-   Term 56: September - December 2020 (
-   -   Divination Lesson One (

Bazinga 09-21-2020 02:02 PM

Divination Lesson One

The tower was a bit cooler in the first of November chill still, but as you climbed through the door you will find that the room is set up almost like it always was and a warm cozy feeling can soon be found. The sent of lavender lightly fills the air. Desks are set up so students sit four to a table instead of the normal two. This is because in the back of the room you will find a line of dressing stations and hanging from the wall you will see clothes from casual to dress robes, scarves, and all forms of different shoes, ties, and even hair bows.

Professor Kitridge can be found sitting on her desk with a smile on her face greeting each student with a snap as they come in. The board reads to have a seat and take out some parchment and a quill to get ready for the lesson that will be happening in just a moment.

Class Progression:

Mini Activity
Mini Activity continued
First Question
Main Activity
Main Activity Part 2
Final Thought

astrocat 09-21-2020 02:18 PM

Ashley sighed. Divination. She wasn't inclined to believe it was an important subject, and it was definitely not important to what she wanted to do when she grew up. Consequently, she was not fond of this class. "Hi," she grumbled to the teacher. She took out her supplies, waiting to see if anyone would sit at her table.

Ginevra 09-21-2020 02:57 PM

Fiona entered the classroom to one of her favourite classes, the distinct aroma of lavender filling her nostrils which gave her a slight feeling of calm. "Good afternoon, Professor Kitridge," she greeted with a smile. Fiona then made her way to a vacant desk, giving a Ravenclaw first-year a quick smile as she walked past her. As the Slytherin teenager sat down, she quickly got out her parchment and quill.

emjay 09-21-2020 02:57 PM

Divination was one of those classes that Morgan didn't quite "get" but he thought he was pretty awesome at, so it was an elective that he liked alright. Plus the professor was pretty cool and sometimes had snacks for them. Win-win.

"Sup, Professor?" He greeted the woman in his typical Morgan way with a grin as he entered the classroom. No snacks today? Hopefully later then, and he took a seat at a table with a fellow fourth year (Fiona), waiting for some more of his mates to show up. "Hey, what's up?" he greeted the girl already seated there.

FearlessLeader19 09-21-2020 03:35 PM

"Good afternoon, Professor,'' Claudine greeted politely, inhaling the very familiar scent of lavender. She couldn't wait to find out what form of Divination they'd be focusing on today. Her eyes found the set up of clothes as she headed for a seat and vaguely wondered if they were required to dress up later on. Claudine hoped not. It would be quite the hassle to go through all that shenanigan.

Deciding that her social batteries were fully charged at the moment, the Slytherin made her way over to Fiona and Morgan's table. "Hey, guys. Hope you don't mind me sitting here.'' Smiling slightly, she took a seat on one of the two remaining chairs.

Quill and parchment? Yes, the Snakette got them out and ready.

MadMadamMalfoy 09-21-2020 04:35 PM

I think there's still a seat at this table. If not, I'll edit.
Heath still wasn’t sure what to make of divination. He had his doubts about it, but he also thought that one didn’t necessarily have to believe in a subject to gain knowledge from it. Regardless of his opinions of the subject itself, Professor Kitridge was one of his favorite teachers here, and that was enough to make him look forward to divination class. He spotted her at her desk immediately upon walking into the room and greeted her with a slight smile, “Hello, Professor Kitridge.”

His dark eyes scanned the room in search of a place to sit; it wasn’t a hard decision. He quickly beelined for the table where with his fellow fourth years (Fiona, Morgan, & Claudine). If he couldn't’ sit alone, sitting with people he knew was the next best thing! “Hey,” he greeted the others as he took the remaining seat. He set his bag down and pulled out a quill and parchment.

It was only after he arranged his supplies that he noticed the clothes and dressing stations at the back of the room. Wasn’t it a little late for Halloween costumes? Hmm… maybe they were doing a play today… that would explain the clothes. Jumping Jawas, that would be fun! Please be a play, he thought to himself, and if it is, please give me the lead role! Now he was getting really excited for this lesson!

MadAlice 09-21-2020 05:17 PM

sitting at an empty table...
Violet was still not convinced Divination was real magic, but she was not about to offend the teacher, so she said, "Good day, Prof. Kitridge," as she entered the room. Hmm, it looked like they were sitting four to a table today. She looked around the room, hoping to find someone to sit with, but it looked like the one table with students already at it was full . Too bad, she would have liked to sit with some of the older students in the hopes that they would know what was going on. Besides, being a year older than most of her class made her feel out of place with the other second years.

Oh well, she thought, as she sat at an empty table and got out her quill and parchment. She hoped someone would sit with her, that was all, so she didn't feel any more awkward at school than she already did this term. Then she noticed the clothing in the back of the room. Oh no! This wasn't going to be another class where they had to change their clothes, was it?! Violet hated having to put on strange clothing...

love-for-HP 09-21-2020 07:33 PM

Blake sighed as he took his seat in Divination. He just wasn't feel like lessons today ... he really just wanted to head to bed or back to bed, he wished he had never gotten out of it today.

None the less, he took a seat at a table, he didn't even notice if there were other people sitting at it, he just took at empty seat and sat... "Hello Professor," Blake added not wanting to be rude ... but again also not wanting to be here.

Waddles 09-21-2020 07:40 PM

Mamie generally looked forward to Divination class, if only because it was taught by her head of house who was just the most fun professor at Hogwarts (in Mamie's slightly biased opinion). She tilted her head as she ented the room and saw it was arranged slightly differently today, with....clothes hanging in the back? She wondered what that was for.

Spotting Kitridge herself, Mamie greeted her brightly from the doorway. "Hello Professor!"

Glancing around for an empty seat, she saw her friend Ashley sitting alone, and made a beeline for that table. "Hello Ashley, can I join you?" she said politely, without actually waiting for the other student to answer before plopping herself into the seat next to her and pulling out her note-taking supplies.

astrocat 09-21-2020 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Waddles (Post 12469179)
Mamie generally looked forward to Divination class, if only because it was taught by her head of house who was just the most fun professor at Hogwarts (in Mamie's slightly biased opinion). She tilted her head as she ented the room and saw it was arranged slightly differently today, with....clothes hanging in the back? She wondered what that was for.

Spotting Kitridge herself, Mamie greeted her brightly from the doorway. "Hello Professor!"

Glancing around for an empty seat, she saw her friend Ashley sitting alone, and made a beeline for that table. "Hello Ashley, can I join you?" she said politely, without actually waiting for the other student to answer before plopping herself into the seat next to her and pulling out her note-taking supplies.

Ashley was getting worried. Nobody was sitting with her. Noooo. She was gonna be bored!!! Thankfully, Mamie showed up just in time. "Sure," she said. Not that her answer had really mattered to Mamie. But Ashley didn't mind. She was just wayyy excited to get to sit with her friends. "Hey Mamie." Situation salvaged. Now she could at least not be alone.

pundantic 09-21-2020 07:47 PM

Kale flounced into Divination with his usual flare. He was in a good mood, so the fourth year was shinning it out into the world. Hello friends, feel the good VIBES!

He gave Professor Kitridge a cool set of thumbs up, grinning wildly, and moon walked to his desk. The official dance of happy time lions.

Kale plopped down beside Blake and nodded, like, 'sup bro?

MadAlice 09-21-2020 08:13 PM

Moving over with Ashley and Mamie
Violet glanced around and saw that there had been room at another table when she came in, but she hadn't noticed the first year sitting there all alone. Now another girl she had met in Herbology, Mamie, had joined her. Violet wished she had noticed that table earlier--she wondered if she should move? But then, maybe that would look funny, now that she'd already sat down and taken out her things. And two more boys who'd come in had chosen a table of their own, and she was still sitting alone. Had she thought her social interaction skills had improved during her year out of school? Not much, apparently.

She looked over again at the table with Mamie and the other girl, with two empty seats. No, this was ridiculous, she thought, you should just get your stuff and go over there, no one is paying attention to you anyway. She thought Mamie was looking at her in a welcoming way (or it might just be wishful thinking). Okay, she was going. She awkwardly grabbed her bag, her quill and ink, and her parchment and walked over to the other table.

"Hi, er, Mamie, isn't it? And I don't think I know yours, I'm Violet. Do you mind if I join you? I didn't see you by yourself when I first came in."

BanaBatGirl 09-21-2020 08:55 PM

*sits with Lil Trent and B-Ryan*
"HeLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLoooooooooooooooooo professor!" Bernie cheerfully greeted the Divination maven, already snap-snapping back at her as she climbed up the staircase and came into the room. Bernie was behind Kale and Morgan, and almost followed Mogan to his table, when she noticed who ELSE was ALREADY THERE.

Ew. The Trash Queen.

Bernie stuck her nose up in the air and pivoted, heading instead for Kale and Blake's table. "Hi guys," she greeted them, dropping into a seat. "Wassup." This was the obviously superior table of fourth years.

kayquilz 09-21-2020 11:28 PM

all by myseeeeeelllffff *BELTS*
Time for Divination. Time for Aboli's relaxing lesson (besides Herbology this year). The smell of whatever scent Professor K usually had going was always soothing to her. "Good day, Professor. Hope it's going as well for you as it has for me!" she smiled and plopped down at an empty table, eyeing the dressing rooms...

Would they be changing? IN here? What? That made her feel uncomfortable. She crossed her arms and sat with her feet tucked underneath her, curled up in the chair.

Fireheart 09-22-2020 12:12 AM

Avalon's nose twitched as she entered the Divination classroom. Leave it to Professor Kitridge to fill the room with herbal scents. The floral lesson last term had been particularly irritating to the Ravenclaw's nostrils. Luckily, lavender was a scent that she didn't mind. Plus, she was so excited by the dressing rooms and clothes that she didn't dwell on it. Her eyes widened as she took in the robes and accessories.

"Professor, PLEASE tell me we're having a fashion show!" Avalon exclaimed excitedly as she took a seat at Aboli's table. She gave the fellow prefect a wave before taking out her parchment and quill. A fashion show, or trying on clothes of any sort, would certainly make for a fabulous Divination lesson.

TakemetotheBurrow 09-22-2020 12:38 AM

She was here, Cece was here! Out of breath and slightly disheveled, but here!

...She might've had to go back for her notes after forgetting them and then forgetting where she'd PUT them and THEN having a mini heart attack that last term was happening all OVER again, but THEN she found them and everything was fine. She was fine. This was FINE.


"Smells nice in here, Professor." The blonde offered as she hurried past her in search of a seat, the closest of which was at an empty table. She plopped RIGHT down and took a moment to get herself together, fixing her plait quickly and setting her notes down and yeah..

she was ready to roll.

DaniDiNardo 09-22-2020 12:59 AM

Finishes the table of Bernie, Blake and Kale
Superior table of fourth years you say? Sounded like the peeeerfect place for a certain FIRST Year to flop.

Hi, hey, hello.

Emmerson slipped into the final seat at the table, distracted by the back and the changing rooms there. The mention of a fashion show by the Ravenclaw Prefect made the little girl all the more excited and distracted. "Do we get to make our own performances today, Professor??" Emm asked, bouncing once in her seat.

She turned to the others at her table, only now realizing they were here.

"Don't worry, I'm greeeeaaaatttt at performing. Piece of cake. I dunno if any of you have noticed but I've got a LOT of drama." So much. She was an asset.

Could she please stay?

Daydreamer11 09-22-2020 01:50 AM

Sitting with Aboli & Avalon
Naya was chilly, but as she entered the classroom, she immediately felt warmer. Catching a whiff of lavender in the air, she was reminded of her aunt who loved the scent. “Hello Professor”, she said, while eyeing the room in search of a seat. Spotting an empty one she approached the table that was half full. Naya hoped it wasn’t a prefects only thing. “You ladies mind if I join you?, she said to the Slytherin and Ravenclaw prefects (Aboli and Avalon).

Hopefully they wouldn’t mind. Naya noticed the dressing rooms in the back of the room. There were all kinds of clothes back there. What were they going to be doing with that, she wondered. Now the Gryffindor was anxious to get started, so she could find out the activity for the day.

ArianaBlack 09-22-2020 02:37 AM

Cece's table!!
Hogwarts was awesome, but also very overwhelming. All of her people were here, but they were always in different places and so hard to keep track of. It made Kizzy want to constantly pass out and take naps forever!!! But if she did that then she'd be with her people and that would be tragic.

Somehow she had managed to lose Emm, Emma, Teddy, AND Fifi. Which meant she had to head up to divination all by herself! And when she got here it was the worst case scenario. Emm had already found a place to sit and there was NO room at her table. Kiz would just have to drag a chair to that table and make it a table for five, clearly.

See? Problem solving.

"Hi Professor," the lavender was a nice touch. BUT what interested Kizzy the MOST were the clothes and dressing stations set up in the back of the room!! "Are we modeling outfits?" And could they do that everyday?

Moving to grab a chair from the nearest table, she noticed that Cece was sitting there. And then her little, soft heart had a full-on dilemma. She did want to sit with Emm, but then Cece would be all alone. So the little Gryffindor gave Cece a tiny smile as she decided to properly take a spot at her table. "Hi Cece. Is it okay if I sit here?" Please?

Goblinfrog 09-22-2020 03:02 AM

Joining Cecelia and Kinsay
Crimalla wore her scarf around her neck as she walked into the Divination classroom. Not that it was cold. But she was recovering from a cold, and wearing clothes around her neck made her feel slightly less sick.

Without saying a word to anyone, she went and sat next to Cecelia and Kinsay (whom she didn't really know, but then again, who did she know?) and looked down at the desk.


Little sneeze there from her cold.

Lady of Light 09-22-2020 03:56 AM

Valentina didn’t really understand divination at ALL because she felt like there was no logic to it?? at all? But it was still fun in a way. She walked into the classroom, immediately sighing wth relief. It was so warm and cosy, almost making her want to sleep.. which wasn’t going to happen unfortunately.

“Hello, Professor!” She greeted cheerfully, a bright smile on her face as she took a seat near the front. She wasn’t a fan of the lavender scent though.. it kind of made her nose itch.

Ginevra 09-22-2020 04:29 AM

Morgan, Claudine and Heath - Welcome!

Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12469155)
Divination was one of those classes that Morgan didn't quite "get" but he thought he was pretty awesome at, so it was an elective that he liked alright. Plus the professor was pretty cool and sometimes had snacks for them. Win-win.

"Sup, Professor?" He greeted the woman in his typical Morgan way with a grin as he entered the classroom. No snacks today? Hopefully later then, and he took a seat at a table with a fellow fourth year (Fiona), waiting for some more of his mates to show up. "Hey, what's up?" he greeted the girl already seated there.

Fiona was waiting for the lesson to begin when Morgan sat down. "Hey there," she greeted the boy in return.


Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 12469158)
"Good afternoon, Professor,'' Claudine greeted politely, inhaling the very familiar scent of lavender. She couldn't wait to find out what form of Divination they'd be focusing on today. Her eyes found the set up of clothes as she headed for a seat and vaguely wondered if they were required to dress up later on. Claudine hoped not. It would be quite the hassle to go through all that shenanigan.

Deciding that her social batteries were fully charged at the moment, the Slytherin made her way over to Fiona and Morgan's table. "Hey, guys. Hope you don't mind me sitting here.'' Smiling slightly, she took a seat on one of the two remaining chairs.

Quill and parchment? Yes, the Snakette got them out and ready.

Fiona beamed as her friend Claudine sat down with her and Morgan "Of course, you can sit here," Fiona said with a smile.


Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy (Post 12469169)
Heath still wasn’t sure what to make of divination. He had his doubts about it, but he also thought that one didn’t necessarily have to believe in a subject to gain knowledge from it. Regardless of his opinions of the subject itself, Professor Kitridge was one of his favorite teachers here, and that was enough to make him look forward to divination class. He spotted her at her desk immediately upon walking into the room and greeted her with a slight smile, “Hello, Professor Kitridge.”

His dark eyes scanned the room in search of a place to sit; it wasn’t a hard decision. He quickly beelined for the table where with his fellow fourth years (Fiona, Morgan, & Claudine). If he couldn't’ sit alone, sitting with people he knew was the next best thing! “Hey,” he greeted the others as he took the remaining seat. He set his bag down and pulled out a quill and parchment.

It was only after he arranged his supplies that he noticed the clothes and dressing stations at the back of the room. Wasn’t it a little late for Halloween costumes? Hmm… maybe they were doing a play today… that would explain the clothes. Jumping Jawas, that would be fun! Please be a play, he thought to himself, and if it is, please give me the lead role! Now he was getting really excited for this lesson!

Within moments, the desk was full with its four occupants as Heath sat down in the last remaining seat. Fiona smiled back at him as he greeted everyone.

lazykitty 09-22-2020 05:57 AM

Divination. A subject she honestly only took to fill out her schedule, so that she'd look more impressive to universities. It was never too early to think of that, you know. Plus, she didn't really get the professor's need for snapping as a greeting. It was something rather rude diners did to get a waiter's attention in a restaurant. Which, no matter what others may think of her was something she never did. Plus, it was just annoying. Still, she greeted the professor with a "Hello, professor," before flopping down at a random empty table.

Wait, were those supposed to be dressing rooms back there? And random clothes? In a divination class......?

Bazinga 09-22-2020 03:36 PM

Students always made her happy. Look at them all coming into class with smiles, finding people to sit with, and just all around excited. Cassie always found it so interesting to watch where everyone sat. It truly set the first tone and vibes the class would have.

SPOILER!!: Greetings

Originally Posted by astrocat (Post 12469152)
Ashley sighed. Divination. She wasn't inclined to believe it was an important subject, and it was definitely not important to what she wanted to do when she grew up. Consequently, she was not fond of this class. "Hi," she grumbled to the teacher. She took out her supplies, waiting to see if anyone would sit at her table.

"Good afternoon, I hope you are having a wonderful day."


Originally Posted by Ginevra (Post 12469154)
Fiona entered the classroom to one of her favourite classes, the distinct aroma of lavender filling her nostrils which gave her a slight feeling of calm. "Good afternoon, Professor Kitridge," she greeted with a smile. Fiona then made her way to a vacant desk, giving a Ravenclaw first-year a quick smile as she walked past her. As the Slytherin teenager sat down, she quickly got out her parchment and quill.

"Good afternoon to you to my dear. Lovely to see you."


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12469155)
Divination was one of those classes that Morgan didn't quite "get" but he thought he was pretty awesome at, so it was an elective that he liked alright. Plus the professor was pretty cool and sometimes had snacks for them. Win-win.

"Sup, Professor?" He greeted the woman in his typical Morgan way with a grin as he entered the classroom. No snacks today? Hopefully later then, and he took a seat at a table with a fellow fourth year (Fiona), waiting for some more of his mates to show up. "Hey, what's up?" he greeted the girl already seated there.

"Oh Morgan, always trying to keep an old professor hip are we." The young kids using old words. Funny how some slang stuck around through the ages.


Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 12469158)
"Good afternoon, Professor,'' Claudine greeted politely, inhaling the very familiar scent of lavender. She couldn't wait to find out what form of Divination they'd be focusing on today. Her eyes found the set up of clothes as she headed for a seat and vaguely wondered if they were required to dress up later on. Claudine hoped not. It would be quite the hassle to go through all that shenanigan.

Deciding that her social batteries were fully charged at the moment, the Slytherin made her way over to Fiona and Morgan's table. "Hey, guys. Hope you don't mind me sitting here.'' Smiling slightly, she took a seat on one of the two remaining chairs.

Quill and parchment? Yes, the Snakette got them out and ready.

"Good afternoon Claudine, hope you are finding the day lovely."


Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy (Post 12469169)
Heath still wasn’t sure what to make of divination. He had his doubts about it, but he also thought that one didn’t necessarily have to believe in a subject to gain knowledge from it. Regardless of his opinions of the subject itself, Professor Kitridge was one of his favorite teachers here, and that was enough to make him look forward to divination class. He spotted her at her desk immediately upon walking into the room and greeted her with a slight smile, “Hello, Professor Kitridge.”

His dark eyes scanned the room in search of a place to sit; it wasn’t a hard decision. He quickly beelined for the table where with his fellow fourth years (Fiona, Morgan, & Claudine). If he couldn't’ sit alone, sitting with people he knew was the next best thing! “Hey,” he greeted the others as he took the remaining seat. He set his bag down and pulled out a quill and parchment.

It was only after he arranged his supplies that he noticed the clothes and dressing stations at the back of the room. Wasn’t it a little late for Halloween costumes? Hmm… maybe they were doing a play today… that would explain the clothes. Jumping Jawas, that would be fun! Please be a play, he thought to himself, and if it is, please give me the lead role! Now he was getting really excited for this lesson!

"Hello, I hope you are having an amazing day!"


Originally Posted by MadAlice (Post 12469170)
Violet was still not convinced Divination was real magic, but she was not about to offend the teacher, so she said, "Good day, Prof. Kitridge," as she entered the room. Hmm, it looked like they were sitting four to a table today. She looked around the room, hoping to find someone to sit with, but it looked like the one table with students already at it was full . Too bad, she would have liked to sit with some of the older students in the hopes that they would know what was going on. Besides, being a year older than most of her class made her feel out of place with the other second years.

Oh well, she thought, as she sat at an empty table and got out her quill and parchment. She hoped someone would sit with her, that was all, so she didn't feel any more awkward at school than she already did this term. Then she noticed the clothing in the back of the room. Oh no! This wasn't going to be another class where they had to change their clothes, was it?! Violet hated having to put on strange clothing...

"Good day to you as well."


Originally Posted by love-for-HP (Post 12469177)
Blake sighed as he took his seat in Divination. He just wasn't feel like lessons today ... he really just wanted to head to bed or back to bed, he wished he had never gotten out of it today.

None the less, he took a seat at a table, he didn't even notice if there were other people sitting at it, he just took at empty seat and sat... "Hello Professor," Blake added not wanting to be rude ... but again also not wanting to be here.

"Hello Blake, I hope everything is alright." The boy wasn't seeming his chipper self and Cassie always wanted to make sure.


Originally Posted by Waddles (Post 12469179)
Mamie generally looked forward to Divination class, if only because it was taught by her head of house who was just the most fun professor at Hogwarts (in Mamie's slightly biased opinion). She tilted her head as she ented the room and saw it was arranged slightly differently today, with....clothes hanging in the back? She wondered what that was for.

Spotting Kitridge herself, Mamie greeted her brightly from the doorway. "Hello Professor!"

Glancing around for an empty seat, she saw her friend Ashley sitting alone, and made a beeline for that table. "Hello Ashley, can I join you?" she said politely, without actually waiting for the other student to answer before plopping herself into the seat next to her and pulling out her note-taking supplies.

"Hello, hello!" Gosh she adored all her badgers. So good to see them in classes.


Originally Posted by pundantic (Post 12469185)
Kale flounced into Divination with his usual flare. He was in a good mood, so the fourth year was shinning it out into the world. Hello friends, feel the good VIBES!

He gave Professor Kitridge a cool set of thumbs up, grinning wildly, and moon walked to his desk. The official dance of happy time lions.

Kale plopped down beside Blake and nodded, like, 'sup bro?

Seeing Kale she just chuckled and shook her head. 'Good afternoon Kale."


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 12469192)
"HeLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLoooooooooooooooooo professor!" Bernie cheerfully greeted the Divination maven, already snap-snapping back at her as she climbed up the staircase and came into the room. Bernie was behind Kale and Morgan, and almost followed Mogan to his table, when she noticed who ELSE was ALREADY THERE.

Ew. The Trash Queen.

Bernie stuck her nose up in the air and pivoted, heading instead for Kale and Blake's table. "Hi guys," she greeted them, dropping into a seat. "Wassup." This was the obviously superior table of fourth years.

Did Cassie really enjoy when a child snapped as well, oh yes she did! "Good afternoon my dear."


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 12469207)
Time for Divination. Time for Aboli's relaxing lesson (besides Herbology this year). The smell of whatever scent Professor K usually had going was always soothing to her. "Good day, Professor. Hope it's going as well for you as it has for me!" she smiled and plopped down at an empty table, eyeing the dressing rooms...

Would they be changing? IN here? What? That made her feel uncomfortable. She crossed her arms and sat with her feet tucked underneath her, curled up in the chair.

"It is a perfect November day. I'm so glad you are having a fantastic day today Aboli." It was always so nice to hear when her students were having great days.


Originally Posted by Fireheart (Post 12469208)
Avalon's nose twitched as she entered the Divination classroom. Leave it to Professor Kitridge to fill the room with herbal scents. The floral lesson last term had been particularly irritating to the Ravenclaw's nostrils. Luckily, lavender was a scent that she didn't mind. Plus, she was so excited by the dressing rooms and clothes that she didn't dwell on it. Her eyes widened as she took in the robes and accessories.

"Professor, PLEASE tell me we're having a fashion show!" Avalon exclaimed excitedly as she took a seat at Aboli's table. She gave the fellow prefect a wave before taking out her parchment and quill. A fashion show, or trying on clothes of any sort, would certainly make for a fabulous Divination lesson.

LISTEN TO THAT EXCITIEMENT! "Why I guess you will see, but that does sound fun." Maybe they could have a little show if time allowed.


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12469214)
She was here, Cece was here! Out of breath and slightly disheveled, but here!

...She might've had to go back for her notes after forgetting them and then forgetting where she'd PUT them and THEN having a mini heart attack that last term was happening all OVER again, but THEN she found them and everything was fine. She was fine. This was FINE.


"Smells nice in here, Professor." The blonde offered as she hurried past her in search of a seat, the closest of which was at an empty table. She plopped RIGHT down and took a moment to get herself together, fixing her plait quickly and setting her notes down and yeah..

she was ready to roll.

"I'm glad you like it. Lavender is good for the mind. Keeping calm and relaxed helps in this class." Plus who wanted to be all stressed an anxious anyway.


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 12469217)
Superior table of fourth years you say? Sounded like the peeeerfect place for a certain FIRST Year to flop.

Hi, hey, hello.

Emmerson slipped into the final seat at the table, distracted by the back and the changing rooms there. The mention of a fashion show by the Ravenclaw Prefect made the little girl all the more excited and distracted. "Do we get to make our own performances today, Professor??" Emm asked, bouncing once in her seat.

She turned to the others at her table, only now realizing they were here.

"Don't worry, I'm greeeeaaaatttt at performing. Piece of cake. I dunno if any of you have noticed but I've got a LOT of drama." So much. She was an asset.

Could she please stay?

"I wouldn't say performance, but we will be doing something." A good guess all the same though.


Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 (Post 12469222)
Naya was chilly, but as she entered the classroom, she immediately felt warmer. Catching a whiff of lavender in the air, she was reminded of her aunt who loved the scent. “Hello Professor”, she said, while eyeing the room in search of a seat. Spotting an empty one she approached the table that was half full. Naya hoped it wasn’t a prefects only thing. “You ladies mind if I join you?, she said to the Slytherin and Ravenclaw prefects (Aboli and Avalon).

Hopefully they wouldn’t mind. Naya noticed the dressing rooms in the back of the room. There were all kinds of clothes back there. What were they going to be doing with that, she wondered. Now the Gryffindor was anxious to get started, so she could find out the activity for the day.

"Good afternoon my dear"


Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12469227)
Hogwarts was awesome, but also very overwhelming. All of her people were here, but they were always in different places and so hard to keep track of. It made Kizzy want to constantly pass out and take naps forever!!! But if she did that then she'd be with her people and that would be tragic.

Somehow she had managed to lose Emm, Emma, Teddy, AND Fifi. Which meant she had to head up to divination all by herself! And when she got here it was the worst case scenario. Emm had already found a place to sit and there was NO room at her table. Kiz would just have to drag a chair to that table and make it a table for five, clearly.

See? Problem solving.

"Hi Professor," the lavender was a nice touch. BUT what interested Kizzy the MOST were the clothes and dressing stations set up in the back of the room!! "Are we modeling outfits?" And could they do that everyday?

Moving to grab a chair from the nearest table, she noticed that Cece was sitting there. And then her little, soft heart had a full-on dilemma. She did want to sit with Emm, but then Cece would be all alone. So the little Gryffindor gave Cece a tiny smile as she decided to properly take a spot at her table. "Hi Cece. Is it okay if I sit here?" Please?

"Modeling could be a good way of putting it." Giving just a small smile she winked and moved to the next child coming in.


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 12469229)
Crimalla wore her scarf around her neck as she walked into the Divination classroom. Not that it was cold. But she was recovering from a cold, and wearing clothes around her neck made her feel slightly less sick.

Without saying a word to anyone, she went and sat next to Cecelia and Kinsay (whom she didn't really know, but then again, who did she know?) and looked down at the desk.


Little sneeze there from her cold.

"Oh my, are you not feeling well? Do you need the nurse my dear?"


Originally Posted by Lady of Light (Post 12469233)
Valentina didn’t really understand divination at ALL because she felt like there was no logic to it?? at all? But it was still fun in a way. She walked into the classroom, immediately sighing wth relief. It was so warm and cosy, almost making her want to sleep.. which wasn’t going to happen unfortunately.

“Hello, Professor!” She greeted cheerfully, a bright smile on her face as she took a seat near the front. She wasn’t a fan of the lavender scent though.. it kind of made her nose itch.

'Hello, hope you are doing well."


Originally Posted by lazykitty (Post 12469240)
Divination. A subject she honestly only took to fill out her schedule, so that she'd look more impressive to universities. It was never too early to think of that, you know. Plus, she didn't really get the professor's need for snapping as a greeting. It was something rather rude diners did to get a waiter's attention in a restaurant. Which, no matter what others may think of her was something she never did. Plus, it was just annoying. Still, she greeted the professor with a "Hello, professor," before flopping down at a random empty table.

Wait, were those supposed to be dressing rooms back there? And random clothes? In a divination class......?

"Good afternoon!"

She looked at her watch and glanced around the room. Her head shook a bit as she realized her own child was not in the class she should be. She'd have to be speaking with that girl, but no time for that now. "Welcome, welcome. I'm so very pleased you all came to class today. I have such fun for us. I think even the boys will enjoy this lesson." She snapped excitedly and hoped the boys wouldn't mind.

"Now I know you have seen all the clothes, I would like to take the first ten minutes or so to go find what you feel is the perfect outfit. Take turns using the fitting room and don't feel the first thing you put on you have to keep. If you feel it isn't the perfect outfit for you then switch it." She gave them all a huge smile as she headed to the side of the room. "There is plenty of things to pick so no need to fight."

Giving them a few minutes to let it all sink in she clapped, "What are you waiting for, go have some fun!"

ooc: Class has started, but if you are late come in and play anyway say you were here the entire time or if you don't mind IC punishments like point loss well ... :lol: Have fun, be creative, remember IC school appropriate clothes will be all there is to pick.

astrocat 09-22-2020 04:08 PM

Ugh. Modelling. Well, there could be worse things, and Ashley wanted to keep a good attitude. She chose some nice adidas sweatpants and a plain white tshirt. Simple and cute and cool at the same time. Very timeless and classic. Perfect perfect perfect. And works for any occasion. Except for surfing, but they had no oceans around here anyway. Ashley was convinced that this was the perfect outfit. She loved it. But she didn't get what this had to do with divination. Whatever this was, Ashley enjoyed it. It wasn't bad, it wouldn't kill her, she wouldn't get detention, she didn't have to fight anyone... that was the best Ashley could hope for here.

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