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The Courtyard is where the students spend their time between lessons if they’re not in their Common Room or the Great Hall. Its architecture reveals the Courtyard to be one of the oldest parts of the castle. It connects the castle with the Grounds and also leads to the Wooden Bridge. In between classes, the Courtyard is usually filled with students enjoying some sun before heading back into the castle again. Whether you choose to occupy one of the many stone benches or enjoy a picnic in the warm lush grass, the Courtyard is the perfect place to relax with your friends from all houses.
In the middle of the Courtyard stands an antique ceramic fountain, perfect for admiring your own reflection or making wishes at. Be aware that once your coin has been tossed into the water, you may never get it back as it will continue to sink. Be careful not to fall in as an attempt of retrieving it, the staff does not usually fancy a swim in the fountain to fetch little students.
HA HA! Freedom! The portrait frame was no longer a match for the likes of him. It had been a long battle, one he did not know he would have been able to win. They said he was crazy. They said he was just a painting.
Godric Gryffindor was giddy with triumph. He could hardly believe that he was once again walking through the place he had helped to erect. He had broken the barrier. Or more like the barrier had loosened but he liked the sound of his own victory much MUCH better.
Gryffindor sauntered out to the courtyard, saluting nearly all he passed, embracing a few that wore the scarlet and gold as well. It was such marvelous news!
[b]"You there!"[/n] He boomed to those currently in the courtyard. "Come! Celebrate with me! It's to be a grand event! Quickly! Quickly! We don't have time to waste! Prepare yourselves for a new era!" There was so much to do with his new found freedom.
Tom turned to see a new person talking to them, he ran over to the guy, he didn't seem to be a Professor, well not one that he had, had lesson with anyway. "Hello, sir!" He smiled. "So what are we celebrating?" He would love to know that because if there was going to be a party, well surely they should get food.
Well his ego would possibly be blown up if he knew the real reason behind her tackle. Something Carsyn wasn't apt to tell so she was just going to keep being awkward and stammering and making it seem like she didn't know what she was doing. Taking his hand she casually rubbed the back of her head with her other hand. "Mmhm... I think so... Did I.. I really knocked you down?" Sure she wasn't the smallest of students at 170ish centimeters but she wasn't bigger than her fellow prefect either. This physics stuff was mind-blowing, truly.
"Honestly, after two back to back days of early morning classes, it seemed silly to waste a quiet morning before responsibilities and such began? And my body was already up so..." she shrugged. She did enjoy running, but wasn't super hardcore with it. "Is this a .. normal routine for you or you couldn't sleep either?"
Laughing a little now at her obvious lack of observation skills, he just stared for a moment at the Gryffindor “You literally ran into me like… like a Niffler who’s just seen a safe full of gold” a little confused. Did she not remember literally running into him about two minutes ago?
The early mornings were slowly catching up on him if he was being honest. He was usually up early to go running but, what with all of these early lessons, he’d been getting up before sunrise just to stay in his routine of early exercise. “I know exactly how you feel” a small sigh escaping his lips now. “I’m always up early running. I need to go in the morning or it just…It makes me go crazy. Loopy” It sounded stupid, even to his own ears but it was true. If he didn’t run, it would drive him nuts. The Ravenclaw just had too much energy and if he didn’t exercise it out, he’d end up doing something stupid. Maybe he’d have tackled her?
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by GD2204
Laughing a little now at her obvious lack of observation skills, he just stared for a moment at the Gryffindor “You literally ran into me like… like a Niffler who’s just seen a safe full of gold” a little confused. Did she not remember literally running into him about two minutes ago?
The early mornings were slowly catching up on him if he was being honest. He was usually up early to go running but, what with all of these early lessons, he’d been getting up before sunrise just to stay in his routine of early exercise. “I know exactly how you feel” a small sigh escaping his lips now. “I’m always up early running. I need to go in the morning or it just…It makes me go crazy. Loopy” It sounded stupid, even to his own ears but it was true. If he didn’t run, it would drive him nuts. The Ravenclaw just had too much energy and if he didn’t exercise it out, he’d end up doing something stupid. Maybe he’d have tackled her?
Carsyn had to just laugh back at her fellow prefect because it was easier to do that than to admitanything. Also that analogy he just used was all too amusing. "Sorry...about that. It was... an aberration. The sun glare. Messed with a moment." Mmhm. Sounded believable. Moreso than admitting she was distracted by his attractive good looks and posture in the way the sun glistened from the sweat on his skin.
"I mean I guess I should probably make a habit of running more frequently. Keep my speed up for Quidditch." Since they weren't going to actually be able to play during the term once more, she needed to do something to keep in shape. "I'll r---" her voice trailed off as she heard a familiar yet foreign sound...
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
HA HA! Freedom! The portrait frame was no longer a match for the likes of him. It had been a long battle, one he did not know he would have been able to win. They said he was crazy. They said he was just a painting.
Godric Gryffindor was giddy with triumph. He could hardly believe that he was once again walking through the place he had helped to erect. He had broken the barrier. Or more like the barrier had loosened but he liked the sound of his own victory much MUCH better.
Gryffindor sauntered out to the courtyard, saluting nearly all he passed, embracing a few that wore the scarlet and gold as well. It was such marvelous news!
[b]"You there!"[/n] He boomed to those currently in the courtyard. "Come! Celebrate with me! It's to be a grand event! Quickly! Quickly! We don't have time to waste! Prepare yourselves for a new era!" There was so much to do with his new found freedom.
Originally Posted by Weasley174
Tom turned to see a new person talking to them, he ran over to the guy, he didn't seem to be a Professor, well not one that he had, had lesson with anyway. "Hello, sir!" He smiled. "So what are we celebrating?" He would love to know that because if there was going to be a party, well surely they should get food.
Huh!?! Was she seeing things??
Her house founder. In the flesh.
"Godric Gryffindor. Are you ... how ...??" She was utterly confused and now suddenly worried she'd hit her head harder than she thought.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Mentione Carysn, Ewan, Cole and good Ole Godric Gryffindor!
Loveable Gryffinpuff| Stella Bella
Stella walking around the castle getting some much needed fresh air stopped. Wait.... her eyes were playing tricks on her, that's it she was tired from all this studying that's it. Seeing Carsyn, Ewan and Tom she looked at them mouth agape. "Can someone please tell me that I'm not seeing things from studying too much, but is that Godric Gryffindor?" Stella asked. B..But how? How was he out of the portrait? Ok... Hogwarts was filled wirh magic abd wonder but this was too strange.
Looking at Godric Gryffindor she tilted her head curiously at him. " What are we celebrating sir?" She was curious what he had in mind. She always admired him in History and read Hogwarts the History many times, it was a dream to meet her house founder.
Godric grinned wide at the first child to walk over, pleased he was wearing the proud scarlet and gold—why, several of these students were wearing the colour and it did the man’s heart all the best good. It didn’t surprise him that the one in blue (Ewan) had ignored him. He was not of his cloth and not likely to be the sort he wanted to recruit so Gryffindor let him be. He could focus on his miniature Gryffindors instead. Like this boy here (Tom ). “Celebrating my triumph over the dastardly portrait frame, m’boy!” He practically boomed.
The confusion from the girls (Stella and Carys) amused the man greatly. Didn’t think I could pull it off, did you? But I’m back, in the flesh.” Abruptly, the man stuck his hand out. “Go ahead, feel.” There was no room for doubters.
But feel quickly then let us be on our way! We have a grand celebration to plan. There will be duelling, dancing, merriment!” Godric Gryffindor had returned, and he intended to do so with a bang.
“The kitchens would be a good start to the preparations—the arena, we will need to get things set up!”
Godric grinned wide at the first child to walk over, pleased he was wearing the proud scarlet and gold—why, several of these students were wearing the colour and it did the man’s heart all the best good. It didn’t surprise him that the one in blue (Ewan) had ignored him. He was not of his cloth and not likely to be the sort he wanted to recruit so Gryffindor let him be. He could focus on his miniature Gryffindors instead. Like this boy here (Tom ). “Celebrating my triumph over the dastardly portrait frame, m’boy!” He practically boomed.
The confusion from the girls (Stella and Carys) amused the man greatly. Didn’t think I could pull it off, did you? But I’m back, in the flesh.” Abruptly, the man stuck his hand out. “Go ahead, feel.” There was no room for doubters.
But feel quickly then let us be on our way! We have a grand celebration to plan. There will be duelling, dancing, merriment!” Godric Gryffindor had returned, and he intended to do so with a bang.
“The kitchens would be a good start to the preparations—the arena, we will need to get things set up!”
Walking over towards him she touched his hand. "Woah... I can't believe that I'm meeting you sir, I read so much about you!" Stella admired him he was what a true Gryffindor should be, after all he was the great Godric Gryffindor. She thought it was cool being in his house, but meeting him in person was even better! She didn't care how he escaped his portrait and why, they had one of the four founders in front of them, how awesome is that?! She definitely had to get a picture with him and keep it in her scrapbook, she'll remind herself later to do that.
What about the Room of Requirements sir, surely we can have everything in there, wouldn't it be bigger?" Stella asked him curiously.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by Weasley174
"I was wondering, if all Professor did that if you were late for lesson." Tom replied because he seriously didn't want to have that treatment and if that was the case then seriously he would make sure that he was always earlier for lesson, like he would actually set his alarm clock for five am if it saved him from being dragged out of class like that.
"True, I see where you are coming from." Tom smiled, he was glad he had become friends with Fiona because she seemed to be extremely knowledgeable in all things Hogwarts.
"I personally think that if you are late you will be punished, no matter which lesson. It may be detention, points are removed from your house and/or what we saw in our previous Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson."
Originally Posted by Godric Gryffindor
HA HA! Freedom! The portrait frame was no longer a match for the likes of him. It had been a long battle, one he did not know he would have been able to win. They said he was crazy. They said he was just a painting.
Godric Gryffindor was giddy with triumph. He could hardly believe that he was once again walking through the place he had helped to erect. He had broken the barrier. Or more like the barrier had loosened but he liked the sound of his own victory much MUCH better.
Gryffindor sauntered out to the courtyard, saluting nearly all he passed, embracing a few that wore the scarlet and gold as well. It was such marvelous news!
[b]"You there!"[/n] He boomed to those currently in the courtyard. "Come! Celebrate with me! It's to be a grand event! Quickly! Quickly! We don't have time to waste! Prepare yourselves for a new era!" There was so much to do with his new found freedom.
Fiona then saw a rather strange sight. "How are you out of your portrait? Is it just you that's managed this spectacular feat or have the other founders achieved this as well?"
Tom smiled, so this was one of the founders of Hogwarts, but according to the book, the school was built thousands of years ago and he was talking about portraits.
Tom listen intently as the man talked about a party. "Awesome, do we get chocolate, sir?" Tom would love a party. "I can make you a Gryffindor Cake as well if you want, I'm really good at baking."
He was excited to finally be at Hogwarts... but only a few days had gone by, and today in particular he was feeling extremely homesick. And he couldn't sit in his dorm all day and needed a bit of fresh air. So, the boy found himself in the courtyard, sitting on the edge of the fountain. He stared blankly into it. Perhaps if he had made more friends he would feel more at home... the boy glanced up, taking in the students around him. Looking back down, he shook his head. It was still too scary to first approach someone. He was still extremely shy.
Whatever Beauxbaton had been, one thing that Missa had taken away from the place was to go do her homework outside. Sure, it had been because there had been little to no space inside the castle - but it had definitely made her appreciate everything outside. Hence the sixteen year old was seen carrying her backpack out to the courtyard.
Passing a few smiles here and there, she soon found herself a spot near the fountain and settled down. Pulling open the transfiguration book, she looked up - giving the view around her a once over - ..... only to notice someone sitting close by and looking very ....... gloomy?
At first, Missa thought to let it go - because she really didn't know the kid but then .... Gunnar's words rang in her head and she sighed. Was this really one of the things that she had to do ... being prefect?
....Not wanting to risk it, she turned toward the boy and offered him a small smile, "hey, you okay?"
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Walking over towards him she touched his hand. "Woah... I can't believe that I'm meeting you sir, I read so much about you!" Stella admired him he was what a true Gryffindor should be, after all he was the great Godric Gryffindor. She thought it was cool being in his house, but meeting him in person was even better! She didn't care how he escaped his portrait and why, they had one of the four founders in front of them, how awesome is that?! She definitely had to get a picture with him and keep it in her scrapbook, she'll remind herself later to do that.
What about the Room of Requirements sir, surely we can have everything in there, wouldn't it be bigger?" Stella asked him curiously.
Originally Posted by Ginevra
"I personally think that if you are late you will be punished, no matter which lesson. It may be detention, points are removed from your house and/or what we saw in our previous Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson."
Fiona then saw a rather strange sight. "How are you out of your portrait? Is it just you that's managed this spectacular feat or have the other founders achieved this as well?"
Originally Posted by Weasley174
Tom smiled, so this was one of the founders of Hogwarts, but according to the book, the school was built thousands of years ago and he was talking about portraits.
Tom listen intently as the man talked about a party. "Awesome, do we get chocolate, sir?" Tom would love a party. "I can make you a Gryffindor Cake as well if you want, I'm really good at baking."
The original Gryffindor sighed. Loudly. With much exasperation. With much impatience. “So many questions, so little action. We can’t stand around shooting the breeze! I’ve returned and I’ll be damned if nothing is done about it. All this talk of how he escaped. If the others had escaped. If there would be chocolate. Children, please.
“There will be time enough for questions at the end.” While they got down from whatever adventure befell them.
“We don’t need that room, dear girl. What good is it if only those who know can stumble in? No, we need the arena! It will be a spectacle like none other! A grand spectacle. Come, come, come. No time to waste.”
Were they coming? He was already heading back toward the castle, visions of the greatest duel dancing around in his head.
“Hurry up, students.” To the arena!
Last edited by Godric Gryffindor; 01-14-2020 at 12:41 AM.
Tom listened to the man, so they were about to go to a duelling arena by the looks of things, did that mean no cake then? He decided to follow the man to see what on earth was going on. Was this just a normal day at this school?
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Okay this made absolutely ZERO sense. Cause yes Godric Gryffindor was definitely here and in the flesh, but how was the question??? She glanced at her dormmate and the younger gryffindor and the Ravenclaw Prefect. Before back to Godric.
Enough time for questions at the end. Huh. Okay.
Up for the adventure, naturally, Carsyn turned back towards Ewan and shrugged. "Guess it's to the arena, if you're interested?" Without waiting for him to respond, she departed after her house founder, all the more curious for the explanation for this madness.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Samia
Whatever Beauxbaton had been, one thing that Missa had taken away from the place was to go do her homework outside. Sure, it had been because there had been little to no space inside the castle - but it had definitely made her appreciate everything outside. Hence the sixteen year old was seen carrying her backpack out to the courtyard.
Passing a few smiles here and there, she soon found herself a spot near the fountain and settled down. Pulling open the transfiguration book, she looked up - giving the view around her a once over - ..... only to notice someone sitting close by and looking very ....... gloomy?
At first, Missa thought to let it go - because she really didn't know the kid but then .... Gunnar's words rang in her head and she sighed. Was this really one of the things that she had to do ... being prefect?
....Not wanting to risk it, she turned toward the boy and offered him a small smile, "hey, you okay?"
Rowan was so caught up in his thoughts, he almost didn't notice there were other people in the courtyard. And one of them had noticed his sad state. Oh dear, he wasn't good at hiding that, was he?
He gave a small smile towards the older girl, noticing her prefect badge. It took a few years of attendance to be a prefect right? Perhaps she could introduce him to people so he didn't have to do it himself... heh... "I'm alright, just a bit homesick I think." He replied, not knowing to tell the girl about being nervous to make friends. Although, she did in fact have a really warm aspect about her that made him want to tell her.
Deciding to lighten the mood and not worry her he gave a shrug. "At least it isn't Beauxbatons, right?" He added with a laugh.
Rowan was so caught up in his thoughts, he almost didn't notice there were other people in the courtyard. And one of them had noticed his sad state. Oh dear, he wasn't good at hiding that, was he?
He gave a small smile towards the older girl, noticing her prefect badge. It took a few years of attendance to be a prefect right? Perhaps she could introduce him to people so he didn't have to do it himself... heh... "I'm alright, just a bit homesick I think." He replied, not knowing to tell the girl about being nervous to make friends. Although, she did in fact have a really warm aspect about her that made him want to tell her.
Deciding to lighten the mood and not worry her he gave a shrug. "At least it isn't Beauxbatons, right?" He added with a laugh.
Missa was sure if she looked at the boy long enough, she would catch the boy's sads. It really felt that obvious and that tangible. When he finally told her the reason though, Missa felt her heart sink a little. She was much too familiar with this feeling, especially when she herself had been a first year.
Smiling softly at the boy, she sighed a bit, "it is an awful feeling, I used to be the same - but now I get homesick for Hogwarts when I am not here" - a thing she had thoroughly experienced last term. "I promise, it gets better" she added with another warm smile, before nodding with a chuckle, "especially because it's not beauxbaton"thank merlin for that.
"....I am Missa by the way,"
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
SPOILER!!: Missa!
Originally Posted by Samia
Missa was sure if she looked at the boy long enough, she would catch the boy's sads. It really felt that obvious and that tangible. When he finally told her the reason though, Missa felt her heart sink a little. She was much too familiar with this feeling, especially when she herself had been a first year.
Smiling softly at the boy, she sighed a bit, "it is an awful feeling, I used to be the same - but now I get homesick for Hogwarts when I am not here" - a thing she had thoroughly experienced last term. "I promise, it gets better" she added with another warm smile, before nodding with a chuckle, "especially because it's not beauxbaton"thank merlin for that.
"....I am Missa by the way,"
Rowan's dull expression suddenly lit up a little more when the older girl mentioned how she had now developed homesickness for Hogwarts. "Really?" He asked hopefully. Her kindness and warm smiles seemed to help everything melt away, and the young boy seemed to suddenly forget how sad he was. She was so nice... was everyone this nice if you just talked to them? She then mentioned Beauxbatons which he chuckled at. "Yeah, I hated it there. Definitely not how I expected my first year to go." He said, surprised at how much he was talking. This was big for someone as quiet as him.
"It's nice to meet you, Missa," he added when she introduced herself. "I'm Rowan." He smiled a little more confidently.
Rowan's dull expression suddenly lit up a little more when the older girl mentioned how she had now developed homesickness for Hogwarts. "Really?" He asked hopefully. Her kindness and warm smiles seemed to help everything melt away, and the young boy seemed to suddenly forget how sad he was. She was so nice... was everyone this nice if you just talked to them? She then mentioned Beauxbatons which he chuckled at. "Yeah, I hated it there. Definitely not how I expected my first year to go." He said, surprised at how much he was talking. This was big for someone as quiet as him.
"It's nice to meet you, Missa," he added when she introduced herself. "I'm Rowan." He smiled a little more confidently.
"Really." Missa assured him with a slight nod and a soft smile. "Just give this place and the people here a chance" she suggested, looking around at the students currently in the courtyard. "Have you made any friends yet?" she asked, glancing at him again.
It was GOOD that he was talking, Missa already felt like she was getting through that dull, sad aesthetic of his. "It's nice to meet you too, Rowan. And hey - if you have haven't made any friends yet -- " she paused, and offered her hand for him to shake, "I can be your first one" QUE BIG SMILE.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Isla wouldn't say she ran to the courtyard, because she wasn't sure that would accomplish anything, and right now, she didn't have anything to run from. She'd heard the announcement, though, and was walking at a fast pace toward the courtyard. At least she was in the dungeons, which wasn't too far of a walk from the courtyard.
There was seriously no telling what this was about. She was only a first year here at Hogwarts, but she'd heard horror stories about weird things happening at this school each and every year. Hopefully this was a just a regular ole meeting, and they'd be dismissed to go about their regular lives sooner rather than later.
Something about the words 'emergency' and 'non-negotiable' told her that didn't seem like the case, though. Pretty soon, she was at the courtyard, but...nobody else was here yet. Had she heard correctly? Courtyard, right? Not like...Great Hall, huh?
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Minjae had been in the technology lounge, gaming away when he had heard the Headmaster's voice. With some difficulty because he didn't want to leave the game he had been playing, the Hufflepuff left the gaming room and headed over to the courtyard.
The moment he arrived his annoyance at the disruption changed and he was curious now. Why did they have to gather? Was this going to be about the founders? Had they done something again?
Many questions ran through his head as he decided to stand next to Isla. "This better be good" he said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Claudine had indeed just finished her lessons for the day and was on her way back to the common room when the announcement came. She had paused warily in her tracks to listen to the announcement in the all too familiar voice of Trent. She couldn’t help but feel a tinge of annoyance; Trent had interrupted her plans for a quiet afternoon which was her way to unwind after a long day in her dorm, especially since she was under 'dorm arrest' and not allowed to go anywhere after lessons since the Acromantula attack in the Forest. What a stupid punishment. Since she had almost made it to the common room, she took her time in actually going in to dump her belongings before making her way to the Courtyard.
There were already some gathered there. She said nothing but stood a little distance from as many as she possibly could. Claudine crossed her arms over her chest. Still annoyed? Yes, she was.
Had Trent not used the words 'non-negotiable', she would have sit this assembly out, punishment or no punishment.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
The last lesson of the afternoon had come to a close and Lucas had every plan to - sigh - go to the library to squeeze in a bit of studying before dinner and his Prefect duty of the day. Unfortunately, that was his regular schedule now and there was very little he could do about that.
But Trent had other plans, it seemed, causing the Gryffindor to become both confused and scared at the same time. While he trusted the man, the announcement didn’t make the situation any better. It only seemed to highlight the message that something was very, very wrong and this might be a good time to start panicking.
With his heart pounding louder than necessary, Lucas approached an empty spot in the courtyard to, uh, stand in. His green eyes awkwardly glanced around at everyone that was standing there while a large part of him hoped against hope that none of them expected him to have any answers.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Fiona had been heading for her dormitory when she heard the announcement from Headmaster Trent. She quickly walked to the courtyard and saw that a few of her fellow students were already standing there with varying expressions on their faces.
Fiona stood next to Isla and waited with a stoic look on her face as thoughts ran through her mind. Was it something to do with the horde of Acromantula that attacked fellow Slytherin second-year Claudine? Or was it to do with those Hogwarts founders that were freely roaming around Hogwarts?
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Weird announcement, but okay. Bernie followed the shuffle of her peers out to the courtyard, looking around for a friend to stand beside as he waited to hear what this emergency assembly was about. She didn't like the word emergency in there; it implied something was wrong.
But, then again, this was Hogwarts, so anything could go wrong here. She came to a stop next to Claudine, who received a small smile from this lion.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Curtis was here. The announcement was impossible to avoid as he was preoccupied, but hey, an excuse to avoid another lesson. So he went into the courtyard with everyone else. What could it be? Something big, he had to imagine. Maybe it had to do with him being caught in the Girl's Bathroom and there was some secret revolution he started over it.
Curtis was standing near the other Slytherins as usual and Minjae. He shrugged. He had no ideas to input on what was going on. Something serious most likely. But of what? It was anyone's guess. His patience was being tested the longer he waited however.
Missa had been hoping to go eat. She had missed lunch because she was trying to get an essay done for class - which was all because of her mismanaged homework these days - and her stomach was basically protesting and dragging her to the kitchen when Headmaster Trent's announcement rang around the castle. Sighing, but very much curious - the brunette made her way outside.
Hopefully - HOPEFULLY it wasn't another crisis, even though it sounded like it.
Not really thinking about it, she found herself coming to a stop next to Curtis. Upon realising it though, the girl gave him a small, unimpressed look, before turning her head forward.
Alright, let's go.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,085
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
So...this was just great. Just great.
If it was any consolation to himself, at least he knew Headmaster Trent was not the sort to whistle blow for the sake of it...nor react to matters of distress like the Beauxbatons headmistress had. When an emergency assembly was called...it truly was a necessity. As inconvenient as they were. Checking to make sure that Rebecca was safe and accounted for, the sixth year had brief flashbacks to the time they had all been called for an emergency assembly to announce two students had gone missing, dead as it turned out, and the missed, caused by boggarts, had engulfed the grounds.
Surely no one had died...right?
Thankfully he spotted Missa in the crowd, the relief prominent in his eyes, but seeing who she was standing near...no thanks. He'd stick to his spot over hear away from that housemate.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes