-   Term 56: September - December 2020 (
-   -   DADA Lesson 1 - The Elder Wand (

Nordic Witch 09-06-2020 01:12 PM

Cole wished that he could hold Naya's hand and whisper to her since Headmaster Trent was getting a bit scary. Why was he so blunt with them? Nobody had done anything that would warrant this kind of lecture on the first morning of classes right? Confused Cole raised his hand to answer, choosing his words carefully. "To me it means that you as headmaster are responsible for all of students, staff and other Hogwarts residents. It's your job to see to that all students from first to seventh year learn what we need to become responsible and knowledgeable young adults and that means sometimes using disciplinary actions like detentions or point loss to make us learn valuable life lessons." He was practically everyone's parent away from home, but Cole wasn't going to say and risk getting in trouble.

MadMadamMalfoy 09-06-2020 01:38 PM

Heath returned Claudine’s smile with a small, forced one of his own. He did not like the way the headmaster talked to some of his classmates, especially Claudine and the two first year girls (Ashley and Sophie)! For a fraction of a second, he wanted to call the man out, but that wouldn’t accomplish anything, other than earning him detention and/or points loss. If either one of those things happened to him, no matter what the reason, he knew he could expect a Howler from his grandmother screaming at him for dishonoring the family, so he kept quiet, not a hint of emotion showing on his face as he looked up at the start of the lesson.

Blink, blink. First the message on the board, then the reprimands, and now that question… Wow, Headmaster Trent seemed really off today! Heath knew the man to be demanding and extremely unforgiving of mistakes, but this seemed a bit… much. Maybe the events of last term had damaged the headmaster more than he let on? That wouldn’t excuse his behavior, but Heath could sympathize to some extent.

Heath considered the question carefully. Did Headmaster Trent want an honest answer or one that reaffirmed his authority? Because those were two different things! Unsure how to respond, he did the thing he always did when he didn’t know what to do: assess the situation, gauge others’ reactions, and tailor himself to be what they wanted to see. The more he thought and the more he heard from his classmates, the more he thought giving an honest answer was a bad idea! A part of him wanted to keep quiet, so as not to accidentally say the wrong thing, but what if his silence was seen as an act of defiance? Whatever answer he gave, Heath knew he would have to choose his words very carefully.

Finally, his hand went up. “It means you have authority over us and the school as a whole, and we are expected to follow your directions at all times without question,” he said, his tone even and matter-of-fact without a hint of defiance or irony. Unlike some of the others, he wasn’t going to venture a guess as to the headmaster’s feelings or intentions for the students, mostly because there was no way he could truly know them. He wasn’t a legillimens! Although his answer wasn’t what he initially thought, it wasn’t technically a lie either. Despite that fact, he couldn’t help but worry that it somehow came across as a backhanded insult.

Kolyander 09-06-2020 02:49 PM

Something seemed really off with the Headmaster this morning. Had the man not taken his own advice and gotten enough sleep? As he recalled from his first term the previous year, Headmaster Trent had always been a little rough around the edges but today he seemed downright grumpy.

Lukas shifted slightly in his seat, sitting up straighter when the door to the classroom swung shut with a slam announcing the start of the lesson. Crinkles up his nose a little bit at the sound. Did all the professor have to do that? Was it so hard to not slam a door? The only purpose he could see in the action was to give everyone a headache, well that and to startle them.

Speaking of being startled, that question caught the twelve year old off guard right away. What does it mean to be Headmaster? What kind of question was that? Were they meant to say exactly what was going through their heads because he was pretty sure not everyone's answer was what they had been thinking. Slowly he raised his hand into the air. "Being Headmaster means you're the boss. That everything concerning Hogwarts is in you're hands, including all of the staff, house elves and us. You're responsible for our educations and our well-being." There was a moment's pause before he continued. "It also means that when decisions need to be made it's up to you to choose what you feel is best and for all of us to follow suit even if we don't agree. And if something doesn't go as planned or someone breaks a rule it's up to you to handle that as well."

Now that he really thought about it, it was almost like his parents back at home. What they said goes, no and's, ifs or buts about it.

PhoenixRising 09-06-2020 03:28 PM

Carsyn had been here on time, of course, as she'd grown accustomed to the early morning defense classes on the first day of the term. The warning on the board was new but not entirely unexpected which begged the seventh year to wonder if half of his disinterest in incessant chatter stemmed from his son.

No matter though because it seemed they were starting and he was asking them about his title? What being headmaster meant to them? Was no one going to dare broach the one word that popped into her head which she was pretty sure was understood by all considering the way Charlotte was so quick to change into her proper uniform at last night's feast?

Raising her hand, the seventh year prefect spoke up. "Respect. Even if we don't necessarily agree with the rules and boundaries set, we need to respect them."

DaniDiNardo 09-06-2020 05:35 PM

SPOILER!!: Replies
SPOILER!!: Blaze

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 12467352)
Claudine clenched her jaws angrily as Trent rebuked her for greeting Nem. She didn’t even try to hide how she felt for she glared at him. Well, it was more like she glared at his stupid nose. It was all coming back to her now, how she had realised early during last term after that lesson at the Lake with the ‘Kelpies’ how much she had started to hate Trent and his uptight ways. How she had come to hate his lessons and dread every single one of them. What did it matter if she said a simple two words to Nem when there were others {like Grantham and Yoon over there} whispering their lives away? Forcefully, Claudine lowered her gaze to her desk. In an attempt to calm down, the girl tried to think of the barn and the creatures that lived there. It was her happy place and focusing on it made her feel slightly better. Claudine went about finishing getting her writing materials, looking up at intervals as others trickled in. Heath’s presence instantly helped too and she gave him a smile, even if it was a forced one. Even Aboli got a half hearted wave in reply.

For the duration until the start of the lesson, this Snakette avoided looking at Trent. Even as things got started, it was found that she preferred to keep her eyes focused on the desk and on her belongings. Was being a Headmaster finally getting to his head? Because Trent was sounding sort of stuck up. Also, what sort of a question was that? Claudine could think of a few answers like: it meant that Trent thought it gave him a free pass to constantly rebuke them, except a select few or it meant that he could instill fear in the younger students.

Claudine said none of this out loud though the temptation was so real. No, she’d be quiet for now and see what the others thought.

She couldn’t wait to hear the replies that came from the students who wanted to suck up to Trent.

The first spot of open defiance.

How...adorable not.

"I expect a 1,500 word essay on my desk at the end of the week regarding the same question. If you won't answer me in class, you'll answer me in your spare time. Get it done. I suggest you answer the next unless you'd like a second."

He wasn't asking questions to pass time. She would not waste his by not answering.

SPOILER!!: Grantham

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 12467355)
Wow, Kale's dad was in a REALLY bad mood today, wasn't he? Bernie tilted her head at him sympathetically, though, because he was the Headmaster and he was like her school dad basically, and her head of house, and even though he was grumpy and mean sometimes and had grounded her to her dorm for like an entire year, he was still GOOD and KIND and had lots to teach them. She believed in him! She was sure he'd be less grumpy if he just ate a Snickers and/or that apple she'd put on his desk for him.

So. Bernie blinked a few times at his warning about chatter, but didn't think much else of how grumpily he started class. Instead, she tried to think of a good answer for his first question, and eventually popped her hand in the air.

"Well, sir, being the Headmaster means you're in charge of Hogwarts, our school, and I know from, past...transgressions?" Had she used that word correctly? She was, of course, referring to that time in the Forbidden Forest and the duelling arena and that detention for riding the first-year boats and the suspension for pointing her wand at the Headmistress of Beauxbatons and uh whatever else she was forgetting....

"---and our past conversations that you only want what's best for us, and that you're trying to teach us to think before we act, and trying your best to keep us safe. So you do that as Headmaster AND as the Defense professor. You keep us safe and try to teach us to make good decisions. That's what YOU being Headmaster means to me."

There, that was a good answer. Bernie nodded and wiggled in her seat a little, pleased with herself.

Oi vey, she could've stopped after the first bit. The man stood with patience he didn't truly feel while the girl driveled on and on about consequences and past interactions. It was an effort maintaining the appearance of interest but he did his best and gave a nod at the end.

"And excellent answer. I couldn't have said it better myself."

Except he really could've and saved them both some time. Next.

Oh look, an apple.


Originally Posted by astrocat (Post 12467358)
Ashley was very annoyed. She was barely talking, and she hadn't even started the conversation. She didn't complain though, because she wasn't about to throw the other girl under the bus, so to speak. She rolled her eyes. This teacher was clearly angry. She decided she didn't like him and his ridiculous rules at all. She drew angry red flowers on her arm. They weren't very good, but it was okay because they were angry flowers. This was not a good start to school. Unnecessary chatter huh? Well from now on saying hello to the teacher was now unnecessary in her book. Ashley smirked and switched to writing "chatter" on her arm in fancy cursive repetitively. To her a 'headmaster' meant unnecessary authority, but she kept that thought to herself. She looked up calmly. "It means you're in charge."

"Yes." Came his simple answer. Whether she believed it or not, she'd just said it herself and he would hold her to it throughout the term. At the very core of the idea, she understood.

That was good enough. Moving on.

SPOILER!!: Murphy

Originally Posted by gritandgrace (Post 12467364)
Ugh. Torin almost forgot how frustrating Headmaster Trent could be. He must have a wand somewhere uncomfortable with how uptight he can be.

Torin tried not to snort too loudly as Bernie sucked up to the Headmaster. He personally couldn't be bothered. Trent just wanted them to submit to his authority or inflate his ego. That's not what he's here for. He just wants to get on with the lesson. Looking over at Nem he just rolled his eyes.

And another to opt for silence.

"You'll be joining your classmate in preparing for me a 1,500 word essay in answer to the question." How many times would he have to say this before moving on? "If you won't answer me during class, you'll answer me in your free time. End of the week. Don't be late."

He too would have a second essay if he chose to ignore the next question. They'd learn soon enough.

SPOILER!!: Simpson

Originally Posted by Weasley174 (Post 12467367)
Tom looked at the headmaster and his eyes went wide, was he testing them with this question. He could say anything but in the end he decided to play it safe. He raised his hand. "Headmaster it means that you are the boss and that you have the authority to do anything you want in the school" Tom was sure that was right.

"Exactly. Yes." This one got it and didn't fill his ears with unnecessary and useless rambling before getting to the point. Would that they were all so accurate while being concise.

SPOILER!!: Summers

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12467368)

The fact that Cecelia wasn’t even getting a smile from the head-man meant that he was seriously in a mood and the small blonde was majorly doubting her cute factor because normally that would help in a situation like this. She was actually going to really have to behave and be careful this lesson, it seemed. No funny business. No way.

”Being headmaster means you’re like the captain of our team.” Cecelia played quidditch, so thinking of it like this made the most sense to her. ”You call the shots, make game time decisions, and mostly you hope we win, but you’ll still support us even when we lose.” She nodded solemnly and then tried for another smile because she just couldn’t help it, okay? She felt kind of crummy that Trent wasn’t currently living his best life.

....Eh....good enough.

He wasn't there for losing children but he supposed he couldn't very well say that. "A good metaphor. It covers the concept entirely." For the most part. She didn't need all the unnecessary words but this was another who understood what was expected.

He'd take it.

SPOILER!!: Rider-Mae

Originally Posted by Daemon (Post 12467370)
Headmaster Trent must have had a worse night's sleep than he had, and Coby thought that was really saying something. He had been tossing and turning until one in the morning. Wary of getting barked at, the fourteen year old sat very very still, with his eyes looking straight ahead and a blank expression on his face. That was a nice piece of wall. Very nice.

Eventually class started and Coby was very thankful to be able to pull away his gaze from the wall. It was a very dull wall, all in all.

The headmaster's question threw him, and Coby had to think for a moment. It meant many things? Running a whole school must be very complicated. His hand took a few moments to rise, but when it did it rose confidently. "You have the final say, Headmaster." On punishments and detentions and general school happenings, Headmaster Trent alone had power to give the final word. Coby suddenly decided he should be a little more sympathetic to Trent's plight, even if his fear of his teacher grew a little more. Whatever his reasons for being extra hard on them on the first day of school, they were probably valid and Coby couldn't judge him.

Still. This was a weird first question.

"Brilliant." And concise. He didn't think he would understand the compulsion of some of these students to go into long rambling responses when all they needed were a few words. This kid was proof enough it could be done. The others needed to be taking notes.

SPOILER!!: Duncan

Originally Posted by Nyx (Post 12467371)
Sophie was stunned. She'd lost 5 points right off the bat?! Glancing to her side, she gave Ashley a silent yet apologetic look. She couldn't believe the Headmaster was so strict. Yes, she had approved of the rule but she hadn't realized just how inflexible it would be. Face burning with shame, Sophie stared at the desk in front of her. Losing points was simply unacceptable to her. She vowed to do better.

As the Headmaster asked his question, she turned to look at him with what she hoped was a very attentive, focused look.

"As Headmaster, you are the leader of our school, sir," said Sophie, her voice only shaking a bit. "Being a leader means being strong and setting a good example for others to follow."


Fine, he'd accept it. The man nodded in the girl's direction, making it none too clear he thought little of her response. On the contrary, his expression was almost one of someone who was impressed. "That's a very good answer."

Sort of.

SPOILER!!: James

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12467372)
Kinsay had her hand raised for a long time. A really, really, REALLY long time. So long that her arm started aching and she had to throw her OTHER hand into the air to swap it out. Because she STILL had a question and even though he was looking at her, he technically never said she could ask her question. This went on for a terribly long time (not that long, but it FELT like forever), so maybe Professor Trent didn’t see her hand and only saw her face. Because Kinsay James is a finder of solutions, she wiggled her hand this way and that and bounced up and down on the chair that she still wasn’t properly sat in.

So helpful.

She still had her hand raised as he greeted the rest of the students who trickled in after her. She still had her hand raised as he began speaking. And she still had her hand raised as he asked HIS question. But Kinsay had a question too!!!!!

The first year was growing EXASPERATED! She couldn’t wait any longer! She NEEDED to ask her question! She—

Oh. It was her turn now.

”It means you’ll protect us so we won’t die?” Because Headmaster Trent was the boss of Hogwarts, just like mummy was the boss of home. And protecting is what mum’s did best.

Also. She still had her hand raised because she still had a question. ”What does incessant mean?”

In all honesty, he'd been hoping that if he ignored her hand long enough, it would go down and she'd forget whatever it was she had to say. That wasn't the case however. The hand kept waving about and the sight of it was beginning to exasperate the man.

Her answer? "Yes." No.

Though perhaps she wasn't entirely wrong. Deaths would bring enquiries and those were more trouble than they were worth. The last thing he needed was Ministry personnel walking the halls.

"Incessant means it doesn't stop no matter how much you wish the child would." Case in point.

SPOILER!!: Sinclair

Originally Posted by Fireheart (Post 12467374)
Sheeeeesh. Avalon was used to Trent being in a bad mood, but he seemed particularly irritable today. Why was he running the classroom like it was Azkaban? Was it really so bad to chat quietly before class started? Maybe he was just putting on an extra intimidating act to scare the first years. Avalon didn't want to take any chances though, so even though she was grateful to have Aboli next to her to endure whatever this class would entail, she settled for a small wave toward her fellow prefect.

And what kind of first question was that? As far as Avalon was concerned, it was self-explanatory what being the Headmaster meant. What a strange way to start a lesson. "It means that you're in charge,"the Ravenclaw said plainly after raising her hand. Hence the suffix master. "You make the rules and all the big decisions. And since you're the authority, we try to follow your lead." And it was true. Avalon tried to follow Trent's example for the most part, by practicing "constant vigilance" and trying to keep the castle safe. Although following his lead - for her at least - didn't include being so curmudgeonly.

It occurred to her that Trent was probably looking for something much deeper than the answer she gave, but Avalon honestly had no clue where this question (or lesson) was heading.

"You will not try, you will do." He corrected. Outside of that small snag, she was entirely right. At the end of the day, he was in charge. When he gave orders, he expected them to be followed.

This left no room for negotiation.

SPOILER!!: Fuller

Originally Posted by Charely Potter (Post 12467378)
Curtis was smiling, yes, smiling. His chin rested on his palm as he stared at the Headmaster who was visibly upset. It looks he decided to show his true colors, he disliked kids and seeing him unable to stay calm made Curtis grin. Well, well... He couldn't quite explain it but seeing an adult get so easily agitated made him feel relieved and satisfied.

So the Professor asked them a question? Did he want full honesty? Would he take points from him for answering a question? He didn't have to ask to know this, but he wanted to confirm his thoughts, you know. Raising his hand, "You being our Headmaster means you hold the most power and aren't going to share it," Oh don't worry, Curtis had dropped his smile before he answered, "Anyone challenging you deserves the most punishment... Oh, and you have to look out for everyone too, I'd guess for appearances." There he said his thing.

This one almost got a smirk out of him but the man remained composed, his own expression mirroring that of perfect patience.

"You were doing well until that end right there. I don't know who you think you're talking to. You must be confused. Get out, look at the tag above the door and remind yourself of where you are, then come back."

That punishment the kid had mentioned earlier. Funny how those things tended to come back around.


Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 12467385)
Adam's bright blue eyes widened as Trent began the lesson - and it was NOT what he had been expecting for his very first day of classes. Were they all in trouble or something?? Or was Trent just a big grump in the morning? Surely he couldn't be THAT upset because that one Gryffindor kid had lost points already? The one who...he was pretty sure was related to him, right?

Realizing that his thoughts were headed off in the wrong direction again, he turned back to the Headmaster and gave him a grin anyways, hoping that his enthusiasm would rub off on him! He raised his hand. "Being headmaster means you're in charge of the school - from the students to the professors and everything in between," he explained. BOOM. Yup. Nailed it.

"You're absolutely right. It does mean I'm in charge." While this answer was a bit winding, it wasn't nearly as bad as some of the others he'd heard and in the end it was what the man wanted to hear.


SPOILER!!: James

Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 12467386)
The Headmaster was broken. It was subtle, but there was this way he looked at them, stoic and exasperated and just a bit fond, that was missing from his expression. He didn't look at them with any fondness, and the exasperation was more like he was just absolutely done with them. And class had only just started.

Phoebe gave him a direct nose wrinkle, although she paused long enough to be pleased that Kizzy hadn't embarrassed herself. It was so easy to run afoul of the staff at this place. "Sir, being Headmaster means that you want the best for us and will do what it takes to make sure that happens, even if we don't like it. Maybe especially if we don't like it."

"Something wrong with your nose?" He challenged. Did she also need to walk out and come back in to remember where she was?

Her response was equally questionable but one he knew he would have to accept...grudgingly. "You're right about that." He said, though it had nothing to do with him. It wasn't the response he was looking for but...whatever.

SPOILER!!: Escalante

Originally Posted by Deezerz (Post 12467388)
Kennedi had been aware the Hogwarts Headmaster would be one of her professors...yet, it was weird actually living it. The STRANGEST part of it was that she got ‘dad’ vibes from him. He reminded her of her dad when he was interacting with his employees. When he was with family and/or her, he was more loveable, but when it was business, was this. Kennedi wondered if that was the case with the headmaster. Was he loveable, too?

With a shrug to herself, her stormy blue eyes landed on person to person as they volunteered their answer. It souuuuunded a lot like sucking up to him. Then again, the question sort of warranted that. Was the headmaster establishing dominance? Her eyes drifted back to him, eyes slightly narrowed, studying. Once again the question popped up; was he loveable?


Was she supposed to answer? Okaaaay. Her hand was about to go up when someone said something 99% similar to what she was going to, so her hand went back down. Nope.

"You've also earned yourself a 1,500 word essay to be handed in by the end of the week answering the question. Like I've said, if you won't answer me in class, you'll answer in your spare time." His questions were not optional. Should this one decide to skip the next, she would find herself with two.

SPOILER!!: Nichols

Originally Posted by Lady of Light (Post 12467391)
Valentina was very confused by this question??? What did this have anything to do with the subject? She frowned but raised her hand immediately, like all the other students around her because she didn’t want to be the only one not answering.. even if she didn’t exactly have an answer.


“Uhhhh.. it means that you are responsible for this school and the way it runs.” She was very proud of her response because that made complete sense yes??

"Basic, but yes. It does mean that." She'd missed the mark but by now there had been enough students getting the gist of the question that he figured this one must have heard by now.

It meant his word was law. The end.

SPOILER!!: Turov

Originally Posted by Waddles (Post 12467392)
Mamie was unfazed by the seemingly grumpy professor/headmaster. Her Muggle teachers had the same expectations- class time was for learning, socializing was for lunchtime or after classes ended.

What did being headmaster mean? Well that was an easy one! You didn't have to know any magic to answer this question. Mamie raised her hand. "It means you're responsible for us," she said confidently. "Our education and our safety and h-how the school looks to our parents and the world."

That answer was as unfortunate as it was true and even with it only being a day thus far, it was already proving to be his biggest obstacle.

The Headmaster nodded, giving nothing away in his expression. "Absolutely, good answer."

Frustrating, really.

SPOILER!!: Upstead

Originally Posted by Felixir (Post 12467401)
Headsman seemed almost surprised. Nem had expected exasperation, but they'd take incredulity. In lieu of replying verbally, they saluted, all serious business over here. Someone had clearly got up on the wrong side of the chopping block today.

Wasn't it great?

Unperturbed by Mr Grumpy Gills over there, Nem grabbed some parchment from their bag, certain they wouldn't need it, plus a quill and pot of scarlet ink, then spent the next few minutes watching kids wander into the classroom.

Rider-Mae of the unfortunate name designation got a casual wave in return, and Murphy a nod. Blaze too, even as Trentula got his wand in a knot again about her greeting. He really was in a mood, huh? Nem caught Murphy's eye just in time to raise their eyebrows back in response, then looked back to Trent, leaning back in their chair, watching, and waiting for class to start.

In all honestly, Trent being headmaster - anyone being headmaster - meant little and less to Nemesis Upstead. Nothing at all, specifically. But that was the stupid answer, so when they raised their hand, they had another for him.

"Means you're the Headsman. He who gives people the chop." Expelling students. Firing staff. It wasn't a difficult metaphor and he was a moderately intelligent individual. He'd work it out. "Guy with the power." Technically. Officially.


This one nearly got a smile out of him, nearly.

"Accurate. Good thinking." Whether it was intentional or not, he approved of the response and the implication he hoped the students paid attention to.

SPOILER!!: Baby!Trent

Originally Posted by pundantic (Post 12467402)
Kale was glad his father was not in the mood to endure talking. It suited the fourth year fine. As he had nothing, REPEAT NOTHING, to say to the man. Especially after last night. Daddie who? The Headmaster was a jerk.

And apparently he was really committing to jerk-dom big time this term. Extra extra, folks! The Headmaster was married to being a jerk and not his mother like he had spent his whole childhood assuming.


School!Daddie was the W O R S T. This attitude didn’t surprise Kale one bit.

So, he didn’t greet him when he entered the room at the top of the lesson, and he didn’t look at him now. But still. His question niggled at him. What did him being Headmaster mean to Kale? Oh-ho-HO, he could write a book. Entitled: My Father Hates Me For Some Reason When All I Am Is Cute AND I Know I’m Cute For Real Cuz My Mother Says So.

That was the title.

The snark rose in the fourteen year old. It crested like an ill-mannered wave. Teenager mode activated.

He raised his hand and said, bone dry, “It means for some reason you, like, suddenly hate being my father.”

Ugh. The child.

He controlled the way the scowl formed on his lips, not letting it sink too deeply to betray any further feelings of disinterest or dislike. This one he'd seen enough of and wanted no more.

"Keep pushing, you'll find what you're after. You've got one shot left. I won't keep tolerating this willful defiance of yours." No, he really would not.

SPOILER!!: Lindsey

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 (Post 12467406)
Naya’s mood improved tremendously when Cole sat down next to her. She was about to respond to his greeting very quietly, when the Headmaster began to speak. Giving Cole a wink, she turned her attention to Professor Headmaster. Sheeeesh. Somebody was Mr. Grumpypants this morning. Naya wondered what was up with him. He was not usually least not right off the bat anyway.

The question he asked was interesting. What did him being the headmaster mean to her? As her classmates began to give their answers, Naya thought about it. Their answers were true, but she couldn’t help but think he was after something more. Deciding to have a go at it, she raised her hand. “It means that because you are in charge at Hogwarts, you are responsible for all of us. Soooo, you want us to be responsible, make good choices, use common sense and protect ourselves.” You know basically, don’t die and allow him to keep his job as Headmaster. Sure, her answer was a stretch, but she was trying to connect her answer with Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Well. "Actually, yes, that too." For their sake, sure, but also because it freed him up a lot more and left him with little obligation to follow behind them like toddlers on sugar rushes. The harder they worked making good decisions was the less he would have to intervene.

It was a win-win really.

SPOILER!!: Rutherford

Originally Posted by hjhm (Post 12467416)
Eron kept quiet in his seat and waited for the class to start. The man spooked Eron a lot, must be because he's the headmaster and also he hates noisy kids in his classroom so he best behave. No shenanigans. Especially today he seems to be in a 'mood'. Eron straightened his back as soon as Headmaster Trent spoke up.

"Being headmaster means you're responsible with almost everything that happens in school, from school activities to teachers and students, to our safety and disciplinary actions" the seventh year answered after raising his hand. He was close to saying 'big boss' but decided to rephrase it instead. 'Big boss' although amusing (it's not) might not really be.

"In a nutshell, yes, that is what it means." He was a busy man. A busy man who did not need to be bothered by petty problems and children prone to falling into trouble. There were more pressing matters that needed his attention.


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12467422)
Minjae was usually not the observant type but even he noticed the subtle changes in the Headmaster's personality. He seemed like he was tired of them all, especially the ones who continued to break the rules. But why now? He doubted it was because they ignored the rules of not chatting or even about what had happened at the Gryffindor table during the feast.

The first question was not what he had expected and it sounded like he wanted a confirmation to him. Anyways, the Hufflepuff raised his right arm and waited until he was called. "It means to me that you have the final say" he said. A short yet reasonable answer.

"Very, very good. I do have the final say. What I say goes." Were they listening? Without getting into a long ramble as some of his classmates had done, this one managed to answer the question in a way that truly left him satisfied.

It was a good look.

SPOILER!!: Vance

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch (Post 12467450)
Cole wished that he could hold Naya's hand and whisper to her since Headmaster Trent was getting a bit scary. Why was he so blunt with them? Nobody had done anything that would warrant this kind of lecture on the first morning of classes right? Confused Cole raised his hand to answer, choosing his words carefully. "To me it means that you as headmaster are responsible for all of students, staff and other Hogwarts residents. It's your job to see to that all students from first to seventh year learn what we need to become responsible and knowledgeable young adults and that means sometimes using disciplinary actions like detentions or point loss to make us learn valuable life lessons." He was practically everyone's parent away from home, but Cole wasn't going to say and risk getting in trouble.

Merlin, another one that decided he needed a whole lecture to get the question answered. This was insufferable. How often would he truly have to put up with this?

"...Yes." The Headmaster replied, honestly forgetting half of what the boy had said by the time he got to the end.

Whatever he'd said, it was probably right.

SPOILER!!: Jones

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy (Post 12467451)
Heath returned Claudine’s smile with a small, forced one of his own. He did not like the way the headmaster talked to some of his classmates, especially Claudine and the two first year girls (Ashley and Sophie)! For a fraction of a second, he wanted to call the man out, but that wouldn’t accomplish anything, other than earning him detention and/or points loss. If either one of those things happened to him, no matter what the reason, he knew he could expect a Howler from his grandmother screaming at him for dishonoring the family, so he kept quiet, not a hint of emotion showing on his face as he looked up at the start of the lesson.

Blink, blink. First the message on the board, then the reprimands, and now that question… Wow, Headmaster Trent seemed really off today! Heath knew the man to be demanding and extremely unforgiving of mistakes, but this seemed a bit… much. Maybe the events of last term had damaged the headmaster more than he let on? That wouldn’t excuse his behavior, but Heath could sympathize to some extent.

Heath considered the question carefully. Did Headmaster Trent want an honest answer or one that reaffirmed his authority? Because those were two different things! Unsure how to respond, he did the thing he always did when he didn’t know what to do: assess the situation, gauge others’ reactions, and tailor himself to be what they wanted to see. The more he thought and the more he heard from his classmates, the more he thought giving an honest answer was a bad idea! A part of him wanted to keep quiet, so as not to accidentally say the wrong thing, but what if his silence was seen as an act of defiance? Whatever answer he gave, Heath knew he would have to choose his words very carefully.

Finally, his hand went up. “It means you have authority over us and the school as a whole, and we are expected to follow your directions at all times without question,” he said, his tone even and matter-of-fact without a hint of defiance or irony. Unlike some of the others, he wasn’t going to venture a guess as to the headmaster’s feelings or intentions for the students, mostly because there was no way he could truly know them. He wasn’t a legillimens! Although his answer wasn’t what he initially thought, it wasn’t technically a lie either. Despite that fact, he couldn’t help but worry that it somehow came across as a backhanded insult.

"Precisely. You've gone and hit the nail on the head." And hadn't used a tremendous amount of words to get it done either. The man approved and gave a nod confirming as much.

At the end of the day, that was exactly what it meant and they would do well to remember that.

SPOILER!!: Donovan

Originally Posted by Kolyander (Post 12467454)
Something seemed really off with the Headmaster this morning. Had the man not taken his own advice and gotten enough sleep? As he recalled from his first term the previous year, Headmaster Trent had always been a little rough around the edges but today he seemed downright grumpy.

Lukas shifted slightly in his seat, sitting up straighter when the door to the classroom swung shut with a slam announcing the start of the lesson. Crinkles up his nose a little bit at the sound. Did all the professor have to do that? Was it so hard to not slam a door? The only purpose he could see in the action was to give everyone a headache, well that and to startle them.

Speaking of being startled, that question caught the twelve year old off guard right away. What does it mean to be Headmaster? What kind of question was that? Were they meant to say exactly what was going through their heads because he was pretty sure not everyone's answer was what they had been thinking. Slowly he raised his hand into the air. "Being Headmaster means you're the boss. That everything concerning Hogwarts is in you're hands, including all of the staff, house elves and us. You're responsible for our educations and our well-being." There was a moment's pause before he continued. "It also means that when decisions need to be made it's up to you to choose what you feel is best and for all of us to follow suit even if we don't agree. And if something doesn't go as planned or someone breaks a rule it's up to you to handle that as well."

Now that he really thought about it, it was almost like his parents back at home. What they said goes, no and's, ifs or buts about it.

And another one.

Circe on ice. These children talked....a lot. This answered could easily have been broken down into a few words but the boy had rambled and he was forced to stand their looking attentive and interested as ever when all he wanted was to ask him to get to the point.

"Right you are." He said when it was finally over. Sheesh.


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 12467456)
Carsyn had been here on time, of course, as she'd grown accustomed to the early morning defense classes on the first day of the term. The warning on the board was new but not entirely unexpected which begged the seventh year to wonder if half of his disinterest in incessant chatter stemmed from his son.

No matter though because it seemed they were starting and he was asking them about his title? What being headmaster meant to them? Was no one going to dare broach the one word that popped into her head which she was pretty sure was understood by all considering the way Charlotte was so quick to change into her proper uniform at last night's feast?

Raising her hand, the seventh year prefect spoke up. "Respect. Even if we don't necessarily agree with the rules and boundaries set, we need to respect them."

"An inspired response. I hope your peers have been listening to you because it's a fine response. Perhaps you should repeat for those in the back." Ensure they were all on the same page.

The Headmaster surveyed the room to see if there were any others who were yet to offer up a response. When he was satisfied he'd gone through the lot of them, it was time to begin the small activity but not before addressing the earlier question.

"A fair few of you have proven that you do understand what it means for me being your Headmaster. There may be less ground to cover than I'd first thought. For the exceptionally cheeky among you, I'll make it clearer. It means you do what I say when I say it and without question. It also means I'm a busy man that shouldn't be troubled with silly or frivolous things. Too often, I get called in for things that have nothing to do with the head of the school." Was that any better? Did they understand now?

"Up, all of you."

He waited for them to leave their seats before banishing them to the sides of the classroom to open up the floor in much the same way the dueling arena had an open space. Were they paying attention, they would notice the room had also grown in size to accommodate the coming activity. "We're going to be doing a little exercise to get us ready for the day's topic."

From his pocket, he pulled out a box filled with little sacks. "Come and take one. Each has five stones inside. Your job will be to protect your sack with everything you have in you while trying to take your partner's sack." A fair warning, they were welcome. Fairer still? "At the end oft he exercise, if you don't have any sacks, you will find yourself in detention. If you have your sack and someone else's, you gain the privilege of sending someone else to detention. Your own five keep your score at a steady neutral. Whatever means you see fit. Get it done."

He moved back to the window he'd been at earlier, leaning against it so he could have a good view of the room. "Well? What are you waiting for? Grab a sack and a partner and get moving."

OOC: This is the start of the mini activity, for which you'll have approx. 72 hrs. The basic idea is for your character to protect their sack whoever they see fit while trying however they see fit to take their partner's. Have fun! We'll be here keeping an eye in case something comes up or if there are questions!

BanaBatGirl 09-06-2020 05:53 PM

Ha ha a-ha ha, Claudine had to write a 1,500 word essay! HA HA! Bernie had had to do one of those once, about why she was NOT an idiot and DID deserve to carry a wand. Fun times were ahead for anyone who didn't answer in THIS class. HA HA!

Uh, so anyway. Bernie tore her smirking face away from staring at Claudine to instead staring at the Headmaster, standing up when he told them to do so. Just in time, too, because her chair was gone now. Bummer. So when he was planning this lesson, did he anticipate having to give out a lot of detentions after this class, or was he just going to deal with that later? At least they had magic this year... this would have been a painful lesson if they'd had to resort to Muggle fighting to protect their stones.

Bernie eagerly went to fetch her sack of five stones and then immediately headed for a corner of the room, partnerless, because she wasn't paying THAT close of attention to directions, and she didn't want anyone to steal her stones. In fact, she'd already hid them on herself so no one could even see that she had them. Her plan was, wand in hand, to just keep away from the others for now. It was a good plan and it had kept her out of trouble for the last six or so months, so she was sticking to it.

astrocat 09-06-2020 06:01 PM

Ashley took her sack of stones. She looked at the other girl, Sophie. 'Wanna be partners? We can pretend to try so that we're both safe,' She mouthed, just in case she wasn't supposed to talk. She headed over to a corner. She had selected the other girl as a potential partner. She appeared to be a first year so she wouldn't use magic, she had been talking to her before, and she didn't seem like she knew a lot of people to be partners with. Ashley actually took muggle self-defense, just in case Sophie decided she was actually going to try anything. She fully intended to try not to take the other girl's sack, because she didn't want her to get detention. That would be unfair. And she didn't want Sophie to give her detention. She carefully tucked her sack of rocks into her secret marker compartment in her sleeve. She decided that she disliked this class, but she wasn't going to tear up in school. Or get mad. She was going to be calm. SO calm. She winked at the other girl as she pretended to try and snatch her rocks, acting dismayed when she 'failed'. "Now we switch," she whispered.

ArianaBlack 09-06-2020 06:36 PM

Just asking a question atm
”Oh.” The word incessant would likely find itself in 85% of Kinsay’s speech today. It was important to practice the new vocabulary words you learned so that you wouldn’t forget them. Kinsay James was an expert at learning new words. She was good at spelling them too, by the way.

The other lesson she learned in the span of this last five minutes was that she had to answer every question unless she wanted to write essays (and she didn’t want to write essays). This didn’t seem fair, and it made Kiz a little uneasy. Before getting up from her seat, she leaned forward again to whisper into Phoebe’s ear. ”Is he always this mean?” Her teachers at Stark School were nice.

She gave Phoebe a worried look as she stood up from her chair and listened to the instructions which only amplified her worries.

…………… Um.

Still, Kinsay made her way to the front to grab a sack from the box, but she also stopped beside the Headmaster, gently tugging on the bottom of his robes to grab his attention. Headmaster Trent?” She looked around the room, before cupping her hands around her mouth as if she were about to tell him a secret. ”What if we don’t know spells yet?” She didn't really want an answer to the question. She wanted him to come up with a solution to make the activity fair. Because as it was, it was very unfair. Everyone else had an advantage. They were bigger and stronger and knew spells and all Kinsay knew was boxing. She didn't want a detention.

kayquilz 09-06-2020 06:59 PM

Aboli was distracted from waving at any incoming friends by Trent's unusually...somber, serious, and cold demeanor. He usually wasn't THIS rude or sharp with them. Her ears twitched. Poor Claudine....her brown eyes widened as the girl looked crushed. She would go have a chat with her after the lesson. Was he feeling all right? Had something terrible happened to him over the summer that had left him emotionally unstable? Upset? ANGRY?

Not to mention his question about being headmaster. She held her tongue because anything that would have come out of her mouth at this point would have been sarcastic...and she was prefect now. She couldn't get sassy with professors, much less the headmaster. So she remained quiet and wiggled her fingers in her gloves.

The activity sounded atrocious. Her brain was clicking away at the information, and she knew instantly she did not want to put someone else in detention. She didn't loathe anyone in this room that much. She also wouldn't want to leave someone with their was going to keep it neutral. She would protect hers and leave everyone else alone. He didn't want chatter, so she couldn't broadcast this plan to the entire class as a rebellion, but she sure wished she could. If they all REALLY thought about this, they could all come out neutral...

Alas. Some people with competitive natures would want to try to harm others for their own personal gain. A bit flawed, though, because making an enemy is also not...good for personal gain... Hmm.

She grabbed a sack, thinking about his directions...he said they had to try to take someone's she might get in trouble for just sitting. She grabbed Bernie's elbow with one of her gloved hands. "Bernie...follow my lead." She said gently, clutching her sack tightly. "Let's try and take each other's sacks without much effort," again, saying this from the corner of her mouth. "In fact...Let's both SIT on our sacks, yes?"

BanaBatGirl 09-06-2020 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 12467479)
Aboli was distracted from waving at any incoming friends by Trent's unusually...somber, serious, and cold demeanor. He usually wasn't THIS rude or sharp with them. Her ears twitched. Poor Claudine....her brown eyes widened as the girl looked crushed. She would go have a chat with her after the lesson. Was he feeling all right? Had something terrible happened to him over the summer that had left him emotionally unstable? Upset? ANGRY?

Not to mention his question about being headmaster. She held her tongue because anything that would have come out of her mouth at this point would have been sarcastic...and she was prefect now. She couldn't get sassy with professors, much less the headmaster. So she remained quiet and wiggled her fingers in her gloves.

The activity sounded atrocious. Her brain was clicking away at the information, and she knew instantly she did not want to put someone else in detention. She didn't loathe anyone in this room that much. She also wouldn't want to leave someone with their was going to keep it neutral. She would protect hers and leave everyone else alone. He didn't want chatter, so she couldn't broadcast this plan to the entire class as a rebellion, but she sure wished she could. If they all REALLY thought about this, they could all come out neutral...

Alas. Some people with competitive natures would want to try to harm others for their own personal gain. A bit flawed, though, because making an enemy is also not...good for personal gain... Hmm.

She grabbed a sack, thinking about his directions...he said they had to try to take someone's she might get in trouble for just sitting. She grabbed Bernie's elbow with one of her gloved hands. "Bernie...follow my lead." She said gently, clutching her sack tightly. "Let's try and take each other's sacks without much effort," again, saying this from the corner of her mouth. "In fact...Let's both SIT on our sacks, yes?"

Oh Bernie liked working with Aboli, she did. But she'd already grabbed a sack and hid it SO WELL that she couldn't just... whip it out and sit on it now. That would give away her hiding spot! Hmmm. But did Bernie HAVE to listen to Aboli now since she was Prefect and all that?

She poked Aboli in the side. "Why are you wearing gloves? And clutching your sack like that? You look like a bank robber who just busted up a town on the railroad." For real. Aboli was probably going to hop on a horse and take off for the next town over here in a minute.

Also... she leaned in, her hands up in the air so Aboli could see she wasn't making any sudden movements or anything, and whispered, "I hid mine so no one can take it." She probably shouldn't have told her that, but she was supposed to trust AND listen to prefects, and Aboli had helped her talk to the Headmaster one time anyway, sooooo.

DuckyLinJi 09-06-2020 07:32 PM

Minjae felt a small sense of pride that he had managed to make the Headmaster feel a little bit better with his answer. However, once the man started to explain the rules of the activity he frowned.

He had grabbed one of the sacks and immediately put it in his robe pocket. He would use a consealment charm or something of that sort later on when he had gotten a partner.

Now, the way the activity was explained was very unorthodox. What did he mean with "with everything you got"? ALSO earning detention just because they weren't able to protect their bag?! That meant that at least half if not every first year was going to be getting one. Wasn't that unfair in a classroom setting?

"I'm sorry Headmaster but i want to know your reason why you would send some of us to detention just because we aren't able to protect our bags. It just doesn't make sense to me right now"

emjay 09-06-2020 08:10 PM

Why was Kale's dad being so mean today? Like more than usual? Not that Morgan normally thought of the Headmaster as mean, but he knew Kale sometimes did and he was starting to see what he meant. Gosh. Someone must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today. Or maybe he woke up late and didn't have time for breakfast and now he was hangry.

Morgan wasn't trying to lose any points like some of the others already had, so he didn't whisper anything to his bro, but he did give him a look and tried to convey a thought through mental telepathy - your dad is acting super weird today! Was it working? He kept staring at Kale, trying his hardest to transmit the message through thought, until he heard what the activity would be.

".....what?" he blurted out suddenly, unable to stop himself. Whoever lost their sacks would really get detention? That hardly seemed fair. Well, surely there was some loophole to this... He'd... just not lose his and, well, he didn't want to give anyone else detention because that just seemed cruel.

"C'mon, you want to be partners?" he asked Kale, already distracted and bothered by this. He wasn't going to try to give his bro detention either. Like it was part of bro code, he was sure of it.

Felixir 09-06-2020 08:28 PM

Good thinking was right. You're welcome, Stalactite Tent.

So they were more or less jumping straight into things? Alright. No complaints here. Nem stood and watched as the desks flew off, already drawing their wand in preparation for whatever was coming.

Beautiful; those instructions were brilliantly vague and open to interpretation, provided Trentula didn't suddenly decide to backpedal. Nem weaved through some of the students more apt to dawdle and grabbed a sack, then sidled away, quietly muttering a quick 'Adhaero' to stick it to their right hand, then pushing hand plus sack of stones into their pocket. Belt and braces.

Next, a partner. There had been no instructions about mutually agreeing on it, just to 'grab' one. A quick scan of the room found Yoon talking to the Headsman, and appearing to be off his guard. Nem didn't know if he'd grabbed a sack yet, but raised their wand in their left hand pointed it towards the Hufflepuff on the off chance he 1. did have one hidden on him somewhere and 2. wouldn't notice it going missing until it was too late. "Accio sack of stones," they muttered, sure it would work even if it had been a more recent acquisition to their arsenal of spells.

Surprise partnership.

FearlessLeader19 09-06-2020 11:01 PM

Claudine was even more annoyed now and it showed when she balled her hands into fists. She wasn’t sure if anyone saw them for she hid them quickly under her desk. Not that she cared. What was Trent’s problem? Since when was it a crime to not produce an answer during a lesson? Merlin, were all the Professors going to be like this? No… they wouldn’t be. At least not Eris, Fuller-Thompson or Williamson.... right? And right there and then, she found herself missing Rainwater. The fourth year felt beyond frustrated and as it was, when she was frustrated, she would cry. Already the tears were burning her eyes and in an attempt to stop the waterworks, she had tightened her fists so that her nails dug into the soft flesh of her palms.


Claudine rarely loathed anyone but she loathed Trent with every ounce of her energy. Her eyes were kept lowered as the others gave their answers and some got assigned essays like her. She’d been right when it had occurred that a lot of students would suck up; the first being Grantham. The Snakette was not surprised. She could also bet that a lot of the students didn’t mean their words but only were saying them to be in Trent’s good books.

Eyes still down, she followed the others and got to her feet. The sudden movement of the furniture made her glance around unwillingly. And even more unwillingly, the young girl stared at Trent. What kind of activity was thing where people got sent to detention for loosing a stupid sack of stones? Claudine didn’t care if she wound up in detention, anyway, so she didn’t particularly care for the activity.

Still, the girl went to collect one of the stupid sacks, and on her way back to join the the gathering of students, her eyes sought Heath. He was the only one she wanted to work with right now, given her mood and given the fact that she knew he was the only one who knew how she felt. “Partner?’’ she asked quietly, holding onto her sack tightly in a throbbing right hand.

DuckyLinJi 09-06-2020 11:48 PM

Oh hi Nem~
As Minjae waited for the Headmaster to respond to his question, he had already decided to not participate if he answered it with anything along the lines of 'because i said so' or 'my word, my law'. He honestly did not care about detentions but earning one because of a game was extremely unfair to him.

Now, to say that he wasn't paying attention to keeping his bag of stones safe was not true. But he definitely had not expected for someone to steal it without partnering first.

He felt the fabric of the bag slip through his fingers inside of his pocket and he successfully grabbed it in the air before it could fly in the direction of the one who had casted the summoning charm.

He spun on his heels, turning away from the Headmaster and looked in the direction of where the bag would have flown to and his eyes landed on Nemesis. But instead of looking annoyed, there was a spark in the Hufflepuffs eyes. He was competitive. Highly competitive in fact. He didn't even let his 9 year old brother win at video games.

Also, they did know he had received an Outstanding in his O. W. L right? He was not that easy of an target. With a flick of his wrist, Minjae took out his wand and quickly pointed it at his bag before casting an anti-theft charm on it before putting it back inside of his pocket. He knew that Nem was a smart kid and he would bet all of his trustfund money which was a couple million that Nem had already thought of a way to prevent people from using accio as well.

Which meant he had to steal Nem's bag physically. The Headmaster' had said 'with everything you've got' ' after all. And that was exactly the reason why he strode over with decisive steps and his wand at the ready just in case.

The Headmaster? Completely forgotten.

Daemon 09-07-2020 12:00 AM

Coby couldn't help the proud little smile, though he smothered it fairly quickly. Since he was sitting in the very first row of the classroom he doubted anyone had seen. Brilliant. The Headmaster had called him brilliant. This was going to be a wonderful term if this was how it started.

Pretending to only be mildly interested in other people's answers, Coby was actually actively listening to hear if someone received a better compliment than him. Answer after answer and he was the only one who'd gotten such great feedback until- of course. His shoulders drooped slightly. Nem got a 'good thinking'. Coby turned in his seat to spot his friend, meaning to give them a smile of encouragement, when he spotted Phoebe James and promptly turned a deep shade of red. Swiveling back to face the front of the classroom, Coby swallowed and tried to pretend she wasn't there at all. He'd heard her, of course, he knew she was there, but it was different seeing her all... present, and stuff. Nope. He was focused on DADA now, there's no time to think of anything else.

Except that the headmaster was being weird, and DADA quickly turned from a normal if uncomfortable experience into a nightmare. Detention??? What FOR??? How would he explain to his mother that this was part of a lesson and not him misbehaving?! If Coby wasn't extremely wary of the headmaster's current mood, he might have asked for an explanation. Luckily for him, someone else had seen fit to do so and Coby darted forward and grabbed his sack. Considering the instructions, Coby took out two of the five stones, slid one into his shoe and put the other in the front pocket of his bag. He tried to be sneaky about it, but he doubted anyone was watching him. People who weren't his friends rarely did.

The sack itself, now with only three stones, he shoved into his shirt pocket under his jumper. Double layer. A little more protection. The thought gave the fourteen year old an idea, and he cast a sticking charm at his chest, gluing his jumper over his shirt and effectively sealing off his sack. There. He did the same, surreptitiously, for the pocket of his bag.

Now he needed a partner. Afraid of being given an essay if he just stood back, Coby halfheartedly looked around the room for someone who didn't look too threatening. And avoided looking at Phoebe at all costs. "Anyone need a partner?" he asked quietly.

sweetpinkpixie 09-07-2020 12:03 AM

yo, Coby
Uuuuuuuuuuuh. Okay then.

Brain in his back pocket? Sometimes Josh wondered if he had one in his noggin, so that WAS a very good question.



This was fine.

Chalking the headmaster's shortness with his sharp he had been at the feast, which reminded him that he needed to hit up Kale for some musical talk later, Josh simply bowed his head again and settled into his seat. The whole don't speak unless spoken to standard was not something he was too unfamiliar with and had experienced his fair share of quidditch coaches and personal trainers who had had the same standards of discipline. For a boy whose mouth often got away with him, he could keep it shut when authority demanded it.

As to the question being asked, well, WELL.

His response had been very simple, 'you're the authority' when it had been his turn to speak. Was really all he had to offer since anything else he added and rambled on about really just boiled down to that sentiment. But also, Kale. Yikes bro. Just yikes. Josh was bracing for impact already...though it turned out to not be as bad as he had envisioned.

What Josh got from the whole...out of left field opening question was that the headmaster was tired. Probably one too many calls about lost quills or something? Anyway, basically don't bother the man with anything unless you were on death's door? Probably.

Standing as commanded, Josh went to retrieve his sack and was trying his darndest to pay attention but his mind was getting jumbled with basic numbers already. One sack. Five stones. Get the other sack but then it sounded like there was something about your own five to keep. But he only had one sack? He grasped that he was supposed to keep HIS sake so that much was the goal - the best offense was a good defense and all that. Even if pops didn't always agree with the sentiment.

So what to do with his sack? Uh, well, he had a thought and, well, it was probably not the smartest of thoughts...but Josh rarely thought all his actions through anyway unless they were interpersonal. So, upon finding himself a little space to hide out and with his back turned to the rest of the class...he gave his wand a bit of a wave and disillusioned his sack of stones.

There. Defense. Woot. What could possibly go wrong?

Now he needed to sort out this partner business....and someone not a first year or really under fourth year because he just...couldn't do that sort of thing. On the pitch was a little different but, you know, this was just different.

SPEAKING OF nonthreatening...

"I'll partner with you," he offered the Ravenclaw as he stepped away from the area with a hand in his robe's pocket while his wand hand twirled his wand around his fingers idly.

Daemon 09-07-2020 12:12 AM

yo Josh, record time
That was quick.

His shoulders sagged a little as he looked at his partner. He was.. a sixth? seventh year? Coby didn't know him too well, but he was already nervous because he was definitely above fifth year and therefore ahead of his OWLs. He longed to touched the stuck sack in his shirt, but that would be giving it away. He didn't have a clue how to even begin to go about taking an upperclassman's sack.

Speaking of upperclassman, he should speak to him. "Hi, thanks," he hated the way his voice wobbled, betraying his nerves. "This activity... it's weird," Coby tried to make small talk? Or idle chatter. Both terms used by his mother to describe conversation that had no point. He was trying to buy himself some time to think.

kayquilz 09-07-2020 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 12467482)
Oh Bernie liked working with Aboli, she did. But she'd already grabbed a sack and hid it SO WELL that she couldn't just... whip it out and sit on it now. That would give away her hiding spot! Hmmm. But did Bernie HAVE to listen to Aboli now since she was Prefect and all that?

She poked Aboli in the side. "Why are you wearing gloves? And clutching your sack like that? You look like a bank robber who just busted up a town on the railroad." For real. Aboli was probably going to hop on a horse and take off for the next town over here in a minute.

Also... she leaned in, her hands up in the air so Aboli could see she wasn't making any sudden movements or anything, and whispered, "I hid mine so no one can take it." She probably shouldn't have told her that, but she was supposed to trust AND listen to prefects, and Aboli had helped her talk to the Headmaster one time anyway, sooooo.

Her heart was already beating uncontrollably because she had literally never gotten a detention before, and she really didn't want one now....


OKAYOKAY. Think straight...think STRAIGHT. DON'T let your selfish side win out, Aboli.

Bank robber? Aboli brushed off her question about the gloves. "Don't worry about it. Anyway - good. You hid it. Don't tell me where." She said quickly before grabbing her wand. "Do you know how to cast a shield charm?" she asked the younger girl gently.

Waddles 09-07-2020 12:34 AM

Was the headmaster always this serious, Mamie wondered. It seemed being in charge of a big school like Hogwarts would be stressful, so he probably had plenty of reasons to be a little grumpy when bothered unnecessarily. She decided she best just do as they were told, so she walked up to grab a bag of stones and then looked around to see if anyone else was still unpartnered.

"Does anybody want to be my partner?" she asked aloud. Hopefully whomever she partnered with would take it easy on her...after all, it was only the first class of the term. She hadn't even learned one spell yet!

Daydreamer11 09-07-2020 01:32 AM

What in the world was going on with the Headmaster. Before he seemed to be in a bad mood, but out essay assignments for not answering a question? Naya was honestly worried about the man. This was very unlike him.

She stood up as she was told and couldn’t believe the next activity. Save your stones or get a detention? Naya didn’t want to send anyone to detention, but she wanted to go there even less. This was all too much. Walking up to get her bag of stones, the Gryffindor tried to figure out how she was going to play this. Doing the activity as instructed just didn’t sit right with her. Was this a test? Was the Headmaster trying to see if they would follow his directions without question? Maybe he wouldn’t really send anyone to detention for failing the task. Maybe, but could she take that chance? Pondering the situation, Naya looked around for a partner. What should she do?

pundantic 09-07-2020 01:33 AM

SPOILER!!: Daddie & MF

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 12467468)

Ugh. The child.

He controlled the way the scowl formed on his lips, not letting it sink too deeply to betray any further feelings of disinterest or dislike. This one he'd seen enough of and wanted no more.

"Keep pushing, you'll find what you're after. You've got one shot left. I won't keep tolerating this willful defiance of yours." No, he really would not.

The Headmaster surveyed the room to see if there were any others who were yet to offer up a response. When he was satisfied he'd gone through the lot of them, it was time to begin the small activity but not before addressing the earlier question.

"A fair few of you have proven that you do understand what it means for me being your Headmaster. There may be less ground to cover than I'd first thought. For the exceptionally cheeky among you, I'll make it clearer. It means you do what I say when I say it and without question. It also means I'm a busy man that shouldn't be troubled with silly or frivolous things. Too often, I get called in for things that have nothing to do with the head of the school." Was that any better? Did they understand now?

"Up, all of you."

He waited for them to leave their seats before banishing them to the sides of the classroom to open up the floor in much the same way the dueling arena had an open space. Were they paying attention, they would notice the room had also grown in size to accommodate the coming activity. "We're going to be doing a little exercise to get us ready for the day's topic."

From his pocket, he pulled out a box filled with little sacks. "Come and take one. Each has five stones inside. Your job will be to protect your sack with everything you have in you while trying to take your partner's sack." A fair warning, they were welcome. Fairer still? "At the end oft he exercise, if you don't have any sacks, you will find yourself in detention. If you have your sack and someone else's, you gain the privilege of sending someone else to detention. Your own five keep your score at a steady neutral. Whatever means you see fit. Get it done."

He moved back to the window he'd been at earlier, leaning against it so he could have a good view of the room. "Well? What are you waiting for? Grab a sack and a partner and get moving."

OOC: This is the start of the mini activity, for which you'll have approx. 72 hrs. The basic idea is for your character to protect their sack whoever they see fit while trying however they see fit to take their partner's. Have fun! We'll be here keeping an eye in case something comes up or if there are questions!


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12467490)
Why was Kale's dad being so mean today? Like more than usual? Not that Morgan normally thought of the Headmaster as mean, but he knew Kale sometimes did and he was starting to see what he meant. Gosh. Someone must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today. Or maybe he woke up late and didn't have time for breakfast and now he was hangry.

Morgan wasn't trying to lose any points like some of the others already had, so he didn't whisper anything to his bro, but he did give him a look and tried to convey a thought through mental telepathy - your dad is acting super weird today! Was it working? He kept staring at Kale, trying his hardest to transmit the message through thought, until he heard what the activity would be.

".....what?" he blurted out suddenly, unable to stop himself. Whoever lost their sacks would really get detention? That hardly seemed fair. Well, surely there was some loophole to this... He'd... just not lose his and, well, he didn't want to give anyone else detention because that just seemed cruel.

"C'mon, you want to be partners?" he asked Kale, already distracted and bothered by this. He wasn't going to try to give his bro detention either. Like it was part of bro code, he was sure of it.

Wilful defiance? Kale locked his jaw. His old man thought that this response was wilful defiance? Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, he was in for a rude awakening. This, dear father, was a call for help. Not defiance. But certainly, if he wanted defiance, his teenage son was more than happy to supply it.

Before he could think of another smart, recklessly impulse thing to say, MF caught his attention. And all of Gryffindor house and their points were glad for his intervention. Applause, young McCarthy. Standing ovation.

Kale worked his tightened jaw and nodded. “Yeah, lets do it.” He went to collect their sacks and very much did not look at the Headmaster. Big ol’ jerk that was nasty to his students and his OWN CHILDREN did not deserve his attention. The fourteen year old was ice cold.

He tossed MF his sack when he returned and asked, “So whattya think? We have any ground rules?” With two teenage lions, boundaries were often important.

Cassirin 09-07-2020 01:40 AM

That Headman was being a Headcase, and Phoebe could see Kale physically reacting to every word the man said. She wanted to go and give her friend a big hug, but he'd already partnered up for the activity. Plus he probably didn't want her to fuss over him in public. Especially not her.

She remembered what this was like as a first year, not knowing how to do things and being thrust into activities willy-nilly. Poor Kizzy and her quiet little question... that was exactly how she'd felt. She wasn't about to let her baby sister feel useless in the same way that Phoebe herself often felt useless. "I'll be your partner, tiny bean. Get your bag and we can do it physically. Practice the techniques we learned at the Stark House."

LilFox06 09-07-2020 01:44 AM

Valencia grabbed a bag of stones, but was very unsettled by the sternness of the lesson. She had no desire to send anyone to detention. She also had no desire to blindly follow someone. That had bad results all throughout history and she was a strong independent freethinking woman.

She'd follow the rules, yes. But the without question really bothered her. Was nobody else bothered?


Originally Posted by Waddles (Post 12467513)
Was the headmaster always this serious, Mamie wondered. It seemed being in charge of a big school like Hogwarts would be stressful, so he probably had plenty of reasons to be a little grumpy when bothered unnecessarily. She decided she best just do as they were told, so she walked up to grab a bag of stones and then looked around to see if anyone else was still unpartnered.

"Does anybody want to be my partner?" she asked aloud. Hopefully whomever she partnered with would take it easy on her...after all, it was only the first class of the term. She hadn't even learned one spell yet!

She glanced at someone she assumed was a first year who looked a tad bit unsure. "Sure. Want to just swap bags?" That way nobody got detention and they 'used whatever means' to get their partner's bag.

How was that for ultimate diplomacy?

Lissy Longbottom 09-07-2020 02:06 AM

Ok, WHAT was this dude's DEAL? Adam was quite certain that handing out detentions as punishment for not being successful at an activity was NOT a good teaching strategy. Not like he was a teacher or anything. But still, it just seemed...unnecessarily MEAN.


Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 (Post 12467522)
What in the world was going on with the Headmaster. Before he seemed to be in a bad mood, but out essay assignments for not answering a question? Naya was honestly worried about the man. This was very unlike him.

She stood up as she was told and couldn’t believe the next activity. Save your stones or get a detention? Naya didn’t want to send anyone to detention, but she wanted to go there even less. This was all too much. Walking up to get her bag of stones, the Gryffindor tried to figure out how she was going to play this. Doing the activity as instructed just didn’t sit right with her. Was this a test? Was the Headmaster trying to see if they would follow his directions without question? Maybe he wouldn’t really send anyone to detention for failing the task. Maybe, but could she take that chance? Pondering the situation, Naya looked around for a partner. What should she do?

As Adam walked up to the front of the class and got his bag of stones, he looked around in mild horror as everyone started to partner off. Where was Ingrid?! He couldn't find instead his eyes fell upon one of his older housemates. She had to be at least a sixth or seventh year - which meant she was probably super smart and used to activities like this and could probably help guide him in the right direction so he didn't get detention! Perfect!

"Hi! Can we partner up?" he asked, giving her a chance to say no if she really didn't want a little first year partner, but hopefully she said yes.

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