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One of the areas on the grounds Professor Paton encourages students to get comfortable visiting is the barns, with the connecting pastures nearby. The barn is conveniently located by the meadow clearing in which Care of Magical Creatures lessons are held when the weather is good. Within the barn an array of magical creatures can be located, ranging from flobberworms to the winged horses and hippogriffs to everything in between; magical and mundane alike. This is also where specially approved pets are housed during the school term.
The inside of the barn is spacious in order for the creatures to feel most comfortable. Each has their own stall specially designed for them.
Most animals within the barn or pastures are rated X, XX, or XXX. Some animals reside in stalls, others are in coops or cubbies, some are in the loft above your head, and some are just regular mundane barn creatures. Each area is magical expanded inside to give the creature(s) maximum comfort and enough room should they need it. Please remember your skill level, year, and familiarity around animals when visiting the Barn and Pastures. If you have special permission to have a non-traditional pet, this is where it will stay during the school term.
SPOILER!!: Creatures housed in the Barns and Pastures
Lucy & Ricky
A lot of other unnamed ones
Winged Horses:
Corena & Oslo (Aethonans)
January & June (Granians)
Apollo (Abraxan)
Cygnus & Eridanus (Granians)
Ise (Abraxan)
Francis & Estelle (Abraxans)
Maxine (Abraxan)
Gemma (Granian)
Perseus (Aethonan)
Zeus (Aethonan)
Levi (Aethonan)
Beck (Abraxan)
Albus (Albino) (M) - a long-haired, all-white, older jarvey with red eyes
Alice (F) - likes to preen; a very pretty, sleek jarvey
Ivory (Albino) (F) - intelligent jarvey, also all-white, related to Albus
Mozart (M) - very, very old, hard of hearing, but cuddly jarvey
Ferret Bueller (M) - sneaky, slippery, youngest jarvey, related to Mollywobbles (deceased)
Maui (M) - handsome jarvey, v. good at tunneling and tumbling
Rubeus (M) - a large, curious jarvey who loves treats
Cersei (F) - a troublesome jarvey who likes to nip fingers
Kenny (M) - a long jarvey, sniffs everyone and everything, says "oi oi oi" a lot
Jolene (F) - a curious, slinky jarvey who does not like Alice
Pretzel (F) - a flexible young, friendly, and cuddly jarvey
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Rajesh nodded. Yeah, it could have only been him or Ash. No outside forces that had caused the flowers to grow…unless those forces had been influencing Ash. But then were those same forces controlling him now? Currently it was only him and His aunt in the barn. No others to be affecting him either for he trusted Aunt Hads wasn’t doing anything and pretending she wasn’t. As for testing matters...
…here goes nothing.
He picked up the bucket once more, expecting a repeat of the previous two times with it filling up with water without him even trying. However, as Raj watched it remained mostly empty. Literally nothing went causing him to frown in confusion. He did his best to relax and not force it with his concentration on it happening, but it remained the same. “Now its even odder, “ he mused, turning to his aunt.
Interesting. Very interesting. There had to be something going on. Hadleigh was sure of it. These sort of things wouldn't simply happen for no reason what-so-ever and without any explanation. There was something a mist around here and it needed to be figured out quickly.
The creatures professor watched her nephew closely, the way he held the bucket, his relaxed state. It was all mentally noted in case they needed to go over this again. Honestly she wasn't sure what she was expecting to happening and when nothing at all happened, well that was somewhat strange. "Well.. that clearly didn't work at all. Why don't you give it another try but this time do put your energy and focus into it. Will it to happen, Raj. Believe in it and in yourself." Maybe this was like any other magic and he only needed to tap into his own magical source.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Interesting. Very interesting. There had to be something going on. Hadleigh was sure of it. These sort of things wouldn't simply happen for no reason what-so-ever and without any explanation. There was something a mist around here and it needed to be figured out quickly.
The creatures professor watched her nephew closely, the way he held the bucket, his relaxed state. It was all mentally noted in case they needed to go over this again. Honestly she wasn't sure what she was expecting to happening and when nothing at all happened, well that was somewhat strange. "Well.. that clearly didn't work at all. Why don't you give it another try but this time do put your energy and focus into it. Will it to happen, Raj. Believe in it and in yourself." Maybe this was like any other magic and he only needed to tap into his own magical source.
Energy and focus.
Believe in himself.
Actually, try to cause the water to come this time. Rajesh simply nodded and shifted the handle of the bucket in his grasp to resettle himself. He was almost tempted to close his eyes but realized that might risk making more of a mess if he didn’t keep some control on the situation by watching and envisioning things happening. He did take a deep breath and almost glare at the bottom of the bucket, as if daring it not to fill like they wanted it to.
Come on…come on.
Again it almost felt like an illusion, but there were trickles of moisture in the pail. And then a layer on the bottom. Raj looked in shock as it was happening before he caught himself and worked to appear normal but then it stopped all of a sudden. Had he lost too much focus in his surprise?
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Energy and focus.
Believe in himself.
Actually, try to cause the water to come this time. Rajesh simply nodded and shifted the handle of the bucket in his grasp to resettle himself. He was almost tempted to close his eyes but realized that might risk making more of a mess if he didn’t keep some control on the situation by watching and envisioning things happening. He did take a deep breath and almost glare at the bottom of the bucket, as if daring it not to fill like they wanted it to.
Come on…come on.
Again it almost felt like an illusion, but there were trickles of moisture in the pail. And then a layer on the bottom. Raj looked in shock as it was happening before he caught himself and worked to appear normal but then it stopped all of a sudden. Had he lost too much focus in his surprise?
Everything she had told him, was what she had always told herself growing up. Learning new magic or anything for that matter, took time. She didn't expect him to make it work exactly like how they were expecting it to right away.
Hadleigh didn't say anything else for risk of distracting him now. This was up to Raj and whatever he could handle in this moment. She watched him and then the bucket. The bucket and then her nephew. Very slowly but surely a small amount of water began to appear inside of the bucket that hadn't been there before and she didn't miss the look of surprise on Rajesh's face either. "That was all you. You can control it, it seems. All you need to do is practice.. but don't go wearing yourself out now. The most important thing here is that we figure out what's going on."
See, Keigh wasn't normally worried about Kanga going off to greet other creatures but this was one that she didn't know. One she wasn't even aware was at Hogwarts! And here her small cat was running off straight for it like they were besties already or something! As if that wasn't strange enough the alpaca didn't seem scared or anything either! It.. kinda.. seemed like it was even more excited by Kanga's presence?!
The Hufflepuff stood there in a moment of confusion and awe as she watched her cat run around with an alpaca. Really, where was the camera when she needed one? This may just have been the cutest thing she has seen in a long time.
Erm.. or it was. Until the alpaca seemed to be annoyed with something and then.. it was eating grass. Well.. okay then? Kanga didn't seem bothered either way and laid right there in the grass. Keigh on the other hand slowly made her way closer, eyes on the alpaca the entire time. "Ummm, hi there?"
What could he say? Alpaca!Evan liked to play. And Evan in apparently all shapes and sizes, would always love cats. And it HAD been a great time playing. But wasn't Keighley trying to retrieve the cat? That WAS the reason he had stopped playing, but it was starting to feel like a loss as she was not scooping up the animal now lazing somewhere near by.
He took a rather large mouthful of grass, chewing at it lazily as he watched her cautiously move forward. He wasn't really sure how to communicate he was ALSO not a threat, instinct only told him to stamp his hooves or hum. Which was what he ended up doing this time, just a simple hum from the back of his throat as he continued to watch her. He would have offered greetings too but... blinking was about the best he could do.
Would she like some grass?
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
What could he say? Alpaca!Evan liked to play. And Evan in apparently all shapes and sizes, would always love cats. And it HAD been a great time playing. But wasn't Keighley trying to retrieve the cat? That WAS the reason he had stopped playing, but it was starting to feel like a loss as she was not scooping up the animal now lazing somewhere near by.
He took a rather large mouthful of grass, chewing at it lazily as he watched her cautiously move forward. He wasn't really sure how to communicate he was ALSO not a threat, instinct only told him to stamp his hooves or hum. Which was what he ended up doing this time, just a simple hum from the back of his throat as he continued to watch her. He would have offered greetings too but... blinking was about the best he could do.
Would she like some grass?
Since the two creatures hadn't appeared afraid of one another, Keighley would've gladly continued to allow them to play together. However it seemed as if playtime was over now, which was kinda sad as she was enjoying watching them frolic all around the pasture. Kanga was contently laying about in the grass though so there wasn't any point in bothering the cat right now.
The Hufflepuff was still eyeing the alpaca as if she might know if but.. how would she? She hadn't been introduced to any alpaca's recently. And yet.. there was something about this one that didn't worry her at all. Keighley smiled softly, remaining exactly where she was. "Hello," she repeated softly once more giggling when she could've sworn that she was hummed at. That was a good thing, yes?!
On pure instinct Keigh reached out a hand as if to pet the alpaca but then seemed unsure, her hand hovering in the hair a few inches in front of their face. Hello, friend!
The brush was returned and young Reuben now had Hady's full attention for the moment. He was a first year, yes? Such curious ones most of them were. She really enjoyed talking with them and getting to know each of them and their thought process. Was this Reuben one of the ones that liked creatures?
"That is the point, normally, yes. Some students have their companions housed in here as well." With very special permission of course. Hady did have her ways of knowing what was happening in and around the barns so that there wasn't any serious mischief taking place there. After all she did need to ensure the safety of all the creatures in her care.
A crease formed between the first years brows at that, as he took stock of the animals he could see from where he was standing. Confusion, maybe. Annoyance? Definitely. Reuben has not been aware of any of this! "Wait, you mean there are other animals that we can have?" And here he was thinking that an owl, a cat or a toad were all BORING options.
He could have a HORSE? WITH WINGS?
That wasn't advertised.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
Since the two creatures hadn't appeared afraid of one another, Keighley would've gladly continued to allow them to play together. However it seemed as if playtime was over now, which was kinda sad as she was enjoying watching them frolic all around the pasture. Kanga was contently laying about in the grass though so there wasn't any point in bothering the cat right now.
The Hufflepuff was still eyeing the alpaca as if she might know if but.. how would she? She hadn't been introduced to any alpaca's recently. And yet.. there was something about this one that didn't worry her at all. Keighley smiled softly, remaining exactly where she was. "Hello," she repeated softly once more giggling when she could've sworn that she was hummed at. That was a good thing, yes?!
On pure instinct Keigh reached out a hand as if to pet the alpaca but then seemed unsure, her hand hovering in the hair a few inches in front of their face. Hello, friend!
As far as he could remember, which... admittedly was probably not very far, he'd not been petted before. So the outstretched hand got a moment of contemplation from the Alpaca, grass still in his mouth as he chewed lazily. There was no threat though and it was a trusted human, so when the hand paused not too far from his face, he stepped forward into it and shoved his snout into her hand in greeting.
Any other people and he might have been tempted to spit at them. But he supposed that depended on his mood in the moment or if a threat were to be perceived.
His whole body started to feel a bit strange, though it didn't seem to be the fault of the hand now on his head. Had he perhaps had some bad grass?
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
A crease formed between the first years brows at that, as he took stock of the animals he could see from where he was standing. Confusion, maybe. Annoyance? Definitely. Reuben has not been aware of any of this! "Wait, you mean there are other animals that we can have?" And here he was thinking that an owl, a cat or a toad were all BORING options.
He could have a HORSE? WITH WINGS?
That wasn't advertised.
Hadleigh couldn't help but notice the look on the young boys face as he looked at some of the creatures housed there in the barn. Was it just her or did he appear a bit.. upset? Or angry perhaps? She supposed it was understandable. Not every student knew that students and professors sometimes kept their own familiars/pets in the barn.
"Within reason and given permission from both myself and the Headmaster then, yes it would be allowed. Certain requirements have to be met for each and every creature under our care." She couldn't just allow every single student that wanted to bring a familiar along with them to do so. All creatures were different and required their own enclosures or cages or whatever it was they were being housed in. Then there was the matter of the creatures behavior, feeding habits and everything else. There was many things to consider.
She took every single thing into full consideration for all of the creatures sake as well as all of her students that would be coming in here to see them. He was always welcome to discuss bringing a creature here if he liked.
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
As far as he could remember, which... admittedly was probably not very far, he'd not been petted before. So the outstretched hand got a moment of contemplation from the Alpaca, grass still in his mouth as he chewed lazily. There was no threat though and it was a trusted human, so when the hand paused not too far from his face, he stepped forward into it and shoved his snout into her hand in greeting.
Any other people and he might have been tempted to spit at them. But he supposed that depended on his mood in the moment or if a threat were to be perceived.
His whole body started to feel a bit strange, though it didn't seem to be the fault of the hand now on his head. Had he perhaps had some bad grass?
Was what she doing silly? Perhaps. Did that make her think twice about doing it, nope it did not.
Keighley stood there with her hand outstretched and waited for something to happen. Anything. Yet when the soft fluffy cloud like snout pressed itself into her hand, the young Hufflepuff had to bite back a child-like squeal of delight. With the brightest smile on her face, she very happily gave the alpaca some gentle pets.
Would it be a big deal if she stood right here for a little while petting this random alpaca in the middle of the pasture? No? Good, cause that's exactly what she was going to do. And yes, she was totally ignoring that look Kanga was now giving her. Sorry, not sorry. It wasn't everyday she got to pet an alpaca that wasn't running away, spitting at her or trying to bite her.
Was what she doing silly? Perhaps. Did that make her think twice about doing it, nope it did not.
Keighley stood there with her hand outstretched and waited for something to happen. Anything. Yet when the soft fluffy cloud like snout pressed itself into her hand, the young Hufflepuff had to bite back a child-like squeal of delight. With the brightest smile on her face, she very happily gave the alpaca some gentle pets.
Would it be a big deal if she stood right here for a little while petting this random alpaca in the middle of the pasture? No? Good, cause that's exactly what she was going to do. And yes, she was totally ignoring that look Kanga was now giving her. Sorry, not sorry. It wasn't everyday she got to pet an alpaca that wasn't running away, spitting at her or trying to bite her.
This being petted thing wasn't too bad, he supposed, moving the grass still in his mouth around a bit more as he hummed as the girl petted him. He could see the cat eying them both, perhaps jealously but he wasn't bothered. Not really anyways. Just instead he gave a stamp of self satisfaction in the other animals direction.
Alpaca!Evan liked to brag apparently.
He was still feeling a little bit funny though. And a few more blinks and then ... poof. In the place where an Alpaca had stood, there now stood an Evan, frowning a bit and with grass hanging from the corner of his mouth. He blinked a bit, before looking to Keighley. "... I didn't eat your sweater did I?"
Tasted too grassy for that.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
This being petted thing wasn't too bad, he supposed, moving the grass still in his mouth around a bit more as he hummed as the girl petted him. He could see the cat eying them both, perhaps jealously but he wasn't bothered. Not really anyways. Just instead he gave a stamp of self satisfaction in the other animals direction.
Alpaca!Evan liked to brag apparently.
He was still feeling a little bit funny though. And a few more blinks and then ... poof. In the place where an Alpaca had stood, there now stood an Evan, frowning a bit and with grass hanging from the corner of his mouth. He blinked a bit, before looking to Keighley. "... I didn't eat your sweater did I?"
Tasted too grassy for that.
The fourth year was more than happy to stand right there and continue petting this random friendly alpaca in the middle of the pasture. She was very much aware of the humming sound coming from the alpaca and of the way the alpaca and Kanga seemed to be eyeing one another. What was going on here?
Kanga stared at the alpaca with an almost blank expression now, however her tail was flicking back and forth as if she knew something that Keighley didn't. Her eyes twitching every time the alpaca blinked..
Back and forth blue eyes swung between the two before finally settling back on the alpaca once more. Just in time too it seems as suddenly where there had been an alpaca standing before her, whom she had literally just been petting! Her hand still raised in the air were its snout had been. And there right before her eyes was... Evan!
With a small startled 'yelp' and a little leap backwards as she had been rather close to him, she stumbled over her own foot and landed right down on her bottom on the grass. Now she was the one blinking up at him, only this was out of confusion and embarrassment, her cheeks bright red which was kinda normal lately for her but still. Merlin, this was strange! "I.. umm.. uhh no?" She shook her head. "No, no my umm.. my sweater is fine.." Yeah, no issues with her sweater.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
The fourth year was more than happy to stand right there and continue petting this random friendly alpaca in the middle of the pasture. She was very much aware of the humming sound coming from the alpaca and of the way the alpaca and Kanga seemed to be eyeing one another. What was going on here?
Kanga stared at the alpaca with an almost blank expression now, however her tail was flicking back and forth as if she knew something that Keighley didn't. Her eyes twitching every time the alpaca blinked..
Back and forth blue eyes swung between the two before finally settling back on the alpaca once more. Just in time too it seems as suddenly where there had been an alpaca standing before her, whom she had literally just been petting! Her hand still raised in the air were its snout had been. And there right before her eyes was... Evan!
With a small startled 'yelp' and a little leap backwards as she had been rather close to him, she stumbled over her own foot and landed right down on her bottom on the grass. Now she was the one blinking up at him, only this was out of confusion and embarrassment, her cheeks bright red which was kinda normal lately for her but still. Merlin, this was strange! "I.. umm.. uhh no?" She shook her head. "No, no my umm.. my sweater is fine.." Yeah, no issues with her sweater.
Evan was fairly positive this year was the most he'd received physical affection perhaps ever in his life, and a vast majority of that was due to his alpaca form. Were the roles reversed, he probably would have tried to approach and pet the creature too if it were not HIM in the woolly skin. He brushed off his own clothes, turning away from present company for a moment to spit out the remainder of grass in his mouth. Merlin, that really was dreadful tasting. All of the strange things his animal form had been eating had been enough to turn him off from ever eating Bertie Botts again.
Turning back to Keighley, he saw her jump back and start to tumble - and while Evan tried to reach out to stop her she was down too quickly. He grimaced slightly, before stepping closer and offering a hand to pull her up. "I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Being able to control this really would have been rather nice.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
Evan was fairly positive this year was the most he'd received physical affection perhaps ever in his life, and a vast majority of that was due to his alpaca form. Were the roles reversed, he probably would have tried to approach and pet the creature too if it were not HIM in the woolly skin. He brushed off his own clothes, turning away from present company for a moment to spit out the remainder of grass in his mouth. Merlin, that really was dreadful tasting. All of the strange things his animal form had been eating had been enough to turn him off from ever eating Bertie Botts again.
Turning back to Keighley, he saw her jump back and start to tumble - and while Evan tried to reach out to stop her she was down too quickly. He grimaced slightly, before stepping closer and offering a hand to pull her up. "I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Being able to control this really would have been rather nice.
All was fine and well, thank you. Yup, there was nothing at all to see here, she was good from her spot right there where she had landed on the grass. Was she staring up at Evan in utter surprise still? Umm, yeah, maybe a little bit. But in her defense it wasn't everyday that someone you knew turned from an alpaca to a human right before your eyes without you knowing that they could do that. So she was well within her right to be startled.
Unlike Kanga who came dashing over like a she knew the entire time that it had been Evan all along. Purring loudly she rubbing her head against his leg to make sure that she got attention too.
"I- it's okay. I'm good." Keigh nodded her head, reaching for Evan's hand and taking hold of it as she finally got back to her feet. Let's try not to make this anymore awkward than she already had, hmm Keigh?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
All was fine and well, thank you. Yup, there was nothing at all to see here, she was good from her spot right there where she had landed on the grass. Was she staring up at Evan in utter surprise still? Umm, yeah, maybe a little bit. But in her defense it wasn't everyday that someone you knew turned from an alpaca to a human right before your eyes without you knowing that they could do that. So she was well within her right to be startled.
Unlike Kanga who came dashing over like a she knew the entire time that it had been Evan all along. Purring loudly she rubbing her head against his leg to make sure that she got attention too.
"I- it's okay. I'm good." Keigh nodded her head, reaching for Evan's hand and taking hold of it as she finally got back to her feet. Let's try not to make this anymore awkward than she already had, hmm Keigh?
Evan wasn't really surprised at her shock. Maybe a little bit because he imagined Jude might have mentioned his ... 'gift' but it's not like it was really common knowledge. Alpaca version of him seemed to not like the walls of the castle. So when he did spontaneously go animal, instinct took over and he headed for the outdoors. He doubted there was anyone that had noticed a disappearing Evan either, outside of perhaps his friends that he spent a lot of time with.
So like... two people.
He smiled down at the cat at his legs, one of his weaknesses, and would have leaned down to pet Kanga if it weren't for Keighley still on the ground. So he waited for her to take his hand so he could hoist her up. "I'm not sure about you, but I'm getting pretty tired of these gift things we all have going on." Sure he wanted to be an animagus, but so he could CHOOSE when to change. And hopefully be something cooler than an alpaca. With Keigh up, he leaned down to give her cat some pets. "What brings you two out and about today?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
Evan wasn't really surprised at her shock. Maybe a little bit because he imagined Jude might have mentioned his ... 'gift' but it's not like it was really common knowledge. Alpaca version of him seemed to not like the walls of the castle. So when he did spontaneously go animal, instinct took over and he headed for the outdoors. He doubted there was anyone that had noticed a disappearing Evan either, outside of perhaps his friends that he spent a lot of time with.
So like... two people.
He smiled down at the cat at his legs, one of his weaknesses, and would have leaned down to pet Kanga if it weren't for Keighley still on the ground. So he waited for her to take his hand so he could hoist her up. "I'm not sure about you, but I'm getting pretty tired of these gift things we all have going on." Sure he wanted to be an animagus, but so he could CHOOSE when to change. And hopefully be something cooler than an alpaca. With Keigh up, he leaned down to give her cat some pets. "What brings you two out and about today?"
For whatever reason she hadn't been aware that Evan was an alpaca before now wasn't at all important because she most certainly knew now. She knew and she wasn't about to forget it anytime soon. Not that one could forget when a friend turned into an animal but whatever. She needed to focus on the right here and now, Evan. The human one.
Keigh smiled gently at once she was back on her feet, brushing any grass or dirt off of her bottoms. "Thanks.." She watched Kanga soak up all of the pets that she was now getting from the older boy. "Mine isn't really all that annoying.. usually. Not like it can be for some others I'm sure." Like him. Having flowers spring up everywhere was rather nice honestly but at times it could get a tad overwhelming if she was doing homework or something but there was much more difficult 'powers' she could have ended up with. So she truly couldn't complain.
As for her and Kanga being outside, well that was simple, "It's a nice day out. Kanga likes going for walks and the fresh air is always nice."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!