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A little way off the path between the castle and the lake stand several half-sphere outdoor shelters, known as the domes. Made from a sturdy and clear, charmed material that keeps the temperature inside relatively comfortable, and the air fresh, the main purpose of the domes is a location to hang out, alone or with a few friends. They also serve as impromptu shelters during sudden downpours, cool relief from the summer heat, or a place to warm benumbed fingers and toes during bitingly cold winters. Each is accessible by a simple door made of the same material. No need to reserve them - just make sure no one is already there before entering!
The domes are near to each other, but not clustered too close together. They are completely transparent; those outside can see in, and those inside can see out. Occupied domes will light up - though the light has no obvious source - useful and downright cosy on overcast or gloomy days. The groundskeeper, and any staff member looking out of the windows on this side of the castle, will be able to see the domes if they're lit up after dark, so unless you want to light the 'hey, look at me, I'm out after curfew' beacon, don't even bother coming this way. Better yet, don't break curfew at all. Javier does not take kindly to kids messing around on his grounds after curfew.
Each dome contains five comfortable chairs, and can comfortably hold as many students, maybe a couple more if you don't mind a tight squeeze. Try to refrain from seeing how many students can fit inside one of these things at once. Getting a score of kids hopelessly stuck will not have a good outcome for anyone, but it's up to you if you want to test that theory out for yourself.
It was odd to be going down to claim one of the domes for anything BUT studying. And truthfully, Evan already didn't know what to do with himself now that he had a calmer year. He supposed he SHOULD be figuring out the course of his life from here on it, but... the sixth year didn't know where to start on that so for the first time - he was procrastinating. He'd start to panic and worry about that when his 17th birthday rolled around, which while was only a few months away.. it still was a few MONTHS of peace.
Entering one of the domes, he perched at one of the chairs within, his constant companion in Pads twirling around his legs before going to chase a bug that had followed him in. He watched her for a minute, giving a small chuckle, before pulling out his sketchbook to attempt to draw the scene. He still was pretty awful at drawing, but he did enjoy trying everyone once in awhile.
A few times Evan glanced at the door, he'd tried to get a message to Jude to see if he wanted to come hang out with him for the afternoon - still attempting normalcy for the pair - but he was still unsure if the invite would actually be accepted. If it was... well.. he was here, at least.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Ev! <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
It was odd to be going down to claim one of the domes for anything BUT studying. And truthfully, Evan already didn't know what to do with himself now that he had a calmer year. He supposed he SHOULD be figuring out the course of his life from here on it, but... the sixth year didn't know where to start on that so for the first time - he was procrastinating. He'd start to panic and worry about that when his 17th birthday rolled around, which while was only a few months away.. it still was a few MONTHS of peace.
Entering one of the domes, he perched at one of the chairs within, his constant companion in Pads twirling around his legs before going to chase a bug that had followed him in. He watched her for a minute, giving a small chuckle, before pulling out his sketchbook to attempt to draw the scene. He still was pretty awful at drawing, but he did enjoy trying everyone once in awhile.
A few times Evan glanced at the door, he'd tried to get a message to Jude to see if he wanted to come hang out with him for the afternoon - still attempting normalcy for the pair - but he was still unsure if the invite would actually be accepted. If it was... well.. he was here, at least.
Evan’s message had been received and it had sent both a happy and heartbroken pang through him. On one hand he was thrilled that Evan wanted to hang out but on the other, he was still dealing with the aftermath of Evan’s rejection. And he was dealing with it quite poorly; anyone who knew how he usually was would immediately spot the vast differences in his personality since his return to Hogwarts. Jude had started to see that his downward spiral might be a problem for Keigh; after all she had been devoting all her free time just to be with him, to make sure that he at least functioned somewhat. He felt guilty for it. Keigh deserved to be out and about with her friends, not stuck with him. So he had convinced her to do just that, and after promising to keep Ned with him at all times, she had agreed.
So with Ned, his three year old cat gamboling at his feet, Jude headed for the Domes. It was quite a nice day out and the transparent place was the perfect combination to enjoy the outdoor and indoor. The Hufflepuff spotted Evan before long. Apparently Ned did too for the cat took off at top speed so that it suddenly became a blur.
“Ned! Wait up!” Chuckling to himself about Ned’s antics, which were always so amusing, Jude hurried after the cat. When he caught up, Ned was sitting at Evan’s feet meowing up at him. Then before Jude had time to register that, Ned was off in another direction. Oh, Pads was there too. That explained Ned’s excitement. “They’re definitely best friends too,’’ he remarked, dropping his bag on a seat beside Evan. “Hi, Ev.” Moving closer to his friend {his heart thudding like a trapped bird against his ribcage, by the way}, he peered down at the sketchpad. Jude was quite determined to continue being normal around Evan. “Still awful I see,’’ he teased, his tone light to indicate that.
Evan’s message had been received and it had sent both a happy and heartbroken pang through him. On one hand he was thrilled that Evan wanted to hang out but on the other, he was still dealing with the aftermath of Evan’s rejection. And he was dealing with it quite poorly; anyone who knew how he usually was would immediately spot the vast differences in his personality since his return to Hogwarts. Jude had started to see that his downward spiral might be a problem for Keigh; after all she had been devoting all her free time just to be with him, to make sure that he at least functioned somewhat. He felt guilty for it. Keigh deserved to be out and about with her friends, not stuck with him. So he had convinced her to do just that, and after promising to keep Ned with him at all times, she had agreed.
So with Ned, his three year old cat gamboling at his feet, Jude headed for the Domes. It was quite a nice day out and the transparent place was the perfect combination to enjoy the outdoor and indoor. The Hufflepuff spotted Evan before long. Apparently Ned did too for the cat took off at top speed so that it suddenly became a blur.
“Ned! Wait up!” Chuckling to himself about Ned’s antics, which were always so amusing, Jude hurried after the cat. When he caught up, Ned was sitting at Evan’s feet meowing up at him. Then before Jude had time to register that, Ned was off in another direction. Oh, Pads was there too. That explained Ned’s excitement. “They’re definitely best friends too,’’ he remarked, dropping his bag on a seat beside Evan. “Hi, Ev.” Moving closer to his friend {his heart thudding like a trapped bird against his ribcage, by the way}, he peered down at the sketchpad. Jude was quite determined to continue being normal around Evan. “Still awful I see,’’ he teased, his tone light to indicate that.
His attempt at Padme was looking rather poor, especially given the fact she was moving so much it was hard to settle on which pose in which to draw her. The bug however, small enough that it had been easy to pinpoint up in the air just above the cat's reach was looking rather decent. For him, anyways. He continued to attempt to catch the cat, before pausing in his attempts when he was alerted to Jude's impending presence by the shout for Ned.
Evan looked down at the cat that greeted him, but before he could reach down to scratch Ned's head he was already off to go find Pads, who was now abandoning her bug in light of the arrival of a play mate. Ev watched the cats for a moment before turning his attention back to Jude, a small frown settling on his face in concern, though he quickly tried to chase it away with a follow up forced smile. "Hey Jude. They definitely get along pretty well. I'm surprised Ned can put up with her." Padme was a lot of energy, even if she liked her cuddle times too. That was probably his fault for not letting her have free roam during his class times like others did.
The tease made him laugh before he looked down at his paper again, nodding. "While I know you meant it teasingly, yes. Although I'm alright with how the butterfly turned out." Which was saying a lot given the amount of perfectionism he expected from himself on... well, pretty much everything. "How's it going? Settling back in okay?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Besties until they're ancient and gray! <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
His attempt at Padme was looking rather poor, especially given the fact she was moving so much it was hard to settle on which pose in which to draw her. The bug however, small enough that it had been easy to pinpoint up in the air just above the cat's reach was looking rather decent. For him, anyways. He continued to attempt to catch the cat, before pausing in his attempts when he was alerted to Jude's impending presence by the shout for Ned.
Evan looked down at the cat that greeted him, but before he could reach down to scratch Ned's head he was already off to go find Pads, who was now abandoning her bug in light of the arrival of a play mate. Ev watched the cats for a moment before turning his attention back to Jude, a small frown settling on his face in concern, though he quickly tried to chase it away with a follow up forced smile. "Hey Jude. They definitely get along pretty well. I'm surprised Ned can put up with her." Padme was a lot of energy, even if she liked her cuddle times too. That was probably his fault for not letting her have free roam during his class times like others did.
The tease made him laugh before he looked down at his paper again, nodding. "While I know you meant it teasingly, yes. Although I'm alright with how the butterfly turned out." Which was saying a lot given the amount of perfectionism he expected from himself on... well, pretty much everything. "How's it going? Settling back in okay?"
Jude missed the frown. He was too busy gazing after Pads and Ned who, in his opinion, were acting as though they hadn’t seen each other in years when in truth they probably saw each other hours ago. “Play nicely, Ned.” Ned’s behaviour was a reflection on Jude since Ned was his and he was responsible for the cat’s actions. Not that he’d ever had issues with Ned being bad. Ned was possibly the gentlest, most loving cat. This was exactly as his human parent. “Ned’s tougher than he looks. I suppose it’s because he’s already put up with a lot.” Ned’s seemingly bitten off ear served as that reminder. At least now the feline was living his best life, it was something Jude ensured. “I also think it’s because he likes Pads making a fuss over him.” Like he said… best buds.
The Hufflepuff thought that Evan was making strides with his artwork, honestly. Small but steady strides. “The butterfly does look great. And it’ll look even better if you colour it in bright colours.” Which happened to make life better, he thought. Grabbing his bag out of the seat, Jude replaced it with himself by flopping down. He rested the bag on his lap and began rummaging through it. He was sure exactly what he was looking for as his mind hadn’t been made up on what to do. Really, the action was more to give himself something to do. Jude was silent for a moment. He wasn’t sure how to answer the questions. While he never was dishonest with Evan, he didn’t want Evan being too concerned about him, or worse, feeling guilty. “As best as I can,’’ Jude said quietly and carefully. “I’m actually caught up with all the homework so that’s something.” That was only because of him being unable to sleep but no one really needed to know that. Randomly and without looking to see which book it was, he pulled his Fantastic Beasts textbook from the bag and balanced it open. As it usually was with books that held some sort of content which didn’t belong, the textbook opened to the pages between which a small bunch of letters and a pen had been stuck.
Oh right. He owed Davet a reply. Jude had meant to do that earlier but had for one reason or the other had gotten distracted. “So, enjoying your new found freedom, Ev? Or are you miserable?” Still teasing here because he was doing his best to seem normal.
Jude missed the frown. He was too busy gazing after Pads and Ned who, in his opinion, were acting as though they hadn’t seen each other in years when in truth they probably saw each other hours ago. “Play nicely, Ned.” Ned’s behaviour was a reflection on Jude since Ned was his and he was responsible for the cat’s actions. Not that he’d ever had issues with Ned being bad. Ned was possibly the gentlest, most loving cat. This was exactly as his human parent. “Ned’s tougher than he looks. I suppose it’s because he’s already put up with a lot.” Ned’s seemingly bitten off ear served as that reminder. At least now the feline was living his best life, it was something Jude ensured. “I also think it’s because he likes Pads making a fuss over him.” Like he said… best buds.
The Hufflepuff thought that Evan was making strides with his artwork, honestly. Small but steady strides. “The butterfly does look great. And it’ll look even better if you colour it in bright colours.” Which happened to make life better, he thought. Grabbing his bag out of the seat, Jude replaced it with himself by flopping down. He rested the bag on his lap and began rummaging through it. He was sure exactly what he was looking for as his mind hadn’t been made up on what to do. Really, the action was more to give himself something to do. Jude was silent for a moment. He wasn’t sure how to answer the questions. While he never was dishonest with Evan, he didn’t want Evan being too concerned about him, or worse, feeling guilty. “As best as I can,’’ Jude said quietly and carefully. “I’m actually caught up with all the homework so that’s something.” That was only because of him being unable to sleep but no one really needed to know that. Randomly and without looking to see which book it was, he pulled his Fantastic Beasts textbook from the bag and balanced it open. As it usually was with books that held some sort of content which didn’t belong, the textbook opened to the pages between which a small bunch of letters and a pen had been stuck.
Oh right. He owed Davet a reply. Jude had meant to do that earlier but had for one reason or the other had gotten distracted. “So, enjoying your new found freedom, Ev? Or are you miserable?” Still teasing here because he was doing his best to seem normal.
A fuss was certainly something his cat liked to make, and it was good Ned was tough considering Padme someday liked to play roughly. Evan kept an eye on the pair of them, though he wasn't really too concerned about either hurting the other. Not intentionally anyways, though it was easy to hurt someone you cared about without meaning too. "It's good he does. He definitely helps get a lot of her energy out too." It made for a more restful sleep in the Ravenclaw dorm, no cat doing zoomies all around his bed in the middle of the night.
Glancing down at the paper in front of him, he stared at the butterfly for a minute and tried to imagine what colors he could do. In truth, he preferred look of just simple black and white sketches and rarely colored anything in. But he did have some colored pencils in his bag that he used for color coding his notes... and maybe it would be something different. He decided to take the suggestion, reaching into his bag and pulling out a pencil to get to work. "You're probably right. I'm terrible at picking out bright color patterns though." Yellow was a decent start, right? That was bright. Evan was still concerned, but he wasn't sure what he could do to help Jude. Was he even still making it worse by just talking to him about it? He opted to focus on what was offered while he considered how else, or IF, to broach anything further. "Caught up already? You're starting to sound like me. You're not already driving yourself crazy with studying right?"
The question was recognized as a tease, but Evan found himself actually considering it before he gave a sheepish smile. "I actually think I am kind of bored. I've been visiting Mai a lot to take her study materials but... there's not much to do if I'm not cramming for exams. I'm caught up on homework too but it doesn't seem helpful to exhaust myself now for NEWTs." Please he should be figuring out what he liked and wanted to do from this term onwards. "Writing a letter?"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: You bet! And maybe walker races too! xD
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
A fuss was certainly something his cat liked to make, and it was good Ned was tough considering Padme someday liked to play roughly. Evan kept an eye on the pair of them, though he wasn't really too concerned about either hurting the other. Not intentionally anyways, though it was easy to hurt someone you cared about without meaning too. "It's good he does. He definitely helps get a lot of her energy out too." It made for a more restful sleep in the Ravenclaw dorm, no cat doing zoomies all around his bed in the middle of the night.
Glancing down at the paper in front of him, he stared at the butterfly for a minute and tried to imagine what colors he could do. In truth, he preferred look of just simple black and white sketches and rarely colored anything in. But he did have some colored pencils in his bag that he used for color coding his notes... and maybe it would be something different. He decided to take the suggestion, reaching into his bag and pulling out a pencil to get to work. "You're probably right. I'm terrible at picking out bright color patterns though." Yellow was a decent start, right? That was bright. Evan was still concerned, but he wasn't sure what he could do to help Jude. Was he even still making it worse by just talking to him about it? He opted to focus on what was offered while he considered how else, or IF, to broach anything further. "Caught up already? You're starting to sound like me. You're not already driving yourself crazy with studying right?"
The question was recognized as a tease, but Evan found himself actually considering it before he gave a sheepish smile. "I actually think I am kind of bored. I've been visiting Mai a lot to take her study materials but... there's not much to do if I'm not cramming for exams. I'm caught up on homework too but it doesn't seem helpful to exhaust myself now for NEWTs." Please he should be figuring out what he liked and wanted to do from this term onwards. "Writing a letter?"
Like Evan, Jude didn’t worry about the cats hurting each other. It was just that he liked to remind Ned to be a good boi, something he did every day. Besides, if Ned or Pads did get hurt, he was sure they would work it out. Animals had feelings too, after all. Jude chuckled. “You owe Ned a treat for helping in that aspect, Ev.”
It was nice to see Evan take his advice since he had always noticed that his friend took the side of black and white most of the time. Yellow. “Good choice. Maybe some orange to go along with that? Or red. Sort of gives the impression that Mr. Butterfly is fiery.” Jude watched Evan colouring for a bit, making all the effort in the world to not let his gaze wander to Evan’s face. However, even zoning in the yellow colour filling the sketch was not enough. Realising this, Jude hastily picked up his pen in order to focus his attention elsewhere. There would be no more sneaking looks of admiration on his part at Evan; he’d try his best to leave him alone. His resolve almost made him let out a sob but Jude grit his teeth together to prevent that. He needed to be normal; to not let Evan see that he felt like fading away right here and now. “I borrowed your habits for this year. I hope that’s okay.” That Hufflepuff let his lips twitch upwards. “Promise I’ll return it as soon as I write my last exam.” Then he shook his head. “No. At least not as yet. I know for sure that I won’t be Rea and start being mean to everyone just because of the pressure.”
It seemed, to Jude at least, that his year was a huge batch given the fact that he had quite a few cousins and friends also writing OWLs. “Just the thing I’d expect you to be doing for her. She’s lucky to have you.” Jude still refused to meet Evan’s eyes, and it was only for his own sanity because as much as he wanted to disappear in Evan’s presence, it was also Evan’s presence that brought him comfort as it always had. “You should take the break. You’ll be back at it next year.” Then the Ravenclaw will be off into the world; Jude found himself entertaining the thought that Evan will forget about him during that time. At least Jude would still have Davet’s letters to keep him going. He began rereading the letter, automatically smiling as he read the words his Muggle friend had written. These letters had become something he really looked forward to receiving. “Mhmm. To Davet. He’s told me about the next play he’s auditioning for.” Jude pushed his hair back from his cheek and began to pen his reply. Which reminded him... "Oh yes. Ko and Stas are finally getting married this December. You're invited. Mom, dad and Ko says so." Don't worry, Evan. He wasn't asking you as a date, just as a friend.
She was tired of staring at her textbooks. She was tired of flipping through her study guide. She was tired of looking at words. She was tired of reading.
This was something she had never thought would be possible. The Slytherin was currently sitting on the floor of the dome, surrounded by her books and papers. Anyone walking past this particular dome would probably thing she was having a breakdown. And so, she stretched her legs out, let out a sigh and laid back on the floor to look up at the ceiling of the dome.
"Must be nice to be a cloud," she muttered, as she watched a particularly fluffy marshmallow looking cloud float in the sky. Perhaps she needed this break. It wouldn't hurt to just watch the clouds go by for an hour or so, right? Though it had started to get chilly outside, she found the sun still warm as it shone through the dome and onto her.
This must be what it felt like to be a cat, bathing in the sun.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Like Evan, Jude didn’t worry about the cats hurting each other. It was just that he liked to remind Ned to be a good boi, something he did every day. Besides, if Ned or Pads did get hurt, he was sure they would work it out. Animals had feelings too, after all. Jude chuckled. “You owe Ned a treat for helping in that aspect, Ev.”
It was nice to see Evan take his advice since he had always noticed that his friend took the side of black and white most of the time. Yellow. “Good choice. Maybe some orange to go along with that? Or red. Sort of gives the impression that Mr. Butterfly is fiery.” Jude watched Evan colouring for a bit, making all the effort in the world to not let his gaze wander to Evan’s face. However, even zoning in the yellow colour filling the sketch was not enough. Realising this, Jude hastily picked up his pen in order to focus his attention elsewhere. There would be no more sneaking looks of admiration on his part at Evan; he’d try his best to leave him alone. His resolve almost made him let out a sob but Jude grit his teeth together to prevent that. He needed to be normal; to not let Evan see that he felt like fading away right here and now. “I borrowed your habits for this year. I hope that’s okay.” That Hufflepuff let his lips twitch upwards. “Promise I’ll return it as soon as I write my last exam.” Then he shook his head. “No. At least not as yet. I know for sure that I won’t be Rea and start being mean to everyone just because of the pressure.”
It seemed, to Jude at least, that his year was a huge batch given the fact that he had quite a few cousins and friends also writing OWLs. “Just the thing I’d expect you to be doing for her. She’s lucky to have you.” Jude still refused to meet Evan’s eyes, and it was only for his own sanity because as much as he wanted to disappear in Evan’s presence, it was also Evan’s presence that brought him comfort as it always had. “You should take the break. You’ll be back at it next year.” Then the Ravenclaw will be off into the world; Jude found himself entertaining the thought that Evan will forget about him during that time. At least Jude would still have Davet’s letters to keep him going. He began rereading the letter, automatically smiling as he read the words his Muggle friend had written. These letters had become something he really looked forward to receiving. “Mhmm. To Davet. He’s told me about the next play he’s auditioning for.” Jude pushed his hair back from his cheek and began to pen his reply. Which reminded him... "Oh yes. Ko and Stas are finally getting married this December. You're invited. Mom, dad and Ko says so." Don't worry, Evan. He wasn't asking you as a date, just as a friend.
"I think I actually owe Ned a whole box of treats. Sometimes Pads seems like Lisa in cat form." He said, amused as the younger cat did an ungraceful flip while trying to tease the Hufflepuff's companion. Good news was this always kept her more docule when it came to being in his dorm room - she'd hardly shredded anything in the entire time he'd had her.
Red, orange and yellows seems a good color palette. It was like flame, but also looked like autumn. Evan was usually pretty partial to the colder months, and the colors of autumn were always pretty nice, so he found himself taking Jude's advice in this regard as well while he traded his yellow pencil for some orange. "Good idea. It'll look good." And it should compliment Pads coloring too if he decided to further add to the sketch of her as well. "Just don't burn yourself out. I think even the Professor's were worried about me last term." He remarked, shaking his head a bit remembering the looks Professor Hernandez had given him during the study sessions. Extra time he'd been quite grateful for the man giving. He laughed at the tease, looking up from his drawing to smile at his friend. "Perfect, just in time for my NEWTs." Such a wild thought they were so close. But he was not focusing on this. "Was Reagan mean to people because of the pressure?" Evan rather assumed that was behavior he was ... er... lucky enough to be on the receiving end of, not that others were as well.
"We'll see if she's still saying that come mid-term." He'd see if they'd all say that. Because in truth, Evan had plenty of his left over study guides from his previous term that he'd handed out that he'd be happy to give to Maya AND the others. He wouldn't go as crazy on it as he did prior, but he could at least offer it. He'd try to refrain from making any further practice questions or anything though. He WAS supposed to be spending some time this term relaxing. He just nodded again at the reminder for next year, choosing to focus on Jude's next comment instead. Writing to Davet then? He supposed their conversation over the summer than had not proved a problem for Jude and his boyfriend. Evan was glad of that at least. "How's that going?" Jude and Davet, he meant. Though he supposed the auditions for the next role too. "Will his play be showing when you're out for break or will you have to miss it?"
Oh? Koen and his girlfriend were tying the knot? "That's awesome! I'll write my parents and Noah and make sure they're all fine with my absence." He didn't think it would be a problem. but he did still have to check with them. "Are you excited?"[/color]
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Ev <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
"I think I actually owe Ned a whole box of treats. Sometimes Pads seems like Lisa in cat form." He said, amused as the younger cat did an ungraceful flip while trying to tease the Hufflepuff's companion. Good news was this always kept her more docule when it came to being in his dorm room - she'd hardly shredded anything in the entire time he'd had her.
Red, orange and yellows seems a good color palette. It was like flame, but also looked like autumn. Evan was usually pretty partial to the colder months, and the colors of autumn were always pretty nice, so he found himself taking Jude's advice in this regard as well while he traded his yellow pencil for some orange. "Good idea. It'll look good." And it should compliment Pads coloring too if he decided to further add to the sketch of her as well. "Just don't burn yourself out. I think even the Professor's were worried about me last term." He remarked, shaking his head a bit remembering the looks Professor Hernandez had given him during the study sessions. Extra time he'd been quite grateful for the man giving. He laughed at the tease, looking up from his drawing to smile at his friend. "Perfect, just in time for my NEWTs." Such a wild thought they were so close. But he was not focusing on this. "Was Reagan mean to people because of the pressure?" Evan rather assumed that was behavior he was ... er... lucky enough to be on the receiving end of, not that others were as well.
"We'll see if she's still saying that come mid-term." He'd see if they'd all say that. Because in truth, Evan had plenty of his left over study guides from his previous term that he'd handed out that he'd be happy to give to Maya AND the others. He wouldn't go as crazy on it as he did prior, but he could at least offer it. He'd try to refrain from making any further practice questions or anything though. He WAS supposed to be spending some time this term relaxing. He just nodded again at the reminder for next year, choosing to focus on Jude's next comment instead. Writing to Davet then? He supposed their conversation over the summer than had not proved a problem for Jude and his boyfriend. Evan was glad of that at least. "How's that going?" Jude and Davet, he meant. Though he supposed the auditions for the next role too. "Will his play be showing when you're out for break or will you have to miss it?"
Oh? Koen and his girlfriend were tying the knot? "That's awesome! I'll write my parents and Noah and make sure they're all fine with my absence." He didn't think it would be a problem. but he did still have to check with them. "Are you excited?"
Okay, so that made him laugh wholeheartedly. The comment about Lisa in cat form was so funny to him that he actually pictured a small, fluffy and fierce cat in a warrior outfit and Lisa’s hair zooming around the Domes quite clearly. And the laugh? It happened to be one from the handful of recent ones that was genuine. These genuine laughter tended to be brought about only by Keigh and Evan these days. “So… I’ll never be unable to unsee that now. Thanks, Ev.”
Jude wasn’t sure if Evan was simply humouring him but whatever the case was, he appreciated his friend using orange next. “We can say one thing for sure: your colouring is better than your drawing.” The Hufflepuff bit his lower lip to keep from laughing. One of his absolute favourite things ever? It was definitely teasing Evan. The teasing usually resulted in Evan laughing or smiling and Jude always considered either of these a reward. Like he always said: all he wanted was for Evan to be happy. Anyway, if Jude was ever burnt out, it wouldn’t be because of studying. The lack of sleep was doing that well and Jude still resorted to powder and other makeup to conceal the dark circles around his eyes. He opened his mouth to let Evan know that he had been worried last year too but then halted the words which were on the tip of his tongue. Never mind about that. Evan most likely had not noticed his worry and Jude voicing those words now wouldn’t make any difference. It was in that moment that it suddenly dawned on him that he was giving up trying to show Evan how much he loved him. Instead, he simply said, “I won’t. I’ll try pacing myself. You know, balance academics and recreation. I’ll be fine.” The smile was returned. “Wouldn’t want you to have results less than an O in any subject.” The fifth year chuckled, enjoying the fact that he got another tease in. In truth? He was awfully proud of Evan’s OWL results as though they were his own. “I only hope I can do at least as half as well as you.” While this would seem like something every student would say at one point, for Jude it was like a prayer because he knew the extent to which he was struggling to focus on studying. “Yep, she was. At the slightest interruption, she’d snap at the person who interrupted her. Or if someone unintentionally caused some sort of noise. I’m just glad she wasn’t meaner to you. I made her promise to stay out of your way because since she already dislikes you… I figured she’d be only too happy to take out her frustrations on you and use the exam pressure as an excuse. I also made her promise to apologise to everyone she hurt during that time. It probably was a long list. Poor Keigh was included on that.” Jude grinned a bit. “It helps when your older sister adores you. You get to use that adoration to your advantage.”
Jude knew that Evan meant well in everything he did, especially now that it was exam time for Maya and his friends. “She will because she knows you just want her to do her best.” He knew that because Evan had given him notes too, and had offered to help him study. The Hufflepuff planned on taking up the study offer but at the moment, for personal reasons, he couldn’t. Perhaps in a few months from now… and if Evan still wanted to help or wasn’t too busy with helping Maya and his other friends. At this point in life, Jude still had not comprehended that he had, in fact, unintentionally let Evan believe that he and Davet were dating. Will the misconception ever be cleared up? Who knows. As it was, he thought that Evan was referring to Davet’s play in terms of the question. “Seems to be going quite well so far.” He paused a bit to reread a piece of the letter, smiling softly as he did so. Yep. Davet’s letters always made him smile. “Um, I’ll have to miss it unfortunately. But he’ll send me a programme and pictures. I reckon there’ll also be recordings of it since Muggle parents never miss an opportunity to catch their kids on tape.”
Evan wanted to come to the wedding too? Jude was happy about that and his smile would confirm it. “I hope nothing important comes up for you. It'll be nice to have you there as well.” Jude started to write again. “I am. Remember how we talked about Ko and Stas plus Chase and Chin - hae before? Stas and Ko are definitely what Muggles say - ‘a match made in heaven’, so yes. I’m pretty excited that they finally decided to settle down. I’m not exactly sure if or how this will change Ko’s band life though.” A frown suddenly creased his forehead and his pen lifted from the paper. It had just occurred to him that he could ask Davet to be his date to the wedding. Should he? Or… given Jude's current emotional state just invite him as a friend as well? Ugh. He’d figure it out later. For now, he’d skip mentioning the wedding until Davet replied to this letter being written. By then Jude would make up his mind. Back to scribbling he went.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
This was one of Remy’s favourite parts of the grounds, however it often was too busy for her liking. Today was a quieter day and she had managed to find a dome to herself. You would find her just outside of said dome, twirling her hair and trying to see her reflection since she had not brought any form of mirror.
Her very long and somewhat unkept hair was proving an issue for the Gryffindor today, not usually being something that would bother her too much. Suppose keeping it “unkept” took its toll eventually.
Pouting at the lack of reflection from the dome, Remy pulled up her robe hood until it pretty much covered her whole face.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Emzily
This was one of Remy’s favourite parts of the grounds, however it often was too busy for her liking. Today was a quieter day and she had managed to find a dome to herself. You would find her just outside of said dome, twirling her hair and trying to see her reflection since she had not brought any form of mirror.
Her very long and somewhat unkept hair was proving an issue for the Gryffindor today, not usually being something that would bother her too much. Suppose keeping it “unkept” took its toll eventually.
Pouting at the lack of reflection from the dome, Remy pulled up her robe hood until it pretty much covered her whole face.
Jasper liked being out on the grounds FULL STOP. Being cooped up in the castle was a crime against humanity. So Jasper Botros took every opportunity he could to venture outside, especially knowing that the cold winter months were soon approaching. He didn't mind the snow, but it wasn't as pleasant as the sunshine. And so, he was taking full advantage of the beautiful day today by going on a run.
He had done several laps around the lake before deciding to call it a day, only then reaching into his pocket to take out his trusty golden snitch ... just as the wind decided to blow hard. The snitch, standing no chance against the gust of wind, flew allllllll the way over to the domes, bonking into some hooded figure and buzzing around their head. The Jasper, wanting to retrieve his snitch, went running in that direction, catching it RIGHT as it buzzed near the hooded figure's ear.
..... "Uh, hello?" Who was that?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Jasper liked being out on the grounds FULL STOP. Being cooped up in the castle was a crime against humanity. So Jasper Botros took every opportunity he could to venture outside, especially knowing that the cold winter months were soon approaching. He didn't mind the snow, but it wasn't as pleasant as the sunshine. And so, he was taking full advantage of the beautiful day today by going on a run.
He had done several laps around the lake before deciding to call it a day, only then reaching into his pocket to take out his trusty golden snitch ... just as the wind decided to blow hard. The snitch, standing no chance against the gust of wind, flew allllllll the way over to the domes, bonking into some hooded figure and buzzing around their head. The Jasper, wanting to retrieve his snitch, went running in that direction, catching it RIGHT as it buzzed near the hooded figure's ear.
..... "Uh, hello?" Who was that?
The hooded Gryffindor FROZE as something was suddenly flying around her head. Was it a BILLYWIG? The fear meant that her hood was staying firmly in place to protect her pretty little head, and small, cute whimpers could be heard from beneath it.
“AHHHHHG!” Remy shrieked as an unexpected saviour screamed GOTCHA in her ear. If the sound wasn’t so deafening, she’d be much more thankful for the rescue. Slowly dropping her hood, Remy’s expression softened when she saw Jasper right beside her. “Jasper? What are you doing?” She asked, forgetting about the bug previously bothering her.
The biggest concern right now was that Jasper Botros was witnessing Remy’s bad hair day.
She subtly put her hood back up, just leaving her blushing face showing this time.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Maya Nam was tired.
She was tired of staring at her textbooks. She was tired of flipping through her study guide. She was tired of looking at words. She was tired of reading.
This was something she had never thought would be possible. The Slytherin was currently sitting on the floor of the dome, surrounded by her books and papers. Anyone walking past this particular dome would probably thing she was having a breakdown. And so, she stretched her legs out, let out a sigh and laid back on the floor to look up at the ceiling of the dome.
"Must be nice to be a cloud," she muttered, as she watched a particularly fluffy marshmallow looking cloud float in the sky. Perhaps she needed this break. It wouldn't hurt to just watch the clouds go by for an hour or so, right? Though it had started to get chilly outside, she found the sun still warm as it shone through the dome and onto her.
This must be what it felt like to be a cat, bathing in the sun.
If Maya would have confided her exhaustion to Apollo, he likely would have offered a well-meaning distraction. He was good at those. It wasn't that he was a terrible student, but well when it came to studying - he actually was pretty terrible. If it wasn't for the fact that he was a professional at cramming and test-taking, he likely would not have made it this far in his school career.
"Cloud nine. You should pick cloud nine." he grinned, coming into her dome just in time to hear her muttering. He stood there looking at the mess around her for a moment. "Did I miss a hurricane or something?" He didn't think there were hurricanes in Scotland, yet the scatterings of books and papers told him otherwise.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Emzily
The hooded Gryffindor FROZE as something was suddenly flying around her head. Was it a BILLYWIG? The fear meant that her hood was staying firmly in place to protect her pretty little head, and small, cute whimpers could be heard from beneath it.
“AHHHHHG!” Remy shrieked as an unexpected saviour screamed GOTCHA in her ear. If the sound wasn’t so deafening, she’d be much more thankful for the rescue. Slowly dropping her hood, Remy’s expression softened when she saw Jasper right beside her. “Jasper? What are you doing?” She asked, forgetting about the bug previously bothering her.
The biggest concern right now was that Jasper Botros was witnessing Remy’s bad hair day.
She subtly put her hood back up, just leaving her blushing face showing this time.
Jasper jumped backwards and blinked not once, not twice, but ~several times. That was his eardrum. Heh. "Remy?!" Jasper was surprised. Mostly because he didn't expect the hooded figure to be a friend. He obviously would have recognized her had he seen her face. In case that was a concern. "My snitch went rogue," he explained, holding it up for her to see.
"What's with the hood?"
Kind of Grim Reaper-y, ngl.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Okay, so that made him laugh wholeheartedly. The comment about Lisa in cat form was so funny to him that he actually pictured a small, fluffy and fierce cat in a warrior outfit and Lisa’s hair zooming around the Domes quite clearly. And the laugh? It happened to be one from the handful of recent ones that was genuine. These genuine laughter tended to be brought about only by Keigh and Evan these days. “So… I’ll never be unable to unsee that now. Thanks, Ev.”
Jude wasn’t sure if Evan was simply humouring him but whatever the case was, he appreciated his friend using orange next. “We can say one thing for sure: your colouring is better than your drawing.” The Hufflepuff bit his lower lip to keep from laughing. One of his absolute favourite things ever? It was definitely teasing Evan. The teasing usually resulted in Evan laughing or smiling and Jude always considered either of these a reward. Like he always said: all he wanted was for Evan to be happy. Anyway, if Jude was ever burnt out, it wouldn’t be because of studying. The lack of sleep was doing that well and Jude still resorted to powder and other makeup to conceal the dark circles around his eyes. He opened his mouth to let Evan know that he had been worried last year too but then halted the words which were on the tip of his tongue. Never mind about that. Evan most likely had not noticed his worry and Jude voicing those words now wouldn’t make any difference. It was in that moment that it suddenly dawned on him that he was giving up trying to show Evan how much he loved him. Instead, he simply said, “I won’t. I’ll try pacing myself. You know, balance academics and recreation. I’ll be fine.” The smile was returned. “Wouldn’t want you to have results less than an O in any subject.” The fifth year chuckled, enjoying the fact that he got another tease in. In truth? He was awfully proud of Evan’s OWL results as though they were his own. “I only hope I can do at least as half as well as you.” While this would seem like something every student would say at one point, for Jude it was like a prayer because he knew the extent to which he was struggling to focus on studying. “Yep, she was. At the slightest interruption, she’d snap at the person who interrupted her. Or if someone unintentionally caused some sort of noise. I’m just glad she wasn’t meaner to you. I made her promise to stay out of your way because since she already dislikes you… I figured she’d be only too happy to take out her frustrations on you and use the exam pressure as an excuse. I also made her promise to apologise to everyone she hurt during that time. It probably was a long list. Poor Keigh was included on that.” Jude grinned a bit. “It helps when your older sister adores you. You get to use that adoration to your advantage.”
Jude knew that Evan meant well in everything he did, especially now that it was exam time for Maya and his friends. “She will because she knows you just want her to do her best.” He knew that because Evan had given him notes too, and had offered to help him study. The Hufflepuff planned on taking up the study offer but at the moment, for personal reasons, he couldn’t. Perhaps in a few months from now… and if Evan still wanted to help or wasn’t too busy with helping Maya and his other friends. At this point in life, Jude still had not comprehended that he had, in fact, unintentionally let Evan believe that he and Davet were dating. Will the misconception ever be cleared up? Who knows. As it was, he thought that Evan was referring to Davet’s play in terms of the question. “Seems to be going quite well so far.” He paused a bit to reread a piece of the letter, smiling softly as he did so. Yep. Davet’s letters always made him smile. “Um, I’ll have to miss it unfortunately. But he’ll send me a programme and pictures. I reckon there’ll also be recordings of it since Muggle parents never miss an opportunity to catch their kids on tape.”
Evan wanted to come to the wedding too? Jude was happy about that and his smile would confirm it. “I hope nothing important comes up for you. It'll be nice to have you there as well.” Jude started to write again. “I am. Remember how we talked about Ko and Stas plus Chase and Chin - hae before? Stas and Ko are definitely what Muggles say - ‘a match made in heaven’, so yes. I’m pretty excited that they finally decided to settle down. I’m not exactly sure if or how this will change Ko’s band life though.” A frown suddenly creased his forehead and his pen lifted from the paper. It had just occurred to him that he could ask Davet to be his date to the wedding. Should he? Or… given Jude's current emotional state just invite him as a friend as well? Ugh. He’d figure it out later. For now, he’d skip mentioning the wedding until Davet replied to this letter being written. By then Jude would make up his mind. Back to scribbling he went.
The genuine laugh was a relief and Evan found himself giving a small smile at it, glancing over at his friend as he did so. He nodded at the thanks, picturing cat!Lisa as well and giving his own small chuckle. He'd have to tell her about it later - maybe it would also make her smile.
A snort at that, as he picked up the white pencil and gently flicked it towards Jude. "Rude." But true, even if he meant it as a joke. Evan was a very meticulous color-er, everything had to be within the lines or the whole thing was garbage. It should have been no surprise to anyone that he was not good at anything abstract in his attempts at art. They always came out as something he truly didn't enjoy looking at. The promise from Jude of balancing recreation and studying was met with a grin when Evan lifted his head from his book, giving another nod - this time in approval. "Good. That's probably the best way to do it." He wouldn't mention the fact his friend probably should be getting plenty of sleep in there too, still a bit worried Jude was not but.. he kept silent on it. "I know it's incredibly nerdy, but I really would like my NEWTs to look the same as my OWL scores." He knew he'd worked hard for those, and he was incredibly proud of what his results had been. "I'm sure you'll do fine. Those study guides and meetings really were a help for me. Eve if you did far less of them, I think you'd still do decently." Jude was an intelligent individual, Evan had the utmost faith in him and Maya to do well. This news about Reagan really wasn't entirely surprising he supposed, but he offered a small chuckle. "Well, thank you for the added protection. We've certainly had our run ins as it is. I can't imagine having met her in an even worse mood." Or what would have happened to his poor hair then.
IT was going well then? That sounded like it was a good thing, and the smile as he looked at the letter seemed even better. Evan focused again on his drawing for a moment, wondering if he should be anxious that Jude would probably drift away from their friendship once he and Davet were able to spend all their time together. Or if he should just be grateful that there was someone that made Jude smile and could maybe help him move on faster, so that he didn't have to feel how he seemed to have been feeling. He was pretty certain it was the second, so he decided to focus on that instead. "I'm sure it's disappointing to miss it, but it's nice he's still going to keep you updated. That must make you feel good?" Hopefully?
There was some important pending things for the family with their own marriages and the like but... unless things changed, nothing should happen at the time of Koen's wedding so... it should be okay. "Nothing should, but I'll let you know immediately if it does."He'd just have to check in more regularly with some family. "It's weird that they're all getting married now isn't it? Like a good weird, but weird. I imagine they're all happy though." It was weird to think each couple had some type of musician to it too, Ev hadn't even considered the difficulties that could offer. "They'll figure it out I'm sure. They all seem like strong couples." And that was an important part... right?
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
If Maya would have confided her exhaustion to Apollo, he likely would have offered a well-meaning distraction. He was good at those. It wasn't that he was a terrible student, but well when it came to studying - he actually was pretty terrible. If it wasn't for the fact that he was a professional at cramming and test-taking, he likely would not have made it this far in his school career.
"Cloud nine. You should pick cloud nine." he grinned, coming into her dome just in time to hear her muttering. He stood there looking at the mess around her for a moment. "Did I miss a hurricane or something?" He didn't think there were hurricanes in Scotland, yet the scatterings of books and papers told him otherwise.
Her eyes were starting to grow a bit heavy - the reduced sleep hours to accommodate the extra studying was getting to her. At the sound of another person's voice, Maya immediately sat up, brown eyes wide when she saw Apollo. She could feel her face warming out of embarrassment.
The whole place looked like a mess. And here she was, at the center of it. "Why cloud nine?" Maya asked, amused. Apollo was always a sight for sore eyes and his company always welcome. Though him looking around the dome? Well...
Maya started to gather some of her papers, shuffling them around. "Oh, this?" She stacked some of the books that were scattered, finally clearing it up a bit so you could see the wooden floor. "It's Hurricane OWLs season, haven't you heard?" Maya joked. The Slytherin smoothed out her hair before patting the now clear spot near her. "Sit, join me, welcome to my brain."
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Her eyes were starting to grow a bit heavy - the reduced sleep hours to accommodate the extra studying was getting to her. At the sound of another person's voice, Maya immediately sat up, brown eyes wide when she saw Apollo. She could feel her face warming out of embarrassment.
The whole place looked like a mess. And here she was, at the center of it. "Why cloud nine?" Maya asked, amused. Apollo was always a sight for sore eyes and his company always welcome. Though him looking around the dome? Well...
Maya started to gather some of her papers, shuffling them around. "Oh, this?" She stacked some of the books that were scattered, finally clearing it up a bit so you could see the wooden floor. "It's Hurricane OWLs season, haven't you heard?" Maya joked. The Slytherin smoothed out her hair before patting the now clear spot near her. "Sit, join me, welcome to my brain."
Welp. If she was feeling it now, Apollo didn't want to think about her status come a few months from now. This is why he wasn't stressing about them yet. He didn't want to spend the entirety of his fifth year in a zombie state.
He could feel his own cheeks warming up when she asked about cloud nine. Had she never heard of it? Maybe being an only child afforded him knowledge of old-school idioms that could also have been romanticized but he wasn't going to talk about that aspect"Oh it's um ... you've never heard about being on cloud nine? It's this saying of being elated or feeling happy. Like when i win a quidditch match, that feeling is equated on being on cloud nine." Or when he was around her. But he didn't add that.
He plopped down beside her. "Is that what we're calling it now? Because I say we throw the notes to the wind and just go in blind-sided." He grinned, but knew that Maya would never go for it. "C'mon, you know the information. Theoretically speaking. You should practice it instead."
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: We love you bestie <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
The genuine laugh was a relief and Evan found himself giving a small smile at it, glancing over at his friend as he did so. He nodded at the thanks, picturing cat!Lisa as well and giving his own small chuckle. He'd have to tell her about it later - maybe it would also make her smile.
A snort at that, as he picked up the white pencil and gently flicked it towards Jude. "Rude." But true, even if he meant it as a joke. Evan was a very meticulous color-er, everything had to be within the lines or the whole thing was garbage. It should have been no surprise to anyone that he was not good at anything abstract in his attempts at art. They always came out as something he truly didn't enjoy looking at. The promise from Jude of balancing recreation and studying was met with a grin when Evan lifted his head from his book, giving another nod - this time in approval. "Good. That's probably the best way to do it." He wouldn't mention the fact his friend probably should be getting plenty of sleep in there too, still a bit worried Jude was not but.. he kept silent on it. "I know it's incredibly nerdy, but I really would like my NEWTs to look the same as my OWL scores." He knew he'd worked hard for those, and he was incredibly proud of what his results had been. "I'm sure you'll do fine. Those study guides and meetings really were a help for me. Eve if you did far less of them, I think you'd still do decently." Jude was an intelligent individual, Evan had the utmost faith in him and Maya to do well. This news about Reagan really wasn't entirely surprising he supposed, but he offered a small chuckle. "Well, thank you for the added protection. We've certainly had our run ins as it is. I can't imagine having met her in an even worse mood." Or what would have happened to his poor hair then.
IT was going well then? That sounded like it was a good thing, and the smile as he looked at the letter seemed even better. Evan focused again on his drawing for a moment, wondering if he should be anxious that Jude would probably drift away from their friendship once he and Davet were able to spend all their time together. Or if he should just be grateful that there was someone that made Jude smile and could maybe help him move on faster, so that he didn't have to feel how he seemed to have been feeling. He was pretty certain it was the second, so he decided to focus on that instead. "I'm sure it's disappointing to miss it, but it's nice he's still going to keep you updated. That must make you feel good?" Hopefully?
There was some important pending things for the family with their own marriages and the like but... unless things changed, nothing should happen at the time of Koen's wedding so... it should be okay. "Nothing should, but I'll let you know immediately if it does."He'd just have to check in more regularly with some family. "It's weird that they're all getting married now isn't it? Like a good weird, but weird. I imagine they're all happy though." It was weird to think each couple had some type of musician to it too, Ev hadn't even considered the difficulties that could offer. "They'll figure it out I'm sure. They all seem like strong couples." And that was an important part... right?
“Hey!” Laughing again, Jude shielded his face as the pencil came his way. It bounced off his chest and landed in his lap. “Now you’re never getting this back,’’ he remarked and purposely tucked the white pencil in his bag. He was dying to laugh because even though he had no use for it, teasing his best friend had become one of hobbies apparently. Needless to say he found another opportunity soon enough. “Straight Os then? You are the biggest nerd I know!” While that was true, Jude really admired Evan’s dedication to his studies. “You’re going to make it happen. And you know I’ll be around to help you with that.” Just like last term. “Thanks, Ev. That means a lot.” It was always helped a great deal to have the support and confidence of the ones closest. Evan’s faith meant a lot more than Jude let on. “Always got your back,’’ the Hufflepuff replied lightly then hurried on so as to not make things awkward. “She’d probably put the Stinging Hex on you or something.” He rolled his eyes. “Honestly, she is so ridiculous and immature sometimes. I just can’t understand her when she gets like that.” He was so grateful to Evan for never wanting to end their friendship because of Reagan.
In case it failed to get through to Evan’s studious but thick skull, EVAN NAM was the one that made him happy, EVAN NAM was the one that made him smile a whole lot, EVAN NAM was the one whose company he always enjoyed. Though… that was now debatable because the fifth year was finding it incredibly difficult to pretend that he was hurting right now. But one thing was for certain: Jude never had nor ever will have any intention of ending their friendship. Besides it being the best one he’d ever had, Jude wasn’t about to let Evan lose another best friend. No, he was here to stay. Third time’s the charm, right? “It is. I really like watching him act.” He had such a difficult time keeping his eyes off of Davet’s hair most of the time. “It does. He’s very nice in general.” Jude tilted his head curiously at Evan. “I never asked but what did you think of him when you met him?”
Jude would be so disappointed if Evan was unable to attend the wedding. It was a happy time for the Anders family and he wanted to share that with Evan because the Ravenclaw was practically family. Jude knew that his parents loved Evan. “Fingers crossed that nothing does.” He scribbled a bit more, multitasking by listening to the other boy as well. “It is. It’s a big deal for them, I guess. And for the families involved. I know I’m pretty happy for Koen and Stas. They probably would have gotten married earlier if they weren’t so involved with their careers.” Jude nodded. “They will. Rea would say they’re a ‘forever couple’ because they’ve been together so long and they got through all life’s hurdles with each other.”
Welp. If she was feeling it now, Apollo didn't want to think about her status come a few months from now. This is why he wasn't stressing about them yet. He didn't want to spend the entirety of his fifth year in a zombie state.
He could feel his own cheeks warming up when she asked about cloud nine. Had she never heard of it? Maybe being an only child afforded him knowledge of old-school idioms that could also have been romanticized but he wasn't going to talk about that aspect"Oh it's um ... you've never heard about being on cloud nine? It's this saying of being elated or feeling happy. Like when i win a quidditch match, that feeling is equated on being on cloud nine." Or when he was around her. But he didn't add that.
He plopped down beside her. "Is that what we're calling it now? Because I say we throw the notes to the wind and just go in blind-sided." He grinned, but knew that Maya would never go for it. "C'mon, you know the information. Theoretically speaking. You should practice it instead."
If she knew what was going on in Apollo's mind, she would probably tell them that she would very much be a zombie in a few months. But hopefully, despite her zombie state, he would still enjoy her company and find her to be an attractive enough zombie to ask out to the dance.
"Well, if I were a cloud, I think that I would definitely enjoy being around cloud nine... it almost sounds like it would be an exclusive club, doesn't it?" Maya had definitely heard of it before but it had always seemed like it would be a place. If they were clouds. Merlin, she must really be losing it if she was talking about being a cloud. "So, winning a quidditch match makes you feel like you're on cloud nine? Maybe if you fly high enough, you'd be able to reach it too," she giggled.
Which made her wonder... what was her cloud nine? As she was about to ponder it, Apollo said one of the craziest things she had ever heard.
"Throw notes to the wind?!" Maya's jaw dropped. "G-go... in... blindsided?!" Though she knew he was only saying this to get a ruse out of her, she was appalled nonetheless. However, the Slytherin felt at ease around him. Comfortable. Relaxed. Things she hadn't been since the term had started. "Sir, I will not be sharing my study guide with you if you keep talking crazy." Maya moved some more of her papers and books over, finding her wand rolling in the mess. "I've been practicing some spells too. I'm rather good at making things disappear," she said, reaching for said wand. "I've been practicing my Patronus charm as well..." Though she would have to admit, that was one that she was struggling a bit with as of late.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
“Hey!” Laughing again, Jude shielded his face as the pencil came his way. It bounced off his chest and landed in his lap. “Now you’re never getting this back,’’ he remarked and purposely tucked the white pencil in his bag. He was dying to laugh because even though he had no use for it, teasing his best friend had become one of hobbies apparently. Needless to say he found another opportunity soon enough. “Straight Os then? You are the biggest nerd I know!” While that was true, Jude really admired Evan’s dedication to his studies. “You’re going to make it happen. And you know I’ll be around to help you with that.” Just like last term. “Thanks, Ev. That means a lot.” It was always helped a great deal to have the support and confidence of the ones closest. Evan’s faith meant a lot more than Jude let on. “Always got your back,’’ the Hufflepuff replied lightly then hurried on so as to not make things awkward. “She’d probably put the Stinging Hex on you or something.” He rolled his eyes. “Honestly, she is so ridiculous and immature sometimes. I just can’t understand her when she gets like that.” He was so grateful to Evan for never wanting to end their friendship because of Reagan.
In case it failed to get through to Evan’s studious but thick skull, EVAN NAM was the one that made him happy, EVAN NAM was the one that made him smile a whole lot, EVAN NAM was the one whose company he always enjoyed. Though… that was now debatable because the fifth year was finding it incredibly difficult to pretend that he was hurting right now. But one thing was for certain: Jude never had nor ever will have any intention of ending their friendship. Besides it being the best one he’d ever had, Jude wasn’t about to let Evan lose another best friend. No, he was here to stay. Third time’s the charm, right? “It is. I really like watching him act.” He had such a difficult time keeping his eyes off of Davet’s hair most of the time. “It does. He’s very nice in general.” Jude tilted his head curiously at Evan. “I never asked but what did you think of him when you met him?”
Jude would be so disappointed if Evan was unable to attend the wedding. It was a happy time for the Anders family and he wanted to share that with Evan because the Ravenclaw was practically family. Jude knew that his parents loved Evan. “Fingers crossed that nothing does.” He scribbled a bit more, multitasking by listening to the other boy as well. “It is. It’s a big deal for them, I guess. And for the families involved. I know I’m pretty happy for Koen and Stas. They probably would have gotten married earlier if they weren’t so involved with their careers.” Jude nodded. “They will. Rea would say they’re a ‘forever couple’ because they’ve been together so long and they got through all life’s hurdles with each other.”
Evan was glad Jude had covered his face as well as the fact his aim had been low enough to not actually be anywhere near it. He was trying to be playful, not create a trip to the hospital wing. He was keeping it? "I'm glad I chose to throw the white one then." Sure he needed it occasionally for shading but... he'd figure out how to make do. Especially since he wasn't all that good at the whole 'shading' thing to begin with. "Be my guest. I'll steal it back eventually." Or he wouldn't. The Ravenclaw couldn't help the small smile that turned wider at the tease. He had no arguments that he WAS in fact a nerd, but he was a nerd that was pretty proud of his results. O's were entirely what he'd been going for and why he'd studied for an entire year - as well as having always kept up with his normal studies. Next he would just need to do the same for his NEWTs. The comment of Reagan got a laugh before shaking his head. "I believe being transfigured into a cactus was mentioned. A few times." Thankfully nothing but his personality was yet prickly. "People just handle stress and situations differently. At least she apologizes later." And then life could move on.
Evan's time with Davet had been pretty brief, and frankly he wasn't sure he had an opinion of him. Not at the time of meeting him anyways. But seeing the fact now that talking about the boy made Jude smile, which seemed rarer and rarer lately, he was inclined to feel more warmly. Besides, Davet was muggle and despite the steps of progress Evan had made, non-magical folk and the mundane world still felt even safer to him so at least Davet hadn't inspired the same social anxiety as most strangers seemed to do. "He seemed nice. I didn't talk to him a whole lot, but you guys seem like a good match. And you seem happy so that's the best testament to him, I think."
The Ravenclaw would certainly be doing his best to not disappoint the Hufflepuff and to make it to the wedding. "What does Stas do? I don't think I ever asked." Obviously he knew about Koen's career and had listened to some tracks, but he was completely unaware on the soon to be Anders profession. "That sounds nice. To have someone to rely on in that capacity." and while Evan knew he could have had things been different, even know it was the way it was didn't make it sound less nice.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: <3 <3
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
Evan was glad Jude had covered his face as well as the fact his aim had been low enough to not actually be anywhere near it. He was trying to be playful, not create a trip to the hospital wing. He was keeping it? "I'm glad I chose to throw the white one then." Sure he needed it occasionally for shading but... he'd figure out how to make do. Especially since he wasn't all that good at the whole 'shading' thing to begin with. "Be my guest. I'll steal it back eventually." Or he wouldn't. The Ravenclaw couldn't help the small smile that turned wider at the tease. He had no arguments that he WAS in fact a nerd, but he was a nerd that was pretty proud of his results. O's were entirely what he'd been going for and why he'd studied for an entire year - as well as having always kept up with his normal studies. Next he would just need to do the same for his NEWTs. The comment of Reagan got a laugh before shaking his head. "I believe being transfigured into a cactus was mentioned. A few times." Thankfully nothing but his personality was yet prickly. "People just handle stress and situations differently. At least she apologizes later." And then life could move on.
Evan's time with Davet had been pretty brief, and frankly he wasn't sure he had an opinion of him. Not at the time of meeting him anyways. But seeing the fact now that talking about the boy made Jude smile, which seemed rarer and rarer lately, he was inclined to feel more warmly. Besides, Davet was muggle and despite the steps of progress Evan had made, non-magical folk and the mundane world still felt even safer to him so at least Davet hadn't inspired the same social anxiety as most strangers seemed to do. "He seemed nice. I didn't talk to him a whole lot, but you guys seem like a good match. And you seem happy so that's the best testament to him, I think."
The Ravenclaw would certainly be doing his best to not disappoint the Hufflepuff and to make it to the wedding. "What does Stas do? I don't think I ever asked." Obviously he knew about Koen's career and had listened to some tracks, but he was completely unaware on the soon to be Anders profession. "That sounds nice. To have someone to rely on in that capacity." and while Evan knew he could have had things been different, even know it was the way it was didn't make it sound less nice.
Oh, Jude knew that Evan wouldn’t aim to damage this pretty face. His reaction had been more of a reflex. But now he was in possession of a pencil that, unbeknownst to them, would be returned until next year. “You’ll need it sometime, Evan Nam, and when you do, you’ll be forced to compromise with another colour!” Ohhh, such a rebellious Ravenclaw! Laughing, Jude tilted his head. “I’ll probably keep it hidden away in my dorm surrounded by Anti-Summoning Spells.” That was a joke, of course. For the upcoming months, the pencil would actually be right in his bag and he would always be well aware of it. He watched Evan’s smile go wider and hid any sort of reaction that would give away how much he adored it. Jude enjoyed moments like these: the moments when he and Evan were goofy. These moments brought out the side of his best friend that wasn’t always there for everyone to see. As they continued on the topic of Reagan, Jude’s eyes widened slightly. “She said WHAT??! I’ll transfigure HER into a cactus if she doesn’t leave you alone.” Okay, maybe not? Because the Hufflepuff wasn’t quite sure how to do that. As if there wasn’t enough surprise on the part of his sister… “She… apologised? To you? How? What? How???” Yes, the boy was flabbergasted.
Jude knew that Evan and Davet hadn’t interacted much but that short time would have been enough for an opinion to form, he thought. Ev hit the nail on the head: Dav was nice; SUPER nice in fact. Wait… huh? What? He and Dav were a good match? Where had that come from??? Yes, Jude was happy when he was happy with Davet but… they made a good match? The fifth year was speechless, his mind a whirlwind. Was Ev implying what Jude thought he was? That Jude should be with Davet? He frowned deeply before catching himself and rearranging his expression in a neutral one. Was this Ev’s way of confirming that he was never going to be interested in Jude? And Ev was trying to push him off to date someone else? Jude severely hurt himself by thinking all of this and it was all salt to his still freshly wounded heart. “I'm not… yeah, I guess we are.” There was no point in clearing anything up. Evan probably was relieved that Jude had found someone else to be romantically involved with. This moment right here, coupled with Jude’s scrambled emotions, were the cause of him needing space from his best friend for the remainder of this part of the school year. Now he was having a difficult time focusing on his letter; thankfully, it was almost finished.
“She studies creatures at the Northwind Ranch in Norway. I suppose she and Ko bonded over dragons. He’s obsessed.” Just like he and Evan had bonded over a snake in the Menagerie a few summers ago. Jude was silent a bit and didn't bother to point out that fact they had in common with Koen as he scribbled furiously, having briefly grabbed back at his concentration. Then he wrapped it up, pausing a bit to think on the appropriate manner to sign off. In the end, he settled for ‘affectionately’. “I wouldn’t know,’’ he replied, more flatly than he realised as he took his time to neatly fold the letter. If Evan couldn’t see that Jude was that person he could always rely on in whatever capacity, couldn't see that he was the one who always understood him and had he was the one who had been here all along then the fifth year wasn’t going to fight it. “By the way, you’re more than welcome to stick around for as long as you want after the wedding. Keigh’s birthday is a few days later and her, Rea, you and I can do something together.” This Christmas, the fireside will be blazing bright but it was going to be an eventful one for this Hufflepuff.
He was very much in doubt he would need the white, not often using it, but he'd play along. "Sure, sure, whatever you say Anders." He laughed along as Jude explained his plan of anti-summoning charms to keep it nice and safe, shaking his head in amusement at the boy's dedication to the joke. Well... at least what he assumed was just dedication and not an actual action plan. Uh, perhaps Evan shouldn't have mentioned that. Though truthfully it HAD been kind of amusing the more he looked back on it, not to mention he'd spent some time researching if there even was a transfiguration spell that did that. Because entirely curious. "Don't worry about it. As you see, I am still human and not prickly." He paused for a moment at that, deciding to go ahead and add, "Well, not physically." Personality wise he made no promises. The apology really was the most surprising part, wasn't it? "I just ran into her the other day and she apologized." Which also led him too... "Have you talked to her in awhile?" He went back to coloring, trying to seem casual about the question and not out just how concerned Reagan was about him.
His words seemed to confirm in Evan's mind what he thought he already knew. The pair WERE a couple, and while there might have been a sliver of disappointment that he could lose his friend to a boyfriend, or become a third wheel in interactions, the most important thing was he wanted Jude to be happy. So if being with Davet did that, he would encourage him. And perhaps there was a piece of him relieved, not because he felt the need to push Jude off to someone else, but because he didn't want him hurting over Evan's inability to return feelings. Not for any longer than he needed. He thought about asking if Davet knew what had happened over summer and confirm they were still okay, but he stopped himself before he could. Their relationship wasn't really his business, and he wouldn't pry beyond what Jude shared lest he ask the wrong things.
There wasn't much he could say in response to Stasya's occupation, because Jude's tone had made him realize how much his commentary had cut - even though he certainly hadn't meant to. He opened his mouth to reply but... not really knowing what to say let it close again. He watched for a minute as Jude finished his letter and folded it all up, before deciding perhaps he should be moving himself along too in order to not cause even further damage with his words. He slowly started to pack up his pencils, not asking for the white one, and shut the page on his sketch as the cat turned it's head curiously towards owner. She was smart, he was sure she could figure he was prepping. "I'll ask my parents. I might stay for another day or so but.. I think I need to spend some time with Noah over break, if he's around. He's just got a lot going on." That Evan wasn't at liberty to discuss. "It's nothing to worry about though." He stated as an afterthought, not wanting Jude to get concerned. Glancing down at his watch and looking back, he gave a small smile. "I actually need to go try calling him. Do you mind if we meet up another time?" If Jude wanted to. If he didn't, well... Evan would understand if it was too hard for a bit. He needed to figure out how to not say insensitive things anyways, figure out their new normal.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: *wraps up RP with a neat bow*
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
He was very much in doubt he would need the white, not often using it, but he'd play along. "Sure, sure, whatever you say Anders." He laughed along as Jude explained his plan of anti-summoning charms to keep it nice and safe, shaking his head in amusement at the boy's dedication to the joke. Well... at least what he assumed was just dedication and not an actual action plan. Uh, perhaps Evan shouldn't have mentioned that. Though truthfully it HAD been kind of amusing the more he looked back on it, not to mention he'd spent some time researching if there even was a transfiguration spell that did that. Because entirely curious. "Don't worry about it. As you see, I am still human and not prickly." He paused for a moment at that, deciding to go ahead and add, "Well, not physically." Personality wise he made no promises. The apology really was the most surprising part, wasn't it? "I just ran into her the other day and she apologized." Which also led him too... "Have you talked to her in awhile?" He went back to coloring, trying to seem casual about the question and not out just how concerned Reagan was about him.
His words seemed to confirm in Evan's mind what he thought he already knew. The pair WERE a couple, and while there might have been a sliver of disappointment that he could lose his friend to a boyfriend, or become a third wheel in interactions, the most important thing was he wanted Jude to be happy. So if being with Davet did that, he would encourage him. And perhaps there was a piece of him relieved, not because he felt the need to push Jude off to someone else, but because he didn't want him hurting over Evan's inability to return feelings. Not for any longer than he needed. He thought about asking if Davet knew what had happened over summer and confirm they were still okay, but he stopped himself before he could. Their relationship wasn't really his business, and he wouldn't pry beyond what Jude shared lest he ask the wrong things.
There wasn't much he could say in response to Stasya's occupation, because Jude's tone had made him realize how much his commentary had cut - even though he certainly hadn't meant to. He opened his mouth to reply but... not really knowing what to say let it close again. He watched for a minute as Jude finished his letter and folded it all up, before deciding perhaps he should be moving himself along too in order to not cause even further damage with his words. He slowly started to pack up his pencils, not asking for the white one, and shut the page on his sketch as the cat turned it's head curiously towards owner. She was smart, he was sure she could figure he was prepping. "I'll ask my parents. I might stay for another day or so but.. I think I need to spend some time with Noah over break, if he's around. He's just got a lot going on." That Evan wasn't at liberty to discuss. "It's nothing to worry about though." He stated as an afterthought, not wanting Jude to get concerned. Glancing down at his watch and looking back, he gave a small smile. "I actually need to go try calling him. Do you mind if we meet up another time?" If Jude wanted to. If he didn't, well... Evan would understand if it was too hard for a bit. He needed to figure out how to not say insensitive things anyways, figure out their new normal.
Definitely. Jude was definitely joking about the Anti Theft Charms but the pencil was going to be safe even if there were moments when he forgot about it. But he was still so very stunned about this revelation in regard to his older sister. “Please, Ev. Your personality is perfect.” Flaws and all. “Oh.” Jude was still trying to process this information and all. It might take a few moments. Or years. “A bit, yeah. Mostly been trying to avoid her because she keeps trying to force me into doing stuff I’m not in the mood for.” And that was the truth. He’d be un-avoiding her when he was ready.
Maybe Jude should have reassured Evan that he wasn’t ever going to lose him and that Evan was never going to be a third wheel in his life. Jude thought that he had always made it clear that Evan was one of the most important persons in his life. Certainly his summer confession would have been enough to say all those unspoken words? He’d had feelings for his best friend for three plus years; he hardly expected that those feelings would vanish any time soon, if at all.
The Hufflepuff really and truly had not realised how his words sounded. At the moment he just felt numb because of the turn their conversation had taken. He simply nodded. Yeah, he understood that everyone went through stuff and needed the support of their loved ones. If anyone understood that, it was Jude. And maybe after this numb feeling had passed, he would find out about Noah. Because despite Evan reassuring him, he still cared about anything and anyone affecting his best friend. “That’s fine. I have to send this letter off, anyway. Tell Noah I said hi, yeah?” He offered Ev a small smile then set about backing away his belongings and the Ravenclaw’s pencil. But after Evan departed, Jude took some time of his own alone in the dome. Well, with the exception of Ned who had come trotting back to Jude now. The cat jumped onto his lap then curled up with soft mews. “Pads did a number on you, huh Ned Anders?’’ He offered the cat some scratched behind an ear. There was nothing like a furry pal to help you cope when you needed it the most.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Keighley had every intention of taking a long walk around the grounds for a bit of fresh air. Then when she grew tired of walking she would sit beneath a tree near the lake and play her guitar for Kanga her cat. Whom just so happened to be padding alongside her as per usual. The walk was cut short when she came to the dorms however and decided to go inside one of the unused ones.
It had been awhile since she was in one of the domes and honestly she didn't know why. This was a wonderful spot to sit and relax away from it all. It was warm, nicely lit, cheerful and cozy. Yes, the third year badger liked it very much. And it seemed like Kanga did too. The young cat in mention had already made herself comfortable on one of the large chairs that happened to have a big fluffy pillow resting upon it. Keighley laughed softly, walking over and smoothing a hand gently over her companions head before removing her guitar from her shoulder where it had been resting and taking a seat on one of the other chairs.
"What should I play today, Kanga?" Keighley smiled as she glanced over at the sleeping cat as if she had expected an answer.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!