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Term 55: May - August 2020 Term fifty-five: Hello from the other siiiiiiide (Sept 2101 - June 2102)

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Old 12-04-2018, 12:46 PM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default Fat Lady's Portrait

If you're wandering around the seventh-floor corridor and you suddenly have the urge to cover your ears, you know you're steadily approaching the Fat Lady's portrait. While it isn't an uncommon fact that the vocal portrait guards the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room, getting past the Fat Lady without the correct password is no easy feat. Her passion for tip-top security is just as great as her love for good food and drink.

Though the Fat Lady is very particular about who she allows to pass through the portrait hole, she really doesn't mind anyone hanging around in the corridor. At every opportune moment, she will insist that you stop to listen to her "amazing" singing voice or engage in very loud conversation about the latest gossip. Even the Gryffindors themselves have to put up with the antics of this loud and flamboyant woman -- sometimes she won't even let them inside their common room until she is satisfied with their response to her singing or finds the gossip juicy enough to go share with her friend Violet.

OOC: Please do not role-play for the Fat Lady.
Old 06-07-2020, 03:16 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Default for Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake Ryan
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

Bernadette found herself standing here, outside the Fat Lady's portrait, but she didn't really know why. Had she been about to go into the Common Room, or had she just come out of it? She couldn't recall. She was also having a hard time remembering the password today, but she was pretty sure it started with a p. Or had it been an m?

She scratched her head and crossed her arms as she had a think about it. Pig-snout or Marvelous Gobstones Marbles?? WHICH WAS IT?

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-08-2020, 09:23 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Bernadette found herself standing here, outside the Fat Lady's portrait, but she didn't really know why. Had she been about to go into the Common Room, or had she just come out of it? She couldn't recall. She was also having a hard time remembering the password today, but she was pretty sure it started with a p. Or had it been an m?

She scratched her head and crossed her arms as she had a think about it. Pig-snout or Marvelous Gobstones Marbles?? WHICH WAS IT?
Blake had been on his way to find Bernadette. He didn't really have a good reason why, he just wanted to check on her ... make sure she was okay. Ever since this mysterious weather outside he had been worried for his friends. He was always worried now that someone was going to competely disappear. Trent's had disappearance thing was rather worrying.

And then Blake nearly ran straight into her. He hadn't actually expected to find her. "Bernadette!" Blake exclaimed. He gave her a bone crushing hug. "Haven't seen you in a couple days, was worried about you." There, he had owned up to the truth right away, no since in hiding the real reason he was looking for her.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-08-2020, 09:33 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
Blake had been on his way to find Bernadette. He didn't really have a good reason why, he just wanted to check on her ... make sure she was okay. Ever since this mysterious weather outside he had been worried for his friends. He was always worried now that someone was going to competely disappear. Trent's had disappearance thing was rather worrying.

And then Blake nearly ran straight into her. He hadn't actually expected to find her. "Bernadette!" Blake exclaimed. He gave her a bone crushing hug. "Haven't seen you in a couple days, was worried about you." There, he had owned up to the truth right away, no since in hiding the real reason he was looking for her.
OH! Maybe THIS was why Bernie had left her common room (or had paused on her way to return to it?!?! She still didn't know.). Clearly she'd made plans to see...

"BLAKE!" the third year returned his greeting, surprised by the hug in a good way as she hugged him back. "Hey..." Oh, yeah, the madness in the castle. Bernie frowned gently as she recalled hearing about everything happening. Of course, she hadn't tried to leave the castle for break herself, because no one at home had ever owled her to tell her to come visit for Christmas, so she'd have been stuck here anyway.

She took a small step back from him and gave him a gentle smile. "So, how was your Christmas?" Assuming he'd enjoyed himself and all? "I have a present for you..." But it was not on her, nope, sorry friend. She'd have to recall the password to go get it from her dorm.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-08-2020, 09:56 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
OH! Maybe THIS was why Bernie had left her common room (or had paused on her way to return to it?!?! She still didn't know.). Clearly she'd made plans to see...

"BLAKE!" the third year returned his greeting, surprised by the hug in a good way as she hugged him back. "Hey..." Oh, yeah, the madness in the castle. Bernie frowned gently as she recalled hearing about everything happening. Of course, she hadn't tried to leave the castle for break herself, because no one at home had ever owled her to tell her to come visit for Christmas, so she'd have been stuck here anyway.

She took a small step back from him and gave him a gentle smile. "So, how was your Christmas?" Assuming he'd enjoyed himself and all? "I have a present for you..." But it was not on her, nope, sorry friend. She'd have to recall the password to go get it from her dorm.
"I was suppose to be with my mum for Christmas, but she ended taking a trip to America, and my dad already had plans ... so I stayed here." Blake wasn't sure anyone had gone home for Christmas, with the weather being all crazy and everything.

"I have a present for you to." Blake added pulling a small square package out of his pocket. He had wrapped it himself in red paper. It was a simple silver bracelet with one charm in the shape of a heart. There was room for more charms if she ever wanted to add more. "If you don't like it I won't be mad." Blake wasn't sure if she would or not.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Honey!
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Old 06-09-2020, 01:58 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Default idk if you saw this but EVERYONE got stuck at Hogwarts for Christmas! Lol
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
"I was suppose to be with my mum for Christmas, but she ended taking a trip to America, and my dad already had plans ... so I stayed here." Blake wasn't sure anyone had gone home for Christmas, with the weather being all crazy and everything.

"I have a present for you to." Blake added pulling a small square package out of his pocket. He had wrapped it himself in red paper. It was a simple silver bracelet with one charm in the shape of a heart. There was room for more charms if she ever wanted to add more. "If you don't like it I won't be mad." Blake wasn't sure if she would or not.
"Oh." That kinda sucked for Blake, right? Both of his parents making plans without him... Bernie frowned. "You don't have any siblings, do you?" That was one thing they didn't have in common, she was pretty sure.

Bernie's eyebrows went up as Blake handed her a little package in red paper. OF COURSE she opened it with an eager giggle, surprised to find a silver bracelet and a charm on it. A HEART CHARM. EEEEEEEEEk.

"Blaaaaaaaaaaaaake....." Bernie's voice came out in a small squeak as she slipped the bracelet on and turned rather pink. "Of course I like it." She didn't know what to say. It was the nicest gift she'd ever gotten, she thought. She squeaked again and threw her arms around his neck in a Hug 2.0, dropping the wrapping paper behind him as she did. And... now she felt stupid as she recalled the gift for him that was up in her dorm.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-09-2020, 11:25 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Blake's a little oblivious to things! lol
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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
"Oh." That kinda sucked for Blake, right? Both of his parents making plans without him... Bernie frowned. "You don't have any siblings, do you?" That was one thing they didn't have in common, she was pretty sure.

Bernie's eyebrows went up as Blake handed her a little package in red paper. OF COURSE she opened it with an eager giggle, surprised to find a silver bracelet and a charm on it. A HEART CHARM. EEEEEEEEEk.

"Blaaaaaaaaaaaaake....." Bernie's voice came out in a small squeak as she slipped the bracelet on and turned rather pink. "Of course I like it." She didn't know what to say. It was the nicest gift she'd ever gotten, she thought. She squeaked again and threw her arms around his neck in a Hug 2.0, dropping the wrapping paper behind him as she did. And... now she felt stupid as she recalled the gift for him that was up in her dorm.
"No siblings, just me, my parents got divorced when I was young, and neither ever remarried .. yet ..." Blake and a sneaky suspicion his mom was in America with a boyfriend she had yet to introduce him to. He wasn't sure he wanted to know either. "But you have sibling right?" Blake felt a little embarrassed they had been friends for 3 years and he knew very little about her family, he was going to make an effort to learn more about her. He wanted to know her life story.

And then he was getting crushed with a hug. He smiled and blushed a deep red, okay she liked it... good. "I'm glad you like it! I wasn't sure you would." Blake wasn't sure what they were, were they friends? More than friends? He wasn't sure 13 year olds even dated, he wasn't sure he wanted to, but he liked Bernadette, and she was pretty..... "Merry Christmas Bernadette." ... Blake found himself wishing there was mistletoe ...
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Honey!
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Old 06-10-2020, 04:52 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Right, Bernie had known that! She'd just thought she should check... "Yeah," the Lion confirmed with a nod. "I have a stupid older brother and a little sister." She'd talked about them some, probably, but maybe not to Blake so that she wouldn't appear to be a whiner.

Anyway. She beamed and replied, "Merry Christmas to you too, Blake. Let me go get your gift." And without waiting, she flounced over to the Fat Lady's portrait and spouted off all the passwords she could recall for this year, which was only like three, but with enough EMPHASIS! and ENTHUSIASM! that convinced the Fat Lady to open up. Then Bernie raaaaaaaaaaaan up to her dormitory, dove under her bed, dug out the gift bag of THINGS she'd made the last few months, and then ran all the way down the stairs and out the common room. She back beside Blake in a jiffy.

"Okay," she panted a little, pulling out the gift she'd made for him. "I didn't have any wrapping paper but this bright green one is for you," and she pressed it into his hand. "And I'll keep the red one, and then the lighter green one was supposed to be for..." Well, for someone who'd used to be their friend, but wasn't anymore. "Do you get it? Do you see what it's from?!"

Would Blake remember how they had met in Charms class their first year, with the exploding apple?! Obviously the third little crocheted apple was for Claudine, but since they weren't friends anymore, she'd just be keeping that for herself. And yes, for anyone wondering, she HAD crocheted these during her dorm arrest at the end of last year.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-22-2020, 10:52 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Right, Bernie had known that! She'd just thought she should check... "Yeah," the Lion confirmed with a nod. "I have a stupid older brother and a little sister." She'd talked about them some, probably, but maybe not to Blake so that she wouldn't appear to be a whiner.

Anyway. She beamed and replied, "Merry Christmas to you too, Blake. Let me go get your gift." And without waiting, she flounced over to the Fat Lady's portrait and spouted off all the passwords she could recall for this year, which was only like three, but with enough EMPHASIS! and ENTHUSIASM! that convinced the Fat Lady to open up. Then Bernie raaaaaaaaaaaan up to her dormitory, dove under her bed, dug out the gift bag of THINGS she'd made the last few months, and then ran all the way down the stairs and out the common room. She back beside Blake in a jiffy.

"Okay," she panted a little, pulling out the gift she'd made for him. "I didn't have any wrapping paper but this bright green one is for you," and she pressed it into his hand. "And I'll keep the red one, and then the lighter green one was supposed to be for..." Well, for someone who'd used to be their friend, but wasn't anymore. "Do you get it? Do you see what it's from?!"

Would Blake remember how they had met in Charms class their first year, with the exploding apple?! Obviously the third little crocheted apple was for Claudine, but since they weren't friends anymore, she'd just be keeping that for herself. And yes, for anyone wondering, she HAD crocheted these during her dorm arrest at the end of last year.
Blake smiled at his little apple. It was even better than the gift he had given her because it was home made and was in remembrance of how they met. "An apple, from the time you and Claudine tried to kill me with one." Blake added with a smile, but then he added a little frown, he had known what had gone on with Claudine and Bernadette, he was said to see it, but only because he knew how much Bernadette liked her... as far as Blake was considered he didn't care much, but he cared for Bernadette.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject." He added .. and then... and then .. Blake did something he never in his life imagined that he could or would do. He leaned in and gave Bernadette a kiss on the cheek. "How about we go grab something to eat in the Great Hall?" He asked, he was trying to make things not super awkward about what he had just done.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Honey!
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Old 06-23-2020, 11:47 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
Blake smiled at his little apple. It was even better than the gift he had given her because it was home made and was in remembrance of how they met. "An apple, from the time you and Claudine tried to kill me with one." Blake added with a smile, but then he added a little frown, he had known what had gone on with Claudine and Bernadette, he was said to see it, but only because he knew how much Bernadette liked her... as far as Blake was considered he didn't care much, but he cared for Bernadette.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject." He added .. and then... and then .. Blake did something he never in his life imagined that he could or would do. He leaned in and gave Bernadette a kiss on the cheek. "How about we go grab something to eat in the Great Hall?" He asked, he was trying to make things not super awkward about what he had just done.
"Oh... it's okay," Bernie replied with a small smile. She was just happy he'd liked her gift!! And then he leaned forward and gave her a KISS on the CHEEK?!!?


Bernie tried so hard NOT to squeal or squeak or make any of her usual stupid noises. She did turn red though and gently touched the spot on her cheek where he'd kissed her. Blushing furiously, she grabbed his hand and started leading the way to the Great Hall, swinging their hands between them gleefully so that her new bracelet jingled. But like Blake, she was totally not going to bring up the kiss. She was just going to savor that moment in her mind instead of ruining it by talking about it.

"Yesssss. And if you see you know who," Bernie continued the conversation from earlier, "you can give her this other green apple, okay?" Okay okay cool.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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