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For those who belong in Gryffindor House, on the left side of the Great Hall is where your table awaits. Red banners containing an embroidered golden lion float above the polished table in honour of the brave Godric Gryffindor. Already placed on the tables are silver plates with accompanying cutlery and goblets. All that is missing right now are the mountains of food and pitchers containing your favourite beverages.
Though your stomach might be growing as you take a seat on one of the long benches next to the table, it is important to not get hangry -- gnawing your arm away or jabbing your fork repeatedly on the surface of the table will do no good whatsoever. Give everyone some time to get settled in and wait for Headmaster Trent to deliver his speech. Keep yourself preoccupied by catching up with your fellow housemates or those who are visiting from the other tables until it is time to sink your teeth into the hearty and delicious meal prepared by the house-elves.
While he may have been checking out the females that were already at the table, Drew could not help but notice out of the corner of his eye one of the younger students Phoebe pretty much bolt to the table as though she were being chased by a fire-breathing dragon. He was starting to sense a theme with the members of Gryffindor house.
And wow this one was really very forward, Drew liked that because he was never one to hold back with what he wanted to say. He dragged his attention away from the older girls for just a moment to give the young girl a quick wink.
It seemed he had quite an effect on the younger girls. He was tempted to say something to her but his attention was diverted by the sound of his name and when his eyes landed on the speaker, it took him a moment to register who it was and then a huge grin spread across his face. Finally someone he knew!!
"Islay!" With grin still in place, Drew moved over to the girl and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close before giving her one heck of a kiss on the lips. "How could I forget?" He and Islay had quite a few memorable moments during his time at Beaubaxtons.
And obviously this was not the time for the kind of reunion that Drew would have liked because Islay was introducing him to someone. He pulled away from the gorgeous Gryffindor and extended his hand towards the younger guy. "Nice to meet you Noah."
So many people! And here Drew thought it might take him a while to fit in at Hogwarts. He'd been here about 30 minutes and already he felt like he was at home. He turned at the sound of his name and his eyes fell onto one of the most stunning girls he had ever seen. She was also slightly familiar but he had no idea why. "Lovely to meet you Stella." He crooned, as he took her hand and placed a small kiss on the back of her hand. "Seems like Gryffindor is the house to be in."
Smiling as Drew kissed her hand she wondered why most guus weren't like him, ahem... guys you better take leasons from him. Seeing him look at her kinda weird like he knew her she giggled. " You might think I look familiar, I have a twin sister named Lyra, she went to Ilvermorny she was a Thunderbird she just transferred here herself. " Maybe that's why he thought she looked familiar, who knew to be honest but people always gotten her and Lyra confused.
Looking at him she laughed at his comment. " Duh, obviously the best house ever!" Although she heard the others were awesome she was proud to be a lion.
Had he told her about that? Islay wondered as she thought about the lovely little crup she and Landen had been caring for over summer. Sure, it was a perk of well her dad being her dad and living there…but it was brilliant – the little pupper just made her heart siiiiiing as really any dog did. ”I can’t wait to introduce you to it – maybe over winter break? Or I could ask my dad to bring the pup with him to Hogsmeade?” she offered with a BIIIG smile – her eyes flicked to the slytherin table when she heard Stella’s words.
oh, come on how could he wink better than she could? Islay thought with a furrowed brow for a moment. ”Andrew,” she said his name almost as excitedly as he had called hers aaand she was being hugged?
This was not a hug.
Her brown eyes widened in what was most likely shock as Drew pulled her into his arms and…wow that was a kiss and a half. She wasn’t even sure if she had kissed him back or if she’d just stood there in bewilderment for a moment. ”I mean,…bellefeuille was more interesting because of you?” she offered with small smile, still somewhat startled to see that the spot in the slytherin table she had been looking at was now empty?...the brunette gave her roommate a look when she said her twin Lyra was now here. "have i met lyra?" she was asking even though her eyes were pleading her to talk later in their dorm...she just needed to digest ALL of what had happened - and she hadn't even gotten to the part of the feast with the food yet.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
SPOILER!!: Bernie and Curtis, but i feel like everyone is acknowledged in this post, hopefully o.o
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Thankfully, there was hope. Letting out one more small sniffle, the lioness raised her head just enough to peek at her prefect, Carsyn Rose. Sniff sniff. What was the yes for, huh?
Her mentor, her new mentor that was going to permanently keep her out of trouble??? Bernie was cheered immensely by this prospective arrangement. She followed the directions: first step, put head up and smile. Bernie's smile was directed toward the older boy across from her, Józef. She felt bad for grinning at him like a loopy Azkaban escapee, but there it was. A smile. With pointy teeth and everything.
"What's step two?" This question was for Carsyn, because Bernie's face was hurting already from all this forced smiling. And also, did Carsyn know who their new HoH was? Because Bernie really needed someone on her side this term. Like, someone who could intervene with the Headmaster on her behalf, thanks.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
So there was a minor thing that played in Curtis head after he agreed to deliver this message. He was delivering it to one of the girls that somehow caused two of the dogs to be killed last year. Pretty morbid. He felt bad for those dogs and all when it happened, especially since he played with them when he was younger before Hogwarts. But it wasn't like she wanted them killed so Curtis had no grudge to hold. It was just something that happened to be on his mind when he approached her.
That cooould explain the lack of expression on Curtis face. He didn't look serious, upset, or anything that would make it easy to determine his purpose of approaching the Gryffindor table. "Bernie?" Curtis asked. Was she talking to someone already? Oops, too bad. He couldn't stick around long enough to wait on it. He leaned close enough for his whisper to only be intended for her to hear, "Isla needs you for Operation: Hideout at our table." Lesson one for delivering a message, as short as possible and to the point. Now hopefully, he won't have to repeat himself.
That's when Curtis realized, that he can't just dip out without it looking suspicious. He was sure he had eyes on him from the Staff Table. So to cover that up he had to do something else.
"What's up, Carsyn? You treating the new kids alright?" Yes, this was random. Especially since Curtis hardly ever acknowledged Prefects, but he had no hesitation in his actions, unless it was necessary.
Truth be told, some context probably would have been appropriate, but it seemed after a minute or two, that it wasn't needed. Bernadette understood, as well as Carsyn, which truth be told was all that really mattered. Okay so the grin was a little bit fake, but it was workable and definitely infinity times better than having one's head down. It was the first step to faking confidence. Which brought Carsyn to the next question raised by Bernie, which was one that if Carsyn was being honest, she was 1000000% faking all these steps along the way. Not that Bernie would know.
"Okay, so once you have the friendly, approachable smile down, the next thing you need to say to yourself is ... what would Sandhu do? Or well, it doesn't have to be Sandhu, but really any adult that you look up to and admire. Probably wouldn't recommend Professor Schmoe though," No offense. She liked the guy, but he wasn't exactly known for his wise-beyond-years. Whereas, that new Creatures Professor, he looked like a wise one.
That was when Curtis interrupted, whispering something of an operation to Bernie?? Huh? Okay, step three time. Leaning in to whisper to Bernie next, "Step three, ignore what you originally thought was a good plan and take time to think of an alternative."
Wait, was Curtis talking to her now? Weird. "As good as always, Curtis. Ready for your fifth year?" Wait, he was a fifth, right?? Hopefully, but he could have been a fourth for all she knew.
The table was filling up quite quickly, with a beam at Cecelia who was quite the ray of sunshine. Bernie should probably hang with her dormmate more than that slytherin who she seemed to gravitate towards; that would certainly help her chances of improvement. "Suppose so, Cece. Although to be frank, would be more brilliant if there was going to be proper quidditch this year. You down for some morning runs still?"
And Józef strolling in, which Carsyn had to admit, he'd come quite a long way in his gryffindor pride. She shot him a smile in return, "Always, Kowalski, always. You're looking quite fine yourself. Looks like summer treated someone well." Right behind him was her co-prefect and definitely the more focused and grounded of the Gryffindor leadership pairing, but with her confidence and extrovertedness, they worked great together. "Hey Lucas. Ready for another year?" Was it her who was wondering vaguely how some of her peers did on their owls? She knew how Carys did of course, and while she'd been content with her scores, she wondered if she didn't take enough after seeing her sister take more than her. Eight was good though. She passed them all, so what more could she have hoped for? Perhaps Cora would be a good person to ask - if she didn't take more exams than that girl, then she'd feel really bad.
Speaking of dormmates, there was Stella, who seemed mellow compared to normal. Frowning at her briefly, Carsyn greeted her then with a wave. "You alright there, Starson?" She bit her lip hesitantly. And Islay sat down next, to which she offered a smile to her as well. Was it Carsyn or did she feel like they really needed to do some roommate bonding these last two terms. Sure they've spent five terms with each other, but somehow they felt more like acquaintances with a mutual level of respect and understanding. Was it weird to want more?
Speaking of wanting more, who was that tallllllll, find looking specimen of a wizard. Yes, we saw that blush, Lucas ... because this new seventh year (Andrew) was quite clearly so fine looking that everyone took notice. And Islay knew him?!? Okay, now was definitely a good time to become closer friends with Islay. She really wanted to say something, yet for one of the first times ever, Carsyn Kim Rose could not find words.
Pity because she really ought to give a welcome to that boy Noah who just got sorted into Gryffindor as transfer. Please no one notice her staring at this new seventh year, whom she didn't know his year or anything about him other than the fact that he knew Islay.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
‘Twas the night of the feast and all through the hall, Kale Trent was singing loudly as the prince of them all.
NAH. But he was wiggling his way over to the Gryffindor table and he singing “Wannabe” under his breath. Discreet. He was being that. Your welcome, Daddee.
Ahem. This year he was resigned to be less obnoxious than the twelve year old iteration of his awesome self. Some people, see: losers, didn’t like his loud singing and dancing and acts of emoTION. So, he was taking it down a notch. At the opening feast, dancing was now shoulder shimmies and his singing was soft.
She was a Gryffindor in the most official way possible. The hat way. It had made its final decision, and she didn't think there were take-backs allowed. Not that she wanted them anyway. Red was a good color on her. She felt like an official student now, someone who belonged her. And that feeling was showing on her face, in the form of a big smile.
It took Alexia a second to find an empty seat at the table, but when she did, she didn't hesitate to plop her behind in it. It was pretty comfy. However, she could have been sitting on nails for all she cared about. There was something much more important to address. She was actually at a table in Hogwarts, a wizarding school! A magical, wizarding school! That was so cool! She knew that she'd been excited about coming here all day, but there was just so much to be excited about! There was a train and a -very wet- lake ride that took her to an actual CASTLE. A castle where she would be learning.
None of her friends could say that they were learning in a castle. For secondary school, they would all have to take the same bus they did last year at an earlier time. The air conditioning in the bus had broke 3 years ago and they never fixed it. They would be waking up at way-too-early- 'o-clock. For a second, she almost felt sorry for them. But the second was fleeting.
Mentions of Islay, Drew, Stella, Miss Prefect, Kale, and Alexia!
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
That was certainly a...
Noah didn't know what to make of the kiss. The mysterious heartthrob (because apparently ever girl was falling for him- even Miss Prefect who kept staring) locked lips with.... Islay. ISLAY? What. Did anyone else catch that?? Noah must have been imagining this really. He pinched his arm just to check. Nope. Nope. That really just happened. Right.... Was this a normal greeting at Beauxbatons? Erm.. Alright. Maybe he should have transferred to Beauxbatons to get that greeting?
Umm... That... Thatthatthathat.. That was certainly a greeting. Cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment for witnessing such a private moment, the boy turned his gaze away from the sight briefly. Fortunately he found Stella introducing herself to save him from being awkward. A smile re-appeared on his lips. “Nice to meet you, Stella! Thanks. Where are you from?” he asked before watching Andrew kiss Stella's hand. Wow. He better start taking notes from this dude. He had made quite the impression on a lot of girls at the table.
Now back to Islay. She was a ball of energy and excitement, wasn't she? The level of enthusiasm she displayed was infectious. It also made him feel better about being in Gryffindor already. “Yes, I guess we are,” he nodded, feeling his small smile grow. Excitement bubbled up in him quelling the sinking feeling in his stomach. Then she also said that she looked good in red. He blushed ever so slightly at the compliment/comment when he mentioned that red looked good on her. “Thanks, Doc.” He turned his attention to the older boy (Drew) who Islay quickly introduced her too. Oh? A fellow housemate from Beauxbatons? He took the older boy’s hand, “Nice to meet you too, Drew. What was Beauxbatons like?”
Noah ran a hand through his hair, debating whether or not he should let Islay hug him again. Last time she had thrown a book at him and….. He debated his options and then grinned. Why not? They were friends after all. At first, he was taken aback by what the word congratupology meant before he realized that she was word-smithing words together to make her own. He chuckled at her mix of the two words congratulations and apology. “Sure. I wouldn’t mind a congratupology hug? Sounds nice- don't knock me over this time,” he teased.
Huh? What was that?
Noah turned his attention to someone who had caught his eye. There was a boy (Kale) who looked to be about his age dance/rocking out to some sort of song. He watched him, appreciating the guy's sense of beat. Maybe another potential person to recruit for a flash mob? Sweet. He waved to him. "Got an awesome song in your head?" he asked the other boy, noting the shoulder shimmies. "I'm Noah."
Then a new face (Alexia) popped up at the table. Wait.. No he recognized her a little. OH YES! Now Noah remembered - she too had been waiting at the Sorting too but he hadn't caught her name. "Hey! Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm new too." He gave her a wave paired with a soft smile. "Noah's my name. What do you think of this place?"
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• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Thinking about it, Curtis couldn't help noticing the amount of older girls in the vicinity of Bernie. There was something about the older Gryffindor girls that got him thinking. Wow. Especially the sixth year girl, Islay, who smiled at him when he approached earlier. She got a wink from him.
"Roger." Curtis whispered back to Bernie. That would be less suspicious meeting with the goodie goodie table. No offense to the Puffers. Of course, he couldn't join them on their metting. Him going to the Hufflepuff table would signal red flags from the staff. Perhaps that could be his form of payment from Isla, details on their operation.
Ready for fifth year? She was probably trying to be polite. He had to play innocent so instead he rolled with it with a smile, "Sure, ready as I'll ever be." Taking a moment before adding, "You know what Carsyn, you're not so bad for a Prefect. I'd be stupid to be on your bad list." Was that weird? Too bad. Curtis thought, it was as good as a compliment as he could give one especially to someone he rarely interacted with. "Well, I'll leave you to your duties. See you!" It was about time for the newbies to join in anyway as Curtis went back to his table.
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚
Charlie felt far more comfortable at the table this term than she had last term. She hadn’t made many friends the past term but seeing all fo the familiar faces around her she felt slightly less like she had no friends. Maybe she was nice like her mom said.... maybe not so great.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
It shouldn't surprise anyone that Phoebe approached the table at a gallop, crashed into the bench, and slid into her seat like her tail was on fire. Her tail was not actually on fire, but she didn't want to miss even a single moment and it had taken a minute to settle Beans.
She landed by Cece and Bernie and gave them both a huge grin, and Charlie got one by association. "I couldn't find you on the train, Ceceeeeeelia, darling, and I couldn't find Teddy or Tavie or Yoyo. But I did find Bernie, and she was amazingly helpful." Helpful, like she kept Phoebe from bawling her eyes out over not being able to find her other friends. "I have decided this is the year to notice boys, and I notice that one." She wiggled a finger at the new seventh year who was trying real hard to look cool. It worked.
Turning she looked at Phoebe and smiled, then she felt her eyebrows knit in. Wait just deciding to notice boys? Some people just decided to notice a boy being cute? Anyways, she decided to mumble a Hello to Phoebe.
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime
The second year Charlie got a kind smile when she came over toward the table. Really, Islay had always found the young gryffindors smile to be utterly precious even if she hadn’t said much of anything to her. ”hey Charlie? Did you have a nice summer?” the older girl asked with a smile.
Stella was always so sweet, seriously it was grand knowing someone so sweet and accepting was in her house. ”yeah it was quite nice…lots of” her cheeks were flushing as she glanced over at the slytherin table for a moment and almost sighed ”adventures…and I’m glad of that,” she smiled happily to her before the movement from the other side of the table made her eyes widen in surprise. ”DREW? You’re here?” she asked her jaw a little bit slack as she looked at the older blonde boy.
”I haven’t seen you since…June back in 2100? At Beauxbaton’s end of year ball” she grinned her little heart swelling at the idea of seeing someone she had gone to school with for a short time. She was about to speak again when she overheard Phoebe’s words and just grinned. Awww, Drew deserved the attention seriously, did you see his face? He deserved it. Curtis got himself a kind smile and a small nod when he walked over.
Turning her head to look at the older girl she smiled back at her, “I did have a good summer. It was a bit chaotic but good... you?” She trailed off but not before she noticed commotion and older students who transferred and were just joining the table. Well everyone seemed to know each other which felt weird. But she just watched as the older boy made winky faces at all of the girls at the table... oh Kisses, hugs? Maybe she picked the wrong end of the table to sit at...
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Bernie was so much crankier than she'd been on the train, and Phoebe gave her friend a solid cuddle to de-grumpy her. Did that help? The cuddling? "How come you're so smart about male facial hair? Or that male's facial hair, I guess? I mean, I can't grow a mustache either, if you're keeping track. Or maybe I can. I haven't really tried." Phoebe crossed her eyes and tried to stare at her upper lip, but it was well out of sight.
Said male was WINKING at her. Like maybe he was already in love with her. Man, that always happened so fast. Like she was so cursed with being really lovable and men kept falling at her feet. CURSED. Phoebe winked back, with BOTH of her eyes so that she knew he really meant it. Or was that encouraging him?
SPEAKING of men who couldn't grow a mustache, there was Kale. Phoebe stopped aggressively cuddling Bernie and dropped her chin onto her fist, the better to study him with. He was bopping, but he was QUIET. Suspiciously quiet. Unnaturally quiet. "KALE. COME SIT BY US, BUDDY." Ahem. Subtle.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Naya kept checking out the scene as more and more of her classmates made an appearance. Spotting her dorm mate, she gave a wave to Carsyn. It looked like the Prefect was on a mission with Bernie, so they would have to catch up later.
There were waves for others that joined the group (Cece, Stella, Islay, Charlie, Phoebe). Yes, Naya was a waving machine. She was glad to see all of her housemates after being away for the summer.
Józef arrived looking particularly enthusiastic. “Hey there. How’s it going? Good summer?”.
And then there was her other Prefect. “Hi Lucas”, Naya said. “Summer was pretty good actually” Naya was about to ask about his summer, but something was a little strange about the way Lucas was looking at her. What was up with that?, she wondered.
For someone who was generally observant and into watching people, Naya was totally oblivious to the awkwardness? tension? something? brewing between Cole and Drew. Totally clueless. If she had been aware of it, she would have wondered why. Anyway, she went on with her conversation. “Ilvermorny? Where are you from?” Maybe he was from somewhere near her home. Suddenly, Drew stopped talking. Ok now she was aware that things had gotten weird. What she didn’t get was why. Naya looked from Drew to Cole and back to Drew again. Fortunately or unfortunately her attention was drawn away by the Islay and Drew show. Never a dull moment at the Gryffindor table. Never, ever.
Then there were the new people. Naya made it her mission to talk to the brand new Gryffindors. There was a boy who looked to be about her age (Noah). She went over to him and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Naya. Welcome to Gryffindor.”
There was another girl fresh from the Sorting Hat (Alexia). “Hi there”, the sixth year said. “My name is Naya. Welcome to Gryffindor. I think you’re really going to love it.” She really made it a point to talk to the newbies because everyone wanted to feel like they were welcome and wanted, right?
Naya had to laugh when she saw the dancing machine (Kale). Nope, never a dull moment.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
he's addressing third years mostly, but this is for anyone/everyone hi
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent
Morgan wasn't late. He was never late. He always showed up exactly when he intended. And he was here now at the Gryffindor table, which was already loud and boisterous, just like he liked it.
He spotted Kale almost immediately and took a seat next to him. His dormmate seemed a little fidgety in his seat, but it didn't seem out of the ordinary or noticeable enough to mention. Instead.. "Hey! I was looking for you on the train, but I didn't see you anywhere! Where were you?" He had his own ideas about that, but he continued. "It's okay though, I sat with Nem. He was my partner in crime instead." But that title could go back to him now, if he wanted.
Glancing around the table, he quickly caught sight of some of the girls in his year too, talking about... something interesting? "Hey, everyone!" he gave the third year girls a wide smile, trying to remember if they had all come to his birthday party last week? It had been large, so he might have lost track. "What are we talking about?"
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
I wanna HA
I wanna HA
I wanna HA
I wanna HA
I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Kale sang all of this quietly to himself, with some pop and locks to boot, as he sat at the Gryffindor table. His shoulders were still j-j-jamming as he smiled at all the familiar faces at the table. And some new ones, too.
'Sup lion nation???
SPOILER!!: MF McCarthy
Originally Posted by emjay
He spotted Kale almost immediately and took a seat next to him. His dormmate seemed a little fidgety in his seat, but it didn't seem out of the ordinary or noticeable enough to mention. Instead.. "Hey! I was looking for you on the train, but I didn't see you anywhere! Where were you?" He had his own ideas about that, but he continued. "It's okay though, I sat with Nem. He was my partner in crime instead." But that title could go back to him now, if he wanted.
He was glad when MF rolled through. It had been a hot minute since he had seen his friend. Kale couldn't wait until he was old enough to travel without an adult. Supervision made it IMPOSSIBLE to hang during the summer.
"I arrived with my Daddee," he explained. And the Headmaster had to get to the castle EARLY for being in charge reasons. Which meant he was robbed of quality travel time with his friends. WAHHH. He had missed out on so much. Look. MF was already forgetting him, sittin' with Nem and such. Ah. Woe was Kale. Kale was woe.
He wrinkled his nose, all scrunchy and unhappy, and said, "Oh, he's your partner in crime now, huh? That's new." And decidedly not a Kale.
SPOILER!!: Phoebe
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Bernie was so much crankier than she'd been on the train, and Phoebe gave her friend a solid cuddle to de-grumpy her. Did that help? The cuddling? "How come you're so smart about male facial hair? Or that male's facial hair, I guess? I mean, I can't grow a mustache either, if you're keeping track. Or maybe I can. I haven't really tried." Phoebe crossed her eyes and tried to stare at her upper lip, but it was well out of sight.
Said male was WINKING at her. Like maybe he was already in love with her. Man, that always happened so fast. Like she was so cursed with being really lovable and men kept falling at her feet. CURSED. Phoebe winked back, with BOTH of her eyes so that she knew he really meant it. Or was that encouraging him?
SPEAKING of men who couldn't grow a mustache, there was Kale. Phoebe stopped aggressively cuddling Bernie and dropped her chin onto her fist, the better to study him with. He was bopping, but he was QUIET. Suspiciously quiet. Unnaturally quiet. "KALE. COME SIT BY US, BUDDY." Ahem. Subtle.
Kale was still REELING from his betrayal from MF when he spotted Phoebe looking all fine and fierce after the summer holiday. Heeeeeeey girl. She was cuddling with somebody he didn't know. But he was always down for a cuddle party. So he reached across the table, where he was sitting with MF, and reached for her hand to sQUEEzE it. "Your hair looks pretty." As per usssse.
Originally Posted by Watson
Noah turned his attention to someone who had caught his eye. There was a boy (Kale) who looked to be about his age dance/rocking out to some sort of song. He watched him, appreciating the guy's sense of beat. Maybe another potential person to recruit for a flash mob? Sweet. He waved to him. "Got an awesome song in your head?" he asked the other boy, noting the shoulder shimmies. "I'm Noah."
"Always, mate," he smiled at Noah. With his free hand, he pointed to himself with his thumb and introduced himself, "M'Kale. Kale Trent." Excellent dancer, juggler and FAMOUS SON OF THE HEADMASTER. Which b-b-basically made him royalty.
And then.......Cole arrived. “Hey yourself”, she said, giving him a shoulder bump and a big smile. ”I was wondering when you would get here. My summer was fine. Not much happened since I saw you. How was the end of your summer” Naya wasn’t exactly ready for summer to be over, but she was glad to be back with her........friends.
Cole was pleased. He got a shoulder bump and big smile from Naya. The new guy across the table didn’t get as much. "The rest of my summer was fine except for the fact that my kid sister managed to kill both my rats by accident." He shared with her sadly. "I got a new cat though, that I’ve already come to adore." He said with happiness in his voice. Lesson learned. Don’t leave poisons without labels where Isabel could find and use it. Gesturing up to the staff table he asked her. "Which of the professors do you think will be our new head of house." Cole already missed Professor Sandhu dearly.
SPOILER!!: Bernie
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Stalking in from the entrance hall at a fast clip, school robes billowing dramatically, Bernie slid onto the bench beside Cole and immediately put her arms and head down on the table.
She needed a minute, okay? It was hard to be reminded again and again that one no longer had a best friend. And it was also exhausting to be THISCLOSE to expulsion all the time always.
Cole was about to reach for the can of pumpkin juice when Bernie slid onto the bench next to him and immediately put her head and arms on the table. Very un-bernie like. Furrowing his brows in worry Cole reached sideways to pet her on the arm big brotherly. "Hi Bernie, are you okay? What’s wrong? Was someone mean to you on the train or during the carriage ride?" If that was the case then Cole would go talk to them if Bernie wanted him too or he’d get Lucas to do it. Bernie was supposed to be happy.
SPOILER!!: Carsyn
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
"The answer is yes, Bernedette," She said simply, since she never officially answered her, figuring the summer would have bought them time to consider this. "First step, put head up and smile. No one suspects anything if you look positive." But well, there was more to a smile, because it had to appear genuine... as then then it would all be for nothing.
Cole had exchange owl’s with Carsyn over the summer so he knew some of what she had been up to. Seeing his friend and distant relative he smiled brightly, glad to see that she had seen also was concerned by Bernie’s slumped figure. "Hi Carsyn!" he greeted over Bernie’s head. "How was quidditch camp?" Did she get scouted for national quidditch yet?
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
She was like SUPER knowledgeable about Hogwarts now and that meant she could help out the younger, less informed kids and guide them around. Natural born leader over here, folks! She hoped the professors were taking note!
"Hey guys! Good to be back, isn't it?" The blonde was cheerful as she found herself an empty seat at the house table, eyes bright and her smile growing as she looked around. It DID worry her a bit that Bernie looked bummed out, but she figured the girl didn't want her pointing out that she looked that way on account of that might draw some unwanted attention to her.
At least one third year lion was cheerful and bubbly tonight. Cole turned his head to look over the table at Cece with a bright and wide smile pursing his lips. "Hi Cece, I totally agree. It’s great to be back. Did you have a good summer?" Please don’t start talking clothes and lipgloss with him like his sister did.
SPOILER!!: Jozef
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
With a glance at the other tables, he let his feet naturally lead him to the Gryffindor domain, grinning at those gathered there already.
"Evening," he greeted the group at large, offering (what he thought was) a particularly charming smile to the girls from his own year. "Looking good, Naya, Carsyn." Sliding into a seat next to Tom, he raised an eyebrow in Bernedette's direction and opened his mouth as if to question it, before changing his mind and shaking his head.
Instead, he turned to Cole, Tom and the new boy (Drew). "Good summer, lads... and new lad?"
Jozef arrived shortly after with a grin on his face that made Cole grin back at the other boy too as he greeted. "Hey Jozef. Yes, I totally had a good summer. I got to see real dragons at a sanctuary in Sweden." If only he had gotten to pet one. A stuffed dragon was a poor substitute but you took what you got right? "How was your summer? Good, i hope?" Cole wondered curiously.
SPOILER!!: Stella
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
Although smiling at everyone, she waved at them. "Hope everyone had a good summer, ready for another exciting year?" she asked. Looking around she bit her lip, it was weird not seeing Rylee here, alot of her friends were gone it made her sad.
"Hi Stella!" Cole greeted his fellow sixth year and friend with a cheerful smile. "I’m totally ready for a new year. I hope you don’t get stuck in the Fat Lady’s portrait like last opening feast night. That was a bit scary." He still remembered that very vividly and he hadn’t been the one stuck in the portrait frame. "So, did you have a good summer?"
SPOILER!!: Lucas
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
On his way, his eyes landed on Naya and Cole and he gave them a slightly wider smile. "Hey, you two! Had a good summer?" Normal. He could be completely normal. There was no need to bring up any weird conversations that had happened on the train, right? Of course not!
Lucas showed up after Stella and was acting weird. He was pretending like their meeting on the train hadn’t happened and they hadn’t talked about Love and other stuff at all. Confused Cole was going to ask him why later in the dorms, but not now. There we’re too many ears listening. Smiling at his mate he greeted. "Hi Lucas, yes my summer was good. I got to go to quidditch camp. How was your summer?" Awkward. Lucas was being awkward.
SPOILER!!: Islay
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime
Scanning the table she finally settled into a spot across from Cole and Bernadette. Looking over at the tall new guy Islay just smiled.
Glancing around Islay just sent smiles to everyone as they came to the table. ”thank you Stella,…did you have a nice summer?” she asked her year mate with a kind smile. Ooooooh this was interesting – islay wanted to hear how Lucas would respond to being asked so openly for the password.
When Islay arrived Cole hadn’t seen, but suddenly she was just there, sitting across from him at the table. Smiling wide at her he greeted his friend. “Hi Islay! Did you have a good rest of the summer?” After he had seen her in FB? Remembering the book he helped her get down he asked "Have you had any more trouble with out of reach books?"
Originally Posted by Mell
Drew nodded his head towards the boy and tried to offer him a smile but it came out looking more like a grimace. "Nice to meet you Cole." Even though it really wasn't. "The name's Drew." He looked down at he offered sweet and took it from the guy. "Thanks, I'll save it for later." He said, as he placed it into the pockets of his robe. He hated junk food but he didn't want to appear rude not on his first night at a new school. There was plenty of time for that.
"Sooo…" He had nothing really. This had become awkward now.
Was that a smile or a grimace? Cole couldn’t tell but he didn’t care much. He knew his manners though even if it was a little hard to form the words. "It’s a pleasure to meet you too Drew." The other boy accepted his candy but didn’t eat it. So he made an attempt to be nice having overheard that Drew had gone to two other magical schools. "Do they teach the same subjects at the other school’s you’ve gone to?"
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
What would Sandhu do? Awwwwwwwww, their former HoH, the absolutely legendary astronomer lady. Bernie bit her lip as she felt flooded with sadness for the fact that Sandhu didn't teach here anymore, and there was some NEW LADY up there at the staff table, and who even KNEW who their Head of House was going to be, and and---
Oh, haaaaaaaa. Okay, Carsyn's whisper-instructions were making Bernie smile normally. Did everyone know that Bernie admired Professor Schmoe? Oh well, *open secret* not that big of a deal OkAY?
So, next step, and this one was harder to follow because she wasn't one-hundred percent sure what was and was not a good plan. Bernie had shown, for at least two years now, that she lacked good decision-making skills. AND Curtis had just confirmed Bernie's plan to sneak off to the Puffer table, so---so----
SPOILER!!: Phoebe and Morgan and KALE
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Bernie was so much crankier than she'd been on the train, and Phoebe gave her friend a solid cuddle to de-grumpy her. Did that help? The cuddling? "How come you're so smart about male facial hair? Or that male's facial hair, I guess? I mean, I can't grow a mustache either, if you're keeping track. Or maybe I can. I haven't really tried." Phoebe crossed her eyes and tried to stare at her upper lip, but it was well out of sight.
Said male was WINKING at her. Like maybe he was already in love with her. Man, that always happened so fast. Like she was so cursed with being really lovable and men kept falling at her feet. CURSED. Phoebe winked back, with BOTH of her eyes so that she knew he really meant it. Or was that encouraging him?
SPEAKING of men who couldn't grow a mustache, there was Kale. Phoebe stopped aggressively cuddling Bernie and dropped her chin onto her fist, the better to study him with. He was bopping, but he was QUIET. Suspiciously quiet. Unnaturally quiet. "KALE. COME SIT BY US, BUDDY." Ahem. Subtle.
Originally Posted by emjay
Morgan wasn't late. He was never late. He always showed up exactly when he intended. And he was here now at the Gryffindor table, which was already loud and boisterous, just like he liked it.
He spotted Kale almost immediately and took a seat next to him. His dormmate seemed a little fidgety in his seat, but it didn't seem out of the ordinary or noticeable enough to mention. Instead.. "Hey! I was looking for you on the train, but I didn't see you anywhere! Where were you?" He had his own ideas about that, but he continued. "It's okay though, I sat with Nem. He was my partner in crime instead." But that title could go back to him now, if he wanted.
Glancing around the table, he quickly caught sight of some of the girls in his year too, talking about... something interesting? "Hey, everyone!" he gave the third year girls a wide smile, trying to remember if they had all come to his birthday party last week? It had been large, so he might have lost track. "What are we talking about?"
Originally Posted by pundantic
Kale was still REELING from his betrayal from MF when he spotted Phoebe looking all fine and fierce after the summer holiday. Heeeeeeey girl. She was cuddling with somebody he didn't know. But he was always down for a cuddle party. So he reached across the table, where he was sitting with MF, and reached for her hand to sQUEEzE it. "Your hair looks pretty." As per usssse.
Bernie was being snugged by Phoebe, her co-momma, her good friend. Bernie gave her a nuzzle back, like as if Bernie was Beans and Phoebe was Phoebe. "I met him in Diagon Alley," she confirmed about the older boy. Did Phoebe just....shut her eyes in his direction? Weird. S'weird. "He was looking at mustache-growing products because he couldn't grow his own." Bernie was now an expert on male facial hair; one mustache Becky Rasting to confirm.
Meanwhile, there were BOYS of THEIR AGE sitting nearby now, and Bernie gave them both a good STAAAARE. One was the Headmaster's son, who didn't KNOW her?! Wow. Okay. So she was a persona non grata now, officially, to all the Trents in this school? Cool cool cool not hurtful at all cool cool. This was fine, she'd just....just lay low this year, per KALE'S DAD'S orders and all that. Fine. Whatever. Kale was probably a tattle-tale ANYWAY.
Bernie sniffed in Morgan's direction, though. He'd at least had the decency to invite her to his birthday party. "We're talking about mustaches," she informed the McCarthy.
Then the Headmaster's speech happened, Bernie got called out BIG TIME, and she blushed and felt like putting her head down again. How was she going to sneak off to the Hufflepuff table when she'd just been reminded about her FINAL NOTICE????
Still blushing, she began piling things on her plate, since the food was here and she should eat it while it was still hot. Oh Cole. Cole made her think of Claudine, which made Bernie feel saddened again. "It's okay, Cole." No, no one had been mean to her ON the train but rather ONCE THEY'D GOTTEN OFF the train. Sigh sigh sigh. She was fine now though, see? Fine, JUST FINE, and the food was here and she was going to sneak off to the Hufflepuff table as soon as she'd finished eating.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
This was the table that clapped the most when his... ugh... table was announced, so he walked there. He just sat at the closest seat that offered the best view of the rest of the Great Hall, and studied the older students that were already here. Some were watching the ... Hat, some were conversing among themselves. Soon, he lost interest. Besides, he wanted to see if other first years were coming this way. And sure enough, some did. The rude girl from train went somewhere else - Ravenclaw? Good. He still wasn't sure what this was about, but he guessed that he was expected to stick to this lot. He wondered if this was a sort of rule. Was there a competition? He didn't know... and to be honest, didn't really care. Soon, he stopped watching the Hat too, and brought out his telephone out once more. Why wasn't it working? He tried to turn it on in vain, and sighed to himself. His mum was going to be so worried. He thought about asking others, but then changed his mind. They were too engrossed in their own conversations.
...oh, someone was giving a speech. He figured this was the Headmaster. He listened closely. So, the Forbidden Forest was... forbidden. Okay. He wondered why. What happened if he entered there? Apparently he was supposed to ask someone, but he didn't know their names. And it was good to know the train was still here should they need it. You'd expect instant travel with magic, but they still used train. Maybe even magic couldn't get past London's traffic, hehe. No, it was a sad thought. He only spent two days there, and it was awful.
Professors? Wow, was this actually a university? Well, Michael was impressed. He noted the starting time, but... how was he supposed to wake up if his phone didn't work? He didn't bring any other device with an alarm clock. He just had to ask from some other student there... which sucked, but he didn't have much choice. He didn't want to be late.
Aaaand... wow. The food just appeared when the man was done talking! He grinned to himself, and dug in!
No food could be as delicious as his... okay, these food tested so, so, so amazing that he ... had to admit some tasted better than his mum's cooking.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Well, Jó seemed......... enthusiastic, didn't he?
Not that Lucas was minding it at all but it was something that made him smile wider. He hardly even took notice of the tweaking of the badge not when he was so focused on Jó's face until his best friend started asking a question related to the badge. Wait, the bathroom password? He was asking for the bathroom password?
In front of EVERYONE?!
Sweet merlin, Józef. "I don't think you should be asking that...." Pause. "... at a feast." Did he understand what he was trying to say? Please say yes. Because they even had people looking at them and he could feel those eyes on him. Specifically Islay's, who got a small smile from him as he turned to look at another friend.
Stella received a slightly wider smile as he said, "Yeah, it was pretty uneventful. It was nice not to be doing any studying for the summer, you know?" He hoped she could understand what he meant by that. She had to, right? "How was yours? Do anything fun?"
Stealing glances at the Sorting Ceremony was something he couldn't quite help, not when the surnames list was getting closer and closer to 'd'. It was only when he heard the name Arthur Dakest that he sat up much straighter to get a better look at the front and at his brother. This was iiiiiiiit! Was he okay? He was okay, right? He had nothing to worry about. It didn't matter if he wasn't sorted into the same house as him and Emma. It might be heartbreaking because he couldn't look out for Art if he was in the Ravenclaw tower but, well, he was still their baby bro-
"He did it! Jó, he did it!" Did Jó know what he was talking about? He didn't know. And he wasn't going to explain just yet, not when he was too busy standing up and cheering for his baby brother. Relief. What a relief! He had nothing to worry about, did he? Unless the boy suddenly decided that Lucas wasn't cool anymore.
And speaking of sortings, there was another one (Noah) who joined their house. Normally, the sixth year would've chosen not to say anything, but something told him that as much as he wanted to, he couldn't just hide. It was not possible from him, and it had everything to do with the badge that was pinned to his chest. "Hey! Uh, Noah, is it?" Right? "Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm Lucas, it's nice to meet you."
This........... table was buzzing, wasn't it? He wasn't sure what he expected but, all of a sudden, he felt very uncomfortable with being here. Did he have to talk to all of them? Please say no. He didn't want to. That was expecting too much from him. His eyes landed on two first years (Alexia and Michael) fairly close to him - and fairly quiet, too - so this seemed like a better opportunity, right? "Uh, hey! Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm Lucas, by the way." Cue an awkward smile.
Someone who received a slightly more relaxed smile was Carsyn. Was he ready for another year? "I guess you could say so," he said, shrugging his shoulders, "It'll be nice not to have huge exams to, uh, look forward to at the end of the year, that's for sure. What about you?" And he didn't even want to ask what it was that Curtis was talking about. Nope. It was better if he simply ignored all of it and pretended it wasn't happening. Just like the dancing.
Cole wasn't expecting him to sound enthusiastic about the idea of a quidditch camp, right? Because if so, he was thinking about the wrong Dakest child. "Oh, that sounds, uh, that sounds great!" Merlin, this was awkward. "Mine was uneventful. I went to Canada to see my granddad for a while, that's about as eventful as it gets." See? He could make jokes, right?
Was his response to Naya less awkward? He hoped so. "That's great! I guess..... you could say that we needed it." He didn't know what else to add so that had to be enough. No one could expect him to talk about quidditch all day long. Again, wrong Dakest child.
It was then that he heard the sound of someone getting up at the front of the hall and he gladly turned his attention to the Headmaster himself. Uhhhh?????? Was Trent okay? Because he couldn't help but feel as though the man was not in the best of moods today. He sounded like it. And while he knew that the man was making good points for everyone, he couldn't help but feel as though the 'good grades' part was directed at him. As if there was a spotlight on him and Trent knew it. This wasn't a good sign, was it?
Leaning closer to Jó, Lucas whispered, "He seems like he's in a bad mood, doesn't he? What do you think happened?"
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Oh, okay... Phoebe returned to cuddling Bernie, because girlfriend was in a real MOOD. She could pet Other Momma's hair and still pay attention to the rest of the table, to the Headmaster, and to the sudden appearance of food, whenever that happened. FOOD food food. "What if we all grew mustaches, just to show him how? And showed up for class tomorrow with them? What if we put it in the orange juice in the morning?"
Oh, MORGAN was there. "We were talking about you, Morgan Mac, but now you're here and we can talk to you instead. Happy birthday. Let's have cake in the common room later." She would have cake without an accompanying birthday party, but in this case... there was a birthday. There would be cake. Period the end.
Thinking of cake made her HUNGRY. Phoebe grabbed hold of Kale's hand when he offered it, and then she refused to let go. "Your hair looks pretty too." He was gettin' to be such a smooth talker, did he know? But he seemed a little subdued, and that bummed her out. Outrageous!Kale was best Kale. Her favorite kind of Kale. "Want to do somethin' fun later?"
OH THANK MERLIN. FOOD. She untangled from Bernie!cuddling and reached for the mashed potatoes. "That Headman is getting super stressed out and bossy. I think he needs a yoga retreat."
Then a new face (Alexia) popped up at the table. Wait.. No he recognized her a little. OH YES! Now Noah remembered - she too had been waiting at the Sorting too but he hadn't caught her name. "Hey! Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm new too." He gave her a wave paired with a soft smile. "Noah's my name. What do you think of this place?"
Alexia gave a quick smile/wave to everyone else who had introduced themselves before turning to the other new kid. She was pretty sure he said his name was Noah. He had to be at the sorting ceremony with her if he was also new, right? She wondered where he was in line.
"Hi Noah, I'm Alexia." Didn't she already say her name? Well now it was cemented in his head. "This place is very...." She paused for a second, trying to think of the nicest way to describe it. "Lively!" Was every day like this? Because if so, she was going to love it here. Ever since she stepped on the train, there wasn't a dull moment in sight. It was like sharing a room with her teammates when they went to far away games. Always something going on, always some kind of fun happening. Alexia internally smiled for a second, feeling like she wasn't too far from home after all.
Time to turn the question back on him.
"Now, same question back to ya. What do you think of this place so far?" Was he as excited as she was to be a Gryffindor? Was he used to all of this by now like Dylan? Speaking of, she didn't see the other newbie sit down at this table. Alexia wondered what house he was put into. She hoped it would all work out for him and that he would get to do his own thing. She also hoped that they would get to hang out still, outside of classes. That would be cool.
In her efforts to look for Dylan among the other houses, she had totally blanked out on the speech. Hopefully that wouldn't be important later. She had also almost missed the food. When her brown eyes laid upon the full plate, her stomach immediately responded.
Oh thank goodness!
Alexia was STARVING. Give her another hour or so and she would have started eating her robes. Okay, that was dramatic. But seriously, girl needed some food. She was still running on the same schedule she used to run on when she was doing team workouts and team practices. Both of those things meant calories. Lots of them.
She didn't even hesitate to start eating. This food could have been poisoned and Alexia wouldn't even care. She just wanted food.
But as she started eating more and more and slowing down a little, she realized that the food was GOOD. It was better than her favorite fast food diner back home! It was almost at the same level as her Grandma's cookies. Nobody beat Grandma's cookies. She slowed down a little bit and tried to eat like a lady like her mom always said.
"wow," Alexia said to no one in particular in between bites. Her mouth wasn't full, she wasn't an ANIMAL. But the food was so much better than her public school lunch. Her friend swore that her mac and cheese crawled across the floor once, even though the eleven year old wasn't sure she believed that, it was quite possible.
Naya kept checking out the scene as more and more of her classmates made an appearance. Spotting her dorm mate, she gave a wave to Carsyn. It looked like the Prefect was on a mission with Bernie, so they would have to catch up later.
There were waves for others that joined the group (Cece, Stella, Islay, Charlie, Phoebe). Yes, Naya was a waving machine. She was glad to see all of her housemates after being away for the summer.
Józef arrived looking particularly enthusiastic. “Hey there. How’s it going? Good summer?”.
And then there was her other Prefect. “Hi Lucas”, Naya said. “Summer was pretty good actually” Naya was about to ask about his summer, but something was a little strange about the way Lucas was looking at her. What was up with that?, she wondered.
For someone who was generally observant and into watching people, Naya was totally oblivious to the awkwardness? tension? something? brewing between Cole and Drew. Totally clueless. If she had been aware of it, she would have wondered why. Anyway, she went on with her conversation. “Ilvermorny? Where are you from?” Maybe he was from somewhere near her home. Suddenly, Drew stopped talking. Ok now she was aware that things had gotten weird. What she didn’t get was why. Naya looked from Drew to Cole and back to Drew again. Fortunately or unfortunately her attention was drawn away by the Islay and Drew show. Never a dull moment at the Gryffindor table. Never, ever.
Then there were the new people. Naya made it her mission to talk to the brand new Gryffindors. There was a boy who looked to be about her age (Noah). She went over to him and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Naya. Welcome to Gryffindor.”
There was another girl fresh from the Sorting Hat (Alexia). “Hi there”, the sixth year said. “My name is Naya. Welcome to Gryffindor. I think you’re really going to love it.” She really made it a point to talk to the newbies because everyone wanted to feel like they were welcome and wanted, right?
Naya had to laugh when she saw the dancing machine (Kale). Nope, never a dull moment.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Cole was pleased. He got a shoulder bump and big smile from Naya. The new guy across the table didn’t get as much. "The rest of my summer was fine except for the fact that my kid sister managed to kill both my rats by accident." He shared with her sadly. "I got a new cat though, that I’ve already come to adore." He said with happiness in his voice. Lesson learned. Don’t leave poisons without labels where Isabel could find and use it. Gesturing up to the staff table he asked her. "Which of the professors do you think will be our new head of house." Cole already missed Professor Sandhu dearly.
Cole was about to reach for the can of pumpkin juice when Bernie slid onto the bench next to him and immediately put her head and arms on the table. Very un-bernie like. Furrowing his brows in worry Cole reached sideways to pet her on the arm big brotherly. "Hi Bernie, are you okay? What’s wrong? Was someone mean to you on the train or during the carriage ride?" If that was the case then Cole would go talk to them if Bernie wanted him too or he’d get Lucas to do it. Bernie was supposed to be happy.
Cole had exchange owl’s with Carsyn over the summer so he knew some of what she had been up to. Seeing his friend and distant relative he smiled brightly, glad to see that she had seen also was concerned by Bernie’s slumped figure. "Hi Carsyn!" he greeted over Bernie’s head. "How was quidditch camp?" Did she get scouted for national quidditch yet?
At least one third year lion was cheerful and bubbly tonight. Cole turned his head to look over the table at Cece with a bright and wide smile pursing his lips. "Hi Cece, I totally agree. It’s great to be back. Did you have a good summer?" Please don’t start talking clothes and lipgloss with him like his sister did.
Jozef arrived shortly after with a grin on his face that made Cole grin back at the other boy too as he greeted. "Hey Jozef. Yes, I totally had a good summer. I got to see real dragons at a sanctuary in Sweden." If only he had gotten to pet one. A stuffed dragon was a poor substitute but you took what you got right? "How was your summer? Good, i hope?" Cole wondered curiously.
"Hi Stella!" Cole greeted his fellow sixth year and friend with a cheerful smile. "I’m totally ready for a new year. I hope you don’t get stuck in the Fat Lady’s portrait like last opening feast night. That was a bit scary." He still remembered that very vividly and he hadn’t been the one stuck in the portrait frame. "So, did you have a good summer?"
Lucas showed up after Stella and was acting weird. He was pretending like their meeting on the train hadn’t happened and they hadn’t talked about Love and other stuff at all. Confused Cole was going to ask him why later in the dorms, but not now. There we’re too many ears listening. Smiling at his mate he greeted. "Hi Lucas, yes my summer was good. I got to go to quidditch camp. How was your summer?" Awkward. Lucas was being awkward.
When Islay arrived Cole hadn’t seen, but suddenly she was just there, sitting across from him at the table. Smiling wide at her he greeted his friend. “Hi Islay! Did you have a good rest of the summer?” After he had seen her in FB? Remembering the book he helped her get down he asked "Have you had any more trouble with out of reach books?"
Was that a smile or a grimace? Cole couldn’t tell but he didn’t care much. He knew his manners though even if it was a little hard to form the words. "It’s a pleasure to meet you too Drew." The other boy accepted his candy but didn’t eat it. So he made an attempt to be nice having overheard that Drew had gone to two other magical schools. "Do they teach the same subjects at the other school’s you’ve gone to?"
Even though this conversation with Naya and Cole had turned rather awkward, Drew kept the smile on his face and remained polite more for Naya then for Cole. He knew very well that Gyrffindor lad was jealous that he was talking Naya. It was going to be rather interesting if Drew and Cole ever found themselves somewhere without an audience around. But now was not the time to think about that, he gave Naya a warm smile when she spoke to him. "Well I was actually born in England but I grew up in Texas before moving to France for a few years and now we're back in England." Yeah it was annoying having to constantly move around but he had to go where his mother went.
The smile did drop slightly when Cole spoke to him, the guy was starting to get on his nerve. It wasn't the questions that he asked it was the tone in which he used. "Yeah pretty much." And that's all you were going to get buddy.
SPOILER!!: Islay and Noah
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime
Had he told her about that? Islay wondered as she thought about the lovely little crup she and Landen had been caring for over summer. Sure, it was a perk of well her dad being her dad and living there…but it was brilliant – the little pupper just made her heart siiiiiing as really any dog did. ”I can’t wait to introduce you to it – maybe over winter break? Or I could ask my dad to bring the pup with him to Hogsmeade?” she offered with a BIIIG smile – her eyes flicked to the slytherin table when she heard Stella’s words.
oh, come on how could he wink better than she could? Islay thought with a furrowed brow for a moment. ”Andrew,” she said his name almost as excitedly as he had called hers aaand she was being hugged?
This was not a hug.
Her brown eyes widened in what was most likely shock as Drew pulled her into his arms and…wow that was a kiss and a half. She wasn’t even sure if she had kissed him back or if she’d just stood there in bewilderment for a moment. ”I mean,…bellefeuille was more interesting because of you?” she offered with small smile, still somewhat startled to see that the spot in the slytherin table she had been looking at was now empty?...the brunette gave her roommate a look when she said her twin Lyra was now here. "have i met lyra?" she was asking even though her eyes were pleading her to talk later in their dorm...she just needed to digest ALL of what had happened - and she hadn't even gotten to the part of the feast with the food yet.
Originally Posted by Watson
That was certainly a...
Noah didn't know what to make of the kiss. The mysterious heartthrob (because apparently ever girl was falling for him- even Miss Prefect who kept staring) locked lips with.... Islay. ISLAY? What. Did anyone else catch that?? Noah must have been imagining this really. He pinched his arm just to check. Nope. Nope. That really just happened. Right.... Was this a normal greeting at Beauxbatons? Erm.. Alright. Maybe he should have transferred to Beauxbatons to get that greeting?
Umm... That... Thatthatthathat.. That was certainly a greeting. Cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment for witnessing such a private moment, the boy turned his gaze away from the sight briefly. Fortunately he found Stella introducing herself to save him from being awkward. A smile re-appeared on his lips. “Nice to meet you, Stella! Thanks. Where are you from?” he asked before watching Andrew kiss Stella's hand. Wow. He better start taking notes from this dude. He had made quite the impression on a lot of girls at the table.
Now back to Islay. She was a ball of energy and excitement, wasn't she? The level of enthusiasm she displayed was infectious. It also made him feel better about being in Gryffindor already. “Yes, I guess we are,” he nodded, feeling his small smile grow. Excitement bubbled up in him quelling the sinking feeling in his stomach. Then she also said that she looked good in red. He blushed ever so slightly at the compliment/comment when he mentioned that red looked good on her. “Thanks, Doc.” He turned his attention to the older boy (Drew) who Islay quickly introduced her too. Oh? A fellow housemate from Beauxbatons? He took the older boy’s hand, “Nice to meet you too, Drew. What was Beauxbatons like?”
Noah ran a hand through his hair, debating whether or not he should let Islay hug him again. Last time she had thrown a book at him and….. He debated his options and then grinned. Why not? They were friends after all. At first, he was taken aback by what the word congratupology meant before he realized that she was word-smithing words together to make her own. He chuckled at her mix of the two words congratulations and apology. “Sure. I wouldn’t mind a congratupology hug? Sounds nice- don't knock me over this time,” he teased.
Huh? What was that?
Noah turned his attention to someone who had caught his eye. There was a boy (Kale) who looked to be about his age dance/rocking out to some sort of song. He watched him, appreciating the guy's sense of beat. Maybe another potential person to recruit for a flash mob? Sweet. He waved to him. "Got an awesome song in your head?" he asked the other boy, noting the shoulder shimmies. "I'm Noah."
Then a new face (Alexia) popped up at the table. Wait.. No he recognized her a little. OH YES! Now Noah remembered - she too had been waiting at the Sorting too but he hadn't caught her name. "Hey! Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm new too." He gave her a wave paired with a soft smile. "Noah's my name. What do you think of this place?"
Good to know that he still had it, not that he ever doubted that he had lost it but it was rather gratifying to see the blush on Islay's cheeks. Although he couldn't understand why she was blushing they had shared quite a few moments together back at Beaubaxtons. Maybe it was because he had kissed her in front of everyone? "Well now Gryffindor will be more interesting because of me." He gave her a little shoulder bump before stepping back and giving her some space, she still looked a little flustered.
He turned his attention to Noah, who also seemed to be blushing. They certainly embarrassed easily at Hogwarts. Or maybe it was just Gryffindor's? Whatever it was, they were going to have to get used to it. Drew liked to do the unexpected. He grinned at the younger boy and gave an unapologetic shrug of his shoulders. "Beaubaxtons was...a lot fancier than this place." Not that Hogwarts was shabby in anyway. "But you know, pretty much the same as all schools." Teachers, students, classes. "Although the weather was definitely better." It was pouring outside.
SPOILER!!: Stella
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
Smiling as Drew kissed her hand she wondered why most guus weren't like him, ahem... guys you better take leasons from him. Seeing him look at her kinda weird like he knew her she giggled. " You might think I look familiar, I have a twin sister named Lyra, she went to Ilvermorny she was a Thunderbird she just transferred here herself. " Maybe that's why he thought she looked familiar, who knew to be honest but people always gotten her and Lyra confused.
Looking at him she laughed at his comment. " Duh, obviously the best house ever!" Although she heard the others were awesome she was proud to be a lion.
Wait, she had a twin! There was two of these stunning girls at Hogwarts. First the time ever, he silently thanked his mother for moving them to England and insisting that he go to Hogwarts for his last year. "I went to Ilvermorny also. But it was years ago, I left at the end of my third year." Her name was Lyra? Drew could not remember a girl named Lyra but then again he often forgot names. Never faces though. "What's your surname?" Maybe that would jog his memory?
SPOILER!!: Phoebe and Bernie
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Bernie was so much crankier than she'd been on the train, and Phoebe gave her friend a solid cuddle to de-grumpy her. Did that help? The cuddling? "How come you're so smart about male facial hair? Or that male's facial hair, I guess? I mean, I can't grow a mustache either, if you're keeping track. Or maybe I can. I haven't really tried." Phoebe crossed her eyes and tried to stare at her upper lip, but it was well out of sight.
Said male was WINKING at her. Like maybe he was already in love with her. Man, that always happened so fast. Like she was so cursed with being really lovable and men kept falling at her feet. CURSED. Phoebe winked back, with BOTH of her eyes so that she knew he really meant it. Or was that encouraging him?
SPEAKING of men who couldn't grow a mustache, there was Kale. Phoebe stopped aggressively cuddling Bernie and dropped her chin onto her fist, the better to study him with. He was bopping, but he was QUIET. Suspiciously quiet. Unnaturally quiet. "KALE. COME SIT BY US, BUDDY." Ahem. Subtle.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
What would Sandhu do? Awwwwwwwww, their former HoH, the absolutely legendary astronomer lady. Bernie bit her lip as she felt flooded with sadness for the fact that Sandhu didn't teach here anymore, and there was some NEW LADY up there at the staff table, and who even KNEW who their Head of House was going to be, and and---
Oh, haaaaaaaa. Okay, Carsyn's whisper-instructions were making Bernie smile normally. Did everyone know that Bernie admired Professor Schmoe? Oh well, *open secret* not that big of a deal OkAY?
So, next step, and this one was harder to follow because she wasn't one-hundred percent sure what was and was not a good plan. Bernie had shown, for at least two years now, that she lacked good decision-making skills. AND Curtis had just confirmed Bernie's plan to sneak off to the Puffer table, so---so----
SPOILER!!: Phoebe and Morgan and KALE
Bernie was being snugged by Phoebe, her co-momma, her good friend. Bernie gave her a nuzzle back, like as if Bernie was Beans and Phoebe was Phoebe. "I met him in Diagon Alley," she confirmed about the older boy. Did Phoebe just....shut her eyes in his direction? Weird. S'weird. "He was looking at mustache-growing products because he couldn't grow his own." Bernie was now an expert on male facial hair; one mustache Becky Rasting to confirm.
Meanwhile, there were BOYS of THEIR AGE sitting nearby now, and Bernie gave them both a good STAAAARE. One was the Headmaster's son, who didn't KNOW her?! Wow. Okay. So she was a persona non grata now, officially, to all the Trents in this school? Cool cool cool not hurtful at all cool cool. This was fine, she'd just....just lay low this year, per KALE'S DAD'S orders and all that. Fine. Whatever. Kale was probably a tattle-tale ANYWAY.
Bernie sniffed in Morgan's direction, though. He'd at least had the decency to invite her to his birthday party. "We're talking about mustaches," she informed the McCarthy.
Then the Headmaster's speech happened, Bernie got called out BIG TIME, and she blushed and felt like putting her head down again. How was she going to sneak off to the Hufflepuff table when she'd just been reminded about her FINAL NOTICE????
Still blushing, she began piling things on her plate, since the food was here and she should eat it while it was still hot. Oh Cole. Cole made her think of Claudine, which made Bernie feel saddened again. "It's okay, Cole." No, no one had been mean to her ON the train but rather ONCE THEY'D GOTTEN OFF the train. Sigh sigh sigh. She was fine now though, see? Fine, JUST FINE, and the food was here and she was going to sneak off to the Hufflepuff table as soon as she'd finished eating.
Did she just blink at him? Was that supposed to mean something? Drew had no idea and he wasn't sure that he wanted to either. Young girls could be weird. Point in case was blinking girl's friend...Bernie, the girl he had met in Diagon Alley who had wanted to grow a mustache. It was probably best that he did not encourage them in anyway, shape or form. He'd had a nasty experience at Beaubaxtons with a third year and he was not about to repeat it. So he merely gave the two girls a quick wave before turning around and focusing his attention on someone else.
SPOILER!!: Carsyn
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
SPOILER!!: Bernie and Curtis, but i feel like everyone is acknowledged in this post, hopefully o.o
Truth be told, some context probably would have been appropriate, but it seemed after a minute or two, that it wasn't needed. Bernadette understood, as well as Carsyn, which truth be told was all that really mattered. Okay so the grin was a little bit fake, but it was workable and definitely infinity times better than having one's head down. It was the first step to faking confidence. Which brought Carsyn to the next question raised by Bernie, which was one that if Carsyn was being honest, she was 1000000% faking all these steps along the way. Not that Bernie would know.
"Okay, so once you have the friendly, approachable smile down, the next thing you need to say to yourself is ... what would Sandhu do? Or well, it doesn't have to be Sandhu, but really any adult that you look up to and admire. Probably wouldn't recommend Professor Schmoe though," No offense. She liked the guy, but he wasn't exactly known for his wise-beyond-years. Whereas, that new Creatures Professor, he looked like a wise one.
That was when Curtis interrupted, whispering something of an operation to Bernie?? Huh? Okay, step three time. Leaning in to whisper to Bernie next, "Step three, ignore what you originally thought was a good plan and take time to think of an alternative."
Wait, was Curtis talking to her now? Weird. "As good as always, Curtis. Ready for your fifth year?" Wait, he was a fifth, right?? Hopefully, but he could have been a fourth for all she knew.
The table was filling up quite quickly, with a beam at Cecelia who was quite the ray of sunshine. Bernie should probably hang with her dormmate more than that slytherin who she seemed to gravitate towards; that would certainly help her chances of improvement. "Suppose so, Cece. Although to be frank, would be more brilliant if there was going to be proper quidditch this year. You down for some morning runs still?"
And Józef strolling in, which Carsyn had to admit, he'd come quite a long way in his gryffindor pride. She shot him a smile in return, "Always, Kowalski, always. You're looking quite fine yourself. Looks like summer treated someone well." Right behind him was her co-prefect and definitely the more focused and grounded of the Gryffindor leadership pairing, but with her confidence and extrovertedness, they worked great together. "Hey Lucas. Ready for another year?" Was it her who was wondering vaguely how some of her peers did on their owls? She knew how Carys did of course, and while she'd been content with her scores, she wondered if she didn't take enough after seeing her sister take more than her. Eight was good though. She passed them all, so what more could she have hoped for? Perhaps Cora would be a good person to ask - if she didn't take more exams than that girl, then she'd feel really bad.
Speaking of dormmates, there was Stella, who seemed mellow compared to normal. Frowning at her briefly, Carsyn greeted her then with a wave. "You alright there, Starson?" She bit her lip hesitantly. And Islay sat down next, to which she offered a smile to her as well. Was it Carsyn or did she feel like they really needed to do some roommate bonding these last two terms. Sure they've spent five terms with each other, but somehow they felt more like acquaintances with a mutual level of respect and understanding. Was it weird to want more?
Speaking of wanting more, who was that tallllllll, find looking specimen of a wizard. Yes, we saw that blush, Lucas ... because this new seventh year (Andrew) was quite clearly so fine looking that everyone took notice. And Islay knew him?!? Okay, now was definitely a good time to become closer friends with Islay. She really wanted to say something, yet for one of the first times ever, Carsyn Kim Rose could not find words.
Pity because she really ought to give a welcome to that boy Noah who just got sorted into Gryffindor as transfer. Please no one notice her staring at this new seventh year, whom she didn't know his year or anything about him other than the fact that he knew Islay.
His gaze fell onto one of the older female students and she was very attractive also. She was also staring at him. Drew gave her an encouraging smile and wave, he would have no qualms if she wanted to come over and talk to him. He would have gone over there but hey, he was new and going by the badge on her chest she was a Prefect and wasn't it her duty to come and welcome him?
In the distance he could hear a speech being made from the Staff table but Drew only heard bits and pieces of it, he was too busy being distracted by all the girls and after all they were more important.
Looking at Islay she bit her lip. "I don't know maybe she was a Thunderbird at Ilvermorny." Lyra did say she knew alot of people there, so maybe she knew Islay and them there. Although the opposite of Stella, she loved her twin to pieces and was there for her no matter what. Even if she was distance to her at the moment, but she understood.
Looking at Carsyn her dormie and friend she sighed sadly. "Yeah... I'm fine, just my twin sister is a bit disrance from me and been all summer, I'm a bit down by it." To be honest, this is the first time in awhile she been really down by something she was always bubbly as people knew her. Waving back at Naya she smiled warmly at her. She was trying to be her normal bubbly self, it was slowly working she thought.
Looking at Cole she nodded. "Me too, that was horrible and wasn't fun at all, lesson learned." Shivering at the memory of it, she learned to be more kind to the portraits. "My summer wasn't too bad, how was yours?" Hopefully this year she wouldn't fall into trouble, it always seems like she did.
Looking at Lucas her lion buddy she nodded in agreement, last year was tough and brutal, they didn't have time for themselves. " I'm glad we got a year to ourselves and have some fun, we need it after last term." Biting her lip she shook her head. "No not really, although I did see Phoenix and his band practice and record." That was a bit cool and exciting to see, not many people can say that watched them practice and record.
Looking at Drew and smiled. "Yeah... like I said she was a Thunderbird, she's waiting to get sorted she's in the crowd with the firsties and transfers. " Only bad thing she had to wait longer now she was a Starson and not a Blacknight. "Mine is Starson, but hers was Blacknight before she changed it this summer." Be interesting if he knew Lyra, just too funny in her opinion.
I wanna HA
I wanna HA
I wanna HA
I wanna HA
I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Kale sang all of this quietly to himself, with some pop and locks to boot, as he sat at the Gryffindor table. His shoulders were still j-j-jamming as he smiled at all the familiar faces at the table. And some new ones, too.
'Sup lion nation???
He was glad when MF rolled through. It had been a hot minute since he had seen his friend. Kale couldn't wait until he was old enough to travel without an adult. Supervision made it IMPOSSIBLE to hang during the summer.
"I arrived with my Daddee," he explained. And the Headmaster had to get to the castle EARLY for being in charge reasons. Which meant he was robbed of quality travel time with his friends. WAHHH. He had missed out on so much. Look. MF was already forgetting him, sittin' with Nem and such. Ah. Woe was Kale. Kale was woe.
He wrinkled his nose, all scrunchy and unhappy, and said, "Oh, he's your partner in crime now, huh? That's new." And decidedly not a Kale.
Kale was still REELING from his betrayal from MF when he spotted Phoebe looking all fine and fierce after the summer holiday. Heeeeeeey girl. She was cuddling with somebody he didn't know. But he was always down for a cuddle party. So he reached across the table, where he was sitting with MF, and reached for her hand to sQUEEzE it. "Your hair looks pretty." As per usssse.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Bernie was being snugged by Phoebe, her co-momma, her good friend. Bernie gave her a nuzzle back, like as if Bernie was Beans and Phoebe was Phoebe. "I met him in Diagon Alley," she confirmed about the older boy. Did Phoebe just....shut her eyes in his direction? Weird. S'weird. "He was looking at mustache-growing products because he couldn't grow his own." Bernie was now an expert on male facial hair; one mustache Becky Rasting to confirm.
Meanwhile, there were BOYS of THEIR AGE sitting nearby now, and Bernie gave them both a good STAAAARE. One was the Headmaster's son, who didn't KNOW her?! Wow. Okay. So she was a persona non grata now, officially, to all the Trents in this school? Cool cool cool not hurtful at all cool cool. This was fine, she'd just....just lay low this year, per KALE'S DAD'S orders and all that. Fine. Whatever. Kale was probably a tattle-tale ANYWAY.
Bernie sniffed in Morgan's direction, though. He'd at least had the decency to invite her to his birthday party. "We're talking about mustaches," she informed the McCarthy.
Then the Headmaster's speech happened, Bernie got called out BIG TIME, and she blushed and felt like putting her head down again. How was she going to sneak off to the Hufflepuff table when she'd just been reminded about her FINAL NOTICE????
Still blushing, she began piling things on her plate, since the food was here and she should eat it while it was still hot. Oh Cole. Cole made her think of Claudine, which made Bernie feel saddened again. "It's okay, Cole." No, no one had been mean to her ON the train but rather ONCE THEY'D GOTTEN OFF the train. Sigh sigh sigh. She was fine now though, see? Fine, JUST FINE, and the food was here and she was going to sneak off to the Hufflepuff table as soon as she'd finished eating.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Oh, okay... Phoebe returned to cuddling Bernie, because girlfriend was in a real MOOD. She could pet Other Momma's hair and still pay attention to the rest of the table, to the Headmaster, and to the sudden appearance of food, whenever that happened. FOOD food food. "What if we all grew mustaches, just to show him how? And showed up for class tomorrow with them? What if we put it in the orange juice in the morning?"
Oh, MORGAN was there. "We were talking about you, Morgan Mac, but now you're here and we can talk to you instead. Happy birthday. Let's have cake in the common room later." She would have cake without an accompanying birthday party, but in this case... there was a birthday. There would be cake. Period the end.
Thinking of cake made her HUNGRY. Phoebe grabbed hold of Kale's hand when he offered it, and then she refused to let go. "Your hair looks pretty too." He was gettin' to be such a smooth talker, did he know? But he seemed a little subdued, and that bummed her out. Outrageous!Kale was best Kale. Her favorite kind of Kale. "Want to do somethin' fun later?"
OH THANK MERLIN. FOOD. She untangled from Bernie!cuddling and reached for the mashed potatoes. "That Headman is getting super stressed out and bossy. I think he needs a yoga retreat."
Oh... So Kale hadn't been on the train at all. No wonder Morgan hadn't seen him. It had definitely been disappointing, but nothing to dwell on now.
Wait.... was he mad at him? Morgan looked curiously at Kale's scrunched nose, his expression colored with confusion. "No. I said he was. On the train. Not now." Did he expect him to sit ALONE? Like some friendless loser, just because Kale had to come with his dad? Didn't he know he was still his bro and best mate?
One person Kale didn't seem to be mad at all at was Phoebe, because... um, they were holding hands. He looked between the two of them, wondering just WHAT was going on between them, and was just about to say something to that effect when Bernie caught his attention. Why was she staring at him like that?
"Mustaches, huh?" He rubbed the spot above his upper lip with his finger. Was there peach fuzz there? He was pretty sure of it. He shifted his eyes back to Phoebe. Were they talking about him and his lack of mustache?? "I bet I can grow one," he informed her confidently. He hadn't yet, but that didn't mean he couldn't. And you know what? Morgan Mac was ALMOST as cool a nickname as MF. He liked it.
And he also liked cake, the offer of it making him grin. "Okay! You mean tonight after the feast?" Because there MIGHT be cake for that anyway. "Or a different day? And can it be chocolate with vanilla frosting, because that's my favorite."
And it was speech time already, thank Merlin! Morgan was hungry, but he tried to listen. He tried really hard, even through his grumbly tummy. But the second the food appeared, he reached for an extra large helping of potatoes. FOOD!
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Flustered was a great way to put it, Islay Moreau always seemed to be in a constant flux of being flustered. It wasn’t that she had meant to be that way, the bubbly thing…human, had always been apprehensive at best when it came to really showing her emotions. It was something that she had been working on lately. Andrews kiss sure, it had made her flustered but it was also nice, she couldn’t help but grin back at him when he said that he would make Gryffindor interesting. ”Oh come on Preston – gryffindor has always been interesting…your just a plus” she grinned, his little shoulder tap didn’t even make her feel at all uncomfortable or ticklish like it would have with some people.
Her eyes dropped down toward Noah who was…blushing? Why was he blushing? Had something happened other than --- oh, oh he had seen the kiss. Her eyes flicked from him to Drew for a moment. ”we um…Drew and I were housemates back in Beau,” was what Islays words said but her eyes were saying something else, maybe something like I’ll talk to you later. Islay gave the new girl Lexie a kind smile as she arrived.
”Welcome to Gryffindor,” she smiled really it was nice having a bit of a distraction from the constant record scratching freeze framing her brain was doing right now. Words, what were words – how was she going to human today? HOW? Congrat—oh the congratuplogy hug. ”obviously, one amazing hug coming up!” Islay grinned as she lowered herself back to the bench, turning her gaze toward Drew for a moment, ”you should sit with us – you know we won’t bite…” she said the words slowly even quirking her eyebrow up at him as she spoke as if challenging her former housemate to sit with them.
”d’ya want the hug in the dorm later or now?” she asked grinning at him, it was as she was grinning tat she noticed the wink from Curtis…oh, okay she didn’t know that would happen – had he seen the kiss? Was that wink because of that? what was going on, the normally moderately shy and quiet Gryffindor was getting attention and it was – it was…intense. ”have a nice night,” she called out to the retreating slytherin because well, she was friendly?
Charlie, gosh she was adorable. ”I – it was…intense at times? I had a job, my first one even.” she grinned at her, the little girls smile. Yeah – sure, she knew Charlie had seen the kiss. AAAAND with that she mouthed to the girl, ”strange night right?” and shook her head.
Even stranger now as she witnessed the blinking – was Phoebe trying to wink? Oh, hooooooney that was adorable. She hadn’t even properly greeted Naya yet, ”hi Naya – how are you doing?” Islay asked with a grin as she looked at the students as they arrived. Oh, this Trent kid seemed to be keeping beet pretty nicely. ”what song is in your head?” she asked him with a grin, ”I don’t think I ever properly introduced myself – I’m Islay. Islay Moreau” she smiled and then turned to grin at Cole and – oh what was going on with Cole and Drew? this was going to end badly right? Right?”oh – yeah…didn’t need to use anyone as a ladder either,” she joked to Cole with a grin. ”did you have a nice summer? Get any good ice cream?” she asked still beaming as she flicked her eyes at Drew one more time.
Oh look a new kid! The young boy got a grin as he came to the table. ”w-welcome to Gryffindor” she smiled – and now she was giving Lucas an almost thankful look ”no worries Lucas, you have a nice summer?” she asked as she smiled softly.
OH THANK YOU FOR FOOD, food the savior of the night.
When she heard Drew commenting about the weather she just nodded, ”right – but I mean…we can swim in the lake here…” she paused, and shrugged, ”the grindylows might get you but you can swim – its…sort of possible?” she grinned at him. Islay nodded whens he heard Stella’s answer – ”well, I’ll have to look out for her – if you want we can set up a girls night in the dorms? Face masks, ice cream…and everything we can think of?” she offered with a grin as she took a bite of the potatoes, it was then that she looked over to the first year Lexie ”try the potatoes everyone talks about them being divine” the older girl smiled as she seemed to be settling in among the chaos of the house.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Carsyn's staring at the new guy, Drew who had kissed Islay right there at the table didn't seem to last long as first years were joining them. She'd have more time on the leading up to their common room to get to know the first years (and transfers), she did offer smiles and congratulatory welcome messages to Alexia and Michael, introducing herself to them both as a distraction.
"See you," she said to Curtis when he departed off, after the weird way of complimenting her. Not so bad for a prefect. Whatever did that mean, who really knew, but Carsyn wasn't going to let it bother her. Her focus mostly was on Bernie and trying to help her in making better decisions. Also the next step was crucial because as was shown by history, instinctive decisions weren't the best which is why rethinking it before acting was an important step and probably one of the hardest to achieve so she would stop there on her lessons for the night. They'd have some time to work on that one.
Quidditch camp though? Really Cole? He knew better than anyone that it was more than camp that she'd been doing the last two summers. "It's playing for the under seventeen team, Cole. And it was good. Good season." She'd caught a few snitches so that was always good. Although no word if she would get scouted yet or if she even wanted to.
Then the headmaster spoke, introducing the new professors joining them and .... no word about their head of house ?? Huh, weird. Oh well because she was hungry and food was here, which meant time to eat. Turning towards Lucas after filling her plate up. "Tell me about it. Having this break from huge exams will definitely be a welcome reprieve. My summer was pretty decent though. Quidditch and sunshine."
Glancing over to Stella, Carsyn had to admit she was slightly curious why she was so distanced from her twin?? She literally couldn't imagine what would happen if she and Carys didn't speak. Sure they were in different houses, but that didn't mean they didn't still communicate on the regular. "Growing up, I guess. Wanna talk about it later?" she offered. Sure they weren't super close, but she was a good listener and a twin herself.
And time she supposed to co-lead with Lucas back to the common room for their first night. She made a mental note to ask Islay later about the guy who kissed her - aka, were they an item? If not, could she introduce her? Set her up? Was it even okay to go with someone whom your dormmate had kissed? Were there rules about this thing? Who knew ... except no time for that now.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
[COLOR=#DC493A]Well, This........... table was buzzing, wasn't it? He wasn't sure what he expected but, all of a sudden, he felt very uncomfortable with being here. Did he have to talk to all of them? Please say no. He didn't want to. That was expecting too much from him. His eyes landed on two first years (Alexia and Michael) fairly close to him - and fairly quiet, too - so this seemed like a better opportunity, right? "Uh, hey! Welcome to Gryffindor. I'm Lucas, by the way." Cue an awkward smile.
Oh, look, someone was speaking to him. Except, Michael wasn't quite paying attention, so it took him some time to notice the smiling older boy.
Lucas, he said? Okay. "Hi. I'm Michael," he said, and opened his mouth to ask if Lucas had a phone he'd use to call home, but someone else called for the guy. Anyway, it didn't matter much. He just hoped his mum wouldn't worry too much.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Carsyn's staring at the new guy, Drew who had kissed Islay right there at the table didn't seem to last long as first years were joining them. She'd have more time on the leading up to their common room to get to know the first years (and transfers), she did offer smiles and congratulatory welcome messages to Alexia and Michael, introducing herself to them both as a distraction.
And another person. Carsyn. He noted the badge this time. So, she was the person he'd ask his questions too, right? Right. He studied her face, introduced himself back, and then...
The food appeared!
.........after eating probably too much, it was time to go. He got off, and followed the two prefects to wherever they were going to.