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A bit confused about the plot? Housemates talking about a mysterious something going bump in the night? Here's where YOU can post and catch up on happenings around the castle and in Hogsmeade -- out of character, of course.
This means that unless your student character heard this stuff from other students or witnessed the actual event, your student character doesn't know about it.
Also, this is a reminder to everyone to only post updates on the school plot here. Please do not post the happenings of your student character in here unless it is related to the plot; that should go in the Wizarding World chat thread.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster - Prof. Malachi Trent (DaniDiNardo)
School Staff Ancient Runes - Prof. Jordan Strum (NPC) Arithmancy - Prof. Princeton Garrett (NPC) Astronomy - Prof. Simran Sandhu (laurange) CoMC - Mathys de Nostredame (Mathys de Nostredame) Charms - Prof. Pierson Fuller-Thompson (sarahlooo) DADA - Prof. Malachi Trent (DaniDiNardo) Divination - Prof. Angela Suxton (NPC) Flying - Prof. Andrew Burke (NPC) Herbology - Prof. Gurgustrius Rainwater (Shanners) History of Magic - Prof. Gabriela Recard (Lissy Longbottom) Muggle Studies - Prof. Finneas Schmoe (ArianaBlack) Potions - Prof. Ignatius Noble (hermygirl) Transfiguration - Prof. Carwyn Eris (Stormdancer)
Caretaker - House Elves Librarian - Prof. Carwyn Eris (Stormdancer) Groundskeeper - Prof. Pierson Fuller-Thompson (sarahlooo) Healer - Prof. Gabriela Recard (Lissy Longbottom)
School Poltergeist - Peeves School Ghost - Moaning Myrtle House Elves - Algamus, Argyle, Beezley, Nimma, Pips, Quirly, Schmoop, Tinka, Tippin, Toddles
Head Boy - Gunnar McCarthy (emjay) Head Girl - Sue Donym (NPC)
Gryffindor House Ghost - Nearly Headless Nick Head of House - Prof. Simran Sandhu (laurange) House Prefects - Carsyn Rose (PhoenixRising), Lucas Dakest (hermionesclone) House Captain - Tomás García (NPC)
Hufflepuff House Ghost - Fat Friar Head of House - Prof. Ignatius Noble (hermygirl) House Prefects - Jason Lewis (NPC), Carys Rose (SilverTiger) House Captain - Francis Geralds (NPC)
Ravenclaw House Ghost - Grey Lady Head of House - Prof. Finneas Schmoe (ArianaBlack) House Prefects - Missa Renaldi (Samia), Ewan Jones (GD2204) House Captain - Freya Nielsen (NPC)
Slytherin House Ghost - Bloody Baron Head of House - Prof. Pierson Fuller-Thompson (sarahlooo) House Prefects - Jillian Kim (hjhm), Gunnar McCarthy (emjay) House Captain - Jack Byrne (NPC)
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Hoggies in a state, huh? Let's begin the new term then!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
His girlfriend. Huh. He’d have to contact her the next time the school was having an event. Could prove useful.
Malachi nodded along as Eris expressed his confidence they would get the place cleaned but half his attention was on Chosen...down there...leaning across the table in a manner that left the man thinking he was up to no good. After the abysmal summer, the man could only hope the boy was simply happy to see his schoolmates and not, in fact, trying to give him more grey hairs so soon.
In any case, he couldn’t worry about the Gryffindor right this second because it was time to give the speech and get the feast under way.
As was his usual, Trent lifted his goblet and knocked at the side with his fork to gain their attention—amplified to be above the general clatter of the Great Hall. Once he was sure he had their attention, he lowered it back to the table.
“Good evening, everyone. Welcome back! For our new students, welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I imagine I speak for everyone when I say it’s good to be back. Just a few things before we enjoy the sumptuous feast the elves have prepared.” Because there were always things to be discussed. “The castle is...in a state. You’ll all more or less get a good eyeful by the time you get back to your common rooms for the night. It’s nothing to be alarmed over and is to be expected with the castle having been essentially abandoned for the year. What it means for us all is that we’ll be doing our fair share of cleaning to help the elves right this place once more. No groans, it’s not up for debate.” And honestly wasn’t worth it. It was just a bit of cleaning up. Not like sharing a castle with the French. Surely they would see it wasn’t as big a deal.
“We have a few new members joining staff. From right to left, Professor De Nostredame will be your Care of Magical Creatures Professor. He’s not entirely new to many of you, but new to Hogwarts so let’s make him feel welcomed. Professor Recard will be your History of Magic Professor and Healer. Should you find yourself in need of bandaging after an il advised stunt, you can find her in the Hospital Wing—let’s keep that to a minimum though, hmm?” Merlin knew there would be other things to contend with. It was Hogwarts, there was always something. Professor Rainwater will instruct you in Herbology and Professor Eris will double as Transfiguration Professor and Librarian.” He thought he was done with that portion of things until he remembered. “Oh! I’m not entirely sure how to say this but Professor Schmoe will take over the role of Ravenclaw Head of House. Good luck, Ravenclaw. Take good care of him.” The man wasn’t incompetent, just...unorthodox and in need of guidance sometimes on things that should’ve been obvious. He’d be fine. They’d be fine.
“Now before I end this speech, I have a few things to keep in mind. There’s a forest on the edge of the school grounds. Most of you know it, the new among you don’t. In our time away from this castle, the title and its implication has not changed. The Forbidden Forest is still quite forbidden. Find yourself in there and if you aren’t subsequently eaten, you will wish you were. Classes begin promptly tomorrow morning at 8. I don’t recommend any of you staying up too late, being tardy is not acceptable. Now then, let’s eat!”
With a clap of his hands, the tables became well stocked with the most succulent of meals; a true feast. Malachi sank back into his seat, ready to enjoy.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Helga Hufflepuff has left her portrait and is now roaming the castle!
Originally Posted by Helga_Hufflepuff
How she was out of her portrait, one Ms Helga Hufflepuff didn’t know. She also didn’t care to ask too many questions but she was loving it! Though, her gorgeous castle seemed dustier than she remembered it being. She’d blame the mist -no wait. What had Sir Cadogan said that mist had been? In the excitement of her own unlimited movement, Helga couldn’t remember what had infested the castle but it didn’t matter.
She wanted to see the great llyn and the valley around the school. Air on her face. Yes, air. But truly. Was there anything so wonderful as to be free? Taking long, leisurely steps through the corridors Helga didn’t think so. She couldn’t remember feeling so alive, so vibrant. Twisting around to survey the castle, she hummed.
Students are too thin! Obviously, they need food! Turning on her heel, Helga Hufflepuff detoured from her path heading towards the Entrance Hall and headed towards the kitchen instead. Snacks were needed! Meat pies, roasted nuts, cheeses, breads, apples, chicken drumsticks and perhaps some dried fruits. Mmmmmmmm. She was hungry just thinking about the food she would hand out to the students who were studying.
Food was needed for thinking!
Humming happily, she continued on her journey to the kitchen before she met a student and smiled at them. “I’m going to the kitchen for food, my dear. Snacks are calling!”
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
^ Helga's not the only, it seems We've got a Godric on the grounds!!!
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
HA HA! Freedom! The portrait frame was no longer a match for the likes of him. It had been a long battle, one he did not know he would have been able to win. They said he was crazy. They said he was just a painting.
Godric Gryffindor was giddy with triumph. He could hardly believe that he was once again walking through the place he had helped to erect. He had broken the barrier. Or more like the barrier had loosened but he liked the sound of his own victory much MUCH better.
Gryffindor sauntered out to the courtyard, saluting nearly all he passed, embracing a few that wore the scarlet and gold as well. It was such marvelous news!
[b]"You there!"[/n] He boomed to those currently in the courtyard. "Come! Celebrate with me! It's to be a grand event! Quickly! Quickly! We don't have time to waste! Prepare yourselves for a new era!" There was so much to do with his new found freedom.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Someone go talk to Roberta....
Originally Posted by Portraits
LE SIGH. Things were so incredibly BORING around here, which was such a shame because you'd think with the students being back, it would be like a 24/7 soap opera! But NOPE! No one ever looked at the portrait of the small blonde witch, with perfectly styled curls and a blue ribbon in her hair, because that stupid Sir Cadogan was so loud and demanded everyone's attention. The setting of her portrait - her comfortable, but utterly boring English cottage in the countryside - didn't help. No one ever paid her any attention. She just wanted some entertainment! Some socialization!
So, the young blonde witch - whose name was Roberta, not that anyone had ever bothered to ask - was perched on the side of her frame, making very LOUD and obnoxious HUFFING noises any time anyone passed. Someone come talk to her!
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
The Fat Lady is standing in the flesh outside her portrait!
Originally Posted by Portraits
It was a marvelous day and SHE had a new serenade to share with the entire castle. Shrilly but (self-proclaimed) sweetly, the Fat Lady belted out her latest opera anthem just around the time the sun had risen in a nearby window to signal the end of that period's lessons.
Where was her adoring audience? They had no hope of getting past her to their dear common room without a listen and worthy praise!
Originally Posted by Portraits
Unfortunately for the little Miss before her, the Fat Lady's voice became more and more shrill as the song went on. And as she became more shrill, so too did her volume increase. The wave was noted AND very much appreciated, though not nearly as appreciated as applause would have been.
"Well don't just STAND there. Show some proper respect and ------"
But before the Fat Lady could finish her sentence, there was a blindly flash of white light ... the Gryffindor fifth year was no longer standing in front of the portrait.
.......she was INSIDE it.
.....and the Fat Lady standing, her back to the frame, where the girl once had. Outside of her portrait and in the flesh.
"....HOW RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!" she sang shrilly. "Where did she go?!"
GRYFFINDOR's House Founder GODRIC is causing a ruckus in the dueling arena!
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
HERE IT WAS!! Looks like he still—more or less—knew his way around his former castle. This wasn’t incredibly difficult to find once he’d gotten lost or pointed in the right direction enough.. He only hoped the students he’d been fast walking with had managed to keep up. He thought he might have lost them somewhere along the walk but he couldn’t be sure. There were so many students. So many looking like they’d seen a ghost BUT HE WAS NOT DEAD. He was here in the flesh. The glorious flesh!!
Unbeknownst to the former portrait, there was a charm placed on the arena. It went unnoticed given his current make up and not...actually being any sort of being the charm would be looking for.
As a result, Godric Gryffindor paraded into the duelling arena with all the determined confidence in the world.
Now where to start?
“We’ll need to move the benches there.” He pointed to whoever would walk in, tap their name and listen. “This entire floor here will need to be raised—yes, a high duel! It will be marvellous!”
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
Ah another to be wearing the scarlet and gold! Perhaps he’d won out in the end without even knowing it. The school must surely have prioritised enrolling those with bravery and daring. If he still had a heart it would be swelling in his chest. But there was no time, just as there was no time for questions. This new girl was here and that boy from early had managed to keep up.
“No time for questions, dear. It doesn’t matter how I’m alive, all that matters is that I am and that you’ll help me plan this most magnificent of spectacles! We’ll host a duel the likes this school has never seen!”
Once they got this place fixed up.
“Get your wands out, there’s work to be done. Blast the seats over there. They are in the way and wholly unnecessary. Once we remove them, we can make more fitting arrangements.”
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
“Good work! Excellent work!” Godric applauded with much enthusiasm and appreciation for the pair that had gotten straight to work. The stands already began to crumble beneath their explosions. He suspected a couple more and the place would be appropriately levelled. That was...until the shield charm.
“What in the...?” Godric’s eye’s narrowed at the boy by the door. The one who dared question him while wearing those. “You will speak to me with RESPECT, Slytherin! Your blood status holds no sway with me, I am a Godric Gryffindor. You will not enter here and dismantle the work we have set out to do. Away with you now! If you won’t help, you will leave!”
Ever since that misguided Salazar Slytherin began letting that misguided lot into the castle it had all gone downhill. Cunning devils without a shred of honour. Watch how he could only talk big from so far away. Why didn’t he come closer? His sword and the boy could have proper words.
“Fret not, noble lions. Your work is true and just. We’ll continue heedless of this...pansy.”
Now where were they. Oh! Yes! “The stands on that side will need to go, too.” He paused, catching a glimpse of those green robes again from the corner of his eyes. “Begone, I say, unless you’re prepared for a fight.”
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
Why couldn't all children be as willing to take charge and do what needed to be done as these students here. Look at them go. He would surely have to reward them when this was all done and over with.
That boy on the other hand....he deserved a different sort of treatment. Unicorn blood?
"You dare question my character?! No, sir, you've gone too far!" Godric pulled for the sword in his belt and brandished it. "I have warned you of the course of action you should take should you not decide to be of help. Now you accuse me of such a foul act?"
Was he not expected to to defend his honour?
This boy, this boy...
"Wands at the ready, students. We'll show him."
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
"NOT TODAY, SLYTHERIN!" Godric bellowed, side stepping the obvious disarming spell the boy had tried to use on him. The man brandished his sword once he straightened, done with the gracious warnings he'd thus far given the boy who had--gasp called in his Slytherin backup!
"Coward! You cannot fight me alone?" He had half a mind to....? Call the Headmaster? Just like that, the man whirled on his little Gryffindor follower. [b]"You do not NEED the Headmaster. "I am the Headmaster now!"
He was the founder. He was back. This school was his now.
And he would not be tolerating insolence for much longer. He would go to the source. Salazar was surely lurking around here somewhere. It was the only explanation for his brood showing up to try to get in his way. The fool, even now he tried to oppose him in the smallest matters. "Defend the arena, I shan't be long." He declared to his Gryffindors before heading to the door. "Out of my way! Out!" He swung his sword to clear a path before storming out of the arena.
He would find Salazar Slytherin, bring him back and they would settle this.
He wouldn't be gone long, they just needed to keep working.
And it looks like another portrait; Roberta has switched places with two more students. What is going on?
Originally Posted by Portraits
LE SIGH. Things were so incredibly BORING around here, which was such a shame because you'd think with the students being back, it would be like a 24/7 soap opera! But NOPE! No one ever looked at the portrait of the small blonde witch, with perfectly styled curls and a blue ribbon in her hair, because that stupid Sir Cadogan was so loud and demanded everyone's attention. The setting of her portrait - her comfortable, but utterly boring English cottage in the countryside - didn't help. No one ever paid her any attention. She just wanted some entertainment! Some socialization!
So, the young blonde witch - whose name was Roberta, not that anyone had ever bothered to ask - was perched on the side of her frame, making very LOUD and obnoxious HUFFING noises any time anyone passed. Someone come talk to her!
Originally Posted by Portraits
Roberta looked at the boy who approached her frame, eager at first to have a conversation with him. Then, he went and said THAT, and he sounded...annoyed with her? She was doing NOTHING annoying of the sort! She was just minding her own business in the frame!
"I'm TRYING to be entertained here and quite frankly, you Hogwarts students are failing to do so. Miserably," she told him, flipping her blonde curls over her shoulder.
She looked at the newcomer, who at least had the decency to ask how she was doing today. "Thank you for asking! No one ever asks!" Roberta said dramatically, leaning against her frame and touching her hand to her forehead for added emphasis on how exhausting this all was.
Then, suddenly, in a bright flash of light enveloped the corridor, and when it faded seconds later - Roberta was standing in the corridor, in front of her frame, looking around in confusion.
As for the boy and girl? They were BOTH currently inhabiting her painting - standing right there, in front of her English cottage, utterly trapped by the canvas.
Originally Posted by Portraits
The young girl blinked, staring at her hands and slowly turning in a circle as she took in her surroundings. What had happened?! One second she had been trapped in the portrait and now...she was in the corridor!
Oh, and the two students - the RUDE one and the nice one - were trapped in her painting! How peculiar. Quite frankly, the boy deserved this.
Roberta remained relatively calm - she heard the girl ACCUSE her of somehow being behind this! She was just as rude as the boy!
"I did NO such thing! I am innocent!" Roberta said, stomping her foot in irritation.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
back into the portrait she goes
Originally Posted by Portraits
Oh she would love to serenade him into the night if he would let her...
Such thoughts were distracted by her most favorite sound in the entire world: applause.
"Oh thank you, THANK YOU!" she chortled while waving her hands oh-so-graciously as she took a bow. Or two. Or three. Several. This would all be much better if roses were also being thrown at her feet but she could make due with this for now.
The apology from the girl [Granger Danger] was naturally accepted. Something easily done with praise and applause included. "Oh it is ALL about the diaphragm," she chirped at the little lioness. "Here. I'll show you how it's done. Let me just step back inside so I can align you into proper posture and we'll do a set of breathing exercises together followed by some vocal training..."
Hoisting her long white silk garb up, the Fat Lady stepped back into the portrait. Though as soon as she had the same white light struck, blinding the entire area for a few fleeting seconds, and then everything was as it had been.
The Fat Lady was back in her portrait, alone, and the girl standing outside of it beside the Headmaster.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
He didn't know how it happened, and quite frankly, he didn't care. It was best not to ask questions when you got what you wanted anyway. The most important thing was that he, Salazar Slytherin, was finally free of the infernal canvas that had held him back for so long...and he had unfinished business to tend to.
Standards had plummeted in these stone walls. His new freedom brought him the ability to finally do something about it. This time, he'd show the others what it meant to be worthy.
He ran his fingers through his long white beard, a smirk curling on his lips, as he turned away from the entrance hall and along the dungeon corridor. Much time had past since he'd last walked these halls, but the dungeons were his territory; no snide comments from the portraits followed him as he continued along the corridor.
There was much work to be done, but he knew where to start. His kind needed him. No more would they be held back by the shortcomings of others. He alone could help get them where they deserved to be.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
And we have a Rowena Ravenclaw up on the seventh floor:
Originally Posted by Rowena_Ravenclaw
It was a strange feeling, being free from her portrait. She wasn't quite sure how it happened, but one moment she had been locked in a frame, and the next... she was standing in the corridor of the school that she had helped build so long ago. Rowena looked around, her dark hair flowing over her shoulders. One might even mistake her for her daughter, Helena, if they don't look too closely. Her skin was rather pale, after all.
The woman began walking down the corridor, her footsteps echoing through the hall. Her elegant, blue dress flowed behind her. It was curious, the whole thing. It was something she would figure out, but for now... a good walk around the castle sounded pleasant. It had been a while since she had been able to stretch her legs this much.
And then she was going to see about the academia's current state. She hoped everyone had good grades.
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
Helga Hufflepuff spotted.
Originally Posted by Helga_Hufflepuff
Oh dear! Helga couldn't believe how thin and sickly the poor students were! It was clear that they were being starved at school! Helga could not stand by and let this continue. Students needed food for energy. How did they plan on succeeding in their classes without sustenance? She had to intervene. It was her duty.
It would seem only fit that she ought to take matters into her own hands. Helga walked into the Great Hall, taking in the smell of food with a deep breath. She needed to get to the bottom of this mystery at once! Why were students so thin? She marched right inside and looked around.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
This should be entertaining
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
Gryffindor had seen about all he cared to see. They were ruining his school! The students were being trained like powder puffs. He himself had suffered insult after insult and felt it was now time to take matters into his own hands. The other founders all agreed. Now they simply needed to get the rest of the castle on their side, one way or another.
Brazen as ever, Godric let himself into the creature man’s hut. A professor here that was not educated here. It was an insult on the entire system and everything Hogwarts stood for. It was time to start cleaning this place up.
Sword drawn, he placed it just about the man’s face as he stood over his bed in the dead of night.
“Up! Up, I say! We must have words and we must have them now. Up, intruder and face your fate.”
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
...and this as well!
Originally Posted by Salazar_Slytherin
The man was living out here like an animal! Should he be surprised, though? Salazar had seen enough of this school to know that there were many, many problems that needed to be taken care of. Trent was running this school into the ground, and while he would deal with THAT man in ample time - he had other plans for this evening.
He marched right up to the hut that the Slytherin Head of House occupied and pounded on the door. "Fuller! Come out here at once! We have very important things to discuss!" he shouted. Luckily for him, he didn't feel cold - being a portrait and all - so he could stand out here all night if he needed to, waiting for the man to open the door.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
And now we know what Godric Gryffindor is up to in Nostredame's cabin!
Originally Posted by Mathys de Nostredame
Mathys could expect many things to rise him from his turbulent slumbers and had prepared himself for several emergency situations. A sword to his face, the tip of the blade just barely grazing his nose, was not on the list. In fact, anyone entering his chambers at this hour was simply unfathomable. He had made absolutely certain of that.
So it was only natural that his first thoughts upon waking were of utter confusion, followed by a few choice exclamations in French.
Uncertain as to whether or not he was awake or experiencing a fever dream, his arm moved subtly to reach beneath his pillow for his wand.
"Intrudair? Zat would be you," he snarled, his eyes struggling to adjust to the darkness surrounding them. He could barely make out the mane of hair belonging to Godric Gryffindor, the man backlit by the pale light of the moon creeping through his closed curtains. Though even so he did not immediately come to the conclusion that that was who was looming over his bed. Why would he? "Who are you? How did you break my enchantments?"
His fingers brushed against his wand and curled around it.
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
”Hah!” He barked. “I laugh at your little enchantments. They cannot stop the great Godric Gryffindor. Your Headmaster ought to have told you that.” But there was a lot Trent had let fall along the wayside. A lot that only the founders could fix.
“Now I’ll tell you again to be up. Prepare to leave this mighty castle. Only those who have received the finest education.” A Hogwarts education using guidelines he and his colleagues had set centuries ago, “can think to educate the young wizards and witches of the future. Out! Out with the likes of you, Sir.”
His sword eased away by the smallest degree. “However, you shall be spared if you join us. Your transgressions we can overlook but you must help us retake what is rightfully ours. Our school. In case the man had been wondering. Was he awake yet? This was serious business. To sleep at a time like this, unheard of. “Rouse yourself, Frenchman and we will see to a new order at Hogwarts. The original order. As things should be. We will remove Trent with or without your help. You’d best choose carefully lest you wish to have an unpleasant time within these walls.”
He wants to remove Trent as Headmaster!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Salazar Slytherin wants to make some drastic changes to Slytherin house.
Originally Posted by Salazar_Slytherin
At least this one had the right mind to be respectful towards him. All the other professors he had encountered, Trent included, seemed to have forgotten their manners. Ignoring the child entirely - he didn't even bother to wonder why he was being invited in for dinner - he stepped up to Fuller, standing up at his full height to try and seem intimidating.
"Well, for starters - we need to discuss the state of our house," he said. Truly it was HIS house, but this man WAS the one that they had put in charge of it. And honestly? He'd done an awful job in the post. Absolutely awful! Now it was up to Salazar to fix it, obviously, but there was a lot to be done to get them to where they need to be. And he wasn't the only one in such a distressing situation.
"Slytherin was founded on the grounds that we accept only the BEST pureblood witches and wizards and clearly, this has not been the case as of late," he told him as he pushed aside and entered the cabin uninvited. "A complete purge of the house is in order."
He paused and looked around the hut, taking it in. Hmm. This could work. This could definitely work. "I will need you to vacate this cabin at once. I'll be using it as lodging while I figure out how to get my house back on track," he informed him. This was, truthfully, the LAST office he wanted to occupy. He would much rather have something with a view - and in the castle. However, this man was the supposed Head of his house...it was basically in his job description to do what was best for the house. Right now, it was leaving this dingy place to him so he could have a place to rest and think about how he was going to do this.
Besides, no one would miss having to visit Fuller in this disgusting hut. Salazar was sure of it.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Oh no
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
Try to get the better of him, did he?
As Godric was kicked away, he swung his sword with all the might of Gryffindor. Reject his benevolent offer would he? Well he could have a bite of his sword. The man straightened, his sword pointed at where a nasty little wound surely now was. "I have been kind with you and you did not heed me. You and all who oppose will find themselves with far more than that little scratch." Godric wiggled his sword in the direction of the slash in indication of what he meant.
"Mark my words, the next time you see me you will wish you hadn't." Oh how he would wish.
"Leave this place while I still allow you to."
And with that, Gryffindor spun on his heels and stormed from the hut, seething as it were. He could take this castle himself if he had to!
Originally Posted by Mathys de Nostredame
There was no time for Mathys to avoid the blade as it came down and despite his efforts to roll out of its projected path, the blow struck true. Though the French man refused to give this impostor the satisfaction of hearing him groan, there was no denying the pain it felt from the deep wound in his chest as warm crimson leaked from the line across it.
This Godric Gryffindor need not worry, Mathys already wished he had not seen this monstrosity and it was unlikely that the would be a second encounter. Especially if he did not make his way to the hospital wing.
Opting to save his strength, he offered no witty quip in return and instead watched in temporary defeat as the crimson clad menace stormed out of his cabin. Teeth bared, he rolled on to his side and made some attempt with his silk sheets to create a compress to the wound before adjusting his grip on his wand and conjured his Indian roller patronus which then went flying off towards the hospital wing for aid.
Originally Posted by Mathys de Nostredame
Zipping and swooping all the way from the Care of Magical Creatures professor's cabin was a lone silvery Indian roller whose wings would find no rest until it beseeches the healer.
"Madame Recard! Madame Recard!" came the strained voice of one Mathys de Nostredame from the tiny bird's beak. "Dépêche toi s'il te plaît. I have been slain by a sword and am bleedeeng out een my cahbeen! Dé-----dé----dépêche-----"
But the message did not complete itself and the silvery bird dissipated into thin air.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Imagine Salazar cleaning up poop
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Our house? OUR house. Hah. And - what, sorry, was he trying to stand TALLER than him? He was trying to look intimidating, wasn't he? This old guy? Please. Piers could probably just punch the old fart in the throat and win. But anyway, he wasn't really there to fight Salazar Slytherin.
He was going to negotiate. Play the game. The Slytherin game of self preservation.
"Ah, yes... a purge," Piers said coolly, going along with the man's ideas. He wasn't about to disagree because he didn't really want to be on the receiving end of said purge. "And what do you say we do with those who are considered... unworthy?" Right? Was he speaking the same language as the old guy here?
The cabin, though... aside from his actual baby, the cabin was his baby. It was his home away from home. His sanctuary. His little tiny resort on the grounds so he didn't have to feel entrapped inside a little office within the castle. "Oh, no, sir, you deserve much better living quarters. Take the office on the third floor. It's actually much nicer than this dump, I have just have to live out here because of my Groundskeeping duties. Besides, I wouldn't want to subject you to looking after the dogs." Piers gestured to the dog pen beside the cabin where all five dogs sat at the fence, staring at the two men conversing. "That's a lot of poop to pick up." And Salazar Slytherin didn't pick up POOP, did he?
Originally Posted by Salazar_Slytherin
Salazar shook his head, making himself comfortable in a chair by the door and straightening out his robes as he crossed his legs. "That isn't anything you need to concern yourself with," he assured him in regards to his question about the OTHER children. "They won't be a loss, really - as they never should have been allowed in the house to begin with!" he exclaimed.
At the next thing that came out of his mouth...Salazar raised an eyebrow. "You have ANOTHER office?" he asked in shock. How did this man get not one, but TWO quarters all to himself? Merlins beard. This place had gone to the dogs. Speaking of...
Salazar JUMPED right up on to his feet, eyes wide and an absolutely disgusted look upon his face. "Poop? POOP?!" he exclaimed. How DARE he even suggest that he would be picking up dog excrement?! He was obviously not taking this seriously at all!
"I see now that this is an absolute WASTE of my time. I don't know why I even bothered," he grumbled, rolling his eyes and strolling back to the door. "Things are about to change around here - mark my words!" he gave one last vague threat to the man before turning on his heel and marching out of the door and back into the night.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
A sound echos through the entire castle. It charries the voice of none other than the Headmaster himself. Best do what it said.
"All students report to the courtyard for an emergency assembly. Please begin making your way over there as quickly as possible. This is non-negotiable."
Thankfully, they would've just been finishing up their last lessons of the afternoon because a disruption was the last thing he needed for their sake.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
and now we know what the assembly was about
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Calm as anything, Malachi made his way to the courtyard, ushering along any students he happened to see straggling along the way. He’d meant what he said when he called this an emergency. He’d meant what he said about it being non-negotiable.
The founders had to go.
“Thank you for your prompt response.” He said once he took his place at the head of the crowd. He wouldn’t go screaming or wailing, he didn’t need to to get his point across. “As you’ve no doubt noticed, our founders—a term used loosely here— have been walking around. Relatively harmless as they’ve been, it’s time we send them back as it seems they’ve developed their own ideas of how the school should be run.” They wanted to take it but there was no need to frighten the children.
“It may seem a small inconvenience, but you’ll have with equal certainty noticed that Professor De Nostredame is no longer with us. He’s recovering at Mungo’s following a run in with Gryffindor’s sword. We cannot allow them to stay and create further problems that could become increasingly worse.” And from what he’d heard, it would be getting worse.
“We’ll first need to find their portraits, then we’ll pop them back in. Shouldn’t take too long then we can head to dinner, but...to be sure...we will find them before dinner.” In case anyone missed it, they weren’t having dinner til this was sorted.
“We’ll break into three teams. One set will be with me, another with Professor Noble and a third set with Professor Recard.” The choice was theirs. “And of course, if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to respond.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
From the battlements... Gryffindor is offering help?????
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
“No need.” Gryffindor walked out onto the battlements, both arms raised in sign he came in peace. “Lower your wands, I’m merely here to help.” The sword still in its holster should have been sign enough of that. His own reputation would no doubt aid in reassuring them. Afterall, he was the great, chivalrous Godric Gryffindor. Was there ever a more trustworthy man?
”Yes yes, here to help. I couldn’t but overhear your talk of speaking with portraits and the like but there is no need when you have me.” The man began making shooing motions, gesturing the students back to their search. “You’ve bested us. You’ve found the hiding place of our portraits. I know when to give up the ghost. The portraits are out here.”
Here to help. Very helpful. Har!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Hufflepuff with baked good for the kids?
Originally Posted by Helga_Hufflepuff
Helga came bounding in from behind. "Hello, dears," she wore a sweeping smile as she made her way to the front of the group. "Who wants a cupcake?!?!" They all did. They ALL wanted cupcakes. She could tell. Which is why she did not wait for an answer before starting on the left side of the room and handing them out one by one, taking no refusal.
"One for you, one for you, one for you.." They were all growing children. Why did Hogwarts deprive them of food? "A BIG one for you," she took one boy's [SweetPinkPixie] hand to give him the largest of the bunch whilst giving him a most sympathetic look. He was too twiggy. Cupcakes would help.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Hear ye, hear ye!
Originally Posted by Portraits
The castle had been sooooo boring lately but not today, today there was juicy gossip and for once, Mildred was smack in the middle of it.
“I’ll alert the masses!” The once silent portrait piped up, so excited to finally have a reason to slip out of her frame. It wasn’t the same as the founders, but frame hopping to chat with the Fat Lady was a pass time of hers.
She knew what she was doing.
In a second, the frame was empty and the portrait was off. She was soooo telling.
Originally Posted by Portraits
“EXTRA EXTRA, read all about it! Oh heavens, who has the time for that?! Mildred shoved her way into the portrait frame of an old, bearded man, heedless of his huffing and puffing. “News! Darlings, I’ve got news.” Mildred, not needing to catch her breath, still found reason to pause dramatically. How often did she get to be the whistle blower?
“Come quickly, they’ve found them! They found the portrait frames down in the underground chambers! Go quickly! I need to find the others! Go go!”
When she was done, she would go see the Fat Lady and tell her all about today’s adventure.
Originally Posted by Portraits
“Oh for heaven’s sake!”It had taken so long to find this set, longer than she had liked though truly not that long at all and here they were trying to play at swords. “Hellooooooo.” She called from just outside the entrance, having shoved her way into the frame of a little girl hung just so.
“Yoohoooooo! If you’re done playing, the group in the underground chamber have found the portraits! Hurry, hurry now. I’ll need the conclusion to go gabbing with my girl pals.”
Who liked an unfinished story? Not Mildred.
Why were they still standing around?
The portraits are in the basement of Hogwarts!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
^ update on that: The portrait founders didn't wish to be set on fire, and so they RAN into their frames. The professors then sealed them inside.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
SPOILER!!: Before the speech
Plans? Oh, yes, he had those. "I'll be getting as far away from the U.K. as possibly possible for as long as possible." The years at this school were starting to take their toll on him. When it wasn't everything-eating pink puffballs that students were secretly feeding, it was giant man eating spiders and students who couldn't follow rules, or painted dead people trying to usurp the castle.
In hindsight, the man almost wished he'd let them. See how they handled it when things hit the fan and they were suddenly the only ones in charge of fixing it. Godric....would likely decide to charge head first, and get everyone who could still be killed, killed.
He gave Piers a knowing look. The pair had nearly lost their lives for unruly Second Years and beyond that, he couldn't imagine being stuck in a castle with a son like Curtis--no offense to the man, but Malachi would be happy to not see that one for a while. His own son was, by comparison, a delight. Speaking of children, Malachi leaned over some to get a look at Gus's own set. "Would that they stayed that size forever." If only, if only.
"I'm inclined to agree with Gabriela. A well earned rest even if you will be missed."
They all deserved a rest and there was no need to keep anyone waiting any longer.
As was his m/o, Malachi rose to his feet and tapped on the edge of his goblet (magnifying the sound) to gain the attention of the students who were also likely itching to get their summers started.
"I'd like everyone's attention for a moment." The Headmaster paused to give them time to settle. "We've made it through another term here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and before I say anything else, I'd personally like to thank everyone who didn't force me to give them a detention or any variation of point loss. At the end of the day, you're the real winners here." There had been a flare up of bad behaviour while in France, one that he didn't expect to get worse when they returned to the castle and yet....yet, how many detentions had he and others held this term?
"To those on the other side of that compliment, I'm gonna need you to do better." And soon.
"Congratulations are in order for Gryffindor. They've won the house cup by some great miracle given all the points they've lost this term." And a tight smile. Could they tell how unimpressed he was with their overall performance this term? Could they all tell? He did initiate the applause, however. Praise where praise was due was always something he believed in. They'd won, fair and square. He wouldn't take that much from them.
"As a little heads up for you, Professor De Nostredame is making a speedy recovery, however he will not be returning come September. Similarly, our dear Professor Simran will also not be returning." Another necessary pause for reactions and the like. "We'll also be saying goodbye to our Seventh Years. This is it, kids--well, I don't suppose I can call you kids anymore. You've grown throughout your time here. I'm not worried about the future for most of you and like to hope that when you set out on the Hogwarts Express for the last time in the morning, you'll remember all you've learned here and be able to apply them in your daily lives. Good luck out there." Most of them would be missed. Most.
"For the rest of you, while I will encourage you to keep up on some studying this summer, I'd also like you to have some fun. It's been another hectic year for us all and a little R&R never hurt anyone. Now then, let's eat!" The Headmaster clapped his hands in finality then sunk back into his seat. On cue, the food began to appear.
He was starving.
And despite all the efforts of those of us who tried to lose points, earn detention, and give the Headmaster grey hair, Gryffindor STILL WON the House Cup and technically nobody died.
Happy summer, y'all!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind