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| Term 6: June-August 2004 Term Six: HIT and the Book of Mysteria (Sept. 2052 - June 2053) | 
06-18-2004, 04:32 PM
| | The Goblet of Fire:
Hogwarts Inter-house Tournament (H.I.T.)
Slytherin House Candidates
Polling Guidelines Please read each candidate biography carefully before placing your vote. Each house member will only be allowed to vote for one person so, make sure you’ve picked the best qualified. Please do NOT vote randomly. Each of the candidates has worked very hard on their biographies and I have taken the time to read each and every one of them. I would really like to see Slytherin take home the H.I.T. trophy so try and be a little more like my old house, Ravenclaw, and make a wise choice based on who you believe is best qualified. The four candidates with the most votes will be competing in the tournament.
The Goblet of Fire will be open for voting from Friday, June 17th until 11pm Friday, June 25th, EST (4am Saturday, June 26th, GMT).
Thank you, and Good luck to all the candidates!
Professor Airlia Special note: The biographies in the following posts are listed in no particular order and all names have been stripped from the submissions. |
06-18-2004, 04:32 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate A Wand:
My wand was a gift to me from my own father when I turned seven. It is a 13 inch dragon heartstring wand with a Maple shaft and an Ebony handle. It combines the stability and longevity of the Maple with the strength and unparalled magical qualites of the Ebony and my wand and I seem to be fitted for one another.
It has a name, though no one knows it. I named it Jem because my father has the twin to this wand, though his wand's shaft is ebony and his handle is maple. The word for twin in the star signs is Gemini and his is named Aya, so mine was named Jem. Jem and Aya = Jemnaya = Gemini. Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
I enjoy most subjects, but I particularly enjoy studying two partcicular subjects, which are Potions and Charms. These two subjects appeal to me in particular because there are a seemingly endless number of potions and spells that you can create and it seems that you can never learn enough. Once you learn the basics and hone those foundational skills, you can start concocting your own potions and create your own charms and spells, which is just absolutely brilliant! I have a strong background in the Latin language, so these two classes help keep my Latin skills sharp. Family/Personal History:
A few months before the start of this term, my family moved to England from France and so I'm a first year at Hogwarts, but a third year overall. My family is French and I come from a long line of pureblood wizards and witches. I've had an aristocratic upbringing, and while it does give me a sometimes admittedly prattish attitude, it gives me invaluable advantages. I've had a classical education all my life, meaning I've been taught in the old ways and have undergone rigorous studies that have built a very strong sense of self discipline and independence in the way of thought. My aristocratic upbringing has taught me to carry myself with elegance and grace in whatever circumstance necessary and I can transfigure a compliment into an insult and an insult into a compliment. Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
I have many fields of interest, so I find it hard to say exactly what I want to do when I graduate. Though I'm sure if there were another level of schooling after Hogwarts, I'd be the first in line to apply. But I would probably like to be an Auror, or be in a field of study or work where I'll be given the chance to use the greatest range and scope of my abilities. Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
Being a third year student, I've had time to work on several spells and my favorite one is the summoning charm - Accio. It's been one of the most useful spells I've ever learned since it saves time, especially if the item you need to summon is several rooms or floors away. I can summon a textbook from the dungeon in Charms class with more or less consecutive accuracy, but I need to hone it more. Recently, in addition to the summoning spell, I've been learning the Deletrius and Finite Incantatum spells for use in Wizard Duels and the like. They are protective and defensive spells, which I feel would do good for me to learn and learn well. Where do you need the most work?
Without a doubt, I find Herbology to be my weakest point. It is an interesting area of study without a doubt, but it would appear that I don't have too much in the ways of a green thumb. But with all things, it takes time and patience. I'm strong enough in most other areas to compensate for this and you can bet your Bertie Botts Beans that it won't be my weakest point for long! Why should you be chosen as house champion?
I'm an honest hardworking student who is always learning and trying to push myself to be the best I can be and to find new challenges to overcome. I'm proud, but not arrogant and I try to be balanced. Like a pair of comfortable, sturdy, well-kept, black boots, I'm dependable, comfortable with myself and with others, strong-willed and sturdy in mind and body and won't stand to be pushed around, strengthened and tempered from my experiences and learning, and carry myself with an air of simple elegance. Admittedly, I'm also a bit prattish, but which pureblood Slytherin isn't?  And while I may be a prat, I'm no git.
I'm proud to be a Slytherin and I feel that I strongly embody the traits of the House and I would be more than honored to represent my House in any event and situation. If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
If I were an article of clothing, I would be a pair of black, comfortable, broken-in, sturdy, elegant, and well-kept boots. Shoes in themselves are more or less a necessity item - a common item if you will, yet it makes a world of difference whether they are a pair of good shoes or not. This same principle can be applied to people as well. So I suppose in comparing myself to a pair of shoes, I'm saying that I'm a rather ordinary person, but that there are a few qualities I feel that set me apart from others.
The black is indicative of simple elegance and commonality. Black matches with everything and as common of a color it is, is is also one of the colors of formality and elegance. The muggles call the most formal occasions "Black Tie" events, meaning the attendees are supposed to wear formal clothes. Interestingly enough, men are supposed to wear suits called "tuxedos", which are always black and white.
The fact that the boots are broken-in and comfortable say that I'm comfortable with myself and around others and that others are comfortable around me. It also says that I've had many adventures in life and that I have gone far in my learning and experience and more literally, in my travels.
The sturdiness of the boots represent my own sturdiness and dependability as a person. I'd like to say that I am someone who can be counted upon no matter what, which for the Inter-House Tournament, is very important.
The aspect of being well-kept means that others treat me and have treated me well and have found me to be a good friend. It also says that I take care of myself and know my limits and that
I've been tempered - tried and strengthened - from my past experiences. Like how a pair of shoes can see many years of good use if kept well, a person tempered with time, experience, and trials will also go far.
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:33 PM
#3 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate B Wand:
Pheonix Feather, Redwood, 8 3/4 inches Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
Defence Against the Dark Arts Family/Personal History:
well my parents were killed when I was a little over a year old. my sister, who was a few years older then me, took care of me after that. she was killed when I was about five. after that I went to live with my Aunt and Uncle. also my 4 cousins there. and I was just recently got sorted into Slytherin. Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
well there are a few things I am concidering. an Auror, an Unspeakable, or a Healer all of which I could do with at least some ease Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
my most famous is levetation on most anything Where do you need the most work?
Divination Why should you be chosen as house champion?
I'm an excelent witch when given the chance to prove so. I believe this would be my chance to I'm really good at riddles. and am a good resercher. I am braver and stronger then I look and do well under pressure. If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
a shirt with a sarcastic remark on it
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:34 PM
#4 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate C Wand:
My wand is made out of rosewood and is 10 inches long. I got it from the famous Alivans before I came to school. Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
My favorite subject is arithmacy because I really like messing around with numbers and learning how they pertain to us in general. Family/Personal History:
Now I’ll tell you a little about my family. Well my dad works in the ministry doing something that I have no clue about. He usually keeps what he does on the “down low” I guess cause it’s something we shouldn’t know about. My mom works in St. Mungos where she treats wizards and witches who are sick or have been jinxed. I have one brother that goes to school in Africa. It’s called Kenya’s Institute of Advanced Magic. KIAM is an all boys school for wizards that are in years 5-7 and have shown that they have the ability to attend the institute. Now a little about myself. I am a pure blood wizard and I really enjoy school. Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
When I graduate from here I would like to go work in St. Mungos or any other wizard hospital in the world because I love the thought of helping people feel better. Fixing peoples problems is what I’m really good at. Why should you be chosen as house champion?
I think that I should be chosen to be one of the four house champions because I know I have the potential to compete and bring some long awaited glory to the best house in Hogwarts. If I am picked I will be sure to do Slytherin some justice we deserve because we rock! If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
Oh and uh.. If I were a piece of clothing.. lol well I would want to be a sock because it would be cool seeing what the floor looks like to a sock. No one really knows how a sock can be effected emotionally by the ground. No really. They have feelings too.
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:35 PM
#5 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate D Wand:
My wand, was Handcrafted from Solid Lignum Vitae and has a Holly handle, it is 16 inches long and contains a griffen feather Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
I love to study the Dark Arts..and defense against them. I also love Astronomy, and Potions. Family/Personal History:
My family are all Death Eaters, and obviously purebloods. They despise everything to do with muggles, and I have always set myself against them, even though I ended up in Slytherin anyway. Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
When I graduate from Hogwarts, I would love to work as an Auror, or maybe in the Department of Mysteries. I love keeping my options open. Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
My special charm is the Shield Charm, and the Stunning Spell. Where do you need the most work?
I need most work in Herbology and Transfiguration. Why should you be chosen as house champion?
I feel I represent the Slytherin House completely. If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
I would be a robe, if I were any piece of clothing. I vastly enjoy robes.
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:36 PM
#6 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate E Wand:
Willow, unicorn tail hair, 14 inches… but I had practiced some disarming with it and add some phoenix feather-barb from my phoenix and Fireseed powder from my first year. I think my wand went on strike for a week after that because all my spells were working wrong at first, now everything seems ok . Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
Charms! At will I can posses and manipulate objects into doing what I want. For this reason closely followed by Transfiguration, capacity of which is alike Charms, and maybe DADA, as a theorist, meaning I can ramble a lot – my favorite activity in the world. Plus Charms enclose most of the spells which can be learned for various other subjects, say, Transfiguration, and gives a substitute for Potions… Astronomy doesn’t fall behind… Family/Personal History:
I’ve heard of people related to the Potters, the Weasleys and so on and, sad to say, I cannot compete: I don’t have much more than a common family – jealousy bits my very being!! (Though my grandparent did meet old Headmaster Dumbledore and Deputy Headmistress McGonagall in their youth, but that’s as famous as we can get.) Background of where lil me was born:
My father, was in Gryffindor when he attended school and got into fights all the time when he was young; before he knew he was a wizard he made his own wand to fire the neighbors that bullied him! Apart from that he’s noble and a Gryffindor goody-two-shoes most certainty… unless he is really ******, then he is scary… My mother is a fan of birds, of every type; common or magical, ancient or bred. Her collection is incredible – personally I will never understand that obsession for keeping feathers of birds all around the house. And finally my lil sister Ailen who is one weird creature… so we get along fine enough^^ She received the letter for Hogwarts but decided against going and instead she goes to a school closer to our home. Usually we call ourselves Manticore (Ailen) and Sphinx (me) because we are the result of experimental breeding between a lion and a harpy, if you understand what I mean…
Also there's my pets: the four family owls: Febos, Deimos, Saturnina and Nightmare, my parrots pets and my artifitially-made phoenix (hibrid from a failed experiment at transfiguration in my first year) called Sparky after New Zealand's Moutohora Macaws pet. They are part of my family now, and if given, so are all my Slytherin mates^^ Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
Hard to tell. Probably theorist of the Magical Ways, writing books and stuff to present various points of view for wizarding investigation. I notice we lack of a humanistic POV on the humanity of certain subjects, like werewolves social treatment and such. On the other hand, money from this job? Dream of! Have to find a part-time job as Auror… when we get a new Minister of Magic, not Fudge - I won’t work for him! Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
Disillusionment Spells, Incarcerous and Blasting Charm most definitely! They are my personal favorites too. Then I’m somewhat good at some defensive magic - Namely: Patronus, Protego, Defensive Charge, Petrificus Totalus, Homorphus and so on… and some pretty useless ones like transfigurating things into living animals, making enchanted snow, feather-like weight enchanting, and creating ghostly recorded images; plus all basic spells like Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa too. Where do you need the most work?
Well… cold nerves. I have quick reflexes and response but I can lose my head some times to pressure. My worst feature is that I suffer from Magical Break Downs, and when I reach my highest point I blow things up unintentionally… Oops! But I’m working on it… Plus I’m overly talkative… School related: I face some difficulties with potion brewing, but I don’t think it’s more than the average. I might lack of some interest in certain subjects but hopefully that varies from teacher to teacher; it makes all the difference. Why should you be chosen as house champion?
Why not? To name a few valuable features: I’m hard worker, I’m pretty, I’m useful, I’m resourceful, I won’t let people stand in my way. I’m also am pouty, so you have to choose me or I’ll cry… loud! Plus I would do anything to help my house, every time, and anyone that knows me knows that’s a fact. My best feature is that I specialize in nothing but have a bit of everything. Like philosophers said: “men won’t fly like birds, swim like whales, climb like monkeys, but can do the three things while the others can do neither of the other two each.” If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
Let’s see… gloves (crossed), pointed hat (nop), my cat (don’t ask), Tom Felton’s underwear (priceless~), Tom Felton’s pants (and made them extra-tight!), pajamas (err), socks (I get to be praised all the time: ‘Bless her cotton socks’, get it?)… all nice but no… Ah, I know! I will be a badge with shiny green letters that says ‘Potter stinks’!
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:36 PM
#7 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate F Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
Poyions, because it reminds me a lot of one of my favorite muglle hobbies cooking. Family/Personal History:
My mother died when I was just a baby. So my father is a single parent. From an early age he bought me a wand, teaching me how to do magic. I went to muggle school for a few years...until I reacher second grade. Werid things would happen when I went into the classroom, paste pilling, erasers clapping themsleves and the usual floating class pet. My father, scared that people would get suspicius. From then on, I abandoned my muggle learning and went fully to magic. I would spend hours at my fathers job at minister when I should have been at school, learning as much as I can. Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
I'm sure my father would want me to work in the miistry, but I would like to try my luck as a professional Quddicth player. Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
Finite Incantatem! It makes a lot of commotion stop, it makes it easier for me to get to class. Where do you need the most work?
Probadly in Muggle Studies, even though I lived there a couple of years, its still hard to pay attention. Why should you be chosen as house champion?
Well, I would like to see how I could handle all these situations, and I'd like tomake my father proud. If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
Not a sock, I couldn't stand the smell! Probadly a hat, tghey look so cool!
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:37 PM
#8 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate G Wand:
Yew, ten-and-a-half inches, dragon-heartstring core (Common Welsh Green dragon, specifically) Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
Potions! I also like Defense Against the Dark Arts, but who wants to learn “Defense Against”… Family/Personal History:
I’m pure-blood, born and raised, and I’d knew I’d be in the cunning Slytherin House long before I came to Hogwarts. On my very first day at this school I used Serpentsortia at the Gryffindor table… That didn’t go over too well. I’ve always tried to earn as many house points as I could. I’ve never been much good at Quidditch, but I love the Wizard Dueling Arena. I would be honoured to play for Slytherin in this tournament, and always host the battle cry, “Long Live Severus Snape! Snakes for the Cup!!!” Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
Dueling. Maybe I’ll train wizards at the Ministry or for private protection in the art of dueling once I leave Hogwarts. Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
Serpentsortia, hands down. I tried to get the Charms teacher to go into more in-depth study about it, but my request was denied. (Really!) Where do you need the most work?
Ancient Runes. I don’t see the excitement in translating old dialect… Why should you be chosen as house champion?
Because I’m a TRUE Slytherin, honest! I was once talking to Nadia, also known as “She-Who-Is-Not-To-Be-Pscho”, and a Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaw asked if I always go for the throat when I duel and try to win at all costs. When I replied yes, Nadia laughed and said, “Jess, you’re definitely a Slytherin!” If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
I’d be a witches’ hat, tall and proud!!!
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:38 PM
#9 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate H Wand:
Mahogany, 13 inches, Chimera manehair and scale (family heirloom) Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures. Family/Personal History:
I was raised by my uncle as far as I can remember. He is rather secretive about our family's past, so I have not gathered much of the history of my parents or ancestors except that they were from as far back as Ancient Greece. Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
I have not really thought of this yet, though I have an interest in becoming an Auror or a dark creature slayer. My preference is to fight against the Dark Arts. Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
I feel that my most mastered spell would be the Shield Charm, Protego. I have also mastered the Stunning Spell, the Disarming Spell and the Impediment Jinx. Where do you need the most work?
Producing a Patronus. So far I have only been able to produce silver vapour. For most other spells, I can learn them quickly. Why should you be chosen as house champion?
I am physically fit in addition to having mastered some of the most important defensive spells. I can also be considered as being very adaptable in a crisis, and level-headed. Personally, I believe this Championship will provide me with an opportunity to put my practiced skills to the test, and to better myself. If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
Pants. Essential, allows for flexibility of movement, durable.
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:38 PM
#10 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate I Wand:
Holly 12 inches with Red-Tail Hawk Feather core Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
Arithmancy because I find it useful in my life. Family/Personal History:
Parents Witch and Wizard, Two older Squib Brothers, Identical Twin sister, Open Heart Surgery when born, Strong will to live and very strong, metamorphaga. Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
History of Magic Teacher or Professional Chantress Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
Cloaking Spell. It comes in very handy. Where do you need the most work?
I am always trying to improve myself and need the most work on controlling my stubbornness. Why should you be chosen as house champion?
I am very determined to prove that Slytherin is the best. I am a hard worker and don’t mind taking risks for my fellow Slytherins. If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
I would be a Hunter green hooded cloak. Hunter Green for its darkness and a hood for the mystery it can hide. “Who is under there?”
Blast from the past! |
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06-18-2004, 04:41 PM
#11 (permalink)
| Technical Assistance Tebo
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
| Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Candidate J Wand:
Her wand is 8 ½ inches long and is made of mahogany. It contains a single unicorn hair. Area of Interest (What subject do you like studying the most):
Candidate J loves to study defense against the dark arts. She loves learning about dark magic and how to protect herself against it. Family/Personal History:
Candidate J’s parents are both pureblood and met at Hogwarts. They did not like each other very much. Her mother was in Ravenclaw. Her father was in Slytherin. She has four older brothers, all of whom have already graduated after being in Slytherin for seven years at Hogwarts. Field of Interest (What do you want to do when you graduate from Hogwarts):
When she graduates from Hogwarts, Candidate J wants to become an auror. She finds it fascinating how wizards and witches can track down dark magic and she wants to do that when she gets older. She is already trying very hard to get good marks in her classes and she hopes to get a lot of O.W.L.S. in her 5th year. Special Charm (What spell do you feel you have mastered thus far):
The charm that Candidate J has mastered is the patronus charm. She learned it in her first year at Hogwarts and she loved to practice it. It is getting more and more distinct every time she performs if and even though she hopes to never have to use it, she still enjoys watching the wolf she conjures run around her room at home. Where do you need the most work?
Candidate J is very smart, but she needs the most work in herbology. She doesn’t do the best in that class and she wants to do better. She tries and tries but she just doesn’t get herbology as well as she understands charms, potions, or defense against the dark arts. Why should you be chosen as house champion?
Candidate J wants to be chosen as a house champion because she wants a chance to prove that Slytherins are the best students at Hogwarts. They are very smart and can be deceptive and friendly when given the chance. She loves being in Slytherin house and would not have it any other way which is why she wants to demonstrate Slytherin house is better than Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. If you were a piece of clothing, what would you be?
If Candidate J was a piece of clothing, she feels it would be a sock because there are so many different colors, shapes, sizes, and brands of socks. They can be bright or dark and so can Candidate J’s personality.
Blast from the past! |
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