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The Courtyard is where many students spend their time between lessons if they're not in their Common Room or in the Great Hall. Its architecture, including watchful gargoyle parapets and real Gothic arches, reveals the Courtyard to be one of the oldest parts of Hogwarts, connecting the castle with the grounds and also leading to the wooden bridge over the ravine. In between lessons, the courtyard is usually filled with students enjoying some sun or gathering around the pear tree before heading back into the castle. Whether you choose to occupy one of the many stone benches or play gobstones on the cobblestone ground, the courtyard is the perfect place to relax with your friends from all houses.
In the middle of the courtyard is an antique ceramic fountain flanked by eagles, perfect for admiring your own reflection or making wishes. Beware though: once your coin has been tossed into the water, you may never get it back as it will continue to magically sink out of dight. Do try not to fall into the fountain, as the staff does not fancy a swim to fetch little students.
A new addition to the courtyard as of 2104 is a bronze plaque hanging on a suspiciously, perhaps not high-quality, restored pillar. The plaque reads:
This marks the location of the duel to the death between the Neo-Alliance leader, Lucien Rosier, and the British Minister for Magic, Charles Hollingberry, which resulted in Rosier's death. Long Live Hollingberry! May 10, 2104.
Why did Ash have to be so negative all the time? Mamie squinted at her ex-best friend before smiling at Nemesis and Lisa. Whatever plaque-removing Upstead was up to...she did not care. She didn't need a dentist.
She was, however, interested in how interested Ashley was. Why? Was she going to get into trouble? Friends or not, Mamie felt obligated to at least try to deter her friend from doing something stupid. Especially with Lisa here. They all had to set a good example for Lisa Nam. It was their responsibility. As non-first years. Plus, the pillar looked just fine without the pillar. It wasn't going to fall and kill anybody. Well, it wasn't going to fall again at least.
She shot Ash a disapproving look, then turned to look at Lisa. "What've you got there, Lees?" She gestured at the book. Was she ignoring Ash? Definitely. Was she still trying to listen on whatever Ash was trying to plan with Nemesis? Probably.
Originally Posted by Watson
Lisa gave the older students a small smile and greeted them in return. Her smile dropped when Nem mentioned what the plaque was about and a sudden chill crawled up her arms. She shivered, folding her arms across her chest. “Rosier… I read about that guy,” she said almost in a whisper as if saying his name could conjure him to their precise location.
The suggestions that Ash were throwing around were rather perplexing. She did like the sound of pranking people but… the Headmaster? She’d pass on that one.
Lisa just stood there, becoming more and more confused by the second. The icing on the cake was certainly the comment about the pillar killing them. “Why? It looks fairly… stuck in place?” she offered having ZERO idea of the details surrounding how Rosier’s demise actually ended. She just heard that he had gotten… got for lack of a better word.
There was also this REALLY weird tension thing going on between Ash and Margaret. It made her feel really uncomfortable to see the two practically ignoring each other after they had been so chummy before. Was this what she had to look forward to as a teenager? Broken friendships and awkward tension? She started hoping that the Peter Plan play actually DID have some fairy dust in it so she could go to Neverland and NEVER AGE past 12.
Her idea was absolutely dramatic.
She glanced down at her book and then to Mamie. “It’s a book on sleeping potions for research….”
Originally Posted by Felixir
Read about him, did she now. Nem nodded, then cut a quick glance between Fox and Turov, but said nothing of this little falling out that had apparently happened between them. Not interesting, nor all that important, but something to keep in mind, perhaps. Kid stuff, essentially, but all the same, it was worth keeping track of who was in league with who. Or not, as the case may be.
Speaking of childish. "I don't pull pranks," Nem said simply, now tapping the plaque with their wand and shrinking it down, in order to slip it comfortably into the same pocket in which they kept the name tag from the very first lesson of term. They gave Fox no further answer, partly because they hadn't decided yet; for now, they just wanted to take it down, and so they had. Maybe they'd keep hold of the plaque, maybe they'd send it to someone else - there was an individual Nem had been meaning to write to, who worked at the Ministry. Could even sell the thing, but the going rate was unlikely to be worth it.
"It's fine. A little unstable at most." The pillar, of course. "Suppose falling on top of Rosier didn't do it much good." Idiot. Taken out of the game by a glorified brick. What a waste.
Ready to be on their way, Nem lingered a moment longer through the exchange between Nam and Turov, just in case there was anything in it worth paying attention to.
A different person would have questioned Upstead more about the plaque. But Ash was happy to get rid of it, and would be extra happy if Upstead AND Mamie left and never came back. “I wanna make my own plaque like that. And then melt it. That would be cathartic.” That was all she really had to say, and she would have left... but Lisa said something interesting. “One of my ‘friends’ put a sleeping potion in my food a while back. They probably just wanted me to get a full nights sleep, but I didn’t appreciate that and when I find out who did it, I’m going to-” Huh. She’d lost her train of thought. Something was hovering on the edge of her perception, but she couldn’t quite grasp it. “Remember that, Mamie? I think I told you about it. She completely ignored the girl’s disapproving look. Mamie disapproved or everything she did. She probably disapproved of her existence. Instead, Ash found a lemon candy and ate it. “Sounds like a cool book, Lisa.” She might read it, in the hopes of finding a clue.
Pranks, plaques, Ash's interests really had changed since they stopped being friends. She eyed the pillar suspiciously, but it looked plenty stable to her. But if Nemesis thought it was unstable, probably best to steer clear of it anyway. They were fairly smart, she thought.
She gave Lisa's book a second glance. She'd thought it looked vaguely familiar. From one of the three times she'd gone in the library. She looked right at Ash when the other girl asked her a question, though, had to be polite. Setting a good example for Lisa, and all."No...I don't remember that, sorry, Ash," she said quickly before returning her attention to the first year. "You planning to brew a sleeping potion, Lisa? Is that for homework?"
She eyed Nemesis again, a little uncomfortable about him just...taking the plaque. "Isn't that stealing?" she asked quietly. She knew the answer. It was stealing.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
This first year was also curious if Nem could just pocket the plaque and bolt. What was so important about that plaque anyway?!? Lisa turned her attention to Ash, figuring that Nem had a reason for taking the plaque and perhaps wouldn’t understand it. Someone slipped a potion into Ash’s food? “Are you okay?” she asked, concerned about that whole ordeal. It seemed like it still weighed quite heavily on Ash and then Ash became quiet, leading Lisa confused. Mamie’s reaction didn’t give her much either. Wait. Did …. Did Mamie slip the potion into Ash’s food? WOAH. Her mind just was blown a little. She’d never expected Mamie to do that!
… but then again maybe her mind was overreacting.
Lisa have Ash a smile before turning her gaze to Margaret/Mamie and nodded. “I am! It’s not actual homework. It’s self assigned and it’ll help me later on,,” she beamed. She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. “The more I brew the potion, the more of an expert I will be, yes?” Lisa was smart, yes. Buuuuut she worked her butt off.
“Stealing? Maaaybe borrowing?” she asked, trying to help Nem out. Not that they needed it. Nem seemed fully capable of handling themselves.
"It's stealing. I'm not borrowing it," Nem confirmed, unabashed and resolute. They had no permission to take it, it wasn't theirs, and they didn't plan to return it. They had no reason to lie about that to these kids, no reason to want to. They also spoke and acted with great confidence, and really, that was all they ever needed to do. "But that doesn't mean it's wrong."
Or right. Or anything at all. It just was, and it was better for them all to understand that concept sooner rather than later. If the first year learned it early, then all the better.
Enough about the plaque. Nem looked between Nam, Fox, and Turov once again. Spiking each other with potions? Self-assigning work on sleeping draughts? Nem didn't want to know why, didn't care to know - nothing personal or anything - but all the same.
"Things seem a little tense between you two," they said, speaking directly to Fox and Turov. "Anything that can be resolved?" See. Excellent influence, especially given the youngster in their midst. A veritable guiding light. Just call them Polaris.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Pranks, plaques, Ash's interests really had changed since they stopped being friends. She eyed the pillar suspiciously, but it looked plenty stable to her. But if Nemesis thought it was unstable, probably best to steer clear of it anyway. They were fairly smart, she thought.
She gave Lisa's book a second glance. She'd thought it looked vaguely familiar. From one of the three times she'd gone in the library. She looked right at Ash when the other girl asked her a question, though, had to be polite. Setting a good example for Lisa, and all."No...I don't remember that, sorry, Ash," she said quickly before returning her attention to the first year. "You planning to brew a sleeping potion, Lisa? Is that for homework?"
She eyed Nemesis again, a little uncomfortable about him just...taking the plaque. "Isn't that stealing?" she asked quietly. She knew the answer. It was stealing.
Originally Posted by Watson
This first year was also curious if Nem could just pocket the plaque and bolt. What was so important about that plaque anyway?!? Lisa turned her attention to Ash, figuring that Nem had a reason for taking the plaque and perhaps wouldn’t understand it. Someone slipped a potion into Ash’s food? “Are you okay?” she asked, concerned about that whole ordeal. It seemed like it still weighed quite heavily on Ash and then Ash became quiet, leading Lisa confused. Mamie’s reaction didn’t give her much either. Wait. Did …. Did Mamie slip the potion into Ash’s food? WOAH. Her mind just was blown a little. She’d never expected Mamie to do that!
… but then again maybe her mind was overreacting.
Lisa have Ash a smile before turning her gaze to Margaret/Mamie and nodded. “I am! It’s not actual homework. It’s self assigned and it’ll help me later on,,” she beamed. She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. “The more I brew the potion, the more of an expert I will be, yes?” Lisa was smart, yes. Buuuuut she worked her butt off.
“Stealing? Maaaybe borrowing?” she asked, trying to help Nem out. Not that they needed it. Nem seemed fully capable of handling themselves.
Originally Posted by Felixir
"It's stealing. I'm not borrowing it," Nem confirmed, unabashed and resolute. They had no permission to take it, it wasn't theirs, and they didn't plan to return it. They had no reason to lie about that to these kids, no reason to want to. They also spoke and acted with great confidence, and really, that was all they ever needed to do. "But that doesn't mean it's wrong."
Or right. Or anything at all. It just was, and it was better for them all to understand that concept sooner rather than later. If the first year learned it early, then all the better.
Enough about the plaque. Nem looked between Nam, Fox, and Turov once again. Spiking each other with potions? Self-assigning work on sleeping draughts? Nem didn't want to know why, didn't care to know - nothing personal or anything - but all the same.
"Things seem a little tense between you two," they said, speaking directly to Fox and Turov. "Anything that can be resolved?" See. Excellent influence, especially given the youngster in their midst. A veritable guiding light. Just call them Polaris.
"Oh it's definitely stealing. But I don't really care. We're all watching Upstead steal that plaque. And? It's the Hogwarts courtyard, not the Rosier's dumb face courtyard. I'd be happy to see his name gone." Ash shrugged. "There are worse things than stealing anyway." Like putting people in a mirror. Or torturing people. Or putting sleeping potions in other people's food.
Her gaze moved from Upstead to Mamie. "Sure you don't remember."Her voice was slightly cold. Didn't remember? It was just like her to forget... but Ash thought Mamie was lying to her. Maybe it was Mamie who tricked her. Probably not, right? Mamie didn't know how to make those. She was probably just ignoring Ash's feelings again. Still... something stirred at the edges of her mind. Cookies... special ingredient... hot chocolate... What did that mean? She couldn't put the pieces together right. It was annoying. She let it go for now and looked over at Lisa. "I'm fine." It was a bit of a stretch, but Ash was never fine. Sleeping potions didn't cause much of that. "But I'm not gonna let it go." Because, uhhh... she kept grudges forever. She was never gonna like Cambridge, or Upstead, or Mamie.
Speaking of Upstead, why were they acting so nice all of a sudden? Ash eyed them suspiciously. She wasn't Kinsay James. She wasn't Mamie Turov. Had she ever had a positive interaction with Nem Upstead? Not really. She didn't answer their question aloud, but she shook her head almost imperceptibly, possibly subconsciously. She crossed her arms too. Body language didn't lie. She didn't want to be Mamie's friend. She'd burned that bridge in self-defense. Their relationship didn't need fixing. They just needed to stay away from each other until the day they both died.
Mamie gave Lisa a slightly judgmental look before she remembered the girl was a Ravenclaw. Self-assigned homework, indeed. She hypocritically wondered if that was a normal Ravenclaw thing to do. She'd practice extra, sure, but she wouldn't come up with something to learn ahead of time. Maybe she should.
She squinted at Nemesis. Stealing...was always wrong. Unless you were stealing something back. Or if you were stealing to help somebody. But stealing was usually wrong. She glanced at Ash, who was...technically right, there were worse things than stealing. But that still didn't make it okay. Just like saying there were worse thing to eat than...bread, didn't mean you should just eat and eat bread. Some things were just...bad. Comparing them to other bad things didn't make them good.
She looked suspiciously from Ash...to Nemesis... to Lisa, with her...sleeping potion book. "Things aren't tense," she said, crossing her arms. Hypocrite that she was, apparently she'd decided lying wasn't wrong today. After all, it wasn't as bad as stealing.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Oh. Lisa hadn’t expected Nemesis to just outright say they were stealing it. “Why?” she asked, titling her head to the side as she looked up at them. However the why was almost answered when Ash mentioned the crazy cult scary guy from last term. “Oh. That guy…” She still refused to say his name outloud. People like that didn’t deserve to be called a name.
Her eyes did flick back and forth between Mamie and Ash. It felt very much like a tennis match where she and Nem were the spectators of the match. It was tense. “Suuure…” she nodded before fidgeting.
It was really awkward especially when Mamie crossed her arms. Lisa didn’t like it.
She let the silence fall. “Could cut it with a knife…. Is that the right phrase?” she turned to look at Nem to confirm.
"Sometimes it's better for a little more time to pass before you go putting up plaques and that sort of thing," Nem said to the first year, and, as far as they were aware, it wasn't necessarily untrue. Even if they thought any of these kids would really get their real motivation, they still wouldn't have voiced it. This would suffice; nobody could really deny how sensitive everyone was around here. Providing a service, et cetera, et cetera.
Sensitive. Nem looked at Fox, then to Turov, then between the two once more. "Well, I'm convinced," they remarked lightly, and turned instead to look at the smallest Nam child. "That's the phrase, you got it." With a small smile, Nem circled the little group and started back for the castle again, seeing as everything here was apparently just peachy. "I'll leave you all to it, then. Need to go see a man about a plaque."
Demon spawn's work is never done.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Ash had no problem with saying that things were tense between her and Mamie. The problem was tact. What was the nice way of saying that she loved Mamie but she also hated her and was not going to repair that bridge under any circumstances? She had a better relationship with Upstead because they didn’t expect her to like them after what they did. She appreciated that. They didn’t expect forgiveness and that was SO much better than having enemies who asked for forgiveness. Also, Upstead didn’t say mean things about her to get sympathy from their mutual friends. They were so tolerable and had such a great personality, which kinda made her hate them more. But like, the second they stopped talking to her, she didn’t have to think about them. So on the one hand, Ash loved Mamie and hated Upstead, but she also rather liked Upstead and hated Mamie. It was... complicated, to say the least.
Today, Ash chose to tolerate Upstead more, because they were the funniest person she had ever hated with all of her heart and soul. “I’m glad you believe us. I was worried for a second that you’d think me and Mamie weren’t friends anymore.” Hah. Hahaha. Hahahahaha. Look at how funny they all were. She was practically rolling on the floor with laughter. Because this was just so funny.
Well, it was a bit funny, was it not? Three bad people and and angel named Lisa, brought together by a crime. Ash smirked a little bit. This was an absurd situation. “Bye Upstead. Have fun with that plaque.” She didn’t care why they’d stolen it. Technically, it was a crime, but they’d all done worse. Except for Lisa. Lisa was great. Speaking of Lisa... “So thick you could cut it with a knife? Yeah. That’s a pretty good saying.” Ash mostly ignored Mamie, figuring that there was nothing to be said. But she looked into her eyes, once. The look was a betrayed look. Mamie hadn’t betrayed her today, but she’d betrayed her in the library and Ashley Fox did not forget. She’d couldn’t forget and she couldn’t forgive. And if she could, she wouldn’t.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
For Daniel!
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Dahlia needed some fresh air and whatever sunshine she could soak up this afternoon. There was still a couple of weeks left before the school year was over. It was nearly summer time! Eight weeks of being at home with her family. No professors or schoolwork. Just lots of time to be herself and have fun.
Finding a bench near the fountain that was empty, Lia sat down placing her bag at her feet. Sir Frederik Puffington the Pink Pygmy hopped down from her shoulder to sit beside her. Reaching down into her bag she pulled out of her special box of paracord, might as well work on another bracelet while enjoying being outside.
It didn't take very long for her to lose herself in her bracelet making.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Dahlia needed some fresh air and whatever sunshine she could soak up this afternoon. There was still a couple of weeks left before the school year was over. It was nearly summer time! Eight weeks of being at home with her family. No professors or schoolwork. Just lots of time to be herself and have fun.
Finding a bench near the fountain that was empty, Lia sat down placing her bag at her feet. Sir Frederik Puffington the Pink Pygmy hopped down from her shoulder to sit beside her. Reaching down into her bag she pulled out of her special box of paracord, might as well work on another bracelet while enjoying being outside.
It didn't take very long for her to lose herself in her bracelet making.
With a book pressed against his chest, Daniel had decided that for today he would do some reading outside instead of in the library or in the Hufflepuff Common Room.
Arriving at the Courtyard, the first year looked around for a place to sit but finding that the benches were already being occupied by other students he was about to leave when something caught his attention. A pink Pygmy Puff hopping down from a girl's shoulder to be exact.
Moving closer, Daniel watched the girl take out some sort of cord from her bag and when he saw that she was making a bracelet he raised his eyebrows. "Wouldn't that go faster if you use magic?"
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
With a book pressed against his chest, Daniel had decided that for today he would do some reading outside instead of in the library or in the Hufflepuff Common Room.
Arriving at the Courtyard, the first year looked around for a place to sit but finding that the benches were already being occupied by other students he was about to leave when something caught his attention. A pink Pygmy Puff hopping down from a girl's shoulder to be exact.
Moving closer, Daniel watched the girl take out some sort of cord from her bag and when he saw that she was making a bracelet he raised his eyebrows. "Wouldn't that go faster if you use magic?"
Sir Frederik Puffington was about to take himself a nice long nap beside his human. There was some bouncing and wiggling and squirming around as he made his fluff ball self all snuggly cozy up against Lia's side where it was safe and warm. That was at least until he saw someone walking towards them, someone new, someone who would pay attention to him, yes? His attention was on this boy as he puffed himself up and squeaked to get his attention. Hi, hello there.. lookit me!
Lia on the other hand had didn't stop what she was doing at all, continuing to work the bracelet. "It would but that wouldn't make it as personal. Plus where's the fun in that?" She could make tons of bracelets in the time it took to make just one by hand if she used magic. That would be taking the easy way out though and each bracelet she made was different. Different colors, patterns, lengths and even the clasps or strings that held or tied them closed. "Plus I enjoy making them." It was calming.. mostly.
Finally glancing up from what she was doing, she noticed the book he was holding against his chest. "Whatcha reading?" It didn't look like a textbook or anything for a lesson.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Sir Frederik Puffington was about to take himself a nice long nap beside his human. There was some bouncing and wiggling and squirming around as he made his fluff ball self all snuggly cozy up against Lia's side where it was safe and warm. That was at least until he saw someone walking towards them, someone new, someone who would pay attention to him, yes? His attention was on this boy as he puffed himself up and squeaked to get his attention. Hi, hello there.. lookit me!
Lia on the other hand had didn't stop what she was doing at all, continuing to work the bracelet. "It would but that wouldn't make it as personal. Plus where's the fun in that?" She could make tons of bracelets in the time it took to make just one by hand if she used magic. That would be taking the easy way out though and each bracelet she made was different. Different colors, patterns, lengths and even the clasps or strings that held or tied them closed. "Plus I enjoy making them." It was calming.. mostly.
Finally glancing up from what she was doing, she noticed the book he was holding against his chest. "Whatcha reading?" It didn't look like a textbook or anything for a lesson.
His dark eyes followed the movements of the Pygmy Puff next to the year older Ravenclaw, seeing it puff itself up and squeaking loudly to get his attention. With his arms still clutching his book against his chest, the Hufflepuff waved his pinky and ring finger at the creature before turning his head to look at the girl.
"I think that using magic is far more fun than doing tasks with my hands" he said as he cocked his head slightly to the side. They were at a magical school to learn magic so he didn't understand why some people would do things the muggle way. It was slow and time-consuming. "You could have made ten bracelets in the time that we spoke" He watched as she continued to make them before he raised his eyebrows at her comment. Did she enjoy making them? "Ok, everyone has their preferences I guess" he shrugged. "Do you know Lisa Nam? I'm pretty sure she wants to start a business to sell stuff you two should combine forces" before looking down at the book in his arms. "Just a crime novel I was reading" he nodded to the Pygmy Puff. What is that?" and why was it so cute?
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
His dark eyes followed the movements of the Pygmy Puff next to the year older Ravenclaw, seeing it puff itself up and squeaking loudly to get his attention. With his arms still clutching his book against his chest, the Hufflepuff waved his pinky and ring finger at the creature before turning his head to look at the girl.
"I think that using magic is far more fun than doing tasks with my hands" he said as he cocked his head slightly to the side. They were at a magical school to learn magic so he didn't understand why some people would do things the muggle way. It was slow and time-consuming. "You could have made ten bracelets in the time that we spoke" He watched as she continued to make them before he raised his eyebrows at her comment. Did she enjoy making them? "Ok, everyone has their preferences I guess" he shrugged. "Do you know Lisa Nam? I'm pretty sure she wants to start a business to sell stuff you two should combine forces" before looking down at the book in his arms. "Just a crime novel I was reading" he nodded to the Pygmy Puff. What is that?" and why was it so cute?
Why was this human boy not petting him? Not holding him and cuddling him? Everyone that saw him, loved him! Did this child not know this? Usually by now there were squeals of delight and gasps of how adorable he was, then he was being given all of the love and affection. All he was getting was a finger wave thing? What even was that?! Sir Frederik bounced to the edge of the bench closer to the boy, big eyes staring up at him. Pet me! You know that you want to!
"Mm, I'm not saying that you're wrong in some cases." Depending on what the task was, she would readily agree with him. Lots of things were much more fun with the use of magic. "I could have but I've always made them by hand. It's more personal this way." If the bracelet was created by hand it showed that not only thought was put into it but time and effort as well. A warm smile tugged at her lips at the mention of her fellow Ravenclaw. "I do. We're friends and in the same house." Huh? Lisa was starting a business? This was news to her. "She is? Do you know what she's selling?" Consider her interested.
"Is it any good?" Lia smiled. She was always looking for new books to read. Blue eyes swung towards her bestest fluffy companion in the entire world that was all her very own. "Sir Frederik Puffington is a Pygmy Puff." Dahlia reached over and gently scooped up the fluff ball, giving him a cuddle. "He's simply amazing." Anyone could see that he was.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!