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Muggle Studies Lesson 1: Pollution
OOC: HELLO FOLKS. welcome to our first MS lesson of the year OOC. students would have already had classes with Class has STARTED! Late arrivals will be met with IC consequences. Lesson Progress: + Arrivals + Question 1: Can you think of different types of pollution? Why is pollution bad? + Responses to Q1 + Question 2: What can muggles do to reduce pollution? How can wizards contribute to this work? + Responses to Q2 + Mini-Activity: Create an educational poster + Final Activity: TRASH DASH to end all dashes!!! (not the punctuation kind) (the running kind) (aNyWaY) |
"Good morning professor. I see you have a slinky." Ashley sat down and pulled out some markers. They should be allowed, because this was muggle studies. There is no time quite like free time to draw on your arms. 'The Earth is dying'? Big news. The Earth had always been dying. She wrote 'the Earth is dying' on a free spot on her arm next to some flowers, a surfer, a tree, and some stick figures. It looked kinda cool there. Ashley assumed that this lesson would be on pollution, or global warming, or some such. She recited what she knew about pollution, which was quite a lot, since she had taken a class on it. It was mostly mumblings, but you could vaguely hear ''[inaudible] is 80% hydropower but there is one [inaudible] per capita." and "So [inaudible] planted trees but they all died and then there was a cover up." She liked muggle studies. She was great at it. After all, she was a muggle-born. |
Bright and early Mondays equaled Muggle Studies. Claudine was still not that into the Muggle world but had come a far way in learning about the non magical humans. She was happy about that. This was why she breezed into the classroom, completely ready for today's lesson. And Schmoe. And his slinky apparently. Claudine preferred the yo-yo, honestly. ''Good morning, Professor,'' came her greeting. ''Nice slinky.'' The girl gave him a small, non judgmental smile then shuffled off to find herself a seat in the back row. Only then did she pay attention to the huge words on the board. Very ominous words, weren't they? |
Eron was quick to finish his breakfast and leaving some for Carys right before coming to Muggle Studies. It was a brand new day and the seventh year has managed to slip in a morning run first thing after waking up. He fixed his tie as soon as he stepped inside the classroom and well, seems pretty normal. Nothing out of the ordinary like a swimming pool or a bunch of bean bags lying around. However there is this huge writing on the classroom board about the earth dying and that seems a lot for a bunch of teenagers to handle at 9 AM. Obviously spotting his favorite |
Torin still wasn't sure why he was in this class. His dad's a muggle doesn't that count for something? They live in the muggle world and everything. Even if they do raise magical creatures. As if Monday mornings weren't hard enough. Slinking |
Despite herself, the first thing Eimear's eyes were drawn to when she entered the classroom was the slinky that Professor Schmoe was holding. It looked... fun. Kind of. Maybe. Then her eyes slid from the slinky to the huuuge words on the whiteboard behind him. 'THE EARTH IS DYING' Very cheerful. "...Good morning, Professor," she said, looking at him and smiling politely. Then, once she had turned away and was moving towards a seat, she muttered "I think" under her breath. It definitely didn't seem like the most positive topic for 9am on a Monday at any rate. Eimear selected a seat towards the front of the class and got settled. |
Over the past couple of terms, Heath had gotten used to Professor Schmoe's unique brand of weirdness. As such he was surprised to see an entirely normal desk setup as he entered the muggle studies classroom… no unusual seating, no random object (unless one counted the slinky in the professor's hand), no nothing. Coming from Professor Schmoe, this setting was weird! Was he okay? He wasn't going to turn inexplicably cruel like Trent, was he? "Good morning, Professor," Heath greeted, studying the man's face for a second. Hmm… that smile didn't look any stranger than usual. Then his eyes fell to the slinky. "I like your slinky. Are you going to make it 'walk' down the stairs later?" Pleasantries out of the way, Heath beelined for the back of the room. Usually when he sat at the back of a classroom, it was because he was either afraid of then professor or not confident in his abilities in the subject, but today he sat in the back out of respect for his shorter classmates. No one likes spending an entire class straining to see around the person in front of them, right? He took the vacant seat on Claudine's other side. "Hi," he whispered, smiling slightly. And hi to the Hufflepuff (Torin) sitting nearby too! Heath gave the other boy a polite nod in greeting as he neatly laid out his supllies on the desk. |
The only real reason that Matty didn't walk to class with Emma or Emm and Kinsay or Sam was only because muggle studies was a sort of... meet in the middle as far as common rooms go and he was PRETTY sure waking up early to climb all those stairs or descend them just to meet up with him wasn't really something they would've wanted. So he came on his own, fully As he strolled through the doorway, his eyes greeted the whiteboard first, large letters grabbing his attention before the professor and his shiny slinky could. 'THE EARTH IS DYING' Yeah, but what did that have to do with MUGGLE studies? Hmm? Was that the real question? 'Cause that was what Matty was gonna work on while he waited. But not before offering the professor a quick and polite "Hello Professor," in a soft greeting and a "nice... toy." Yeah. Um... his seat was calling, particularly nice looking one without too much mark up in the second row. His notebook appeared on the desk next and ideas of what the professor was going to get at in today's lesson were already finding their way onto the paper. |
mentions Ashley and Matty :) Sophie was usually one of the earliest to arrive on Monday mornings for Muggle Studies, but today she had almost overslept. She wasn't late, but she wasn't the first either. It made her a tad bit grumpy. So did having to actually attend Muggle Studies. Her dad was a Muggle. She figured she knew pretty much everything there was to know about the subject. Besides, no offense to her dad, but Muggle stuff was so BORING. Sophie took a seat at the front of the room. She gave a wave to Ashley and nodded at Matty, a fellow Slytherin first year. She hadn't introduced herself to him yet. She would have to do that soon, maybe before the lesson began. Speaking of the lesson...the Earth was dying? What did that even mean, and why was Professor Schmoe being so dramatic about it? Spotting the Professor, she gave him a wave and a smile. "Good morning, Professor Schmoe. Nice Slinky." |
Alexandre was excited for Muggle Studies, despite the fact that it was fairly early in the morning. It wasn't THAT early, so it wasn't so bad really. And he liked Schmoe. And he liked the subject. He had gotten an O in it on his OWLs. It was actually his only O. Which he knew wasn't very good compared to a lot of people ANYWAY, anyway. "Good morning professor," he greeted as he entered the classroom, then he turned to take a seat. Alexandre was a little disappointed that the desks were in plain old boring formation. He liked Muggle Studies because it was usually fun. But just because they were starting out this way didn't mean it wasn't going to be fun. So he tried to think optimistically as he took a seat at one of the desks. And then he looked at the whiteboard. That didn't sound very fun. |
The smile that had been present on Ingrid’s face since she’d arrived at Hogwarts had been fixed and it didn’t look like it was going to leave anytime soon. Not even at 9am on a Monday morning could rock its steady nature it seemed as it was still there when she walked through the door her first class of the day. “Good morning professor!” her voice was confident and firm as she waved towards the professor, her eyes briefly touching the weird, metallic object before she made her way towards the other students. It wasn’t until she actually sat down somewhere near the front of the class and placed her parchment on the table in front of her that she actually noticed the massive message on the white board at the front of the class. Raising her hand, she called out towards the professor at the front of the class “So…it that some kind of warning or prophecy or are we playing some type of game?”. As she was in muggle studies, it really could have been any of those things. She’d actually read of the weird muggle newspapers whilst in London and saw that they always said the stupidest of things and practically predicted the end of the world on a daily basis. Maybe this was one of those things? |
UH....WHUT? It was kind of early in the morning for discussing such things, no? And Cecelia definitely hadn't had a big enough breakfast to prepare her for the emotional roller coaster that was SURE to be the discussion of the earth's demise. Like, couldn't they do a lesson on -hey, roller coasters or something and call it a day? That would be WAY more fun! "Hey Professor." She matched his weirdo smile with one of her own and made her way to her seat, wondering when was a good time to suggest lesson topics to slinky man up there. |
Kale was feeling surprisingly good this morning. As a fourth year, teenage mode had been fully activated. He was, like, constantly feeling all of his emotions at their highest and most intense levels, and it was exhausting. But this morning, Merlin's Beard, the blonde felt allllllllllllllright. He walked into class humming and dazzling the room with a box step in the doorway when he saw the words. He blinked twice. Then his eyes started to water. "Wat." He looked at his Professor and repeated more strained, "Wot." |
A lot of people might complain about Muggle Studies being their first class of the week, but Avalon didn't mind it. To be perfectly honest, she wasn't all that fascinated in Muggles, but she enjoyed Professor Schmoe's teaching style enough to keep signing up for the elective. The meme class last term had been one of her favorite lessons. She hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. The Earth was....dying? That was an interesting message for the beginning of class. "That's a cheerful way to start the week, Professor," Avalon said with a chuckle, gesturing to the huge letters on the board after giving her Head of House a wave. They usually kept topics lighthearted in Muggle Studies, so she was a little surprised to see such depressing words on the board. |
TA HERE REPORTING FOR DUTY *wink* Astrocat & Rogue1 this is 4 u Of COURSE Bernadette O. Grantham was on time or early for Muggle Studies. This was HER class, by Merlin. She marched in, nodded seriously to Professor Schmoe and his strong slinky game, added a bright, "HELLO, SIR," and then reported for duty to a desk and chair behind some first year.... Ravenclaws? First years, bruh. They wanted to give the whole game up in one go, didn't they? Rattling on and on about the environment already? As though this was a Muggle SCIENCE class? Well Bernie knew what to do with them. She leaned forward, pressing one finger to her lips, and started SHHHHHHHING them LOUDLY. "SHHHHHHHHH!" she hissed, taking in a big breath before beginning again. "SHHHHH unless you want DETENTION. Professor Schmoe gives REAL detentions to PROBLEM KIDS." Yeah, just ask whats-her-name the Book Beater from last year. Bernie shot the pair of 'Claws a stern LOOK as well, one she was working on copying from the Headmaster. A LOOK that said don't make me destroy you. You know, since she was a big bad fourth year Muggle Studies Teaching Assistant and could do precisely that. |
Another 9 am lesson. Minjae was used to them by now but he'd like an evening lesson every once in a while please. He was more awake in the evening anyway. Hands deep in his robe pockets, the Hufflepuff entered the classroom looking unimpressed at the set up for today's lesson. What was interesting though was the big 'the earth is dying' message on the whiteboard and he raised an eyebrow before turning to the professor. "I'm more surprised it hasn't died yet" he said with a shrug of his shoulders "And that's supposed to fall down the stairs" he added as he pointed at the slinky before he walked off and found a place to sit near the window. He was not in the mood for class today, all he wanted was to kick back in the gaming room and defeat Josh and Hero. Was class over already? |
Why was Schmoe always playing with some muggle toy? Last years big to do was a yoyo now today it was a slinky ... thought the yoyo was cool, the slinky was boring and kinked way to easily. Well I guess being the Muggle studies professor one would assume he was into muggle things. "Morning Professor." Blake added, sitting in desk that was in a rather typical and boring muggle set up. |
Alexandre ^_^ It was 9am, Aboli was feeling off, and she was up all night thinking about...things. Things and stuff. It was a plague to her existence right now. She was not happy about his announcement on the board. "Professor Schmoe, I didn't need that reminder. I already feel consistently disappointed in humanity," she said with a loooooooOoooong sigh before taking a spot next to Alexandre. "Hey, friend," she nudged him with her elbow in a friendly way as she fiddled with her gloves. "Nice to see you bright and early," she rolled her eyes, clearly being sarcastic. "I could have used an extra hour today. Hardly slept a wink." Schmoe had a slinky. Aboli's eyes kept following its movements. |
Speaking of the Earth, it had a message for the professor: Earth to Schmoe, that smile is weird as. And Nem would know. They were well versed in smiles. Whatever. "Morning," Nem greeted him as they went over to grab any old seat in any old row. Grantham's angry snake sounds caught their attention as they got settled, and they looked momentarily towards her, and then the first years she was having a hissing match with. A second later, and Nem's attention was back at the front of the room again. The Earth sure was dying. And Schmoe could write that on the whiteboard, but when the Rheticus Vortex came for Hogwarts and Nem casually mentioned the end of days could be imminently nigh, nobody wanted to hear it. Never mind that their theory had actually turned out to be pretty close to the truth, when all was said and done. Whatever. Nem didn't have all that much to say about that. Or this Earth stuff. Or muggles at all, really. They were just here for the |
When Sloane started at Hogwarts, she doubted Muggle Studies could teach her much she didn't already know. She was muggle-born, after all. And yet, her curiosity over how her peers (with varying exposures to the muggle world) would interpret their lessons was too strong to not attend. She hadn't yet been disappointed. She found the class quite enjoyable, and it helped that she typically understood everything just fine, unlike in some of her magic-heavy classes where she occasionally struggled (or at least didn't excel.) She entered the classroom and immediately spotted the GIANT writing on the board. The Earth is dying? I wonder how this will be specifically relevant to muggles... wouldn't the Earth dying impact muggles and wizards/witches alike? Sloane was quite intrigued. Muggle Studies always had a way of doing this. With a curious half smile, she greeted the Professor, "Good morning, sir" before taking a seat in the middle of the pack. |
Monday.....It was a new week and Naya was ready to get things started. Her mood was good, her energy level surprisingly high and Muggle Studies was on her mind. She arrived at the classroom later than usual, but still on time. “Hello Professor”, she said cheerfully. Heading toward an empty seat, she was stopped in her tracks. The message on the whiteboard was a bit of a downer. The earth was dying? After last term’s events, that was not something that she wanted to hear. Naya took her seat and readied herself for class. Hopefully the topic of the day was not as dire as the message on the board. Hopefully. |
Valencia was always curious when it came to this class. She'd picked up so many books over the summer to help Royse prep for muggle exams and was really hoping there would be lessons on something relevant to that. LIKE SCIENCE! That would be brilliant. "Hello Professor." she greeted cheerfully. The expression on his face made her question her cheerfulness though. The topic on the board, however, fascinated her. She took a seat and waited for class to start. |
Why were classes allowed before noon? This twelve year old was a growing girl and wanted more sleep. She hated getting up even if her parents made her get up super early even in the summer. She wanted to stay in bed, but noooo, here she was coming to class. Heading in and looking around it was hard not to miss the dooms day message on the board. "Good Morning Professor. Though your sign is informative, I think you are giving up hope too easily. If we plant some trees, pick up some trash, and spell a few muggles to stop being so gross we could easily save the planet." She had no doubt they could, especially if they worked together. |
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