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Bright and early, Professor June Flamsteed is all smiles and waiting for you by the more secluded area of the lake. It may be a long walk over there, but a bit of walk is all you need to wake up anyway.
Hope you all remembered to wear appropriate swimwear, Professor Flamsteed definitely posted a notice about this prior to this lesson.
OOC: HELLO! And welcome to Herbology Lesson 1. Hope you have read the rules, if not - please do so before posting. Class will begin soon <3
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
It was a good thing that Claudine was a morning person - but only in the way of the fact that she didn't mind rising early. Talking to other humans on the other hand... well, that was a different story. She only nodded to Flamsteed as she arrived at the Lake. No offense, professor. Claudine talked a lot less this early in the mornings.
But yes, the Snakette was clad in appropriate swimwear. Those dark eyes of hers scanned the environs as she tried to pick her brain on aquatic magical plants. It surely was going to be an interesting lesson.
Ash was not a morning person. She looked presentable, and her brain was working fine, but... her mood was... well. She wasn't rude or mean or anything, but what little patience she had was virtually nonexistent. She wasn't really in the mood to forgive small transgressions this morning. Just saying.
Don't worry, she was wearing swimwear. Which in this case was her wetsuit. It almost felt like she was back in Australia. But she wasn't. She was here at Hogwarts. Not the same.
Ash stood next to Claudine, nodded at the professor, etcetera. Hopefully there wouldn't be any annoying people in this class.
Swimwear was... not something Quinn was particularly comfortable with. He liked the Bubble-Head Charm lesson last term because he was able to wear a wetsuit, but... he didn't own a wetsuit to wear for this lesson. All he had was his swim trunks from home and... he was already having trouble with some other things about himself and he didn't feel like having to worry about his body as well. He threw on his swim trunks, but he grabbed an oversized black T-shirt to wear along with them. He... would not be going shirtless. Especially since it was November—what was the Professor thinking, anyway? They could all catch hypothermia from getting in the lake, especially this early in the morning! He hoped that whatever the plant they were learning about today was would keep them warm while in the water.
Even though Quinn was quite covered, he still had his arms crossed in front of him out of discomfort and the need to keep his chilly arms warm. "Good morning, Professor," Quinn greeted with a small nod and a smile. Even though Quinn had been going to the greenhouses a lot this term, he hadn't been talking much with the Professor. He wasn't sure if or how much Atlas had told her about what was going on with them, but either way he was a little bit avoidant with all of the Flamsteeds.
Quinn sidled up next to the shore with Claudine and Ash, looking out over the lake. "D'you think she's really gonna make us swim in there?" he asked quietly, nervous not just about the cold, but about the merpeople, giant squid and any other creepy creatures lurking down there. As he looked down into the lake, he could swear that he saw something... large, translucent grey skin, hundreds of thousands of tentacles, four heads with four sets of milky, dead eyes... the heads of his parents... of Rosier... of Nick... the thing from his dream. Quinn gasped and blinked and it was gone. He rubbed his eyes... it was too early in the morning for this.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Misa was beyond anxious about this. Swimwear implied swimming, which the Ravenclaw didn't know how to do. Nor did she like the water. She approached the class gathering visibly nervous. Maybe Noah or someone would let her... hold on? Or at least watch her so she didn't drown?
"Hello Professor." she greeted while averting her eyes.
She then stood as far away from the water as possible and for the first time in her life sent out somebody please come save me universe vibes. Where was Florrie or Ivy... or... or a set of strong man arms when you needed them?
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Mornings and swimming were two of Kinsays favorite things. She had lots of favorite things, but these two were on the list for sure. Something that wasn't on the list? Showing up to class before any of her friends and having to stand all by herself. This was on a different list entirely. The list of least favorite things.
"Hi, Professor," she smiled warmly, before walking to a spot opposite of where Ashley, Claudine, and Quinn were standing. She didn't have a problem with Claudine, but being around Ashley made Kiz feel anxious and guilty and lots of other terrible ways. Being around Quinn was hard too, for other reasons. Hopefully her own friends would show up soon.
"Will Mr. Henry join us today?" As in Bartholomew Henry. As in KINSAY NEEDED TO MEET HIM.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Ollie was ready for this lesson. She woke up and did her usual routine, peppy as ever. She slipped into a bathing suit she had bought with her father, a simple one piece, grabbed a tote bag, and threw in necessary things she would need for swimming: goggles, a towel, a ponytail, a change of clothes. She also threw on a cover up before grabbing her wand and herbology things and throwing those into the bag as well.
When she arrived at the lake, she greeted Professor Flamsteed, "Good morning, Professor! Hope yours has been well. Do you mind if I talk with you after class?"Hopefully, then Professor would say yes, and Ollie would be able to ask about getting a small plot to plant in. She really needed to impress her during this lesson, so there was no way she could say no!
It was early and the sun was bright and...Serena was not.
She was early, but she wasn't shining bright like the morning sun. In fact, she was in a swimwear and robe over her. No need to flash everyone with her pasty bright skin. She wished she could tan naturally but all her skin did was burn and turn red. Bleh.
Shooting the professor a polite nod, she went over and stood beside Ollie. She managed to catch the question her housemate asked the professor, spiking Serena's curiosity (when was she not curious?). "Need help with Herbology?" she asked Ollie. If she needed help Sere had notes. She also had her father's notes...ones she 'borrowed'. Ahem.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Remy always appreciated a lesson that was a little outside of the box. Arriving in your swimwear was exactly one of those examples. It was early but Remy was as bright as a button, she had always been an early bird anyway. Not to mention - Herbology was the BEST class at Hogwarts!!!!!
The Gryffindor arrived with her school robes on, her swimming costume underneath, waiting until it was asked of her to get ready.
“Good morning, Professor Flamsteed!” She greeted with a cheery smile, before standing next to her bestie, who she also smiled at. Remy was soooo excited, but as always, clearly not as excited as Scarlett.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
Nem had remembered the instruction about swimwear, yes. Remembered it, totally ignored it, showed up anyway. They'd developed a little tendency to completely skip classes, or entire days - it was only a matter of time before Recard or the Headsman pulled them up on it - in favour of more interesting and challenging endeavours, but still appeared when they thought there might be something to keep them entertained. Like today, when they had no intention of participating in whatever it was the Flamsteed Singularity had planned. Might even only be here a few minutes.
Dressed in their uniform, with a couple of layers beneath for protection and warmth, Nem arrived at the lesson area at the edge of the lake and came to a stop by Limpet. "Morning," was all the greeting the professor got - no comment on the lack of swimwear, they didn't even seem to notice they were totally out of place, in fact they were completely without expression once again - while Nem poked Limpet lightly on the arm with a little finger.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Violet dragged herself down to class, cursing inwardly at the concept of classes before 10 am. Walking was well and good, but contrary to popular opinion, it was not enough to wake one up--a nice, strong cup of coffee was needed for that. But Violet was a schoolgirl and had no coffee available, so she was tired and grumpy.
And apprehensive, because the note to wear swimwear implied that they would also be expected to get into the water early in the morning. In the cold of autumn. Violet had worn her robes, because she saw no reason to freeze herself during the long walk down to the lake. She was also in no hurry to reveal the old-fashioned swimwear her grandfather had insisted on--at least she and Miss Howard had managed to talk him up to the 20th century, but Violet was still mortified to wear her suit in front of her fellow students.
Sighing as she reached the class area, she nodded to her teacher. "Good morning, Professor Flamsteed," she said in what she hoped was a more-or-less pleasant tone of voice. She looked around at her fellow students--she was sure all of them had better swimwear than she did. Except for Nemesis Upstead, who of course had ignored the instructions and was wearing their school uniform. Violet couldn't understand why they'd been allowed back at school at all, and she didn't know why they'd bothered to come, since they didn't come to class half the time.
Dismissing Nem from her mind with a shrug, she pulled her robes closer and waited for the class to start, looking apprehensively at the lake from time to time.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
It was really too chilly to travel in swimwear, so Phoebe showed up decked out in layers. Definitely followed directions, but she wasn't willing to freeze to death just to make the professor happy. Maybe a past version of Phoebe was willing to do anything to please a teacher person, but that girl was long gone.
"Hullo, Professor," Phoebe gave the professor a smile and a nod as she took up a spot near Kinsay. The younger James got a gentle hair tug and a wink. "Hey, small one. How are you?"
it's either adhd or wrackspurts <3 <3 lily luna's mom has got it going on
Eden wore a matching periwinkle hoodie-sweatpants combo over her swimming costume in an effort to combat the cold November air. She didn't understand why they were swimming now instead of say...any other time than literal winter...but whatever. It wasn't even the cold she truly held an issue with; for the first time in a long while, Eden hadn't felt comfortable in her body when she looked in the mirror that morning. She didn't exactly fill this thing out, did she? What if one of the Gryffindors noticed and made fun of her and Eden did something dumb and ruined her whole day over being self conscious about her figure? She couldn't exactly wear makeup either in case it washed off. She felt sure that, should a stranger look upon the class, they'd think she was a FIRST YEAR.
Eden tried her best to keep her discomfort and generally sour mood from showing on her face. "Hello, Professor."
The redhead scooted next to Quinn, relieved to see he looked just as uncomfortable to be here as she was, and then doubly relieved to see Ash and then Claudine. "Morning," she waved at all of them with a forced smile.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Ivy was wearing her swimwear for the lesson, but she also had her robe over it and a nice warming charm in place as well. The professor would probably - hopefully? - have some charms and things around the lesson area to keep them warm, but just in case, Ivy didn't plan on being caught in the cold. The falling temperatures already brought some...not-so-good memories of another time when they'd been dragged out into the cold air. But the bright morning sun made it easy to ignore. So this was fine.
"Morning, Professor," she greeted with a smile before taking a spot beside Misa.
"Hey." Misa got a smile too. Though she looked a little bit uncomfortable? Or was Ivy just imagining that? Was she okay?
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Swimwear on, Lisa rolled out of the dormitory and then out the door of the Common Room. She was surprisingly awake this morning as she made her way down the main stairs and across the grounds to the destination of the Herbology class. Upon arrival, she offered Professor Flamsteed a smile and a nod. “Morning! How are you?” she asked brightly before standing near Misa and Ivy. She gave them a smile before spotting more familiar faces like Ash, Remy, and Ollie. Hi!
He wasn't sure how he felt about swimming in the lake for a lesson, as it was not particularly warm still and his swim trunks did not provide much coverage either. Which was why he'd opted for a shirt as well, and he figured he could swim in it as well. There was no need to be shirtless in class, yes? Trudging his way down from the castle, he made his way towards the gathering group, but not before stopping to offer the polite, "Hello, Professor Flamsteed." before moving to stand next to his sister.
Lisa got an affectionate pat to the head and a small smile, "Hey Lees." before he turned back to wait for the lesson to begin. He couldn't say that Kinsay's question did not have him intrigued though as well and he was hoping the question would be an affirmative. How could would it be to meet the Giant Squid?
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
It boggled his mind as to why Professor Flamsteed wanted them to be in their swimwear for the day's Herbology class when he was certain that the weather and the overall temperature of the outdoors was relatively cool... even cold for light clothing. But honestly, since it was Hogwarts, he knew better than to question. After all, his body was ready for... whatever it was that the Professor planned for them. Hey, he even sneaked a quick round of crunches and planks to warm himself up (yeah, right).
Noah showed up in his school robes, of which he charmed to warm on its own, while underneath he wore a pair of sweats and a shirt just to keep things modest... for now. He didn't want to appear gung-ho about wearing his swimwear and freezing his bottom off. Patience was a virtue after all. And yes, he didn't want to gift himself a cold for Christmas, thank you very much.
"Professor Flamsteed," Noah announced his presence with a nod towards the professor and quietly took a spot...
WAIT. Face-palming, Noah sidled quietly next to his sister Scarlett and draped his school robes over her shoulders. Yes, they were the 'wild' Mordaunt kids out of the four spawns of Mordred and Sophie, but this was a bit scandalous. "I know you rarely catch a cold, but let's not risk it because if you do, I don't want to catch your cold and ruin my holiday." Please? Noah stood up straighter as he charmed his shirt to warm on its own to keep himself comfortable and toasty while he waited for the class to start.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,085
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Atlas was never NOT excited about Herbology, but today he was absolutely ECSTATIC for it.
So, decked out in appropriate swim AND eyewear (which he had borrowed from dad's artifacts over the summer), the Gryffindor sprinted his way down to the lake, took a wrong turn, doubled back, followed a couple of peers who were heading in the right direction, and THEN arrived at the designated meeting spot. It was cool, he was still early ish.
"Hi Aun----Professor!" he chirped with a wave. They were going IN the lake today. IN! IIIIIIIIIIIIN! He was going to tick off SO many things to his list of Hogwarts Musts that he would be ahead of schedule. Or maybe at least on schedule since last term he could do essentially none of the things he wanted to without fear of death. Though, to be fair, survive a near death experience had been on there since that seemed the sort of rite of passage a wizarding youth had to go through...but he could have done with something a little less, er, life threatening.
He really REALLY wanted to go stand by Quinn because, obviously, Herbology and his still best friend went in tandem but when he saw that The Ravenclaw was next to Ashley...he stuttered his steps, smiled, offered a lame kind of wave, glanced at the other Ravenclaw, shrugged his shoulders, and went to stand elsewhere. That elsewhere being somewhere around where Ollie and Remy were standing but kind of behind them at a sort of diagonal. Also that one Hufflepuff girl who seemed to be just as excited as he was and her brother.
Wiggling his toes in his sandals, Atlas did not feel the least bit cold. He was too fired up about today to even consider feeling cold. Though he HAD packed a few things in his school bag and there was always his wand to attempt another Heating Charm. Surely this time he wouldn't set something on fire when he tried.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Although Heath was not exactly a morning person, he wasn’t fussed by the early hour. It wasn’t the first time he had to wake up early for something, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. The swimwear was the part he didn’t like. He always felt so self-conscious in a swimsuit, even around his own family! The idea of the whole school seeing him had his stomach in knots!
Dressed in plain black swim shorts, a matching shirt, and a hoodiefor an added layer of warmth and coverage, he trudged toward the lake, keeping his head down so as not to meet any judging eyes. "Hello, Professor Flamsteed," he greeted, looking up just long enough to give her a respectful nod of acknowledgement.
Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he went to stand with Claudine and several of his younger housemates (Ash, Quinn & Eden). "Hi," he greeted the group.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Morning person? Emmerson Cambridge was barely an afternoon person. Perhaps she was more accurately not a “learn something so early in her day type of person” considering she had less issues getting up on weekends to start her practices. Had to be in good form and it was a great bonus that the little blonde lived for dancing.
Not so much. She liked Professor Flamsteed well enough, didn’t mind being in her classes and was holding out for the day she was allowed to interact with the flesh eaters. Until then, Emmerson presented herself by the lake, coming to a stop by two of her favourite people, the James sisters.
“Morning, Professor. I heard we’re working with the squid today.” Heard Kizzy ask if they were working with the squid. Same thing really and if you said something more than once, it was more likely to be true. Phoebe being unoccupied for the moment, Emmerson snugged up across her, wrapping the girl’s arms around her and pinning them in place with her own.
“You’re with me and Kizzy today, no protests. Right, Kiz?”
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
For the record, Margaret hadn't forgotten about the swimwear request either, but she had gone and talked to her head of house about it, and knew she wasn't going to have to actually swim. So while the rule-following Hufflepuff had pulled on her old swim team one piece under her uniform, she didn't intend to get that far. She would not be going in that lake, would not be getting anywhere near drowning. Not a chance.
It was very uncomfortable, by the way, wearing a one-piece swimsuit under your Hogwarts robes.
At least she wasn't cold. She'd donned her gloves from Aboli just for this occasion.
She tried to summon a smile for Flamsteed as she arrived, giving her a quick, "Good morning, professor," before joining Misa, Ivy, and the Nams. Maybe their Ravenclaw smartitude would rub off on her.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
An early morning Herbology lesson held at the lake in late November. While some might not enjoy this, Dahlia was all for it. She was totally a morning person, up early everyday on routine and the cold didn't bother her. That's what heating charms were for and she was making good use of them every chance she got. Not to mention it was one of her top two favorite classes so she wasn't about to miss it for anything.
Dahlia arrived at the lake clad in her swimwear that was currently covered up by her white hooded shirt. One her feet were her rainbow sneakers, maybe they were a hint towards her swimsuit? Her bag which was slung over her shoulder had anything she might need for the lesson or after getting out of the lake. "Hello, Professor Flamsteed," Lia greet with a warm smile.
The Ravenclaw bounced on her toes a bit, her blue eyes fixed on the lake wandering what they would be doing today.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
It was a good thing that Claudine was a morning person - but only in the way of the fact that she didn't mind rising early. Talking to other humans on the other hand... well, that was a different story. She only nodded to Flamsteed as she arrived at the Lake. No offense, professor. Claudine talked a lot less this early in the mornings.
But yes, the Snakette was clad in appropriate swimwear. Those dark eyes of hers scanned the environs as she tried to pick her brain on aquatic magical plants. It surely was going to be an interesting lesson.
June returned the Slytherin's nod with a small smile, "Good Morning, Miss Blaze" For now the nod was enough and wasn't a mood killer.
Originally Posted by astrocat
Ash was not a morning person. She looked presentable, and her brain was working fine, but... her mood was... well. She wasn't rude or mean or anything, but what little patience she had was virtually nonexistent. She wasn't really in the mood to forgive small transgressions this morning. Just saying.
Don't worry, she was wearing swimwear. Which in this case was her wetsuit. It almost felt like she was back in Australia. But she wasn't. She was here at Hogwarts. Not the same.
Ash stood next to Claudine, nodded at the professor, etcetera. Hopefully there wouldn't be any annoying people in this class.
Another nod.
What even was a nod?
Nonetheless, June returned it with an appropriate greeting, "Morning, Miss Fox"
SPOILER!!: Quinn
Originally Posted by NiallNIP
Swimwear was... not something Quinn was particularly comfortable with. He liked the Bubble-Head Charm lesson last term because he was able to wear a wetsuit, but... he didn't own a wetsuit to wear for this lesson. All he had was his swim trunks from home and... he was already having trouble with some other things about himself and he didn't feel like having to worry about his body as well. He threw on his swim trunks, but he grabbed an oversized black T-shirt to wear along with them. He... would not be going shirtless. Especially since it was November—what was the Professor thinking, anyway? They could all catch hypothermia from getting in the lake, especially this early in the morning! He hoped that whatever the plant they were learning about today was would keep them warm while in the water.
Even though Quinn was quite covered, he still had his arms crossed in front of him out of discomfort and the need to keep his chilly arms warm. "Good morning, Professor," Quinn greeted with a small nod and a smile. Even though Quinn had been going to the greenhouses a lot this term, he hadn't been talking much with the Professor. He wasn't sure if or how much Atlas had told her about what was going on with them, but either way he was a little bit avoidant with all of the Flamsteeds.
Quinn sidled up next to the shore with Claudine and Ash, looking out over the lake. "D'you think she's really gonna make us swim in there?" he asked quietly, nervous not just about the cold, but about the merpeople, giant squid and any other creepy creatures lurking down there. As he looked down into the lake, he could swear that he saw something... large, translucent grey skin, hundreds of thousands of tentacles, four heads with four sets of milky, dead eyes... the heads of his parents... of Rosier... of Nick... the thing from his dream. Quinn gasped and blinked and it was gone. He rubbed his eyes... it was too early in the morning for this.
All of his worries would be addressed in a little bit. For now, June simply smiled at the young Ravenclaw.
"Indeed a very good morning, Mr Kingsley." And it was - she was told today the sun won't be bothered by the clouds either. So, it was definitely one of her preferred days. She had never been a fan of cloudy, gloomy-for-no-reason days.
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Misa was beyond anxious about this. Swimwear implied swimming, which the Ravenclaw didn't know how to do. Nor did she like the water. She approached the class gathering visibly nervous. Maybe Noah or someone would let her... hold on? Or at least watch her so she didn't drown?
"Hello Professor." she greeted while averting her eyes.
She then stood as far away from the water as possible and for the first time in her life sent out somebody please come save me universe vibes. Where was Florrie or Ivy... or... or a set of strong man arms when you needed them?
So many shy ones this year.
Despite the timidness, June smiled brightly back at the young girl, "hello, hello, Miss Couture"
SPOILER!!: Kinsay
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Mornings and swimming were two of Kinsays favorite things. She had lots of favorite things, but these two were on the list for sure. Something that wasn't on the list? Showing up to class before any of her friends and having to stand all by herself. This was on a different list entirely. The list of least favorite things.
"Hi, Professor," she smiled warmly, before walking to a spot opposite of where Ashley, Claudine, and Quinn were standing. She didn't have a problem with Claudine, but being around Ashley made Kiz feel anxious and guilty and lots of other terrible ways. Being around Quinn was hard too, for other reasons. Hopefully her own friends would show up soon.
"Will Mr. Henry join us today?" As in Bartholomew Henry. As in KINSAY NEEDED TO MEET HIM.
Finally a smile June could appreciate. And one she really needed everytime she saw the younger James around school - her sadness had been one of the things that had haunted her the most last term.
So yes -- her smile reminded June all was well.
Chuckling, the brunette nodded at the question, "I hope so. I did send him an invitation. Hopefully he'll show up. I do hear he is not a morning person though"
SPOILER!!: Ollie
Originally Posted by wednesday
Ollie was ready for this lesson. She woke up and did her usual routine, peppy as ever. She slipped into a bathing suit she had bought with her father, a simple one piece, grabbed a tote bag, and threw in necessary things she would need for swimming: goggles, a towel, a ponytail, a change of clothes. She also threw on a cover up before grabbing her wand and herbology things and throwing those into the bag as well.
When she arrived at the lake, she greeted Professor Flamsteed, "Good morning, Professor! Hope yours has been well. Do you mind if I talk with you after class?"Hopefully, then Professor would say yes, and Ollie would be able to ask about getting a small plot to plant in. She really needed to impress her during this lesson, so there was no way she could say no!
"Morning, Mr Burke" The less grumpy ones were finally arriving and it gave June a lot of joy.
"And of course, I hope all is well with you" She replied with a soft smile. It didn't show - but student-professor conversations OUTSIDE of class was something that always worried June a little. Lets just say -- the pressure of doing right by them felt more of a thing when the topic of discussion wasn't plant related.
SPOILER!!: Serena
Originally Posted by Deezerz
It was early and the sun was bright and...Serena was not.
She was early, but she wasn't shining bright like the morning sun. In fact, she was in a swimwear and robe over her. No need to flash everyone with her pasty bright skin. She wished she could tan naturally but all her skin did was burn and turn red. Bleh.
Shooting the professor a polite nod, she went over and stood beside Ollie. She managed to catch the question her housemate asked the professor, spiking Serena's curiosity (when was she not curious?). "Need help with Herbology?" she asked Ollie. If she needed help Sere had notes. She also had her father's notes...ones she 'borrowed'. Ahem.
Another one for the 'nod' group.
Did everyone forget how to have polite small talk? Maybe there needed to be a seminar of some sort for it.
But for now, the young girl's polite nod was returned with a nod of her own.
Scarlett was one HAPPY CAMPER as she skipped her way to the LAKE in her SWIMWEAR. This was going to be SO MUCH FUN, she just KNEW IT.
SHE KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!
"HI, PROFESSOR!!!!!!!!" She beamed, not minding to use her 'indoors voice' because WELP, they were OUTDOORSSSSSSSSSSS. BY THE LAKE, YO!!!!!!!!
This was HERBOLOGY by the LAKE. What MORE could Scarlett Mordaunt WANT???????????
Maybe some of Healer Poppy's bread, that was ALL. Then this would be the PERFECT DAY.
She joined the group and WAITED for the class to BEGIN.
June smiled brightly at the girl and greeted her, "good morning, Miss Mordaunt"
Originally Posted by Emzily
Remy always appreciated a lesson that was a little outside of the box. Arriving in your swimwear was exactly one of those examples. It was early but Remy was as bright as a button, she had always been an early bird anyway. Not to mention - Herbology was the BEST class at Hogwarts!!!!!
The Gryffindor arrived with her school robes on, her swimming costume underneath, waiting until it was asked of her to get ready.
“Good morning, Professor Flamsteed!” She greeted with a cheery smile, before standing next to her bestie, who she also smiled at. Remy was soooo excited, but as always, clearly not as excited as Scarlett.
A little out of the box and FUN was something they all needed to be honest.
June returned the girl's cheery smile, and greeted her back, "Morning, Miss Gaeltheos. Lovely day, isn't it?" It really was. The sun was definitely not disappointing.
Originally Posted by Felixir
Nem had remembered the instruction about swimwear, yes. Remembered it, totally ignored it, showed up anyway. They'd developed a little tendency to completely skip classes, or entire days - it was only a matter of time before Recard or the Headsman pulled them up on it - in favour of more interesting and challenging endeavours, but still appeared when they thought there might be something to keep them entertained. Like today, when they had no intention of participating in whatever it was the Flamsteed Singularity had planned. Might even only be here a few minutes.
Dressed in their uniform, with a couple of layers beneath for protection and warmth, Nem arrived at the lesson area at the edge of the lake and came to a stop by Limpet. "Morning," was all the greeting the professor got - no comment on the lack of swimwear, they didn't even seem to notice they were totally out of place, in fact they were completely without expression once again - while Nem poked Limpet lightly on the arm with a little finger.
June's ....... bright morning dampened a little at the sight of Nem Upstead arriving.
No, she hadn't forgotten last term. And it showed whenever her eyes met theirs.
For her sanity, she looked away the moment they greeted - choosing to not acknowledge their presence for now.
SPOILER!!: Violet
Originally Posted by MadAlice
Violet dragged herself down to class, cursing inwardly at the concept of classes before 10 am. Walking was well and good, but contrary to popular opinion, it was not enough to wake one up--a nice, strong cup of coffee was needed for that. But Violet was a schoolgirl and had no coffee available, so she was tired and grumpy.
And apprehensive, because the note to wear swimwear implied that they would also be expected to get into the water early in the morning. In the cold of autumn. Violet had worn her robes, because she saw no reason to freeze herself during the long walk down to the lake. She was also in no hurry to reveal the old-fashioned swimwear her grandfather had insisted on--at least she and Miss Howard had managed to talk him up to the 20th century, but Violet was still mortified to wear her suit in front of her fellow students.
Sighing as she reached the class area, she nodded to her teacher. "Good morning, Professor Flamsteed," she said in what she hoped was a more-or-less pleasant tone of voice. She looked around at her fellow students--she was sure all of them had better swimwear than she did. Except for Nemesis Upstead, who of course had ignored the instructions and was wearing their school uniform. Violet couldn't understand why they'd been allowed back at school at all, and she didn't know why they'd bothered to come, since they didn't come to class half the time.
Dismissing Nem from her mind with a shrug, she pulled her robes closer and waited for the class to start, looking apprehensively at the lake from time to time.
Not a morning person? That was okay - the water may wake her up.
Smiling back at the girl, June greeted her back, "Great morning, indeed, Miss Blackthorne"
SPOILER!!: Phoebe
Originally Posted by Cassirin
It was really too chilly to travel in swimwear, so Phoebe showed up decked out in layers. Definitely followed directions, but she wasn't willing to freeze to death just to make the professor happy. Maybe a past version of Phoebe was willing to do anything to please a teacher person, but that girl was long gone.
"Hullo, Professor," Phoebe gave the professor a smile and a nod as she took up a spot near Kinsay. The younger James got a gentle hair tug and a wink. "Hey, small one. How are you?"
You know -- common sense would be to wear something over that swimwear before being asked to enter the lake. So - um, it was great, the older James was using that lovely brain of hers. One June was quiet fond of, if she may add.
"Hello, Miss James"
Originally Posted by Bryn
Eden wore a matching periwinkle hoodie-sweatpants combo over her swimming costume in an effort to combat the cold November air. She didn't understand why they were swimming now instead of say...any other time than literal winter...but whatever. It wasn't even the cold she truly held an issue with; for the first time in a long while, Eden hadn't felt comfortable in her body when she looked in the mirror that morning. She didn't exactly fill this thing out, did she? What if one of the Gryffindors noticed and made fun of her and Eden did something dumb and ruined her whole day over being self conscious about her figure? She couldn't exactly wear makeup either in case it washed off. She felt sure that, should a stranger look upon the class, they'd think she was a FIRST YEAR.
Eden tried her best to keep her discomfort and generally sour mood from showing on her face. "Hello, Professor."
The redhead scooted next to Quinn, relieved to see he looked just as uncomfortable to be here as she was, and then doubly relieved to see Ash and then Claudine. "Morning," she waved at all of them with a forced smile.
Unaware of Miss Tilly's sour mood for now, June gave a nod in return of her greeting.
Were they all here now? Could she start?
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Ivy was wearing her swimwear for the lesson, but she also had her robe over it and a nice warming charm in place as well. The professor would probably - hopefully? - have some charms and things around the lesson area to keep them warm, but just in case, Ivy didn't plan on being caught in the cold. The falling temperatures already brought some...not-so-good memories of another time when they'd been dragged out into the cold air. But the bright morning sun made it easy to ignore. So this was fine.
"Morning, Professor," she greeted with a smile before taking a spot beside Misa.
"Hey." Misa got a smile too. Though she looked a little bit uncomfortable? Or was Ivy just imagining that? Was she okay?
Again the use of common sense! June would be proud to know the young girl was already thinking the obvious.
"Morning, Miss Grimm. Lovely to see you here" And it was. Briefly she remembered the way the girl had fallen last term, hit by a curse and all that had happened after -- but once again, that smile of hers was enough to pull June out of memories she wanted to forget.
Originally Posted by Watson
Swimwear on, Lisa rolled out of the dormitory and then out the door of the Common Room. She was surprisingly awake this morning as she made her way down the main stairs and across the grounds to the destination of the Herbology class. Upon arrival, she offered Professor Flamsteed a smile and a nod. “Morning! How are you?” she asked brightly before standing near Misa and Ivy. She gave them a smile before spotting more familiar faces like Ash, Remy, and Ollie. Hi!
"Hello!" Another smiling one. June really appreciated these smiles, she was starting to realize.
"I am doing quiet well, Miss Nam. I hope you are too"
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
He wasn't sure how he felt about swimming in the lake for a lesson, as it was not particularly warm still and his swim trunks did not provide much coverage either. Which was why he'd opted for a shirt as well, and he figured he could swim in it as well. There was no need to be shirtless in class, yes? Trudging his way down from the castle, he made his way towards the gathering group, but not before stopping to offer the polite, "Hello, Professor Flamsteed." before moving to stand next to his sister.
Lisa got an affectionate pat to the head and a small smile, "Hey Lees." before he turned back to wait for the lesson to begin. He couldn't say that Kinsay's question did not have him intrigued though as well and he was hoping the question would be an affirmative. How could would it be to meet the Giant Squid?
"Hello" June greeted back, her eyes scanning the small group now. They were almost all here right? It was time begin. Five more minutes and they would start.
Originally Posted by Stefan
It boggled his mind as to why Professor Flamsteed wanted them to be in their swimwear for the day's Herbology class when he was certain that the weather and the overall temperature of the outdoors was relatively cool... even cold for light clothing. But honestly, since it was Hogwarts, he knew better than to question. After all, his body was ready for... whatever it was that the Professor planned for them. Hey, he even sneaked a quick round of crunches and planks to warm himself up (yeah, right).
Noah showed up in his school robes, of which he charmed to warm on its own, while underneath he wore a pair of sweats and a shirt just to keep things modest... for now. He didn't want to appear gung-ho about wearing his swimwear and freezing his bottom off. Patience was a virtue after all. And yes, he didn't want to gift himself a cold for Christmas, thank you very much.
"Professor Flamsteed," Noah announced his presence with a nod towards the professor and quietly took a spot...
WAIT. Face-palming, Noah sidled quietly next to his sister Scarlett and draped his school robes over her shoulders. Yes, they were the 'wild' Mordaunt kids out of the four spawns of Mordred and Sophie, but this was a bit scandalous. "I know you rarely catch a cold, but let's not risk it because if you do, I don't want to catch your cold and ruin my holiday." Please? Noah stood up straighter as he charmed his shirt to warm on its own to keep himself comfortable and toasty while he waited for the class to start.
So much worry. June would soon address these concerns, but -- for now, June simply greeted the boy back with a small nod of her own.
SPOILER!!: Atlas
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Atlas was never NOT excited about Herbology, but today he was absolutely ECSTATIC for it.
So, decked out in appropriate swim AND eyewear (which he had borrowed from dad's artifacts over the summer), the Gryffindor sprinted his way down to the lake, took a wrong turn, doubled back, followed a couple of peers who were heading in the right direction, and THEN arrived at the designated meeting spot. It was cool, he was still early ish.
"Hi Aun----Professor!" he chirped with a wave. They were going IN the lake today. IN! IIIIIIIIIIIIN! He was going to tick off SO many things to his list of Hogwarts Musts that he would be ahead of schedule. Or maybe at least on schedule since last term he could do essentially none of the things he wanted to without fear of death. Though, to be fair, survive a near death experience had been on there since that seemed the sort of rite of passage a wizarding youth had to go through...but he could have done with something a little less, er, life threatening.
He really REALLY wanted to go stand by Quinn because, obviously, Herbology and his still best friend went in tandem but when he saw that The Ravenclaw was next to Ashley...he stuttered his steps, smiled, offered a lame kind of wave, glanced at the other Ravenclaw, shrugged his shoulders, and went to stand elsewhere. That elsewhere being somewhere around where Ollie and Remy were standing but kind of behind them at a sort of diagonal. Also that one Hufflepuff girl who seemed to be just as excited as he was and her brother.
Wiggling his toes in his sandals, Atlas did not feel the least bit cold. He was too fired up about today to even consider feeling cold. Though he HAD packed a few things in his school bag and there was always his wand to attempt another Heating Charm. Surely this time he wouldn't set something on fire when he tried.
Oh LOOK - the twins. They had made it. Sure, Aries was rubbing his eyes and following Atlas not so far away -- but they were here. June smiled back at Atlas, well aware of his excitement, "hello, Atlas. Did you have to drag Aries here today? He doesn't look too happy" she chuckled.
SPOILER!!: Heath
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Although Heath was not exactly a morning person, he wasn’t fussed by the early hour. It wasn’t the first time he had to wake up early for something, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. The swimwear was the part he didn’t like. He always felt so self-conscious in a swimsuit, even around his own family! The idea of the whole school seeing him had his stomach in knots!
Dressed in plain black swim shorts, a matching shirt, and a hoodiefor an added layer of warmth and coverage, he trudged toward the lake, keeping his head down so as not to meet any judging eyes. "Hello, Professor Flamsteed," he greeted, looking up just long enough to give her a respectful nod of acknowledgement.
Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he went to stand with Claudine and several of his younger housemates (Ash, Quinn & Eden). "Hi," he greeted the group.
Oh, one of her favourites!
June smiled at the boy, and gave him a nod of greeting.
"Morning, Mr Jones" Alright, two more minutes and they start.
SPOILER!!: Emmerson
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Morning person? Emmerson Cambridge was barely an afternoon person. Perhaps she was more accurately not a “learn something so early in her day type of person” considering she had less issues getting up on weekends to start her practices. Had to be in good form and it was a great bonus that the little blonde lived for dancing.
Not so much. She liked Professor Flamsteed well enough, didn’t mind being in her classes and was holding out for the day she was allowed to interact with the flesh eaters. Until then, Emmerson presented herself by the lake, coming to a stop by two of her favourite people, the James sisters.
“Morning, Professor. I heard we’re working with the squid today.” Heard Kizzy ask if they were working with the squid. Same thing really and if you said something more than once, it was more likely to be true. Phoebe being unoccupied for the moment, Emmerson snugged up across her, wrapping the girl’s arms around her and pinning them in place with her own.
“You’re with me and Kizzy today, no protests. Right, Kiz?”
Despite being bright and chirpy, June APPRECIATED Emmerson's energy level being a little on the low side as she arrived in class. It just felt safer somehow.
Maybe June should always have classes early.
"Morning, Miss Cambridge. As much as I'd like that - I don't think he wants to be bothered this early in the morning"
SPOILER!!: Margaret
Originally Posted by Waddles
For the record, Margaret hadn't forgotten about the swimwear request either, but she had gone and talked to her head of house about it, and knew she wasn't going to have to actually swim. So while the rule-following Hufflepuff had pulled on her old swim team one piece under her uniform, she didn't intend to get that far. She would not be going in that lake, would not be getting anywhere near drowning. Not a chance.
It was very uncomfortable, by the way, wearing a one-piece swimsuit under your Hogwarts robes.
At least she wasn't cold. She'd donned her gloves from Aboli just for this occasion.
She tried to summon a smile for Flamsteed as she arrived, giving her a quick, "Good morning, professor," before joining Misa, Ivy, and the Nams. Maybe their Ravenclaw smartitude would rub off on her.
June remembered the young hufflepuff's request and had been entirely okay with her taking this lesson at her own pace.
So, she smiled at the girl encouragingly as she finally joined them.
"Morning, Miss Turov"
SPOILER!!: Dahlia
Originally Posted by Kolyander
An early morning Herbology lesson held at the lake in late November. While some might not enjoy this, Dahlia was all for it. She was totally a morning person, up early everyday on routine and the cold didn't bother her. That's what heating charms were for and she was making good use of them every chance she got. Not to mention it was one of her top two favorite classes so she wasn't about to miss it for anything.
Dahlia arrived at the lake clad in her swimwear that was currently covered up by her white hooded shirt. One her feet were her rainbow sneakers, maybe they were a hint towards her swimsuit? Her bag which was slung over her shoulder had anything she might need for the lesson or after getting out of the lake. "Hello, Professor Flamsteed," Lia greet with a warm smile.
The Ravenclaw bounced on her toes a bit, her blue eyes fixed on the lake wandering what they would be doing today.
The final one? The final one.
Also a favourite.
Smiling back at the girl, June gestured her to quickly join the crowd. They needed to start now.
Once all were counted for, June moved to stand somewhere in the middle with the lake behind her, so everyone could see and be seen at the time.
"Thank you for showing up bright and early, everyone. I am sure it is obvious enough by now - today our lesson involves the lake and plants underneath" she started, her eyes moving along the crowd.
"So, lets start with something very basic. What do you know about aquatic plants? Do you know any?"
OOC: Hello! Hope you guys are having an awesome weekend. First question is up, and I'll moving the class along in 20-24 hours.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Indeed it was a lovely day. Thankfully so, since the students were dressed in bathing suits! Wouldn’t be much fun in blistering snow.
Ooh, water plants! She should’ve known this would be part of today’s topic since they were likely going swimming today. Hopefully it was to FIND water plants of their own. Remy was confident she had an answer for this one, an example, that is, so she raised her hand. “I have an example of an aquatic plant - Gillyweed, professor, is a water plant that is found in…” what was it… “… the Mediterranean Sea, I think.” She had not long read about it. “It can cause a human being to breathe under water.” Remy nodded, confidently.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream