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Library https://s26.postimg.cc/bbp8vzqhl/library-banner.jpg A maze of thousands upon thousands of books, the library is heaven to any book-lover. Upon entering the high-ceilinged room, the smell of books, both ancient and new, hits you. There are many tall, narrow shelves neatly lined up, each divided into different sections -- charms, potions, Muggles, fiction, and so on. If you find a book you're interested in, simply make use of the sliding ladder or summon the book with Accio to retrieve it. |
Open Post! Valencia headed straight to the library at the first possible free moment. She needed to find out more of what was going on. Old newspapers, history books, blood lineage family books. She needed to catch up on all of it if she was going to make it through the year. |
Valencia! :3 Quote:
He just wasn't exactly sure where to start. Quinn didn't know if he even trusted the librarian to make a selection for him if the staff was being forced to do whatever the Headmaster said. Quinn knew he wanted to learn offensive and defensive magic, and he would want to brush up on some magical history as well. Hogwarts history could be a good starting place, but he already had Hogwarts: A History on hand, so he came to the library more so for the magic aspect. Quinn recognized one of the older Ravenclaw girls (Valencia) and went over to her. This would be... a weird question, but he thought she was safest to ask. She should know a fair bit of magic at this point. He just hoped she wouldn't ask too many questions about what he was doing—practicing battle magic was probably not something the Headmaster would approve of, and the less people that knew, the safer he and other students would be. "Er, excuse me, but... d-do you know what books would be good for, um... learning about some advanced-but-not-expert-level offensive and defensive spells?" |
But he did come to the right place. She knew every inch of this library. In fact before he had time to answer she headed down an aisle and stopped in front of the many cases. |
She ran a finger across the spine of a few books before pulling one out. "Once you go through the required text for the year, this will be a good one." she said holding it out to him. |
Quinn took the book from the girl. "Thank you. Um..." The girl seemed to know the library pretty well. He thought to ask her about some more books, but... he didn't want to make her do all of his work for him. He decided he would only ask for one more. "W-what about... books on healing spells..?" |
"Yeah. Those are over here." she said leading the way. "Do you know any or just starting off?" Because that would determine which book she pulled off the shelf. |
Especially if something bad was going to happen. Which... it inevitably was going to. |
"Well, I really don't want to keep you..." Quinn thought for a moment. This girl was obviously smart, and she had to have some sort of clue as to what he wanted the books for, so... "W-well, one more question. And it's not to find me a book this time, but... let's say, hypothetically, that some first years were going to practice magic. If said hypothetical first years were to practice some spells that go beyond first year curriculum and they needed a bit of help, would you help them? Hypothetically?" |
"Valencia." she replied. She considered that for a moment. Royse had said she'd been a good teacher. And she had led several of the OWL study group sessions. She imagined she could be helpful. "Hypothetically, you should be careful of who you talk to about it." she said, looking around. "I imagine there would be some people that would think extra practice was... hypothetically, in preparation for some... unsavory actions against new management." She then grinned. "So yeah. I'm in if you need anything. Just don't be stupid about it." |
He perked up. "I... I'll try my best. And, uh, I'll make sure to come to you if a situation like that were to come up." Quinn looked down at the books in his hand. 'Uh, well, that's everything I need, for now. Thanks again, Valencia. I'll see you later, then." Quinn gave a smile and a small nod and went to check out his books. |
She nodded again, this time offering a reassuring smile. "Yeah. Of course. Good luck with everything." she said offering the younger student a little wave. |
open post. feel free to chat. The library. Maybe that was a good place to get away from everything and just...destress from everything that is going on in school as of late. Having her younger brother with her at school as well doesn't make things any better. Never in her wildest dreams would she feel so protective over a massive pain like Wes. But, a girl has things to do and she needs to leave him be...for the time being. A she sits down at a small open table, she sets a couple of books down in front of her and sits exhaling out softly. Looking at the books before her she runs her fingers through her hair and looks through them speaking softly to herself, "No, no...maybe not...read this like six times...ah! Here we go. When in doubt, write it out." Setting her book in front of her, she flips open to a blank sheet and begins to just jotting everything down that is on her mind. Back before she found this way of releasing her anger and her concerns, she would act more like her mother and lash out verbally and sometimes physically, but she's gotten better. Now she just writes everything down. |
Snagging! Also open for others to join! Quote:
Today's visit was of the educational kind. There was only so much she could learn from her own textbooks and she couldn't go borrowing her older cousins and siblings books for very long. Entering the library, Dahlia headed straight for the front desk with her usual warm smile and placed the two books she had borrowed down to return them. On her way towards the aisle of books she heard some muttering from an older girl sat at one of the tables. "When in doubt, write it out?" she repeated quietly. "I like that. Does it work for most things you're unsure about?" Even as she spoke to the older girl, blue eyes were already scanning over titles of books on the aisle behind the table where they were. She wasn't being rude, simply multi-tasking. |
letters to one another just to keep her updated with how much she was tired of school and how much her brother would annoy her, but now not being able to...she can't imagine what her mother thinks. Probably going to get a massive Howler sent to her but she won't be able to see that anytime soon... Still writing and jotting down random things, she hears a little voice speak over to her and Aibhi picks her head up slightly getting startled not thinking anyone was going to talk to her in here of all places. Turning to see where the little voice was coming from, she sees a little one looking through titles in an aisle of the library. Oh this one was young. She had to be at least a first year. So young... When in doubt, write it out... Aibhi softly cleared her throat and lowered her quill for a moment and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I guess you can say that in a way. Uh, it's- it's a good distraction from time to time when you have thoughts that you feel like you can't get out so writing them down seem to help. My dad taught me that." Seeing her still scan through the many titles of the aisle she adjusts her attention to keep it focused on the little one. "Are- are you looking for anything in particular to read in here or were you just...passing through?" |
For a brief moment, she hadn't expected the older girl to respond. For one, she had spoken rather quietly and second, the girl was probably busy. Not always was someone happy with being interrupted. A sweet little smile formed on Lia's lips when she was responded to. "That.. makes sense. Does it help?" If it did, she would have to try it. There was a whole lot to write about. As for what she was looking for, Dahlia hadn't found it yet. "A little bit of both actually. I had a few books that I needed to return so since I was here I figured it would make sense to choose a few more." Which is what she normally did. "I like to read about most things. Today I was hoping to find somethings about Charms maybe." |
What was with the sudden change of heart to this Slytherin? Now, out of nowhere she is being kind to others instead of snapping at someone for even breathing in her direction. This year has really shown her a different side to herself and it scares her, but she accepts it. Listening to the little first year she can't help herself but get up from her chair and she looks around and walks over to another aisle tracing her finger along different books and stops grabbing one book and looks at the title and walks back over to the first year. "Here. Give this a read. I read this back in my second year. I think you might like it. A lot of cool different Charms and what not. Also, this is the Divination section. Charms is back that way." Aibhi points behind her to the section she walked over to to grab her the book. "You don't have to read this one. There's uhh- there's plenty of other books to choose from." |
When the older girl got up suddenly and walked off, well Dahlia was more than a tad bit confused. Had she said something wrong? If she had, why had the girl left all of her things behind? Weird. She stood there looking very much confused until the girl returned with a book. Oh! A small smile tugged at her lips at the help. "Thanks," she nodded, flipping the book open to have a quick look at it. As for being in the wrong section, she knew that. Not always did she head directly for what she was looking for. There were times that browsing along the way had proved beneficial to her. "Oh, I know. I was just looking while I made my way over to the Charms section." |
Listening to her she nods. "That's also a good way to do that. If I'm not writing...I tend to turn to music and singing, but never singing in public. Usually to myself. Not comfortable with people hearing me sing." Not being so active, but she wish she was, she remembered from time to time watching her mom and dad work out together in the garage as Aibhi and her little brother would just be sitting there doing whatever else they were doing at a young age. Nowadays, her dad is busy with his work and her mom and her have...unfortunately not seen eye to eye as of late, but...teenagers right? Nodding, she then paused for a moment and cleared her throat. Don't get awkward now, you numpty. You didn't know. She chuckles softly to herself knowing that, yeah, yeah she probably did know where to look, but...yeah Aibhi was starting to feel like she was being awkward. The classic Draven-O'Hanlan flaw/quirk. Looking at the books along where the two stood, she looked back at the first year, Introductions Aibhi! Bloody- Clearing her throat, she then tries to break the awkwardness she was causing. "I'm sorry. I- I'm so rude. Here I am talking to you and didn't introduce myself. My name is Aibhlinn. But, you- you can call me Aibhi. Mostly everyone does." And by everyone...she meant the three, maybe four people that she actually speaks to at school. |
In the moment of silence that occurred Lia flipped through the pages of the book before closing it. This one could come in handy so she would be checking it out today. Rude? Lia hadn't thought so but the introduction was helpful. "Hi, Aibhi. I'm Dahlia or Lia, either one is fine." She always answered to both and several other nicknames that had been given to her. |
Smiling softly she nods to her reply, "It's nice to meet you, Lia. Have you enjoyed being here at Hogwarts thus far...all things considered. I swear this place is never like this. Usually its more...lively, but given the circumstances..." She pauses mid sentence. The last thing she wants to do right now at is scare the poor girl away so she quickly gives her throat a little clearance before switching up the subject a bit, "These next seven years are going to be some of the best years of your life. the magic you will learn, the friends you'll make." Looking around the library, she takes in her early years in school and she sighs softly. "I'm going to miss this place after my seventh year." |
"I guess so?" So far things hadn't been what she expected but that happened sometimes. "I'm not alone here... I have my siblings and cousins so we stick together." Having her family here with her really helped a lot both physically and emotionally. Without them all she likely would've taken things much harder. A small gentle smile formed on her lips. "My entire family has always attended Hogwarts.. so I'm looking forward to it all." Right now, anyways. Who knew what the future had in store, not her. |
She nods. "That's pretty cool. Maybe one day you'll join a band too." Who knows? Maybe Lia will become famous one day. Listening to Lia speak, she leaned against the bookshelf pushing a piece of her hair out of her face. She smiled back warmly to her listening to her. "That's awesome that your family has attended Hogwarts. Pretty much the same for my family...except my dad. I think he went somewhere else, but still...pretty much the entire family has been to Hogwarts. My younger brother Wes is here too. He's a fourth year Slytherin. Haven't been able to seen him as much though with everything too. I hope he's ok." Her demeanor changes slightly thinking about her brother and a look of worry comes across her face but then she clears her throat and shakes it off. "But, I'm sure the future will be slightly better after this." giving an reassuring nod. |
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