-   Term 56: September - December 2020 (
-   -   DADA Lesson 1 - The Elder Wand (

Fireheart 09-07-2020 02:08 AM

anyone need a partner?
Avalon's jaw almost dropped when Trent assigned the Slytherin an essay simply for not answering the question. Poor Claudine. Since when was being quiet during class something that you needed to be punished for? What if Trent had asked a question that they obviously didn't know the answer to? Would he still give out extra assignments then?

And now he was threatening detention for people that failed at the activity that he provided pretty much no instructions on? Merlin. This was a frightening first day back.

She grabbed her own sack of stones and tucked it into her robe pocket for now as she peered around the room for a partner. She would much prefer to work with someone her age or older. At least they'd give her a run for her money with knowing enough spells. But she supposed she'd take a first year if it came down to it. Getting detention though? That was something she really didn't want.

She began thinking about the best way to protect her stones. And why were there five stones inside the sack? Did the number five have any sort of significance? Would some sort of shield charm work? Should she just try to distract her partner and grab their sack? Were they even allowed to use magic? Ugh. This was weird.

DaniDiNardo 09-07-2020 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12467474)

Still, Kinsay made her way to the front to grab a sack from the box, but she also stopped beside the Headmaster, gently tugging on the bottom of his robes to grab his attention. Headmaster Trent?” She looked around the room, before cupping her hands around her mouth as if she were about to tell him a secret. ”What if we don’t know spells yet?” She didn't really want an answer to the question. She wanted him to come up with a solution to make the activity fair. Because as it was, it was very unfair. Everyone else had an advantage. They were bigger and stronger and knew spells and all Kinsay knew was boxing. She didn't want a detention.

The Headmaster fixed the First Year with a look, wondering how serious she was trying to be with her little question.

"I suppose that would put you fresh out of luck, wouldn't it?" He countered calmly. No spells in her arsenal, yes, quite the pity. "I haven't given strict rules on how to defend and attack, simply that you must. The rest is yours to figure out."

He wasn't here to hold anyone's hand.


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12467487)
Now, the way the activity was explained was very unorthodox. What did he mean with "with everything you got"? ALSO earning detention just because they weren't able to protect their bag?! That meant that at least half if not every first year was going to be getting one. Wasn't that unfair in a classroom setting?

"I'm sorry Headmaster but i want to know your reason why you would send some of us to detention just because we aren't able to protect our bags. It just doesn't make sense to me right now"

This one also earned himself a pointed LOOK from the man. "I'm sorry, was it not you who a moment ago said I have the final say? Were you not here through the earlier discussion that went along the lines of me giving instructions and you lot following? Get to work, we don't have all day."

He didn't owe the boy any sort of explanation. This was the activity that was set and this is what they would get done.

Raquelin. 09-07-2020 02:48 AM

hope this is ok!

Originally Posted by Fireheart (Post 12467531)
Avalon's jaw almost dropped when Trent assigned the Slytherin an essay simply for not answering the question. Poor Claudine. Since when was being quiet during class something that you needed to be punished for? What if Trent had asked a question that they obviously didn't know the answer to? Would he still give out extra assignments then?

And now he was threatening detention for people that failed at the activity that he provided pretty much no instructions on? Merlin. This was a frightening first day back.

She grabbed her own sack of stones and tucked it into her robe pocket for now as she peered around the room for a partner. She would much prefer to work with someone her age or older. At least they'd give her a run for her money with knowing enough spells. But she supposed she'd take a first year if it came down to it. Getting detention though? That was something she really didn't want.

She began thinking about the best way to protect her stones. And why were there five stones inside the sack? Did the number five have any sort of significance? Would some sort of shield charm work? Should she just try to distract her partner and grab their sack? Were they even allowed to use magic? Ugh. This was weird.

Alright, sure the professor was being a bit harsh but surely he didn't actually mean literal detention and was just trying to make a point and surely when he said 'with everything you have in you' that was a hyperbole SO all of this sounded like a fun game, a nice ice-breaker to start the school year, just as long as nobody took things to personally... although Ninette still wasn't exactly sure how to play. Not exactly great teaching, but maybe the professor was trying to make a point and it'd all make sense later on.

Oh well, she'd figure it out!

With the sack in her hands, she glanced around the room, brown eyes landing on a girl who seemed to be alone. "Hi, you need a partner?" She was prompt to ask with little ceremony, a smile on her lips. "Because I need one too so we could do the exercise together." Her free hand stretches out in the girl's direction. "I'm Ninette by the way."

Daydreamer11 09-07-2020 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 12467529)
Ok, WHAT was this dude's DEAL? Adam was quite certain that handing out detentions as punishment for not being successful at an activity was NOT a good teaching strategy. Not like he was a teacher or anything. But still, it just seemed...unnecessarily MEAN.

As Adam walked up to the front of the class and got his bag of stones, he looked around in mild horror as everyone started to partner off. Where was Ingrid?! He couldn't find instead his eyes fell upon one of his older housemates. She had to be at least a sixth or seventh year - which meant she was probably super smart and used to activities like this and could probably help guide him in the right direction so he didn't get detention! Perfect!

"Hi! Can we partner up?" he asked, giving her a chance to say no if she really didn't want a little first year partner, but hopefully she said yes.

Naya was trying to get a plan together when one of the new Gryffindor firsties made her an offer. “Sure, I’ll be your partner. We didn’t get a chance to meet at the feast. I’m Naya.” Having introduced herself, the seventh year now felt pressure to come up with an idea to save them both from detention. So why was she drawing a complete blank?

”Soooo, we’ve got to try to take each other’s bag of stones, but we need to make sure that we both end up with a bag when the activity is over. That is unless you want to go to detention. I know I don’t.” Naya figured that she could use some spells to get her partner’s bag.......maybe. Then she asked him, “Do you know any spells?” If not, he would have to try to take her bag the old fashioned way. Either they both had to take each other’s stones or they both had to hold onto theirs. No one was going to detention on Naya’s watch.

ArianaBlack 09-07-2020 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 12467532)
The Headmaster fixed the First Year with a look, wondering how serious she was trying to be with her little question.

"I suppose that would put you fresh out of luck, wouldn't it?" He countered calmly. No spells in her arsenal, yes, quite the pity. "I haven't given strict rules on how to defend and attack, simply that you must. The rest is yours to figure out."

He wasn't here to hold anyone's hand.

For what it was worth, Kinsay was being really serious with her question. The most serious she had ever been. Ever.

Wouldn't it? Yes. It would. Kinsay nodded sadly. He wasn't giving sympathy which was what she really wanted. "Okay." She tried her best not to look wibbly because she didn't want to be sad in class. Or ever. But especially not in class.


Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 12467524)
That Headman was being a Headcase, and Phoebe could see Kale physically reacting to every word the man said. She wanted to go and give her friend a big hug, but he'd already partnered up for the activity. Plus he probably didn't want her to fuss over him in public. Especially not her.

She remembered what this was like as a first year, not knowing how to do things and being thrust into activities willy-nilly. Poor Kizzy and her quiet little question... that was exactly how she'd felt. She wasn't about to let her baby sister feel useless in the same way that Phoebe herself often felt useless. "I'll be your partner, tiny bean. Get your bag and we can do it physically. Practice the techniques we learned at the Stark House."


Kinsay's whole face lit up as if she hadn't just been upset .02 seconds earlier. She gave Fifi a tiny squish before nodding eagerly. "Thanks, Fifi! You're the best." And then she grabbed two little sacks. One for herself and one for the hero of this lesson the century.

"Here you go, Phoebe! Got you one too."

Felixir 09-07-2020 04:11 AM

@ everyone: bright light alert
SPOILER!!: >:)

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12467503)
As Minjae waited for the Headmaster to respond to his question, he had already decided to not participate if he answered it with anything along the lines of 'because i said so' or 'my word, my law'. He honestly did not care about detentions but earning one because of a game was extremely unfair to him.

Now, to say that he wasn't paying attention to keeping his bag of stones safe was not true. But he definitely had not expected for someone to steal it without partnering first.

He felt the fabric of the bag slip through his fingers inside of his pocket and he successfully grabbed it in the air before it could fly in the direction of the one who had casted the summoning charm.

He spun on his heels, turning away from the Headmaster and looked in the direction of where the bag would have flown to and his eyes landed on Nemesis. But instead of looking annoyed, there was a spark in the Hufflepuffs eyes. He was competitive. Highly competitive in fact. He didn't even let his 9 year old brother win at video games.

Also, they did know he had received an Outstanding in his O. W. L right? He was not that easy of an target. With a flick of his wrist, Minjae took out his wand and quickly pointed it at his bag before casting an anti-theft charm on it before putting it back inside of his pocket. He knew that Nem was a smart kid and he would bet all of his trustfund money which was a couple million that Nem had already thought of a way to prevent people from using accio as well.

Which meant he had to steal Nem's bag physically. The Headmaster' had said 'with everything you've got' ' after all. And that was exactly the reason why he strode over with decisive steps and his wand at the ready just in case.

The Headmaster? Completely forgotten.

Ah, shame. Long shot though, and after all, getting the other sack of stones would still necessitate keeping hold of it for the rest of the activity. Not that that would have been a major issue; Nem did like a challenge, and those were often few and far between. Taking on an older student might also serve, and the more capable, the better. Easy targets very quickly got b-o-r-i-n-g.

When Yoon spotted them and put two and two together, Nem just grinned right back. Might have done so even if he'd been mad - especially if he'd been mad - but all the same.

Nem watched Yoon long enough to note him placing a spell on the bag of stones, but it was not possible for them to know what it was, at least from this distance. Nem could narrow down the possibilities, but ultimately figured they'd find out soon enough. And if it had to get physical? Well...

One hand still in their pocket with their own bag, Nem stood still, wand at the ready as Yoon strode over. When he was a few steps away, Nem faked out as if to dash off to the right and in amongst the other students, but then instead raised their wand and turned their head so that their arm shielded their eyes. "Lumos Maxima!"

Already an intensely bright flash of light in a regular setting, the relative dimness of the room beforehand (and the eyes that had acclimatised to it) might just give the spell that extra bit of je ne sais quoi. The idea was to disorient the Hufflepuff (and whoever else, but whatever) for a few moments, but Nem didn't waste time making sure it worked. They lowered their arm and dashed to the side, intending to quickly circle around, get in and out.

Waddles 09-07-2020 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 12467526)
Valencia grabbed a bag of stones, but was very unsettled by the sternness of the lesson. She had no desire to send anyone to detention. She also had no desire to blindly follow someone. That had bad results all throughout history and she was a strong independent freethinking woman.

She'd follow the rules, yes. But the without question really bothered her. Was nobody else bothered?

She glanced at someone she assumed was a first year who looked a tad bit unsure. "Sure. Want to just swap bags?" That way nobody got detention and they 'used whatever means' to get their partner's bag.

How was that for ultimate diplomacy?

Mamie gave an audible sigh of relief when someone agreed to partner with her. She grinned at the older student's suggestion that they just swap bags. "Alright!" she said brightly, holding out her hand for the other girl's bag of stones. She wasn't about to hand hers over first, not after eleven years of living with brothers.

"M-my name's Mamie," she said, introducing herself. If all her classes were going to have team activities, she better get in the practice.

sweetpinkpixie 09-07-2020 07:21 AM

lmao i had practically all this typed up and on the refresh saw you XD
There was a small (read:BIG) problem with the sixth year's disillusionment plan. Unfortunately for him it was not something he was thinking about as he moved closer to the younger Ravenclaw and held out his hand for a fist bump. The nervousness was not entirely lost on him, but he was oddly accustomed to it. Of course, it typically came from post match meet and greets (something that never ceased to be awkward and painful for him) with aspiring quidditch hopefuls asking him about Seeker or to take a picture or to sign something. It had only become more of a thing this summer thanks to his being captain...but he wished it were not.

Or rather...he wished it was a thing for another thing.

"Eh...I mean...Headmaster Trent tends to do unusual activities anyway. Less streamline and more real world applicable." Though he did not see himself needing to literally MUG someone in the immediate future. "I'm Josh, by the way." His amber eyes sort of gave the other boy a look up and down...but robes were baggy and loose so it was hard to gauge just where the bag may be hidden. "Anyway...good luck?"

May as well get to...whatever it was, right?

Josh had a thought and it wasn't really the most brilliant of moves but he did find himself with a particularly keen sense of hearing so stones knocking themselves together ought to give him a general idea of where to aim for. Hence the reasoning for his first spell.


And no sooner had he cast that had THAT happened.

A sudden BLINDING light filled the classroom and had the Gryffindor shutting his eyes and seeing all kinds of rainbow dots against his eyelids. Dots that continued to dance around once his eyes were opened again and the scorching white gone.

TakemetotheBurrow 09-07-2020 12:57 PM

Feel free to grab this one!
What in the actual world?!

This was not how she’d pitched defense against the dark arts to Sammy when she was describing her classes, did the headman know? He was being the absolute meanest, handing out essays and promising detention for not finishing this weird stone activity and the fourth year was feeling pretty protective over the younger cubs and her baby bro at this point. Hopefully they hid their stones well like she had, the little sack shoved protectively in her robes and out of sight.

This could be like quidditch too, right? Find the snitch. Find the stones. She could handle that.

While Nem-the absolute worst, right?-was causing a commotion with his spells, the blonde was off, trying to spot kids who weren’t guarding their stones as well as they ought to be. If she managed to get more than one sack, she’d share with her people. That way none of them had to suffer a detention.

emjay 09-07-2020 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by pundantic (Post 12467523)
Wilful defiance? Kale locked his jaw. His old man thought that this response was wilful defiance? Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, he was in for a rude awakening. This, dear father, was a call for help. Not defiance. But certainly, if he wanted defiance, his teenage son was more than happy to supply it.

Before he could think of another smart, recklessly impulse thing to say, MF caught his attention. And all of Gryffindor house and their points were glad for his intervention. Applause, young McCarthy. Standing ovation.

Kale worked his tightened jaw and nodded. “Yeah, lets do it.” He went to collect their sacks and very much did not look at the Headmaster. Big ol’ jerk that was nasty to his students and his OWN CHILDREN did not deserve his attention. The fourteen year old was ice cold.

He tossed MF his sack when he returned and asked, “So whattya think? We have any ground rules?” With two teenage lions, boundaries were often important.

Morgan could tell that Kale was a little grouchy. But he could hardly blame him. Morgan would be grouchy too if it was HIS dad teaching like Herbology or something and he was just plain mean during the class and embarrassed him in front of his peers. Yeah. Completely justified grouchiness. Morgan was sympathetic.

He caught the sack in one hand, just as there was a sudden burst of blinding light. "Whoa!" he blurted out as he squinted his eyes shut and shielded them with his free arm. It had been surprising, distracting even, but he still held tight to his sack. "What was that?!" he called out, not realizing it was Nem's spell, as he removed his arm from his face. "Dude, I should have brought my shades.." He thought they were working with partners, but was it every man for himself? At any rate, it seemed as though the "game" was already underway.

So ground rules would be a good thing then. "Uh... I dunno," he began, pausing to think about it. He didn't want to think too hard about it because he didn't want either of them to end up with detention. "Nothing that hurts... and don't play dirty." And if Kale had anything he wanted to add, MF would probably be okay with that as well.

"I'm going to hide mine and then, count of three?" That would give his mate a chance to be ready too. He turned away from him so he couldn't see and disillusioned his sack. That would make it harder to find, yeah? He surreptitiously slipped it into his pocket as well, and then thought to cast a stickfast spell on it too.. Uh, what else could he do to prepare? Morgan turned to face Kale again and held his hand shut as if the bag was still there, just to maybe throw him off.

Nordic Witch 09-07-2020 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12467562)
What in the actual world?!

This was not how she’d pitched defense against the dark arts to Sammy when she was describing her classes, did the headman know? He was being the absolute meanest, handing out essays and promising detention for not finishing this weird stone activity and the fourth year was feeling pretty protective over the younger cubs and her baby bro at this point. Hopefully they hid their stones well like she had, the little sack shoved protectively in her robes and out of sight.

This could be like quidditch too, right? Find the snitch. Find the stones. She could handle that.

While Nem-the absolute worst, right?-was causing a commotion with his spells, the blonde was off, trying to spot kids who weren’t guarding their stones as well as they ought to be. If she managed to get more than one sack, she’d share with her people. That way none of them had to suffer a detention.

Seriously? Headmaster Trent was breaking records did he know that? Giving an essay to Claudine for not answering and then inlightening them that if they didn't have a sack at the end of the stone activity they'd get to serve detention. Cole was shocked and confused. Why had the headman become so mean?
Deciding that it was probably best not to dwell and ponder he got his sack of stones and hid them in his extended left robe pocket. And he casted protego duo over it too.

Nem's blinding light spell made Cole freeze up as his eyes got blurry. When he could see again he started to look for a partner. Both Naya and Heath were taken so he sprinted after Cece calling out. "Cece can we be partners? I promise to not try and take your sack with mean spells."

Hey Ju 09-07-2020 05:21 PM

We have a wimp who doesn't want a partner. Anyone? xP
Catherine studied Headmaster Trent while the man gave out instructions and essays. He seemed to be in a mood... which she particularly didn't mind, as she wasn't planning on getting on his nerves anyway. She'd leave that to the Gryffindors.

This Ravenclaw was good at following rules - especially if they made sense, and, honestly, obeying the man because he was in charge did make sense, since he knew what he was doing and Catherine trusted him. She'd always felt safe with a dominant personality in charge, and as long as the Headmaster provided that safety, she'd obey.

The mini activity wasn't to her liking, but she did what she was told in regards to collecting a sack of stones. About the partner thing... sigh. Her most dreaded part of any activity at school. Catherine didn't want a partner. She didn't want to be threatened to be sent to detention - that was very unreasonable of the professor, she thought. It did, however, make her set her mind into not allowing anyone take her sack. Which is why she put it in her robes too, as a few others were doing.

Although... that didn't seem like it would necessarily stop some people from getting it. The last thing Catherine wanted was to have someone try and get it from her robes. That would be a huge no-no. The thought alone - plus someone flashing a massive beam of light in the classroom, making the whole situation a lot more dangerous - made her back up against one of the walls.

Urgh, she didn't want to do this activity...

hjhm 09-07-2020 06:00 PM

*we snag you Catherine* <3

Originally Posted by Hey Ju (Post 12467592)
Catherine studied Headmaster Trent while the man gave out instructions and essays. He seemed to be in a mood... which she particularly didn't mind, as she wasn't planning on getting on his nerves anyway. She'd leave that to the Gryffindors.

This Ravenclaw was good at following rules - especially if they made sense, and, honestly, obeying the man because he was in charge did make sense, since he knew what he was doing and Catherine trusted him. She'd always felt safe with a dominant personality in charge, and as long as the Headmaster provided that safety, she'd obey.

The mini activity wasn't to her liking, but she did what she was told in regards to collecting a sack of stones. About the partner thing... sigh. Her most dreaded part of any activity at school. Catherine didn't want a partner. She didn't want to be threatened to be sent to detention - that was very unreasonable of the professor, she thought. It did, however, make her set her mind into not allowing anyone take her sack. Which is why she put it in her robes too, as a few others were doing.

Although... that didn't seem like it would necessarily stop some people from getting it. The last thing Catherine wanted was to have someone try and get it from her robes. That would be a huge no-no. The thought alone - plus someone flashing a massive beam of light in the classroom, making the whole situation a lot more dangerous - made her back up against one of the walls.

Urgh, she didn't want to do this activity...

Not that there was anything to be nervous about but somehow Eron felt that way. It's good to hear that his answer was correct. Obviously he chose one that is pretty basic and self-explanatory. Nothing too grand about it as well. It was simple, so why does he have clammy hands right now? He can't really say, it must be the atmosphere or the vibes. He shouldn't really mind it too much.

Up, all of you.

And up he went. And quickly too.

Headmaster Trent is very particular with his instructions and in a way, Eron likes it that way. It's so much easier to abide. The seventh year managed to quickly grab a sack as instructed and snagged Catherine, a fellow Ravenclaw to be his partner for this. Why not? She looks quite excited hehe. He shot the girl a soft smile and asked "Can we partner up?" and no, he's not taking no for an answer. Sorry, Catherine.

LilFox06 09-07-2020 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Waddles (Post 12467545)
Mamie gave an audible sigh of relief when someone agreed to partner with her. She grinned at the older student's suggestion that they just swap bags. "Alright!" she said brightly, holding out her hand for the other girl's bag of stones. She wasn't about to hand hers over first, not after eleven years of living with brothers.

"M-my name's Mamie," she said, introducing herself. If all her classes were going to have team activities, she better get in the practice.

Valencia tilted her head at the kid's outstretched hand. "Really? If I wanted to trick you I would just summon your stones or petrify you and take them."

She held her arm across her eyes for a few seconds after a SUDDEN light took her by surprise. She gave herself a few seconds then blinked several times. "Seems like someone is getting too into this..."


She nodded at the introduction. "I'm Valencia. We'll swap them at the same time." Mostly because she didn't want to have to hex the kid if she got the bright idea to kick her in the shins or something.

She held her bag above the younger girl's outstretched hand while holding out her own hand for the younger girl's bag.

Fireheart 09-07-2020 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Raquelin. (Post 12467536)
Alright, sure the professor was being a bit harsh but surely he didn't actually mean literal detention and was just trying to make a point and surely when he said 'with everything you have in you' that was a hyperbole SO all of this sounded like a fun game, a nice ice-breaker to start the school year, just as long as nobody took things to personally... although Ninette still wasn't exactly sure how to play. Not exactly great teaching, but maybe the professor was trying to make a point and it'd all make sense later on.

Oh well, she'd figure it out!

With the sack in her hands, she glanced around the room, brown eyes landing on a girl who seemed to be alone. "Hi, you need a partner?" She was prompt to ask with little ceremony, a smile on her lips. "Because I need one too so we could do the exercise together." Her free hand stretches out in the girl's direction. "I'm Ninette by the way."

Oh good, a fifth year! They would probably be evenly matched then. Avalon shook the girl's hand. "Hey Ninette. Let's do it!" Hopefully the Slytherin didn't have it out for her. Avalon didn't want to get detention or have to give detention. But Trent would definitely call them out if it looked like they weren't actively trying to steal each other's sacks. So they had to make it at least look like they were trying.

The Ravenclaw took out her sack of stones and cast a quick Proetgo on it. "Ready?" she asked the Slytherin. Avalon raised her spell, about to cast a summoning charm on Ninette's sack, when a flash of light ripped through the room, casting spots on her vision. Figuring it was most likely some Gryffindor or younger kid who decided to blind them all, she just shook her head with a laugh, blinking a few times to regain her sight. Maybe she'd need to be a bit more inventive that just a summoning spell. Perhaps she could try to disarm her? Then the Slytherin couldn't cast any spells on her sack, and she would only have to defend against physical or mental distractions rather than magic. Trent did say 'whatever means you see fit.'

Well, it was worth a shot. "Expelliarimus!"

Hey Ju 09-07-2020 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by hjhm (Post 12467594)
Not that there was anything to be nervous about but somehow Eron felt that way. It's good to hear that his answer was correct. Obviously he chose one that is pretty basic and self-explanatory. Nothing too grand about it as well. It was simple, so why does he have clammy hands right now? He can't really say, it must be the atmosphere or the vibes. He shouldn't really mind it too much.

Up, all of you.

And up he went. And quickly too.

Headmaster Trent is very particular with his instructions and in a way, Eron likes it that way. It's so much easier to abide. The seventh year managed to quickly grab a sack as instructed and snagged Catherine, a fellow Ravenclaw to be his partner for this. Why not? She looks quite excited hehe. He shot the girl a soft smile and asked "Can we partner up?" and no, he's not taking no for an answer. Sorry, Catherine.

Catherine now studied the seventh year who asked to partner up with her. In an activity that required them to try and get something from the other, magically or otherwise.

Was he mocking her? She was not amused.

"No." She said simply but coldly while staring up at him. He was definitely mocking her and she wasn't going to have it.

PhoenixRising 09-07-2020 07:53 PM

anyone still need a partner? :3
A fine response? Did everyone hear that? But regardless, he told her to repeat it, soooo Carsyn turned in her seat to repeat what she'd said, "Respect. Even if we don't necessarily agree with the rules and boundaries set, we need to respect them." And back around to the front of the classroom where he explained that he didn't wanted to be bothered with frivolous things. Also, wasn't that why there were prefects?

Up. Reluctantly she stood up but regretted it a moment later when her seat was banished. Ummmm..... This was this just an activity to get them all to experience detention at some point before they graduate? She didn't particularly want to send anyone to detention though, nor did she want to be sent there? Just for lack of protecting her stones?

She glanced around for a partner who seemed maybe like they would be on the same page as her. Her sister or Bernie came to mind, but Bernie was already partnering with the Slytherin Prefect how rude! Carsyn thought she was her favorite? *sniffles*

Tucking her sack of stones in a safe place (which we shall not mention) once she took one from the Headmaster, her eyes perused the room for a partner...

Nyx 09-07-2020 08:13 PM

@ Ashley
Sophie could not believe that the Headmaster had been so curt with his own son. She snuck a look at the junior Trent as she went to grab her sack of stones. Thank goodness Headmaster Trent wasn't her dad. She felt sorry for him. Maybe she'd introduce herself later, when they were both safely away from the glowering Headmaster.

Sophie returned with her sack of stones to Ashley, the Ravenclaw first year. She tucked her bag safely inside her robes. "That sounds like a good plan," she said. "I really don't want detention." She was whispering in case the Headmaster was paying attention to them.

As Ashley pretended to take her bag, Sophie jumped back. Then she also pretended to try to take the Ravenclaw's sack by swiping at the sleeve of her robe where she saw she had hidden it. This first lesson was proving to be good for improving her acting skills but little else. What was the Headmaster thinking? She didn't see the point of this activity at all. But she also didn't want to cross him. To be completely honest, he scared her a little bit.

hermionesclone 09-07-2020 08:14 PM

Carsyn ^^

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 12467603)
A fine response? Did everyone hear that? But regardless, he told her to repeat it, soooo Carsyn turned in her seat to repeat what she'd said, "Respect. Even if we don't necessarily agree with the rules and boundaries set, we need to respect them." And back around to the front of the classroom where he explained that he didn't wanted to be bothered with frivolous things. Also, wasn't that why there were prefects?

Up. Reluctantly she stood up but regretted it a moment later when her seat was banished. Ummmm..... This was this just an activity to get them all to experience detention at some point before they graduate? She didn't particularly want to send anyone to detention though, nor did she want to be sent there? Just for lack of protecting her stones?

She glanced around for a partner who seemed maybe like they would be on the same page as her. Her sister or Bernie came to mind, but Bernie was already partnering with the Slytherin Prefect how rude! Carsyn thought she was her favorite? *sniffles*

Tucking her sack of stones in a safe place (which we shall not mention) once she took one from the Headmaster, her eyes perused the room for a partner...

As much as he was used to people looking at him and trying to talk to him and ~somehow~ knowing his name, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the look Trent was giving him right now. It was a look over but it made the seventh year feel like he was looking into his very thoughts.

No no no no no.

But before he could think about that any more, the man was starting to talk. After years of being taught by this man, Lucas was expecting a question on spells or dangerous creatures or what they would do in a situation. But tHIS?! This was NOT what he was expecting at all. It was because of this that Lucas stared at the man incredulously, the question going right over his head. What did the role of being a headmaster have to do with defence?!

But then it somehow got worse because now they had to do an exercise.

And even even even worse? They were going to get dETENTION if they didn't keep their sacks at the end.


Was Trent okay? Or was he still upset from the, uh, ~drama~ at the start of term feast? Maybe that was it. Because Trent had never given out detention before for failing a task. If that was the case, Lucas would've had a lot of detentions over the years and would probably not be wearing a particular badge on his chest right now.

He almost knew that he was going to get a detention at the end of this exercise but that didn't stop the seventh year from heading up to the front to grab his own sack. He didn't know how he was going to do it and he didn't have a plan in mind but he could try. Somehow. He just needed a partner, which, just the idea was giving him some problems. A lot of people were paired up already and he didn't really have the courage to go up to someone he barely knew to ask if-


Yes. Yes yES YES!

Gripping his sack of stones tightly, the Gryffindor practically ran - or, well, jogged - over to his fellow prefect. "Carsyn! Hey, Carsyn!" This was, truly, the best opportunity. "Do you want to partner up? I mean, we do make a pretty good team already." Even if they were going against each other.

But he wasn't going to add that.

astrocat 09-07-2020 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Nyx (Post 12467604)
Sophie could not believe that the Headmaster had been so curt with his own son. She snuck a look at the junior Trent as she went to grab her sack of stones. Thank goodness Headmaster Trent wasn't her dad. She felt sorry for him. Maybe she'd introduce herself later, when they were both safely away from the glowering Headmaster.

Sophie returned with her sack of stones to Ashley, the Ravenclaw first year. She tucked her bag safely inside her robes. "That sounds like a good plan," she said. "I really don't want detention." She was whispering in case the Headmaster was paying attention to them.

As Ashley pretended to take her bag, Sophie jumped back. Then she also pretended to try to take the Ravenclaw's sack by swiping at the sleeve of her robe where she saw she had hidden it. This first lesson was proving to be good for improving her acting skills but little else. What was the Headmaster thinking? She didn't see the point of this activity at all. But she also didn't want to cross him. To be completely honest, he scared her a little bit.

Ashley was technically doing everything she could to protect her rocks. Because anything could totally include teaming up. On the other hand, the headmaster might get mad. She wondered if she should have just given Sophie her sack instead so that only one of them would get detention. But that was a less safe choice, and if they got detention, at least they were in it together. She decided to ask Sophie. "If you want me to give you mine in case we both get detention for faking just tell me. I'll do it." She took another fake swipe at her, missing completely again. "It's probably safer for you." She sneakily took the stones out of her robe, making it look that they fell. "Otherwise I'll just put these back in my robes. I won't judge you if you take them. You won't have any chance of getting detention." She looked at her. "I won't even be a little bit mad. Your choice." She held the stones at the tip of her fingers, in easy reach of the other girl. Logically, if she got detention then there was no way that Sophie would. It made sense to her anyway.

MadMadamMalfoy 09-07-2020 08:46 PM

SPOILER!!: Claudine

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 12467501)
Claudine was even more annoyed now and it showed when she balled her hands into fists. She wasn’t sure if anyone saw them for she hid them quickly under her desk. Not that she cared. What was Trent’s problem? Since when was it a crime to not produce an answer during a lesson? Merlin, were all the Professors going to be like this? No… they wouldn’t be. At least not Eris, Fuller-Thompson or Williamson.... right? And right there and then, she found herself missing Rainwater. The fourth year felt beyond frustrated and as it was, when she was frustrated, she would cry. Already the tears were burning her eyes and in an attempt to stop the waterworks, she had tightened her fists so that her nails dug into the soft flesh of her palms.


Claudine rarely loathed anyone but she loathed Trent with every ounce of her energy. Her eyes were kept lowered as the others gave their answers and some got assigned essays like her. She’d been right when it had occurred that a lot of students would suck up; the first being Grantham. The Snakette was not surprised. She could also bet that a lot of the students didn’t mean their words but only were saying them to be in Trent’s good books.

Eyes still down, she followed the others and got to her feet. The sudden movement of the furniture made her glance around unwillingly. And even more unwillingly, the young girl stared at Trent. What kind of activity was thing where people got sent to detention for loosing a stupid sack of stones? Claudine didn’t care if she wound up in detention, anyway, so she didn’t particularly care for the activity.

Still, the girl went to collect one of the stupid sacks, and on her way back to join the the gathering of students, her eyes sought Heath. He was the only one she wanted to work with right now, given her mood and given the fact that she knew he was the only one who knew how she felt. “Partner?’’ she asked quietly, holding onto her sack tightly in a throbbing right hand.

Well, this was weird! Heath wasn’t used to approval from the headmaster. Apparently he was right to think silence would be interpreted as defiance. He wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved that he’d avoided trouble or sympathetic toward those who didn’t. Poor Claudine! First the incident before class, now this… Trent seemed to really have it out for her today, didn’t he? That fact alone was enough to send him into a blind rage; if he had been close enough to her to see the tears in her eyes, there was no way he could’ve kept his cool! As it was, the only thing stopping him from going into overprotective boyfriend friend mode was the knowledge that doing so would only make things worse for her. He’d definitely have to do something to cheer her up later!

For now, Heath showed no outward sign of emotion as he rose from his chair, as per the headmaster’s instructions. He listened carefully to the next set of directions, and… things just got weirder. Maybe this activity was meant as a symbol for a real life or death situation, to show that in that situation, you’ll do whatever you have to do to survive? Granted, it was an incredibly cutthroat one if that was the case, but he could at least see some logic behind it. The part he didn’t understand was assigning detentions to those who failed to keep their sack. He also had questions about the logistics of the activity, though none that he dared to voice. It didn’t matter anyway. He clearly wasn’t meant to understand what was happening, just accept it.

Truthfully, Heath had no intention of sending anyone to detention or of going there himself, but he knew he couldn’t let the headmaster catch on to that fact. He would have to make it look like he was trying to get his partner’s sack… put on a show. His mind was already buzzing with possible strategies as he went to retrieve his sack of stones. He was going to ask Claudine to partner with him when he returned, but she beat him to it. That was a relief! If she’d partnered with anyone else, there would be no way he could protect her. “Partners,” he replied, smiling ever so slightly, though a determined fire burned in his eyes. From the outside looking in, one might think he was determined to take Claudine’s sack, but actually he was determined to keep her out of detention. He just hoped he wouldn’t have to go there himself to do it!

So… should they establish some ground rules? He overheard some of the other pairs doing that, but would the headmaster consider that unnecessary chatter? At this point, Heath wouldn’t put it past him! Just in case, he kept his words short and to the point. “No physical contact; no permanently damaging spells. Fair?” he said quietly, nodding to indicate Claudine could answer him without speaking. That way, only he would get into trouble for chatter if it came to it. He drew his wand with the hand that wasn’t holding his sack. “Ready?”

hjhm 09-07-2020 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Hey Ju (Post 12467601)
Catherine now studied the seventh year who asked to partner up with her. In an activity that required them to try and get something from the other, magically or otherwise.

Was he mocking her? She was not amused.

"No." She said simply but coldly while staring up at him. He was definitely mocking her and she wasn't going to have it.

Oooooof course she's the grumpy one but at this point Eron is in no position (and so does she) to find a different partner. He thinks that the two of them will make good partners if she decides not to injure him. His smile never wavering, he looked at the third year and perhaps settle some kind of negotiati----

Wait, no! Merlin's beard no.

"Come on! everyone needs a partner for this activity" he pleaded. "Big boss is going to be disappointed if you're not going to do this activity" Headmaster Trent has zero tolerance for whiny and arrogant kids. "let's just be partners and do the activity" his eyes focused on her until she says yes.

DuckyLinJi 09-07-2020 10:42 PM

Minjae stared right back at the Headmaster's pointed look, doing his best not to lower his eyes as he talked. He had always respected the man but right now he just seemed like a completely different person. Had they broken him that much? OR, a swift thought ran through his mind and it sounded ridiculous but it could be possible. The Headmaster was not the Headmaster. Maybe this was some weirdo who polyjuiced themselves? he refused to believe that Trent would abuse his power like that. "sorry, sir" he said before he got back to hunting down Nemesis.

When he was close to the Slytherin, Minjae followed his movement to the side and in the second that Nem had raised his wand, Minjae did so himself to protect himself but he was too late.

He had dealt with flash flares in many video games but he had never been blinded by it in real life. He didn't know how big the range of the flare was but judging by how the students around him reacted it had to be far. If the rest were having trouble with the light, it was ten times worse for him as he got the full blast.

Minjae had to let go of his bag inside of his pocket to use his arms to shield his eyes from the bright light and once it got darker he opened his eyes again. Dark spots danced before his eyes and he blinked a few times while trying to find the Slytherin. Oh bloody hell, where had he gone of to?! Right? left?? up? no...

......He wasn't behind him right?!

Still with spots in his vision and unable to see very well, Minjae still spun around with his wand at the ready in the hope that his guess was correct.

FearlessLeader19 09-07-2020 11:00 PM

𝄞 I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights 𝄞 @Nem
SPOILER!!: Heath! <3

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy (Post 12467609)

Well, this was weird! Heath wasn’t used to approval from the headmaster. Apparently he was right to think silence would be interpreted as defiance. He wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved that he’d avoided trouble or sympathetic toward those who didn’t. Poor Claudine! First the incident before class, now this… Trent seemed to really have it out for her today, didn’t he? That fact alone was enough to send him into a blind rage; if he had been close enough to her to see the tears in her eyes, there was no way he could’ve kept his cool! As it was, the only thing stopping him from going into overprotective boyfriend friend mode was the knowledge that doing so would only make things worse for her. He’d definitely have to do something to cheer her up later!

For now, Heath showed no outward sign of emotion as he rose from his chair, as per the headmaster’s instructions. He listened carefully to the next set of directions, and… things just got weirder. Maybe this activity was meant as a symbol for a real life or death situation, to show that in that situation, you’ll do whatever you have to do to survive? Granted, it was an incredibly cutthroat one if that was the case, but he could at least see some logic behind it. The part he didn’t understand was assigning detentions to those who failed to keep their sack. He also had questions about the logistics of the activity, though none that he dared to voice. It didn’t matter anyway. He clearly wasn’t meant to understand what was happening, just accept it.

Truthfully, Heath had no intention of sending anyone to detention or of going there himself, but he knew he couldn’t let the headmaster catch on to that fact. He would have to make it look like he was trying to get his partner’s sack… put on a show. His mind was already buzzing with possible strategies as he went to retrieve his sack of stones. He was going to ask Claudine to partner with him when he returned, but she beat him to it. That was a relief! If she’d partnered with anyone else, there would be no way he could protect her. “Partners,” he replied, smiling ever so slightly, though a determined fire burned in his eyes. From the outside looking in, one might think he was determined to take Claudine’s sack, but actually he was determined to keep her out of detention. He just hoped he wouldn’t have to go there himself to do it!

So… should they establish some ground rules? He overheard some of the other pairs doing that, but would the headmaster consider that unnecessary chatter? At this point, Heath wouldn’t put it past him! Just in case, he kept his words short and to the point. “No physical contact; no permanently damaging spells. Fair?” he said quietly, nodding to indicate Claudine could answer him without speaking. That way, only he would get into trouble for chatter if it came to it. He drew his wand with the hand that wasn’t holding his sack. “Ready?”

She already knew that Heath wouldn’t refuse to work with her, with the exception of him already having a partner. Fortunately for her, he hadn’t gotten one prior. Claudine really thought that she wouldn’t be able to work with anyone else, anyway. Her mind was in a haze and was still quite unsure of how to proceed in defending the sack. As best as she could remember, Trent hadn’t specified any strategy… he’d only specified about the losers being thrown into detention…. wait. If she took Heath’s sack, that meant that he’d be thrown into detention. Oh no. Claudine didn’t want Heath to get into detention. Was it too late to change partners? It would have been better if she worked with someone she didn’t care about.

Apparently it was too late because a quick look around told the girl that partners had been found and some had already even gotten started on the activity. Stupid activity, stupid Trent. “Yes, that’s fair,’’ she murmured in resignation to Heath’s words. “Accio sack,’’ Claudine muttered immediately after nodding to show that she was ready.

There were two reasons why that spell could fail: 1. Claudine’s heart wasn’t into it and 2. there was a flash of super bright light that blinded her at the same moment her Summoning Charm had been cast. The result of the latter was her snapping her eyelids shut and shielding her face with her wand arm.

pundantic 09-07-2020 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12467567)
Morgan could tell that Kale was a little grouchy. But he could hardly blame him. Morgan would be grouchy too if it was HIS dad teaching like Herbology or something and he was just plain mean during the class and embarrassed him in front of his peers. Yeah. Completely justified grouchiness. Morgan was sympathetic.

He caught the sack in one hand, just as there was a sudden burst of blinding light. "Whoa!" he blurted out as he squinted his eyes shut and shielded them with his free arm. It had been surprising, distracting even, but he still held tight to his sack. "What was that?!" he called out, not realizing it was Nem's spell, as he removed his arm from his face. "Dude, I should have brought my shades.." He thought they were working with partners, but was it every man for himself? At any rate, it seemed as though the "game" was already underway.

So ground rules would be a good thing then. "Uh... I dunno," he began, pausing to think about it. He didn't want to think too hard about it because he didn't want either of them to end up with detention. "Nothing that hurts... and don't play dirty." And if Kale had anything he wanted to add, MF would probably be okay with that as well.

"I'm going to hide mine and then, count of three?" That would give his mate a chance to be ready too. He turned away from him so he couldn't see and disillusioned his sack. That would make it harder to find, yeah? He surreptitiously slipped it into his pocket as well, and then thought to cast a stickfast spell on it too.. Uh, what else could he do to prepare? Morgan turned to face Kale again and held his hand shut as if the bag was still there, just to maybe throw him off.

The burst of light that engulfed the room startled Kale out of his mounting grouchy feelings. His eyes FA-LEW open and his eyeballs felt like FIRE. He turned to the offending light caster and was surprised to see Nem. What the hecK HOMIE?!

The blonde rubbed at his eyes with the flat part of each palm, like a lil pup. Phew. His poor, baby eyes. BEAUTIFUL BABY EYES.

When he was sorted, and no longer blinking back tears, Kale zeroed in on his bud. ”Oh, uh. Good idea.” He had another thing to add while they were laying ground rules. ”Not my face.” ‘Twas the future money maker. When he was a leading man/tap dance superstar/absolute icon, he would need his face.

With that sorted, they were playing hide-the-sack. Kale was suddenly faced with MF’s back and, in a moment of anxiety or maybe a stroke of genius, Kale shoved his sack down the front of his trousers. It was certainly a deterrent.

He drew his wand when MF turned and threw a spell at him. “Expelliarmus!”

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