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If you came here looking for Professor Rainwater, you're in luck. He's easily found in one of the greenhouses tending to a plant, a forgotten homework project or preparing for his next lesson. The greenhouses are a mixture of both chaotic and organised. Professor Rainwater has kept the greenhouses split by ability, but since bringing his vast collection of plants with him, there were a few in the wrong places and pots on floors and double stacked shelves. He plans to get around to it, but there's probably something new that has cropped up for him.
There is a notice on each door with a listing of the plants available in each greenhouse along with a timetable detailing once a week where Professor Rainwater is guaranteed to be in a certain greenhouse. This won't be the only time he's in each one, but one that you can be certain to find him there.
Learn safe, plant smart and know that all of Professor Rainwater's personal plants love being sang to.
OOC: Here's a basic guide of what you might find in each greenhouse; please remember to play realistically based on your character's age and skill level!
Credit for the layout of the Greenhouses go to previous Herbology Professors, BanaBatGirl and kayquilz <3
Current Listing of Plants Available to Student Care/Experimentation
Greenhouse One: basics
Any and all mundane flowers
Bouncing Bulbs
Fanged Geraniums
Honking Daffodils
Color Changing Roses
Greenhouse Two: plants commonly used in potion-making
Abyssinian Shrivelfigs
Chinese Chomping Cabbage
Various Mundane Herbs & Fungi
Greenhouse Three: upperclassmen
Flesh-Eating Fir
Mimbulus Mimbletonia
Stubby Purple Coral
Gravity Resistant Trees
Greenhouse Four: permission required
Devil's Snare
Bunbury's Marvelous Malignant Gillyweed Maze [from Lesson Two of Term 22]
Venemous Tentacula
Numerous Mundane "Carnivorous" Plants/Vines
Greenhouse Five: classroom and Professor Rainwater's office
The thread for Professor Rainwater's office is HERE
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Another weekend, another time to open Rainwater Daycare. BRIGHT and EARLY on Saturday morning, Gus cleared out Greenhouse Five from his classes the day before and the room was full of cribs, stacks of nappies and lots and lots of baby clothes.
He was armed with a sign in sheet for the babies so he knew their given names and could return them later if their parent didn't show up for them. This wasn't an orphanage. It was a daycare and Professor Rainwater would make sure your child was gifted back at the worst of times. Crying, with a dirty nappy and right before curfew. Good luck sleeping, teens.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Yet again, Claudine was tasked with keeping Christopher. This time, she didn't taken up the responsibility in a disgruntled manner. He had completely grown on her and she was used to him. Secretly, she was sure that she liked having him around despite her introvert personality. And since it was the weekend, Cole would be around for a bit to take care of Christopher. However, Cole was studying for OWLs at the same time which balancing both responsibilities kind of difficult. It didn't matter, Claudine would take Christopher as much as needed.
"Hi, Professor.'' The second year was now looking up at Rainwater. Did she mention that she was pleased he was the one running the daycare? Aside from Rainwater, she would choose Eris. “Christopher promises to be on his best behaviour today.”
Stella had some homework and studying to get done, life of being a fifth year wasn't fun that was for sure, she didn't know how she managed it but she did. As the end of the year was getting closer and closer, Stella decided a little more studying was needed. Although she talked it over with Oceanus and he thought it was a good idea, they needed to get some studying and homework done. With Caspian snuggled in his wrap she headed towards the Greenhouses. She felt kinda weird leaving Caspian, she has grown rather attached to him.
Walking in she looked around and smiled, Professor Rainwater sure went all out on this, she was glad to have some help in this. "Hello Professor, how are you this morning?" she asked him curiously. " Thanks for doing this Professor means alot, I promise Caspian will be on his best behavior for you."
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
It was funny how Chloe had told him he would be a good father yet he still had no name for the doll. Well, technically the doll had one as he had to write something down when he took him but "Kiddo" had been a name he had found funny and he had never thought he would actually be serious with this assignment.
But although he was one of the few who actually enjoyed taking care of the baby, he needed to catch up on his sleep. Last night had been the third night in a row he had stayed up in order to put the crying baby to sleep and to feed it and it was taking its toll on him.
So when he heard about the day care, he made sure to use it in times that he really needed it. Like now. The fourth year had wrapped the baby in a big scarf to keep him warm and held it against him while he entered to the day care. "Hiya Professor" he greeted with a wave of his free hand. He might dislike Herbology class but he had nothing against the man himself. "You do realize what you're getting yourself into right?" he asked. Multiple crying baby dolls and stuff. "I can help out sometimes if it gets too much! Someone already told me i'm good at this!" But first ...sleep.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Yet again, Claudine was tasked with keeping Christopher. This time, she didn't taken up the responsibility in a disgruntled manner. He had completely grown on her and she was used to him. Secretly, she was sure that she liked having him around despite her introvert personality. And since it was the weekend, Cole would be around for a bit to take care of Christopher. However, Cole was studying for OWLs at the same time which balancing both responsibilities kind of difficult. It didn't matter, Claudine would take Christopher as much as needed.
"Hi, Professor.'' The second year was now looking up at Rainwater. Did she mention that she was pleased he was the one running the daycare? Aside from Rainwater, she would choose Eris. “Christopher promises to be on his best behaviour today.”
His own little one was asleep in one of the cribs herself and Gus was struggling to not go over there and watch the little doll sleep. He loved when babies were this small. He loved when they slept and ate and cried and then did it all over again. He loved changing nappies. And he especially loved helping out with other babies that weren't his. He grinned as Claudine came into the greenhouse with her schmoe baby.
"Hi Claudine!!" He lifted his clipboard, filling in that the baby's name was Christopher and that he was to be returned to Miss Blaze should she not come to collect him. "I'm sure he will be! Does he have any favourite songs? Any quirks?" He just wanted the BEST for Christopher, okay?
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
Stella had some homework and studying to get done, life of being a fifth year wasn't fun that was for sure, she didn't know how she managed it but she did. As the end of the year was getting closer and closer, Stella decided a little more studying was needed. Although she talked it over with Oceanus and he thought it was a good idea, they needed to get some studying and homework done. With Caspian snuggled in his wrap she headed towards the Greenhouses. She felt kinda weird leaving Caspian, she has grown rather attached to him.
Walking in she looked around and smiled, Professor Rainwater sure went all out on this, she was glad to have some help in this. "Hello Professor, how are you this morning?" she asked him curiously. " Thanks for doing this Professor means alot, I promise Caspian will be on his best behavior for you."
"Stella! Hi!" It was weird that he was so excited about these teenagers having babies around the school, but he knew they weren't real... so he was just excited for the baby fever. And it made him feel better about missing his actual children and his youngest baby keeping him up all night and his older kids climbing into bed at 2am and pretending they had nightmares.
Gus added Caspian onto the list he had. "Anything he likes especially? Anything I should know? DOES HE LIKE THEATRE?!"
Chill, Gurgustius. It was a doll.
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
It was funny how Chloe had told him he would be a good father yet he still had no name for the doll. Well, technically the doll had one as he had to write something down when he took him but "Kiddo" had been a name he had found funny and he had never thought he would actually be serious with this assignment.
But although he was one of the few who actually enjoyed taking care of the baby, he needed to catch up on his sleep. Last night had been the third night in a row he had stayed up in order to put the crying baby to sleep and to feed it and it was taking its toll on him.
So when he heard about the day care, he made sure to use it in times that he really needed it. Like now. The fourth year had wrapped the baby in a big scarf to keep him warm and held it against him while he entered to the day care. "Hiya Professor" he greeted with a wave of his free hand. He might dislike Herbology class but he had nothing against the man himself. "You do realize what you're getting yourself into right?" he asked. Multiple crying baby dolls and stuff. "I can help out sometimes if it gets too much! Someone already told me i'm good at this!" But first ...sleep.
Did he realise what he was getting himself into? Gus laughed lightly, shrugging. "Surprisingly, I'm excited to spend my day with a lot of babies." It...actually wasn't surprising at all, but Gus liked to pretend that it was. It made him feel less like a weirdo. And more like a LOVING FATHER, WHICH HE WAS. OH HOW HE MISSED HIS BABIES!!!!!! His Schmoe-daughter was perfect, but she didn't quite have the hair pulling skills of his youngest.
"Help would be wonderful when you're not studying, son. NOW. Who do we have here and what are their likes and dislikes?"
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Shanners
Did he realise what he was getting himself into? Gus laughed lightly, shrugging. "Surprisingly, I'm excited to spend my day with a lot of babies." It...actually wasn't surprising at all, but Gus liked to pretend that it was. It made him feel less like a weirdo. And more like a LOVING FATHER, WHICH HE WAS. OH HOW HE MISSED HIS BABIES!!!!!! His Schmoe-daughter was perfect, but she didn't quite have the hair pulling skills of his youngest.
"Help would be wonderful when you're not studying, son. NOW. Who do we have here and what are their likes and dislikes?"
"You must really like babies then" he said with a small laugh. Minjae realized with this assignment that he had a soft spot for babies and he sometimes had to remember that the doll in his arms was a fake. "Professor, do you have children? Not the dolls of course i mean real children?" he asked as he looked up curiously.
"aww really? studying is overrated, sir" he said, looking completely serious before he let out a small laugh. "Just kidding" not really... "I'll keep that in mind" no he won't.
Studying. Ha!
"This is ..." how was he supposed to tell him that he had named the doll Kiddo for fun?! "Kiddo" ....well that went easier than he had expected. "I couldn't think of a proper name and i still want to change it but ..." he let out a deep sigh. "Naming babies is hard!" he whined. "Anyways, he really likes it when you hold him and he's facing the world" Minjae said as he demonstrated what he meant by turning the baby around. "He also likes to touch things and its probably unnecessary but i usually tell him what the things are that he's touching." he didn't know if that was a normal thing to do but he did it. "He probably doesn't understand but..." hey he was only fourteen and had zero experience with this. He was making it up as he went.
"He also likes it when you play peekaboo behind your hands but he will cry if you make funny faces so don't do that" unless he wanted a crying baby of course. But he doubted that... "What else?" he muttered as he tried to think of something.
Eniola was beyond ready for a break, she had half a mind to just leave the thing here if it hadn't been for the grade she'd get. So far she'd managed not to completely kill or maim the child somehow, showing great restraint she thought. Eni may be a Hufflepuff, but that doesn't mean she liked kids this age. No, Hufflepuffs were severely misrepresented with all this love stuff.
"This is Chucky. Yes, like the demon doll. True to the name. Good luck, keep it away from knives, I'm sure it'd find a way." She held it out like it was trying to poison her even then. It was just a doll, but Eni didn't take well to the personal attack on her sleep schedule or the lack of studying she'd been able to get done lately. She couldn't wait to be rid of this thing. "Thanks for setting this up, Professor."
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
"Stella! Hi!" It was weird that he was so excited about these teenagers having babies around the school, but he knew they weren't real... so he was just excited for the baby fever. And it made him feel better about missing his actual children and his youngest baby keeping him up all night and his older kids climbing into bed at 2am and pretending they had nightmares.
Gus added Caspian onto the list he had. "Anything he likes especially? Anything I should know? DOES HE LIKE THEATRE?!"
Chill, Gurgustius. It was a doll.
"Hello Professor, lovely day isn't it?" she asked him giving him a soft warm smile. She have to remind herself to take Caspian out before it gets too dark for them to be out. He loved being outside and by plants, trees and flowers, despite him not being real he really was a mixture of Oceanus and her. She didn't want to leave him but she had studying to do.
Stella chuckled and nodded. "He loves Shakespeare so anything like that will do, just nothing too bloody to make him cry, he loves Disney movies and loves being outside and Greenhouse one." As she said this she looked down at Caspian lovingly. "I brought his favorite blankie and bear he doesn't sleep without these, oh... and he likes the sounds of waves crashing the ocean it helps him sleep when he's fussy."
Beezley was not enjoying the babies and she was seen pulling her ears more and more as the stress of the cry and wanting to help was getting to her. As she cleaned one of the common rooms the notice board showed the daycare and Beezley popped right to the greenhouse.
"Beezley came to help with the babies master, Beezley can be good with babies."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rainwater! <3
Originally Posted by Shanners
His own little one was asleep in one of the cribs herself and Gus was struggling to not go over there and watch the little doll sleep. He loved when babies were this small. He loved when they slept and ate and cried and then did it all over again. He loved changing nappies. And he especially loved helping out with other babies that weren't his. He grinned as Claudine came into the greenhouse with her schmoe baby.
"Hi Claudine!!" He lifted his clipboard, filling in that the baby's name was Christopher and that he was to be returned to Miss Blaze should she not come to collect him. "I'm sure he will be! Does he have any favourite songs? Any quirks?" He just wanted the BEST for Christopher, okay?
You know when you’re in the presence of someone and their vibe just affects you? Rainwater’s was like that at the moment and Claudine found herself being put into a very good mood. As she had no intention of abandoning Christopher, she didn’t find the need to remind Rainwater that Cole was the co-parent. “He loves Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars… that Muggle rhyme. Do you know it? Oh, when you sing it, you’ll have to do some actions. It helps if you conjure up a fake, glittery star.’’ Claudine tickled under Christopher’s chin. Really, this doll was so life-like, it was difficult to remember otherwise.
“He was fed a few minutes ago so he’ll drift right off to sleep soon.’’ The appearance of a house elf delighted her and Claudine wondered if he or she would be assisting Rainwater. “Is there anything else, Professor?’’
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
"You must really like babies then" he said with a small laugh. Minjae realized with this assignment that he had a soft spot for babies and he sometimes had to remember that the doll in his arms was a fake. "Professor, do you have children? Not the dolls of course i mean real children?" he asked as he looked up curiously.
"aww really? studying is overrated, sir" he said, looking completely serious before he let out a small laugh. "Just kidding" not really... "I'll keep that in mind" no he won't.
Studying. Ha!
"This is ..." how was he supposed to tell him that he had named the doll Kiddo for fun?! "Kiddo" ....well that went easier than he had expected. "I couldn't think of a proper name and i still want to change it but ..." he let out a deep sigh. "Naming babies is hard!" he whined. "Anyways, he really likes it when you hold him and he's facing the world" Minjae said as he demonstrated what he meant by turning the baby around. "He also likes to touch things and its probably unnecessary but i usually tell him what the things are that he's touching." he didn't know if that was a normal thing to do but he did it. "He probably doesn't understand but..." hey he was only fourteen and had zero experience with this. He was making it up as he went.
"He also likes it when you play peekaboo behind your hands but he will cry if you make funny faces so don't do that" unless he wanted a crying baby of course. But he doubted that... "What else?" he muttered as he tried to think of something.
Gus made a sort of squeaking sound and he grinned! "I have THREE! Three little ones that are ALL mine mine mine. Oh, I love them. So much. They're perfect. Would you like to see PICTURES?!" He had them. He had a lot of them. Potentially in the hundreds or thousands. He was one of THOSE parents. He cried at the small things, he sobbed at the class assemblies and concerts they'd been in and his heart shattered and burst into fireworks when he saw one of the three of them smile.
"He'll be safe with me, son. I'll take good care of him today."
Originally Posted by gritandgrace
Eniola was beyond ready for a break, she had half a mind to just leave the thing here if it hadn't been for the grade she'd get. So far she'd managed not to completely kill or maim the child somehow, showing great restraint she thought. Eni may be a Hufflepuff, but that doesn't mean she liked kids this age. No, Hufflepuffs were severely misrepresented with all this love stuff.
"This is Chucky. Yes, like the demon doll. True to the name. Good luck, keep it away from knives, I'm sure it'd find a way." She held it out like it was trying to poison her even then. It was just a doll, but Eni didn't take well to the personal attack on her sleep schedule or the lack of studying she'd been able to get done lately. She couldn't wait to be rid of this thing. "Thanks for setting this up, Professor."
Now, Gus was used to a lot. Teaching, tutoring and all his years of life had prepared him for a lot of things. But not this. Not..........well..........hm......... He only wrote 'Chuck' on the filing he had and then a line of question marks because he wasn't going to call this child by it's full name. This was going to be one he'd talk to Finneas about tonight. "I'm not sure that's appropriate at all, Eniola. But... I'll take care of Chuck today. I'm not sure you're getting the full concept of the project. Perhaps you should speak to Professor Schmoe."
And perhaps Chuck needed a new student parent.
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
"Hello Professor, lovely day isn't it?" she asked him giving him a soft warm smile. She have to remind herself to take Caspian out before it gets too dark for them to be out. He loved being outside and by plants, trees and flowers, despite him not being real he really was a mixture of Oceanus and her. She didn't want to leave him but she had studying to do.
Stella chuckled and nodded. "He loves Shakespeare so anything like that will do, just nothing too bloody to make him cry, he loves Disney movies and loves being outside and Greenhouse one." As she said this she looked down at Caspian lovingly. "I brought his favorite blankie and bear he doesn't sleep without these, oh... and he likes the sounds of waves crashing the ocean it helps him sleep when he's fussy."
A lovely day? Gus GRINNED. "It's always a lovely day when you get to spend it with a group of wonderful little ones!!! Do you have many plans for your child free time?" He loved knowing what the students thought was important enough to spent their days doing without the kiddos. They probably had different ideas of priority in that sense.
"I'll make sure the only Shakespeare he hears is appropriate, Stella. Pick a crib and put him down with his things."
Originally Posted by Beezley
Beezley was not enjoying the babies and she was seen pulling her ears more and more as the stress of the cry and wanting to help was getting to her. As she cleaned one of the common rooms the notice board showed the daycare and Beezley popped right to the greenhouse.
"Beezley came to help with the babies master, Beezley can be good with babies."
Ah. Someone had joined them without their own little one. With a smile, Gus gave a wave to the house elf. "Good morning, Beezley! I'd love some help! Anything you like doing specifically?"
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
You know when you’re in the presence of someone and their vibe just affects you? Rainwater’s was like that at the moment and Claudine found herself being put into a very good mood. As she had no intention of abandoning Christopher, she didn’t find the need to remind Rainwater that Cole was the co-parent. “He loves Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars… that Muggle rhyme. Do you know it? Oh, when you sing it, you’ll have to do some actions. It helps if you conjure up a fake, glittery star.’’ Claudine tickled under Christopher’s chin. Really, this doll was so life-like, it was difficult to remember otherwise.
“He was fed a few minutes ago so he’ll drift right off to sleep soon.’’ The appearance of a house elf delighted her and Claudine wondered if he or she would be assisting Rainwater. “Is there anything else, Professor?’’
Did he know Twinkle Twinkle? Gus was almost OFFENDED at the thought that he might not. "Claudine, I have my own three children. Of course I know Twinkle Twinkle. And of course I know the importance of actions and a star!!" Did she need to see it to believe it? Was she worried that he wouldn't be nearly as good as she was at entertaining Christopher? Because he was a born performer and a trained one, too. HE WAS THE TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR KING OK !!!!!!!
"Pop him into a crib, then and you can go enjoy the rest of your day." Because Gus was here to take care of the little one.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Shanners
Gus made a sort of squeaking sound and he grinned! "I have THREE! Three little ones that are ALL mine mine mine. Oh, I love them. So much. They're perfect. Would you like to see PICTURES?!" He had them. He had a lot of them. Potentially in the hundreds or thousands. He was one of THOSE parents. He cried at the small things, he sobbed at the class assemblies and concerts they'd been in and his heart shattered and burst into fireworks when he saw one of the three of them smile.
"He'll be safe with me, son. I'll take good care of him today."
While he handed Kiddo over to him, Minjae felt both a sense of relief now that he could finally have some sleep and a sudden feeling of ...loneliness? Was that possible? ..........
Oh boy, Minjae was immediately regretting his question. The pure excitement in the professor's tone when he talked about his own children made him feel slightly embarrassed. And when he was asked to see pictures, all he wanted to do was lie and say he still had some homework to do. which wasn't a complete lie. But he looked so happy that it was difficult for him to say no. It was one of his pet peeves when someone was being negative over someone elses happiness. "uhm...S-sure" he said eventually because what other choice did he have?
Please don't have multiple photo albums...please...
Last edited by DuckyLinJi; 03-02-2020 at 05:36 PM.
Beezley looked around at the babies and the students. This was a weird sight in all her days being at the school the students never had little ones too. Her big eyes went to the professor as she grew happier with his words.
"Beezley loves babies master, Beezley would do anything the master would like her to do to help. Beezley can feed or rock them."
Could she hold one of them now? Her big eyes went to the students to see if they minded.
A lovely day? Gus GRINNED. "It's always a lovely day when you get to spend it with a group of wonderful little ones!!! Do you have many plans for your child free time?" He loved knowing what the students thought was important enough to spent their days doing without the kiddos. They probably had different ideas of priority in that sense.
"I'll make sure the only Shakespeare he hears is appropriate, Stella. Pick a crib and put him down with his things."
Originally Posted by Beezley
Beezley looked around at the babies and the students. This was a weird sight in all her days being at the school the students never had little ones too. Her big eyes went to the professor as she grew happier with his words.
"Beezley loves babies master, Beezley would do anything the master would like her to do to help. Beezley can feed or rock them."
Could she hold one of them now? Her big eyes went to the students to see if they minded.
Stella smiled. "Indeed it is, I just love spending time with him, he brightens my day!" Was she taking this assignment a bit too seriously? Maybe she was, but she wanted to be the best mum to her 'fake' baby that she possibly could. Besides this assignment prepared her for what was truly yet to come someday. "Well... I got some studying and homework to do, but afterwards I might spend some time outside by the lake seeing how it's so nice." Although a nice picnic with her and Oceanus sounded nice.
Stella nodded as he started to cry. "Aw... it's ok little man, mummy will only be gone for alittle while I promise." Taking him in her arms she rocked him singing.
"Oh the waves roll low
And the waves roll high and so it goes
Under a bright blue endless sky
Waves try to measure
The days that we treasure
Wave hello and wave goodbye."
Seeing him falling asleep she smiled softly to him. "He loves when I sing that to him, my mum used to sing it to me as well, its from the Little Mermaid Ariel's beginning." Seeing Beezley she smiled at her. "Beezley would you like to hold him? He's alseep but he's a heavy sleeper, if he awaken just rock him back to sleep with ocean waves." Taking Caspian's stuff she placed it in one of the cribs frowning.
Last edited by Granger Danger; 03-04-2020 at 07:26 AM.
Stella smiled. "Indeed it is, I just love spending time with him, he brightens my day!" Was she taking this assignment a bit too seriously? Maybe she was, but she wanted to be the best mum to her 'fake' baby that she possibly could. Besides this assignment prepared her for what was truly yet to come someday. "Well... I got some studying and homework to do, but afterwards I might spend some time outside by the lake seeing how it's so nice." Although a nice picnic with her and Oceanus sounded nice.
Stella nodded as he started to cry. "Aw... it's ok little man, mummy will only be gone for alittle while I promise." Taking him in her arms she rocked him singing.
"Oh the waves roll low
And the waves roll high and so it goes
Under a bright blue endless sky
Waves try to measure
The days that we treasure
Wave hello and wave goodbye."
Seeing him falling asleep she smiled softly to him. "He loves when I sing that to him, my mum used to sing it to me as well, its from the Little Mermaid Ariel's beginning." Seeing Beezley she smiled at her. "Beezley would you like to hold him? He's alseep but he's a heavy sleeper, if he awaken just rock him back to sleep with ocean waves." Taking Caspian's stuff she placed it in one of the cribs frowning.
Her eyes showed the joy as one of the students wanted her to hold their baby. "Beezley will take very good care of the baby, Beezley promises the misses. Beezley will be the best elf sitter you have ever seen."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rainwaterrr <3
Originally Posted by Shanners
Did he know Twinkle Twinkle? Gus was almost OFFENDED at the thought that he might not. "Claudine, I have my own three children. Of course I know Twinkle Twinkle. And of course I know the importance of actions and a star!!" Did she need to see it to believe it? Was she worried that he wouldn't be nearly as good as she was at entertaining Christopher? Because he was a born performer and a trained one, too. HE WAS THE TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR KING OK !!!!!!!
"Pop him into a crib, then and you can go enjoy the rest of your day." Because Gus was here to take care of the little one.
Three kids.
What Claudine was most relieved to hear was that Rainwater knew the muggle rhyme and was quite prepared to do the actions along with it. She was quite tempted to ask him to perform the entire thing so that she could ensure that said performance lived up to Christopher’s expectation.
Temptation won.
“I believe you, Professor. But can you give Christopher and I a demonstration? If he’s not happy, he’ll spend most of his time crying loudly instead of being on his best behaviour.’’ Claudine didn’t need to go into details of what mayhem that could cause, did she? The other ‘kids’ would be disturbed, Rainwater would spend all of his attention on Christopher etc. She shifted the baby in her arms, waiting to see if the man would oblige them.