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Term 59: September - December 2021 Term Fifty-Nine: The Strange Plant in Greenhouse Six (Sept 2105 - June 2106)

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Old 10-02-2021, 11:27 AM
Samia Samia is offline
Default Herbology Lesson 1 - Night Blooms

The cold, winter breeze may leave a chill running up your spine as you make your way to the greenhouses. It might also not help that it is not the sun, but actually the moon shining down upon you as you leave the cosy castle for the grounds tonight.

Examining the sky for any hint of uninvited snow -- June Flamsteed, is all smiles, and bundled up in layers - as she hopes you are too, and is waiting to you right outside.

Hurry up now, class will begin soon.

OOC: HELLO! And welcome back to Herbology. Hope you have read the rules, if not - please do so before posting. Class will begin soon <3

Class Progress:
Greetings + Question 1
Question 2
Activity Part 1

Old 10-11-2021, 08:42 PM   #51 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Ash pulled out her sketchbook to draw the flowers. "None of them can handle temperatures that are really cold... like 20 degrees Fahrenheit? I'm think one of those is a tropical plant? So I guess we'd need to make sure they all stay warm enough, since it's cold right now." maybe put them inside of a greenhouse? Then why were they standing outside of the greenhouse? Ash would like to go into the greenhouse. There would be more pretty flowers in there to draw, yes? Ash thought Brandon would like drawings of pretty flowers.
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Sooo, night blooming plants. Jordyn took a look at the plants that the professor had on display. What did they all have in common? That was the next question. She thought about it while at the same time listening to her classmates’ responses. The first thing that came to her mind had already been commented on.

Deciding to affirm the Ravenclaw’s answer, Jordyn raised her hand. ”I agree with Ash,” She thought that that was her name. All of these are tropical plants. I’m thinking that they have to be cold in this weather, so they will need some kind of heat source to help them bloom properly.” Jordyn wouldn’t mind a little heat right now herself.
Standing still in the cold was the absolute worst, so naturally June was slowly walking about as the students started to speak up. And although Miss Fox’s previous answer had disappointed the brunette, the next one renewed her faith in the girl as well. “Excellent observation, Miss Fox” June nodded and waved her hand to add the answer on the chalk board near by - just as Miss Guldry spoke up as well.

"Mhm, Miss Guldry - very spot on."

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Claudine was pleased. She didn’t know much about moonflowers but the bit of information she’d volunteered seemed good enough. With the other facts listed and confirmed by Flamsteed, it all just gave her more knowledge about the group of plants they were studying that evening. Anyway. She trained her eyes on each of the three pots. Interesting plants there, professor.

Up went her hand again. “Um… they bloom mainly during the spring time.” Of this Claudine was not sure but she remembered reading something along that line for her exams. “They may need clear skies, or rather, the moon to show up clearly tonight”
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
"They're all somewhat toxic," added Violet when it was her turn. She could think of a few other similarities, but that was the one that interested her most.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
What did the plant's have in common? Bella held her answer in as her peers offered up answers in turn that she didn't want to repeat. When it was her turn after Evan she said thoughtfully. "All three plants prefer a good weekly soak off water over getting a little bit of water every other day. They also thrive when they are fertilized regularly too." She was not an expert. Many plants she tried to care for died.
Nodding, June yet again felt proud of the Slytherins as they spoke up, one by one "Excellent points, all of you"

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Was pointing out that they were all night blooming plants be redundant? ...Probably, so instead of doing that Cece decided to focus on the second question asked. That one she could provide some insight on.

"I mean, I think a little encouragement couldn't hurt." She was being serious here. "My friend talks to his plants, and I think it really helps them thrive."

Chuckling softly, June nodded, "it doesn't hurt at all, Miss Summers. Talking to them is extremely encouraging -- and very theraputic for your soul too, you know. Plants are amazing listeners"

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
What did the plants all have in common? Evan ticked off the other answers from information he knew on the flowers, raising his hand to offer another response. "They're all white in color, though the Moonflower and Tuberose can have hints of pink in them." And as someone, or someones, had said that drew in moths and other nocturnal creatures that might have interest. "They all need the proper soft lighting in order to flourish."

Though did he know exactly what that would look like? Not in the slightest.
Soft light. The phrasing was absolutely perfect for where this was going, so naturally June beamed at the boy.

"Very good, Mr Nam" Another good egg from the Nam clan? "Take a point"

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Dahlia though she had been oddly quiet for most of the lesson was very much paying attention and taking detailed notes as she normally did. Her silence was nothing to worry about at all it was merely due to her own focus on note taking and possibly getting lost in her thoughts for a moment or two here or there.

As Professor Flamsteed motioned for them all to have a look at some potted plants, Lia turned all of her attention onto that now. Sparkling blue eyes were almost glued onto the plants as she looked at each one in turn. Taking note of their similarities. What did she know about each one of them. So many many things.

Slowly she lifted her hand into the air to give her answer. "They are all known to have a very distinct scent and are used in perfume making." Not that it was an important fact right now but she liked her replies to be different.
Ding ding diiiiing.

June beamed at the girl, and nodded enthusiastically. "Excellent, Miss Donovon - you got it"While others weren't wrong at all - but the most common thing between these three plants was how good all their scents were.

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Valentina moved a little closer to the table, taking a closer look at the flowers. Her first response was they are all white in colour but someone had already mentioned that so she remained quiet for a few minutes. Umm.

"They all take a long time to bloom, right??" She had no idea. It was just a wild guess, honestly. Oops.
No answer was wrong. Not when you were not being quizzed - so June appreciated the guess, no matter wild or not.

"Yes. And no. It depends on the conditions of their environment actually"

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
So...he may have reached his Herbology quota already, because he had nothing to offer with the next round's question. He had earned a point so...what more could Auntie June Professor Flamsteed really expect?

The hard part was that he still had to keep up the façade of paying attention (for the sake of his brother), but all he could think about was how he had misheard tuberose as tuberculosis and that all the flowers were white and white was also the color of moonstone and then that sounded like moonflower which was also white...and around and around his head went a spinning. his fingers did with the key to wind up his little modified deconstructed and then reconstructed with some modifications dungbomb in his pocket.
....for now though, Auntie June was clueless as ever about the contents of her nephew's pocket. She was naively under the impression that Atlas just didn't have an answer -- or well, maybe was just further demonstrating his anger toward her.

So .... she was clueless. Really really so.

Originally Posted by iBeJenn View Post
Maya giggled quietly at Kinsay's responses. If the evening chill hadn't been sufficient in keeping her awake, the Gryffindor's questions certainly did. Hearing her ask about making perfume in class did make Maya's back straighten with interest. It would be rather fun trying to make their own perfume in class, wouldn't it? Especially with the flowers currently on display.

But to the professor's question to the class, Maya didn't really have an answer that everyone else hadn't already mentioned. The only thing that no one had seemed to mention was how absolutely beautiful the flowers were currently and they weren't even bloomed yet. And that made Maya want to touch them. So the third year remained silent.
A silent one?

No matter, no matter.

June still offered the girl a smile before moving on.

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Hah. Yoon. He proved to be quite easy to irritate. Serena might have found her next entertainment target.

Serena was quick to switch her gears to Herbology. It was quite pleasing to be learning about nocturnal plants. She rather enjoyed exploring those. Mostly the magical kind. One time she and her dad went out on a camping trip and they witness a field of blooming flowers under the moon. It was amazing.

She jotted a few notes down and then raised her hand to answer the second question. "They all have common qualities that require the night. Like, they bloom after dusk and remain until morning light. Or they release their scent during the night after its fragrance has been building up from the day's sunlight."
Miss Santos received more nodding. "Mhm, mhm. Right you are" June waved her hand yet again and added all the points the young girl made on to the board.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
"Uuuuuuuuuu......." like, deep, scratchy, Tina Belcher-y "hhhhhhhh....." was all Dia could get to come out of her mouth. Because, yeah, Herbology was not her best class. On top of that, it was night. She was used to being down in the dungeon common room, curled up in a chair somewhere with her homework and tossing discarded versions of essays into the fireplace. Not out here in the cold greenhouses learning about nocturnal plants. She had absolutely zero clue about the connection between tuberose and......what were the other two again?

And she really didn't want to make her own perfume, either. She was perfectly happy with her Channel No. 5, thank you.

June stared at the girl.

"Are you okay, Miss Wolff?"
The sounds she was making were a bit... concerning.

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Kins was content just listening. Sometimes it was a good way to save energy. So she liked to recharge when she could. But Dahlia's answer about perfume got her all excited about the possibilities to come. She wasn't sure they'd be making perfume today, but. But it'd be so cool to do it eventually so.

"Can we make perfume as a class activity one day?" It was best to voice these sort of interests because then Professors might succumb to peer pressure. Kizzy knew these things worked. Hopefully other people would agree and then they'd really have the numbers to back it up.

June smiled and let her hands clasp behind her back, "Tonight is your lucky night, Miss James. We will be attempting just that," she stated before addressing the entire class together.

"You all made excellent points. Yes, they are plants that require warmth, and soft light -- but each of them in different variations. However, the one thing that is common in all of them is the ... magnificent scent they release when they fully bloom" Despite the stupid, cold weather - June's face radiated the joy she felt as she went on about these plants.

"So, tonight -- underneath this brilliant moon night, we will try and get these flowers to bloom, and collect their scent. Firstly, I want you all to observe the moonlight, and memorise it, because you will be recreating it inside" June explained, before gesturing them to follow her inside - which was warmer and so much better than outside, thanks to all the heating charms June had already placed for the students and the plants alike. Because sure enough, all their stations had flower pots like the ones outside. "As some of you pointed out -- these flowers need warmth, so I need you to recreate the soft light you saw outside and try get the flower on your station to bloom"

Simple enough? June thought so.

"Using a light creation spell, try and control the intensity of the light according to the needs of your plant. You would also need to hold that intensity of that light for as long as the flower needs to open up" she further explained, pausing only to cast a soft, but weak 'lumos' on to the plant on her own station. "In addition to the spell, you can try other things to create the environment you think might help them in blooming perfectly -- like talking to them, as Miss Summers suggested" Were they excited? She sure was.

"You can work alone or in pairs. Alright, lets begin"

OOC: thaaank you for sticking around, guys, and I am sorry for the delay -- but the first part of the activity is up. June will be walking around to help or answer any questions. Have fun!

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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Old 10-11-2021, 10:30 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Ash looked up questioningly as the professor outlined the next part of the lesson... collecting scents? She put away her sketchbook and shifted uncomfortably. "What are we going to be doing with the scents once we have them?" In general, she was not a fan of scented things. Wildflowers and lotion and food she could tolerate, but perfume? Candles? No thanks. Ash did not trust that stuff. And she trusted her professors most of the time, but potions class had taught her that sometimes the professors were trying to catch you off-guard. It never hurt to ask, right?

Ash stared up at the moon for a while, looking mesmerized. She did that a lot, mostly cause the moon was pretty and she liked it. But this time, she was also observing how bright the moon was tonight. It was bright. She decided that she'd draw it later. After this class. Maybe in the morning. Yeah.

She snapped out of it and started walking towards the greenhouse. "Anyone wanna partner up?" There were lots of benefits to working with her! She was good at spellwork! She had a good memory! She didn't mind if her partner wanted to talk to plants...

She didn't want to work all by herself.
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Old 10-11-2021, 10:37 PM   #53 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Would you look at that? Claudine had been on the right track after all with what the plants had in common. Well, sort of, given that they were focusing on the lovely smells of the flowers. Kinsay really hit the nail on the head. And Flamsteed really loved these plants, didn’t she? It showed on the woman’s face.

Um… memorise the moonlight? Claudine supposed Flamsteed meant that they should memorise the amount of radiance that was out tonight. She’d actually done some sky gazing on her way here so there was a pretty decent idea of the moonlight implanted on her brain already. Once inside the greenhouse, the Snakette breathed a small breath of relief. It was nice to be enveloped in warmth.


All she needed to do was to get this flower before her to bloom? That sounded a little challenging but Claudine was always up for one. “So um… little guy? Or girl? It’s okay if you’re neither. Um… work with me please? I promise this isn’t going to hurt.” Brace yourself for a spell, little one.
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Old 10-11-2021, 11:01 PM   #54 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post

She snapped out of it and started walking towards the greenhouse. "Anyone wanna partner up?" There were lots of benefits to working with her! She was good at spellwork! She had a good memory! She didn't mind if her partner wanted to talk to plants...

She didn't want to work all by herself.
At first Violet interpreted the suggestion to 'remember the light because we are going to try to recreate it inside' to be some kind of touchy-feely meditation thing and winced inwardly--until she realized that Professor Flamsteed meant they were going to be working inside the greenhouse. Which was great, because she was tired of being cold now, however much she enjoyed being outside at night. After forming a clear mental image of the moonlight, Violet followed the other students toward the greenhouse, catching them up in time to hear Ashley asking for a partner and hurried to catch up. She couldn't remember the last time she'd worked with Ashley on a school project, or if they ever had, but she felt like they knew each other a little better this year and thought they might make a good pair. "Ashley?" she called out, panting slightly from her hurry. "I'll be your partner, if you like."
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Old 10-12-2021, 01:53 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Brandon Fox
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Violet
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
At first Violet interpreted the suggestion to 'remember the light because we are going to try to recreate it inside' to be some kind of touchy-feely meditation thing and winced inwardly--until she realized that Professor Flamsteed meant they were going to be working inside the greenhouse. Which was great, because she was tired of being cold now, however much she enjoyed being outside at night. After forming a clear mental image of the moonlight, Violet followed the other students toward the greenhouse, catching them up in time to hear Ashley asking for a partner and hurried to catch up. She couldn't remember the last time she'd worked with Ashley on a school project, or if they ever had, but she felt like they knew each other a little better this year and thought they might make a good pair. "Ashley?" she called out, panting slightly from her hurry. "I'll be your partner, if you like."

Ash grinned at Violet. Was she really happy right now? Nope! But Violet was here, and that put a smile on her face. "Yes, I would very much like that. I know what the moon looks like and everything." looked pretty. But she ALSO knew how much light it gave off, since that was the relevant part.

"So do you wanna be the one casting lumos or do you wanna be the one singing to a plant and/or giving it words of encouragement?" She had a feeling Violet might wanna be the one doing the lumos charm. Although Ash could certainly help... lumos wasn't a hard spell after all, and she had pretty good control of the specific light levels.
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Old 10-12-2021, 02:55 AM   #56 (permalink)
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Lisa returned Professor Flamsteed’s bright grin back. Smiles were infectious and Professor Flamsteed was so pretty. Literal goals to be like her one day.

She listened to her peer’s comments and nodded along before realizing that they were moving on with the assignment. Right! Activity time.

She blinked. How did one memorize the moonlight? She squinted her eyes and turned herself and her gaze towards the moon. It was… peaceful and beautiful and lonely. But calming. Lisa bit her lip. So the light she did would have to be the same but almost a blue pale light not like a warm sun but one that was cooler.

Its a cool light…” she said to no one in particular before continuing to take notes. She’d never tried to focus on the warmness of light through a spell but… how to approach?
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Old 10-12-2021, 03:12 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Valentina noticed how bright and happy the professor's face was when she spoke about plants. It was really nice to see. She did wonder if this was how her face looked when she spoke about dance. Hm. Aaaanyway.

Try and get the flowers to bloom?? Wouldn't that take time? Did that mean they'd have to stay in the greenhouses for the rest of the night?? Probably not. She pulled out her wand, curiously looking at the flower in front of her. Um. So. The light needed to be identical to the moonlight? Right, this was easy. Valentina frowned in concentration as she casted a soft lumos on the plant.
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Old 10-12-2021, 04:06 AM   #58 (permalink)

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Evan couldn't help but beam back at Professor Flamsteed, before turning his attention to the moon as she continued the beginning of the lecture. He wanted to make sure he'd observed it completely in order to try to mimic the soft light it emitted in order to recreate for the plants. He wasn't crazy about making perfumes, but at least the science behind it should be educational and fun to do.

Following everyone else into the greenhouse, Evan quickly found himself a work station as Professor Flamsteed went on. He was surprised to hear Lumos was the spell they'd be using, as for some reason he just imagined it would be more complicated spellwork for this part. But he was relieved, because at least using this he was confident in. It was just getting the right lighting. He closed his eyes to envision the light of the moon again, raising his wand and muttering a soft, "Lumos" in order to ignite a soft light from the tip of his wand. It took some time to get to an intensity he was satisfied with and that should be good for the flower before him, and he held it up towards the bloom and monitored. Do this until it bloomed, huh?
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 10-12-2021, 07:18 PM   #59 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Claudine decided that speaking to plants was almost like speaking to animals. Except that plants don’t usually respond. In this case, the plant she was working with did not. With reassurance to the little fellow out of the way, the Snakette pointed her wand at it. “Lumos,’’ she said in the usual commanding, confident manner. Her focus wasn’t on a bright, startling beam of light. Instead, she tried to picture that soft version Flamsteed spoke of.

She really went all out to maintain focus when her wand was illuminated. That was the challenge. But Claudine managed it, and she was proud. Slowly, the petals began to move. They were indeed opening up now.
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 10-12-2021, 11:06 PM   #60 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
"So do you wanna be the one casting lumos or do you wanna be the one singing to a plant and/or giving it words of encouragement?" She had a feeling Violet might wanna be the one doing the lumos charm. Although Ash could certainly help... lumos wasn't a hard spell after all, and she had pretty good control of the specific light levels.
Singing to plants and giving them words of encouragement? That did not sound like something Violet felt she would be good at, and besides, she recalled from the Music Room that Ashley had rather a nice voice, so she thought the younger girl would be the perfect person to do that part. "Um, why don't you sing to the plants? You're a pretty good singer and all, from what I heard. I think I can take care of casting Lumos. And Violet was quite sure she could visualize the moonlight--after all, she'd been observing things so she could write about them for years now.
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Old 10-12-2021, 11:38 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Brandon Fox
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Violet
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
Singing to plants and giving them words of encouragement? That did not sound like something Violet felt she would be good at, and besides, she recalled from the Music Room that Ashley had rather a nice voice, so she thought the younger girl would be the perfect person to do that part. "Um, why don't you sing to the plants? You're a pretty good singer and all, from what I heard. I think I can take care of casting Lumos. And Violet was quite sure she could visualize the moonlight--after all, she'd been observing things so she could write about them for years now.

Ash shrugged(and accidentally smiled a bit). "Alright. From what I can remember, which is everything, the moon was bright. But not too bright. And all the light was very soft. And romantic..." And before she knew what was happening, she had ended up telling Violet poetic descriptions of the moonlight for about a minute. Uhhhhhh.

Ash turned a bit pink and looked at the ground. Uh. "Anyway, I'll start singing to these plants... I guess." She sang the plant a love song. Quietly. So that people wouldn't stare or anything. She also monitored the plant for signs of activity.
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Old 10-13-2021, 05:11 PM   #62 (permalink)

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Maya was rather excited to hear they would actually be making their own perfume in class - and a bit surprised that Kinsay had kinda guessed it. And seeing how happy her head of house was talking about the plants made Maya feel filled with a certain warmth as well, contrasting with the cold weather outside. She rocked back and forth from her heels to to her toes while doing what the professor had instructed.

Looking at the moon.

Observing the moon. it looked like a glowing wheel of cheese.

After a sufficient amount of observing the light emitting from the moon, she followed the professor inside and made her way to a station. Maya watched as Professor Flamsteed cast lumos, providing the class with an example of what to do. Speaking to them was not quite something she was keen on doing but if it meant the flowers would bloom better, she wasn't completely opposed to it. So she took her gloved hand out of her pocket and her wand.

"Lumos," she said quietly, watching as the tip of her wand lit up. Careful to not let the light get too bright, she brought the wand a bit closer to the plant. "Does this look like the moon to you?" she asked the plant.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________

_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
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Old 10-13-2021, 10:26 PM   #63 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post

Ash shrugged(and accidentally smiled a bit). "Alright. From what I can remember, which is everything, the moon was bright. But not too bright. And all the light was very soft. And romantic..." And before she knew what was happening, she had ended up telling Violet poetic descriptions of the moonlight for about a minute. Uhhhhhh.

Ash turned a bit pink and looked at the ground. Uh. "Anyway, I'll start singing to these plants... I guess." She sang the plant a love song. Quietly. So that people wouldn't stare or anything. She also monitored the plant for signs of activity.
Violet marveled at Ash Fox's sudden departure into poetic phrases. Music, and now this--the girl definitely had hidden depths. And immediately Violet found words rising from her own memory:

'As a pale phantom with a lamp
Ascends some ruin's haunted stair,
So glides the moon along the damp
Mysterious chambers of the air...'

Violet shook herself--this was no time for Wordsworth. Instead, she felt this called for clear visualization, and so she closed her eyes for a moment, until she clearly saw in her mind's eye the way the soft, magical light had looked shining in the night. Then, very softly, she cast the spell: "Lumos."
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Old 10-15-2021, 02:15 AM   #64 (permalink)

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x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

To say he was only half paying attention was an understatement, especially with the "fidget toy" in his pocket providing mindless stimulation and entertainment. Not to mention it being night and his subconscious wishing he was back in the dorms zonked out next to Aries. Thankfully Atlas was with it enough to get the general gist of what was going on...but him and lighting spells were things that did not always get along too well. You know, the whole bursts of light manifesting out of nothing and how similar that was in essence knoooooow...Bombarda. So, there was a pretty good chance that this Gryffindor was going to blow up his plant rather than make it bloom.

Which was why he was doing a fair bit of procrastinating at his station. Also? It was really hot in here and he did have this elaborate scarf thing going on and that took at least five minutes to peel off and untie. He had had to be thorough, you see. Wand in hand, Atlas peered at his plant while his chin rested on the back of his hands atop his work station. Before he could offer the plant a preemptive apology, his fidgeting got the best of him. Meaning to remove his wand ONLY from his pocket, the third year felt his stomach unceremoniously drop as he heard the clank and thud or something falling out of his pocket and to the ground. His pocket much lighter than it had been a couple of second ago, his bright blue eyes darted towards the ground just in time to see something scamper away.

"...oh fudgesticks..."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 10-15-2021, 08:28 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Violet
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
Violet marveled at Ash Fox's sudden departure into poetic phrases. Music, and now this--the girl definitely had hidden depths. And immediately Violet found words rising from her own memory:

'As a pale phantom with a lamp
Ascends some ruin's haunted stair,
So glides the moon along the damp
Mysterious chambers of the air...'

Violet shook herself--this was no time for Wordsworth. Instead, she felt this called for clear visualization, and so she closed her eyes for a moment, until she clearly saw in her mind's eye the way the soft, magical light had looked shining in the night. Then, very softly, she cast the spell: "Lumos."

Look... Ash's brain was like a messy room full of books and folders and discarded post-it notes, and she never quite knew what she was going to find in there. Today, the answer was... POETRY! And ASTRONOMY! So she hoped Violet didn't mind those things. She paused with the singing for a bit. "I think it's working. Try making the light a tiny bit brighter. But just a tiny bit." The plant looked like it liked the light! "I wonder if this plant likes music, poetry, or reading books. Or... stargazing. I bet it likes stargazing." She smiled a bit as she imagined the plant having hobbies just like a person or a cat. Then she picked up the singing again. "You can keep the flower perfume stuff."
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Old 10-16-2021, 09:11 PM   #66 (permalink)

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Default Okay, hope you don't mind and whoopsie, sorry, ehehe

Scarlett couldn't WAIT to get inside ONLY because it meant they'd be working with the PLANTS. She didn't MIND the cold, not really. She was nicely wrapped up in warm clothing and all that, BUT she eagerly went in as soon as they were able to.

AND she found herself a workstation asap TOO. One more towards that side over THERE because... well, just because. She liked the look of THIS plant in PARTICULAR and she'd work with it that night.

Even though it didn't SEEM like it, this second year was listening to the instructions, although she was looking EVERYWHERE but the professor. EVERYWHERE meant ESPECIALLY the plant in front of her PLUS a few things surrounding it and herself.

Including a thingybob that was now rolling around on the ground. Without a second thought, Scarlett kicked it to the other side because... well, just because.
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Old 10-17-2021, 09:53 PM   #67 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
....POETRY! And ASTRONOMY! So she hoped Violet didn't mind those things. She paused with the singing for a bit. "I think it's working. Try making the light a tiny bit brighter. But just a tiny bit." The plant looked like it liked the light! "I wonder if this plant likes music, poetry, or reading books. Or... stargazing. I bet it likes stargazing." She smiled a bit as she imagined the plant having hobbies just like a person or a cat. Then she picked up the singing again. "You can keep the flower perfume stuff."
Violet suppressed a snort when Ashley mentioned the plant reading books, because she knew now that Ashley was sensitive about people maybe making fun of her. But Violet didn't see how a plant could read without eyes, even if it wanted to. But she did pay attention to Ashley's suggestion to ramp up the light and did so, just a little.

Flower perfume? What was she talking about? ... Oh, yes, that was what they were ultimately doing in this class, wasn't it? Violet never used perfume herself, not even that bottle of violet oil she'd gotten for Yule one year, her 'signature scent,' as the distant cousin who gave it to her had called it. Whatever that was. Mostly, perfume seemed to attract insects, especially the biting kind, which was very awkward if you were hiding in the bushes trying to hear what one of your uncles was saying about you to the other. Still, perfume was a sort of potion, she supposed, so maybe she could find a use for it--maybe give it to someone else for a gift.
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Old 10-18-2021, 09:14 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Violet
Originally Posted by MadAlice View Post
Violet suppressed a snort when Ashley mentioned the plant reading books, because she knew now that Ashley was sensitive about people maybe making fun of her. But Violet didn't see how a plant could read without eyes, even if it wanted to. But she did pay attention to Ashley's suggestion to ramp up the light and did so, just a little.

Flower perfume? What was she talking about? ... Oh, yes, that was what they were ultimately doing in this class, wasn't it? Violet never used perfume herself, not even that bottle of violet oil she'd gotten for Yule one year, her 'signature scent,' as the distant cousin who gave it to her had called it. Whatever that was. Mostly, perfume seemed to attract insects, especially the biting kind, which was very awkward if you were hiding in the bushes trying to hear what one of your uncles was saying about you to the other. Still, perfume was a sort of potion, she supposed, so maybe she could find a use for it--maybe give it to someone else for a gift.

Ash was mostly joking about the flowers loving to read, and she wouldn't have cared if Violet laughed. Unless Violet was laughing at her, in which case she would have cared very much and maybe cried a little bit and maybe swore never to be her friend ever again maybe. But that wouldn't happen, because Violet was very smart and reasonable and would probably never ever laugh at her.

By the way, she was delighted that Violet had listened to her suggestion, and ever more delighted that it was working. She smiled to herself. This class wasn't too bad, even if it was cold and dark and involved scented flowers.
No class with Violet in it could possibly be bad. Okay, that was an overstatement... Ash had been to plenty of classes with Violet in them that had gone terribly, horribly wrong. But that wasn't Violet's fault, so.

"Look, it's almost open."
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Old 10-20-2021, 03:05 PM   #69 (permalink)

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Despite the intention to give this task his best effort, everything was quickly going down the drain. At least he had not exploded his plant or otherwise killed it yet, so that alone was something the professor could be at least moderately proud of.

...problem was that what came next would negate all of that.

Wand in hand, and now distracted enough not to overthink his casting, Atlas lit the tip of it with a hurried Lumos and searched the ground around him for the modified stink bomb as panic began to sink in. That panic went full blown as his wand's light found his explosive buddy...only to see it kicked away by a Hufflepuff seconds later.

Eyes wide, Atlas took off back towards his work station but only got about a step or two after said Hufflepuff's kick...and a squishy sort of kaboom rocked the nearby area...but the worst part of all of it was the putrid cloud of thick green smoke that blanketed the immediate area like Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder and sent reeking tendrils crawling along the floor and around the legs of human and work station alike.

Sour herring. Rotten eggs. Fresh mooncalf dung. Vieux Boulogne. If there was ever a smell to embody the reverse of your was flooding the greenhouse right now.

...and hiding under your work station did NOT help avoid the it turns out.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 10-20-2021, 09:09 PM   #70 (permalink)

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Scarlett LOVED Herbology. She was HERE for ALL of it, especially as this was a NIGHT lesson, which made it super DIFFERENT and FUN and INTERESTING.

She had her wand out and at the ready to start working on her little plant sample thingy, but then, well, THAT didn't happen.

What DID happen was an explosion from the thingybob she had kicked and now she was gagging. "MERLIN'S STINKING ARMPITS!" That was NOT what she could smell, but MERLIN, was it bad.

It was SO bad. SO, SO bad, even for Scarlett, who had been known to not mind dirt, mud and filth.

That was a bit too much, though. "BLEURGH." It was like it was in her MOUTH TOO!!!!!
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Old 10-21-2021, 10:26 PM   #71 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
"Look, it's almost open."
Violet was just about to respond to Ashley's comment, looking with wonderment at the slowly opening flower, when suddenly her vision and the entire room was engulfed in a greenish cloud of...something, followed by the worst stink Violet had ever smelled in her life! "What...what's going on?!" she choked out, but she already knew. It was because of those strange plants appearing all over campus, Violet was sure of it.
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Old 10-24-2021, 03:02 AM   #72 (permalink)
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Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

EW. Was that what the flower was supposed to smell like? Ash, who already disliked ‘nice’ smells, would like to throw up. Because yikes. That was disgusting. What was causing it? First she blamed the flower, but she quickly realized it was something else. What? She wasn’t quite sure. She didn’t even want to know. She cast the charm that put an air bubble around your head in hopes that it would help.

Ew ew ew ew EW.
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