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When you first enter the room, it may take a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dim, green-tinted room. The stony walls are unusually tall for being in a dungeon. Green-hued lamps hover around the perimeter of the room. It seems a bit cold, dull, and damp, but the closer to stand next to the large fireplaces, the warmer you will get. Above the fireplaces are carvings in stone of large snake heads, so you never forget which House you belong to. Additional snake-like carvings slither their way around the fireplaces and along the walls of the room.
Leather couches and arm chairs surround the different gathering areas that are accompanied by a fireplace. Various dark wooden tables with matching wooden chairs are set up around the common room as well, providing plenty of space to do your homework, read, study, or plot your next prank.
The windows, the few that exist, seem strangely dim. With a quick glance, you may think they're just insanely dirty. But every once in a while, you might see a fish flash by... or a kelpie... or perhaps a tentacle from the Giant Squid. That's right - you may be in the dungeons, but you share the underground with the creatures of the Black Lake, too.
Make yourself at home. You may want to bring a blanket.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
One of the most comforting things to do after a long day of classes was to throw back with a sketchpad, crayons and cup of hot chocolate. Well, caramelatte was better but Claudine hadn’t wanted to bother Heath to make her a mug so she had settled for a hot chocolate from the kitchen. Opting for a table with a wooden chair, the girl sat with her feet tucked up so that she would be able to use her lap to rest the sketchpad. An armchair near the fire had not been chosen since she figured that she’d get warm from her beverage.
One end of her pencil was being lightly tapped against her knee. What was she going to draw this evening? Claudine cast her gaze around the Room, looking for inspiration.
While the library was certainly her favorite spot to hide out, Maya found herself needing a change of scenery. Outside had gotten a bit too cold for her to do her assignments and too windy for her to fold her origami in peace without the papers flying away. So it only made sense for the young snake to hideaway in the common room. She entered, books in her arms and sitting atop all of that was her box of paper she used for origami.
Maya blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the light - or more accurately, the lack of light - before spotting Claudine sitting at one of the tables. Smiling slightly, she headed over to the table, gently setting her belongings on the table. "I hope you don't mind," she said, carefully pulling out one of the chairs so she wouldn't make any loud noises. It looked like Claudine was about to do some drawing and the last thing Maya wanted to do was disturb her.
She was rather fond of the older Snakette's company - even when they weren't talking. Something about Claudine just made Maya feel comfortable. "Are you working on anything interesting?" she asked curiously while taking a vibrant red paper out of her box.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Mayaaa! <3
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
While the library was certainly her favorite spot to hide out, Maya found herself needing a change of scenery. Outside had gotten a bit too cold for her to do her assignments and too windy for her to fold her origami in peace without the papers flying away. So it only made sense for the young snake to hideaway in the common room. She entered, books in her arms and sitting atop all of that was her box of paper she used for origami.
Maya blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the light - or more accurately, the lack of light - before spotting Claudine sitting at one of the tables. Smiling slightly, she headed over to the table, gently setting her belongings on the table. "I hope you don't mind," she said, carefully pulling out one of the chairs so she wouldn't make any loud noises. It looked like Claudine was about to do some drawing and the last thing Maya wanted to do was disturb her.
She was rather fond of the older Snakette's company - even when they weren't talking. Something about Claudine just made Maya feel comfortable. "Are you working on anything interesting?" she asked curiously while taking a vibrant red paper out of her box.
Such a peaceful evening, wasn’t it? The more Claudine attempted to drown out the mindless chatter around her, the more comfortable the entire setting became. Hang on… that’s it. She’d sketch the common room. What better a memory for her seventh sketchpad? Noting the sudden appearance of objects being placed on the table, she looked around to find Maya pulling out a chair. Claudine broke into a small smile and shook her head. “Not a problem.”
She cast her gaze towards the fireplace, trying to decide if it was that aspect of the common room she wanted to sketch. “Oh, not particularly. Just the regular sketching,’’ Claudine replied, happy to be in conversation with Maya. Then again, she liked the three Nam siblings. The red paper caught her eyes. “Origami?” Claudine was curious and interested, having admired Maya doing complicated paper folding before.
Such a peaceful evening, wasn’t it? The more Claudine attempted to drown out the mindless chatter around her, the more comfortable the entire setting became. Hang on… that’s it. She’d sketch the common room. What better a memory for her seventh sketchpad? Noting the sudden appearance of objects being placed on the table, she looked around to find Maya pulling out a chair. Claudine broke into a small smile and shook her head. “Not a problem.”
She cast her gaze towards the fireplace, trying to decide if it was that aspect of the common room she wanted to sketch. “Oh, not particularly. Just the regular sketching,’’ Claudine replied, happy to be in conversation with Maya. Then again, she liked the three Nam siblings. The red paper caught her eyes. “Origami?” Claudine was curious and interested, having admired Maya doing complicated paper folding before.
She slowly slid her textbooks a little bit off to the side to clear a little more space for herself to work. Not that it really took all that much space but it was nice just in case it was needed. Plus, Maya didn't want the books to get in Claudine's way. "Would you show me when you're finished?" she asked the seventh year. Maya always loved to see the older girl's creations and sometimes found inspiration in them to make something different.
She flipped over her paper, revealing the white side and started her creasing. Maya looked up at Claudine's question and gave her a smile and nod. "I'm trying to make the squid for my brother, Evan... to give to his friend, Kinsay," Maya explained. "I've also been trying to animate them... make them make sounds..."
Which had been a bit tricky but she was determined to get it all done by Christmas.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Mayaaa! <3
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
She slowly slid her textbooks a little bit off to the side to clear a little more space for herself to work. Not that it really took all that much space but it was nice just in case it was needed. Plus, Maya didn't want the books to get in Claudine's way. "Would you show me when you're finished?" she asked the seventh year. Maya always loved to see the older girl's creations and sometimes found inspiration in them to make something different.
She flipped over her paper, revealing the white side and started her creasing. Maya looked up at Claudine's question and gave her a smile and nod. "I'm trying to make the squid for my brother, Evan... to give to his friend, Kinsay," Maya explained. "I've also been trying to animate them... make them make sounds..."
Which had been a bit tricky but she was determined to get it all done by Christmas.
“Of course,” Claudine responded, always happy to share her work with those who were interested. Especially if that person was an artist as well. That way they could always critique each other’s work and offer suggestions. Not Claudine’s work was so bad that she needed help. The same went for Maya; Claudine thought highly of the other girl’s artistic skills.
Said artistic skills expanded to origami.
“Ooh, that sounds so interesting,” Claudine said, her interest piqued. “Um… would you mind teaching me along the way? Origami always seemed like such a fun thing.” Not to mention difficult, but she liked challenges.
“Of course,” Claudine responded, always happy to share her work with those who were interested. Especially if that person was an artist as well. That way they could always critique each other’s work and offer suggestions. Not Claudine’s work was so bad that she needed help. The same went for Maya; Claudine thought highly of the other girl’s artistic skills.
Said artistic skills expanded to origami.
“Ooh, that sounds so interesting,” Claudine said, her interest piqued. “Um… would you mind teaching me along the way? Origami always seemed like such a fun thing.” Not to mention difficult, but she liked challenges.
Maya beamed when Claudine showed interest in the origami work she had been working on and nodded her head quickly in response. "The squid has been... a bit difficult..." And that was her putting it kindly. There were a number of scrap papers that Maya had used to attempt to create the squid that she had either thrown in the trash, in the fireplace or ripped into a million little pieces in frustration. She made a little hmm sound before taking out a sheet of paper in a deep emerald green, sliding it across the table to Claudine.
"I can show you how to make a bird if you want? It's pretty easy and when you pull the tail, the wings flap!" Which, in her opinion, was the fun part of it.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Maya the talented <3
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Maya beamed when Claudine showed interest in the origami work she had been working on and nodded her head quickly in response. "The squid has been... a bit difficult..." And that was her putting it kindly. There were a number of scrap papers that Maya had used to attempt to create the squid that she had either thrown in the trash, in the fireplace or ripped into a million little pieces in frustration. She made a little hmm sound before taking out a sheet of paper in a deep emerald green, sliding it across the table to Claudine.
"I can show you how to make a bird if you want? It's pretty easy and when you pull the tail, the wings flap!" Which, in her opinion, was the fun part of it.
Just the squid was being difficult?
Claudine thought that all of origami was difficult. All the folding and the creasing… it was easy enough to get confused and spoil the entire thing. But what did that little hmmm mean? The older girl eyed Maya, wondering what was going on in that pretty head. Oh. Claudine beamed as the paper came her way. “I really like this colour,’’ she told Maya, setting her feet on the floor and her sketchpad on the table.
A flapping bird origami? “I’m all in,’’ the seventh year said enthusiastically. “What do we do first?” She was going to pay full attention here.
Violet was sitting in her common room working on her Arithmancy assignment.
April 9--that would be her Personal Month number for April, which was 9, plus the day--which was also 9!
1+8=9 again!!
Violet looked in her book for that day. Hmm...a day to finish up things and use your intuition. Violet wasn't sure about her intuition, but she did have some back assignments that needed doing, so she picked up her book bag and began rifling through her books.