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It's a crisp Autumn afternoon at Hogwarts, but not just any afternoon. Today is Halloween! Students attending today's transfiguration lesson will find the classroom adorned with a few simple decorations. There are several paper pumpkins stuck to the walls, and a large jack-o-lantern sits on the professor's desk. As students walk past the desk, the jack-o-lantern lights up and cackles. Notice a pattern with the decorations? Could this be a sign of things to come, or is the professor simply obsessed with pumpkins?
Beside the cackling jack-o-lantern are three plastic skulls, and an identical trio of skulls sits on each student's desk. Even Professor Carton has gotten into the Halloween spirit (pun not intended!) with a costume of his own! He stands in his usual place at the front of the room, greeting each student with directions to NOT touch the plastic skulls yet.
OOC: Welcome to transfiguration! Please keep in mind that this is not the first IC lesson your students would've had with Professor Carton this term. Class will start in 18-22 hours HAS STARTED!
Lesson Progression Q1: Why do people believe there's no room for creativity in transfiguration? Why do you agree or disagree with this statement? Q2: Name an example of creativity in transfiguration, either through visualization or application. Main activity - making jack-o-lanterns with Melofors Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Mini activity: Decorate the school with jack-o-lanterns
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Stefan
Well to be honest, Noah took a chance at the fact that Lisa was from Ravenclaw, and that his own twin was in the same house. They were not solely just academically smart, but they also tend to be the artsy/creative/visual people. Catherine liked to paint... Catherine liked aesthetics, and Noah simply took his cue from there.
As he left Lisa to work on her own pumpkin, Noah focused on carving his pumpkins carefully. It's sad that they don't have the same Halloween tradition as their American counterparts, but it was great fun to dabble on their tradition, nonetheless. Thankfully, he wasn't completely alien to the American tradition, all thanks to the early muggle schooling he'd had. And so, with his plastic knife, the Gryffindor began to poke and slice through the eye parts of the pumpkin helmets, and used his wand to carve out the tinier details like the vents and such. It was a good thing to that the Severing Charm was one of the basic spells he'd learned to cast non-verbally.
Halfway through his carving, he'd paused and sat up straight, turning behind him to see the Professor standing to give him an extra five points. Noah grinned and gave Professor Carton a nod of thanks at the recognition, and continued with his carving. Catherine would be so jealous. aNyWaY.
Almost done with his last skull, Noah paused again to divert his attention to the little Padawan sat across her, and gave her pumpkin a good look. "Knew you could do it. The Force is strong with you, Padawan. Well done." It still wasn't perfect, but it sure looked way better than her other two, and the red dot trick actually worked. It was an accomplishment in and of itself. Lisa should be very proud. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if she started acing the subject... like, tomorrow.
Done with carving, Noah tidied up his table by vanishing the excess pumpkin skins and flesh, as he listened to Professor Carton's next instructions. So... they get to keep one? Nice! While Noah listed the possible places in his head to plant his jack-o-lantern, the Gryffindor looked at his Padawan and turned to his Vader Pumpkin. "One tap should do the trick." he replied tapping his pumpkin and watched it come to life. The cackling though... haha! "Think I should place one of the Troopers by your Dormitory entrance?" Noah asked as he inscribed his name at the back of the first stormtrooper pumpkin. "I heard Heath's also a fan?" he said looking towards the older Ravenclaw's table.
"This is not the pumpkin you're looking for." ~ Jedi Master Noah Mordaunt
She BEAMED when he said that the force was strong with HER. Thats what her APPA TOLD HER! She’d have to include Master Noah in her next letter to Appa. He was so so so cool. So so so cooooool. She sat up straighter, puffing up her chest proudly, as she grinned as then proceeded to watch Noah continue to carve with wide eyes. He was good at the carving thing too. Impressed, she was.
WOAH! She watched Darth Vader pumpkin come to life and she was excited. “It’s alive!” she proclaimed excitedly before adding several moments later with a quiet giggle. “...kinda alive.” She turned to one of her pumpkins and then tapped the goose!pumpkin before watching it come to life! SO COOL. Transfiguration was NEAT.
To Noah’s question, she nodded several times. “Yes!!!! I’d love that. I think Heath would too.” She had met Heath once but STILL hadn’t gotten the chance to talk his ear off about all things Star Wars related because she had been preoccupied with trying to get into the forbidden section in the library.... Soon enough she, Alfie, and Daniel would crack the code.
Now.... where should she leave HER pumpkins. She paused, thinking through possible scenarios before landing on one option. “I think I may put my pumpkins outside. Gotta make duck, duck, goose work!”
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Watson
She BEAMED when he said that the force was strong with HER. Thats what her APPA TOLD HER! She’d have to include Master Noah in her next letter to Appa. He was so so so cool. So so so cooooool. She sat up straighter, puffing up her chest proudly, as she grinned as then proceeded to watch Noah continue to carve with wide eyes. He was good at the carving thing too. Impressed, she was.
WOAH! She watched Darth Vader pumpkin come to life and she was excited. “It’s alive!” she proclaimed excitedly before adding several moments later with a quiet giggle. “...kinda alive.” She turned to one of her pumpkins and then tapped the goose!pumpkin before watching it come to life! SO COOL. Transfiguration was NEAT.
To Noah’s question, she nodded several times. “Yes!!!! I’d love that. I think Heath would too.” She had met Heath once but STILL hadn’t gotten the chance to talk his ear off about all things Star Wars related because she had been preoccupied with trying to get into the forbidden section in the library.... Soon enough she, Alfie, and Daniel would crack the code.
Now.... where should she leave HER pumpkins. She paused, thinking through possible scenarios before landing on one option. “I think I may put my pumpkins outside. Gotta make duck, duck, goose work!”
Skill is the child of patience. ~ Jedi Master Noah Mordaunt
With his second pumpkin carved and labelled, Noah sat back again and watched his padawan grow confident before his eyes. "I wonder though, aren't you missing your Padawan braid?" Noah took a peek at her right ear, and acted as if he was searching for her own braid with curious eyes. "You wouldn't want your Master finding out that it's missing." he said in jest, as he continued to keep up the Padawan-Master tandem going on. He'd forgotten how awesome it was to play pretend... if only Mackenzie didn't mature way too fast for his age, he'd still be playing swords and knights with him, even if he was already deemed too old for it.
Noah looked at his Vader pumpkin and nodded in agreement. "Better if it could breathe like the real Darth, yeah?" he said cupping a hand over his mouth and mimicked Vader's voice. "Luke, I am your Father..."maybe there was a charm they could use? Maybe??? Because that'll be so awesome, really.
The Gryffindor collected his pumpkins, and decided to plant one of the stormtroopers just beside the Ravenclaw's dorm entrance. "Do you want to come along with me or...?" he wouldn't mind going alone, but for the sake of being generous, he'd extend his company to his new friend.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Two lucky places {the Slytherin Table in the Great Hall and the the kitchen}has been graced with the presence of two of her best pumpkin carvings, and Claudine was feeling very pleased and accomplished. She'd actually managed to successfully cast a conjuration spell - this was the highlight of her day. Today’s Transfiguration lesson certainly had been one of the best.
She was back in the classroom. Was there anything else to be done or would they get to leave soon?
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
This Gryffindor was excited to have completed the task to an… acceptable standard, and she skipped back to the Transfiguration classroom after placing a pumpkin in the Weasley Swamp, and the Great Hall.
She couldn’t wait to see where the other students had placed theirs, hoping none would outshine hers. Thinking about it now, she maybe should have put them both in more obscure places.
Remy sat back her desk and waited for Ollie to return to find out where she put hers.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Stefan
Skill is the child of patience. ~ Jedi Master Noah Mordaunt
With his second pumpkin carved and labelled, Noah sat back again and watched his padawan grow confident before his eyes. "I wonder though, aren't you missing your Padawan braid?" Noah took a peek at her right ear, and acted as if he was searching for her own braid with curious eyes. "You wouldn't want your Master finding out that it's missing." he said in jest, as he continued to keep up the Padawan-Master tandem going on. He'd forgotten how awesome it was to play pretend... if only Mackenzie didn't mature way too fast for his age, he'd still be playing swords and knights with him, even if he was already deemed too old for it.
Noah looked at his Vader pumpkin and nodded in agreement. "Better if it could breathe like the real Darth, yeah?" he said cupping a hand over his mouth and mimicked Vader's voice. "Luke, I am your Father..."maybe there was a charm they could use? Maybe??? Because that'll be so awesome, really.
The Gryffindor collected his pumpkins, and decided to plant one of the stormtroopers just beside the Ravenclaw's dorm entrance. "Do you want to come along with me or...?" he wouldn't mind going alone, but for the sake of being generous, he'd extend his company to his new friend.
Her hand flew up to her hair and she realized that he was RIGHT. She lowered her head, bowing it to him and clasping her hands to ask for forgiveness in a Chin-hae cousin style. “I wouldn’t! Please don’t tell my Master. I must have ... lost it cause my Niffler ran away with it?” she explained, looking perplexed by her own explanation. Well THAT didn’t make any sense. She giggled and moved on.
“EXACTLY!” BIG SMILE NOW. “Perhaps you could make a charm or spell that does that. We could charm it!” she beamed. Lisa was interested by things that she could create and enhance the spell experience like wands!! Her favourite book that she had found was the recommendation she got from the wand maker in Diagon Alley. She was DETERMINED to head back there to ask him more questions about wands. All the questions!!
She followed Noah’s lead happily and nodded to his question. “Sure! Where do you have in mind? I know we have to put one outside of the Ravenclaw Common Room and I have to put one of my ducks by the Duck Pond!”
Evan had tried to make quick work of placing his pumpkins about, having walked down to the library at a rather brisk because no running in the halls right? to set a pumpkin right outside the door to great all of the book borrowers and studiers alike. And then having been concerned he wasn't giving himself enough time, he stopped to drop his second pumpkin off in the boys bathroom.
It seemed he'd misjudged how long it would take him and he wished he'd decided to go a little farther, but no matter. The Ravenclaw slid back into his seat and tinkered with his remaining pumpkin, adding a couple of more holes here and there for artistic sake while he waited for the rest of the class to finish up and for them to all be dismissed.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Violet felt her drawing skills were definitely sub-par, but this pumpkin decorating had gone rather well for her. She chose to use the severing charm to carve her pumpkins; it was one she was familiar with from cutting potions ingredients. She only made a few holes, in the eyes and nose and a few in the mouth here ant there--she really liked her designs and didn't want to mess them up with a lot of unnecesssary carving.
She tried tapping the pumpkins, turning them on and off a few times, and laughed when she made them all cackle at the same time. Then she was ready to go out and about the castle with them...hmm, where to place them...Finally, she decided to take the opportunity to get outside the castle proper, and posted one up in the Owlery and the other out in the Boathouse. She felt pleasantly refreshed by the outside air and exercise when she returned to class and waited to be dismissed.
Last edited by MadAlice; 05-28-2021 at 11:26 PM.
Reason: so I can finish this without double-posting
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
From his place at the front of the room, Norman watched the students come and go. Several of them had already returned from placing their pumpkins, but others were still not back yet. Blue-green eyes sweeping the room, he made a mental note of who was here and who was not. A quick glance of his watch told him time was running out, so he quickly conjured a patronus to round up and straggling students. A silvery Sulimov dog emerged from the tip of his wand and trotted out the door.
Now no matter where they were in the school, any students still out would hear the dog speak in Norman’s American accent: “All transfiguration students, return to the classroom now!”
He allowed a few minutes for any more arrivals before addressing the class one final time. “Your homework tonight: read the chapter in your textbook on Melofors, and be prepared for a quiz next lesson. Class dismissed! Enjoy the rest of your Halloween!”
OOC: Absolutely LAST CALL for any mini activity links! This thread will close in about 12 HOURS. Thanks for attending my lesson!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Remy’s eyes lingered on the door, waiting for Ollie to return, but ooops… looked like she had ran out of time! The lesson was over, and it was a pretty great one. Mastering a new spell was always a awesome feeling. The Gryffindor gathered all of her things as she listened to the homework being set for them.
A quiz?!?
Uh oh. “Thank you for the lesson, Professor Carton.” Now… where could she go now to show off her lame Halloween costume. Remy skipped out of the room.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Master Yoda Lisa had returned with PadawanLukeSkywalkerNoah via a piggyback. Lisa loved being the Master this time cause she just rattled off cool Star Wars quotes that made her feel very cool. She did add a few comments on Noah’s really soft and nice hair. She didn’t know HOW he even got his hair that soft but that was perhaps a question for another day.
Their adventures had taken them to go place pumpkins outside of the Ravenclaw common room and then all the way out to the Boathouse (as they couldn’t find the Duck Pond) and then Noah carried her all the way back on his back.
He was so so cool and strong. Lisa wanted to be like HIM when she grew up.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by Watson
Master Yoda Lisa had returned with PadawanLukeSkywalkerNoah via a piggyback. Lisa loved being the Master this time cause she just rattled off cool Star Wars quotes that made her feel very cool. She did add a few comments on Noah’s really soft and nice hair. She didn’t know HOW he even got his hair that soft but that was perhaps a question for another day.
Their adventures had taken them to go place pumpkins outside of the Ravenclaw common room and then all the way out to the Boathouse (as they couldn’t find the Duck Pond) and then Noah carried her all the way back on his back.
He was so so cool and strong. Lisa wanted to be like HIM when she grew up.
The trek back to the Transfiguration classroom had been a fun one exchanging anything and all Starwars with the Padawan on his back, despite the booming call of Professor Carton's voice asking them to return from the Bronze Knocker and the Boathouse. It was a good thing, too, that piggyback rides were a thing back in the Mordaunt household, but most of the time, the request was more of an ambush than anything else. And the comment about the hair? The Gryffindor couldn't help but smile proudly at the remark. He'd told the small Ravenclaw to eat the right kinds of food to keep it soft and shiny... although, he'd pointedly skipped the part about rats nesting in it.
Noah bent his knees down and gently released Lisa from his back. "Well, that was fun Padawan. Thanks for tagging along," he said as he got his last pumpkin, the Darth Vader one and gave it to Lisa. "Here, keep this." on it was his name, and a helpful quote from one of the coolest characters in the Starwars universe.
I'm one with the Force. The Force is with me. ~ Jedi Master Noah
"Enjoy your Halloween. May the Force be with you." he said in parting, giving her a tip of his Captain hat, and a salute to the Professor for the fun lesson. Though the homework? Err... not so much. He had a big kids party to attend to, you see. "See you around Professor. Thanks for the fun lesson," and with that, he'd slung his bag on his shoulder and headed back to their dorm for another quick costume change. He'd have to think about the Duck Pond too, and reconsider the Boathouse in terms of... ahem, possible dating spots. Yep.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.