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Term 55: May - August 2020 Term fifty-five: Hello from the other siiiiiiide (Sept 2101 - June 2102)

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Old 06-12-2020, 09:00 AM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default DADA Lesson 2 - Bubak

It's a bleak afternoon as you make your way to the Duelling Arena. Bleak...and red....and miserable.

At the door to the arena, you'll notice a sign has been put up, courtesy of Grantham. Consider it a gentle reminder as you get yourself into the frame of mind to learn. Take a good long look at it, then think about how you can avoid the mistakes of the past.

Inside the room, many candles have been lit--by hand mind you. They line the walls to light the arena. Up on the stage, there are a few boxes full of well stuff. Stuff that doesn't yet concern you but stuff that would end up being integral to the days magical lesson.

The Headmaster stood by the stage in all his grumpy, translucent glory. He couldn't wait for this nightmare of a muggle experience to be over and wasn't thrilled about how he would end up having to teach the day's lesson.


OOC: Welcome back to DADA!! Don't forget to read the classroom rules before posting. I'll have the first question up in 24-28 hours

The lesson hasn't started yet!


Class progression:
Question 1 + Prop making
Mini Activity
The hunt
Old 06-13-2020, 03:02 PM   #26 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf


The Slytherin's eyes narrowed as his focus shifted to the younger Slytherin who had just arrived and absolutely smacked him with her bag on purpose. The worst part? He couldn't exactly retaliate. He was older and he had Missa flanking his other side and she would not approve of him doing something in response. "...I know you're not but whatever," he settled on with a firm roll of the eyes. Couldn't they go stand somewhere else and not right next to him?

W h a t e v e r.



Had that been what he had written on his skin? Was this a harvesting memo and not about this time thief lady? Rather than admit confusion and therefore defeat, the seventh year simply nodded his head to the headmaster and let the moment pass. Padding his pockets again, Eiji pulled out his remembrall that he SWORE had been red earlier but was now vacant and looked nothing more than the case from a gacha gacha machine. Cue more confusion and simply shoving THAT back into his pocket.

He was in a bit of a daze once class continued...and when he came too again he swore he had somehow ended up in the middle of a Drama Club meeting.

Painting sets and props? Excuse him?

He couldn't even focus on the question about a full moon - which, by the way, his response would have been in reference to how each planet, the moon, and the sun have corresponding metals in alchemy and the moon's was silver. Also that the ancient alchemists would suggest creating colloidal silver on nights with a full moon - because he was too busy staring at the headmaster with his mouth slightly hung open.

"...sorry, headmaster. I wasn't aware I had walked in on a Drama Club meeting. I will excuse myself," he said somewhat hurriedly.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-13-2020, 03:12 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Heath could’ve sworn the DADA lesson was supposed to be tomorrow! Fortunately for him, he just happened to be on the first floor in time to join the people he saw filing into the dueling arena before class began. He just sort of hung back, standing beside one of the taller students in case he should need to hide from a scary monster or (more likely) the headmaster later on. For some reason, he had a feeling that Trent disliked him, though he couldn’t for the life of him recall why! Then he suddenly remembered the sign he’d seen on the door upon arriving, the kelpie lesson at the start of the term, the way his own strategy failed miserably… Ugh, he never wanted to go through anything like that again!

Determined not to give the headmaster another reason to dislike him, Heath listened carefully to the directions given. He intended to close the door, hoping doing so would help him stay off the headmaster’s bad side, but some older girl beat him to it. Then somebody else slammed the door again. Okay, so much for that idea. No point in closing the door a third time!

Wait, what were they talking about again? Heath completely forgot everything the headmaster just said! Oh, right, it was something about painting and… He watched with interest as Trent pulled black cloth out of one of the boxes, and something clicked in his mind. Hold on, magic not working, stage, set design… were they doing a performance? If so, this just became the best DADA class ever! He may be useless at strategy and wandwork (even when magic was working), but set design and acting were right up his alley!

Heath picked up a paintbrush and beelined for the dummies. How was he supposed to paint them again? Right… red like blood. He painted three diagonal gashes across the dummy’s face, making the middle one longer and more pronounced than the others; its path went off the dummy’s face and all the way down its neck, ending at its shoulder. When he was finished with that, he continued painting more gashes over the dummy’s body. He was so absorbed in his work that it was only when he heard his classmates speak up that he remembered that Trent asked a question. What was it? Something about things associated with the full moon…

Heath’s mind immediately went to werewolf transformations, but that was already said. He thought for a minute. There was something else he knew about werewolves and full moons, something about mating, but what was it? Ooh, now he remembered! HIs hand shot up. “Adding on to that,” he said, nodding in acknowledgement of the other kid’s (Noah) answer about werewolves, “If two werewolves mate at the full moon while transformed, they produce a litter of wolf cubs, real wolves with almost human intelligence. That’s really rare, though. I think it’s only happened a couple of times…” Was he talking too much? Okay, he was just going to… go back to painting now.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 06-13-2020, 04:41 PM   #28 (permalink)

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Jordyn Guidry
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Naya watched as her classmates arrived. Besides the fact that they were all see though, everyone seemed a little off. Some more so than others. But she didn’t have long to ponder the fact because class was starting. Naya stifled a laugh when the Headmaster wasn’t able to slam the door with magic. Oh well, it had to be done muggle style.

Sooo....they were being assigned work tasks today? Naya wondered where all of this was leading. Were they going to attack the dummies muggle style too? Anyway, given the choices, she chose to paint the dummies. ‘Cause painting was kind of her jam, sewing not so much. Naya went and got some red paint and a brush. Painting the dummy was going to be therapeutic and she was going to make it look extremely tragic. Picking out her dummy, the Gryffindor got to work. She dipped her brush into the red paint and began to splatter it on the dummy. This was going to be fun.

While painting away, Naya heard the question that the Headmaster posed. She raised her free hand and when called on, began to answer. “Some say that people have trouble sleeping when the moon is full.” She did not, but she had heard of this happening. Naya really agreed with Nina Castillo. People did seem to act crazy when the moon was full.....or crazier than usual.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Salt!
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Old 06-13-2020, 05:06 PM   #29 (permalink)

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Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

... did what? What was going on? Carsyn was the face of confusion right now as her eyes darted around the room at everyone else who seemed just as off as she was.

When the door closed - because it was hardly a slam - the sixth year glanced over to notice who it was it was Nina, wearing bunny slippers? She looked down at her own feet frowning. Was she supposed to wear slippers today too? She'd forgotten to write down that memo, but then again it seemed as if she'd forgotten a lot of things lately.

Like when she was doing prefects rounds last night, she somehow ended up in the charms classroom, forgetting it was 9 at night and not 9 am.

Wait was the question Trent had asked? He had asked something, hadn't he? Did Eiji just say something about drama club? Had she mixed her schedules up again? Wait but Naya was saying something trouble sleeping during the moon, sooo maybe the question was related to sleeping. "Sometimes, if there's a lot on your mind, you could have trouble sleeping too." Wait, that was the question, right? Why you might not sleep at night? Cause people were talking about moons and that was at night.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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Old 06-13-2020, 06:39 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Default OBVIOUSLY going for a dummy ehehehe
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Bernie was a little bit hurt by the Headmaster's response to her INNOCENT question, and she showed this by frowning, her bottom lip even wibbling a little bit. But as soon as they moved on, she seemed to forget to be offended, and instead got excited about PAINTINGGGG!!!

Of course this Lion had to rush for a dummy and a red paintbrush, as she overly eagerly began slopping red paint on it. She wasn't TRYING to get it everywhere, but some was definitely splashing on her shoes and on the floor. Oops. Well house elves would be able to take care of that, wouldn't they?

"Mooncalves come out and dance during the full moon," Bernie offered brightly. "They make crop circles, but muggles don't know that, so they think aliens do that." Her dad was a big believer in aliens. He subscribed to the crap tabloids and everything.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-13-2020, 08:48 PM   #31 (permalink)

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Second Year

x8 x4

Catherine, once again, was not amused. Yes, she was annoyed, but she didn't remember why. It was probably something to do with Noah or Cecelia. That was normally it, so maybe this time it was that as well. Still, the fact she couldn't remember did not help her already bad mood, but at least it was time for Potions class.

Only it wasn't. It was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Argh. It was a good thing she was always early to classes, as she had plenty of time - just about, really - to get to the DADA classroom before her own brother slammed the door shut.


She sent him a pointed look. At least she wasn't the kid on the other side of the door, though. Still. Rude. Their father would hear about it. Only he wasn't because of the current situation. Sigh.

The Ravenclaw listened to what Headmaster Trent had to say, and her mood got slightly better as she heard they would be painting some stuff. That wasn't exactly the kind of learning she was used to doing at Hogwarts lessons, but she was up for it. She liked painting and art things in general. She was good at it. So the second-year promptly went to get a paint brush to start working on the moon right after the man himself did it.

At his question, Catherine simply listened to her classmates' answers, as usual, as she dipped the brush in the paint and started to work on the moon. She did think about the Mooncalf fact before... who had mentioned it again? Some young girl. Or boy? Shrug. Not important.

Upon Eiji Rasting saying something about Drama Club, Catherine blinked and looked from him to the paint brush she was holding. So... this wasn't Defence Against the Dark Arts? Was she supposed to be in Potions after all? Or was it Transfiguration that she had gotten mixed up just before coming to this classroom? What in the name of Merlin was going on??

Pursing her lips, the girl didn't fight the confused look on her face, yet it was fully mixed with annoyance once again. She momentarily considered getting up and leaving the room after the Slytherin, but before she moved, Heath started talking and got her attention. What he was saying was very intriguing and she didn't know that. So two werewolves could procreate and give birth to wolf cubs, real wolves with almost human intelligence!? "Fascinating." Catherine commented absentmindedly while looking at the Ravenclaw boy. She needed to look that up if she didn't forget it. Eye roll.

Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
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Old 06-13-2020, 09:36 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Claudine watched as other figures came trickling into the arena. Of course, now that they were all weird looking like herself, it took a little while figuring out who was who. At least she had no trouble recognising Curtis but that was only because he ended up standing right next to her. Curtis,’’ she said in acknowledgement, an inclination of her head thrown into the mix.

Well, this Snakette certainly was no where close to the door so there wasn't a chance she could help with that. Aside from that… of course they had to do things manually now; of course Trent wanted them to do it. Sighing, she looked up at Curtis’ profile. “Help with the cloth stuff?’’ Without waiting for an answer, she moved over to the piles of black cloth and located a smaller box of pins. She set to work, tacking the sharp and pointy things at appropriate intervals to form cloaks to fit the various bodily forms of students. She also did her best to make sure the pins wouldn’t hurt anyone but hey, Claudine wasn’t perfect.

“I’ve heard that some persons think there’s a link between kids and the full moon,’’ the third year began, waving a hand in the air and hoping Trent would notice it. It might help that the pin held in it might catch his attention should she be too translucent. “They think the moon gets the kids hyper.’’

Load of hog wash.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 06-13-2020, 09:44 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Caiden Denholm
Fifth Year
x1 x2
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.

While he waited for the class to begin, Minjae was staring at his own somewhat translucent arms and only looked up when he realized that the Ravenclaw Prefect was next to him. He smiled back while his mind was trying to come up with the guy’s name. Ewan right? YES! he was pretty sure. ”It was okay. Sad i didn’t get any presents though” he sighed and then looked to the right when he heard someone call his name. It sounded like Noah. Merlin’s Beard , where was he?

But before he could find him, another person caught his attention. Or rather, her slippers did. ”Hey Nina! Nice ....uh....”

What were those things called again?! Quick, Minjae! THINK!

“foot things!”

Nailed it.

Painting? crafting? This was DADA right? Now he really wasn’t sure anymore! But he wasn’t going to question it just yet. Perhaps the Headmaster has found a way to make a lesson without magic. At least the question had something to do with the subject. But he was too focused on putting the pins in the black fabrics to make the cloaks to even answer the question.
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Old 06-14-2020, 12:05 AM   #34 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Ece Arslan
Nesting Occamy Rentals
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

K blinked as the door to the classroom slammed shut, and she jumped slightly. She didn't remember getting to class, or even what class this WAS ... until she noticed Headmaster Trent, of course. Right. DADA. If there was reading, she couldn't remember if it had been done or not. Let's be real, probably not.

Hearing the instructions given to the class, K glanced around to see what was already being worked on before heading over to start making the cloaks as best she could. She had zero sewing skills, so she would settle for pinning. Getting to work, she listened as her classmates answered, sighing under her breath slightly when realizing the topic was moons. What creatures?

"In Korean lore there is a creature called the Gumiho, usually a woman with the spirit of a fox who has lived for years and years and years. Some versions of the lore claim that as long as the Gumiho is able to see the full moon once a month they can keep a portion of their humanity." And not just continue to dive deep, deep into their demon like state. She'd never researched to see if there was any truth to the lore.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 06-14-2020, 12:50 AM   #35 (permalink)

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Phoebe was sitting (a little too) quietly and staring at the floor through her hands. Like it was there, but it wasn't really there but it was totally THERE. Weird. And... what was the professor talking about? Painting things and making victims and costumes? OKAY, this was the kind of class Phoebe could get behind.

She was going to make the cloaks. As a drama queen and long time cloak enthusiast, Phoebe was very well accustomed to making something out of nothing. Curtains, blanks, bath towels were all excellent cloaks. "Oh, professor, aren't there some potion ingredients that have to be harvested in a full moon?"
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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Old 06-14-2020, 12:52 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Arden Toros
Sixth Year
x4 x1
A Poop * k8 *

What in the actual heckin' heck was going on? Aboli had worried all break how classes would go without magic, and she wondered if they'd all require useless work for professors' other schemes while they answered...questions. Cue the annoyance. With somewhat of a tongue click, she glanced over at Kimmie, the person she was seated closest to, who was going to look after the cloaks.


Aboli wasn't much of a sewer, but she'd do her best. What was the worst that could happen? She'd turn into a human pin-cushion? She'd rather that than some of the tasks Headmaster Trent had given them. She actually forgot to answer the question...what even was the question? Aboli didn't know.

"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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Old 06-14-2020, 01:07 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Octavius Jude Salander
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Hey.. Minjae! Over here.. I know I'm translucent and all! but hey friend! Noah continued to wave, hoping his friend would notice him. He sighed, giving up, just as the Professor started the class.

SLAM went the door and Noah's pen slipped out of his hand hitting the floor. Oops. He bent down to pick it up and when he glanced up saw some colorful and fuzzy... slippers? Was she really wearing those in class? Hm. Okay. He shrugged. Each to their own, he supposed. Interesting, he'd have to ask her where he purchased those from. They were something that Matty would want to know. He wrote down a description of what they looked like because who knew if he would remember them.

Moon? Lore? Wait. What did the Headmaster expect them to do? Noah listened to his fellow peers' comments. When he heard Eji's comments, his eyebrows raised ever so slightly. Eji diiiid have point and he had to stifle a low chuckle. Heh. Props. Classic. He regained his composure when he heard Kimmie mention a myth that was somewhat familiar to him. He paused, trying to remember what he knew it from. Snapshots of his halmeoni and him sitting in the garden on a late autumn afternoon came to mind when she had mentioned such a mythical creature. A creature that could enchant the mind of the man in order to try to eat their liver... or worse.. heart...

Noah set up about to sewing the cloaks. He had picked up a few tricks from his halmeoni and eomma at home over the summer when they informed him that this was a skill that he needed to master. Merlin forbid, he ended up at a school and didn't know how to sew a button. Noah, being Noah, had bitten his lip to stop himself from saying that he could simply use magic but now... Now if they saw him, they would just smile and remind him of what a great skill he had learned. Hm... He took the thin thread and slipped it through the eye of the needle before tying it. He began sewing and then stopped when a thought materialized in his mind. "The night of a full moon is supposed to be a good night for scrying," he offered. And divination too.
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Old 06-14-2020, 01:22 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Tom raised his hand after trying to think about anything to do with a full moon. "Don't creatures come out to play then?" He had seen it in a movie once and wasn't sure what they were called but they only come out with a full moon.
It's time for a party.
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Old 06-14-2020, 02:38 AM   #39 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Ezekiel Ransom-Kruus
x12 x12
Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight

Oh Rasting, you wound. "Oof. That's so hurtful." So many kids here were just! so! hurtful! And here was innocent little Nemesis just trying to live their life in the most unobtrusive way possible.

Or something.

"Sorry, sir. Slipped my mind entirely." It definitely had not. They waited oh-so-patiently, however, for the Headsman to get to the right conclusion with the name business, and then smiled bright and innocent and totally in no way like a demon spawn. "That's definitely me." Oh, the temptation to use a fake name was strong, but 95% of this class were little snitches, so there was no real point. Plus, they'd forget the fake name themselves, whereas their own name was pretty firmly lodged in their memory. Sort of. The important part, at least.

Ignoring all that business with the door, Nem's eyes instead drifted to the abominations Castillo was wearing on her feet. Merlin alive, Ezra better not get wind of the fact that there were bunny slippers actually existing in this castle. Then again, Nem couldn't recall seeing Ezra recently. Where even was that kid?

They blinked and looked around at the Headsman again, and then crossed over to the dummies. Savage end? Got you covered. They neither knew nor particularly cared exactly why they were doing it, mostly assuming that the Headsman had provided an explanation that had slipped their mind already. Grabbing a paintbrush and loading it up with red paint, Nem slashed the brush across one of the dummies, leaving a gleaming red streak. As they repeated the process, they piped up. "That's where they got the word 'lunatic', because of what Castillo said." Whatever... it was that she had said. What was the question again?


... Anyway, speaking of Castillo, they glanced over at her, and grinned. Big and cheerful, like; all friends here. "Hop to it, Neenz."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Chocolate!
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Old 06-14-2020, 04:12 AM   #40 (permalink)

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Avalon Sinclair

Text Cut: some mentions before class
Avalon nodded back as Nina joined her. She wasn't really up for small talk this afternoon, but it was nice to have some company nonetheless. And she figured Nina would be okay with not chatting - she didn't seem like the chatty type. Her eyes lingered on the Slytherin's interesting choice of footwear for just a moment, but she quickly realized Nina's growing embarrassment. Avalon shrugged and let the girl hide behind her - she would always help a fellow gal out in a fashion emergency. "Don't worry, I went into the Great Hall last week with my pajama bottoms on underneath my robes," she said, reaching behind her to pat Nina on the arm reassuringly. "And I didn't realize it until I was halfway through breakfast."

And then Ewan was joining them, too. Avalon gave him a smile, chuckling at his comment about her translucency. "Speak for yourself, Jones," she quipped back, motioning to his translucent arm. At least they were all experiencing the weirdness together. She would be much more concerned if she was the only one who was turning paler every day and wearing pajamas during daylight hours.

Avalon flinched as the door clicked shut. It wasn't a slam or anything, but she had been completely zoning out, staring at the boxes of stuff on the stage while trying to remember if she had finished her Charms homework or not. And then she momentarily forgot what class she was in, until the noise broke her train of thought. Her eyes flicked back to the Headmaster. Right. Defense Against the Dark Arts. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her head.

As far as non-magic lessons went, this one didn't seem too bad so far. Avalon made her way over to the fabric, her mood slightly better now that she knew she'd be working with clothing. She never would have guessed that her sewing skills would come in handy for Defense Against the Dark Arts....of all classes! She joined Kimmie and Aboli, taking some pieces of cloth and carefully pinning them into place before adding to the discussion. "Some legends say that magic in general is stronger during a full moon," she said as she began sewing the fabric. Avalon didn't believe it, but she knew that some old stories talked about witches and wizards experiencing a magical surge during a full moon.
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Old 06-14-2020, 07:07 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Flora B. Thiese
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At least Headmaster Professor could appreciate a GREAT joke when he heard one!

If only she could remember what it was she had even said.

She would have written it down, to use at another time! But, seeing as the lesson was beginning, with the slamming of the door, she figured there would be plenty of time for other jokes later. And after hearing everything Professor Headmaster said, she had already come up with one.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts and Crafts." Bwahaha!

Flora let out a LAUGH, because it was funny, guys, before moving over to the big box of corn. She was supposed to be doing something with that corn, right? And answering a question? "I heard there are frogs on the moon. I don't know what they do up there, though."

Also.. The dueling arena was a weird place to have lunch, wasn't it? The Gryffindor took a piece of corn out of the box and bit into it. Was it even cooked? Gosh.

____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________
ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
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Old 06-14-2020, 11:19 AM   #42 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emmerson N. J. Cambridge
Sixth Year
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Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

SPOILER!!: Replies
SPOILER!!: Castillo
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Nina had been desperately hoping that Headmaster Trent wouldn't notice the horribly embarrassing bunny slippers on her feet. It was clear, however, by way of his greeting that he had very much noticed. Her only saving grace was that he hadn't made it a point to punish her for it. This would have been horrible for many reasons as he was the last professor that she ever wanted to disappoint AND it would draw attention to the matter making the embarrassment even WORSE. At least this way she could maybe get by without any others noticing.

......... Until he asked for someone to get the door.

Nina glanced over at the door in mention. She was the closest to it, that much was quite apparent. Did she have to? She paused for a moment or so to see if anyone else would willingly volunteer themselves, but because she did not want to agitate Trent, she sucked it up and made her way to the door, trying to be as NONCHALANT as possible. Of course this meant the whole time she walked over, she felt as though there were a million sets of eyes on her childish fuzzy slippers. This was her actual nightmare.

Reaching for the door, she gave it a lackluster push. It did not close quietly, but it wasn't exactly a SLAM. That would only make people STARE more. She didn't need that thank you very much.

After that was dealt with she HURRIED back to the group, still hiding her feet behind whoever was nearby. She was far too preoccupied with the stress of others noticing her slippers to pay much mind to the fact that they were PAINTING. In any other circumstance she would have thought up a couple thousand protests to the activity, as she did not want to make a mess of her school uniform (especially seeing as cleaning via magic was no longer a thing). In any case, walking up to the stage in order to deal with the large moon opened way to more staring!!! So instead she opted to retrieve tall grass from the box. This was fine. Everything was fine. WERE PEOPLE STARING AT HER FEET???

Her hand shot up to answer the question in attempt to draw her mind away from the WORRIES, but only after having put her hand in the air she realized that people might look in her direction. She was living a literal nightmare. Unfortunately, lowering her hand would cause an even bigger scene so she waited her turn to be called on. Werewolves were the obvious answer choice, but Nina was fairly certain the first years would have that covered. "Doctors used to believe that there was a strong connection between mania and the full moon. Thinking the moon to be an actual cause of madness and odd behaviors." Anyone who blamed their lunacy on the moon was simply trying to displace blame in Nina's opinion. All excuses.

Speaking of excuses, she ducked her head down to look at all of the grass she was spreading out. Mhm. So focused on the grass. She couldn't wait for the bright red to leave her face, it was humiliating.

Was that the best she could do?

Malachi scowled some at the lacklustre closing of the door, finding that it made him miss magic and the slamming of his class doors all the more. But, this was Castillo, perhaps he already knew there would not be a loud echo of a door slam.

As she moved to hide behind her peers once more, Malachi couldn't help but follow her feet along with his gaze. Those really were distracting, but he couldn't have her walking barefoot on the cold stones, so there was nothing else to be done. He'd just focus on her response. "A belief especially prevalent when medicine was in its infancy, yes. Very good." Newly minted doctors, limited knowledge of human anatomy. Why not blame it on a natural phenomenon.

SPOILER!!: Jones
Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
”Don’t worry Curtis. It’s fine” he replied, flashing a friendly smile and wave at the Slytherin fifth year as he bumped into him. It was true that some of the students really had taken the whole disappearing thing and forgetfulness harder than other, the headmaster being one of them, but he himself was okay about it. Sure, it worried him but he wanted to act calm even if it was just for the sake of everyone else. The last thing the teachers needed was a prefect freaking out and scaring all of the other students. ”Let me know if you need any help with anything Curtis” he added as an aside at the end. He didn’t know Curtis too well but he’d still help if he needed anything.

It seemed as though he wasn’t the only one who had had trouble finding the room too, his eyes drifting onto the downcast face of Noah briefly before moving on to out of breath face of Naya. He would have focused on the lesson as soon as it started but he was having trouble focusing on the headmaster. Nope. His attention had been drawn to the fluffy, pink bunny slippers of a one, Nina Castillo. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t help but crack and smile but held back the comment he wanted to call over to her. He wasn’t the type to rib someone in front of a whole class. Instead, the chose to head over to Avalon and draw her attention to something else. ”Hey Avalon. You’re head…it’s looking super translucent. You sure you’re feeling okay?”.

With the lesson now beginning though, his eyes moved from his fellow Ravenclaw and their way back to the translucent, and particularly sullen looking headmaster. Oh look, Nina went to the door anyway, so much for his attempt to cover up her fluffy faux pas. Aaaanyway, full moons…

Racking his brains for something from his muggle past that he might have learned, the prefect headed over to the actual moon sitting on the stage and picked up one of the paint brushes. ”Apparently, the moon can affect the tides. When I was younger, I read a muggle book that said it had something to do with gravity and the moon being full or new”. Space and planets had always interested him, even from a young age but as soon as he left muggle primary school and started at Hogwarts, that was quickly replaced by the many, many subjects here.

The first student to come join him by the moon. Malachi dipped his brush into the paint then began making even strokes while he listened to the prefect.

"Correct, Jones. The moon does affect the tides, most notably when there is a full moon when the tides are the largest." And the new moon in which they were the lowest. A good point to add, even if it wasn't what they'd be touching on.

The Headmaster would be interested to see if anyone came close but given how distracted they all were with current circumstances, he was skeptical.

SPOILER!!: Mordaunt
Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
Noah was trying his best to remember what the Headmaster as he introduced the different activities to be done. By the looks of it, they were going to have a play for the day, which was...well, highly unusual for a DADA class. The Gryffindor's ears perked at the request of closing the door, seeing it as an opportunity to let out his frustration for the day. He wanted to get back at the wonky common room door from earlier, and it would be great to vent the anger somewhere else. Noah took the first few determined steps towards the open door when an older girl got there first.

What...was that? That wasn't a hard slam AT ALL. Was she deaf? Noah gave Nina a look as she made her way past him to get down to her business. Noah however quietly continued his way towards the door, opened it again, and SLAMMED it shut with all the force and frustration he could muster. He could also swear there was a late comer on the other side. Erm. Whoops?

Turning on his heel, he blinked several times and zoned out for a moment. What was he meant to do again?

His eyes were then drawn to the dummies, and the word 'savage' came to mind. With a start, and a purposeful walk, Noah scrambled to get himself a paintbrush, red paint, and began his masterpiece by painting the eye sockets red, and allowed the paint to drip down its cheeks and chin.

And...what about the moon? What was that Slytherin girl talking about? Noah made a face, and slowly remembered the question asked by the Headmaster. "Well, we got werewolves, Headmaster..." Noah paused having trouble remembering what he knows about them. He would know because his dad is an accomplished Magizoologist, and he's got books about them, and he ought to know you know? "They...uhh...usually fully transform during a full moon... I think." Noah frowned and continued with his task, splattering red paint here and there.

Bless, Mordaunt must have read his thoughts and knew he'd been longing for the slam of the solid wood. Either that or the kid was eager. Right after Castillo had gotten it closed, he was there....doing it better.

Sometimes it just took a Gryffindor.

"Right you are, Mordaunt. Werewolves may be one of the most famous links to the full moon." It was certainly where he thought many of their thoughts would drift once they heard about the full moon. It was kind of the obvious answer.

But not the topic of the lesson. Still a good point.

SPOILER!!: Morin
Originally Posted by Sunflower View Post
Get to work? She turned her attention to the stage. As she listened to the professor's instructions - paint a large moon, make cloaks, make a corn field??? - she realised that it must be a stage for a play. Set design, interesting. She just hoped acting would not be part of this lesson. There were enough dummies that could serve as actors. Speaking of dummies, it was nice that they were inanimate for a change. They were usually responsible for attacking students in this class.

She likes corn and she forgot what the other tasks were, so she decided to help make the field. She walked over to the box indicated and took out some corns. She happened to be near Nina, who was working with the grass. Awww, those were adorable slippers! Jina was about to comment on them, when she heard the professor's question. Hmmm, phenomena associated with the full moon.

“Dog bites are also theorised to be related to the full moon, though some studies say dog bites are more common during a full moon and others say they are less common,” she said, raising the hand holding a corn. Uh … why was she holding a corn? Oh, set design. She put down her hand and resumed her task.

"Is that so?" The Headmaster asked, looking over at Morin by the corn. "Huh. I didn't know that. An interesting point, Morin."

And now he was glad his daughter had wanted a cat and not a puppy. He didn't know how much truth there was to it but didn't like taking chances when it came to his children.

Dogs and the moon held a different link in the man's head, but this one would likely stick, too.

SPOILER!!: Grimm
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Ivy wasn't sure why slamming the door was necessary, but she wasn't the closest one to the door, so she didn't have to worry about it. She did glance over as Nina got up to close the door then turned her attention back to - wait, were those slippers?

She glanced over again and, yep, they were. Were they supposed to wear those today? Had she forgotten? She scanned the classroom quickly and didn't see anyone else wearing slippers, so...okay, at least she hadn't forgotten that.

...Wait, did she even have any slippers?

The SLAM made her jump in her seat a little, and Ivy looked back over to the door again to see Noah over by the door. He'd slammed the door? But hadn't Nina already closed it? Why did he...

Ugh, nevermind.

She forced herself to focus on what the Headmaster was saying. They were putting together a set of some kind, and talking about the moon. Okay, that seemed simple enough.

Ivy got out of her seat, grabbed a paintbrush, and selected one of the dummies. They needed to look like they'd met a "savage end", huh? Not really something she'd normally paint, but she could do that. Noah had a good start already, it looked like.

Dipping her paintbrush into the red paint, she started painted on the dummy's chest. Hm...

Oh, right, the question. Stuff about the full moon. Um...

She raised her hand that wasn't busy painting. "Mooncalves will leave their burrows during a full moon."

"Right you are, Grimm." He'd been waiting for someone to mention mooncalves. There was a list of creatures he expected to be brought up before they moved on. The Headmaster was glad to see his students could make so many appropriate connections to the moon.

"Mooncalves can be seen during the full moon when they come up from their burrows. A truly magnificent sight if you get the chance."

Whenever magic came back....if it ever did.

SPOILER!!: Rasting
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

The Slytherin's eyes narrowed as his focus shifted to the younger Slytherin who had just arrived and absolutely smacked him with her bag on purpose. The worst part? He couldn't exactly retaliate. He was older and he had Missa flanking his other side and she would not approve of him doing something in response. "...I know you're not but whatever," he settled on with a firm roll of the eyes. Couldn't they go stand somewhere else and not right next to him?

W h a t e v e r.



Had that been what he had written on his skin? Was this a harvesting memo and not about this time thief lady? Rather than admit confusion and therefore defeat, the seventh year simply nodded his head to the headmaster and let the moment pass. Padding his pockets again, Eiji pulled out his remembrall that he SWORE had been red earlier but was now vacant and looked nothing more than the case from a gacha gacha machine. Cue more confusion and simply shoving THAT back into his pocket.

He was in a bit of a daze once class continued...and when he came too again he swore he had somehow ended up in the middle of a Drama Club meeting.

Painting sets and props? Excuse him?

He couldn't even focus on the question about a full moon - which, by the way, his response would have been in reference to how each planet, the moon, and the sun have corresponding metals in alchemy and the moon's was silver. Also that the ancient alchemists would suggest creating colloidal silver on nights with a full moon - because he was too busy staring at the headmaster with his mouth slightly hung open.

"...sorry, headmaster. I wasn't aware I had walked in on a Drama Club meeting. I will excuse myself," he said somewhat hurriedly.

Drama club meeting?

Was this a drama club meeting? "Quite fine, Rasting, enjoy the rest of your--" Wait a minute. The Headmaster shook his head, as if physically trying to remove the confusion that had settled.

"Hold on, this isn't the drama club. Grab a brush, some grass or some pins and get to work."

This was...class....he was about 90% sure that it was.

SPOILER!!: Jones
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath could’ve sworn the DADA lesson was supposed to be tomorrow! Fortunately for him, he just happened to be on the first floor in time to join the people he saw filing into the dueling arena before class began. He just sort of hung back, standing beside one of the taller students in case he should need to hide from a scary monster or (more likely) the headmaster later on. For some reason, he had a feeling that Trent disliked him, though he couldn’t for the life of him recall why! Then he suddenly remembered the sign he’d seen on the door upon arriving, the kelpie lesson at the start of the term, the way his own strategy failed miserably… Ugh, he never wanted to go through anything like that again!

Determined not to give the headmaster another reason to dislike him, Heath listened carefully to the directions given. He intended to close the door, hoping doing so would help him stay off the headmaster’s bad side, but some older girl beat him to it. Then somebody else slammed the door again. Okay, so much for that idea. No point in closing the door a third time!

Wait, what were they talking about again? Heath completely forgot everything the headmaster just said! Oh, right, it was something about painting and… He watched with interest as Trent pulled black cloth out of one of the boxes, and something clicked in his mind. Hold on, magic not working, stage, set design… were they doing a performance? If so, this just became the best DADA class ever! He may be useless at strategy and wandwork (even when magic was working), but set design and acting were right up his alley!

Heath picked up a paintbrush and beelined for the dummies. How was he supposed to paint them again? Right… red like blood. He painted three diagonal gashes across the dummy’s face, making the middle one longer and more pronounced than the others; its path went off the dummy’s face and all the way down its neck, ending at its shoulder. When he was finished with that, he continued painting more gashes over the dummy’s body. He was so absorbed in his work that it was only when he heard his classmates speak up that he remembered that Trent asked a question. What was it? Something about things associated with the full moon…

Heath’s mind immediately went to werewolf transformations, but that was already said. He thought for a minute. There was something else he knew about werewolves and full moons, something about mating, but what was it? Ooh, now he remembered! HIs hand shot up. “Adding on to that,” he said, nodding in acknowledgement of the other kid’s (Noah) answer about werewolves, “If two werewolves mate at the full moon while transformed, they produce a litter of wolf cubs, real wolves with almost human intelligence. That’s really rare, though. I think it’s only happened a couple of times…” Was he talking too much? Okay, he was just going to… go back to painting now.

"Not likely to be on any exam but an interesting point for your classmates to note all the same, Jones." The Headmaster replied. Yes, they were here to learn and pass their exams and be made fit for the real world but a little extra knowledge never hurt and he was sure at least a few of them would have happy for the extra information they could then file away for a boring dinner party conversation. It would certainly get people talking.

SPOILER!!: Lindsey
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Naya watched as her classmates arrived. Besides the fact that they were all see though, everyone seemed a little off. Some more so than others. But she didn’t have long to ponder the fact because class was starting. Naya stifled a laugh when the Headmaster wasn’t able to slam the door with magic. Oh well, it had to be done muggle style.

Sooo....they were being assigned work tasks today? Naya wondered where all of this was leading. Were they going to attack the dummies muggle style too? Anyway, given the choices, she chose to paint the dummies. ‘Cause painting was kind of her jam, sewing not so much. Naya went and got some red paint and a brush. Painting the dummy was going to be therapeutic and she was going to make it look extremely tragic. Picking out her dummy, the Gryffindor got to work. She dipped her brush into the red paint and began to splatter it on the dummy. This was going to be fun.

While painting away, Naya heard the question that the Headmaster posed. She raised her free hand and when called on, began to answer. “Some say that people have trouble sleeping when the moon is full.” She did not, but she had heard of this happening. Naya really agreed with Nina Castillo. People did seem to act crazy when the moon was full.....or crazier than usual.

Yet another thing he hadn't known about the full moon. This was why he liked asking questions--sometimes. The students, when they weren't being utter disappointments, actually had some interesting points of view to add.

"I did not know that." Malachi admitted easily. No shame in not knowing. Everyone didn't know until they did.

"That's something I think I may look into." In case it was affecting his own sleep without him noticing.

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
... did what? What was going on? Carsyn was the face of confusion right now as her eyes darted around the room at everyone else who seemed just as off as she was.

When the door closed - because it was hardly a slam - the sixth year glanced over to notice who it was it was Nina, wearing bunny slippers? She looked down at her own feet frowning. Was she supposed to wear slippers today too? She'd forgotten to write down that memo, but then again it seemed as if she'd forgotten a lot of things lately.

Like when she was doing prefects rounds last night, she somehow ended up in the charms classroom, forgetting it was 9 at night and not 9 am.

Wait was the question Trent had asked? He had asked something, hadn't he? Did Eiji just say something about drama club? Had she mixed her schedules up again? Wait but Naya was saying something trouble sleeping during the moon, sooo maybe the question was related to sleeping. "Sometimes, if there's a lot on your mind, you could have trouble sleeping too." Wait, that was the question, right? Why you might not sleep at night? Cause people were talking about moons and that was at night.

...."Yes." Malachi agreed with a slow nod. "It tends to be harder for one to fall asleep when their mind won't slow down enough. Now would you like to add something about the full moon?"

She'd heard the question, yes? He'd asked it? Had he?

No, no, he must have because others were responding. This memory loss was a headache in and of itself.

SPOILER!!: Grantham
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Bernie was a little bit hurt by the Headmaster's response to her INNOCENT question, and she showed this by frowning, her bottom lip even wibbling a little bit. But as soon as they moved on, she seemed to forget to be offended, and instead got excited about PAINTINGGGG!!!

Of course this Lion had to rush for a dummy and a red paintbrush, as she overly eagerly began slopping red paint on it. She wasn't TRYING to get it everywhere, but some was definitely splashing on her shoes and on the floor. Oops. Well house elves would be able to take care of that, wouldn't they?

"Mooncalves come out and dance during the full moon," Bernie offered brightly. "They make crop circles, but muggles don't know that, so they think aliens do that." Her dad was a big believer in aliens. He subscribed to the crap tabloids and everything.

"Ah yes, the famed crop circles. Muggles go crazy for those." He'd read enough and seen enough news reports. Sometimes, the stories were hilarious, other times they just left him shaking his head.

There was nothing extraterrestrial about the poor mooncalves. In fact, they lived below the earth.

Also, was it him or did Grantham seem a little too enthused about getting that dummy painted?

SPOILER!!: Mordaunt
Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
Catherine, once again, was not amused. Yes, she was annoyed, but she didn't remember why. It was probably something to do with Noah or Cecelia. That was normally it, so maybe this time it was that as well. Still, the fact she couldn't remember did not help her already bad mood, but at least it was time for Potions class.

Only it wasn't. It was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Argh. It was a good thing she was always early to classes, as she had plenty of time - just about, really - to get to the DADA classroom before her own brother slammed the door shut.


She sent him a pointed look. At least she wasn't the kid on the other side of the door, though. Still. Rude. Their father would hear about it. Only he wasn't because of the current situation. Sigh.

The Ravenclaw listened to what Headmaster Trent had to say, and her mood got slightly better as she heard they would be painting some stuff. That wasn't exactly the kind of learning she was used to doing at Hogwarts lessons, but she was up for it. She liked painting and art things in general. She was good at it. So the second-year promptly went to get a paint brush to start working on the moon right after the man himself did it.

At his question, Catherine simply listened to her classmates' answers, as usual, as she dipped the brush in the paint and started to work on the moon. She did think about the Mooncalf fact before... who had mentioned it again? Some young girl. Or boy? Shrug. Not important.

Upon Eiji Rasting saying something about Drama Club, Catherine blinked and looked from him to the paint brush she was holding. So... this wasn't Defence Against the Dark Arts? Was she supposed to be in Potions after all? Or was it Transfiguration that she had gotten mixed up just before coming to this classroom? What in the name of Merlin was going on??

Pursing her lips, the girl didn't fight the confused look on her face, yet it was fully mixed with annoyance once again. She momentarily considered getting up and leaving the room after the Slytherin, but before she moved, Heath started talking and got her attention. What he was saying was very intriguing and she didn't know that. So two werewolves could procreate and give birth to wolf cubs, real wolves with almost human intelligence!? "Fascinating." Catherine commented absentmindedly while looking at the Ravenclaw boy. She needed to look that up if she didn't forget it. Eye roll.

See? He knew Jones's answer would be of interest to some. If no one else, Mordaunt had been interested.

Was he surprised she didn't offer up an actual answer? Well, no. Did the girl ever usually? Not on purpose, not if she thought she would be heard. The Headmaster was sort of used to it by now. The important thing was that she was paying attention and she typically was.

SPOILER!!: Blaze
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Claudine watched as other figures came trickling into the arena. Of course, now that they were all weird looking like herself, it took a little while figuring out who was who. At least she had no trouble recognising Curtis but that was only because he ended up standing right next to her. Curtis,’’ she said in acknowledgement, an inclination of her head thrown into the mix.

Well, this Snakette certainly was no where close to the door so there wasn't a chance she could help with that. Aside from that… of course they had to do things manually now; of course Trent wanted them to do it. Sighing, she looked up at Curtis’ profile. “Help with the cloth stuff?’’ Without waiting for an answer, she moved over to the piles of black cloth and located a smaller box of pins. She set to work, tacking the sharp and pointy things at appropriate intervals to form cloaks to fit the various bodily forms of students. She also did her best to make sure the pins wouldn’t hurt anyone but hey, Claudine wasn’t perfect.

“I’ve heard that some persons think there’s a link between kids and the full moon,’’ the third year began, waving a hand in the air and hoping Trent would notice it. It might help that the pin held in it might catch his attention should she be too translucent. “They think the moon gets the kids hyper.’’

Load of hog wash.

"I do believe I've heard something of the sort, yes." Now that she mentioned it, it sounded like something one of his friends had told him when he and Tally first announced that they were expecting. His friends had done everything in their power to ensure he realized he was bringing a demon spawn into the world.

On some days, he now believed that.

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
While he waited for the class to begin, Minjae was staring at his own somewhat translucent arms and only looked up when he realized that the Ravenclaw Prefect was next to him. He smiled back while his mind was trying to come up with the guy’s name. Ewan right? YES! he was pretty sure. ”It was okay. Sad i didn’t get any presents though” he sighed and then looked to the right when he heard someone call his name. It sounded like Noah. Merlin’s Beard , where was he?

But before he could find him, another person caught his attention. Or rather, her slippers did. ”Hey Nina! Nice ....uh....”

What were those things called again?! Quick, Minjae! THINK!

“foot things!”

Nailed it.

Painting? crafting? This was DADA right? Now he really wasn’t sure anymore! But he wasn’t going to question it just yet. Perhaps the Headmaster has found a way to make a lesson without magic. At least the question had something to do with the subject. But he was too focused on putting the pins in the black fabrics to make the cloaks to even answer the question.

"They're called slippers, Yoon." He'd heard the struggle that came with trying to find a name for Castillo's fashion choice. "Now would you care to actually contribute an answer to the lesson?"

The moon, the full moon. Y'know, the thing his peers were currently discussing. The one he was helping to paint up on the stage. That full moon.

Ring any bells?

SPOILER!!: Amstern
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
K blinked as the door to the classroom slammed shut, and she jumped slightly. She didn't remember getting to class, or even what class this WAS ... until she noticed Headmaster Trent, of course. Right. DADA. If there was reading, she couldn't remember if it had been done or not. Let's be real, probably not.

Hearing the instructions given to the class, K glanced around to see what was already being worked on before heading over to start making the cloaks as best she could. She had zero sewing skills, so she would settle for pinning. Getting to work, she listened as her classmates answered, sighing under her breath slightly when realizing the topic was moons. What creatures?

"In Korean lore there is a creature called the Gumiho, usually a woman with the spirit of a fox who has lived for years and years and years. Some versions of the lore claim that as long as the Gumiho is able to see the full moon once a month they can keep a portion of their humanity." And not just continue to dive deep, deep into their demon like state. She'd never researched to see if there was any truth to the lore.

"That's an interesting point to add, Amstern, very good." It was a point the man actually wasn't too familiar with and now he felt it warranted some extra reading on his part. Surely there was something about it in the library. If not, he'd have to wait until they got out of this nightmare.

If they ever did....

SPOILER!!: James
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Phoebe was sitting (a little too) quietly and staring at the floor through her hands. Like it was there, but it wasn't really there but it was totally THERE. Weird. And... what was the professor talking about? Painting things and making victims and costumes? OKAY, this was the kind of class Phoebe could get behind.

She was going to make the cloaks. As a drama queen and long time cloak enthusiast, Phoebe was very well accustomed to making something out of nothing. Curtains, blanks, bath towels were all excellent cloaks. "Oh, professor, aren't there some potion ingredients that have to be harvested in a full moon?"

"Right you are, James. There are potions ingredients that can only be harvested on the night of the full moon, a few potions that can only be brewed then as well." But he wouldn't be getting too much into those. It was more up Noble's alley.

He spared an extra glance just to ensure she was getting the pinning done safely before moving on to the next student.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
What in the actual heckin' heck was going on? Aboli had worried all break how classes would go without magic, and she wondered if they'd all require useless work for professors' other schemes while they answered...questions. Cue the annoyance. With somewhat of a tongue click, she glanced over at Kimmie, the person she was seated closest to, who was going to look after the cloaks.


Aboli wasn't much of a sewer, but she'd do her best. What was the worst that could happen? She'd turn into a human pin-cushion? She'd rather that than some of the tasks Headmaster Trent had given them. She actually forgot to answer the question...what even was the question? Aboli didn't know.


Had Song already answered the question?

He...he felt like she'd already answered. Surely she must have answered and he was forgetting.

Did he mention how much of a nightmare this memory thing was??

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
Hey.. Minjae! Over here.. I know I'm translucent and all! but hey friend! Noah continued to wave, hoping his friend would notice him. He sighed, giving up, just as the Professor started the class.

SLAM went the door and Noah's pen slipped out of his hand hitting the floor. Oops. He bent down to pick it up and when he glanced up saw some colorful and fuzzy... slippers? Was she really wearing those in class? Hm. Okay. He shrugged. Each to their own, he supposed. Interesting, he'd have to ask her where he purchased those from. They were something that Matty would want to know. He wrote down a description of what they looked like because who knew if he would remember them.

Moon? Lore? Wait. What did the Headmaster expect them to do? Noah listened to his fellow peers' comments. When he heard Eji's comments, his eyebrows raised ever so slightly. Eji diiiid have point and he had to stifle a low chuckle. Heh. Props. Classic. He regained his composure when he heard Kimmie mention a myth that was somewhat familiar to him. He paused, trying to remember what he knew it from. Snapshots of his halmeoni and him sitting in the garden on a late autumn afternoon came to mind when she had mentioned such a mythical creature. A creature that could enchant the mind of the man in order to try to eat their liver... or worse.. heart...

Noah set up about to sewing the cloaks. He had picked up a few tricks from his halmeoni and eomma at home over the summer when they informed him that this was a skill that he needed to master. Merlin forbid, he ended up at a school and didn't know how to sew a button. Noah, being Noah, had bitten his lip to stop himself from saying that he could simply use magic but now... Now if they saw him, they would just smile and remind him of what a great skill he had learned. Hm... He took the thin thread and slipped it through the eye of the needle before tying it. He began sewing and then stopped when a thought materialized in his mind. "The night of a full moon is supposed to be a good night for scrying," he offered. And divination too.

Malachi continued painting his section of the moon. It was coming along nicely and would look brilliant by the time they were done with it.

Oh. Scrying. "Yes, correct. Scrying is a form of divination that depends on the full moon." Something the boy could talk to Cassie about if he was interested. He was sure she wouldn't mind. The woman would probably have tea and snaps for the Gryffindor.

Some were into that.

SPOILER!!: Simpson
Originally Posted by Weasley174 View Post
Tom raised his hand after trying to think about anything to do with a full moon. "Don't creatures come out to play then?" He had seen it in a movie once and wasn't sure what they were called but they only come out with a full moon.

"Er...." What?

"It's not so much that creatures come out to play, Simpson. They hunt, they breed, the socialize. There are many different things but I do believe in the context you've mentioned they're more likely to be hunting."

Which was certainly not playing.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Oh Rasting, you wound. "Oof. That's so hurtful." So many kids here were just! so! hurtful! And here was innocent little Nemesis just trying to live their life in the most unobtrusive way possible.

Or something.

"Sorry, sir. Slipped my mind entirely." It definitely had not. They waited oh-so-patiently, however, for the Headsman to get to the right conclusion with the name business, and then smiled bright and innocent and totally in no way like a demon spawn. "That's definitely me." Oh, the temptation to use a fake name was strong, but 95% of this class were little snitches, so there was no real point. Plus, they'd forget the fake name themselves, whereas their own name was pretty firmly lodged in their memory. Sort of. The important part, at least.

Ignoring all that business with the door, Nem's eyes instead drifted to the abominations Castillo was wearing on her feet. Merlin alive, Ezra better not get wind of the fact that there were bunny slippers actually existing in this castle. Then again, Nem couldn't recall seeing Ezra recently. Where even was that kid?

They blinked and looked around at the Headsman again, and then crossed over to the dummies. Savage end? Got you covered. They neither knew nor particularly cared exactly why they were doing it, mostly assuming that the Headsman had provided an explanation that had slipped their mind already. Grabbing a paintbrush and loading it up with red paint, Nem slashed the brush across one of the dummies, leaving a gleaming red streak. As they repeated the process, they piped up. "That's where they got the word 'lunatic', because of what Castillo said." Whatever... it was that she had said. What was the question again?


... Anyway, speaking of Castillo, they glanced over at her, and grinned. Big and cheerful, like; all friends here. "Hop to it, Neenz."

"Astute of you to make that connection, Upstead." Who's name was Nemesis but was not in fact his nemesis unless there was really something to that voice yelling in the back of his head. "For a while, it was a legit diagnosis and people could be sent off to mental institutions."

Before people got wise and realized it was a load of hogwash.

SPOILER!!: Sinclair
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Text Cut: some mentions before class
Avalon nodded back as Nina joined her. She wasn't really up for small talk this afternoon, but it was nice to have some company nonetheless. And she figured Nina would be okay with not chatting - she didn't seem like the chatty type. Her eyes lingered on the Slytherin's interesting choice of footwear for just a moment, but she quickly realized Nina's growing embarrassment. Avalon shrugged and let the girl hide behind her - she would always help a fellow gal out in a fashion emergency. "Don't worry, I went into the Great Hall last week with my pajama bottoms on underneath my robes," she said, reaching behind her to pat Nina on the arm reassuringly. "And I didn't realize it until I was halfway through breakfast."

And then Ewan was joining them, too. Avalon gave him a smile, chuckling at his comment about her translucency. "Speak for yourself, Jones," she quipped back, motioning to his translucent arm. At least they were all experiencing the weirdness together. She would be much more concerned if she was the only one who was turning paler every day and wearing pajamas during daylight hours.

Avalon flinched as the door clicked shut. It wasn't a slam or anything, but she had been completely zoning out, staring at the boxes of stuff on the stage while trying to remember if she had finished her Charms homework or not. And then she momentarily forgot what class she was in, until the noise broke her train of thought. Her eyes flicked back to the Headmaster. Right. Defense Against the Dark Arts. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her head.

As far as non-magic lessons went, this one didn't seem too bad so far. Avalon made her way over to the fabric, her mood slightly better now that she knew she'd be working with clothing. She never would have guessed that her sewing skills would come in handy for Defense Against the Dark Arts....of all classes! She joined Kimmie and Aboli, taking some pieces of cloth and carefully pinning them into place before adding to the discussion. "Some legends say that magic in general is stronger during a full moon," she said as she began sewing the fabric. Avalon didn't believe it, but she knew that some old stories talked about witches and wizards experiencing a magical surge during a full moon.

"It's true and for a while now there's been a school of thought along those lines as well as wizards who've dedicated their lives to the study."

He himself didn't believe it but he was not a scientist and didn't want to put in such dedication. In his own experience, there was hardly a difference.

Or perhaps it was that he wasn't playing close enough attention.

SPOILER!!: Thiese
Originally Posted by Destiny View Post
At least Headmaster Professor could appreciate a GREAT joke when he heard one!

If only she could remember what it was she had even said.

She would have written it down, to use at another time! But, seeing as the lesson was beginning, with the slamming of the door, she figured there would be plenty of time for other jokes later. And after hearing everything Professor Headmaster said, she had already come up with one.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts and Crafts." Bwahaha!

Flora let out a LAUGH, because it was funny, guys, before moving over to the big box of corn. She was supposed to be doing something with that corn, right? And answering a question? "I heard there are frogs on the moon. I don't know what they do up there, though."

Also.. The dueling arena was a weird place to have lunch, wasn't it? The Gryffindor took a piece of corn out of the box and bit into it. Was it even cooked? Gosh.

This one....just....


He didn't know where to begin. Perhaps with, "I assure you, Thiese, there are no frogs on the moon." Which he would apparently have to follow up with, "And the corn is for decorating, not eating." Why he HAD to explain that he wouldn't even question; not when it came to this one.

With Thiese, everything was normal, as a rule.

Malachi looked around to see the progress of the students. With so many of them working, things were coming along well and after just a bit more time, he dare say it was time to start setting things into motion.

"You've all mentioned some good links to the full moon and I hope you've been listening carefully to the responses of your classmates." There may or may not be a test at the end of the week. This may or may not have be dependent on if he remembered when the time came. "In a moment, we'll get into what we'll be covering in this lesson but for now, we need to get everything set up."

Malachi got up off the ground and turned to face them all.

"I'll need this moon hoisted up using the rope here. It's a three kid job. Need the candles all blown out, the curtains drawn. The tall grass and corn I need set up like a cornfield." Were they following along so far? "The dummies need to be dragged out into the "field". I need everyone to grab a cloak after and one of the flashlights from this box. Get a mask, too but don't put them on."

Who knew Schmoe's box of muggle gadgets would come in handy?

"Let's get to it, shall we?"

OOC: Hey folks!! This reply is a little late so sorry about that <3

This is the mini activity of the lesson. There are a few things for your characters to do and they can work together or alone. They must do the last item on the list and at least two of the other things Malachi listed.

For reference:
  • Hoist the moon into the air with the rope (only three students please)
  • Blow out the candles around the arena
  • Get the curtains drawn
  • Use the corn and tall grass to create a cornfield
  • Drag the dummies into the "field"
  • Grab a cloak, flashlight and mask

We'll be moving on again in 48-72 hours and of course Trent will be around to help with set up ^^
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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Old 06-14-2020, 12:19 PM   #43 (permalink)
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She wasn't really concerned with the moon frogs anymore.

And even though Professor Headmaster had said he could ASSURE her there were no frogs ON the moon, she chose not to believe him. HOW did he even know, huh? Had HE ever been ON the MOON? And if he HAD, why would he ever leave!? He probably wouldn't have been half invisible if he had stayed there.

The moon probably had better tasting corn, too. The Gryffindor was still eating it, though. It might've only needed some butter. Maybe a little salt. Or maybe.. it wasn't supposed to be CONSUMED.


Flora tossed the half eaten corn back into the box, you know, all the way down to the bottom so no one could see that it was half eaten even though the whole class had probably already saw her eat it not to mention the Professor Headmaster had told HER not to eat it, before standing up and moving away from it. She wasn't going to be making the field, no way. She would, most likely, forget she wasn't supposed to eat the corn and eat it again, and instead, got to work with blowing out the candles around the room.


"IS IT MY BIRTHDAY!?" Is that why she as blowing out candles!? She was making so many wishes!

____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________
ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
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Old 06-14-2020, 01:26 PM   #44 (permalink)

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Default Been here all along...moon hoisting volunteer
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SPOILER!!: First question catching up

Cole had managed to slip into the dueling arena before the door had been closed. It took a while to get used to the candle-lit room but when he did, he made his way over to where Headmaster Trent was standing creepily translucent next to the stage. It wasn't halloween yet right? "Afternoon Headmaster Trent!" Cole chirped cheerily in greeting. The lesson soon got started and he immediatley knew what he wanted to help with; the painting of the moon. Pulling his robesleeves up Cole made his way up on the stage to get started on the painting saying with a look over his shoulder at Headmaster Trent. "Unicorn blood glows a silvery-blue when seen in the moonlight and there are some plants and ingredients that need to be harvested during a full moon or they won't have any affect." Turning his eyes ahead Cole walked up the last few meters onto the stage and got started on painting the moon. He was pretty satisfied with the end result. Hopefully Headmaster Trent would be pleased, but Cole couldn't remember why he wished that.

Cole had been listening to his classmates very carefully but he couldn't right this minute remember anything they had said about the full moon. It wasn't anything to worry about probably, right? Anywho moving on, they we're getting practical. Raising his hand high in the air Cole called out to his peers as he took up position next to the rope. "I'm volunteering to hoist the mooooooooon. Who want's to help me?" Spotting the corn in one of the boxes, Cole momentarily left the rope to take a piece of corn that he plucked into his mouth, to quench the hunger pang he felt. Chewing on it he grimaced and spit it out. "Ewwwwww raw corn tastes dreadfully." He wasn't hungry anymore.
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Old 06-14-2020, 03:42 PM   #45 (permalink)

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She continued arranging the corns as she listened to her classmates' responses. There were some interesting points! However, when the professor wrapped up the question she realised that she could not remember a single answer, not even her own. She hoped there would not be a test on this - she planned to revise the topic again using her textbook and notes, but her revisions were quite ineffective nowadays. After all the instructions were given, she decided to resume her task. She took some more corns from the box and added them to the cornfield she was creating. When she went back to the box, she was startled to see a few Gryffindors eating the corns. What the ...? She could not remember the exact words Professor Trent said, but she was pretty sure that was not what they were supposed to do. She reached into the box and pulled out a few more corns. One of them felt different somehow ... "Urgh!!! Ewww, there's a half eaten corn in here." She yelled and tossed it into the bin.

Her enthusiasm for building the cornfield now gone, she decided to move on to a different activity. The most noticeable things in the arena were the dummies that were uh, bleeding. They were supposed to have died in the cornfield, yeah? She took one by the arms and dragged it into the field. She observed it for a while from above and manipulated the limbs this way and that to try to get the most dramatic look.

Soon she was pleased with her work. She walked back to get another dummy, but was distracted by another box in her way. This one did not contain corns. She pulled out a flashlight from it and checked that it worked. This reminded her of the last set of instructions that the professor gave. Something about getting a flashlight. And ... cloak and mask! She grabbed the two items quickly before she might forget.
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Old 06-14-2020, 06:29 PM   #46 (permalink)

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It was super weird hearing Trent request that someone else shut the door. Although she hadn't realized it, she'd grown accustomed to starting off class with a bang. Literally. She was across the room from the door, so somebody else could get it. Anyway... Did he say they were painting today? She couldn't decide if that was better or worse than just sitting through a lecture.

Couldn't they just shove all this to the side and wait until they were rescued from the agony of this magicless world they were currently suffering through? Made better sense to her, but nobody had asked for her opinion on things. She definitely wasn't volunteering for the sewing, though.

As Isla got up to heard toward the moon painting station, Trent tossed a question their way. She raised a translucent hand and gestured toward Claudine. "I've heard that, too," she said. "My teacher at muggle primary school used to say that she could tell by our behavior that it was a full moon." She wasn't sure if that was true or not, because they class always seemed to something no matter what the moon looked like.

Since she was already at the moon painting station, she figured she might as well help with hoisting up the moon. She wouldn't be opposed to hopefully having some older, stronger kids join her. Oh, look...Cole was here to save the day! "I'll help you, Cole," she said. Now, they just needed one more volunteer, right?
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Old 06-14-2020, 07:16 PM   #47 (permalink)
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A Poop * k8 *

Aboli was making some progress with the cloaks. Pinning here and there...they actually didn't look TOO bad. It was almost so routine that her mind was able to freely drift, feel at ease. That was until Trent mentioned all the stuff they had all mentioned...SHOOT.



Oh gosh.


The Slytherin turned pink as she realized her folly, a feeling of unease rising in her chest. Anxiety, was it? She hated it. She also HATED not knowing what was going on. Luckily, he had some stuff for them to do....and she really did NOT even know what this class was about. When...have I EVER tuned something out this much?! OKay..okay...fake it til you make it, right, Boli-boo? She took a few deep breaths. It didn't help that she hadn't taken notes due to the nature of this lesson. From now on, she WAS GOING TO BE ADAMANT ABOUT DOING SO.

He was barking instructions like a military sergeant. She hoped she remembered all of it O_O First, though, she looked at Avalon. "Wanna' make some of the field, then drag the dummies?" she asked before going to grab some of the .... corn. That was not cooked. So why was that bloke trying to eat it? She bundled some of the tall grass and corns together in her arms before moving to prop them up to make a "field". How fascinating. She took her time setting them up, too, until she was satisfied she had a small section of the field set up. Others were setting up the field, too, so she thought she'd go drag some of the ole' dummies over. They looked light, but if they were pretty solid they might be heavy.

She couldn't help thinking how much she had taken magic for granted before. This really stunk, didn't it?
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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Old 06-14-2020, 07:19 PM   #48 (permalink)

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Carsyn was zoning out again as soon as she answered the question. Add something about the full moon? It occurred once a month, unless there were two full moons in a month and the second was called a BLUE MOON, which was weird, cause it was not BLUE.

But they were moving on and was Cole and Flora EATING the corn?? Were they supposed to?? She hadn't recalled Trent saying anything about eating the corn but then again, she seemed to be missing a lot of things lately.

Why were they hoisting a fake moon up? Would this all be made clear soon because if the morning was any indication, the Gryffindor was highly doubtful.

"I'll help you with the moon hoisting too," She nodded over at Cole and Isla. "Um ... What exactly are we doing?"

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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Old 06-14-2020, 09:16 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Minjae shrugged his shoulders as the Headmaster corrected him and looked up momentarily from his work to look at him. "Sure , Professor" he said as he was asked to contribute something to the class as well. He opened his mouth to say his answer before he frowned and closed it again "....what was the question again?" he asked. Why was he so unfocused lately? He normally had no trouble answering questions in this class so why was he now? Perhaps he was under more stress than he originally thought he was.


Minjae picked up the black cloak he himself had made earlier and wrapped it around him while also choosing a mask and flashlight before moving towards the curtains at the windows in the far back of the room. He took out his wand, waved it once to close the curtains when he remembered that magic did not work. Sighing, he put his wand back and reached for the curtains with his hands before drawing them.

Minjae turned back around to look at the rest of the students working on their things. It seemed as if they were going to practice a performance and once again he wondered if perhaps he had stepped in the wrong class and that this was not DADA.

Taking a seat on the stage in the back, Minjae continued to watch as the others worked.
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Old 06-15-2020, 12:16 AM   #50 (permalink)
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x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

So, it turned out the information Claudine had heard regarding the moon and kids was heard by Trent too. Isla also. She herself certainly did not believe it: kids were little monsters everyday of the year. Had she been listening carefully to the others? Yes and no. In case Trent forgot, she was working on a very important task here. Well, not important to her.

- ___-

Good golly. More tasks? Sheesh.

Claudine finished off the last cloak she had been working on before going to help Minjae and the others work on the curtains. In the process, she also worked on blowing out the candles that happened to be not too far from the curtains she drew. It was a quick and effective way to get things done. In other words: work smart, not hard.

Once she was done, the girl grabbed a cloak that fit her okay-ish. See, it was a little big for her as the sleeves went past her hands. Whatever. Mask? Check. Torchlight? Check.

What now?
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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