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Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
Welcome to Slytherin!
If you're looking for a place to learn a little bit more about your house, your housemates and maybe your Head of House, look no further. This is a place where you can see who you'll be sharing a dorm or the common room with for the next few (or several) years. This is also a place where you can share a little bit about yourself too, so your housemates can get to know you.
Slytherin Head of House: June Flamsteed (Samia) Slytherin Ghost: Bloody Baron
Slytherin Founder: Salazar Slytherin Slytherin Mascot: Snake Slytherin Colors: Green and Silver
OOC: This is a place for you to post your character's biography. Common things to include are: their name, age, year, wand, favorite or least favorite subjects, etc.
If you would like to post an image, please make sure it is under 350px by 350px and under 60KB and posted to your OWN image account. No hotlinking!
post colour: #C70039 | face claim: Alexa Chung | twitter handle @JuneFlamsteed
the basics;
Name: June Lillian Flamsteed Date of Birth: 18th December 2064 Blood Status: Pureblood Current Occupation: Herbology Professor, Slytherin Head of House, Hogwarts Wand: 13½ inch rigid oak with fwooper feather Patronus: A wolf Boggart: The devil’s snare suffocating her Relationship Status: Single
Father: David Flamsteed Mother: Mei Flamsteed Siblings: Jade Flamsteed
Build: Tall, and lanky Eye colour: Green Hair colour: Brunette
academia and work;
> Lead Herboligist, Department of Environmental Regulation and Protection, Galápagos Islands (2099 - 2101)
> Research Program, São Paulo ; Exotic & Herbal Plant Medicine (2095 - 2099)
> Zoo Habitat and Landscape Designer, Edinburgh (2088 - 2094)
> Wizarding University of Edinburgh, Scotland ; Applied Herbology & Potions (2083 - 2087)
> Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ; Gryffindor (2075 - 2082)
personality and more;
A lover of plants, and all things nature, June Flamsteed runs on pure instinct and an appetite for freedom. She is generally warm, welcoming and easy to approach - but can be quick to retreat if she feels threatened.
Expressive in her facial features, she is rarely able to hide what she is feeling - and she very much hates that about herself. She enjoys herself most when she is chasing a concept, often times even stubbornly protecting it from judgment.
She is also a fan of new projects, and teaching at Hogwarts is just the thing she wants to do right now.
A general contradiction: June may seem like she is put together, but she is not. June may seem like she knows what she is doing, but often times she does not. June may seem like an extrovert, but no.
A Letter:
Dearest Jade,
I know you are sixteen years older than me, but that does not mean you are right - and even if you are, let me do this my way. If I fail, then I fail. Please don’t hate me.
Love, June.
~ tba ~
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
PP by Charely Potter
Model: Lauren Lunde {current}; TBA {older}
Post Colour: Mulberry {770737}
Name: Aria Mae McLeod Nicknames: Ari, Ar, Princess {by her fathers} Pronouns: She/Her/Hers Blood Status: Half Blood Date of Birth: September 1, 2091 Zodiac: Virgo Orientation: TBA Relationship Status: Single {not presently looking for a relationship} Place of Residency: Great Britain Place of Birth: Pyeongchang, South Korea
Height: 62.9" {159.7 cm} Weight: 115 lbs {52.1 kg} Eye Color: Dark brown Hair Color: Light brown Complexion: Fair Build: Average
- Intended Careers: model, fashion designer
- Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland - Class of 2103}
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry {Class of 2110; Slytherin House}
Extra-Curriculars: Health & Wellness Club; Quiz Bowl; Art
Strongest Subjects: Astronomy, Charms, Transfiguration
Weakest Subject:
SPOILER!!: First Year Accomplishments
Term 57 {2103-2104} :
Not RPed on SS
SPOILER!!: Second Year Accomplishments
Term 58 {2104-2105} :
Not RPed on SS
SPOILER!!: Third Year Accomplishments
Term 59 {2105-2106} :
Not RPed on SS
SPOILER!!: Fourth Year Accomplishments
Term 60 {2106-2107} :
SPOILER!!: Fifth Year Accomplishments
Term 61 {2107-2108} :
OWL Results:
Ancient Runes: TBA
Arithmancy: TBA
Astronomy: TBA
Divination: TBA
Herbology: TBA
History of Magic: TBA
Muggle Studies: TBA
Potions: TBA
Transfiguration: TBA
SPOILER!!: Sixth Year Accomplishments
Term 62 {2108-2109} :
SPOILER!!: Seventh Year Accomplishments
Term 63 {2109-2110} :
NEWT Results:
Ancient Runes: TBA
Arithmancy: TBA
Astronomy: TBA
Divination: TBA
Herbology: TBA
History of Magic: TBA
Muggle Studies: TBA
Potions: TBA
Transfiguration: TBA
SPOILER!!: Walnut, 13 ½ inches, Unicorn tail hair, Supple
Made by: Krell Ansell
SPOILER!!: Click
Boggart: TBA Amortentia: leather, more TBA Patronus: TBA Fave Colour: The colour of royalty - Purple Laterality: Right handed Likes: Fashion magazines; shopping for clothing, shoes, jewelry; having anything that makes her look and feel pretty; spending LOTS of time with her fathers and adoptive grandparents; keeping most aspects of her life private Dislikes: unflattering outfits on others; Languages: British English; French {taught to her by Val} Weaknesses: can sometimes be haughty; Strengths: Creative {was encouraged to be this way by James}, can pull off a Five Finger Discount {taught to her by Auntie Mae}; is street smart {taught to her by Uncle Deacon} Wants to: eventually own her own fashion studio;
2092 - Aria is born; adopted by Val and James after death of birth parents.
2093 {1 year} -
2094 {2 years} -
2095 {3 years} - Showed first sign of magical abilities during an incident while being babysat by Mae. Aria managed to hold all sorts of jewelry into her once empty purse. Something that pleasantly surprised her Uncle Deacon. Mae & Deacon decided to tell Val and James that she managed to conjure cookies into her mini purse instead. She didn't do this to cause trouble, but to look like royalty; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Nursery Class where she easily fit in with all the other students; inherited an interest in Arts & Crafts
2096 {4 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Nursery Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year R Class.
2097 {5 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year R Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 1 Class.
2098 {6 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 1 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 2 Class.
2099 {7 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 2 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 3 Class
2100 {8 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 3 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 4 Class.
2101 {9 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 4 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 5 Class.
2102 {10 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 5 Class; Graduated; Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 6 Class.
2103 {11 years} - Enrolled at the Primary Wizarding School {Edinburgh, Scotland} for Year 6 Class; Graduated; Started out at Hogwarts - Sorted into Slytherin
2104 {12 years} - Stood against the Neo-Alliance.
2105 {13 years} - Helped with stage/set design on the Peter Pan play
2106 {14 years} - Decided that she wanted to have her own fashion studio after graduation from Hogwarts; helped to take down pesky vines at the School.
Astronomy: E
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Charms: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Divination: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
MOOSE STOVER Full Name:William Massoude Moose Stover Birthday: June 20th 2091 Birthplace: Inverness, Scotland Place of Residence: Inverness, Scotland Heritage:50% Iranian35% German10% Scottish5% English ...Muggleborn
Father: Wendell William Stover Mother: Mehry Roya Tehrani Sister: Soraya Mary Stover Grandfather: William Geoffrey Stover Grandmother: Harriette Allison Stover † Grandfather: Ervin Kourush Tehrani † Grandmother: Lea Soraya Tehrani
Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Brown Height: You know...Teen Height Weight: Basic Teen Weight
Wand: 12¼" supple holly with hippogriff feather Patronus: You think there will even be one? Boggart: Not seen one yet...probably nothing good. Amortentia: Stuff and Things Strongest Subjects: Muggle Studies, Potions. Weakest Subjects: History of Magic, Charms, Transfiguration, CoMC.
Likes: Playing Music, His Guitar, Spooky Halloween Things, Scary Movies & Books, his Little Sister.
Dislikes: Not knowing Anything about Magic, Magic in general that confounds him, Being Angry, Not having a Fall Birthday. Being called William, his Grandfather.
Personality: Curious, suspicious, and indecisive, but easily swayed by others.
A skeptic about magic. Not willing to risk using magic even at school unless he knows it will be useful for him and not harmful.
Easily angered by anyone who just complains all the time. Hypocritical though as he will complain about just about anything he doesn’t understand.
Text Cut: Before Hogwarts
William Massaude Stover was born to Wendell Stover and his Wife Mehry, on June 20th 2091 in Inverness Scotland. As a child he was having a very mundane life, but it was a nice one. He had made friends in Primary School, and when his parents had his little sister, Soraya, Moose grew to be very protective and helped look after her.
The only real bump in the road of this mundane life is his Grandfather, also William.
His Grandfather was a very strict man and very disciplined.Having formally served in the British Military as a Pilot, he strived for perfection in everything. In their visits to his Grandfather, where Moose wanted to practice the guitar that his Mum got him, he would instead be dragged to long boring history museums. He was always pushed to do better in school, despite having good grades in most of his classes.
Besides those boring, harsh, and sometimes downright dreadful visits to his Grandfather, Moose had a very simple and easy life.
Then on this 11th Birthday everything changed for the worse.
He was angry that day. For his 11th Birthday Moose could not have a birthday party with his school friends. Instead he was to spend it with his Grandfather who was going to take him to a Royal Airforce Museum.
Begging and pleading with his parents on the porch of his Grandfather’s home while his Grandfather stood there with a menacing grimace on his face as though he would discipline Moose the moment his parents left him. Moose closed his eyes real tight and thought real hard on how he just wanted his Grandfather to go away. There was a loud scream from his mother, and when he opened his eyes his Grandfather was gone.
But not really. His Father was frantically speaking to someone...they sounded like his Grandfather right where he was last and his father looked like he was holding something, but it was just thin air. His Grandfather had gone invisible!!
His Birthday wish was kinda granted, not really though. He stayed at his Grandfather's house for the rest of the day while his parents and his invisible Grandfather panicked. Only a short while later some people arrived. Explaining to them all how it was all his fault. That there was a latent power inside him. And that he would have to go away to train these powers to better control them.
Moose didn’t want this. Moose wanted to see his Friends, he didn’t want anything to change. The only thing to really change was the expression on his Grandfather’s face once he reappeared. It still had that stern look, but there was something else mixed into it. Fear, worry, hate. Perhaps a terrifying concoction of all three together.
The next 2 months felt rushed. His parents and himself had no idea what to do or where to go while they tried their best to get him prepared for his new life away from home. They did receive some help and guidance to make sure he was properly prepared.
He hadn’t seen his Grandfather for the rest of the Summer.
Last edited by Uncle Moose; 01-06-2022 at 11:26 PM.
Basic Info: Name: Salem-Rain Raines Date of Birth: October 31,2094 @3am Age: 12 Astrological Sign: Scorpio Place of Birth: Current Residence: Bramblewood
Font Color:#002E63 (Cool Black)
Hair: Long Red hair Eyes: Pale Steel Blue Height: 4’11” Weight: Average weight Notable Features:Space between upper front teeth
Blood Status: Half-Blood Wand:11.5" Chestnut wand with Augurey feather core Boggart: Perfect teeth. No space Ammortentia: TBA Patronus: Raven
House: Slytherin Current Year: First Class of: 2113 Strongest Subjects: TBA Weakest Subject: TBA Favorite Subject: TBA
Family Tree:
Father: Johnathen Raines (Muggle born wizard) Mother: Alanna Moore (Pureblood)
Family History:
Salem-Rain's parents met at Hogwarts. Her father was in Hufflepuff and her mother was in Ravenclaw. All of Alanna's family also went to Hogwarts. They where in Revenclaw, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. No record of any family member in Slytherin.
Personality:Salem-Rain follows her on path, a little mysterious, openminded, determined, creative, and an animal enthusiast.
Father: Seth Dos Santos (Hidden Heights of Dark Arts Headmaster)
Grandfather: Paulo Aguirre
Grandmother: Alana Dos Santos-Aguirre
Brother: Jesuit Aguirre
Brother: Artemio Aguirre
Brother: Luis Aguirre
Brother: Herman Aguirre
Brother: Jovan Aguirre
Brother: Emanuel Aguirre
Brother: Xavier Baltazar-Dos Santos
m a g i c
Wand: 11¾ inch unyielding ash with firecrab shell Strengths: Potions, Flying, Herbology, Charms, Combat Weaknesses: Astronomy, Divination, Arithmancy Boggart: Trolls Patronus: ??? Amortentia: pine trees, dandelions Likes: Quidditch, dueling and combat training, forbidden books, training in the ancient Baltazar ways, summer Quidditch days, dwelling in things she shouldn't Dislikes: cowards, overly chirpy people, loud people, dumb people, no being able to use her wand, being told she can't do something
a p p e a r a n c e
Eyes: baby blues with a ring of silver around the pupil Hair: red and straight Built: Petite Height: 5'
p e r s o n a l i t y
Serena Baltazar-Dos Santos is an exact mixture of her parents. She can be serious and lack emotion like her father, and just like him, she is extremely loyal and only shows her warm side to those she deems worthy. Like her mother, she is energetic and extremely curious with a thirst for adventure, and can be insecure at times.
What she struggles with the most is her anger issues, which could be fueled quite easily and could make her come off as snarky and unfriendly. Due to her anger issues, it creates a lack of patience, something that has affected her relationship with her mother. Currently, they are both working on it through the help of a therapist.
Update to Third Year:
Serena has developed a sense of give and take. She's become a better listener and has developed more patience (thank you therapist and Jasper Botros). Insecurities in herself are possibly in an all time high as she enters her teenage era. Aside from that, she is slightly more approachable and has learned to take people's feelings into account and not be so logical all the time.
h i s t o r y
Serena was born into two old pure-blood families; the Baltazar and the Aguirre. Due to conflicts between her father, Seth, and his own family, the Aguirre, he took up his mother’s maiden name Dos Santos, deciding to honor her legacy through himself and his children. To this day, Serena doesn’t know any of this, just that her grandfather and uncles on her dad’s side are evil people who once hurt him. It’ll stay that way until she gets to a certain age when she must know the history behind it.
When she was born, her mother Peyton, played as a professional Quidditch player for the Falmouth Falcons. Seth and Peyton planned the pregnancy after years of living a quiet life. They immediately fell in love with the little redheaded baby. Peyton could not bear to part ways with Quidditch, so she juggled motherhood and the sport at the same time. Seth was immensely supportive and always present, but her absence affected Serena. The child grew closer to her dad and lacked a bond with her mother.
Later on, when her little brother, Xavier, was born, her mother decided to retire from the sport and focus on her children. This drove Serena with envy because she couldn’t understand why her mother chose to give up Quidditch when her brother was born and not when she was born. Thus, initiating her anger issues and rocky relationship with her mom.
Coming from a long line of professional Quidditch players and dark Potion Masters, Serena has grown up seeking challenges and loving to fly, as well as constantly researching and her hands hovering around a cauldron. As she grows into her abilities as a witch, she will learn there are two side to everything, and they aren’t always pretty.
Name : Victoria Elise Gellar
Prefers : V
Birthday : 1 May 2093
Wand : 12¾ inch swishy maple with dragon heartstring (Hebridean Black)
Hometown : London, England
Grandfather : George Gellar
Grandmother : Sandralina Gellar (nee: Earlson)
Father : Anton Gellar; magical and charmed furniture artist extraordinaire
Mother : Alix Waines; apartment complex landlord
Sister : Regina Gellar (currently 3)
Brother : Roman Gellar (currently 3)
Pets : the most adorable yorkie of all time, Prince Charleston
Half-siblings : Hazel & Noah Martin-Pryce
Eye Color : Blue
Hair : It WAS red, but now it’s developed into a nice strawberry-blonde
Height : 4’11’’
Complexion : Fair, pink undertones
Build : slender/tiny
House : Slytherin
Year : 3rd
Amortentia : not sure yet; will let ya’ know!
Boggart : not sure yet; will let ya’ know!
Patronus : ….yeah, definitely not sure of that
Favorite subject: Going to guess and say FLYING
Least favorite subject : Anything that requires studying
Extracurriculars : Dancing!
Victoria “V” Gellar was raised an only child for the first seven years of her life, and thus she is more than a little spoiled and used to getting her own way. She gets her strong-willed nature from her mother and her creative problem-solving from her dad. Coming from two strong personalities, Victoria was bound to be one as well. She is a force to be reckoned with in a dispute, and she may have a short temper (that she is WORKING on slightly sometimes every third Sunday maybe).
She is very loyal, though, and will do almost anything for those she loves. Her grandmother, whom she was very close to, died right before her twin siblings were born, and losing her has caused Victoria to be a bit more spiritual than she otherwise might have been. She loses her dad a whooooole lot, and she and her mum argue often.
Basically, Victoria is...a lot.
For right now she adores her twin siblings, but in a few years that might change once they can argue better.
Her dog, Prince Charleston
Hot cocoa
Hair ties
The color yellow
The sun!
Being the boss
Dressing up
Parties with good snacks
Now for her dislikes...
Mean boys
Children that aren’t her siblings
Bushy eyebrows
Victoria was a happy accident, something her dad would never say to her directly but feels every day in his heart; she is the best accident to ever happen to him. Her mother might feel differently, but from the day V was born, she has been a daddy’s girl. Anton and Alix never married, but they gave Victoria her father’ surname. She has been coddled, adored, and loved ever since. She is not her mother’s first child, however, and Victoria is unaware of the implications of her mother’s past. Alix had Hazel and Noah Martin-Pryce before she was born, and Victoria, for the life of her, cannot understand why she has two totally cool older siblings who will never answer her letters or talk to her or ANYTHING.
She had lived a relatively easy, breezy life, going to pre-Hogwarts magical school and making a lot of friends...until, that is, her grandmother died. It devastated V, and she was left her grandmother’s yorkshire terrier to take care of. It’s why she is so attached at the hip to that dog, the only thing she has left of her grandmother. She thinks about her grandma all the time, and she tries to live life more like her.
And now she is ready for Hogwarts! Despite the news of the past year, Victoria is relatively ignorant to the goings on too deeply because her parents simply never discussed it with her. All she knows is that some bad people took over the world for a hot second and now all is well!
First Year: Victoria had an OK first year. Classes were harder than she expected, and despite her promising wand, she was not as apt at magic as she would have liked. Not naturally studious nor with the ambition to want to be good at school, V suffered with her grades. She often did not do her homework and it resulted in.....mild disaster. Most of her summer was spent punished due to her poor performance. She is coming into her second year with a bit more fire under her behind! Can she swing decent grades and feel the drive to succeed?! TIME WILL TELL.
Second Year: Victoria began the process of bettering her studies her second term. After spending much of her summer either punished due to her grades or simply being RUDELY HARASSED by her parents because of that, she needed and wanted to do better her second year. She formed a study group consisting of Ollie, Lisa, Remy, and Serena. She grew slightly more confident with her magic and really began to hold her own as a flier in flying classes. She did more homework this term and did muuuuch better on her finals. She and her nemesis, Daniel, got on OK terms, and V considers NO ONE her enemy these days. She finally got her half brother, Noah, to reply to her letters, and she plans to visit him in the summer. She went to see him over Christmas break at his fathers' snidget sanctuary. She adores him thus far and finds him ethereal, intelligent, and everything she wants to be in the future. She is pursuing dance camp this summer as well and continues to have a love for being active.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Alfred Gauthier Demaret Slytherin First Year FC: Timothée Chalamet
Post Colour: #228B22
b a s i c s with a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
Name: Alfred Gauthier Demaret Nicknames: Al, Alfie Date of birth: November 7, 2092 Place of birth: Cannes, France Current residence: London, England Orientation:Gay None of your business Pronouns: he/him/his Fluent languages: English, French Wand description: 12¼ inch rather firm hornbeam with demiguise hair
f a m i l y you're toxic, I'm slippin' under
Relationship status: Single Heritage: Pureblood Father: Léopold Demaret Mother: Kyra Demaret, née Williams Grandparents: Matthieu Demaret (paternal grandfather), Jeanne Demaret, née Bouhier (paternal grandmother), Arthur Williams (maternal grandfather), Isabel Williams, née Saunders (maternal grandmother) Aunts and uncles: Vivienne Plantier, née Demaret (paternal aunt), Marc Plantier (paternal uncle), Luca Williams (maternal uncle) Cousins: Timothée Plantier (paternal cousin)
a p p e a r a n c e with the taste of a poison paradise
Height: 5' 3" Weight: 50.9 kg (112.2 lbs) Skin: Fair Hair: Brown Eyes: Light brown
e d u c a t i o n I'm addicted to you
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry | 2104 - present
House: Slytherin
p e r s o n a l i t y don't you know that you're toxic?
Description: Alfie is often seen alone and is mostly reserved. Despite this, he finds it incredibly easy to make friends. He cares for himself over others, and is sometimes overly attention-seeking. He is quite brave and courageous, and also very ambitious and determined. Type: ISTP-A (Assertive Virtuoso) Alignment: Lawful Evil Myers-Briggs: ESTJ Likes: Painting, attention, fire, reading, talking, money, chocolate, cake, his uncle Luca, strawberry ice cream Dislikes: Being ignored, his parents, mundane life, following rules Strengths: Leadership, resilience, effortless intelligence, bravery, courage Weaknesses: Condescendence, indifference, anxiety, stress
h i s t o r y and I love what you do
Text Cut: History
Alfred Gauthier Demaret was born on November 7, 2092 to Léopold and Kyra Demaret in Cannes, France. Named after his paternal great-grandfather Alfred Bouhier and his father's cousin Gauthier Demaret, he grew up in his family's ancestral home on the French Riviera. He was looked after by nannies and homeschooled by tutors, meaning he rarely saw his parents. As he grew distant from his immediate family, he grew incredibly close to his uncle Luca Williams. Alfie was a troublemaker (and still is), which often annoyed his parents. On one occasion, he nearly set the house on fire during an "experiment". On another, he jumped off the roof while holding an umbrella to see whether he would float; he didn't, but he escaped unscathed.
In summer 2104, Alfie received his letter to the French magical school of Beauxbatons. His parents wanted to send him there, while he wanted to go the Hogwarts. Personally, he thought that Beauxbatons was for snobs and elitists (no offence to his cousin Timothée, who is a Beauxbatons student). His parents tried to change his mind about going to Hogwarts under guises of "it's too far away" or "where will you stay during the summer?". They had a valid point, until his uncle Luca offered to take Alfie into his studio apartment in London. Léopold and Kyra reluctantly agreed for Alfie to move in with Luca. He moved in on July 16. In his new home, Alfie has to deal with his uncle Luca's girlfriends (he seems to have a new one every week) as well as the hustle and bustle of Central London. But it was much preferable to continuing to live with his parents and going to Beauxbatons; he wouldn't have it any other way.
m i s c e l l a n e o u s don't you know that you're toxic?
Astrological sign: Scorpio Patronus: Amortentia: Fire, chocolate cake, cologne Boggart: Favourite colour: Dark red Favourite ice-cream: Strawberry Favourite book: The Song of Achilles
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Model: Courtney Hope Font Color: #FF1CAE
Full Name: Lydia Anni Wolff Nicknames: Dia Birthdate: Aug. 1, 2089 Place of Birth: Munich, Germany Current Residence: Manchester, England Nationality: German Citizenship: German, British Languages Spoken: German (native), English (fluent) Sexuality: Straight Relationship Status: Single Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 5’7” Weight: Nonya Build: Average Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green Special Characteristics: Pierced Ears, normally wears a delicate necklace featuring her zodiac sign Clothing Style: Cool & Stylish ___Signature Scent Chanel No. 5
Wand: 10” holly wood w/unicorn hair Boggart: the Grim Reaper Patronus: Can’t do this spell yet Amortentia: pine and the smells of Oktoberfest Blood Status: Pureblood
Ancient Runes E Arithmancy O Astronomy E Charms A Defense Against the Dark Arts A Herbology P History of Magic A Muggle Studies A Potions P Transfiguration E
Mother: Angela Wolff (nee Adenau) (deceased) Father: Pankraz Wolff Siblings: Annette Wolff (younger) Aunts: none (maternal or paternal) Uncles: none (maternal), Alban Wolff (paternal) Cousins: none (maternal or paternal)
Personality Profile: Meyers-Briggs: The Executive (ESTJ-A)
Text Cut: the gory details
Executives are representatives of tradition and order, utilizing their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the Executive personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths. Taking pride in bringing people together, Executives often take on roles as community organizers, working hard to bring everyone together in celebration of cherished local events, or in defense of the traditional values that hold families and communities together. (Copied from)
Zodiac & House: Leo & Slytherin
Text Cut: the gory details
Slytherin Leos can be either very good, or very bad. At their best, they exemplify all that "nobility" is made of: confidence, openness, charm, initiative, generosity of spirit, wisdom, judgment, and poise. At their worst, they become elitist, bullying bigots. How they end up depends on the company they keep, and how they are encouraged to act early in life. Either way, they never lack attention - it's hard to ignore a Slytherin born under this sign. These Slytherins usually end up in positions of responsibility and leadership, because of their charisma and natural ability. Their creativity and drive also makes them very resourceful. (Copied from
Alignment: True Neutral
Text Cut: the gory details
True Neutral people believe in the ultimate balance of forces, and they refuse to see actions as either good or evil. True Neutral individuals do their best to avoid siding too strongly with any one force, whether that force is good or evil, lawful or chaotic. For this reason, True Neutral personalities sometimes find themselves drawn into rather peculiar alliances, friendships, and life paths. To a great extent, they side with the underdog, sometimes even changing sides as the previous loser becomes the winner. Such people often see good, evil, chaos, and laws as simply prejudices that lead to dangerous extremes. Like the Taoist masters of ancient China, they tend to believe that the universe functions best when the light and the dark, the yin and the yang, are in balance.(Copied from)
Temperment: Sanguine
Text Cut: the gory details
The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.(Copied from)
Classical: 7w8
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7. The Enthusiast
Pleasure seekers and planners, in search of distraction.
People of this personality type are essentially concerned that their lives be an exciting adventure. Sevens are future-oriented, restless people who are generally convinced that something better is just around the corner. They are quick thinkers who have a great deal of energy and who make lots of plans. They tend to be extroverted, multi-talented, creative and open-minded. They are enthusiasts who enjoy the pleasures of the senses and who don't believe in any form of self-denial.
8. The Challenger
Taking charge, because they don't want to be controlled.
People of this personality type are essentially unwilling to be controlled, either by others or by their circumstances; they fully intend to be masters of their fate. Eights are strong-willed, decisive, practical, tough-minded and energetic. They also tend to be domineering; their unwillingness to be controlled by others frequently manifests in the need to control others instead. When healthy, this tendency is kept under check, but the tendency is always there, nevertheless, and can assume a central role in the Eight's interpersonal relationships.(Copied from)
Instinctual Variant: Self-preservation
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People of the self-preservation variant are generally trying to be comfortable and independent. Their well-being is very important to them, so they pay much attention to their health, house and financial position. They are less interested in interpersonal contact, and are typically less spontaneous and don't show as much emotion as people of the other two subtypes of their enneagram type.(Copied from)
Likes: chocolate, skiing, shopping, ice cream, pretzels Dislikes: eating nothing but salad for lunch/dinner, wild creatures, opera/classical music, when the weather is too hot Allergies: none Diet: typical teenage diet
(work in progress)
Basics from her history:
-Born in the summer of 2089 in Munich
-Sister Annette was born in winter of 2090
-Grew up in Munich
-Attended Durmstrang until fourth year
-Lost mother in 3rd Wizarding War
-After mother’s death, father moved her and her sister to Manchester to live with his brother, their uncle
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Edric Mason Cambridge Slytherin
Name: Edric Mason Cambridge Nickname: Ed DOB: January 21, 2093 Current Location: with the Cambridges ? Wand: 12½" spinnable maple with demiguise hair Wand Description: Who's asking? Patronus: And why? Boggart: That's none of your business. Amortentia: Also none of your business.
Personal Information
Relationship Status: Single, duh. Am kid. Heritage: Pureblood Father: Aiden Cambridge Mother: Sienna Jackson Siblings:None Emmerson. EMMERSON! Extended Family: Grandmother Mora Cambridge, aunt Arisa Cambridge, cousin and guardian Alexa Cambridge, Cambridge cousins Ezra, Emmerson (favorite cousin), Elia, Emil, Emmanuil, and possibly more on his biological mother's side Friends: ...Emmerson counts, right?
Height: More than five feet but less than six Build: Thin, bony Skin: Pale Hair: Blonde, untidy Eyes: Blue-grey Looks Like: that Muggle Charlie Plummer
Likes: peanut butter, horses, four-leaf clovers, fairies, leprechauns, fires, explosions, galleons Dislikes: uncertainty, moving, being alone, the dark, adults talking over his head Strengths: imagination Weaknesses: none, obviously
Personal History
SPOILER!!: Click me!
Edric was born to a young witch named Sienna Jackson on a cold winter's night in 2093. His mum had met his father in the elitist wizarding party scene, and neither particularly wanted anything to do with their child. Neither adjusted their selfish lifestyles to accommodate young Edric, either, who quickly became a pawn in their back-and-forth game.
After these rather nasty custody battles when Edric was too young to understand, the young Cambridge ended up with his father's family, as his mother was deemed unfit to parent him. Instead of being raised by his father, who only visits him a few times a year, Edric spent most of his early formative years under his great-grandparents' watchful eyes. The Cambridges instilled in him a sense of family pride, pureblood values, manners, and the like, although they were hardly what one would describe as warm-and-fuzzy parental figures. Edric enjoyed having the run of the large Cambridge manor and grounds, although he did have a lot of alone time and more than a few imaginary friends. He also bonded with several of his rambunctious cousins, his favourite (by far) being Emmerson Cambridge, who was only two years older than him.
When he was about ten and half, and just learning to play with his budding magic, Edric was shuffled around the family again and this time taken in by a cousin: THE Alexa Cambridge. THRILLED to have younger guardians to impress, and his favourite cousin to play with, Edric swore to himself to be the best kid he could be for them. Or at least... he'd try. Edric is used to adults disappointing him and not used to being wanted by them. He has a hard time trusting anyone but is so, so desperate to feel a sense of belonging and to have a proper, close-knit family of his own.
Also, he's been at Hogwarts since he was eleven, likely zoning out and learning nothing of value at all.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Fullname: Darby Rozanna Victoria Murphy
Nicknames: Darbs, Darby Barbie, Red, Lil’ Red
Age: 17
Date of Birth: March 10th, 2089
Place of Birth: Letterkenny, Ireland
Place of Residence: London, England, United Kingdom
Relationship Status: Single...not ready to mingle
Blood Type: Half-Blood
Wand: 14 ¾ Yew with a core of Dragon Heartstring
Patronus: N/A
Boggart: N/A
Amortentia: N/A
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
House: Slytherin
Years: Seventh Year; 2104- present
Beauxbatons Academy of Music
House: Ombrelune
Years: 2100-2104
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5 foot 6 ½ inches
Weight: 110 pounds
Skintones: Fair
Laterally: Right Handed
At first when you meet her, there are two first impressions that you may come by. Darby could be very standoff-ish or she could be very warm, welcoming and kind. It depends on the day that you meet her and it could depend on your attitude that you present to her. Regardless of the first impressions, she is a very good friend to have by your side, she loves meeting new people, she tends to be carefree just like her father.
Darby is very alluring, she can almost get whatever she wants from any person at any given time. Most times she doesn’t mean to be alluring but at times it just happens and sometimes it can’t be undone. People tend to think that she’s in love with them when in reality she’s just trying to make new friends or just wants to be friends.
She takes friendships and loyalty very seriously, she believes that everyone should be given a second chance no matter what they have done in the past and she hopes that people feel the same way about her when she has made a mistake. She believes learning from your mistakes can make you a better person.
Darby Rozanna Victoria Murphy was born on Thursday March 10th, 2089 at 3:15 in the morning to Finbar Murphy and Adina Murphy-Spitzer in Letterkenny, Ireland. At the time of her birth her parents' marriage was in a very rocky situation. Her mother never wanted a child with her father, that was never the overall future her mother wanted for herself. Her mothers mind did finally change when she held Darby for the very first time.
When Darby was almost 2 years old her parents ended up getting a divorce. The divorce was a nasty one. Her mother was in a bad place at the time and making the worst decisions possible, she even started hanging around some very bad witches wizards, Darby’s father didn’t agree with that lifestyle for his ex-wife or his daughter and ended up getting full custody with part-time visitations until Darby was 11 years old.
Over the years Darby has always wondered and would ask her father why she couldn’t see her mother as much as she sees and lives with him. Finbar had to tell his 5 year old daughter about how her mother was in with the wrong crowd and didn't want to get out of that lifestyle, he told her that he was always and still is afraid of something bad happening to her. At the time Darby didn’t understand everything about it but she wanted to hangout with her half-sisters and play with them.
Once Darby was ready to start schooling, her and her father were living in France. Now that she is finally 11 she would be able to choose when she can go see her mother or she can choose to live with her. As a trial run she was able to spend the summer before her first year at Beauxbatons with her mother, step-father and her half-sisters. Darby didn’t really love the summer at her mother’s house, she was bored. Her mother and step-father would always make her babysit her sisters while they were out doing whatever they wanted. She just wanted to study and explore a different culture while she was in India but that was never an option for her. She was so happy when she was able to go back to France for the last week of her summer vacation, she told her father about how terrible her summer was and how she was so happy to be going to school.
While at Beauxbatons, Darby got sorted into Ombrelune, she made friends instantly. Her first year was a little rocky with her academics, she wasn’t used to some of her professors teaching styles but they were willing to help her succeed. Darby isn’t one to back down from a challenge, she had been told her whole life to never back down from a challenge. Year after year Darby was passing with flying colors and always up for new challenges. When she was in her fourth year she asked her father if there was ever a chance to be able to attend Hogwarts like he had. Her father was very hesitant at first to give in due to Hogwarts’ track record but he ended up giving into her. The both of them packed up all their things in June and ended up moving to London to have a fresh start!
Now at 15, she is finally able to start at Hogwarts, she can’t wait to be able to start the year off, she had heard about some bad things going on there the last few years but that won’t stop her from going.
Puppies, drawing, makeup, helping people, hanging out with friends, red.