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Duelling Arena When not being used for some of your Defense lessons, the duelling arena is available for those who want to get in a bit of extra training. There are several dummies available for you to have a go at, as well as a bookshelf to the far corner filled with resources should you decide to get in a bit of extra study. |
Hi hey hello, come help? HERE IT WAS!! Looks like he still—more or less—knew his way around his former castle. This wasn’t incredibly difficult to find once he’d gotten lost or pointed in the right direction enough.. He only hoped the students he’d been fast walking with had managed to keep up. He thought he might have lost them somewhere along the walk but he couldn’t be sure. There were so many students. So many looking like they’d seen a ghost BUT HE WAS NOT DEAD. He was here in the flesh. The glorious flesh!! Unbeknownst to the former portrait, there was a charm placed on the arena. It went unnoticed given his current make up and not...actually being any sort of being the charm would be looking for. As a result, Godric Gryffindor paraded into the duelling arena with all the determined confidence in the world. Now where to start? “We’ll need to move the benches there.” He pointed to whoever would walk in, tap their name and listen. “This entire floor here will need to be raised—yes, a high duel! It will be marvellous!” |
this is too tempting to pass up Bernie had been bound and determined to take the Headmaster up on his offer to She was nearly to the door of the duelling arena when she spotted--- why, was that her House founder, in the flesh?! The person whose superlative Bernie had won?! She trotted after him to see, finding herself stopped by the barrier to the room. Yes, yes, her wand, her word. Bernie impatiently tapped the book and entered the room behind Gryffindor, openly staring at him with her mouth agape. "Godric Gryffindor!" she exclaimed, as though muttering Merlin's Beard! "How on Earth are you still alive?!" And also, was HE here to teach her how to duel?! |
Tom was gasping and puffing as he had been struggling to keep up with the founder of Hogwarts, for a guy from a portrait, he sure knew how to walk fast and for Tom he found that his little legs couldn't go as fast. Tom stood there for a few moments trying to get his breath back, he was about to talk when another fellow Gryffindor enter the room and ask how the founder was there, so this wasn't a normal occurrence at Hogwarts then? |
Ah another to be wearing the scarlet and gold! Perhaps he’d won out in the end without even knowing it. The school must surely have prioritised enrolling those with bravery and daring. If he still had a heart it would be swelling in his chest. But there was no time, just as there was no time for questions. This new girl was here and that boy from early had managed to keep up. “No time for questions, dear. It doesn’t matter how I’m alive, all that matters is that I am and that you’ll help me plan this most magnificent of spectacles! We’ll host a duel the likes this school has never seen!” Once they got this place fixed up. “Get your wands out, there’s work to be done. Blast the seats over there. They are in the way and wholly unnecessary. Once we remove them, we can make more fitting arrangements.” |
No time for questions! Okay! There was just the promise of THE BEST DUEL EVER about to happen here! Bernie shook herself out of her staring and hurried over to where Gryffindor was pointing. "Yessir!" she agreed enthusiastically, glancing for just a second at the other kid who came storming in the room. She shrugged at him, the firstie, and then pointed her wand at the seats Gryffindor was gesturing. Um, what was the blasting spell again? Bernie knew she had read it in her book, but she'd never actually gotten to blast anyone or anything yet.... "Confringo!" the second year shouted, doing her best to just point her wand and hope for the best. Would the seats even move? Please move. She had to impress her founder. HAD TO. Trent would understand why she was blasting apart his duelling arena. Didn't a founder outrank the Headmaster, anyway? |
Tom was a bit nervous about this, a duel like no one has seen before, would that be safe... surely there was a reason a duel like that hadn't been seen, maybe it was so unsafe... but before he could even say anything the man was saying about using wands and blasting things. Tom took out his wand and watched as a fellow Gryffindor took out her wand and started to blast stuff, well if she could do it and the guy was bigger than a Professor, as a founder he would be the owner of the school right and leader. "Confringo!" Tom did the wand movement, and hoped for the best, it was lucky he had decided to read spells from the spell book so he knew a few, otherwise who knew what could have happened. |
Eiji was on his way towards Professor Recard's office to ask some follow up questions about her latest lecture when he heard .... explosions. While this was not uncommon coming from the Dueling Arena, and part of the reason he never saw fit to spend more than passing footsteps in this area...ESPECIALLY now that Defense Against the Dark Arts was no longer on his schedule, he did today. ...........instant regret. So so much instant regret. First was the fact that there was that LOUD Gryffindor girl present. His little sister insisted that she was endearing and he ought to be a little less hard on her but no. No. The second annoyance, though that was an understatement, was that he was witnessing her and another boy sending of BLASTING CURSES at the seating away. Then there was the erumpent in the room: Godric Gryffindor. ....he wasn't even going to try and make sense of THAT right now. "Protego Duo!" he shouted from the doorway as a jet of green light burst out of his wand and engulfed some of the seating still left in tact. He didn't really care what happened to the Dueling Arena, but he had important people to him who did. Plus, he hated waste...and blasting things to smithereens was nothing but that. "....who the hell are you?" he demanded of Godric Gryffindor, his wand pointed right at the man. Because it made NO sense that that historical figure was standing here. So the only logical explanation was that that was not, in fact, Godric. Was Headmaster Trent up to something to test constant vigilance? He was even more relieved to have dropped the headmaster's subject now. "....and what in Merlin's soggy biscuits are you two doing?" |
“Good work! Excellent work!” Godric applauded with much enthusiasm and appreciation for the pair that had gotten straight to work. The stands already began to crumble beneath their explosions. He suspected a couple more and the place would be appropriately levelled. That was...until the shield charm. “What in the...?” Godric’s eye’s narrowed at the boy by the door. The one who dared question him while wearing those. “You will speak to me with RESPECT, Slytherin! Your blood status holds no sway with me, I am a Godric Gryffindor. You will not enter here and dismantle the work we have set out to do. Away with you now! If you won’t help, you will leave!” Ever since that misguided Salazar Slytherin began letting that misguided lot into the castle it had all gone downhill. Cunning devils without a shred of honour. Watch how he could only talk big from so far away. Why didn’t he come closer? His sword and the boy could have proper words. “Fret not, noble lions. Your work is true and just. We’ll continue heedless of this...pansy.” Now where were they. Oh! Yes! “The stands on that side will need to go, too.” He paused, catching a glimpse of those green robes again from the corner of his eyes. “Begone, I say, unless you’re prepared for a fight.” |
Heavens, Bernie was just S O A K I N G up the praise from her founder. Her Hogwarts hero. Truly. They just didn't employ people like him anymore. Happily, she continued with her task, paying no heed to anyone else in the room except her fellow lions. And then, suddenly, her wand stopped working???? Bernie looked up from the utter destruction she'd caused, her gaze drifting from the demolished seating array to the annoying Slytherin in the doorway to Godric and back again to the blasted seats. "What's it look like we're doing?" she replied sassily, but stopped herself because obviously Godric had this one under wraps. Bernie's eyebrows went up up UP as he DEMANDED respect from Eiji, and then when he insulted the boy, she couldn't help but snigger. She wasn't allowed to name call like that, but the founder of Hogwarts bloody well could! That's right, Gryffindor himself had said fret not, so she skipped over to the next thing that needed blowing up and started slinging spells at it. No one had to tell Bernadette Grantham twice how to make things explode! |
Tom smiled as his founder spoke about how they were doing a good job, he was totally enjoying himself, when suddenly.... O...………………………….……………………………………………...o What the? How the? Who the? Tom looked down at his wand, it was broken, it had stopped worked, this wasn't fair... he was letting the older man down. He was about to say something... well he was about to beg the guy to get it to work again and apologies when someone spoke up. O...…………………………………………o So his wand wasn't broken, this older student had stopped it to work. He listened to what the student was saying whilst peeking down onto the students robes, there didn't seem to be a badge at all, so he wasn't a prefect and this guy was older and a founder, so he would be above the student, check. Well in Tom's small mind that was the case, so when the founder said there was more work to be done. Tom got straight back on with the task at hand. |
So.........no one was going to question how a wizard who died in the 11th century had just suddenly appeared? Well, apparently these two Gryffindors weren't. Typical, honestly. If that was even who this was. All possible means of maintaining that outward appearance defied even what the Elixir of Life could produce...save for, well, horcruxes but there was no way that this founder would dabble in such a thing. Which left Eiji to assume, because what other reason could there possible be, that this was some imposter with an agenda against Hogwarts. He didn't want to, and he would blame Trinetta for the thought, but he immediately thought about that gang of Beauxbatons students who spent all of last term trying to soil Hogwarts reputation. Specifically the Slytherin's own by the time that stupid trial had come around. The words from the "founder" were...hilarious. Truly. Especially as Eiji thought back to his own Sorting and what he had requested of the Sorting Hat. This whole exchange between himself and "Godric Gryffindor" only solidified things with him and he actually felt honored by being called a pansy. Imposter or not...it meant, by his own logic, that he was the furthest thing from a Gryffindor. "....right. Sure. Godric Gryffindor. Got it," he responded skeptically while somehow refraining from rolling his eyes. Was there a point in saying he was halfblood? Probably not. He was more irritated by the blind following the blind here and destroying school property for literally no reason at all. "Been drinking unicorn blood in the forest all this time then?" Probably not the best choice of words, but then again Eiji never made great decisions when he was feeling salty. He never thought he would see the day he was protecting school property, but here he was trying to keep up with THREE people's destructive spells. Maybe he shouldn't have dropped Defense Against the Dark Arts after all. He could have used the knowledge and practice of more advanced Shield Charms. Not to mention that he couldn't produce a patronus yet either so he couldn't summon help...or at least an adult with more sanity. And he very well couldn't LEAVE here since his defensive attempts were the only thing keeping the room from shambles. He'd think of something. Probably. |
Why couldn't all children be as willing to take charge and do what needed to be done as these students here. Look at them go. He would surely have to reward them when this was all done and over with. That boy on the other hand....he deserved a different sort of treatment. Unicorn blood? "You dare question my character?! No, sir, you've gone too far!" Godric pulled for the sword in his belt and brandished it. "I have warned you of the course of action you should take should you not decide to be of help. Now you accuse me of such a foul act?" Was he not expected to to defend his honour? This boy, this boy... "Wands at the ready, students. We'll show him." |
This was it a joke. It HAD to be a joke. Right on par with switch salt and sugar when his mum and sister were baking. This could not be real. Any of it. Down to this person actually being the Hogwarts founder he claimed to be because that was literally impossible. Spoke volumes that these two were following him blindly though instead of reporting some intruder in the castle. For the first time, ever, Eiji actually felt bad for the Hogwarts staff and the rep the Prophet often gave them in light of all the disasters that befell the castle. How if the administration were better this and that but that was a whole pile of dragon dung right now considering it was Hogwarts students fueling the flame of disaster at the moment. "Yeah. I do," Eiji snorted back while tightening his hold on his wand. Maybe he had a bit more of his mum's Gryffindor blood in him than he gave himself credit for? Not thinking on that, thanks. And then this fellow was drawing a sword...and THAT looked pretty darn real by comparison. Eiji too knew how to brandish a weapon, his uncle and headmaster at Himitsumahou had made sure of that in his kendo training, but this was a whole other level. Yeah...he shouldn't have dropped Defense Against the Dark Arts. Dueling skills were suddenly becoming a whole lot more practical. "Expelliarmus" he commanded, shooting his spell at "Godric Gryffindor" first. He was confident enough that, in the event that the two under classmen were stupid enough to draw their wands at him, he could deflect their attacks. His next act was to cast Sonorus on himself to - U G H - call for backup. Not help. Backup. There was a difference. "OI! IMPOSTOR IN THE DUELLING ARENA!" |
Eiji was very fortunate that Nina Castillo happened to be walking by the room just as he had cried out for help. Though perhaps it was very unfortunate, as she was not typically one to fight. Either way, she did hear him and recognized his voice. It had helped that he had amplified it of course as she wasn't next to the dueling arena. She was close enough, however, that she began running just a few moments after his voice cut out. There were just about a million thoughts running through her head. Eiji would never be one to admit it himself, but he had his theatrical moments. Nina had witnessed them on a several occasions. Despite this, she knew him to be sensible in most circumstances and there was no reasonable explanation as to why he would shout about an imposter unless there was truth to it. So when she made her way to the arena, she kept her wand at the ready. If this wasn't anything serious, Nina would surely find a way to murder him because she was running and it was ruining her updo!!!! "Eiji, what's going--" she saw her friend first, as he was standing in the doorway, but as soon as she stepped behind him she paused to take in the scene before her. There were Gryffindors. Singed floors and what looked like..... scattered chair parts? And.... A very peculiar man with a sword. "On." Her question ended up as a statement as she looked back and forth between everyone present. It took Nina all of two seconds to recognize the face. She had seen him in countless textbooks. Godric Gryffindor. Only... It couldn't be. That wasn't possible! He was dead. Still with her wand in hand, Nina placed her other hand on her hip (which she had jutted out). Obviously she rolled her eyes now, giving (whoever was impersonating) the house founder her most judgemental look. "This is so irresponsible!" They were going to get into SO much trouble. "Eloise, put down that sword! You're going to hurt someone." This was the WORST prank her dormmate had ever come up with. Posing as Godric Gryffindor to cause chaos. Ridiculous. |
Tom was shocked when a sword was pulled out, he didn't know what to do now... he was only a little first year and these students probably knew more spells than him. So well if he could help it, he didn't want to duel today, though if he had to of-course he would to defend his founders reputation. "Your Royal Highness!" Tom suddenly turned around to his founder, that's what you called someone in power and who owned a castle right. "Should, I go and get the headmaster to come and remove these two clowns from here." Well surely that would be the best thing to do, the Headmaster could deal with the two students who obviously had no clue who they were talking to. "And we can get back on with our work." |
Godric Gryffindor! This was quickly becoming Bernie's new favorite swear. Look at him, her hero, who finally got his sword out to chase off stupid Eiji. Why'd he have to come in here and RUIN everything?? And look, now he was WHINGING, loudly, trying to attract the attention of the HEADMASTER, probably, and this other girl, who always had an ugly look on her face like she'd just smelled poo. "He's NOT an imposter!" Bernie protested, wand in hand, but her conscience was starting to kick in. WHY'D HE HAVE TO COME IN HERE and make her think and doubt her heart and her instincts? Her heart had really been in this spirit of helping her founder, and truth be told, she was not ready to give it up yet. Since Godric had his wand focused on Eiji, Bernie pointed hers toward the OTHER Slytherin. Ugh, THIS girl. She didn't want to do this, but she'd try. She'd just... she'd just LOOK intimidating, because she REALLY needed more practice first. "Who's Eloise?" And what was the first year doing?! Bernadette rolled her eyes at him. "Don't get the Headmaster! We already have a Founder here!" OH NO, THE HEADMASTER! What was he going to say when he saw all the um, new seating arrangements?! Bernie's grip on her wand faltered again, her arm lowering slightly as she just stood there, unsure what to do??!? Who to believe???!? |
Cassi was signing up for her first dueling when she heard shouting coming from arena. She quickly trotted towards the arena as her shoes slid to a stop just inside. Her eyes glanced around the room, coming to a halt on what looked to be one of the founders of Hogwarts. Her mouth flew open and eyes widened with shock. "Is that....that..." she began to speak, then, "No way!" A tiny smile began to curve from the corners of her mouth before reality slapped her on the cheek. "Wait. This is...completely unreal. How is He" pointing to THE Godric Gryffindor, "even real?" She then looked to the other students, wondering why they were not asking the same question about someone who died years even centuries ago. |
"NOT TODAY, SLYTHERIN!" Godric bellowed, side stepping the obvious disarming spell the boy had tried to use on him. The man brandished his sword once he straightened, done with the gracious warnings he'd thus far given the boy who had--gasp called in his Slytherin backup! "Coward! You cannot fight me alone?" He had half a mind to....? Call the Headmaster? Just like that, the man whirled on his little Gryffindor follower. [b]"You do not NEED the Headmaster. "I am the Headmaster now!" He was the founder. He was back. This school was his now. And he would not be tolerating insolence for much longer. He would go to the source. Salazar was surely lurking around here somewhere. It was the only explanation for his brood showing up to try to get in his way. The fool, even now he tried to oppose him in the smallest matters. "Defend the arena, I shan't be long." He declared to his Gryffindors before heading to the door. "Out of my way! Out!" He swung his sword to clear a path before storming out of the arena. He would find Salazar Slytherin, bring him back and they would settle this. He wouldn't be gone long, they just needed to keep working. |
What in the..? Godric Gryffindor? I mean..can't be..real? What? Kaira chose not to say anything. She looked at Tom, who seemed to be addressing this person. She approached this girl who shared the same look of incredulity that she had on her face and asked her..'Is that.. really.. I mean.. ?,' she was truly lost for words. |
I believe Godric has left the duelling arena, my friends~ NOT TODAY, SLYTHERIN! Man, he had the best lines! Bernie was ready to get some popcorn to watch this Gryffindor v. Everyone Else duel, but just as things were starting to look good, her Founder stormed out of the duelling arena and she was left there looking guilty as heck and also rather confused. "We were just following orders," the second year started explaining, to this audience of other kids. "He said he was going to host a duel like this school has never seen." She shrugged nonchalantly and started to edge toward the door. "Wellp, no need to hang around. I mean, you all ought to go warn your founder that my founder is coming for him, and I've got to um, probably tell my Head of House that Godric Gryffindor is back and calling himself Headmaster..." And while she was Gryffindoring around, she might as well go pack up her things so that she was ready for when Trent found this mess and expelled her forever this time.... |
Tom eyes went wide when the founder said that he was headmaster... could there be two headmasters. Okay so he was a founder but wasn't he like going a bit far when he said he was the Headmaster. Though of course he was Gryffindor so maybe just maybe the headmaster would come to some arrangement. Tom then watched as Gryffindor left the arena. So was he supposed to defend it or what. He turned towards his fellow Gryffindor to see what she was going to do because at the moment he was so confused and so conflicted. |
Good thing he left or y'know we'd totally fight him ahem He'd heard the shout. Something about an...impostor in the dueling arena? First thought? Another portrait had gotten loose which meant finding its frame and sending it back inside. Sooner than later, as it also likely meant a student or two hanging around inside a canvas. As Malachi turned the corner and headed by one of his classrooms to come upon the area, he saw a small crowd gathered by the door. By the looks of it, his guess couldn't have been too far off. Idly, the Headmaster wondered who it could've been this time. One from the second floor come exploring? Perhaps the chatty woman the Fat Lady tended to talk with. "What're we all gaping at?" He asked, oblivious as he approached the doorway. "Come on, make room. Lemme ha...ndle.........this......." .... ....... ............. Two Gryffindors inside, wands out, arena destroyed and his blood pressure suddenly soaring to heights it'd never know. For several silent moments, Malachi gaped at his arena, slowly stepping inside. Gaped at the patches of destruction and debris, the small spots that shields existed. In the moment, he was overcome by so many different emotions that at first, the man went entirely numb. It was shock, yes, he'd gone into shock. These kids had the ENTIRE DUELING AREA of the arena and yet they went and BLEW UP THE SEATING AREA THAT WAS WELL OUT OF THE WAY. He was seeing red. "What in Merlin's bloody beard do you two think you're DOING?" Their wands he accio-ed but by now his face was going red. His vision was going red. His level of stress had hit code red. Grey eyes seemed to catch fire and his nostrils flared in obvious rage--rage he was doing his best to bottle because it simply wouldn't do to cast on his students. The paperwork that would follow. The obligatory visits to the Hospital Wing until they got better. He didn't have the time. "What ill thought rotted your brains so badly that you would destroy my dueling arena?" Any talk of an impostor was gone from his memory. THIS was all he could see. "Have you COMPLETELY lost ALL your senses???" He took several pauses and just when it seemed he was ready to speak again, there were more. More like he tried to contain himself. More while he remembered he was Headmaster and had an example to set--especially in light of the audience by the door. |
saving Cassi & Kaira's lives He wasn't sure what he had expected when he had called for First was Nina who, on the norm, he enjoyed the company of and was among the few he would actively seek it out...but all he could think about was the boathouse and how her definition of 'help' consisted of shrieking. So it was a 'no' from him, especially when she started talking about Eloise. "....you give her far too much credit." Was Eloise even capable of brewing polyjuice? He had his doubts. Plus...WHERE would anyone get Godric Gryffindor hairs for that? Of course there were countless other theories to apply to the situation, but Gryffindors were Gryffindoring and that ... ironically ... gave little pause to think. That first year...was on Eiji's list. That second year was too but it seemed like something was clicking in her head FINALLY so he was willing to give her a pass. Speaking of irony, the fact that it was Slytherins who were answering his Sonorus call was...ill-timed. His hazel-green eyes cast a cursory glance over at the first year who had entered AND would very much like to point out, Gryffindors, that the first thing out of her mouth were pure speculation about how this was even possible. Self preservation, they had that. He had half a mind to consider that sword a fake...but he also wasn't willing to take that chance. "OI YOU TWO," he barked at the Slytherin and Ravenclaw first years who seemed in their own little worlds despite the mass destruction around them and a grown man waving a sword around with every intention of cutting them down to make a path. "MOVE." He must have more of his parents in him than he gave himself credit for, because he was grabbing both of them by the hoods on their robs and tugging them out of the way of the "Sword of Gryffindor". Unfortunately for Eiji, the debris from all the explosions caused by the two Gryffindors ON HIS LIST made for uneven flooring and he tripped right over a pile of wooden rubble and fell square on his bum. "....you were being morons, you mean," he retorted as Bernadette spoke. "Out of your bloody m----" And then, just as the Slytherin was groaning as he picked himself up off the floor, the headmaster arrived in a rage with his nostrils flaring so much that Eiji could practically see right up his nose and count the nose hairs. Not that he was looking, his eyes did quickly dart back to the now wandless pair of Gryffindors. "I tried stopping them, headmaster," Eiji pointed out with flippant finger waves towards the pockets of seating and area that were still undamaged. Important to point out seeing as he had done a special service to the school and all. "They were taking orders from Godric Gryffindor." The sarcasm on his tongue was so thick it would stop a troll. "WHO then told them to turn their wands on me when I tried to stop them." Which got him thinking about how the guy hadn't used magic himself...at all. Which was...very peculiar given what all was in the history books about the founder. |
Tom was a bit scared when the Tom looked down on the ground as the headmaster spoke, he was starting to feel very small especially with the way the headmaster was shouting at them. He felt small, like when he was little and he had eaten the last of the ice-cream without his mothers permission. "Eh..." Tom was feeling so small so his voice was little more than a whisper. "Our founder, Gryffindor... he told us to do it." He was still shaking a little with nervous. "Oh and he also said, when I suggested to get you that we didn't need you because he was the headmaster now." Tom was a bit worried about that. Surely you couldn't have two headmaster. "Oh and then he went off to find Slytherin with his sword out." Now that was something he wanted to see, a duel between the founders. |
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