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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > SnitchSeeker RPG Archives > Hogwarts Archive > Headmaster: Malachi Trent's Reign > Term 55: May - August 2020

Term 55: May - August 2020 Term fifty-five: Hello from the other siiiiiiide (Sept 2101 - June 2102)

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Old 04-09-2019, 09:19 AM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default Staff Table

On a raised dais situated at the farthest point of the Great Hall stands a long table where the members of the Hogwarts staff sit and enjoy their meal while casting a watchful eye out on the four House tables. Each staff member has an assigned, cushioned chair to sit on throughout the duration of the feast, though the more notable out of them all is the throne-like golden chair in the centre reserved for the headmaster.

Keep in mind that you should not be wandering up to the staff table if you are not a staff member before Headmaster Trent has delivered his speech. Doing so will result in the last-minute loss of points or worse before you even made it on the Hogwarts Express. If you wish to speak with someone who is seated up here, you will have to wait until after the speech has been said and there is food and drink on all of the tables. Make sure to keep your visit brief though -- the staff were also waiting on the food to appear and are just as hungry as you.

Photos!: Seating Arrangement
Old 08-03-2020, 04:40 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Williamson was already here, slouched in his seat and hiding a yawn behind his hand. Listen, it had been a long day. He could finally remember what animals to feed when, and had realized who he'd been feeding twice or more, and had had to deal with some ornery kneazles who had grown quite fat over the last few months, and altogether, it was just a mess.

So he was hangry and ready to eat, but also ready to head straight to bed after the feast. Hopefully Trent would keep it short and sweet, yeah?

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 08-03-2020, 07:09 PM   #3 (permalink)
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x10 x1
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

Another year for the books! Finneas bumbled his way to the Great Hall with a hop in his step. There was just something so pleasant about not disappearing into total nothingness and being able to return home for the summer. You know?

It was a shame that Professor Williamson had his assigned seat all the way at the other end of the table. A real big shame. (It actually wasn't a shame because Finneas was still awkward as could be around that man). He waved over in his direction before taking his own seat. It wasn't often that he was one of the first to the table.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 08-03-2020, 11:25 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Walking into the Great Hall, perfectly human and whole and non-translucant was a feeling that Carwyn was still reveling in and loving. He knew it had been more than 24 hours but he couldn't stop holding his hand up and smiling at the fact he couldn't see through it - that he could hold his wand without it slipping through his hand and that he could do magic again.

Obviously, getting to go home for Summer was fantastic too. He had a wedding anniversary to celebrate since he had missed it in December and great-grand children to hug and embarass with too much attention.

Moving behind his colleagues, Carwyn said hello to them all, clapping William on the shoulder as he passed before shooting Finneas a smile as he slid into his chair beside the Ravenclaw Head of House. "Ready to head home?" He asked the man as he leant back in his chair and appreciated the fact that no days-of-yonder-past-spector were there trying to take his place.
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Old 08-04-2020, 01:42 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

"Lovely, just lovely" Cassie was snapping and grinning as she took her seat at the table. 'The Hall looks wonderful as always. The students all did so well with everything this term." Though she wondered how many healer bills would come out of the long term of students being part ghost for a while. Either way they were all back to normal and it was a lovely evening to celebrate the students.

"Anyone have exciting plans this summer? I spoke with Leo earlier Willy, he has invited you over for dinner one evening. You too Piersy." Yes, yes, of course Piers and family would be invited. She'd like to see all of them. "Honestly Leo wouldn't mind all of you over if you would like." All the staff could come for a fun cookout or something. She could send the kids to her parents house so it could be an adult evening.

Her eyes moved back to the students as she felt pride for all that were graduating, what an exciting time for them.
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Old 08-05-2020, 03:32 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Fourth Year
x11 x1
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

With full access to a replenished supply of beauty products and spells, Gabi was living her best life as she practically sashayed into the Great Hall, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder as she approached the staff table. She finally felt like herself again! She could remember everything she had been struggling to remember - like her children’s names and Armen’s birthday. Plus, the fact that they’d been so close to basically vanishing in to thin air had definitely reignited Gabi’s zest for life and appreciation for how fortunate they all were right now.

But she was still NOT a fan of Cassie’s constant talking. That was probably never going to change no matter how close they got to death.

“Hello all,” Gabi smiled in greeting as she took her seat, taking a sip of pumpkin juice as she looked out over the students. So many graduating this year...
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
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Old 08-05-2020, 10:06 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

He'd admittedly taken some time getting to the feast. Now that owls had begun coming in again, there was a massive backlog of things that needed his attention. It seemed that no matter how long the Headmaster stayed in his office, he wasn't making enough of a dent. Everyday leading up to the end of the school term, more things just kept coming in.

Tonight was the first time he'd seen any difference. He suspected once the kids were off in the morning, he'd be able to finally get the rest of it done. For now, Malachi had to pull himself away to get to the feast.

Trent moved up to the dais, muttering his apology for being late then settled into his seat. He'd kept them waiting long enough, he supposed, so the man did his usual tapping of his goblet to gain everyone's attention. It....felt great being able to cast a simple sonorus. It was the little spells you missed the most.

"Good evening everyone. I never thought I'd mean it so much when I say it's good to see all your faces." There was a time when he thought he never would again. Much as he didn't like some of them, there were none he ever wanted to disappear. It was too permanent a situation for such a temporary problem.

"It's been a rough term. Really rough, but like before, we've pulled through and I'd like to think we're a little stronger for it. I don't mean to turn this into a lecture. I know you're all probably hungry and eager to get off to bed to start your summer in the morning--but this bears saying. In these situations, we learn our strength. We learn just how well we can persevere. For those of you graduating, I'd especially like you to remember this. Outside, in the real world, you won't suddenly be out of the woods, not unless you go live among the muggles. Magic is everywhere and as we've seen, magic will always attract magic. I say this to remind you of all you've already conquered. I have nothing but faith in your," Most of them anyway, "continued success. For those of you returning come September, to you I say remember you will conquer again. Whatever may come, we and Hogwarts, will continue to endure."

"Special congratulations are in order for Gryffindor House, the winners of this year's house cup. All in all, the lot of you weren't as bad this year. I'll admit that." In the face of death, it turned out Slytherin was the one to worry about. You learned something new everyday.

"While I have your attention, before you all go off--some of you for the last time--I'd like to juuuuust for a second preach a little thing called "common sense"." You know, that thing a lot of them had been lacking this term. "All it takes is an extra few minutes to think before you act. What will happen if I do this? How will this help? What could go wrong? Am I prepared to fix whatever goes wrong? Do I need help? Do I need discretion? Consider all these things. They could save your lives."

There. It had to be said. "Now then, I don't think we need to wait any longer. Let's eat!"

Malachi settled back into his seat as the food began to appear. His stomach grumbled. Merlin, he was hungrier than he thought.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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Old 08-06-2020, 07:08 AM   #8 (permalink)
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doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

Originally Posted by Stormdancer View Post
Walking into the Great Hall, perfectly human and whole and non-translucant was a feeling that Carwyn was still reveling in and loving. He knew it had been more than 24 hours but he couldn't stop holding his hand up and smiling at the fact he couldn't see through it - that he could hold his wand without it slipping through his hand and that he could do magic again.

Obviously, getting to go home for Summer was fantastic too. He had a wedding anniversary to celebrate since he had missed it in December and great-grand children to hug and embarass with too much attention.

Moving behind his colleagues, Carwyn said hello to them all, clapping William on the shoulder as he passed before shooting Finneas a smile as he slid into his chair beside the Ravenclaw Head of House. "Ready to head home?" He asked the man as he leant back in his chair and appreciated the fact that no days-of-yonder-past-spector were there trying to take his place.

Finneas felt so strange at these events. There wasn't much to do with oneself when there was no food to busy yourself with and no company either. That was the issue with being among the first to arrive. Professor Williamson was allllllllll the way on the other side (for shame!) (jk, Finneas was very thankful for this arrangement) and his table-mates hadn't arrived just yet.

Oh! Nevermind! Carwyn!

Finneas always liked that man. Good people, he was. "Oh man, oh man, you have no idea," he perked up with a goofy smile that said it all. "For a while there, I errr was starting to worry we wouldn't ever have the chance to go back!" All in all, 10/10 recommend not being stuck in the past forever. "Have you any special summer plans?" He inquired in return.


With the arrival of the others (who all received a polite smile, as he was still in conversation with the Transfiguration professor), Finneas started to feel slightly more comfortable. He quickly turned his attention to the headmaster, expecting the speech and some good FOOD.

Raising his glass (cheers to Gryffindor, yes), he tried very hard not to think about the fact that all the students had their eyes on the dais. And then, food. Finneas dug in.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Lemon!
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Old 08-06-2020, 05:38 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Upon seeing Finneas, Williamson stopped slouching so much and waited to see if the younger professor would bow to him, curtsy, or perhaps just wave like normal?

Ah, he went with the wave. Willy returned it as a bit of a salute, smiling in spite of his hangriness. He remembered now that he had intended, at the start of the year, to gift his former student a creature/pet of sorts. He still had a baby knarl that hadn't been accounted for out in the barns... perhaps that would be a nice gift for Finneas?

He mumbled greetings to the others approaching now as he ruminated on this idear. "Carwyn... Gabi... Malachi...."

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
"Lovely, just lovely" Cassie was snapping and grinning as she took her seat at the table. 'The Hall looks wonderful as always. The students all did so well with everything this term." Though she wondered how many healer bills would come out of the long term of students being part ghost for a while. Either way they were all back to normal and it was a lovely evening to celebrate the students.

"Anyone have exciting plans this summer? I spoke with Leo earlier Willy, he has invited you over for dinner one evening. You too Piersy." Yes, yes, of course Piers and family would be invited. She'd like to see all of them. "Honestly Leo wouldn't mind all of you over if you would like." All the staff could come for a fun cookout or something. She could send the kids to her parents house so it could be an adult evening.

Her eyes moved back to the students as she felt pride for all that were graduating, what an exciting time for them.
And Cassie. "Oh, really?" Willy's eyebrows went up at the mention of Leo but y'know, it was a happy surprise to be invited over for dinner. "I'd love to go," he replied lightly. He really would, he'd be delighted to see his old friend. "Let's pencil it in." He would be looking foward to it now.

Feeling a bit cheered now, Willy settled back for the Head's speech (a good and necessary speech with relevant bits of advice peppered throughout) and the food that finally appeared. FINALLY. Willy pulled out his napkin and placed it on his lap, eagerly serving himself some mashed potatoes, peas, and turkey.

"Common sense just isn't that common though," he commented to himself. "Wonder why they call it that."

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 08-06-2020, 08:23 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Noble couldn't help but scowl as he overheard the Divination professor down the opposite end of the table. The woman's snapping and general air-headedness was annoying enough on any given day...but to assume the students 'all did so well' seemed, frankly, more than a little premature. The Potions Master couldn't be so sure he himself was doing well, his inability to brew having been like losing part of himself, and as a Head of House, he was more than aware of his students' vulnerabilities and concerns. They'd lost half a year to memory loss and transparency, which was a huge proportion of the students' young lives. Then there was the uncertainty: the fifth and seventh years worrying about how their exam results might effect their future career plans...the fear of everything they'd missed out on, all the news to catch up on from home.

Sure, he was glad they were back safely, but he hardly thought it would be plain sailing going forwards. He ruminated on this as Trent gave his speech, wondering whether, in those words of advice, he too recognised the possible longer term consequences of what they'd been through. And then, a wry smile at the mention of common sense...he could pick out more than few students who seemed to have trouble with that.

Finally though, it was time for food...and then going home. And he was so very very ready for a vacation. Ready to go watch his daughter do her thing between the wickets for Kent, to deliver long overdue Christmas presents, and to catch up with company he liked a whole lot better than most of the Hogwarts staff he'd been trapped with. Just one more night of small talk, and he'd be free.
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