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The tower was a bit cooler in the first of November chill still, but as you climbed through the door you will find that the room is set up almost like it always was and a warm cozy feeling can soon be found. The sent of lavender lightly fills the air. Desks are set up so students sit four to a table instead of the normal two. This is because in the back of the room you will find a line of dressing stations and hanging from the wall you will see clothes from casual to dress robes, scarves, and all forms of different shoes, ties, and even hair bows.
Professor Kitridge can be found sitting on her desk with a smile on her face greeting each student with a snap as they come in. The board reads to have a seat and take out some parchment and a quill to get ready for the lesson that will be happening in just a moment.
All these guesses were so wonderful and creative. The students were really giving their all today. She went around the room and picked students with their hands raised. She wanted to make sure she got every one.
SPOILER!!: replies
Kale liiiiiiiiiiiiiiived for costumes. He, like, really loved to get creative with his clothes. Fash-UN was all about expression and Kale loved to express himself. His proficiency with bedazzling charms was more than proof of that.
So, he got all up in the clothes and put together a truly dizzying outfit. He was working FEATHERS and GLITTER and ALL KINDS OF SHINY THINGS! It was a lewk.
He did his walk, like the little drama boi he was, and then answered the questions quickly:
This was so exciting! Look at all the fun they were having. Cassie honestly wanted to jump in and play fashion show with them, but she reminded herself that she was the professor and she needed to stay where she was observing not participating, plus she could floo out and do a quick shopping trip later, if she found the time.
"Wonderful outfits everyone." She was snapping for all the students and really enjoyed the ones that were trying on different outfits, twirling for others, and giving it a real go to find that perfect item. As she walked around she couldn't help but to pick up a shoe or a dress and just give it a look. Clothes were something she adored so it was hard not to be distracted by them.
Hearing someone ask about keeping the outfits she gave a smile, "No, unfortunately we can't take these out of the classroom today." She might have borrowed some materials to make these items and then duplicate for different styles and colors so she'd have to return the items after class. "Use this time to show off your outfits everyone. Do a little walk if you'd like. Have fun with this." She pulled her wand and had a red carpet go across the middle of the room. She of course had to do this one so she walked down it like she was on the runway just to show the kids she could have fun too. "Who wants to be first?"
"Now anyone that is already finished and has your outfit on I have a few questions I'd like to you use your parchment and answer for me." Waving her wand she put the new questions up on the board.
Kale shot his hand up in the air. "Because true fashion visionaries see the future, Professor." And Kale BELIEVED that.
SPOILER!!: replies
"Well Kale there are many different ways for seers to have the gift, I could see fashion being something. Very good guess."
"I absolutely loved seeing the aspect of your personalities, this little intro to the lesson was fantastic. You are close on what the lesson will be about today." Giving a little wink she gave excited snaps.
"Being a seer can come in all forms. Mine for example comes in animal communication, so fashion could possibly be one." She wouldn't say it wasn't possible.
Giving Aboli an encouraging look she was surprised she hadn't spoken up or given a guess.
"Very good guess." She gave snaps for the great guesses.
"Clothes can be a great expression and part of why they will be so important for our lesson."
"That is actually a very impressive guess." She gave snaps.
Laughing a bit she just shook her head and snapped, "Of course I want you to have fun. I want you to have fun in all my lessons."
"That is a very good observation and yes, some would have been but many would still be different. Great guess though Heath."
Another answer that got Cassie laughing, this class was really fun today and the students were making it so. "I always want to teach Divination, but I'm so glad it doesn't feel like learning with our activity."
"That is a great comparison."
"We will be using the clothes you have picked out today, but they are different then what you had on."
"That is a very interesting answer. I like where your thoughts are going."
[b] "That is something to think about. Why do people pick what they pick to wear. It could go deeper into how a person thinks and how that affects the aura around them.
"Those are very good guesses. There is so many things you can find about a person by just observing the way they dress."
"Many of your answers were very good and some of you were very much on the right track. Now I had you start the day by picking outfits and changing so your behavior while changing was fresh in your mind. It gave you an opportunity to really know what leg goes in first or what way do you button a shirt. We have heard since we were very little to never judge people by first glance, so no to judge them possibly for the clothes they wear, but for someone with an eye for divination seeing their clothes can actually tell so much about a person." She smiled as she walked around the class making sure she had their attention.
"Stolisomancy is the form of divination that tells about someone's future by the way they put on their clothes. This morning while I got up I did my usual morning routines. A little yoga, had my tea, and then got dressed. I without realizing had placed my dress on backwards. Now of course I switched it so I wasn't looking crazy, but I couldn't help but think how if you place a dress on backwards it means I will get a gift in the afternoon. " She felt she had gotten that gift with how excited her students were and how much fun this lesson was so far.
She waved her wand and a new set of words showed up on the board.
"I put the last question about standing out or fitting in just because I think it is a great self reflection." That was her own little getting to know yourself opportunity. Smiling at the students she looked around, "For the next few minutes I'd like you to look at the questions you answered after you were done getting dress. Check your answers with what they mean and make a prediction about yourself based on how you got dressed." This was going to be fun to see what all they come up with.
Ivy felt her face burn red when Professor Kitridge acknowledged her answer. She hadn’t realized anyone could hear her. She squirmed in her seat with a nervous stomach and bit her lip.
Dipping her quill in ink, she began taking notes of the new information on the board.
Stolisomancy... she mouthed, trying the word in her mouth as she wrote down the definition.
She pondered over the professor’s latest question. Tap, tap, tap her quill on her lips as she tried to think her way to an answer quietly. The only one that really applied to her was which leg she put on first. Left leg meant... financial loss. Financial loss?? She was only 11. What could she lose money on???
She was starting to have some doubts about this divination thing...
She raised a trembling hand in the air, her stomach in knots. ”Um... Professor Kitridge? Is this like... literal? Like if it says financial loss does that mean you’ll lose money because I don’t really have any money to lose. Could it maybe mean I would lose something valuable?” Oh that would be bad... her mother would send a howler FOR SURE.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
*blink blink*
An aura. Nope, not really what she had meant by that. Unless an aura was like a vibe, then yeah. Anyway, class was moving on and.....what? "According to that, I'm going to have finanical gain," always good "just because I put my pants on right leg first. But I always put my pants on that way, should that factor into my prediction at all?" Surely it did, otherwise shouldn't she have thousands of galleons by now? Not that Whitney believed any of this anyway.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Stolisomancy. Interesting. Aboli wrote some notes down about this word and whatever Professor K wrote on the board right underneath her own answers to the questions.
The only real prediction she could glean from the notes was that she was in for some financial gain. Well...that's good to know I guess. At sixteen...I have fortune with finances in my future. She nodded and leaned back in her chair, wondering what other stolisomancy stuff existed. She would write and ask her mother for some titles on this. She ALSO wondered whether her mother would even believe in this sort of divination...
She raised her hand. "Professor...aren't many of these superstitions? What makes a superstition different from divination? Is this considered a more baseless type of divination? Do you think real seers believe in this?" All important questions Aboli NEEDED to know the answers to.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Crimalla raised her hand. "I put my right foot in. So I guess that means I'm going to find a treasure? Because I'm too young to work, so I know it doesn't mean that I work for it." That would be nice. Her family was poor. She sneezed again, though luckily she managed to direct the sneeze into her shoulder so she didn't inconvenience anyone. "Sorry!"
If she wasn't so shy, she would have joined in the concerned questions of her classmates - who all seemed to be taking turns expressing concern or skepticism about what their dressing style said about them. Privately, she wasn't sure how much how much she believed these predictions. But she knew she was young and in a world that she understood so little about, and in her case, she hoped it was true - if only for the financial gain parts.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
None of these prophecies or wives' tales or whatever they were (superstitions, Aboli had said) really applied to Bernie, so she may or may not have closed her eyes for a second or two or seven. Whaaaat, it was warm in here, and she was comfortable, and also she'd put some fancy STUFF on her eyelashes today and so if her eyes were CLOSED Blake would be able to notice them easier.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Naya was enjoying the fashion show when suddenly, it was over. Professor Kitridge was talking again, so she paid attention to what she had to say. It was question time and this one made Naya think. What did clothes have to do with Divination. Naya had no idea. She really put her mind to it and tried to figure out where the professor was headed with the lesson.
Could the kind of clothes you wear help in predicting the future? Maybe it had something to do with the color. Naya wasn’t sure. She was really drawing a blank and wasn’t sure what the connection was between clothes and Divination. She decided just to listen to her classmates’ ideas and keep her thoughts to herself.
Finally though, the mystery was solved. It had to do with the questions the professor asked before. It was all about how you put on your clothes. Naya would never have come up with that answer. Seeing the information on the board, Naya copied it down. That was interesting. Who would hav thought that how you put your clothes on would give you information about things to come?
Now the seventh year had to compare the notes on the board with her previous answers and make a prediction. She looked at her parchment and began to scribble her thoughts. Based on what she was wearing, several of the statements didn’t apply to her.
SPOILER!!: Naya’s notes
If wearing pants, which leg do you put in first? Right
-If you put your right in first you will have financial gain.
Prediction: I think this means that I will find some money or maybe win a bet.
If wearing a dress or dress robes did you put it on wrong by mistake? No dress/robe
If you have a tie which hand do you use to loop it? I don't have a tie, but I use my right hand.
-If you loop your tie with your right hand you will be alone.
Prediction: This one is a little tricky. I hope it doesn’t mean that I will be alone in life. I choose to look on the bright side. I think this means that I will have some time to myself to relax and reflect. A little me time is always a good thing.
Are your shoelaces tied or untied? I don’t have laces.
If a button down shirt did you get all the buttons evenly? No shirt
Did you pick something to blend in or stand out? Neither, I just picked what I liked.
Finally she was finished. Naya wasn’t sure whether or not they were supposed to share their answers with the class. She decided to wait and see on that one.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
All her students were doing so well. Cassie walked around as they started on the questions. Wasn't this all just so fun to figure out? She remembered the first time she had ever done this type of divination. It was always the best the first time around.
Originally Posted by Watson
Noah nodded at the Professor's comments before taking notes once more. Stolisomancy. Stoli... Kinda rhymed with Aboli... Abolisomancy. He smirked. Making note of both the names next to each other. He'd have to tease the Slytherin Prefect later. Heh. It was a form of divination that tells about someone's future by the way they put on their clothes. Interesting.
As he listened to the Professor speak, he noted that his finances would be neutral cause he wasn't sure which leg he opted for more... His eyebrows RAISED and the boy blushed when he realized one of his answers had a deeper meaning.
If you loop your tie with your left hand you will find love.
Well he did have a girlfriend who he loved but what was the meaning of this. "Uh. Professor. Question - do these answers... like for instance the tying your tie with the left hand means you find love... Does it have a specific time frame? Asking for a friend," he spoked, trying to play it cooly. Yeah, he'd totally play it off Minjae and Aboli... And not his own affections.
Based on his answers, his financial situation would be medium which he preferred. And then he'd have love or found love. The love part was confusing.
"I think you would have to go a little deeper into the findings and possibly add another form of Divination like flowers to find the time frame answer. I've only covered the basics today. You can look further into this form in your books. It is chapter 8 everyone if you are interested in looking at it more."
Originally Posted by astrocat
Ashley did not see how that could be possibly correct. "Uh, well, I'm going to have financial troubles, but the only ones I can imagine is money going to my family's head. Does that count as trouble? Because in that case then it's true." Sure, her family had had to spend a lot of money on unexpected hospital bills over the course of her lifetime, but they never had not enough money. In fact, they had a lot more than enough. "I think I just put my left leg in first because I'm left-handed."
"If it is affecting you by someone else taking money, then yes I would certainly say that it can be about that." Inheritance or family money troubles were just hard no matter how you found out.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
[COLOR="Uhhhh.. divination based on the way someone puts on their clothes. How interesting!! It was more a lot more fun than all the other lessons so far anyway. The red carpet walk - or rather the red carpet dance was the best, honestly. If only all the other professors could implement this kind of fun in their lessons too! She quickly tried to write whatever the professor said - because everyone around her seemed to be taking notes - but somehow managed to get only half of it down. Never mind, she’ll just have to borrow someone else’s notes later.
She frowned, looking at the words on the board and comparing them to the answers she’d written earlier. Wait, whaaaaaaat. She immediately raised her hand, looking extremely alarmed. “Professor, I use my right hand to loop my tie which means that I’ll find love!” Gross. ”I’m too young for that! I don’t want to find love now.”
She couldn't help but giggle a little over the younger ones reactions. "Love could mean so many things though. It could be for another person or even a pet." Giving the little one a wink she moved on to the next person.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Kinsay wasn't sure that she believed any of this. Though she would most definitely put her dresses on backwards from now on because she liked gifts. She also wanted to test the theory and it seemed like the best bet for doing so. Besides, the only thing she could possibly interpret from her own decisions today was that she was going to have financial trouble? What did that even mean! She didn't even have any finances to begin with.
She jotted it down in her notes anyway, and then looked back up expectantly. Also. She did have a question so she raised her hand. "Professor, will this stuff still happen if we get dressed a certain way on purpose?" Because if that were to be the case, Kinsay wanted to know all the other things she could do to have good luck.
"What a great question and one we will touch even more at the end of class today, but no, it does change and will change now that you all have done this once."
Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter
SPOILER!!: Professor’s Post
"Well Kale there are many different ways for seers to have the gift, I could see fashion being something. Very good guess."
"I absolutely loved seeing the aspect of your personalities, this little intro to the lesson was fantastic. You are close on what the lesson will be about today." Giving a little wink she gave excited snaps.
"Being a seer can come in all forms. Mine for example comes in animal communication, so fashion could possibly be one." She wouldn't say it wasn't possible.
Giving Aboli an encouraging look she was surprised she hadn't spoken up or given a guess.
"Very good guess." She gave snaps for the great guesses.
"Clothes can be a great expression and part of why they will be so important for our lesson."
"That is actually a very impressive guess." She gave snaps.
Laughing a bit she just shook her head and snapped, "Of course I want you to have fun. I want you to have fun in all my lessons."
"That is a very good observation and yes, some would have been but many would still be different. Great guess though Heath."
Another answer that got Cassie laughing, this class was really fun today and the students were making it so. "I always want to teach Divination, but I'm so glad it doesn't feel like learning with our activity."
"That is a great comparison."
"We will be using the clothes you have picked out today, but they are different then what you had on."
"That is a very interesting answer. I like where your thoughts are going."
[b] "That is something to think about. Why do people pick what they pick to wear. It could go deeper into how a person thinks and how that affects the aura around them.
"Those are very good guesses. There is so many things you can find about a person by just observing the way they dress."
"Many of your answers were very good and some of you were very much on the right track. Now I had you start the day by picking outfits and changing so your behavior while changing was fresh in your mind. It gave you an opportunity to really know what leg goes in first or what way do you button a shirt. We have heard since we were very little to never judge people by first glance, so no to judge them possibly for the clothes they wear, but for someone with an eye for divination seeing their clothes can actually tell so much about a person." She smiled as she walked around the class making sure she had their attention.
"Stolisomancy is the form of divination that tells about someone's future by the way they put on their clothes. This morning while I got up I did my usual morning routines. A little yoga, had my tea, and then got dressed. I without realizing had placed my dress on backwards. Now of course I switched it so I wasn't looking crazy, but I couldn't help but think how if you place a dress on backwards it means I will get a gift in the afternoon. " She felt she had gotten that gift with how excited her students were and how much fun this lesson was so far.
She waved her wand and a new set of words showed up on the board.
"I put the last question about standing out or fitting in just because I think it is a great self reflection." That was her own little getting to know yourself opportunity. Smiling at the students she looked around, "For the next few minutes I'd like you to look at the questions you answered after you were done getting dress. Check your answers with what they mean and make a prediction about yourself based on how you got dressed." This was going to be fun to see what all they come up with.
Ivy felt her face burn red when Professor Kitridge acknowledged her answer. She hadn’t realized anyone could hear her. She squirmed in her seat with a nervous stomach and bit her lip.
Dipping her quill in ink, she began taking notes of the new information on the board.
Stolisomancy... she mouthed, trying the word in her mouth as she wrote down the definition.
She pondered over the professor’s latest question. Tap, tap, tap her quill on her lips as she tried to think her way to an answer quietly. The only one that really applied to her was which leg she put on first. Left leg meant... financial loss. Financial loss?? She was only 11. What could she lose money on???
She was starting to have some doubts about this divination thing...
She raised a trembling hand in the air, her stomach in knots. ”Um... Professor Kitridge? Is this like... literal? Like if it says financial loss does that mean you’ll lose money because I don’t really have any money to lose. Could it maybe mean I would lose something valuable?” Oh that would be bad... her mother would send a howler FOR SURE.[/QUOTE]
"If something is worth money or has a strong value to you I would really consider that a loss if you would have it leave your possession."
Originally Posted by lazykitty
*blink blink*
An aura. Nope, not really what she had meant by that. Unless an aura was like a vibe, then yeah. Anyway, class was moving on and.....what? "According to that, I'm going to have finanical gain," always good "just because I put my pants on right leg first. But I always put my pants on that way, should that factor into my prediction at all?" Surely it did, otherwise shouldn't she have thousands of galleons by now? Not that Whitney believed any of this anyway.
"Maybe you have had a financial gain in different ways then just money showing up around you. Think back on different moments."
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Stolisomancy. Interesting. Aboli wrote some notes down about this word and whatever Professor K wrote on the board right underneath her own answers to the questions.
The only real prediction she could glean from the notes was that she was in for some financial gain. Well...that's good to know I guess. At sixteen...I have fortune with finances in my future. She nodded and leaned back in her chair, wondering what other stolisomancy stuff existed. She would write and ask her mother for some titles on this. She ALSO wondered whether her mother would even believe in this sort of divination...
She raised her hand. "Professor...aren't many of these superstitions? What makes a superstition different from divination? Is this considered a more baseless type of divination? Do you think real seers believe in this?" All important questions Aboli NEEDED to know the answers to.
She gave Aboli a look, though these were great questions, Cassie was surprised at the uncertainty in her voice. This usually seemed like a strong subject for Aboli, so this was an interesting turn. "Some do believe all Divination is just a bunch of guesses and superstitions, but we have a gift to look deeper and find meaning behind everything. That is way forms come in all varieties. I believe in all of this and feel that if others truly open their minds they can see how each form paves the way and connects to others."
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Crimalla raised her hand. "I put my right foot in. So I guess that means I'm going to find a treasure? Because I'm too young to work, so I know it doesn't mean that I work for it." That would be nice. Her family was poor. She sneezed again, though luckily she managed to direct the sneeze into her shoulder so she didn't inconvenience anyone. "Sorry!"
If she wasn't so shy, she would have joined in the concerned questions of her classmates - who all seemed to be taking turns expressing concern or skepticism about what their dressing style said about them. Privately, she wasn't sure how much how much she believed these predictions. But she knew she was young and in a world that she understood so little about, and in her case, she hoped it was true - if only for the financial gain parts.
"Didn't the school just find some treasure that is benefiting us all? Giving a smile she turned and frowned seeing Bernie.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
None of these prophecies or wives' tales or whatever they were (superstitions, Aboli had said) really applied to Bernie, so she may or may not have closed her eyes for a second or two or seven. Whaaaat, it was warm in here, and she was comfortable, and also she'd put some fancy STUFF on her eyelashes today and so if her eyes were CLOSED Blake would be able to notice them easier.
"Excuse me, if you want to take a nap please head to your dorm, but if you would like to keep working with us and not loose any points you might want to lift your head and get to work."
Tsk Tsk
"Alright students, what I want you to do next is find a partner. You are going to really look at each other's outfits. See if you can notice anything backward, anything with buttons possibly not aligned, maybe a shoe lace untied. If nothing jumps out at you check to see if you can some how see how a tie is tied or speak with the person asking questions that could help you find how they get dressed. I said about not judging someone, well for this you aren't judging, but looking deeper then just a glance. See what you can find with your partner that could answer some of these questions.".
OCC: I hope you are having as much fun as I am reading your responses! We will go two days on this activity! [/COLOR]
Hmmm, Violet thought to herself, Stolisomancy...there really was a kind of divination that had to do with clothes. She stopped and wrote that down. Then she considered the meanings the teacher had described to them...
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Putting a shirt on inside out means bad luck
Putting a dress on wrong means you will get a gift soon
If right shoe lace is untied someone is talking nice about you
If left is untied someone is talking ill about you.
If you put your left leg in first you will have financial trouble
If you put your right in first you will have financial gain
If you loop your tie with your left hand you will find love
If you loop your tie with your right hand you will be alone
She looked at her list of questions from before, but none of them seemed to apply to her--she wasn't wearing pants or a tie, she hadn't put her skirt or shirt on the wrong way, both her shoelaces were tied....hey, wait a minute! As she was looking down at her feet again, she noticed that her right shoelace had come untied since the beginning of the exercist. Bouncing Boggarts! that shoe was always coming untied, no matter how tightly she tied it; it was like someone had put a hex on her. Then she looked at the list of divinatory meanings a again--
Originally Posted by Bazinga
If right shoe lace is untied someone is talking nice about you
Hey, that wasn't so bad--Violet always assumed people were silently judging her, but maybe they weren't. She would have to consider this and maybe try not to be so socially awkward.
Then she heard the next part of the assignment...
Originally Posted by Bazinga
"Alright students, what I want you to do next is find a partner. You are going to really look at each other's outfits. See if you can notice anything backward, anything with buttons possibly not aligned, maybe a shoe lace untied. If nothing jumps out at you check to see if you can some how see how a tie is tied or speak with the person asking questions that could help you find how they get dressed. I said about not judging someone, well for this you aren't judging, but looking deeper then just a glance. See what you can find with your partner that could answer some of these questions.".
Violet looked around her table--she was sitting with two other people, Ashley and Mamie--how were they going to do this? Maybe the two first years would want to be partners with each other, and that would mean Violet would have to get up and find someone else. She waited a minute to see how this was going to turn out.
Ashley sighed. Of course your clothes said stuff about you, but like, this was a stretch. Of course, Ashley's laces were tied (she hurt herself more than enough without worrying about tripping and dying) and her outfit was also fine. "Alright, which one of you wants to be my partner? Unless you want to be partners with each other and I can find anyone else." She looked anxiously at Mamie and Violet. Would either of them want to be her partner at all?
Aboli was too busy having a VERY in depth discussion with Professor K, clearly, to find a partner. She nodded and raised her again, waiting to be called on. "Ma'am, I'm not saying I don't believe in it. I obviously believe in various aspects of Divination - " Due to her mother, yes. "But within the Divination field, are there any practices that are considered less official or...effective...or sillier than others?" She hoped Kitridge knew what she was asking. She, again, was curious to learn what her mother thought about it all.
Now...she needed a partner...but she didn't know who? Avalon? Anyone?
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Claudine inwardly groaned. Why, why, why do professors find the need to have them partner up? Her head automatically turned in Heath’s direction as during the course of the last term, she had discovered that they worked well together. “You’ll be my partner,’’ she told him firmly {and because Rhi said he could} and hopefully. A voice in her head told her he wouldn’t refuse. Now… that was this activity they had to have completed? Oh yes.
This activity was sort of repetitive, wasn’t it? Surely most had already looked over their own outfits and corrected it already? In addition, she already knew that Heath would have nothing to interpret based on her outfit. Claudine peered at Heath then took her time in observing his outfit.
Did he feel self conscious as yet?
And what would she find off, if anything, about his his chosen pieces of clothes?
So there was a form of Divination that had to do with clothing. That was new information to Avalon indeed. But how accurate was it? Avalon was skeptical about a few methods of Divination already, but this one seemed especially arbitrary. How could the way you tied your shoes predict your future? Shrugging, Avalon looked up at the board, figuring that she'd compare it to her answers just for fun.
She wasn't wearing a dress, or shoes with laces, so a lot of the predictions didn't apply to her. But apparently, according to the way she normally tied her tie, she was going to be alone. Lovely. Avalon had never had a boyfriend before, but she certainly hoped that wasn't a sign that she would be forever alone. And now that she thought of it, she remembered that she had put her left leg into her skirt first. So that meant she would have financial trouble. Even better!
Mood slightly dampened, the Ravenclaw turned to her fellow Prefect for the second part of the activity. "Aboli, please tell me that you notice something redeeming about my clothes, because as of right now, I'm going to be poor and forever alone!!" She couldn't help but laugh at her morose fate.
Trying to partner up with Ashley and Mamie (odd numbers are hard!)
Originally Posted by astrocat
"Alright, which one of you wants to be my partner? Unless you want to be partners with each other and I can find anyone else." She looked anxiously at Mamie and Violet. Would either of them want to be her partner at all?
Violet looked up at Ashley, glad that she had spoken first. "Well, of course I'd like to be your partner, but..."she looked over at Mamie, not wanting to leave her out, "maybe Mamie does, too..." It was too bad that they had wound up with just three people at their table. Violet really didn't want to have to get up and go hunt for a partner, but she felt that since she was older, maybe she should be the one to do it.
Partnering with Dances_with_Potter so no one's left out
Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE!
SPOILER!!: quotes
Originally Posted by astrocat
Ashley sighed. Of course your clothes said stuff about you, but like, this was a stretch. Of course, Ashley's laces were tied (she hurt herself more than enough without worrying about tripping and dying) and her outfit was also fine. "Alright, which one of you wants to be my partner? Unless you want to be partners with each other and I can find anyone else." She looked anxiously at Mamie and Violet. Would either of them want to be her partner at all?
Originally Posted by MadAlice
Violet looked up at Ashley, glad that she had spoken first. "Well, of course I'd like to be your partner, but..."she looked over at Mamie, not wanting to leave her out, "maybe Mamie does, too..." It was too bad that they had wound up with just three people at their table. Violet really didn't want to have to get up and go hunt for a partner, but she felt that since she was older, maybe she should be the one to do it.
Partner time! Partner work in classes was one of Mamie's favorite things. She felt like she would eventually meet everybody this way. Plus, she liked putting two heads together to come up with answers, she felt it was less risky.
But now she was sitting with two of her friends, and they had to partner off...Mamie looked from Violet to Ashley, biting her lip while she thought. "It's okay!" she said after a moment. "You guys should be partners! I can be partners with..." she glanced around the classroom, looking if anyone she knew (or didn't know) needed a partner. "I can be partners with Ivy!" Mamie pointed, then waved wildly while she tried to get the other Hufflepuff's attention.
"Ivy! Hey, Ivy! Come be my partner!" she nearly shouted, trying to beckon her over. She turned back to Ashley and Violet and grinned. "See? This way everyone has a partner!"
Violet looked up at Ashley, glad that she had spoken first. "Well, of course I'd like to be your partner, but..."she looked over at Mamie, not wanting to leave her out, "maybe Mamie does, too..." It was too bad that they had wound up with just three people at their table. Violet really didn't want to have to get up and go hunt for a partner, but she felt that since she was older, maybe she should be the one to do it.
Originally Posted by Waddles
SPOILER!!: quotes
Partner time! Partner work in classes was one of Mamie's favorite things. She felt like she would eventually meet everybody this way. Plus, she liked putting two heads together to come up with answers, she felt it was less risky.
But now she was sitting with two of her friends, and they had to partner off...Mamie looked from Violet to Ashley, biting her lip while she thought. "It's okay!" she said after a moment. "You guys should be partners! I can be partners with..." she glanced around the classroom, looking if anyone she knew (or didn't know) needed a partner. "I can be partners with Ivy!" Mamie pointed, then waved wildly while she tried to get the other Hufflepuff's attention.
"Ivy! Hey, Ivy! Come be my partner!" she nearly shouted, trying to beckon her over. She turned back to Ashley and Violet and grinned. "See? This way everyone has a partner!"
"Okay!" Partner work was fun. You could always meet new people. She looked at Violet's outfit. She hadn't really put anything on wrong, but her shoe was untied. "Uh well your shoelace is untied, which I believe means that someone is saying nice things about you, but also that you will probably trip sometime soon." It was a combo of "divination" and rational analysis. Secretly, Ashley thought that Violet ought to tie her shoe, because it would be bad if she tripped and died. She had a bit of paranoia about untied shoes.
Partner time! Partner work in classes was one of Mamie's favorite things. She felt like she would eventually meet everybody this way. Plus, she liked putting two heads together to come up with answers, she felt it was less risky.
But now she was sitting with two of her friends, and they had to partner off...Mamie looked from Violet to Ashley, biting her lip while she thought. "It's okay!" she said after a moment. "You guys should be partners! I can be partners with..." she glanced around the classroom, looking if anyone she knew (or didn't know) needed a partner. "I can be partners with Ivy!" Mamie pointed, then waved wildly while she tried to get the other Hufflepuff's attention.
"Ivy! Hey, Ivy! Come be my partner!" she nearly shouted, trying to beckon her over. She turned back to Ashley and Violet and grinned. "See? This way everyone has a partner!"
ivy gave a small nod to the professor showing that she understood. Now she had a whole separate issue... what was she going to lose? What did she have that was valuable enough to be considered a financial loss? She really hadn’t brought much to school with her other than what was on her school list, some of her favorite snacks from home, and of course her owl...
Wait partner? Did she just say partner? Ivy DETESTED partner work. She either always ended up doing all the work or ended up partners with someone who was really super...
She heard her name from a few tables away and looked to see who had called her.
Friendly. SUUUUUPER friendly.
Well, at least this saved her the agonizing embarrassment of being left without the partner and having to have the professor force someone to work with her she supposed. She raised a hand in acknowledgement to Mamie and gathered up her notes. Moving across the room quietly, she joined the table with Mamie and two other girls she thought might be in her year, but she couldn’t remember their names.
”Um... hi...” she said quietly, giving them a small polite smile. ”Sorry Mamie, my outfit isn’t like exciting or anything. It’s pretty plain,” Ivy explained, gesturing to her solid dark green sweater with too long sleeves, basic jeans, and black Converse. ”The only thing I really did on the list was put my left leg of my pants on first.” She shrugged her shoulders and tucked her hair behind her ears, waiting to see what Mamie’s analysis would be.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
SPOILER!!: Claudine <3
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Claudine inwardly groaned. Why, why, why do professors find the need to have them partner up? Her head automatically turned in Heath’s direction as during the course of the last term, she had discovered that they worked well together. “You’ll be my partner,’’ she told him firmly {and because Rhi said he could} and hopefully. A voice in her head told her he wouldn’t refuse. Now… that was this activity they had to have completed? Oh yes.
This activity was sort of repetitive, wasn’t it? Surely most had already looked over their own outfits and corrected it already? In addition, she already knew that Heath would have nothing to interpret based on her outfit. Claudine peered at Heath then took her time in observing his outfit.
Did he feel self conscious as yet?
And what would she find off, if anything, about his his chosen pieces of clothes?
Heath was so distracted imagining all the possible ways that horrible prediction might come true that he barely heard the instructions for the next part of the activity. He jumped slightly, startled out of his thoughts by Claudine’s voice. Partners? For what? They didn’t have to discuss their findings with each other, did they? Not only was that bound to be an awkward conversation, but he really didn’t feel like talking at the moment. He was sure his voice would betray his feelings if he did! Nonetheless, he replied, “Of course.” He was content to be her partner for as long as she’d have him… which, if that prediction was to be believed, may not be long at all.
Heath looked up from his notes with a silent sigh, setting them aside as he turned to face her. Out of sight, but not out of mind. So… did she know what they were supposed to do for this part? Because he had no idea! As he started to ask, he was acutely aware of her looking at him and instinctively averted his gaze to hide the emotion in his eyes. Blink, blink. Why was she looking at him? Then he finally remembered they were supposed to be studying each other’s outfits.
His dark eyes surveyed her up and down, looking for anything that might help make a prediction. Merlin, this was weird! He felt creepy for studying her outfit (or anyone’s, really) so intently. It was no use anyway. She didn’t have pants, a button down shirt, or shoes with laces, and he didn’t notice anything on wrong or backwards. Something he did notice, however, was the bumblebee on her top, and he couldn’t help but think what a fitting symbol it was for her… bright and hardworking, but capable of a powerful sting. Great galloping Gungans! Focus, Heathcliff! He inwardly berated himself, shaking his head to clear his mind. What use could that observation possibly be?! Unless… could the graphics and/or patterns of one’s clothes be used to make a prediction? The thought crossed his mind to ask Professor Kitridge about it, but he didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention to Claudine.
Heath’s eyes fell to Claudine’s ribbon. Did the same predictions gleaned from a tie apply to a ribbon? He studied it, trying to decipher which hand she used to loop it. Judging by the direction of the knot, it looked like she used her left hand, but he was almost sure he was wrong, That prediction would make even less sense than his own! She finds love while he ends up alone… How in the galaxy could both predictions be true, unless…? He didn’t even want to think about that possibility! “Do you think a ribbon counts the same as a tie?” he asked. “Otherwise I have no idea how to answer those questions…”
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Oh. Oh, no. She was going to be judged by her classmates. That sounded positively scary! Crimalla was such a shy girl that the thought of her (far cooler) classmates trying to find little flaws in her wardrobe seemed like something out one of her nightmares.
But she couldn't run away now. First, she was wearing clothes that did not belong to her. And second, running away now would be too obvious. For a brief moment, Crimalla pondered using her co0ld as an excuse to leave. It would have been a good excuse - totally understandable! Professor Kitridge was such a kind teacher that surely she wouldn't be mad.
But some scruples inside her made her decide not to go that way. If Kitridge was a mean professor, then she wouldn't have felt guilty lying. But she wasn't, and in fact she'd just given everyone five points. It would be wrong to deceive her - even if not doing so would lead to embarrassment.
So instead Crimalla turned to shyly regard the two others sitting at her table.Cecelia and Kinsay."Who should be partner, professor?" she asked in a low, trembling voice.
"Okay!" Partner work was fun. You could always meet new people. She looked at Violet's outfit. She hadn't really put anything on wrong, but her shoe was untied. "Uh well your shoelace is untied, which I believe means that someone is saying nice things about you, but also that you will probably trip sometime soon." It was a combo of "divination" and rational analysis. Secretly, Ashley thought that Violet ought to tie her shoe, because it would be bad if she tripped and died. She had a bit of paranoia about untied shoes.
Violet looked down--she could not BELIEVE her right shoelace was untied again! "Merlin, I just retied that a few minutes ago! My right shoelace is always coming untied, just the right shoe, and I have no idea why that keeps happening." She bent down to retie her right shoe--again"I don't know if that really means people are saying nice things about me, but if they are, I wish they wouldn't do it quite so much."
Then she sat up and looked over at her partner. She looked pretty put together--her shoes weren't untied. Then she noticed something Ashley had written on her questionnaire, and remembered, "If you put your left leg in first you will have financial trouble"
Well, if you put your left leg in first, that's supposed to mean you will have financial trouble, but I don't know how true this stuff is. Anyway, it doesn't say what kind of financial trouble--maybe it just means you might drop a knut in the Lake or something." She paused a minute and surveyed Ashley's outfit again. "And I think the outfit you picked out means...you're confident and ready for action!"
So there was a form of Divination that had to do with clothing. That was new information to Avalon indeed. But how accurate was it? Avalon was skeptical about a few methods of Divination already, but this one seemed especially arbitrary. How could the way you tied your shoes predict your future? Shrugging, Avalon looked up at the board, figuring that she'd compare it to her answers just for fun.
She wasn't wearing a dress, or shoes with laces, so a lot of the predictions didn't apply to her. But apparently, according to the way she normally tied her tie, she was going to be alone. Lovely. Avalon had never had a boyfriend before, but she certainly hoped that wasn't a sign that she would be forever alone. And now that she thought of it, she remembered that she had put her left leg into her skirt first. So that meant she would have financial trouble. Even better!
Mood slightly dampened, the Ravenclaw turned to her fellow Prefect for the second part of the activity. "Aboli, please tell me that you notice something redeeming about my clothes, because as of right now, I'm going to be poor and forever alone!!" She couldn't help but laugh at her morose fate.
She was glad Avalon volunteered because they were already seated at the same table, and she did not have to move, which was nice. If Naya wanted with them, as well, then that'd be just fine, too.
Aboli chuckled at the girl's clothes. "Um...I think...well... let's see what you're wearing again.." she glanced at the list. "You're dressed similar to me! How do you have a worse prediction than I do?!"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Bazinga
"Excuse me, if you want to take a nap please head to your dorm, but if you would like to keep working with us and not loose any points you might want to lift your head and get to work."
Tsk Tsk
Bernie hadn't put her head down; she'd just been resting her eyes, her chin dropping to touch her neck as she began to nod off several times. But at the professor's warning, even though she hadn't even mentioned her by name, she tried to put her head up and look around, blinking as she tried to discover who in Merlin's beard was trying to take a nap! In class?! The nerve!!
"Professor," she piped up as everyone seemed to be breaking into pairs for something, "can I go use the restroom? I--- there's something in my eye." She blinked several dozen times for effect so Kitridge could see.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Violet looked down--she could not BELIEVE her right shoelace was untied again! "Merlin, I just retied that a few minutes ago! My right shoelace is always coming untied, just the right shoe, and I have no idea why that keeps happening." She bent down to retie her right shoe--again"I don't know if that really means people are saying nice things about me, but if they are, I wish they wouldn't do it quite so much."
Then she sat up and looked over at her partner. She looked pretty put together--her shoes weren't untied. Then she noticed something Ashley had written on her questionnaire, and remembered, "If you put your left leg in first you will have financial trouble"
Well, if you put your left leg in first, that's supposed to mean you will have financial trouble, but I don't know how true this stuff is. Anyway, it doesn't say what kind of financial trouble--maybe it just means you might drop a knut in the Lake or something." She paused a minute and surveyed Ashley's outfit again. "And I think the outfit you picked out means...you're confident and ready for action!"
"If this is even true, I think that financial difficulty means that my family likes money too much and it's difficult to like them. Or, like you said, I drop some money in a lake." She very much agreed with Violet's prediction that Ashley was confident. At least externally. And she really was always ready for action. Physically, she had picked something that she could run in or punch someone without ripping a sleeve. Plus, this outfit was amazing. She looked Violet over. "I think you chose your outfit to blend in. I could be wrong though." No shame in that.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Heath! <3
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Heath was so distracted imagining all the possible ways that horrible prediction might come true that he barely heard the instructions for the next part of the activity. He jumped slightly, startled out of his thoughts by Claudine’s voice. Partners? For what? They didn’t have to discuss their findings with each other, did they? Not only was that bound to be an awkward conversation, but he really didn’t feel like talking at the moment. He was sure his voice would betray his feelings if he did! Nonetheless, he replied, “Of course.” He was content to be her partner for as long as she’d have him… which, if that prediction was to be believed, may not be long at all.
Heath looked up from his notes with a silent sigh, setting them aside as he turned to face her. Out of sight, but not out of mind. So… did she know what they were supposed to do for this part? Because he had no idea! As he started to ask, he was acutely aware of her looking at him and instinctively averted his gaze to hide the emotion in his eyes. Blink, blink. Why was she looking at him? Then he finally remembered they were supposed to be studying each other’s outfits.
His dark eyes surveyed her up and down, looking for anything that might help make a prediction. Merlin, this was weird! He felt creepy for studying her outfit (or anyone’s, really) so intently. It was no use anyway. She didn’t have pants, a button down shirt, or shoes with laces, and he didn’t notice anything on wrong or backwards. Something he did notice, however, was the bumblebee on her top, and he couldn’t help but think what a fitting symbol it was for her… bright and hardworking, but capable of a powerful sting. Great galloping Gungans! Focus, Heathcliff! He inwardly berated himself, shaking his head to clear his mind. What use could that observation possibly be?! Unless… could the graphics and/or patterns of one’s clothes be used to make a prediction? The thought crossed his mind to ask Professor Kitridge about it, but he didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention to Claudine.
Heath’s eyes fell to Claudine’s ribbon. Did the same predictions gleaned from a tie apply to a ribbon? He studied it, trying to decipher which hand she used to loop it. Judging by the direction of the knot, it looked like she used her left hand, but he was almost sure he was wrong, That prediction would make even less sense than his own! She finds love while he ends up alone… How in the galaxy could both predictions be true, unless…? He didn’t even want to think about that possibility! “Do you think a ribbon counts the same as a tie?” he asked. “Otherwise I have no idea how to answer those questions…”
Claudine happened to be momentarily distracted by Heath’s tone of voice. Abandoning her scrutiny of his outfit for now, she glanced up at his face with a frown. “Something wrong?’’ was her concerned question. Little did she know that he was struggling with what he had interpreted on his own a short while ago. There was further concern when she realised that Heath was not meeting her eyes. “Are you okay?’’ the fourth year asked softly, her head tilting slightly. If Heath didn’t want to talk about… whatever it was, then that was fine with her but she was there for him.
Earlier, Claudine had been wondering if her surveying him would be weird. It turned out that this was exactly how she felt as she watched him study her outfit. The girl felt very self conscious. This was one of the reasons she hated to be in the spotlight in general. She tried not to blush and to instead, continue her focus on Heath. No, on his outfit.
He was wearing a tie. Perfect. That meant that she could try to figure out which hand was used to loop it. Um… did she just ask Heath that outright? “Your tie… did you use your right hand to loop it?’’ Claudine knew the Ravenclaw was right handed but did that didn't necessarily mean that he used his right hand.
The Slytherin shrugged. “I have no idea. I would like to think that it would given the fact that both ties and ribbons have to be looped…’’ She rolled her eyes. “Divination for the main part, in my opinion, is hocus pocus. I mean, stuff like communicating with the dead I believe in but interpretation by clothes? Not really.’’ Even if she apparently will find love.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
SPOILER!!: Claudine <3
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Claudine happened to be momentarily distracted by Heath’s tone of voice. Abandoning her scrutiny of his outfit for now, she glanced up at his face with a frown. “Something wrong?’’ was her concerned question. Little did she know that he was struggling with what he had interpreted on his own a short while ago. There was further concern when she realised that Heath was not meeting her eyes. “Are you okay?’’ the fourth year asked softly, her head tilting slightly. If Heath didn’t want to talk about… whatever it was, then that was fine with her but she was there for him.
Earlier, Claudine had been wondering if her surveying him would be weird. It turned out that this was exactly how she felt as she watched him study her outfit. The girl felt very self conscious. This was one of the reasons she hated to be in the spotlight in general. She tried not to blush and to instead, continue her focus on Heath. No, on his outfit.
He was wearing a tie. Perfect. That meant that she could try to figure out which hand was used to loop it. Um… did she just ask Heath that outright? “Your tie… did you use your right hand to loop it?’’ Claudine knew the Ravenclaw was right handed but did that didn't necessarily mean that he used his right hand.
The Slytherin shrugged. “I have no idea. I would like to think that it would given the fact that both ties and ribbons have to be looped…’’ She rolled her eyes. “Divination for the main part, in my opinion, is hocus pocus. I mean, stuff like communicating with the dead I believe in but interpretation by clothes? Not really.’’ Even if she apparently will find love.
The concern in Claudine's voice was all it took to send Heath's already heightened emotions into a tailspin. He was torn between feeling flattered that she cared that much about him and guilty for worrying her at all. 'Am I okay?'Is it really that obvious that I'm not? he thought. How was it that he was so guarded around everyone else, yet an open book around her? He shook his head, reluctantly meeting her gaze with sad eyes. What should he say? He didn't mind telling her what was wrong; it was everybody else in the room that he didn't want to tell! "Read the second interpretation," he whispered as he handed her his notes, trusting she would come to the same conclusion he did upon reading the part that said, You'll be alone.
He noticed her blush and instantly looked away. It obvious that the only thing this observation had accomplished was making them both feel awkward… or maybe not. He blinked, slightly taken aback by her question, though he didn't know why. He should've guessed she'd figure things out on her own! "I did," he said, nodding in confirmation. This line of conversation got his curiosity piqued about her tie ribbon. Had he correctly guessed which hand she used to loop it? Only one way to find out! "Let's say for all intents and purposes that it does count… which hand did you use to loop it?"
Claudine's next words got a slight smile, though it didn't extend to his troubled eyes. "I hope you're right, he replied very quietly, "because if that prediction does come true… His voice trailed off as his fears of losing her returned with a vengeance. "... You know what that would do to me.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
ivy gave a small nod to the professor showing that she understood. Now she had a whole separate issue... what was she going to lose? What did she have that was valuable enough to be considered a financial loss? She really hadn’t brought much to school with her other than what was on her school list, some of her favorite snacks from home, and of course her owl...
Wait partner? Did she just say partner? Ivy DETESTED partner work. She either always ended up doing all the work or ended up partners with someone who was really super...
She heard her name from a few tables away and looked to see who had called her.
Friendly. SUUUUUPER friendly.
Well, at least this saved her the agonizing embarrassment of being left without the partner and having to have the professor force someone to work with her she supposed. She raised a hand in acknowledgement to Mamie and gathered up her notes. Moving across the room quietly, she joined the table with Mamie and two other girls she thought might be in her year, but she couldn’t remember their names.
”Um... hi...” she said quietly, giving them a small polite smile. ”Sorry Mamie, my outfit isn’t like exciting or anything. It’s pretty plain,” Ivy explained, gesturing to her solid dark green sweater with too long sleeves, basic jeans, and black Converse. ”The only thing I really did on the list was put my left leg of my pants on first.” She shrugged her shoulders and tucked her hair behind her ears, waiting to see what Mamie’s analysis would be.
"Hi Ivy!" Mamie greeted as the other girl joined their table. She wondered if Ivy knew Ashley and Violet. She glanced between them, trying to decide. Yes....she decided they probably knew each other. No need for introductions. Right!
Mamie wrinkled her nose in concentration and looked Ivy up and down, looking for something to judge comment on. She really liked the color of Ivy's sweater, but she was pretty sure that wasn't what their professor was going for with this activity. She perked up when ivy said she had put her left leg in first. "I put my left leg first too!" she mused. Did this mean they had something important in common? Mamie wasn't sure, she didn't quite understand stol...stolimancy?
After a few minutes of thinking, Mamie pointed at Ivy's long sleeve. "Your sleeves are longer than your arms," she said. To be fair, they were first years, most of their clothes were probably too big for all of them. "So you have room to grow!" She paused, thinking for another minute. "Maybe you like...you like being challenged...with experiences that make you grow as a person!" Was that a logical conclusion? Was she doing this right? Mamie glanced over at the professor, doubtful she had heard but still hoping for affirmation somehow.
Mamie looked down at her own slightly too big outfit with puffy sleeves and belted pants and slip on shoes. She liked it quite well, but wondered what an outside pair of eyes would think.