging smile. “Looks like you’ve got the spell right; it just takes a bit more concentration,” he offered a bit of helpful advice, “What does your rabbit’s fur look like? What does it feel like? Think about that as you cast. Keep trying, Mr. Starriver!”

He returned to his desk to take care of Starriver’s hat-rabbit and any other incomplete transformations that happened. That part probably bore repeating! “If you have an incomplete transformation, bring it to my desk and get a new hat from the box,” he addressed the class. “There’s still plenty of time; keep practicing.”

OOC: You still have 36-48 HOURS. ^_^

Freyr 10-14-2022 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy (Post 12531914)

Norman roamed the room, watching as the students set to work. He liked the progress he saw so far! Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of green light and turned in the direction of the spell… just in time to see Starriver approaching with an incompletely transformed rabbit. “Put it on my desk, and get a new hat from the box up front,” he replied to the question. “I’ll change it back later.” He gave the boy a small encouraging smile. “Looks like you’ve got the spell right; it just takes a bit more concentration,” he offered a bit of helpful advice, “What does your rabbit’s fur look like? What does it feel like? Think about that as you cast. Keep trying, Mr. Starriver!”

He returned to his desk to take care of Starriver’s hat-rabbit and any other incomplete transformations that happened. That part probably bore repeating! “If you have an incomplete transformation, bring it to my desk and get a new hat from the box,” he addressed the class. “There’s still plenty of time; keep practicing.”

OOC: You still have 36-48 HOURS. ^_^

Looking at his half-successful transformation attempt, Luther said "Oh ok, thank you, Professor." and slowly placed the weird hat-rabbit on Professor Carton's desk. Before returning to his desk, he took one more hat.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and exhaled. Then he started imagining a snow-white rabbit in his mind. He made the rabbit jump around. He flipped it, lifted it up and examined every part of it as much as he could. After ensuring he could imagine it as best as he could, he pointed his wand at the hat and spoke clearly "Lapifors!"

A moment passed. And nothing. A sigh was the sign of his disappointment. However, he continued trying. Then came the green flash. And on the table sat a snow-white rabbit, twitching its little nose and cute ears. A "Yes." escaped Luther's lips in a voice louder than he intended.

He took off his hat and put the evidence of his success in it and then took another hat to keep practicing.

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